Cuisinart Lamb Shanks Recipe

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it's cooking with Cuisinart great recipes from master chefs now one of America's greatest chefs Hubert Keller from fleur-de-lis in San Francisco and Las Vegas the burger bar in Las Vegas and st. Louis and sleek Steakhouse in st. Louis and now today's recipe well I have some beautiful lamb shanks oh right over here and I love to cook them very slowly because usually get a lot of flavors out of it and a really nice moist and fell off the bone the downside is they're going to be cooking probably for two to two and a half hour at least but over here by using the pressure cooker I will be cooking those great lamb shanks in about 24 minutes it's unbelievable but I will show you how tender they're coming out and today it's actually a Provencal flavor that I'm giving to the lamb shank I'm using some herb de Provence some olives and some artichokes so a great dish so let me show you how to do it first I have my lamb shanks over here with the bone-in so it's very important that the bone is actually in and what I'm adding now to it is a little bit of salt and pepper just to season those shanks nicely and you can be pretty generous right by seasoning those lamb shanks because you're also seasoning the lamb shanks and the broth in the same time when you're cooking the lamb shanks in it so I want to make sure I turn them around and season them on both sides again pretty generous with some salt and pepper okay so once I have that and then now I will flour those shanks in order to flour them and not to put a whole mess all over the kitchen I actually like to put the flour into a plastic bag just like that and then one by one I will put the shanks in there I can actually protrude I think they got a fit so let me just close the bag and just flour them nicely and what the flowering does really it helps to create and to build up a nice little color on the shanks when I'm roasting the shanks in the same time the flour actually binds the broth a little bit just to give some kind of a consistency to the dish so again you see how nicely and evenly they're coated with flour so let's put the next one back in okay so once I have that let's get them out alright so here we are so that's ready so over here I have my pressure cooker going and actually the setting is a browning so I really can sear in a pressure cooker so that's actually pretty exceptional and pretty convenient what I'm doing is just adding a little bit of olive oil into the pot and I will lower two of the shanks two at a time just to give them a nice brown color on both sides so there we go let's put the second one in and we're gonna start on just browning these two and so now I'm gonna wait until I can nice color on one side for about two to three minutes then turn them around give them another brown color and then I'm gonna sear off the two other lamb shanks alright so my lamb shanks really have a beautiful brown the color and nicely caramelized so I'm just gonna remove them and have the two other ones they have been cooking and searing over here so I'm gonna remove that and I keep the heat going because now I'm pre actually preparing vegetables that are romantic vegetables are going into the dish so over here I'm using my food processor and I'm just gonna add one garlic clove I'm gonna chop that one really nicely and thinly okay once I have that now I'm adding the onions and carrots and then very quickly when on enough are just gonna chop them and that of course has to go pretty fast and only you can achieve that with a food processor because you want to make sure that your oil is actually not burning here so now we're gonna remove the blade and I will put everything into the pot just like that okay so very quickly because you want to make sure that the pot doesn't overheat the time they're coming in with the vegetables so now I'm just gonna sear nicely the vegetables one more item since we said it's gonna be some lamb shank like Provencal style I'm adding some herb de Provence and that's really gonna make entire difference in that lamb dish so I'm gonna sear that off until the onions becoming nice and a translucid and then we're just going to continue the process of cooking those lamb shanks okay so my onions are perfectly fine with the carrots so now I'm adding the other ingredient to it which is actually some diced tomatoes so that goes into the pot just like that also 1 bay leaf 1 or 2 bay leaf in it and then I have some white wine so we're gonna pour the white wine over it I have some chicken stock okay so now I have that one I just steered nicely so that's the base where usually the shanks there will be braising slowly into it but since we're using a pressure cooker I should say slowly we're actually now gonna cook those lamb shanks in 24 minutes so let me lower the shanks actually into that broth so just like that okay and the other one right there and you see how nice and golden-brown they are and of course they don't have to be covered with the liquid right because the steam actually will do the job and we'll cook it nicely so let me get the lid and what we are doing now we're just going to put the lid on top we lock it and then over here now I'm going to change the setting to high pressure over here and then the timer and I set the timer to 24 minutes and we go so now it will be cooking the pressure is building up I have a little bit of steam coming up in there like a few minutes and as soon as steam comes up that means the pressure cooker is up to pressure and then from then on the countdown starts twenty-four minutes and the shanks already alright so the 24 minutes went by and I naturally release the pressure of the pressure cooker so let's see what we're having in here so you can smell a beautiful aroma of those lamb shanks are nicely and braised and imagine just 24 minutes so what I will do now I will remove actually those lamb shanks gently because they're actually felling of the bone and I'm just gonna transfer them on a sheet pan and I will finish the sauce where basically all the flavor is in it boy that smells great you can really have that nice mild lamb flavor here and it's really great I have to be careful of course that I want to keep the bones in it so it looks like nice for the presentation and remember cooking it on the bone is also for flavor reason because the only kind of piece of meat that you're cooking slowly or roasting on a bone smells better and picks up more flavor so once I have that what we want to do now is actually keeping the shanks warm so either you put them on a warm area or actually can put them in little oven for like about 200 degrees set and just to keep them warm the time we're finishing the sauce so now I'm setting the pressure cooker on simmer mode okay so now we all set it's gonna come back to a nice simmer now to finish the sauce I have two more ingredients which are some olives so I'm gonna gently lower some olives into your stock and I have some artichoke hearts here that are putting into the stock too so that's really remind you kind of a salad of friends or north of Italy dish and I'm just gonna spoon it and mix it in and you can see what I'm really ending up here it's a great broth with a lots of flavors so I will let that siminoff about ten minutes until the whole broth thickens up and then it's ready to be served now the sauce is thickened nice sleek and see it's pretty chunky so what I'm doing now I'm gonna remove some of it and I will just put it all up over the dish make sure you get some of those olives and it's a pretty Hardy rustic dish but lots of flavors and imagine just 24 minutes and I want a fully cooked and basically fending off the bone it's it's almost a wonder you're gonna take a little bit of the broth No you know just a little bit more and then once I have all that of course I decided serving it with some polenta over here no I will sprinkle a little bit of parsley on top just to finish it up and I have some beautiful fresh rosemary here I want to stick that right over here so that definitely reminds us from south of France or from Provence and then here we have our slowly braised lamb shank a taco salad with some polenta it was so easy to prepare 24 minutes only in the pressure cooker it's almost unbelievable so should be very excited to get into it I just love lamb shanks
Channel: CuisinartVideo
Views: 24,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lamb shanks, Recipes, Cuisinart, Hubert Keller, Chef, Dinner, Pressure Cooker
Id: uNrMtK8_eLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2011
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