Lake District Walks | Watendlath Tarn and Borrowdale Valley

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[Music] thank you [Music] today we are in the Lake District National Park 25 million people come here each year did you know that there's a lot of people thankfully at uh three o'clock on a Friday afternoon which is today it doesn't seem to be too busy quite happy with that so as you came here this morning but then I realized as soon as I put my boots on oh something's missing what's missing I forgot my camera I left it at the campsite another reason why I love Castle rig campsite very safe someone had handed it in Happy Days didn't want to lose this thing so um I decided to go down to Keswick and do a little bit of work it's been quite a rainy day today and now I'm back out and I am just gonna do a wee ramble around borodale so I'm here in rosslyte my starting point National Trust car park I think I'm gonna do about eight miles or so today let's see how we get on it felt good to be out and about on my feet and the air was alive with Birdsong seemingly celebrating the end of the rain for the day I soon crossed over the crook and picked up a footpath that would take me high into the Hills [Applause] foreign [Applause] I'm just gonna guess this gets wet the path climbed quickly taking me up the side of you Crag to be honest it was quite easy going and there was always a solid path making it a good Ascent for anyone new to Hill walking I can tell you the weather is really close it's very sticky and sweaty I know even though it's drizzling it's great views behind us it's not like the cloud base is low today good day to be out this was Scotland this will be a prime day hashtag grade four [Music] thank you [Music] the sound of the Slate gravel crunching underfoot and the bubbling bowder gate Gill alongside made for a meditative climb I breathe deep filling my lungs with the clear Lakeland air and felt high as a kite as I continued to ascend foreign [Music] many of them are but I love that it's just a mile and a half up from the car park and when you're there and we're nearly there just means it's accessible to hold more people if you struggle with any great distance or elevation gain you'll see what I mean in a minute [Music] can you see a shimmering just for the trees it wasn't left on [Music] even in the gray light of the day Watson laugh was a magical place at seven acres and 17 meters deep it was given to the National Trust by Queen Victoria's daughter Princess Louise in memory of her brother King Edward VII not only is it now a popular spot for walkers but Fisher people too there's brown trout and rainbow trout reside in the waters [Music] foreign this is obviously the back and now funnily enough I didn't have to cross over the bridge and now I'm crossing back over the bridge and we're going to continue to follow the uh the shore of the back all the way to a load of Falls that is the next attraction on the walk this gate requires two hands what does it ah yes it does okay got it one and a half miles away let's go [Applause] you hear that clearly some pummeling wolves are nice [Music] this was Watton laughback and Valley a sensational place that both stimulated and calmed the senses all at once it was actually mildly confusing so I resolved to surrender to the journey [Music] [Music] wow this is just stunning along here I don't know if this is just generally a quieter stretch of foot party in the Lake District I mean actually here's a fact for you there's over 1 500 miles of recorded footpaths in the late districts and of course A lot of it is open access so you can basically roam wherever you want to certainly up on the fields uh anyway there's not too many people about I guess it is getting on it's nearly five o'clock um kind of a good time to get out I've discovered particularly the lower level walks there's less people about and this is just proving that that is true either that or everyone else knows something that I don't know [Music] [Music] thank you okie dokie so we have joined a footpath which I'm quite familiar it's the walk I did in 2019 to load of Falls load of fours is a well very spectacular waterfall there are many in The Lakes load of Falls it's just one of them so I'm gonna pick up a short stretchy path that I've already wore before we'll head down to the road and we'll cross over and continue our own Journey so it's here really that we're at the furthest point for the walk and now we're going to begin the Loop Round here we go so if I take that path and loop around through the woods I'd end up a load of Falls but I've done the waterfalls so I'm gonna leave that today especially because of time so if you're interested in checking out load of Falls definitely worth a look then just head on to the channel and you'll be able to see the other video there it's another really enjoyable low level walk past wooler Crags as well anyway let's head on down to the road [Applause] it's uh quite wet down there just avoiding that bit and continuing on along the edge here or not gravity pulling me down actually oddly enough I seem to have stumbled upon the fours anyway I generally tend to find this patch of Woodland quite disorientating and I'm being really lazy and I'm not looking at the map so load of fours we have them today here we go it out [Music] okay we're leaving load of falls behind next up as I've mentioned before down to the road crossover and then we'll begin our loop back to the car oh look at these blue bells beautiful patches in the because here in the grass probably because once upon a time this was ancient Woodland over half of the world's population of bluebells grow in the UK and they are protected under the wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981. it can take several years for a native Blue Bar seed to grow into a bowl and then flower but when they do the beauty is outstanding foreign Hotel and now just gonna walk along the road for a short stretch until we find a footpath on the other side so we've got Darwin water there with skidor behind such a beast of a mountain all right good energy just need some energy very nice house sadly quite a busy road to live on there I think that will get to me [Applause] foreign [Music] flowing alongside now quite wide at this point in its Channel wide shallow quite mellow [Music] Granger borodil dates back to the medieval times when monks from furnace Abbey built a monistic grange on the site nowadays it's generally a pretty peaceful place and there's plenty of wildlife to be found around the back foreign [Music] two miles now under the shade of trees I kept my eyes and ears peeled for signs of red squirrels one of my absolute favorite animals in the area after a while my Tranquility was Disturbed and I popped out at Hollows Farm campsite which sits along the length of the valley there's this campsite has grown over the years when we were here it was very little um just the field by the river and a guy in a caravan Manning the whole thing for the whole season these days it seems that you can camp all in the trees and everything I don't think it hasn't changed his midges there's lots of bugs around it interestingly there was evidence of slate mining alongside the path which began in boradel when monks used graphite from seathwaite to draw lines in their books that scribes could follow are the smaller quarries were produced in order to provide stone for local buildings it was eerie and somewhat atmospheric but definitely worth looking around the Quarry remains in slag heaps history right there beneath my feet well folks we are nearly back at rossly in the car so I think I'll sign off here whilst I'm still in the cover of the trees it feels like it's a raining out there I don't actually know if it's worth calling it rain but definitely precipitation coming from the sky so this was an example of a lower level walk that you can do in the Lake District I think when you come here and you know you set your bar to be high and then you find the weather's bad then it can be quite disheartening but there are so many good walks you can do that are low level you can make them as long or as short as you want I mean I have made this up as I've gone along looking at the map um I was hoping to do longer today actually but uh just things didn't quite work out that way and it's fine I had to get some work done so I hope you've enjoyed this being able to see that you can reach towns and wooded valleys and waterfalls and everything is within a couple of miles from the car and I think that is one of the reasons why the lady district is such a popular place to visit it has got everything even the coast but that's that's not here right now thank you for watching guys enjoy your adventures wherever they may be and until next time stay wild I'll see you soon [Music] thank you
Channel: Abbie Barnes / Spend More Time In The WILD
Views: 10,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abbie barnes, Thru Hiking, Backpacking, Song Thrush Productions, Adventure, Hiking, Day Hikes, Gear review, Foraging, Walking, Mental health, wellbeing, Trekking, National Park, Mountain, spend more time in the wild, travel, trail, community, long distance, national trail, scotland, lake district, snowdonia, camping, wild camping, expedition, stay wild, UK hiking, filmmaking, vlog, photography, cycling, biking, uk, borrowdale, low level, Lodore Falls, watendlath, rosthwaise, beck, cumbria way, tarn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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