Coniston Water Tarn How's Circuit | Low Level Lake District Walks

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[Music] good morning folks welcome to the edge of coniston I am in the Lake District National Park this is one of my final walks here actually before I move on on my travels I've been here for 10 days so far every single day bombing about the mountains and then yesterday I came down with a cold um I spent some time in Scotland before this so it's been a couple of weeks now that's been very intense just every day Mountain days long days sort of between seven and 12 hours out and about I think it's finally catching up on me so I'm staying low as I say I'm by coniston water here and I'm gonna do just a little I think it's about six mile walk to coniston Village itself and then to tan house past Tom Falls there's gonna be some beautiful scenery it's gonna be exciting and uh I'll tell you what I wouldn't be surprised if we get a thunder shower because it is so humid right now and here's conniston right behind me let's have a closer look and then let's get on with a walk coniston water is the third largest lake in the Lake District national park by volume and the fifth largest by area It's a Wonderful example of a ribbon Lake formed by glaciation and it sits in a U-shaped valley that would have been scoured by a glacier during the last ice age heading into the village of coniston now just a short walk along the road really so coniston grew up around the farming Industries and Mining of copper and iron ore and in Victorian times it became popular as a tourist destination and really that's the main economy going on here today it's a lovely place but geez does it get busy on a sunny day as I followed the path alongside with stunning Wildflower Meadows alive with color and life mountains frame the scene and overall I was reminded that low-level walks in the National Park can certainly offer some of the most stunning views [Music] so I just accidentally missed my turning it was just going to take me over the back so I'm just walking along the road I'm gonna pick up another footpath a bit further on geez you know you know when you're just like all fluid everything is just like not working and it's like a hot sweat that is me right now hopefully I'll get detoxed in nature today this would definitely be a lot nicer alongside the back on the opposite side of the woods I just have to get past this little bit of Road and then I can move in how that happens sometimes just missed like the most obvious footpath everything around here is signed as well as the beauty of the Lake District at least low level Daft moment here we go people public footpath skiddish I just have to figure out how to get through this weird thing excuse me Sony it's so far oh really are we doing this today great that's gonna be icy maybe he'll do me good maybe it'll be the healing powers of the water [Applause] boots off socks off let's go this would be why the footpath went over the bridge earlier that I missed oh [Applause] [Applause] made it all right sucks back on and then we hit the trail this is eventful one mile so far right now then we're working our way on towards tarnhouse Woods um and then from there onto tan house itself and it's going to be really one of the highlights of the walk today um used to be three times in the 1800s though it was well damned and uh made into one big picturesque tan and lots of conifers were planted because particularly at the time they were desired as scenically attractive trees and nowadays it's a bit of a hot spot it's very busy there for a little low level walk walking around the town so we're gonna walk around and it's gonna be interesting I haven't been back since I did the Cumbria way I think it was 2015 and to be fair as a kid uh I spent a lot of time there pretty much learned to walk walking around townhouse [Music] through the gate thank you [Music] eventually there was a break in a dense canopy and I could see a cross to the high level water that I love to explore including the classic coniston round if you haven't seen that video make sure you check it out after this one as it's a walk and not to be missed thank you [Music] this is magnificent oak trees I mean look at this real nod and ancient really broad base as well and they're just littering the valley here your Beach as well and then another Oak up ahead and the blue bells of course we have picked up a Tarmac track that sounds like a song we have picked up the tile map jacket great stuff this nonsense that way to coniston bluebells this way to town house let's go all right just gonna figure out which way it is now let's leave it that way or that way I have a few things this way let's go have a look trying to tap into that distant memory it is my childhood 24 years old 25 in 15 days terrifying actually there we go so this is taunt house check it out so even on a gray day it looks pretty beautiful purchased by Beatrix Potter in 1930 by 1945 the entire estate was in the hands of the National Trust if you still own it now making it really accessible to everybody well you've got to be a member I suppose look at this just beautiful subtle hint about the National Trust a side there really is something utterly magical about Tarn house despite the fact that it's man-made and being so accessible it makes it a very popular spot for people to visit in the late District National Park job now is to walk around townhouse and then we'll head all the way back to coniston I think what I'm going to do is just uh let this part of the Walk happen tell the story through the visuals so enjoy the footage that's going to come and I'll see you when we get back here having completed the round let's do this The National Trust have made every effort to protect the lands around town house from the heavy footfall and since 1965 it's been designated as a site of special scientific interest in one way it's paid off making this route highly accessible and a real treat for those who are unable to get high up into the Hills so much Beauty all around from the immense diversity of plants life Money Trees where people make a wish and put a penny in the logs beautiful views over the lake and lots of wildlife on the move [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you the circuit around the town is one that encourages peace and Tranquility Stillness and deep breathing it's almost spiritual something you can only really truly understand by visiting the area alrighty I'm back so that was tarnhouse it's just beautiful even in this really quite drab and overcast light really really pleasant walk it's quite busy um I enjoyed just sort of losing myself in my head a little bit taking in the little things it's amazing how much Clear filling they're doing as well but now actresses it's a little bit Drizzy actually um we're gonna make our way back to the car all right let's head through the car park what does the sign say coniston ideal two and a half miles let's go always find it really hard to capture a forest but it feels like the purity of the air the depth of the green the diversity of species from the canopy above to the forest floor it's just alive you know there's the bird song There's the gnarled bark of each and every individual tree it's just such a all-consuming experience and you know you think about Forest bathing which is really kicked off um shinrin Yoku that's what it's called Japanese name basically you know people go into forests and they just be they try to just blend in and merge with nature and I you know I I don't have an issue with these things being encouraged but I find it almost odd that we have to prescribe them nowadays that they have to become a trend for people to want to do them another Wellness thing that oh I'm going to go Forest bathing is say well people have walked through the woods for as long as humans have existed you know we are part of nature we need nature and I think so many mental illnesses come from a lack of connection a lack of connection to Nature to ourselves which we gain through nature to meaning and purpose which we gain through being part of the big wide world there's so much depth to who we are and I think we're almost forced and crammed into a very narrow way of existing I'm just not built for that so forest for me it was a very refractive place you can breathe a little bit deeper and sound a little bit taller here we go monk coniston quarter of a mile back to the car park and then coniston if that's where you ended up parking this is mine and a half that way let's go foreign State look at that it's just ginormous and we've got this almost Asia like tree I think it is and then up a head rhododendron beautiful splash of color so there's the wool Garden around here and I don't know if that's something we can just go into or whether the footpath goes through looks like the footpath goes for because I haven't really got very much time I'm on a time schedule today but uh take a peek anyway why not [Music] the world Garden was a really nice spot and despite being early in the growing season there were plenty of plants about giving the air a wonderful herbal fragrance that is a very useful sign Lake this way just beautiful oh man there is uh gone you can't see the mountain at all actually I'm just heading down now towards the lake so that's kind of it now folks I'm just gonna walk through the drizzly rainness back to the car which I can actually just see there um I enjoyed that little route I really struggle to get myself out this morning uh yesterday I didn't manage at all I've had my first ever rest day in my life um and just like hang around the campsite and chilled and did some work and plant my itinerary actually which was really good I didn't agree that was yesterday and today is a whole new day and I managed to get out and I feel good for it so uh thank you for following along maybe this has inspired you to come and explore town house and the surrounding Hills of the monk honest and estate really is a special place and actually if I had more time and it was sunny I think I'd just frighten the tree and sit under it and just be be merry I reckon in a day or two this cold will have shifted I'm listening to my body I'm learning to respect it I'm on this whole new journey of pushing myself Harder Faster further yet at the same time factoring in rest so that things are sustainable I'm learning a lot and uh yeah I've enjoyed this a lot today so thank you thank you for watching and until next time enjoy your own Adventures wherever they may be and stay wild I'll see you soon bye [Music]
Channel: Abbie Barnes / Spend More Time In The WILD
Views: 6,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abbie barnes, Thru Hiking, Backpacking, Song Thrush Productions, Adventure, Hiking, Day Hikes, Gear review, Foraging, Walking, Mental health, wellbeing, Trekking, National Park, Mountain, spend more time in the wild, travel, trail, community, long distance, national trail, scotland, lake district, camping, wild camping, expedition, stay wild, UK hiking, filmmaking, vlog, photography, cycling, biking, uk, coniston water, coniston village, low level, family friendly, wheelchair friendly, tarn
Id: R23aIkE7AZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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