Lake District Walks | Grasmere & Rydal Water Circuit Low Level Hike

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[Music] hey everybody how's it going welcome to another video my name is Abby and this is female time in the wild and even more exciting than that news I'm here in Grasmere in the Lake District National Park which is one of my favorite places on the planet I think most people who have come here end up returning here and Grasmere somewhere I haven't spent a huge amount of time I spent a lot of time in the Lake District particularly getting up high and walking on the fields now right now behind me you can see a car park if I spin around we can start to see some of the undulation that makes up the Lake District National Park shall we say now it is getting towards the end of March 2022 I know a lot of people are interested in what time of year I actually get out and the forecast is looking good for the next few days I'm here just bimbling around coming off the back of the national outdoor expo which I highly recommend putting in your diary for next year 2023 anyway the point of today this afternoon is to go for a lower level walk I'm really Keen to Showcase that Adventure is as much about mindset as it is about physicality it's how we approach challenges and the things that lie in front of us the obstacles we have to work around and for some people getting up high is a bit much and there are so many different options here in the Lake District that are lower level that are less challenging but equally as stimulating and exciting and that's what we're going to be doing today heading towards grassmore Village Grasmere Village rather and around Ryder water which is one of the many Lake districts here or the lakes here in the National Park Jesus can't get my words out it's uh it's been a while since I've got out and to be honest I've just had five hours in the car so I think that's why I'm a bit stuffy I'm gonna go pay for parking and then we're going to hit the trail and hopefully my brain and mouth will sink a little bit better once I get started this is all owned by the National Park which is actually a world heritage side just FYI so it's only three o'clock now I'm gonna have to get four hours actually how close are we to three o'clock let's have a quick check in here oh 10 minutes I'm gonna get three hours three hours is gonna take us through to 6 p.m and uh and we can be free on the parking front how are we gonna do this then just get my final bits and Bobs ready just packing a small pack really uh I've got this which is the OS map number seven paper gonna be using that for navigation although in reality is I'm probably gonna end up using that app on my phone in there to go cool 258 heading into Grassmere Village which is very renowned for Dorothy and Williams worth who says it's one of the greatest places discovered by man very exciting well so it's pretty flat light today I'm not actually sure what to make a video ah and just as we'll leave the car park we have a billboard which actually shows buses but it's great for helping to just highlight where we are so this is Windermere which is one of the most famous places here in the Lake District it's a real Honeypot site everybody comes here except the people that don't um and we are here Grasmere and uh basically going to be walking around these two little lakes here which make up Rydal gonna be stunning let's get cracking famous for its gingerbread Grossman Village is a bustling Place almost all year round to be honest I've never given myself the time of day to look around properly as I find the busyness a little bit overwhelming but I can assure you that the garden village has very good gelato and that tends to be where we end up after my wild walk in the region so I just turned at a junction here we've got the main road heading into grassmer Village itself a little bit more detailed and we're cutting off onto this smaller road now which actually goes around Grasmere lake so that's sort of the first part of this walk there's the option to take some footpaths and things I'm gonna basically design this as I go as is generally quite fun to do actually but we're now about to encounter a very interesting animal hey it's a red deer moose thing looks like it should be out of the high Lindsay just living the chaos of the cars behind and then literally of course with a mile later we have got Grasmere water just there and that's where we're going to be walking around really really exciting we've got a footpath here um which is Chapel style so basically you can head up here and then essentially Contour a longer field boundary and then drop back down to the road the road length is essentially half a mile and then the walk up there is a little bit further now no doubt it would guarantee pretty decent views across Grasmere and Ryder water but uh I'm gonna leave that for today probably because I'm just trying to like easy and keep this nice and nice and simple um and uh try and get this thing done before it gets dark so along the road it is just a short walk and then we'll be picking up a footpath actually along the shore of grassmate itself how cool is this little gate just uh itched into these Mossy tall slate walls so characteristic of the Lake District the lane took me by what seemed to be a number of very large Estates which are interesting because they had Gardens bursting with exotic plants and sculptures it's Bonkers really how quickly one can leave behind the crowds I mean this is a very very popular low level walk here good rainy day amble but uh you know this this area here on the left is uh all managed landscape in fact the whole of the Lake District is a managed landscape but what's really nice about it is so much work is being done to create a wildlife friendly space and as many of us know water is a very Wildlife friendly space if it's clean and uh grass mirror is fed by the river Roth a geez I find that hard to rust um and it's just beautiful actually really enjoying this we've got the moss on the walls here classic sleep slabs ah get out late District look at this there's the island this uh basically Grasmere Island the only Island in Grasmere itself and here's a very iconic view indeed slow and steady progress today that's what we like so turn it off from the road now officially onto foot path so here is just one of the incredible views we're going to be getting today and we can see we've got a sign here indicating that this is managed by The National Trust now it's not owned it's leased by The National Trust From the lother estate um so sort of their working partnership to help conserve protect and manage this beautiful place and as you can see it really is a beautiful place down we go is that beautiful crisp crunchy sound underfoot indicating that you're walking on Lakeland sleet gotta love it just need to highlight how incredible this tree is absolutely ginormous fun all these incredible branches shooting off in every direction well skywards is the common theme so let's just say hello to this gnarled tree hello now little tree good good then let's go down to the shores of Grasmere because I feel it's always very important to initiate someone's boots in the lake alongside moana's walk although one of the smallest lakes in the National Park grasma's Beauty was astounding and by this point my walking had slowed dramatically as I simply had to savor the moment [Music] geez every footstep just opens up another another little spot it's just mind-bogglingly beautiful [Music] clearly uh just pollarding these trees here you can see lots of wood taken off them and quite often this is all in order to help the longevity of the tree so what they do is basically chop off the main branches and leave a stump and a lot of people think that oh no the tree is dead but what it does is it encourages new shoots to come out and the tree to grow in a very healthy way actually we've got a issue with Ash dieback here in the UK um beautiful ash trees are so under threat from this disease which is spreading like wildfire and uh killing them so by highlighting them it sort of gives the tree one last chance to kick out some reserves and start anew now if this was Scotland this would be a Bobby I don't believe that it is you can see no camping or fires please but we've got this little fishing lodge here just sitting here looking out over the leg doesn't get more picturesque than that really [Music] it's pretty cool actually up ahead you can see La frig big mounds essentially um there's a footpath heading up three through five meters above sea level I believe just grabbing it's uh brownie shaded overalls today but the water is getting still and just about bouncing off a reflection it's good stuff oh wow look at this now we've had some serious storms this winter so I don't know if all of this is just wood that's falling down and being managed now you can see we're heading into the high close estate which is deer bolts wood there's all these trees just chopped so conservation management or storm damage question mark just come down onto the floor here this Bank alongside the footpath there's these tiny green shoots and these are blue bells just emerging from the soil give them a few more weeks and this will be a fragrant mass of stunning flowers can't wait so you can see my little camera set up here Sony triple bouncing Sony filming the daffodils filming the Ducks coming past with the leg this is some of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] white Moss with Walkers welcome [Music] [Music] okay this is what I've realized where I pointed out the ride or cave sign that was the route so it comes down here continuing on to ride a water so in front of us that bulk of a mountain is heron Pike which is actually part of the Fairfield horseshoe um a film that is on my channel have a look uh starting from Ambleside hooping up NAB Scar and uh all the way around Heron Pike Fairfield Dove Crag and back down um ah it's a stunning stunning stunning stunning stunning walk I can't recommend it enough it is popular for a reason and just down there that is Bridal water now listen I know you're not supposed to have favorites but for me Rider water is definitely my top pick out of the two Lakes I can't exactly explain why though it just feels Wilder and there's so much more depth to the lands around [Music] thank you really is a very short walk um and we're now looping around the Eastern edge of Rider water you can see we've got some herdwick sheep just here these are the sheep that are bred and are native to the Lake District National Park they are by far my favorite sheep they're just so so cool really really Hardy creatures I'm just so fluffy and happy looking they've become real icons in the lake districts and in a way they've shaped it to what it is today yes mankind remove the trees but these sheep which graze the hills and the Fells around us they keep it unforested if there were no sheep the Lake District would certainly look very different to what it appears to be today oh volume three it's uh get over this one yeah and then uh crossing over the rickety Old Bridge thank you [Applause] well this road here is the ae591 connects Keswick Ambleside Windermere Grasmere they're all along this road uh it's a busy one absolutely packed in the summer um and what I'm doing now is heading along to well past Rider mount actually makes me wonder if I can go that way um and on to ride a horse that is wild garlic and these are daffodils what an amazing spread of color there wow [Applause] wow this epic patch was actually slightly off Route but I just couldn't pass by the opportunity to see this immense display of daffodils which felt exceptionally fitting given that William Wordsworth wrote his poem I wondered lonely as a cloud detailing about the golden daffodils in the area this to me felt like an amazing way to connect with the cultural history of the region I'm very conscious of daylight now because I'm literally at the furthest point of the walk and uh I need to speed up so I had a look at the daffodils I've left the daffodils behind I'm now heading past a bridal church and then I'm gonna join sort of another terrorist path that will take us all the way back to grasman actually this road had a lot going on there was Saint Mary's Church and also ride or Hall and house a grade two listed building built in a 15th century ah and then there was ride or Mount the historic home of William Wordsworth himself straight on for Fairfield left for the coffin route so this is actually a footpath I took by mistake when I was going to do the Fairfield round and now I actually used to walk it which is super exciting gonna keep our eye open for red squirrels and wildflowers and I'm out of breath because I just ran up to a hill don't ask me why I did that wow and the sun pierced from behind the clouds it is breathtakingly beautiful look at this [Applause] you might find yourself wondering why this root is called the coffin root it's actually because it's an old almost pilgrimage path that people would take when it's an Oswald's church and Grasmere was the only church with a graveyard essentially so coming across from Ambleside where people may have died and uh taking them to a church they had to come all the way along here come down to Grasmere so we're really walking in the footsteps of those who have passed on to A Whole New World in a way it was like I'm in a whole new world just being here in the Lake District so special and I'm high as a kite right now [Music] foreign [Music] smash the wall and just about miss the telegrapher picked up a little bit of tarmac here you can see from the sign behind me no um we are at White Moss common so this is again just another piece of land Open Access land um you can sort of loop around there's lots of different footpaths going on a few different car parts but for simplicity's sake just gonna follow the road and uh essentially it's a little cycle route and then that's this is going to take us down to the road into Grasmere so to be honest it's not the worst place to conclude today's walk especially as there's fading light but if I just stop and you listen a second you just here always a different bird singing their thanks for the day and you know I gained so much inspiration from Birds I just find this thing in the morning no matter the weather no matter the season and they sing in the evening just full of gratitude it seems and uh yeah I'd like to try and live my life like that it's always easy but yeah this has been a really cool walk and I'm excited because this has possibly can become one of our staple wild walks so if you're unfamiliar I run walks across the country every single month that you can come and join The Limited numbers because the design for people who just want to connect with the community and get out for a really good day have fun uh people say there's they've been on nothing else that is like them they just have such a heart and we have so much fun um some of the more challenging walks something easier this is obviously an easier one and if you want to use that word I don't really like that word but in a sense that you know I'll probably combine this with a pub lunch somewhere and you guys can come join come hang out come connect with the community so keep an eye on spend more time in the wild dot Co dot UK for updates on wild walks that I'm running across the UK and in the meantime guys do enjoy your adventures whether they're here in the Lake District or somewhere else and until next time stay wild I'll see you soon I can't do my little thing because I've got a camera in my hand hang on see you soon stay Wild [Music]
Channel: Abbie Barnes / Spend More Time In The WILD
Views: 11,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abbie barnes, Thru Hiking, Backpacking, Song Thrush Productions, Adventure, Hiking, Day Hikes, Foraging, Walking, Mental health, wellbeing, Trekking, National Park, Mountain, spend more time in the wild, travel, trail, community, long distance, national trail, scotland, lake district, camping, wild camping, expedition, stay wild, UK hiking, filmmaking, vlog, photography, cycling, biking, uk, keswick, coast to coast, grasmere, windermere, rydal, William wordsworth, lake, low level, family friendly
Id: L9iYxy_GA0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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