Lake District Walks | The Full Coniston Horseshoe

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[Music] thank you [Music] good morning morning welcome to the Lake District National Park I'm in coniston today it's I know what time it is probably like half past seven and I've got new boots yay they feel a bit weird even though they're there I think this is like the eighth pair of these I've had they actually discontinued and somehow I still managed to always find a new pair I'm kind of tempted to walk along with the label on but I'm not gonna do that that's a hat thing right anyway um it's a sun cream kind of day it's gonna get hot and sunny and I'm including the fact I'm in constant I'm gonna do the conestant fails today so basically gonna head up a whole bunch of miners tracks um I've been here you know a few times I've done my coniston old man a few times there's a couple videos on my Channel about that going down over it's a dough Crag and sort of round um but I'm gonna do slightly longer today and sort of just see how we go I'm a little bit concerned because my back injury my nerves are really playing up at the moment um just to drive here I'm just like oh feeling that like it hurts um so yeah but all good if I can get up to weather ham weather lamb um that went right and then across to swell how then old man and then I'll just see from old man whether I continue on or whether I drop down from there um past all the mining remains but no it's a very interesting walk or area in general because there is so much sort of human geography in archaeological sites to see and this is a very man manipulated fell side landscape Sun cream is going away change my mind we're going somewhere else people we're still going to do connoisson but having just literally talked down my options I've decided what's the point in retracing my steps on a walk I've already done um for the return route so actually I'm gonna do a slightly different route let's go to Warner scar Road Warner scar Road car park sits at the end of a steep single Track Road up from the village at around 230 meters above sea level [Music] here we are the winnerscar car park I remember the days when this was free but things have changed I guess eight quid for a day out in the mountains isn't too bad I'd rather pay that than not be able to do it covid has uh refreshed my perspectives alrighty got there in the end um I'm glad I made this decision to come up here so my original route was going to walk from coniston up the um sort of North Eastern side of the coniston Thousand I was going to sort of loop around it's uh 12 mile or so route I've just on a whim decided to shorten it and reverse it so I am first of all gonna head up to coniston old man and then I'm going to loop around on the ridge so the first little leg of this walk is familiar territory if you've watched my old old man Afghanistan film then you will uh this will all be familiar territory for you as well um and then after that heading off into New Paths and New Horizons which is very exciting all in my new boots everything's new today look at him practically sparkling the most stunning of mornings to be in the Fells so as always I had a resolve to get out early in order to avoid the probable crowds although I had to fight with myself at various points not to rush as this was a land to be savored all right so heading along this path then we're gonna cut all the way up here there's a little town in the depth and then we're gonna Loop all the way around up to here and then around his old minor coniston and then basically all along that Ridge which you can see in the distance all the way around which here we go then rounded the corner and you can see this disrupted landscape basically the massive flip in mine so this is a copper mine copper has been mined here since the 15th century right up until 1950 and this whole entire landscape is riddled with the scars of the mining history here this was a huge part of the economy in the area and now it's a huge part of the heritage so we're gonna walk up through one of the mines and be able to see the holes left in the surrounding Landscaping the rocks in the Fells and uh I'll leave you to sort of draw your own conclusion whether or not it adds or takes from the landscape personally I think it adds it's a very important to spend time in the environment that basically forged this country and of course that they're not just being painted over this is very much a part of what has made the Lake District tick [Music] foreign [Music] Came Upon immense Hefty cables running uphill to a selection of abandoned mines every time I visit this area I get goosebumps as so much equipment remains in situ echoing 800 years of history and the lives of those who worked here under my feet would have been a warring of shafts and caverns whilst above grounds buildings where men would have slept and worked and laughed and regrouped after hours in dark and dingy places [Music] thank you you can have a look in here got the remains of some massive Scar in The Rock face you know just been thinking of it as I've been trudging up amongst the line of people doing the same route it's got to be hard up here working out here in the sunshine laborious tough stuff and then in the storms in the winter cold and icy and dark so much respect for these men look at this oh yeah starting to get a bit of water underfoot and that's the sign that we're extremely close to low water this is one of the times on the route today uh it's completely natural but in fact when all of this was being mined it was actually downed to raise the water level these days though it just just makes for a beautiful spot thing is it is in this bowl so there's no views just the water gives you a moment of Stillness at least here we go just like that here's the Tarn see what I mean by tucked away in this bowl so park continues up that is the time it was a spectacular spot and easy to see why as it's easier accessible from various car parks and coniston Village itself as already alluded to the Corey Tarn was deepened in 1713 to supply water for the processing and power of the Brandy Crags Quarry below good stuff so now continuing upwards just got this switch backing path through the boulders and the Rocks up to the top of old man you can actually see a whole bunch of people up there and then he's one along the ridge really excited about that I haven't done that leg before oh look at this big uh bags have been air dropped in by helicopters full of slabs full of rocks basically so they can pay for this path and help reduce the effect of erosion via football massive thank you to volunteers who have do this I mean they're bigger than bowling balls let's just put it that way huge up and up and up I climbed as low water got smaller behind me and other hikers came and went as I made progress ever forwards well these slabs are newly put into place can you see very fresh all the way down top marks forever be prepared stunning views coming our way look at that bit hazy but still yeah wow amazing all right let's get to the top okay proof's in the sign Rangers undertaking path for players please proceed with care it's pretty cool you can volunteer with them if you want to see what they have to do is pull up the rocks in the old path and then put these slabs down a bit of a jigsaw puzzle never mind the gym either pretty good way to stay fit only way to get up here is to hike the only way to get down is the height only way to get the Rocks into the spot is by hand here we are then top of coniston old man 803 meters above sea level gotta go touch the can is there that will get epic panoramic views north south east west over the surrounding thousand Mountain I would also be looking over our onward route buzzing the views here were extensive as expected and included much of the Southern Lake District the summit itself though was an interesting spot with a classic trig point and a slate platform with a can is certainly made for a good spot for a picnic ah It's Made It all right so check this out we've got dial Craig there heading along the ridge that's the route I did last time and then it goes down to Warner scar road so instead we are going to continue on along this Ridge which is very exciting just looks like a long long way waving goodbye to Old Man we're heading on along the Ridge then let's do this new territories I'm really really looking forward to this and of course just on this amazing day with the clear weather we're looking right down or North rather into some of the biggest mountains in England they're just domineering The Horizon there looking really quite stunning indeed this is just a random can this one not really mocking a summit of anything this can marked 796 meters above sea level and the further along the ridge I walked the easier the path became with great views all around including over lever's Waters Reservoir with its striking Dam built in 1717 to enlarge the existing town to supply the mines below really the entire region although looking somewhat natural has been completely shaped by mankind over the centuries whereas just down there old man's just up there as I said let's get up to the top of swell how [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Peak ugh wherever the peak is comes right now here we are reaching the top of swell how 802 . I'm sure as you can I'll show you the other side boom sweet and then over here you can see heading around great car little car hail Guild hide most fantastic views and then for some reason in the shadow is where the land it was yet another epic Summit and I found myself falling in love with this route there really is only so much I can say to describe the awesomeness that lay before me basically it's impossible so I strongly suggest you're done your walking boots and you head out to hike this route as soon as you possibly can goodbyes well how let's begin The Descent down the scree rock face and then the ascent up to where the lamb once we get to where the lamb it'll feel pretty good I think uh it's just it's just fantastic to be exploring some new territory and I can't wait to see how the views evolve as we sort of around the corner now well I am amongst the Rocks trying to figure out which way I need to go I mean the past over there and I'm here so let's give this a shot I think I actually want to go up here this looks appropriate I think it's each to their own on this little shut your path nearly there though and then we've got the option to cut down the reservoir which we are not gonna take and then we've got our final proper climb for the day up to the summit seven six something I think oh just take a wee pause here see that's why I have a stick it's actually a leaning stick as opposed to a walking stick foreign Halls so I can take this path here which kind of Contours and then heads down and around to the reservoir and we've got cowed girl head now which we're gonna go up I think that's the name of the track keyword is up it looks very up actually nervous love here we go I just looked at the time it's not even 12 o'clock yet I'm just a bit like wait what if I had if I'd realized I probably would have done the ridge there you know a great car just out and back and then then whipped up here but uh never mind obviously it's not like the walk is done yet but what would this be in the final Peak how did this always happen to me just things go so quickly you know so I'm prepared I just want to hike all day you know also you saw how craggy this route looked when we were on top of swell how it's been pretty mellow it actually sort of skirts around the Crags and it's just been a very gentle Ascent so far so I'm feeling chill thank you okay 762 I think they are just a very random Summit and we've got this real dramatic backdrop of the flowers we've just come over look at this just a rocky massive existence is that one the top no is that one the top no is that one as well yes there you go foreign using the entire Ridge that we've walked looking good fantastic views today sometimes best views don't just come from the highest point so just coming to look out on this Crag mind blown absolutely mind blown and it's so nice because the cloud has shifted and you've got this fantastic View oh boy all right we are on the move so I leave in the summit I'm now going to try and find my descending path I've got an option to either take the ridge or not uh I want to try and take the ridge so I see how we go finding this through the jumble of stones beautiful beautiful Summit it's just such a perfect day to be in the South almost like we're walking on the clouds sticking down just mind-blowing right now I already regret wearing my jacket just as soon as you're out of the wind it's really really warm I'll get it off in a second I'm gonna have to rip it off myself from burning look at this so this is our descent heading down South amazing views over coniston I have to be completely honest it feels a bit absurd but I've come from all the way over there it looks way further than it's felt like just this has felt like such a such a breeze today um I think I'm just having so much fun so anyway we can see the the tan and the path all the way up to old man just the entire Ridge as was expected really really really rewarding view there [Music] dotted around me were lots of different small towns reflecting the clouds above leaving me feel like I was walking through heaven there really is no better weather to be exploring the fowls in the Lake District but even if you can't get up high there's so much to offer for those who just want to stay low in the valleys walk around a lake visit a forest look out for red squirrels whilst you're there jump on a canoe or go for a bike ride whatever it is whether a stroll or sitting peacefully in a bird hide there's something for everybody out here in fact everywhere in nature [Music] seems like the path is a it's got a bit grassy shall we say just gotta find my way no worries progress down is slow I'm not really rushing uh we've just got sights here of some of the old miners cottages and um well they're actually doing some mining work here still but also there's the youth hostel so there's actually quite a bit going on in this Valley let's get down there and have a closer look I must admit arriving here really excited me there was a blend of old and new and honestly it felt like I was stepping back in time croies and slag heaps lining lever's water back old miners Cottages standing characteristically amongst stoic Pines and the mill well what can I say about the mill we all have a good water wheel area remains protected thanks to the copper mine Lakes cottages and its founder Philip Johnston who purchased the valley buildings in 1982 and set about restoring rebuilding and conserving the mine manager's private building was actually the first youth hostel in the Lake District owned and opened by the youth hostel Association in 1931. okay we're gonna get across this somehow let's have a look [Applause] success just about [Applause] well folks the sun is shining the valley is definitely growing behind us the mountains all around us and I'm almost back on the trail which we followed this morning up to the Copper mice it has been a really really good day uh I can't recommend this route enough if you feel you're fitting strong enough then do it and also it takes is quicker than you expect I feel um I do kind of wish I got some more peaks in but at the same time I've stopped quite quite a couple of times quite a few times okay English and uh just gathered some thoughts and have some creative ideas just be really good and uh yeah now almost back in the car so I'm gonna see what I do this afternoon I might head out for another walk because this weather has got to be made the most of um just just feeling so fulfilled so grateful I say it pretty much at the end of every video but why trying to live a life of gratitude you know it's not too hard when you're somewhere like this um but I hope that this has inspired you to to get out and maybe have some Adventures of your own in the mountains if not the Lakes then Wales or Scotland or wherever you are in the world you know get out explore New Paths new territories find that version of yourself which you enjoy hanging out with you know it's so important we do things that see us thrive help us partner with ourselves help us work through lessons and mistakes and lessons that come from mistakes and to also touch base with cultural heritage you know with the copper Mining and everything that's going on here true special landscape so I hope you can access your very own special Landscapes and guys that's it from me thank you so much for watching until next time and enjoy your adventures and stay Wild oh jeez it's hot [Music] thank you
Channel: Abbie Barnes / Spend More Time In The WILD
Views: 20,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abbie barnes, Thru Hiking, Backpacking, Song Thrush Productions, Adventure, Hiking, Day Hikes, Gear review, Foraging, Walking, Mental health, wellbeing, Trekking, National Park, Mountain, spend more time in the wild, travel, trail, community, long distance, national trail, scotland, lake district, snowdonia, camping, wild camping, expedition, stay wild, UK hiking, filmmaking, vlog, uk, day walk, coniston, dow crag, low water, wild camp, scafell, helvellyn, langdales, old man, mining, walna scar
Id: lnjwZMyI1Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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