Walking and Camping The Hadrian's Wall Path | A Journey To Remember

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[Music] my name is Abby I'm deeply passionate about all things wild and have made it my mission to explore and document many of the world's most stunning Landscapes through human-powered Adventure each Quest is totally unique some Traverse exposed Moorland and rugged mountain tops others whiz-free bustling Market towns and historical cities they see me dive down deep amongst marine life follow world-renowned archaeological discoveries and travel through some of the most tranquil valleys and mystical forests accessible on foot my goal is always one of Discovery and awareness getting outside is now more important than ever before with obesity rates maintaining record highs and mental health issues affecting over one in four individuals in building an archive of films I aim to leave you looking for a challenge ready to break free from the monotony of everyday life and be inspired by Nature enough to want to give back ultimately I want to see you Don your adventure boots and spend more time in the wild for the benefit of mental and physical health I've realized that sometimes you don't have to do something crazy or radical to change how you feel about your life you just have to get up and get out I face my own trials with mental ill health and chronic pain as no doubt you'll see throughout my travels but alongside building a strong support network getting outside and taking the time to reconnect with nature has helped me move further along the road of personal Discovery so here's me inviting you to join me on my Adventures as I explore this awe-inspiring on it there will be hardships along the way and we're not guaranteed to succeed but it takes a brave heart and a courageous soul to commit to the unknown now all you have to do is decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it are you ready let's go [Music] [Music] thank you well Max just got off the Metro at Wall's end clues in the name I'm here for my next adventure but first we have to find the start hey and look who we found an innocent traveler hello oh I'm good how are you so this is Anne say hi Anne hi hi Anne so Anne and I are going to be tackling this event yeah but I haven't exercised what it is yet but we need to get to the start and then we'll share where we're going all the good luck charms in the world all righty people this is inconvenient the start is shut we turn around subtle U-turn beep beep myself and Anne say hi Anne hi hi Anne we're stood outside of seconded them Roman thoughts here at Wall's end in Newcastle and it's shut but that doesn't change the fact that this is the beginning of the Hadrian's War National Trail how far is Hadrian's Wall and 84 miles 84 miles how many days are we going to do it um six I think we can be Chief here this is why she's my kind of human five and a half that counts um that is so I walked this Trail back in 2014 it was the first National Trail I ever did did it with my mum and basically the Sun was shining down south I've just come from the outer Hebrides and just coming from Scotland we were both sick of the rain so we reunited here in the sunshine to walk the Hadrian's ball path 84 miles along this UNESCO world heritage site we've got a national park we've got triple sis there's loads going on loads to chat about but the key question is what are you most excited about tea tea there you go I don't know I was coming I love this human so I like Bruce she likes a brew our goal is to just take our time and have tea tea that's t-e-a full stop wherever possible and taking the real sights and sounds of this Trail and you might ask why am I back walking this route well actually I think it's quite nice sometimes to come back and revisit trails that you did a long time ago and 2014 feels like a long time ago I'm old now you see 26 man 26 6 but anyway it's a voice shot we can't show you the sights and sounds here but this is a quite significant starting point with the remains of Roman baths and markers for many of the men who worked on constructing the Roman wall as we're going to be following and there's a really nice statue in there that we also can't get to so as I say rude don't start your walk on a Sunday um but with that in mind it does mean we can crack on because I've spent the entire morning traveling and Anne has spent the entire warning waiting for me traveling um so we're gonna get walking first day where we headed for um heading on there on the wall heading on the hill heading on there on the wall not the hill yeah we've got a youth bustle there um but the key thing is to say for for you guys watching is you can follow along on this adventure so this adventure is in partnership with hiker the hiker app that's hiker with two eyes and download it I'm going to be sharing our route as we go along you can follow and then come and do the route yourself or any other Trail because the app is designed as a community space to explore different hikes around the world wherever you are you'll find something and you'll get inspired so download it follow along are you dirty that way right Chief navigation officer I don't know where my energies come from oh I'm still in Crocs maybe I'll just stay in the Crocs okay thumbs up guys if you want me to hike the whole thing in Crocs because I'm tempted well goodbye Roman Fort that actually managed to keep us out is that a sign of Rome's continuing strength I don't know but um there we go Anna and I were walking the route east to west but naturally the trail can be hiked in either direction it's argued that walking the route the other way around means you have the weather behind you something we'd come to experience a little bit later into our journey so this sign here is the classic National Trail sign Acorn that's what we're going to be following for the duration of our journey the best thing about national sales is they're usually very well signed for both of us having just come from Scotland it's going to be really nice to not be head down obsessing about which direction we have to walk whilst managing bog whilst surviving the wind and the rain so um we both use this walk as a motivator to get through the hard times oh yeah look see check this out folks how is this on a Sunday it's a bit sad says this is the gate here saying I walked Adrian's wall and you can't you can't get in that is it I understand that we haven't walked it yet but let us in that's where you get your finishing picture I don't know funny about taking a picture of I've walked it before I walked it oh I think it's a good omen do you think so yeah you should definitely take it joking about the commercialization of photo opportunities aside the Roman Fort is well worth a visit when actually open the name means strong fought and was once home to 600 soldiers who guarded the Eastern end of Hadrian's Mighty wall nowadays the museum houses the fort foundations and a replica of a Roman bath house that once stood nearby okay so we could definitely extend this hike to Rome 1110 miles tempting very tempting it's sunny there oh wait it's sunny here we're fine so today's walk really is going to be pretty level pretty flat in fact National Trails themselves the organization sort of suggests that this walk is one of the easier National Trails out there so it's a really good entry point if you're looking to get into hiking and backpacking um as obviously I said it was my first one and I think for both of us we're looking forward to something a little bit easier a little bit gentler and what with all the sights and sounds along the way to take in it's gonna be nice to have the time to do that City of Newcastle upon Tyne so I remember standing here back in 2014 and in that last film that I made when I was a lot younger and really Posh um I talked a lot about the archeology and that's not my intention so much with this film but to talk about the walk itself the hiking experience um what does that play out like if you actually come and do this Trail so hopefully it'll be worth if you're watching both of those films please feel free to laugh at how Posh I was in the old film because I just find it hilarious and hopefully here I can be a bit cooler a bit more like hip you know gangster although I did get a belt from a last hike some trousers are falling down a bit too much no one wants to see that thank you God bikes are scary when you're on for Allen Crocs I can't run anywhere fast I remember seeing bikes big road this one crossing over a few and just following this cycle path and the acorns how many acorns can we count so these sign markers that you see sort of along there you go Newcastle to North Sea Ferry Mark the national cycle networks that we've got here in the UK so essentially we've got this oh Coast to Coast oh yeah it's a sea to see one well spotted see Anna's a better eye than either um so these across the UK we've got um National cycle networks which are basically numbers routes that you can follow all the way up and down crisscross around in a circle if you want to across the country and whilst we do love our hiking oh I do I also do like cycling so it's a good thing when you find one of these we're comparing packs no I might definitely have you inside definitely because I have all the camera again oh hi guys a lot of cyclists it's good the worst thing is when you put your pack on and then you forget something on the floor see I'm your friend [Laughter] don't tell anyone but I weed in there I'm going on YouTube so this Railway is part of the Blythe and tine Railway obviously it's disused now because we would be in trouble if it was used as would everybody else who's utilizing it but this is quite nice actually it's pretty busy cyclist Runners dog walkers just that you know this is a an artery almost for the suburbs to be able to access nature and you know Anna and I have been looking for blackberries and in particular um and they're over now but that's whether it's a bramble or whatever a tree it doesn't matter if it's in an urban area it's still wild it's still grown and is impacted by this natural environment so I think a walk like this where you're walking through essentially a big old connotation there's a lot about a mind game it's a perspective and uh seeing the things you want to see as you make your way along the disused railway so you can even look at the barbed fence or rubbish the rose hips exactly the only thing is is you can't look too far away because you will get run down it was amazing how many other hikers we met along this stretch all heading towards the end of the Hadrian Wall hikes everyone was so friendly and it really spoke to why I love the hiking community so much a common goal that unites us all things guys well done well interestingly I don't think it really matters app says go this way Acorn Cisco that way I have an idea rock paper scissors on three you're left I'm right one two three what was I I was right okay this way [Laughter] [Music] oh okay hopefully it joined oh no there's a hiker in the bush over there oh there's an acorn here too that's controversial foreign I don't know if they do join they do okay oh man anyway essentially we're following the Hadrian cycleway um that I mean too many acorns but the cycleway is a very clear direction as to which way to go because the cycleway goes along the railway which goes to the river which is our walk through the wall maybe that was a bad idea she's gonna get eaten by a bear my friend is in the foliage it was an accident I didn't mean it oh no do I keep going or not are you alive nothing she's gone can only assume but do I go forwards I'm back now actually tonight um okay fine goes right it'll be fun oh mushrooms let's just look at a nice mushrooms mushrooms didn't solve my problem I've lost Anne shame for carelessly she's dead a hopeless on where are you well it turns out you can get lost on Adrian's wall okay I'm going back there's no way she can get through this impenetrable wall of foliage okay she says she's on the river so she might have been right it might have been left does that make sense nothing makes sense I lost Dan this is terrible this is the junction where it all went wrong so Ann went left now I'm gonna go left because right clearly was not right and I keep telling her to stay put and she's moving she keeps walking she has to stay still otherwise I'm never gonna catch her all right the river time is just down there hopefully Anne hasn't got on a boat and sailed away so I wouldn't put it faster down some steps she said down some steps did you must have gone this way down here somewhere in the forest I don't remember walking along the river oh beaten back by Nature and where is she that's ridiculous well we're on the river time ta-da Master river that goes through Newcastle still lost my friend geez I thought you'd been eaten by a bear you just disappeared or maybe can I say I've finished the hike now I see yeah at least you're not mauled and bloodied other rock paper scissors [Laughter] how did you hear that I lost Fair Point noted back on the move again I could finally take in our surroundings the 73 mile long river tine has been a scene of major industry for hundreds if not thousands of years with the Romans using it to Ferry goods and people in and out of Newcastle and ponds Alias the main Fort within the settlement okay I'm emitting defeat I'm putting my boots on I don't wanna defeat good one she's got a good sense of humor I'm not gonna risk destroying it's the that part of my feet that hurt everything else fine and dandy but of course six days of hiking five and a half days of hiking today is that too far you'll just be like no I'm done here with a pack he ain't got nothing on me soggy boots donned we plodded on along the Riverside path passing Saint Peter's Marina a peaceful place tucked away within the hustle and bustle of the city look at the size of this bridge massive wooden structure that's also a good wooden structure but I'm not gonna allow myself to be tempted let's go just through residential area it's all a bit fancy pantsy something quite nice about walking through a marina though so yeah yeah it's not a familiar landscape for myself I've never been on a sailing yacht it's all about that maybe we should graffiti that bike and put hike we were most certainly out of our depths having come from the remote wildlands of Scotland and yet this Urban Jungle had plenty to keep us curious there was history everywhere and therefore stories one of my favorite buildings in the area is the Baltic flower Mill standing stoic and imposing on the southern banks of the tine opened in 1950 the mill had a silo capacity of 22 000 tons and at its height employed over 300 people nowadays the Baltic is a center for contemporary art and home to a nesting site for over 200 pairs of kitty wakes beautiful yet endangered Gull that overwinters in the Atlantic so we've been following the river and we're passing the Baltic flower mills it's a massive sort of Victorian building and then there's this mixture of rounders of well new and old shall we say and we've got Bridge after Bridge after Bridge here and I'm gonna see if I can date anymore so Bridge number one Millennium Bridge 2002. super cool sort of Leaf shape almost in my mind very very iconic we're actually having to work within the parameters of daylight it's uh getting on well no it's the second of October it's gonna say end of September it's October and uh we're filming and looking at things walking is obviously it's not the fastest sport out there and now there's a Sunday market so all hope is lost we will be arriving in the dark next Bridge Sage tine Ridge 1928 boom pretty cool going underneath it massive structure oh no we've reached the food section cover my nose there's so much nice for it to eat we're never gonna make it should we just put our tents up here yeah yeah it's Bridge swing Bridge 1876 it's red and it's cool and it's old history Max Bridge high level Bridge 1849. boom it's quite High that was a Railway Bridge as well does this make me seem like I like Bridges yes next Bridge it's blue Queen Elizabeth the second bridge 1981 and that's the metro line there penultimate bridge for this stretch King Edward 1906 that's a train bridge and then the last one behind it with the bus going over well tension you're gonna wait red Hue Bridge 1980 hang on I forgot wait wait wait 1980 three thanks to the guy big boy now with my bridge experience tour over we could now focus on the quieter side of life on the tine more specifically the wildlife at one time Wildlife struggled here and the river universally became known as Coley Tyne speaking to its pollution levels but conservation efforts to clean up the area have since seen much Wildlife move back into the waters and it's now home to salmon and fresh water mussels the banks to otters and rolls and the tidal mud flats to a rich array of wading Birds one only has to slow down and breathe to notice the abundance of life here foreign [Music] for a little bit now and then we'll drop into Country Park which is definitely our transition out of urban into Countryside a bit more but it's uh definitely starting to feel like Autumn chill in the air because the breeze picks up and the colors of the leaves are giving a lot away so the a695 is what we're going to be following for a little bit I have to say walking along this a road now does make me relieved to finish in bonus quite a quaint quiet little place really it's um it's it's just a bit of a sense a surprise for the sensors to suddenly find yourself on a busy road for a few kilometers when you feel like a wilderness explorer and then you're like following this artery it's like oh yeah strange I see on that note I think we have to cross over there and follow a path instead of the main road goodbye Road hello mysterious path hey look at that it's a proper flag boom it's actually going to be quite a different experience doing this hike today or for the next week because I'm so used to hiking solo and there's a very big difference between hiking solo and Hiking with somebody and I think there's definitely pros and cons to each and I'm on this Trail in particular just really looking forward to having their company hopefully there can be lots of Cafe stops and breathing spaces because I think as you get onto these longer trails and you have harder itineraries the walking can actually really become quite stressful and pressurized because you're trying to get big miles in shoot a film and you stop having fun and definitely for me my intention with this walk is just to have fun just uh regroup in the sense of who I am again and just enjoy hopefully so I'm really quite inspiring landscapes can I say hi yeah let's say hello hey sir fluffy definitely starting to feel the randomness of the root popping out above the a road now soon we pass by the rather emotional yesterday today forever sculpture in remembrance of the 38 men and boys who were killed in the Montague view pit flooding disaster on the 30th of March 1925. next up though was the Newcastle blue star football pitch followed by a chimney from old glass works Apple it is a plum colored apple that's so nice oh why are they all so high up oh it's the A1 there won't be any lorries on a Sunday food [Applause] hi Kinsley are you good boy do you have any cookies oh thanks for letting us say hi Oh you're welcome bye more bridges honestly guys I don't have some weird Bridge fetish it's just it's pretty much the only thing that's happening to show you what do you mean yes I do it was really feeling as though we were leaving the hustle and bustle of the city behind as we picked up the tine again the sun was dipping low in the sky and we were treated to a sunset of sorts I'm at your Rowing Club there brings back memories for me as if proof of our great Urban Escape we next hit the Tyne Riverside Country Park a lovely wooded area boasting an outdoor gym playground and a monument to the Battle of Newburn Ford war in 1640. a religion-inspired battle that took place prior to the English Civil War well we sort of pulled away from the river a little bit now into the countryside and it's weird how Stuff slowly coming back to me but I remember well first of all this is the first actual agents will path sign that we've seen and then I remember this cycleway because it was in the morning and it was dark and mysterious so it's very strange walking in the shadow of your past um kind of enjoying it but we're only one day in are you dig it so it's really getting dark very quickly now it's just gone seven um so we just stopped and got our head torches out and we're alive get this last stretch done in the waning light heading on the wall one and three quarters what is it what is that hello hello glistening lights are heading on the wall up there nice beautiful sky again it's gonna be a cold night tonight so we're actually in a golf course now which is uh a navigational Carnage experience usually in the dark but thankfully we are really picking up the signs quite well I mean there's plenty of them this one here for example and then there's this hiker that seems to be following me around through the woods we go know that you can see anything had dreams will go that way and we're going this way so we are going to miss heading on the wall tonight but it's no problem so where's the same George with the same toys Horton North Farm This Is Us just our van yeah high five day one done we did it that was great right let's get these stinky boots off and make yourself pretty shall we bless pancakes I don't have pancakes for breakfast Pancake dance I feel like I can move my feet up I have a gift for you do you like these hmm you do like them winning have it with your baby so for tonight's evening meal I'm breaking into a tent meal packet so tonight it is a Thai green curry so one thing I love about tent meals is as you can see it's just whole ingredients so with these bigger ones what I tend to do is empty them into a bag like this shake it all up and then just take half and then usually you have half a portion each day just because I don't feel like I need 800 calories right now for 400 we'll be doing just fine foreign looks like soup I put too much water in it but it tastes pretty good This Is The Life look at the sky isn't that amazing way to start there look at that expertly done first night on the way done here how did you sleep man okay good I didn't snore too much heading on the wall should we go find a wall why not why not just feel a bit weird backtracking actually I feel like I'm being very official about this situation mainly because there's a spa in town so so it's actually really worth noting that this little Spa here in the petrol station with a Costa apparently um is the last proper Supermarket space until Carlisle so it's time for me just to grab a couple resuppies and then we'll go and find a wall [Applause] so in case you're wondering I bought some smash which is mashed potato powder that you add water in it makes mashed potato I said to the cashier I'm like I can't believe in the backpacking world this counts as food anyway where's the wall so talking to the host from last night she says a lot of people just miss this stretching ball and for us we've backtracked a bit because it feels quite significant to check out the first little blob of it especially when there's so little of it around Adrian's wall country heading on all you are here so obviously we've walked from Wall's end here and we're going to continue on all the way along the wall here so Charlotte for the goal for today and then I can't remember the rest of the itinerary but so over Coast to Coast pretty good eh there you go look first stretch of all UNESCO world heritage side boom that's quite fulfilling isn't it should go and take a look so there really isn't a lot of War to be seen on this hike as you're gonna find out through this film so we had to make the most of this experience come and check it out lots of planes going over here modern versus historical welcome to the wall today we are going to be following the proper length of the wall this is the Military Road which actually the B road goes along and this is the famous vallum the big dip that they had alongside another defensive scheme so you'd have to drop down to get back up and we're going to see plenty of evidence of the vallum today this guy looks pretty serious don't you think he didn't get pancakes for breakfast like we did this short section of wall is a fantastic example of what's known as the broad wall when soldiers first began building the wall it was originally three meters wide however it didn't take too long for reality to set in and soon the war was narrowed to 2.4 meters wide or even less in order to speed up its construction and reduce the cost just being here actually is definitely switching on my archeology brand it makes me really excited to actually be able to touch the very rocks that Roman soldiers have carried the fact that this has stood against the way they're in the time people taking it for building materials Wars and battles it wasn't built like by slaves like people think it was built by soldiers qualified Builders and Architects and oh man just the feeling of walking in the footsteps of almost ancestors or at least history definitely gets me excited anyway we don't want to go that way I want to walk along it but perhaps that way so let's go back on the way way [Music] so remember on the depiction earlier at the wall said about the vallum this is it this is what remains of it big old ditch that we're going to be following and this B Road here is the B Road we're going to be following today thankfully not just on a pavement and this actually follows the original line of the wall itself so we're as close to being on the wall as possible yeah probably a lot of the um current dry stone walls are built from hadron's wall literally yeah and we've got the valance so you know again you having that archaeological interest means that walking along the Casual B Road on a Monday morning is actually rather interesting back over the a road now we have lorries because it's a Monday hey you ate it's always good fun when someone waves back I feel like I'm gonna be safer to go not over the style oh that's close that is on it's cold and wet help oh Dad yeah it is a lot of road noise here be nice to get away from the a road I think Rolling Green Hills so this is vindabala essentially this field you can see it was actually very extensive Roman Camp um but it's been pillaged when they were building the Military Road which is along the B road now and this is All That Remains the grassy field next to a farm where someone's clearly chopping logs so sometimes history does require a wee bit of imagination it looks like a dragon so far the days walking had been well nice in a way I found myself preferring the adventure through Newcastle then the endless Green Fields but maybe that's just because the former had plenty of snacks for sale regardless it was pleasant enough there were cows and wildflowers and plenty of birds to look out for and every so often we'd stop and look up and admire The View despite feeling rather flat it was easy to see that we were slowly gaining some elevation so this is a bit different to what you'd see on the Moorland erosion and control to help protect archeology do not walk in single file and avoid walking on the lines where it's actually already marked so usually a recommendation on the Moors for example is to stick to the past so know that that stretch is kind of sacrificed and that's kind of that because here it's the opposite the driver cover a lot more ground and have the wear a little bit less and then we just got lots of nice views over Hexum and food around the green Rolling Hills no fancy living on this road it's really fast and there's big trucks we'll see a bit further up a walker actually was killed on this road there's a memorial to him very very sad up and over hey we conquered the Roman wall got over it oh no well yeah but that's the right side land of Freedom we've got a Lake here the nature is there let's go have a look in the hide hopefully not disturbing anybody look red squirrels can be found here otters to a very coolest mammals around so we stopped so I could inhale some cashews and I wish I wasn't in this building because it's rather torturous there are spiders everywhere how many can you count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen and let's not even talk about looking up here because we're gonna die and they're like baby spiders in all those flowers no [Laughter] survived that was terrifying and made many new friends there don't touch the thing they're all over it of course not because they'll kill you joking aside this was actually a pretty important local Wildlife spot whittledean Reservoir attracts an array of bird life year round and for people the reservoir pumps 25 million gallons of water a day for drinking water pretty impressive for such a tiny looking puddle it was definitely an illusion though looking on the map you could see just how big this system was oh yeah that road man it's so fast it's a bit scary [Music] they put their feet down man it's intimidating so on the note of scary fast Road this is the Robin Hood Inn uh bar and restaurant I have something to show you just in the corner of the car park Rob Mills fifth of June 2010 she's hiking the trail and he was hit by a car and he died just like we are so sad so yeah exercise caution when poodling around on the B Road to get off this road hey I see thanks and brunch actually it is lunch time isn't it so along the route we're obviously following the wall there's more castles which are along the Roman mile which is about ah slightly less than an current day Mile and they're all marked on the map more Castle 1946 whatever it is and it's not like that often there's anything to see but this is where they were and the soldiers would stand keeping an eye out for people from Scotland the north coming down to invade very hard to imagine right now with Dolores thundering past and this is the reality of modern day life no Wars here we are very privileged hey Ann she thinks it's a bench you rock the thing I'm enjoying the most about today is not the lorries but the sky it's just so interesting I mean this section here looks like a piece of artwork someone's just got brush Strokes it's really really nice I can't even begin to pretend that I was enjoying being alongside this road the noise was relentless and the path slow as we crisscrossed this way and that and tackled an endless series of styles we endeavored to stay entertained and I was thankful for Anne's joyous company no matter how challenging things got she always seemed to look on the bright side of life a few lumps and bumps in the landscape here so it goes up and down enough not sure if that's to do with the wall or not but is a feature so even though this isn't particularly obvious the bottom around this region there are parts of it where I said that if you ride a horse down through the middle of it you can't still see how it even sat on the horse that's pretty deep eh I mean unless it's a Shetland pony in that case I'm not impressed so many of these styles we're avoiding the road but we're gaining some elevation people also you should swap legs because otherwise you just end up with one really pumped leg the whole time just walk around the circles like this so we're hitting up the roundabout on the road here on the a road B Road one of the this road and hopefully on it there's a cafe we're gonna take a little breather grab a brew hopefully and uh and get cracking to trolloford hey look bonus 59 miles to go oh brilliant we're nearly there anyway that is the cafe there we go look at that this miraculous looking building was Errington coffee house which became a great motivator on our day's walk it was a convenient break point too with a delicious menu an overwhelming display of epic cakes to dive into let's just say we ended up pausing here a little bit longer than originally planned it was all just too tempting well cheers Anne to our journey so far yes Cheers Cheers laughs oh it's hot actually yay back on the way up and over and just in case we're not sure we follow the direction of the arrow so whilst we were in there it uh just started raining and we looked at the forecast for the next sort of four or five days it's gonna be a wet walk unfortunately um sometimes that's just the way it goes we'll see what we can make of it as long as we can see we still uh can have a good time you know up and over the next one so many of these we should have counted I'll see you go down backwards very mature like the cheese you eat mature [Laughter] on Wednesday I went for Style that's telling me something about my ego taking the view from up here very nice what happened Dan why I don't know well do we trust it temporary diversion same direction once again look at this guy it is just stunning big open fast beautiful very very nice indeed so the main path is over there by the road this is actually quite a nice diversion a little bit more heathy in terms of the environment you see the Reeds and things um sort of the Silver Birch Plantation here feels a little bit more wild shall we say [Music] thank you [Music] really very special section suddenly just so different from the Aurora world and and do you remember how we met how did we meet we were meeting on the Cleveland way yeah and the coast to coast and what was I doing when you walked up to me eating what was I eating Anne berries bilberries and we've just found bilbreeze one of my all-time favorite things yeah and they are just about okay in the season I mean they're normally like end of July it's beginning of October but that was a big one and I lost it that's it three two one hour a bit still so this is where it would have come out possibly it's because of loads of trees down look you can see them Arwen yeah port gate that's where that was that massive gate well fair enough that was a nice detour back onto the road and therefore onto the way all the way all the way to trolliford suddenly no longer Urban very open space I feel like we've got some good elevation up here and you can tell because the views are absolutely fantastic it's a very very rewarding spot to be on so we're back alongside the vallum again definitely got a good shape to it now we'll stay up here though the easier going underfoot no honestly look at this this is where you understand what they're saying being on Horseback and you still still can't see out because it's so deep really good example and you know at times this would have been filled with sharpened Stakes to really just put people off they cover with Turf try and hide it and then obviously you've got the water scale as well I mean these Romans they meant business when it came to you shall not pass we're coming off path just slightly in this sheep field because this is where the Battle of Heaven field took place and there's an Oswald's church here the 7th Century Saint commemorating his life and his uh involvement in the region so let's go and take a closer look just surrounded by these massive trees the church was really quite beautiful and had a wonderful Ambiance of Peace around it it actually marks the end of this and Oswald's way a 97 mile hike linking all of the places associated with Saint Oswald himself who was the King of northumbria from 634 until his death and 641 [Applause] well this is cool we're into the last few kilometers to charlotteford and we've come across an exceptionally random piece of Hadrian's Wall and straight away we can see it's definitely a lot narrower than the stretch we saw this morning um so it's almost like today is shouldered by the wall having a physical presence which is super nice look at this once again just phenomenal Construction looking out over the lands I mean you can really understand why they have chosen the Strategic Point good views in all directions this place was plain trees a 204 meter stretch of wall that remains largely due to their efforts of William Hutton who spoke up for its protection after workmen were seen taking stones from the wall to use as raw building materials for anani this was also the last stretch of broad wall that we would see on our Hadrian's Wall Adventure here we go dropping down into cholofers half a mile to go just about to cross over the 18th century Bridge it's got five arches I thought we're gonna be able to see them because we're going over it not under it let's take a closer look beautiful nice Weir over there as well this is the Riverside Cafe and we're hoping our campsite's gonna be just beyond it slash around the back [Applause] yeah exactly well we don't need to worry about anyone else do we day two done just in time for it to get dark we are really playing with the daylight on this trip actually well tent is up and uh time to get some food in the system it's just gone 7pm so it's going to be a good 12 hours in the tent but I mean that's the beauty of sort of founding campsites you can reach about a little bit um there's charging sockets and stuff so we can keep on top of things um but yeah it's nice to actually be back on the ground um the saddest thing is the weather for the next few days is looking like it's going to be a bit of a washout but we'll take whatever comes do our best and it affects the filming but we will still march on through no matter what um and tomorrow we actually gained some elevation which is going to be exciting change the muscle group a little bit from Flat walking so plenty to dwell on overnight and prepare ourselves ready for tomorrow first up this is what I purchased in uh the spa this morning I've got my smash [Music] good morning everybody good Brew on the go taking in the Fantastic Skies but the clouds are moving in and the winds are definitely picking up they picked up in the night so today it's definitely going to be an adventure are you ready for day three let's go two and a half off all right we've done enough miles for it to be three days well day three it's a pretty Blustery Day there's a weather warning for wind today and tomorrow but I think we're gonna be just fine so long as we stay upright a short stretch of walking later and we pass by Chester's room and fort one of 15 built along the length of the wall at one point it would have been home to a 500 man Calvary unit though sadly we weren't able to take in the scale of the place as the museum was shut as we traveled on by the situation we'd grow familiar with on our adventure truthfully we didn't expect to be able to visit too many places along our walk as touring all of the museums makes for a really slow hike if you do want to visit places on Route we strongly recommend giving yourself a good week at least to walk the length of the wall here we are but the Styles begin feels a bit like this leg we're just working around this massive estate which is pretty well kept seems a little bit fancy sorry it's good today feeling the undulations ever so slightly more in the last couple of flat days um but we can see the first stretch of war with the day off ahead and just really looking forward to following it for the duration of today's walk it's gonna come and go and we'll see different variations of the wall for different time periods where it's been built and reconstructed and torn down let's see what we can find also check this out first Northumberland National Park sign so officially in the National Park boundaries now super reaching the national park boundary felt like a real Milestone and we were almost instantly rewarded with a new stretch of wool so this is black cartwall it's excavated we can see it's full-on width the remains of a turret mall Castle as well a bit further up it's not fully excavated so it's really nice being able to see it here in its full well half third Glory I found it absolutely fascinating to walk beside this once imposing structure the fact that it took 50 100 men Sears to build only to be left to crumble and Decay really baffled my mind and yet I was grateful to John Clayton who in the late 19th century bought four of the war Forts and many sections of the wall to protect it for hikers like me and Anne to come and explore turret 29a we've got depiction here of what it would have looked like the ladder going off as well With the Wind picking up I can imagine there were times it wasn't very fun being a soldier up here are you okay we're fine good okay we have a trick Point here 250 meters and really it's here that marks the northernmost point of the Roman Empire the wall kind of comes up like this and then it does a V and this is where we stood this is as far as they got during the times of their occupation this would have been the land to the north and you'd stand here on the wall looking out as far north as you can get on the Roman Empire it's pretty cool actually so this is just a farm Ball but these again are actually had dream wall stones just pillaged from the wall itself rain is coming across there now might be time to button down the hatches so my guidebook suggests coming into this ditch to see evidence of Roman work on the stones I thought we'd come and have a quick look see if we can spot any ourselves oh yeah look at that chipped away there I'm back to look at a lot of this is out very natural um man-madeely cut wow this rock is Windstone as super hard bass out Stone evidence suggests that the Romans quickly realized working with this Stone was a real waste of time and effort so they left the blocks where they were and moved on to find other raw materials it was proof cover protecting Rick sack and I have just put my waterproof trousers on but I've rolled them up and I'm unzipping the sides because it's really not very cold for me um and this just means I can be ventilated until it gets a bit too heavy crossed over the road it's a really nice walk-in today obviously we can't but we can and can't see a fair distance but the thing we found when we did the trail back in 2014 is it was really difficult to actually take your time to see all of the Roman sites whilst having to stick to an itinerary so we actually came back and sort of redid Chester's house dads all of these places we're passing today so today we are going to go past them but they weren't worth visiting if you've got time at another Point best thing about this place is there's a coffee van and we're out of season so it's fantastic that it's there we are going to get something good morning we will be taking some warm drinks it looks like it's gonna be a wet one yeah and tomorrow hey what is happening here without me oh my gosh look at that we sheltered in the VIP lounge essentially a towel thrown over the two back doors and found it rather tricky to get moving after stopping with a warm Brew thank you coffee van well we've watched the rain for probably far too long and have officially decided it is time to move so wet packs on and let's go do some hiking so this here is broccolita it's not Italian although it is Italian actually um let me see they're sort of restoring the dry stone walls here five percent of Northumberland National Park is covered in ancient bogs and Myers which are excellent carbon stores and natural sponges at times of heavy rainfall SO sewing Shields this is essentially the point where we start to go up over the Sill y miles away so we're just walking along and the vallum is really getting quite intense now again that iconic depth to it and essentially we are on the wall again the rain sort of just comes and goes but there's definitely not been two in today there's nothing we can't handle probably gonna feel the wind up on the Sill it's called is it was that windy something Windy Hill to den over I think northumberland's used to it and therefore we'll just take it in our stride hey look at this he's a massive Great Oaks growing in the remains of this building and we have a very worn billboard grindon mall Castle 34. again you can see the depiction that's what it would have looked like vallum on the other side sort of coming in making use of the natural Crags brilliant I really like the depictions of things apparently so okay apparently we've walked another Roman mile because we have our next turrets here soldiers Refuge the Watchtower this and the nearby Coast site turret will probably abandon less than a century after they were built as forts were instead established unlike other turrets though these were used as shielding's type of herdsman's Hut from which the sowing Shield Crags above gained their name so this is where we start climb up to the Sill so it still is a completely natural incredible feature actually it just spur jossing out of the ground and to be able to see why the Romans used it as a defensive feature it's a bit of a feat scaling that let alone the wall look at this just uh rolling on along this Natural High Point I mean very very good defensive position it's a bit exposed to the weather this stretch of Ward up on the Crags is one of the best to enjoy however as we were experiencing it's also very wild rugged and exposed and home to many myths and legends it's quite crazy when you think about it building these forts every Roman mile it's a lot a lot more time and effort than just just the wall alone I mean you understand that the wall has to be manned but these aren't the smallest constructions I mean look at the size of this there's space for multiple buildings it's a lot of work so Clayton who bought all of the land or much of the land to protect the wall and its features tried to rebuild various parts and this looks like one of the sections and as you can see it's very different to the design of the original Roman wall I mean it is a wall but it's sort of more concrete then the weather was really starting to turn quite nasty but in some ways it added to the sense of awe and wonder to the Majesty of the wall to have withstood nearly 2 000 years of weathering and erosion pillaging and destruction it felt like a miracle that there was anything left to see at all this stretch of war was also the narrow section of wall built atop broader foundations with a giant drop off on one side look at this what a brilliant viewpoint over the surrounding landscape and the undulations in the wall there and it's a shame I can't Film It Up close right now but it's just spectacular it really is by the Great Wall of China but it's the Great Wall of Northumberland [Music] thank you foreign 's really come in good and proper now but we've been wondering what this building is in front of us it's very um atrociously loud in its design and it seems to be essentially a size wise a representation of the wall but it made it really colorful it's uh it's different shall we say I mean even with the rain coming down you can see it there very very bright imagine the Romans painted the whole wall like that oh so that was actually a gate yeah you can see the sort of pillar rocks there as well and I think our path goes on the other side so we get to go through it through the Roman gate really is on the soggier side of things now piano arms I've got it in my armpit it's wet now really we were now walking past the outskirts of house dead Ronan fought one of my favorite forts on the walk though we obviously didn't quite have time to look around the whole thing this temporary art installation was designed by renowned artist Murray mayesco to celebrate the 1900s anniversary of Hadrian's Hall it stands in the exact spot that the northern Gatehouse once stood echoing the original building in size and shape I loved it proud and striking bright and imposing on an otherwise rather drab day it's definitely a shame the weather is how it is today because it really does impact your viewing abilities and wanting to stop and I know there's quite a few inscriptions and things that you can find on the wall and well let's just say that's not happening but still it's warm enough we're doing good good spirits and uh we have dry tents from this morning so really all is well in our world check it out guys so this one's got an even more complete art here the back end of this turret and again sort of remains the foundations for the Rocks here different internal walls really cool for me this definitely is one of the most spectacular parts of the Walk even with the wind and the rain there's still so much to see and take in and whilst various parts of the wall are not actually the wall they're just designed to keep livestock from falling over the edge it's uh it's just an immense landscape the sill itself is so domineering in this entire area it's fascinating geologically archaeologically it's kind of something for everyone here except dry weather for us it would seem so the path sort of goes up and down around the Crags here you can see this is one of the dips a little bit more shouted from the wind there's massive rocks definitely particular parts of the route are more phenomenal where they've been able to build than others and I just find this area is so exposed and harsh and vulnerable so we stationed out here must have been quite tough at times let alone to be someone who's contributing to the construction of it anyway in other news we've found the Pennine way First National Trail to be designated in England and the UK as a whole actually heading off as per usual onto the Moors and loved the Pennine way for her this sign was a chance to reminisce about her journey along the trail in 2016. just between me and you Ann is actually one of my superheroes she walks for weeks on ends just because she loves it connecting Trails up and down the country and while camping along the way there seems to me to be no place and has left to walk and hearing her stories always leaves me feeling completely inspired last Wednesday soon we were looking out over kraglau which if I recall correctly makes for a rather glistening spectacle in this vast open land so one of my favorite things to eat when I'm out hiking on the trail on the go because usually I don't stop I just eat on the go there's these guys Outdoor provisions so they've got Nut Butter packets like this and you sort of keep them in your pocket and they get all warm and Squishy this one's almond Dayton sea salt which is definitely one of my favorites that being said they've got sort of raspberry and cashew and all sorts of really unique and interesting flavors it's a good shot of energy compostable packaging and that is what I'm gonna eat to get me to the cafe because this is a bit of a cafe cruel at the end of today's hike no it feels like Dartmouth all over again oh that was wet that was really wet just over the brow of Steel rig we were treated to one of the greatest Joys along this stretch of Trail oh this is Sycamore Gap here it is in that storm famous from the Robin Hood films the second war that has survived the ages just here on the outside or inside of Hadrian's Wall such an iconic feature here on this walk people get very excited when they reach this point as am I this is probably one of the most famous trees in the country and I do have to say even though I like the story of Robin Hood and all that it's not like I'm a film fan but there's something very familiar about reaching this point in the hike you know I saw in the Pennine way it's on the agents ball path and it's just uh it's very special also trees are great aren't they just every single one completely different gotta appreciate them for their beauty it must be quite nice as a tree to be noticed as well we take them so for granted these looks high up doesn't he it was indeed high up over 300 meters high up in fact where once at the top we were treated to more views and more mile castles even in this weather it's really rewarding this one's not so sure you're right I think it's a bit of perseverance now through this weather it always has a habit of just starting to worry about my cameras but we are going to drop off the edge of Steel rig now and then it's down away from the actual Trail to Once brewed and we're hoping to Camp there yes camp because we're mad would you agree Anna we're a bit mad we must be crazy where's the log fire and the nice story book just absolutely dripping now well I doubt you can see this because obviously it's quite wide angle but that's tomorrow's route and there's the highest point of the trail it's just over 300 meters but it's actually in the cloud right now so we're at the junction point where we're coming off to head towards once brood no idea about the time not sure about anything really just uh trying to keep things covered up um but yeah it's gonna be good to start with a warming climb tomorrow morning good might be a strong word some steeper steps there we made a speedy exit off the Crag and then upon joining the main road saw that the seal National landscape Discovery Center was open of course we just had to duck inside because there was a sign that said cake fingers crossed oh that's warm is that all right yes please do you know what I'm gonna keep my wet stuff over here I think save dripping there arrived at the seal this is the Exhibition Center um and this is also where the youth hostel Association is and I just asked and they do have a twin room um for 29 quid and camping is 10 pounds a night so I'm gonna see what Anne thinks and then we'll make a decision hello [Music] we made it well first of all high five for day three 29 pound twin room ensuite oh wow I can't remember as well so you are yeah okay more discounts okay well that's would you like to take that there we go we're taking that no they said they know we're up here we'll just go around but we can't book until half full okay um and downstairs we have to drink tea yeah so that's us then brilliant done I just had a look at the weather coming down over there I've been to broadcast so most of them then oh it is more geez hey that'll do us should I take the top I don't mind whichever you want and a nice view over the hills we have to climb tomorrow to finish the day I thought it'd be quite nice to just show you where we actually are and what are you Foster looks like on a 150 map it's that little triangle you can see where it once brewed next to twice brood there is not a Thrice brood FYI so he walks along steroid rig from the right to the left of the screen and then we've obviously cut down this little sea road to Once brewed and what I can do here on the hiker app is change the layers so I drag and drop that and then we can see what it looks like here as well and there's a little bed and then it's actually named you first saw the sale I mean you can see a lot more because you can zoom in and what's quite cool is you can add and then go points of interest and we could go hostile Campground for example close and then oh look there's a hostel here the sill so it's all here and then um there's our campsite that's where we were going to stay windshields campsite and it's it's just a really really helpful tool for actually planning walks um you know we can sort of see all the different campsites along the Route uh so if you're suddenly finding yourself a bit stuck that's where we're going tomorrow then you know you can find other accommodation I mean as you saw on here there was also BNB shelters if you scroll down you know if you suddenly need a pharmacy or a shop or even water you can click it all and you can find it all which is just awesome actually what would you rate today out of 10. as a walk like actual walk eight Eight's good that's good yeah good is that easy walk yeah interesting um lots of things to look at yeah good thank you very much for your input can you make the pen on win we did no you're just like the pain away yeah good morning everybody Welcome to our little Hub it's nice and warm in here managed to dry some socks and stuff out um where they're outside is still raining pretty heavily um so for the first time this season I'm gonna actually put my big camera in my rucksack I just don't want to risk carrying it it ended up getting quite wet yesterday um fingers crossed though later today it can come out because I don't want to carry out on my back a and secondly um just really nice to be able to film things properly isn't it but we are just getting packed up we've had quite a leisurely morning watching the rain and um we'll head on up to the highest point for the trail in fact just a wee bit later thank you yeah perfect goodbye dry Place yeah I'm gonna put my head up day four Adrian's wall here we come yay enthusiasm it's actually pretty fresh today good job we've got a nice hail to start with oh hi little Robin well thank you you Foster that was Robert Pleasant thank you for the coffee the sill also rather Pleasant yeah let's get cracking yeah we're well fueled and everything aren't we well rested no it didn't cost the normally because we'd be going in circles waving goodbye to the sill in the drizzling rain I had my big camera packed away in my rucksack and was ready for whatever the weather was going to throw at us so this is the ridge line we're going to be climbing up to doesn't look very scary does it and then there's lots of ups and downs today all the way Pokemon gotta catch them all so check this out this is where the path comes out and we can see looking back there again just along the sill itself boom boom boom boom maybe I'm just quite obsessed with that but this thing is incredible it goes all the way and then over here this is our path often's new territory of day four just by the way there it is uh still very rewarding to be up here the view behind and uh we're gaining height very quickly to the highest point just gonna find that trick for an eh so windshields look at that in the snow so good here's the highest point three four five that's a good number isn't it gotta Boom the trig Pine boom or hug it that's good that works well done yeah it is and then views down where we're headed not that you can see [Music] quite a low Cloud actually here's a base of probably just under 400 meters just wall stepping on as far as the eye can see unofficial official foreign this stretch of Trail was relentless in its ups and downs but given the Soggy weather this proved to be the only way to stay warm so we didn't mind at all just kept on plodding slow and steady so this is core Gap another turret to supervise the lands I think if you're not super interested in archeology it does get a little bit repetitive well we are a good few miles in now according to the signs at least and we're heading down to cool Quarry at least I think that's what it's called um I've been buttoned up in my waterproof but uh there seems to be a public toilets there so I think we're gonna duck in and I'll just get some shelter for a wee while but potentially this is one of the last stretches of the wall today obviously we'll find out the further we go but it's actually possibly one of my favorite stretches it's just it's really long and if I remember rightly from the guidebook it's about half a mile in length so there's a lot to see when you're not like this oh look at the size of this one big building dense walls this was mile Castle 42. apparently the Romans built an entrance on the Northern side of the building only to realize after it was constructed that it led to a massive drop let's be honest we all have days like that and it seems that despite conquering half of Europe the Romans were no exception few hundred meters later and we were at caulfield's quarry peaceful spot that at night is known as one of the best dark sky stargazing spots in the entire country right time for a quick stop at the shelter to warm up and defrost at least in my case reality it's a bit more than isn't it oh nice hashtag grateful oh it's better the rain is getting heavier and we are hiding in the toilets because we're voices this is our new Clubhouse Abby and Anne's Club here we go out into the rain can't hurt really old town Corey three and a half quarter numbers gosh guys look at this so we've left the car park crossing over the river look how high it is I mean if that shows he's hardly anything I don't know crazy just working through these fields essentially farmland I've got another stretch of wool here just actually in the backyard of this Farm which is a bit rounder but there we go all new well we're in a little Forest here or cops of trees it's actually super nice really enjoying the foresty stretches on this walk um they're just sort of they break it up a bit actually add a bit of variety to to the journey now that I was completely soaked down to my base layers the rain had decided to change games from Pummel the humans to come and go and catch us if you can however the wind was still really icy and it was at this point that I finally logged the logic of walking the trail the other way around west to east would instead have seen the prevailing wind pushing us along on our hike rather than forcing us backwards where's my monkey move down yeah I know what you're saying oh this is actually a bit taller here isn't it it was around here that we dropped off the trail to carvoran museum hoping for a brief respite from the rain with some indoor shelter beautiful colors of the trees so spectacular so this is definitely shut but is this what we want that's the question visit Center's shot I'm just looking at bunk houses to see if there's anywhere I can call and see if we can stay inside tonight because that would be great hi there is this Sandy Psych bunk house tonight um because there's two of us we're hiking the Hadrian's Wall path and we're very very soggy no problem right we've been reassured there is space at the bunk house at Sandy psych which is fantastic well goodbye Visitor Center back onto the way sunny not so sunny from sunshine it's two minutes before the next round hits us we'll take that it's like we're on the edge of one side of the world and the other light versus Darkness Fire and Ice that is so dark [Music] wow I mean the train sounding in the background there's thermal Castle ominously backed by the dim sky it's really cool nice to see a castle I'm not even on the roof so much of this I don't remember it's around the corner look at this if that shows the rain that we've been dealing with I don't know what it does [Music] see this trees completely in the water Wow Let's go across eh I wouldn't cross that forward in a vehicle or fight with you guys a bit disconcerting look at this [Music] [Music] well we can cross because there's a green light do not cross if there's no green light Railway okay [Music] not really paddle your feet kind of conditions is it be more like paddle your body if you ended up in that because it's pretty fast [Music] best preserved example of a Marcus on Hadrian's Wall 200 meters with steps been there before it looks like this we're in Cumbria what well spotted hey we made it soggy humans have arrived in Cambria very relevant stuff that's the Lake District weather forecast exactly come here and now we have a train we've got to do it are you ready oh you're a silent electric trainee battery that's the village hall on Adrian's wall that's kind of fun to say the hall on the wall so I've just found something very very exciting around the corner and as the County Council sign for Cumbria and I basically came through here last year almost just over a year ago on my bicycle down this hill and I got off and I parked it here next to the seafood and I came up to the side and I go we've traveled all the way from Scotland to Cumbria and then I'm here with the Cumbria sign like and that's so cool because I didn't know it was on the hadron's wood path at that point but here we are high five come for your sign here I feel like this needs to become an annual tradition is that weird that's weird welcome to Northumberland England's border country so here we're in Cumbria here we're in Northumberland here we're in Cameroon how to get extra steps in you get the point fulfilling here oh and we've entered Cumbria and Iranians rejoin though I thought it was going to be sunny said no one ever well we're back on the wall here so that we can really see it because we're properly hunkered down right now but it's there Adrian's wall this was actually one of my favorite legs of the wall something about the character and remaining height I'm not too sure the original wall would have stood around four and a half meters tall with the par pet adding an additional meter and a half here was mile Castle turret 48a there were always two turrets between each mile Castle so that's 160 turrets and 80 mile castles oh and then there were 17 faults as well it almost felt like the wall was the easy bit to build so what we can see here this is the broad foundations this is what they laid this is how when it comes to the wool and this is the narrow wall that they've built on top of it clearly to save time and effort and energy and also I just realized I'm stood on the wall which isn't great I didn't mean it it was an accident I was just showing you I have to say with stretches of wool like this where it just goes on and on it really is quite nice because there's not a lot that gives a sense of scale other than obviously the fact that we're hiking for five and a half days that tells you something but you know to see that colorful uh sort of Gateway yesterday and perhaps some of the taller walls today it's really nice because it sort of gives a bit of a feel for perhaps what it would have been like in its immensity just completely boasting in the intimidation Factor towards anyone who wants to try and threaten the Roman army and Roman Empire so lovely to share this experience with Anne I even got her doing the odd bit of camera work for me although it seemed her sense of direction wasn't always quite on point okay I just keep pointing at you yeah which way should he point I think I am so I will you handed it to me look at this River that is absolutely immense the power of that water jeez and it's come right up there's the bridge thanks it's a raised Bridge because we would be quite close to that flow if that was a flat Bridge wow oh that's actually rather intimidating I mean you know if I was in a kayak maybe and I knew how to use that kayak whilst white water rafting fun but I don't and I haven't got one this Beast of a Waterway was the river earthing a major tributary for the river Eden which we'd be picking up around Carlisle on our next day's walk we are so trusting this bridge look at this folks actual Blue Sky we'll take that even after just five minutes nice coming up over the brow hey and there is more section of the wall here sometimes it just feels really random in the middle of fields and farmland but I suppose what's random is the fields and farmland not the wall and this was Where I Stood up here went up there and had a little picture on this corner that's Britain from the northernmost point to the southernmost point of the country by every single National Park and the highest point which we hiked up to always raise awareness for mental health getting outdoors power of community and Environmental Conservation giving Back To Nature and the people around us 2000 miles 55 days man what an adventure it was so cool being stood here it's it's really really nice actually sort of having the opportunities along this walk to reflect on trips that have passed for and the Pennine way and her Coast to Coast Journeys that she's done from north to south it's quite special isn't it cheers cheers cheers and on their notes talking of special we're at bird as well Fort uh and that's where we're gonna go and get hopefully some takeaway warm things the priorities in life yeah so that's the museum sadly no time to go into that right now and Cafe that's the one we want let's see what we can make in it yeah I did all of it yeah I was hungry what is that is [Laughter] well I was gonna save it and then I I have brought it with me it's just in my tummy well we have coffee and I have cake and tea well she is cake I ate mine what's the saying you can't have your cake and eat it well I can oh we're gonna feel chilly now oh yeah that's cold yeah so leaving bird is wild this wall just goes on and on and on it's sort of deteriorates in its quality and then Fizzles out all together to become a rather quaint English hedge well it's been anyone we've had enough swimming today thanks look at this folks cameras out not that there's loads to film because we've left behind the awesome geographical stuff but still the sun is shining on us and it feels very Autumn or slash spring-like because everything's super green now man what a wild and wet day it's been really wet some of those downfalls but yeah we're just basically following the road now all the way to Walton we've got a couple of Miles where we jack off but it's good because I mean speed walking we can actually chat rather than being in our little Hood Bubbles and uh well maybe we'll get there just before it's completely pitch black hope so see look at this brightness wow that's beautiful from this humble country road we gained our first views over the pennines and cumbrian Fells it felt utterly magical to have a moment of sunshine and we soaked it up like lizards a bit further on and we reached yet more turrets Piper psych 51a turret 51b and Banks East turret 52a for me it was really starting to feel far too much like a maths lesson honesty snack shed what have we got here everything one pound but where is it oh this looks promising honestly snack shed oh what there's tea here and look at this wow that's a good find oh Cheerios laughs some Flapjacks add fillers Vasa [Music] another part of the wall here able to see out again extremely amazing vantage point over Cumbria uh less so this way but still No One's Gonna bother this is Banks here this whole collection of houses walked in three and a quarter foreign it's definitely showing off just rain pouring down over there in fact there's an entire wall here and yes it is coming towards us so beautiful that is the power of nature right there I don't like that that's getting close now well the weather quarters camera is away it was out for 20 minutes what is this Sam yeah I think we should keep moving this is none of us move come on we can do it it's dry over there just one of those days really [Applause] [Applause] another really high river here just absurd how much rain is falling over these last couple of days look at that still muddied and full of silt cheers we just survived these are the rewards of rainy days rainbows so we are on the last mile and a half to water and we've just decided to follow the road because it's a bit quicker um actually it's probably two miles because we've just got to get to the campsite slash bunk house place where we're hoping we can hustle in and dry things out but what a fantastic way to conclude today's walk a bit of sunshine and some really quite frankly stunning Skies Bulletin Happy Days good stuff so before it gets dark we have arrived at Walton so there's flurries on the wall here which is an independent hostel and we're heading to Sandy Sykes they've got a little bunk house and campsite um and we're figure out the situation when we get there this is a Sandy site bunk house and camping so I'm presuming we just go through here and head up the drive what do you think so we've done pretty well we're almost out of daylight and we've arrived so that's quite fulfilling despite the challenges that we've had today with the weather and definitely a bit of a Mojo drop for me at one point we've made it sound is like bunk house here we go look at this geez that's flooded hiya how are we doing it's like eating drum constant oh bro I assumed you'd have things you wanted to dry out yeah okay ideal cool thank you foreign tasty this is my delicacy for tonight Smash and cheese that's how you know you're backpacking nothing to chew full-on baby food home sweet home [Music] [Music] look like like when your socks stands up on its side that is so disgusting so this is where we stayed we arrived in darkness under the cover of night and this is the little bunk house area there's definitely a good cozy little hub and coming out we've got a bit of a breeze today sun's coming up over there looks a bit wet let's see how we go today something to be proud of or not day five here we go tell you what that bunk house was gold dust just being able to dry things out after these two soggy days that we've had it's it's such a nice experience and there's definitely a time for like roughing it and then there's a time for actually choosing to enjoy something so yeah hopefully it'll stay dry today and it's just really nice starting with Crispy cloves as opposed to squeeze outable clothes a bit of a squeeze for a hit oh what morning foreign [Music] over the bridge that was built for the hikers in 2003 I could definitely see the water levels dropped a little bit you can tell by the combed back grass where the level was yesterday so that Island definitely was covered the banks here we're good that's dropped quite a bit this is someone's compost heap and there were tomatoes on it that's my standards basically I took these out of the rubbish nice free food maybe they're actually like explosive tomatoes foreign good job I didn't eat too much last night the snack shed there's a hiker outside which always bodes well what is it should we go have a look is welcome don't throw a dusk good morning all right yeah goji good this looks fun Jesus they got enough stuff wow I mean this there's everything you could ever want in here is that popcorn do they have popcorn no nevermind oh okay it's uh definitely nice finding these honesty sheds because I don't know it just it makes you feel very welcome as a hiker so sure in your journey like you're not being a pest because uh it's quite easy in various places to feel like you're not welcome as a hiker Burgers that's mad that is trousers is emergency brilliant [Music] um there's a big old barn over there and we can sort of see it's just looking a little bit more industrial as we're walking heading on towards the outskirts of Carlisle what what's your head you want to yeah I'm gonna freeze it oh but it's so nice what this sign is essentially saying is don't squat down for a week because someone might have a camera there reality is a Farmland walking muddy stretches like this can be a little bit annoying as a hiker but I always take the opportunity to look closer and here I managed to spot some Footprints from badges foreign again here very prominent drop down back up and essentially we're walking on the wall now through this field and all these other fields as well Crosby on Eden that's our next destination heading up to cross over the a six eight nine there you go [Applause] so many conquers the route was a bit of a maze of fields and settlements old war Crosby low Crosby lindstock we just followed the signs and kept on walking making the most of the dry spell of weather full actually the Eden Rises between Cumbria and North Yorkshire as red Gale Beck then traveling for 90 miles to the soulway Firth along the way it's joined by the river earthing imont calgu and others creating a force to be reckoned with by the time it reaches the Coast lots of Himalayan Balsam growing around here an invasive species smells nicely foreign [Music] look at this two and a quarter miles to go to Carlisle well that's rather good we can do that Carlisle marks 11 and a half miles in for us today quite exactly apparently I'm leaving sort of seven miles or so for the second half of the day our plan is to just pop in find coffee and tea naturally and a couple of snacks for the remainder of our trip and it's a bit odd really because we're so close to bonus and Solway now but just not quite close enough to bang it all out today you know it's just with the daylight and everything maybe in the summer we might have done but it's quite nice having a shorter day ahead of us tomorrow made today feel a bit less intimidating you can probably hear the road noise in the background it's not too far away well well you waves you wave yeah well we gotta try these ones hey are we childish maybe get out of mistakes right next up it was on along the psychopath to riccabee where a Folly Tower sits rather peculiarly and alone in a field likely built in 1865 in the grounds of the old rickety house trout so this is rickerby park now just on the outskirts of Carlisle we are getting there this park has been open to the public since the 1920s and from our footpath we could see a monument dedicated to the remembrance of those who fell in the Great War [Music] there is so crossing over the Eden now which is kind of cool definitely appreciating the artwork on these Gates it's a fantastic Metal Bridge here back onto the whole Bridge thing again it's really not a problem honestly 1922 so beautiful in the sunshine it's windy today but just stunning the bridge is officially called the Memorial Bridge after the monument and the park itself though is known locally as the suspension bridge it was a beautiful and peaceful spot surprising really since we were right next to a bustling City well we've been walking through the country Park and have decided this is where we're going to cut into Carlisle I think is that a group yeah um and I'm going to find a store and so and so and then sort of cut back to the river because we've got plenty more River later so that's us let's go for me it was actually a rather daunting perspective that we were going to walk into the city but the calling of a brew encouraged me to push through and the option for a resupply AKA getting some food was the strongest motivator of all I love food oh this is different from everything we've seen so far I think we go right here Carlisle is actually a rather spacious City that openly celebrates its connection to the wall and the Hadrian's Wall hike something that made us feel just that little bit more comfortable jumping around with our massive backpacks this is Carlisle here she comes this is the high life thank you very much right we've had tea we've had coffee we've had some food and a whistle top store a Whistle Stop tour of Carlisle and now we're just heading back down to the river to rejoin the way I think for both of us but I can definitely speak for myself it's like sensory overload quite ready to be back in nature and really looking forward to more River walking look at the size of these willow trees absolutely massive some really really nice trees around here leaving the noise of the city behind we were now in butts Park a Haven of ancient trees and open spaces only 800 meters away from the city center there was plenty within the park to keep us engaged such as this sign detailing about the original fort in Carlisle then before long we were back on the banks of the river Eden where we spotted a heron fishing for a late lunch foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know if you can see but the river is down there and whilst we've been following its course we're near the end of it now but we haven't been able to see it too much just working our way up and down through the woods but it's really Pleasant walking it didn't take too long to leave behind the City of Carlisle not like the first day with Newcastle that took the whole day to escape the connotation it's just been overall very pleasant easy day no complaints here this whole riverbed is jammed full of forget-me-nots just these blue flowers it's the same on the other side got the Himalayan Balsam there and then coming down boom it's October it's quite cool wow that's a lot of shroomage use the style not the gate snap check [Music] [Laughter] it's quite narrow oh no I can do it I will persevere no why can't we use the game what's the problem jeez e it is whatever that is oh that's exhausting the root felt pretty random and just endlessly headed west with very little evidence that the wall ever existed here excuse me this one's like uh what oh it's okay now quite a few muddy statues around here which require Elegance and precision and fearlessness look at that graceful as an elk [Laughter] and a short while further on ah yes we've got diversion due to a landslide here along the river so actually we just follow the road into Beaumont now oh we don't get the last bit of river as well that's sad so first signs to Bow Nest even though it's the road nine miles that's rather cool so this is the beginning of beaumore which is where we're staying tonight and Anne's theory has proved correct that everyday finishes on a hill let's get it done Beaumont on the St Mary's Church sits Atop The beautiful mountain which gives the village its name unsurprisingly the church is largely built using stones from the wall and yet is actually the only church on the entire route that sits directly on the line of the wall after a quick look around it was a short walk down the road to our campsite this looks like us Roman wall lodges cabins and campsite so we would hold that this campsite flooded yesterday but it seems to severity right now hello whatever looks nice doesn't it [Music] well that says tense it up and we are settled in the winds are really quite strong actually so we sheltered behind the Huts there's no big deal we're both very happy to be in our tents and we've just been reflecting you know we've been on the go for three weeks in total with our own retroffective adventures and then coming down to finish on the Hadrian's Wall path for me for the season as my last long distance hike um and how much we're gonna actually miss this like even though we've had the two really wet days in the rain like finding the bunk houses and all the little golden nuggets that you served every day from the light in the sky to the smiles just the funny things that happen whether you're alone or with somebody else like this is such a special thing to be able to just be out here connected with nature in the seasons in their elements and just so grounded and life is so simple even though it feels very intense huh intense foreign everybody we made it inside the shelter and we're just looking at a map whilst drinking tea and coffee well I'm drinking coffee um today looks pretty much like a road area Lane day which is great because it's pretty torrential out there um we will just amble along at a steady pace and uh attempt to communicate you know what we should do I have an idea when we're in our hoods right we should get two cans and have a little can with some string attached so then we can talk and we do have to keep it taught yeah well if their car wants to come past sucks to be them yeah Village 287 yards that's so specific which is through the gate are we going through the gate or on the road through the gate okay it is a bit of a zero and thankfully this farmer has been very considerate and not made us walk through that because that was yesterday's journey and we have our own little dedicated section here 287 yards later oh 150 yards now hang on I miscounted yards later and we made it to Breath by Sands where we just had to check out the 13th century Saint Michael's church again its walls largely being made from Stone from Hadrian's Wall and it sits on the site that was once a Roman fort anything look at that 1709 wow it was a fascinating place the builders clearly weren't too bothered which rocks they used as near the altar is a stone with the face of a pagan God meaning that when the faithful face the altar they are also bowing to a pagan God ah so we let the museum oh wow isn't that cute at the back end of the building was a mini Museum but most interestingly of all a fine collection of carvings etched into the stone which really got my imagination flowing leaving the church behind we next passed a monument to Edward the first marking the spot where the so-called Hammer of the Scots died of dysentery whilst waiting to cross the soul wave Earth on the 7th of July 1307. he is now buried in Westminster Abbey thank you very liable to Tidal flooding I think it's reliable for any kind of flooding on a day like today so we have this billboard here this is where we've just passed through essentially we're just going to follow the coast along this road there's a little lane there it goes all the way to bonus and Solway which is here and you can see some of these areas of Tide including this road it's definitely a risk of tidal flooding so we've got the Subway first of course the Solway Coast oh is it in much bigger and this is where the Eden goes out into the sea go ahead pass some noisy cattle bridge look at that we've actually got close guys so I'm gonna get my house out in a shape of optimism and I hope that it can stay out and my camera I think it's got to be done it's carrying its hard work gets so squashed in my bag there we go a big open space now and this is what's gonna take us to the end cheeses for you you are too yeah geez we gotta have a chance we're having a cheese fest take a note cake this is laugh on the tree this is what you do and you're walking to the soulway for just to bring together Scotland and England Scottish eight cakes and English cheese we are the peacekeepers of the land modern day Warriors it was Heavenly now that the sun had come out and our Spirits soared as we looked north towards Scotland and West towards our Journey's End the miles will pass in quickly here along the road and Dyke that ran alongside though we were reminded why there was a dike there in the first place by the flood signs that we passed every 100 meters or so the Solway Firth comprises parts of the Irish Sea and the coastline is characterized by low Hills and small mountains it was rural with only small villages and settlements and very exposed to Tidal flooding however it's these floods that make this place an area of outstanding Natural Beauty with the salt and mud flats attracting a huge amount of marine life here we are we've reached the drum bag one of the many settlements along this stretch of coast kind of makes me want to drum it that firm's called drummberg Castle huh I mean it's a rather large building [Music] [Music] we have opted to stay on the road for ease of walking and it's so nice because we're super close to the water here and just the views that everything is just amounting to make this a really quite a special section and it's nice because whilst they're really hard to film there's egrets there's curlies there's lap Wings there's loads of different bird life flying around and this area in many ways a triple SI and our area of outstanding natural beauty there's uh loads of different environmental designations protecting it forest floor and fauna so here we are going to rejoin the footpath and actually follow it this time have a short stretch off the road see how we go [Music] I've got all the autumnal berries filling the Hedge Rose the rose hip they've been Hawthorne and Holly [Music] poor Carlisle constructed to improve transport links between Carlisle and Solway Coast the Carlisle ship canal turned what was once a scattering of houses into a thriving Village wow so we're here on the key looking out over the outer dock that's what that rock collection is Kirkland Scar the um the bank here Hayden's wall National Shield I says less than a mile to go now ouch along the water's edge was to be [Music] and a shadow stretched out before us we were reminded that no storm in life can last forever and two of the soldiers and civilians that once roamed these lands far away from home with their stories now left behind on billboards and within guidebooks we knew that one day we also would only be shadows of the past and so resolved there and then to never stop exploring sleeping under the stars eating good food laughing and seeing the beauty of every experience we were gifted I can see a sign bonus on subway it is happening look at this sign to finish at the banks 130 yards to go [Music] here we go oh that brings back memories here it is welcome to the end of Hadrian's war path we've done it 84 miles in five days what an adventure it's been good we've had some weather you have we have weathered the weather and this spot is so beautiful it's been a really nice walk today here yeah it's been really a lot better than they said it would be a lot better yeah it's a really special spot here ending on the Solway first and having traveled another coast to coast and this time together yeah how would you summarize this walk in one word this is brilliant brilliant look at that I love it the Moodle section that Pennine way stretch is definitely the more challenging bit yeah but I think this this walk is just a fantastic opportunity for anyone who wants to get into hiking there's so much to see along the way there's lots of flatter level parts and there's enough challenge to keep it stimulating I feel you can camp it you can be and be it there's so many different options and of course you can plan that through the hiker app which you can download There's hiker with two eyes and plot your route see where there's campsite see where there's bunk houses see where there's historical sites to go and visit everything is on there you can choose your map that you want to navigate by and there's a really good safety feature to have in your pocket as well that GPS so you can always stay located never ever substitute for good old Papa Murph and paper well a paper map with a company um that's gonna be always the solution but it's really good and I'm gonna get Anne to download it now we're gonna go and get a cup of tea and uh plan future Adventures because there are so many trails on there the hiker app it is but anyway good trip thank you for accompanying this journey thank you for having me you have been a good hiking partner and so have you she's kept my morale out when I've just been miserable in the rain so it's been wet yeah we've come for a lot which actually makes it even more rewarding yeah yeah yeah but nice The Sun Shines now exactly what a way to finish well thank you guys for watching we hope you've enjoyed this experience from the comfort of your living room in a nice comfortable chair with a cup of tea whilst we've been out in the rain exactly without a cup of tea never mind the rain how's that as I'm sad as far but we've made it and really appreciate you guys sticking along for the journey hopefully this has inspired you to get out if not on the Hadrian's war path than any other Trail because there's so much big wide world to explore get your boots on get your rucksack doesn't have to be as big and heavy as ours and go and have an adventure until next time stay wild see you soon bye standing there looking out over the soulway Firth in Scotland felt phenomenal life is only a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see and on this walk we have seen more than just a few Stones piled up across the country we had seen thousands of years of History play out and our lives play forward we knew we now had our chance to influence the story by committing to the way of the trail that meant never being ashamed of the scars left behind by life refusing to back down when the storms rage and being brave enough to share openly laugh often trust care and of course to take the time often to enjoy a brew with those you love [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Abbie Barnes | Spend More Time In The WILD
Views: 132,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abbie barnes, Thru Hiking, Backpacking, Song Thrush Productions, Adventure, Hiking, Day Hikes, Gear review, Foraging, Walking, Mental health, wellbeing, Trekking, National Park, Mountain, spend more time in the wild, travel, trail, community, long distance, national trail, lake district, camping, wild camping, expedition, stay wild, UK hiking, filmmaking, vlog, photography, cycling, biking, uk, hadrians wall, footpath, hike, newcastle, bowness, coast to coast, map, kit list, bunkhouse, scotland
Id: RsLwJTh5y5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 37sec (8197 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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