L A Marzulli Conference - Session 3

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thank you three check we're on so the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag which touched out the Vietnam War so two tankers have been hit in the Strait of Hormuz what's interesting I have blogged about this for the last five or six years because of all the saber rattling going on with the Iranians and I said oh there it is isn't it I was banging this thing yesterday I am so sorry please forgive me I am going to gravel wreck her feet forever so um so oh boy we're in a heap of trouble already I could see that so I've been blogging about this if you don't know what the Strait of removes is this really narrow waterway I don't I have it on another presentation but I'm not going to bother putting up a slide very narrow waterway and on the Iranian side of the strait it's bristling with missiles I mean it's just bristling and they've got ships and patrols and you know the typical horrible but crazy stuff but they do um and so that's their one offensive deal what is the lifeblood of the planet the lifeblood of the planet is Earl oil that's what runs the planet without oil everything shuts down really quickly um and isn't it interesting that that's the one offensive move they have is to close the Strait of Hormuz I posited years ago and this is all it's on the record I mean it's on the blog you go to the blog post and it's there that the Iranians more than likely have enriched enough uranium to create a dirty bomb so a dirty bomb doesn't grow the big mushroom cloud the big hurray that way but what it does do and this would be a scenario you just get a bunch of ships out there and create a blockade right with a bunch of Iranian ships just tankers whatever chain them all together and detonate the dirty nuke now you've got a a Chernobyl essentially where people can't go through so you would essentially close and the Strait of Hormuz the Iranians are rabid in the sense that their eschatology is different and remember this is the whole Sunni Shia thing so these are Shia Muslims which is the minority and there's this great hatred between the two between the sunnis led by Saudi Arabia and others and and um and the Iranians and it's um which are Shia and so the Shia Muslims believe in this whole thing with the Mahdi and you know we have to get into all that because it really isn't pertinent but it's interesting that you know I watch this stuff like a hawk sometimes I blog about it sometimes I don't I wrote a book called politics prophecy I'm a supernatural which we're going to reprint that thing eventually one of these days but it's now 10 years old and I need to you know do an update actually 11 years old so all that to say this that it's very extremely tenuous and these the Iranians have a apocalyptic mindset I mean they're the the most in Iran they want to go at it I mean they they can't wait because the Madi will only come in a time of chaos according to them so I mean this is this is what's driving their thinking there's a quote I came up with I didn't come up with it the Holy Spirit gave it to me like when I was writing politics Prophecy in the Supernatural 11 years ago 12 years ago now and what was interesting was it's this the present the present political landscape is in direct correlation to Supernatural events that happen in some cases Millennia ago I'll say it again because it's a lot and I'm sitting there you know typing on my computer and stuff working on the book and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit goes this is the subtitle to the book and I'm kind of going whoa that's amazing man it's far out the present political landscape I'm not that smart trust me the present political landscape is in direct correlation to Supernatural events that happened in some cases Millennia ago that phrase is charged we in the west our culture is based on Supernatural events what are they they're based on the Bible the biblical prophetic narrative which are Supernatural events which have colored the body politic that's why we have a declaration of independence all men are created equal where do you think that came from the springboard for that is a Protestant Reformation no other country has that we've got it because of the whole crew and the Protestant Reformation and everything that happened with with Locke and everybody else you know hundreds and hundreds of years ago conversely the Muslims have another Supernatural event Muhammad receiving the Quran that has colored the body politic of the entire Muslim world see what I'm getting at no one ever talks about this stuff but that's where we are and the Israelis believe in what what Moshe Moses gave the Torah a number of Supernatural event on top of Mount Sinai the Hindus believe in so many Supernatural events and they've got a good a bazillion gods for everything all based on what Supernatural events this is what amazes me and no one talks about it so the Muslims the Shia Muslims in particular are looking looking their chops because they think the money will come back when they create chaos that's their mindset we on the other hand look for being beamed up taken out of here when when we hear about trumpet sound there's a there's a song and if you haven't heard this song you need to Google it it's by Molly Skaggs Molly Skaggs and she covers the Johnny Cash tune and it's called Ain't No Grave and this woman owns it don't pay any attention to the woman next to her doing all the weird Christian Voodoo stuff it's just like it's just she's a total distraction this woman comes out and she's kind of you know just kind of she's you kind of go what's what huh and she starts just strumming on the guitar and then she opens her mouth and sings and it's like oh my gosh she owns the saw every time I hear it I just cry if the lyrics are incredible Ain't No Grave Maui Skaggs I'm probably promise you it will bless you so what we're going to do this afternoon um we're gonna do this one then we'll take some time off and have a shuffleboard tournament out in the hallway just remember when you were a kid and you used to go with your parents to some place or some hotel and they had shuffleboard you know when you get the little discs and stuff and you go out there and play they don't have shuffleboard anymore I feel deprived remember when you were a kid and you had like PF Flyers and sneakers right well the kids today have first of all they have they have two things and I'm really ticked off about this okay first of all they can kind of run and then they go back like this and they and they Glide because they have rollers on on their on their feet and they light up I'm totally deprived and to pray but I'm definitely deprived I mean why didn't I get that as a kid this is this is ruined my entire life I'm in counseling because of it I was joking where did that come from all right so what we will do today I'm sorry I got to turn around here I'm just cracking myself up sorry Lord King of the rabbit Trails is about to take us on another ridiculous Excursion into the Absurd so we'll finish this puppy up then we'll go in the fat of it and Fatima is a springboard to what's happening today and you'll see why so on the trail of an ethylene mathematical Mysteries of the mound builders first of all the the entire Mound complex in in Newark in the specifically the North Circle mountain and Newark octagon Mount the Circle Mount is about 1250 feet in diameter of things huge and the walls are up and it's got this moat that goes all around it we hired a surveillance you'll see that in a few minutes to check the interior remote no one's ever done this it's the moat level at the most level and all this water was in there and who knows where the water came from We Believe at one time there was some sort of an underground pipeline type of thing primitive pipeline which fed the moat so you got to think the way it looked thousands of years ago when it was built no trees torch light going the interior of the hinge because it's a circle the moat is filled with water and in the center of this thing is a mound and that's where the altar was and that's what the human sacrifice took place and according to some when the circle came around like this there were two snake heads two serpent heads huge dragon heads in front of the mound just like chitsunitsa just like the great syrup amount the servant Motif is everywhere and see archaeologists won't really look at it for what it is it's always the serpent it's always the serpent the seed of the serpent The Offspring of a serpent will be at enmity with the seed The Offspring of the woman Genesis 3 15. it's unless we understand that and come to grips with that we never really grasp what's going on it's a seed War The Offspring of a serpent will be at War enmity with The Offspring of the woman he Messiah he Messiah he the one who will crush the Serpent's head and once he knows that he's sitting there going like oh my gosh uh God can't lie I get that he's not you know he's a just is I am but I am I'm a created being that but I've rebelled and I've led a third of the angels with me this spells my Doom I don't like this and this is by what happens three chapters later in Genesis 6 this whole eruption is the reason for the flood it's not that God's wacky in some genocidal maniacal capricious you know warmongering wrath for God I smite the planet peon squish no it's not doing that it's everybody everybody was there was contaminated in some way with with the whole satanic Nephilim hierarchy ever think about this I'll talk about this tonight but I'm gonna I want to drive this point home some people think the mark of the beast I loved us when I first became a Christian holy don't it's the RFID Chipotle I just noticed the RFID chip they've got this chip and it's going to be in everything and you can't buy a sour cream without the it's the RFID chip oh my God it's the mark of the beast no it's not the mark of the beast it's a step towards it the mark of the beast is something way more Insidious than that the mark of the beast as an implant I'm going to plug this in otherwise the computer is just getting halfway through out to the computer boom all the screens go Block it's a sad we can now leave the room Hallelujah yes sir otherwise you'll go on all afternoon so the bottom line the bottom line is this I believe that that the mark of the beast and think about this and I'll talk about it again tonight that the mark of the beast is when you take it there's no Redemption anyone who takes the mark winds up a Malik a fire people will seek death in those days but not find it what's that about it's all there it's something incredibly nefarious but also extremely mysterious and it's been guarded and we think we know what it is you take the mark of the beast and here's the punch line and you ever wonder why gee there's no grace and mercy in this at all you take the mark of the beast and you wind up in the Lake of Fire just Dreadful I don't want to go to the Lake of Fire it's really hot there why is that happen why do you wind up in the Lake of Fire because you're a Nephilim because the chip the mark changes your DNA and you become the seed of The Serpent and you can't redeem that [Music] I know most of you have never heard that when I got it about falling on my chair you take the mark you become a modern day Nephilim that's why everything has changed and I'll show you tonight what the implant actually looks like because we took one out of somebody in an operating theater and when I started talking about this that people were being taken in the middle of the night against their will and being implanted on board UFOs everyone laughed at me until we have it all on film and we showed the whole process x-rays CAT scans hold the I'll show you that tonight just wetting your appetite and and we took it out and and when we when we went to take it out it was cloaked it was cloaked but I'm getting way ahead of myself but the bottom line is this all we are what's coming is unprecedented folks it's unprecedented and so in the days of Noah everyone was contaminated one way or the other with this whole they had ritualistically gave themselves over to the Paradigm and that's why the flood and only eight people and all eight were pure Ham's wife in my opinion is not she's not running around you know with a Nephilim Gene it's not with not what we're looking at in my opinion and I've written this book when I told you you all raised your right hand um yesterday was that when we how long have I been here oh my gosh where am I now so but it seems like it seems like it was like a million years ago but we all raise your right hand and I told you it's a suicide mission by the Fallen Angels they do it because they realize they have no no other alternative but to do what they're about to do it's a suicide mission and they do it again and again and again with the promise that will get you out of the jail because we know you know they know where they're going to go but Satan has told them I'll get you out it's going to work as soon as I get control I'll spring you guys and you have a great place in My Kingdom now I don't know where that's what happened but that's that's conjectural on our part but that's what we think is going on here because again I'll just say this once samyazo this is from The Book of Enoch samyaza is there on Mount Ramon he says I I fear to the other Angels whether watch your angels so they're there they are they're all ready to do this thing but there's everyone's kind of hesitant okay and this is the kicker when I've read this scripture like hundreds of times I've I've quartered it like I'm about to quote it at conferences and I never understood this to the spirit of a living God gave me uh illumination if I can use that word gave me insight to what was what was really going on there samyaza which is the name of the Fallen Angel says this I I fear ye will agree not to do this deed and I alone shall have to bear the penalty of this great sin he knows exactly what he's going to do he knows if there's a penalty that's going to come upon him for doing this great sin but he does it anyway because it's the only shot they have why are they doing it if they can contaminate The genome if they can pollute the DNA Messiah the one who will come and crush the Serpent's head will not be born because he can't be Lord right so that's it game over we get the planet back haha we win the cross changes everything and he didn't see it coming so once once the cross happens you realize I never Wonder this is all in the cosmic chess match ever wonder why he goes after the Lord all the time but try to kill him try to kill him try to kill him try to kill him and then Jesus finally goes no one takes my life from me I lay it down my own my own volition on my own will so that's where we are so let's get into this so we're into an 18 and a half year lunar cycle on many of these sites and again when we look at this we have to ask ourselves you know you go back two thousand three thousand four thousand years like like America stonehenger like Stone engine England or wherever and it's all done on an 18 and a half year learning cycle and talk to someone how do you create an 18 and a half year lunar cycle I mean we can do it today we've got telescopes we have writing implements to write things down we can plot these things which which look like like this now you'd have to stand here and you'd have to plot the moon for 18 and a half years to understand what it's doing because the moon waxes and wanes sometimes it's full sometimes it's nothing sometimes it's a little sliver and so you have to understand that it's an 18 and a half year lunar cycle how would you know that unless you attracted for 18 and a half years or someone just gave you the information someone just gave you a download what are we told about in The Book of Enoch we're told the same thing that that the Fallen Angels came down and gave the secrets of Heaven to mankind this is nothing new this is absolutely nothing new we have to understand that these entities are incredibly nefarious these interdimensional nefarious entities Fallen Angels whatever you want to call them it's really a horrible name Fallen Angels Angel just means messenger they are nefarious interdimensional entities which are in a fixed State and they hate us they absolutely hate us and they come to Rob kill and destroy that's their mission Rob killing destroy and deceive they're masters of deception masters of deception so they give this information and everything's built on an 18 and a half year lunar cycle that alone is mind-boggling how they how they build the Newark Circle Mound the the Octagon Mount America Stonehenge and some of these other sites all on an 18 and a half year lunar cycle here's something that's mind-blowing these are these are three um sites in Newark and they are separated by basically you know you can see it right here 1.4 miles like this whole deal this isosceles triangle here's the center of the great circle Mountain that right dead center is where the altar was it's still the platform is still there and um and then Geller Hill and then the center of the Octagon Mound now the terrain is not flat so the question is and we we sat down with um uh Todd Willis and asked him about this how would you do this in Antiquity they don't have transits they don't have them so how are they doing this you know you have to you have to use something other than your eyes to cite a line like this and look at it it's perfect absolutely perfect Geller Hill where we were and this is all in episode three was allegedly a burial ground for the Giants it's the highest point in in the county there and they're always they're always you'll notice some of these sites you always go up they're always built in high places this is why when you read in the biblical prophetic narrative the the idols in the high places The Groves in the high places they go there and these are gateways some of them are gateways and portals and they are charged and open with human sacrifice blood sacrifice is what is needed to open the gateways when the Mayan Elders came over in 2012 and performed ceremonies at the Great Serpent now at Cahokia which is just you know an hour and a half away went outside of St Louis and other places they did this deliberately because they know but these prices were charged places and so they did this deliberately so you can see that that we've got advanced mathematics here and and as a as a mathematician you know we start looking at the angles here and and what it actually represents and we realize that this is like these distances are very over a mile as you can see 7 392 feet so it becomes 7 392 feet it becomes really bizarre and and you know it's one thing if I'm doing it like on the stage here with a ruler and a tape measure good luck even even today with a ruler a 25-foot ruler I was going to make a nice shot I could do it pretty well right but now we're like looking at a mile how do you cite that how do you make that happen and why do they care because they can do it no one's sweating this they can do it and it was the prince of the power of the air our mission statement one more time the expose the deception of the prince of the power of the air and the herald The Return of the King Jesus because this thing is not going to change until he comes back and and I I was actually taken now I'm not going to go there because I'll start crying never mind so let's go so archaeological atlas of Ohio about doing it can't make me do it so ARCA actually he can you don't know what I'm talking about never mind but archaeological atlas of Ohio there are 10 000 Mounds alone in Ohio so let me get this straight what are these people doing all day long they're going to make some amounts today what do you think Tonto so I mean it's just ridiculous but she and that's just in Ohio alone I mean and it doesn't add up where's the burials thousands of years away for all these mountains to be nonsense where are the burials show me the burials everybody wasn't cremated so what's going on here and why is it the Native Americans don't remember building them oh because they forgot that they had built them that's what the anthropologists and the archaeologist tell us that Native Americans built all these all these mounds and all these all these incredible um landmarks and everything else but they just simply forgot that they had done so that's crazy because when you talk in the Americans they're all tradition they talk about everything and it's handed down boom boom boom boom boom right down the line and it's all by memory they find someone who can has a great memory and then the the one who has the knowledge passes that down and you can't change a word or add a word and they they learn from the time they're really small and can talk they learn the tribe's history and they could just recite the thing like this Kunta Kinte went out and to make into the jungle to make a drum and was never seen again that was the oral tradition from Remember The Story roots and he finds the tribal Elder oral tradition and there it was Conte went out to make a drum and was you know there was and he just like oh you got to be kidding me Roots Alex Haley but that's because they take great pride of the oral tradition but here's the deal when you look at something like this you've got geometry here you've got Advanced geometry I mean that's what people don't get when you've got angles that have to be precise like this they've got to be precise angles if you're off just a little bit it throws the whole thing off how are they doing that I mean it's one thing again if you're just making a small one but these things go for a mile you see when I'm talking what I'm trying to get and convey is this is at this Supernatural it's absolutely Supernatural we're looking at stuff that thousands of years ago there's no flipping way they could do it they don't have the the material the tools or anything else to measure by but they do up there the Fallen ones do and it's Fallen Angel technology Nephilim architecture that's what it is Fallen Angel technology Nephilim architecture and it's worldwide as we've talked about for the last last couple of sessions so this is a great circle ma'am give you an idea of what it really looks like how many have actually been there you give me a show of hands anybody well this is in Ohio guys so what this is Drone footage I'm up about 800 feet watch if you turn the lights off thanks so here is where you can start to get an idea of just how big the circle Mound really is you can see the interior of the moat like here see all the trees you got to remove all the trees so this is this is the Interior right there oh that's the mode like that and you can see how how high these are all houses around it and and by the way when uh we have had calls from people who live in these houses the houses are there's there's people who are possessed there's lots of demonic activity that happens in these places let me go forward here oh yeah okay let me go back right there is a pretty good shot it's better over on on the other monitors but that that just gives you an idea it's 1250 feet across like this on the center of the mound when the sacrifice took place is right in this area this is the gateways down in here look at all the houses see the car right there just gives you an idea how big this thing is and toddlers walking in the bottom of the note of the great circle now okay so this is Todd Willis and this Todd is it Tarzan engineer he's also a surveyor and we hired Todd because what we wanted to do was figure out how accurate is it if I'm making a moat how accurate is it and remember this thing is a couple of thousand years old so we've got sediment and Slough that's accumulated so Todd measures this thing surveys the interior of the moat and you see right there and give you an idea just how big this thing is it's basically dead level now that's nine inches from here to here so six inches is about there it's between six inches and a foot so that's nine inches again so nine inches and add add three inches that's a foot right there almost exactly right there that's a okay so you got you got one foot so it's between six inches about there and a foot level and that can be accounted for just from sluff that's going in over a couple thousand years for practical purposes the interior of the moat is dead level the circle is 1250 feet in diameter but the moat is going around the circumference so how do they do that in the ancient world you tell me and archaeologists are hysterical well away they did it very slowly they they carted the buckets with deerskin of water and they dug a small section at a time and then filled it up and then and got level oh really why don't you guys go and take take this primitive hoe here and just give me a small moat just show me how they did it just show me how I mean it's an arduous task could it be done well yeah if you have enough manpower anything can be done but it's not easy and the thing is essentially dead level so when they when they when they allow the water to come in this thing fills up I mean it's very very deliberate and it also looks very much like like um Stonehenge over in England so let's see what Todd has to say so toddlers walking in the bottom of the note of the great circle round this gives us a perspective of what an incredible engineering accomplishing disease are we supposed to believe that individuals would use to create this amazing edifice or perhaps another explanation is in order it is [Music] not alone [Music] in most areas all the way right there look at that just just look at that I'm standing above him with a camera on level ground he's down the interior of the moat behind him is the outer wall of the great circle Mountain just look at that and let that sink in for any of those of you who have dug a Pawn on your property or move dirt just look at that just and then go back here with primitive tools amazing edifice or perhaps another explanation is in order we just survey of the area here the elevations of the boat all the way around the interior of this the different angle points through here found the most to be fairly level within six inches to a foot in most areas all the way around the only way they could have made it that level would have been to use water I mean today we would use a transit or a level and a level and a level uh to grade something like this out create elevations like this so the only other thing you could have used for that time period would have been water water obviously you know from the gravitational soil is all you know the same elevation all the way around you could have used that to excavate to the right depth that you wanted again it'd be very hard so here's the Octagon Mount and the Octagon mountain is part of a Newark Circle Earthworks it was these guys called Squire and Davis and in the middle part of the 19th century they went out and they they surveyed they had you know surveying tools and they went out and surveyed many of these mounds and without them we would have no idea what these things look like because many of them have been destroyed same thing with the North Earthworks a lot of it is no longer there and all we have is Esquire and Davis's drawings for instance like some of these causeways which go from a circle Mound over to the octag ground this is no longer here but parts of it parts of it are like like some of these Mounds are still here and there's a little part of one over here that that's that's still intact but a lot of this is not and what's amazing is the Octagon which is right here okay you could fit the Great Pyramid inside of it and it's not an equal octagon in other words it'd be one thing if you drew an octagon and you've got eight equal sides but you know I'll give you guys take the challenge you can just I'll give you a ruler without a compass and you you draw an octagon for me good luck first try good luck just on a piece of paper just on a piece of paper without a compass you don't know what the angles are so you're just guessing now you could get something that's kind of close maybe but it's going to be lopsided and kind of weird unless you you know be able to measure it and stuff but they don't have that so how are they doing it and it's an unequal octagon so we think what we're looking at here is Advanced trigonometry Advanced geometry and where does it come from it doesn't come from here and the fact is you can't see the Octagon I've stood at it twice when you stand in the octagon and you look out you see that you're in some kind of shape but you really have no idea what it is unless you're told it's an octagon you know you're there's there's Mounds in the distance but you're going like well what is this why would someone do this and why why is it that you can only see all these sites from the air so there's another shot that's what the Octagon Mound looks like with the circle Mounds look at the houses all around it give you an idea how big it is okay I'm looking at the North American Circle Mound and the Octagon Mount what I see is a fairly complex geometric construction to construct something like this requires a knowledge of geometry it requires a knowledge of angles of bisecting angles of adding angles subtracting angles um I I think there was a good knowledge of geometry that went behind the design of this I don't know of any Native American tribes that were using geometry 2000 years ago uh this obviously was done by someone who either had sophisticated equipment or who had a solid understanding of geometric Concepts there's just no way if a student if I had given assignment construct to to uh geometric figures and with some type of symmetry and handed it and a student put gave me something like this on a piece of paper and I said well tell me how you produce these angles and they said oh you know I just I just kind of measured here and and I sketched this out you know that would be that would be sufficient evidence to say the student was cheating um there's I see no way it happened intuitively or by chance so she Dorothy's a professor of mathematics and then we get the whole idea of squaring the circle and this is something that I think you would find really interesting so we've got we've got Advanced geometry trigonometry and and surveying employed in in this in these Earthworks and it's mind-boggling and Native Americans with all due respect Native Americans did not have this they just don't and why if they did why would they just forget it you would guard this with your life this could be precious but they don't have it and it's not there so we are looking at a narrative which is being managed by the powers that be that gives you an idea what you're looking at there's also something here that the the angle of the Great Pyramid is all looks like it might be uh embedded and this is all advanced mathematics which is way over in my head I can kind of look at it and get an idea of what it is but I'm not a mathematician so I don't really fully appreciate what's going on I have a you know a clue an idea because people have explained it to me on some level but I am blown away when I look at this I'm just blown away by what the Builders of the Octagon Mountain the Circle Mount at some of these other places actually employed no just like in the first show that we mentioned now this is Chief Joseph for everyone Chief Joseph Irvine is a Tiano peace Chief and he comes in on he weighs in on all three so far the episodes episode one mysterious mound builders two mathematical mysteries in three which is coming out uh secrets of the supernatural voices from the other side and listen watch his face as he gets towards the end and he starts talking about the great Injustice watch his eyes because he really gets ticked off and rightfully so oh sorry well just like in the first show that we mentioned the Shawnee Chief who on record said we didn't build these things but if you go up to uh these areas that that are under the sun uh jurisdiction of protection so where these these mounds and things are and it says the Shawnee building you know there's a false narrative that's already being put in place that even when the people themselves say it wasn't us uh so we're not we're not we're not talking about just uh you know two or three hundred years ago white settlers asking that you know the natives say who built this and they're saying we don't know that we didn't do it we're talking 10 15 years ago the modern day uh White settlers just asking hey who built these and the chief of a nature says that wasn't us but your history still says we're going to say it was you look at them so there's a great Injustice being done there because that's purposely being deceitful uh and it's also dishonoring and disrespecting the First Nations people and saying that our oral tradition doesn't matter if it doesn't fit The Narrative of their historical paradigm when he did that I mean every time I watched that I would get chills the bottom line is this that that I talked about this yesterday when you go to the Great Serpent now and there's this new signage which says that Sean he built it but the Shawnee Chief comes on record and says we didn't build it we respected it it was sure when we got here but we didn't build this but the narrative says oh no vashani built it so Chief Joseph States I'm just kind of reiterating or recapping it Joseph states that Chief Joseph states that you know this is a great Injustice because you guys are pushing this narrative you don't care about our old traditions all you care about is pushing your narrow the Shawnee built it when we're saying we didn't do that but see it doesn't fit the narrative like I said last night when we found the picture of the nine-foot skeleton in Catalina they redacted the picture at the Catalina Island Museum they redacted the giant out of the picture these are supposed to be scientists these are supposed to be people they go where the evidence leads them not deliberately obfuscate the evidence like with climate change but I digress so let's continue [Music] okay this is we're going to close this this session up with with this this is all at Drone footage aerial Drone footage that we shot um and and this the string that the music is I it's just really it's a beautiful string piece I think you'll enjoy it but look at this because this you really see what it just illustrates everything that we've been talking about with the mountains and you can see how incredible and how large they are so let's take a look at this foreign [Music] [Applause] it's better to watch it on the smaller screens I think this is Fort ancient this is the Grave Creek Mountain West Virginia look at the houses behind it this was a Stone Mound on private property in Newark this is part of the Octagon complex in Newark Ohio [Music] this is called The Junction group look at the size of the circles notice the cars this was a maln product property at the end of a cornfield thank you so why am I getting feedback check one two check one two one two checking one two okay so lights please okay so that concludes Phenom builders where's my Fatima we could take a break should we take a little break like a five minute break or something or are you guys are you guys okay it's your call because if not I'm ready to go into another one you guys okay with that take a five minute break okay here we go we've been over there two years ago on 2017 on the 100th anniversary of the so-called Miracle of the sun and it was the type of thing where and and oh there it is again don't touch that [Laughter] so it was the type of thing you know when the Lord when the Lord gives us marching orders you know we we I've learned to follow and it's funny how you know the word speaks to L.A maybe you need to see a psychiatrist well no the Lord speaks to me that's how it works just like the Lord speaks to you we learn over a period of time what his voice sounds like and I love it sometimes I'll go like oh no that wasn't the Holy Spirit you know it's just like no no no I'm like okay it was the Holy Spirit type thing you know because we don't maybe not want to do something so Peggy's in another room and and we're you know getting ready to go to church I think actually and I'm I'm in I'm in our bedroom just putting on my shoes or whatever and I'm just you know just hanging out and all of a sudden the Lord just goes Fatima like that I go oh my gosh that's 2017. oh my gosh it's 100 year anniversary oh my gosh and I walked into a Peggy goes and I go we're going to Fatima she goes what I go yeah we're gonna make a film on Fatima maybe two films and so out of the blue out of the blue someone donated like eight thousand dollars out of the blue just just they didn't know I have no idea what's going on so here's the provision to go the Fatima Portugal so we went we we shot tons of footage on Fatima we went to the Shrine we were all over the place so why did I do that I've been a student in the Fatima for years I wrote about it in politics Prophecy in the Supernatural and the first thing we need to settle up right off the bat in both films we never go after Mary of the Bible we don't do that Catholics and in fact there's a caveat in the beginning of the first film that says millions of people and it's true millions of people throw the Fatima Portugal every year I kind of stopped for a second then I continue millions of Muslims encircle the Cobblestone every year millions of Hindus celebrate Guru Puja in India millions of Buddhists worship at thousands of temples people have the right to believe what they want to believe and to Worship in ways that they see fit and the reason why I did that was we take the whole anti-catholic thing right off the table we're not here to bash Mary you can believe whatever you want to believe you don't care but it wasn't Mary or the Bible that appeared to those three kids and what's important about this and you'll see it at the end of the film is where it all goes and that what's Fatima did is it set the acceptance instead of precedent to accept this phenomenon as something from God and it's anything but in my opinion it's a lying size of Wonder so there's two films found him a miracle of a son or a harbinger of deception and um the second film is called strange phenomena so let's get right into it so 1917 to 2017 100th anniversary that's a shot um It's a poster obviously that's what the sanctuary looks like at night and you can see over here um it can hold upwards of a million people this thing is really dialed in I mean really dialed in and it's big business on the streets that that you as you walk to get to the sanctuary you have to walk through this this these streets and they are lined with shops and in the shops are just we call it Jesus junk it's just statues and Beads and little memorandums of the three kids and we'll get into who these three kids were in just a minute and why the whole thing in my opinion was a managed agenda so in 1917 it's an extremely charged atmosphere World War one is Raging for starters so and people in Europe are freaked out they've never had this type of a conflict this type of armed conflict where the trench warfare and the mustard gas and people being cut down by automatic weapons and even even at towards the end they're starting to use planes you know they're dropping bombs out of the plane throwing the bombs out of the plane so you know they didn't have machine guns were strafing that that wasn't yet once World War II but is changing Warfare and people in Europe are totally freaked out because of what's going on so let's just I'm setting this day setting the climate for what happens in World War one and so at the same time the rise of the Communists Lenin told um Trotsky and and others are rising up in the Communist party and and people in Europe are freaked out the Bolsheviks are rising up and then of course we all know 1917 that's when the the revolution happens the tsarist regime has taken they're all shot eventually and including uh watch your face um what was the Anastasia she they I believe she didn't make it so anyway but that's the end of that regime and you got to remember the people in Europe see this and they're all freaked out because it's like we don't want this here we don't want they know what's happening in Russia they don't want communism and this is why the whole Nazi party always blamed everything on the Communists and the Jews so there's this it's it's a very charged atmosphere very charged so you've got World War One going on you've got the Bolshevik Revolution going on everything is very unstable and in the halls of London you've got the Balfour Declaration that's happening where Balfour is going we need to give the Jews a Homeland and what's really interesting when you go back I've got I had a panther that burned in the fire sorry but I had a panther from 1929. all right we're written by the grand Mufti of Jerusalem and it basically stated in writing that the Temple Mount we all know but Temple Mount was solomonic it was built private Jews and and Solomon built I mean that's it's by the grand Mufti of Jerusalem right and no one cared about you know you go back into the 1880s 90s or go back when when the Mark Twain was there and the place is a wasteland we had I had pictures from what it was like it's a way saying no one's living there nobody cares the lot of rain doesn't follow places plagued by by earthquakes and locusts no one wanted to live there that's the end of the story but the Jews start trickling back and this has nothing to do with what we're talking about but it is sort of interesting when it's a little sidebar here when when the Jews start trickling back to Israel Satan goes oops something's going on here they're coming back this is going to fulfill prophecy we can't have that so he raises up his Antichrist man for the time which of course is Adolf Hitler why was Hitler obsessed with killing the Jews had Hitler run World War II I would I would wage I would posit that there would be not one Jew left on the planet or very few if any at all and Israel would certainly never be where it is today so out of the ashes of the Holocaust what we see is the creation of the modern state of Israel which fulfills numerous prophecies never to be pushed out of their land again once I've gathered you from the four corners of the earth and we settle you you'll never come in out of that this is your land that's it and you know this is again the the the idea that the current political landscape is in direct correlation to Supernatural events that in some cases happened Millennia ago that prophecy is written thousands of years ago and yet we see the rebirth of Israel on the ashes of the Holocaust so it's a very very charged time and of course not Lord Balfour oh let's just manipulated and they were just trying to fulfill prophecy oh come on so let me get this straight at the end of World War II the English have a blockade turning the ships from Germany and War toward um uh the European continent away from Israel or from Palestine and making them go back to the very concentration camps that were liberated now they were in concentration camps anymore they were you know they had food and stuff that were not death camp but they were back in the concentration camp some of them so most people don't know about that so this isn't manipulated and we all know that that the Israelis had to fight and and I'll tell you one more story because otherwise was 314 we have time so liar yeah so my friend Richard Shaw is half Jewish he didn't realize this he was adopted and eventually he found his birth parents they were both dead when he found this half-sister and so she filled him in on the whole story and so so he is very much into he's a Christian but he's very much into Israel and all that and the rabbis and all this kind of stuff so here's a friend who's a playwright who's got dual citizenship he's American U.S and he's also got Israeli he's he's in the IDF Reserves okay so this is the Storyteller he's a filmmaker writes and got Dan Gordon is his name so Rick tells me hey you know Dan Gordon is going to be at this uh the synagogue over in Thousand Oaks why don't you go check him out so well if I think I can do that so I go there and you know I'm I'm a Christian white guy right and and I go in to the synagogue and I sit down and it's it's not the main room but there's probably about 200 people packed into this little room and Dan Gordon comes up and he starts telling a story about how the Israelis fought and won their independence and he tells that that the Egyptians remember there's it's it's a three or four front War they're coming in from all sides to try to defeat the Jews they're just going to kill them all right so there's a column of Egyptian soldiers within a few miles of Tel Aviv I think it's maybe 10 or 15 miles out from Tel Aviv it's a column they're they're not being there's no resistance or at all there's this column of soldiers that is is headed towards Tel Aviv and of course if they capture Tel Aviv it's over right they'll cut the country in half and and that and that's basically it so the Israeli Air Force has three planes that they bought for thirty thousand dollars each from the Czechoslovakian government planes on the market were worth three thousand dollars a piece that's what they were selling for so they jacked it up they had to dismantle the planes and smuggle them into Israel they're in a hangar they've never been flown there's no avionics there's no Tower there essentially really is no Israeli Air Force but there's pilots and these guys volunteer and they get in these planes and they have machine guns on them and bombs okay and they go out and all they're told is they're the the Egyptian columns out there about 10 or 15 miles go out there see what kind of damage you can do so the planes take off they see the column they strafe the column they drop their bombs and they come back uh one plane is shot down the other two make it back I I'm pretty sure that's what happens something like that and the Egyptian column thinks that this is just a scouting Mission and that the real Air Force is going to come at them they turn around and they leave that's how they won the war until they win the war and then Dan Gordon goes I'll never forget it as long as I live and the pilot of that plane is sitting here right now and he introduces him and the guy stands up oh I get goosebumps I better be careful I'm sorry whole place everybody starts weeping the whole place though it was unbelievable people were just openly weeping because of what so what God did how he fulfilled the prophecy how he brought them back into the land and these are God's chosen people and he loves them and it's sometimes we will look at him I'm sorry whom they have pierced him they will look at him as their only speaker son he was a really powerful I'm such a big baby I knew I shouldn't have gone there oh boy ridiculous okay so let's get back in the Fatima so it's a very charged atmosphere extremely charged atmosphere that that's happening all throughout Europe so at this point in time and there's a lot of uncertainty a lot of turmoil markets are uncertain everything is just it's just it's war and people don't know what's going on enter Satan knows all of us he's positioned himself for what the Bible calls lying signs and wonders May 17th 1917 a group of psychics and this is a matter of public records you gotta you gotta watch the way all this fits together because it's it's mind-boggling right the way Satan you know uses his people and I actually visited the not the place where this happened but they've since since the automatic writing took place these spiritus they have another building that they moved to We visited that and we and we photographed all this stuff and we actually have a we actually have the actual letter we actually photographed the actual handwritten letter and I'll get to that in a second so automatic writing is forbidden from us what automatic writing is someone goes into a trance and there's a bunch of mediums around at a table and they all go into the trash and they get the spirit gods there's a there's a pen in the person's hand they go into a trance and then the hand begins to write the demon takes control of the ham and begins to write Madame blavatsky wrote all of her books this way she would seal herself up in the room and she would do automatic writing and three days later she would come up with 500 words not her doing it that's a demon same thing with the Urantia book so this is nothing new spiritistic cultists have been using this um and the cosmic Chef match we talk about some of this that's why it's so important to see the counterfeit but all this counterfeit stuff has happened for thousands of years and that's just there's nothing new here when people go Edgar Casey was a trans median Elaine he was really accurate I go yeah it was accurate to a point about 50 60 and I'm being generous but he wasn't 100 accurate 100 of the time like the god of the Bible is so the bottom line is these spiritists are getting there and they have a message that comes through in automatic writing and it basically is just another shot of what it actually looks like and you know the demon doing this whole thing and fits backwards it's handwritten backwards from right to left like Da Vinci's writing and it basically says this that something wondrous is going to happen in Portugal on May 13th of this year and it signs Stella matutina Stella matutina the Bright Morning Star guess who that is guess who that is it's Lucifer that's what it signed and Stella matutina is reached from left to right but the rest of the thing as you can see here is is written you have to hold it up in the mirror just like DaVinci used to do so that's what we're looking at so it's automatic writing flag number one flag number two Stella matutina there's no way you can trust this but something is going on here not only this but there was another group of mediums who had the same message they publish it in the paper they published the message in the paper so this is a matter of it's all a matter of historical record and we take all of this all of our research comes from a 1917 records handwritten records as you'll see in a little bit by the parish priest we don't take anything from 22 or the 30s or the 40s or the 60s that's way way after the event we take all of the information from the handwritten records that came about in 1917 and it's mind-boggling so here we have they put this in the paper in the Portuguese paper saying something wonders will happen on May 13 1917. no one knows what that is but they publish it and this is a matter of public record okay so the next thing is these three children Lucia is 10 Francisco her cousin is nine Lucia is seven they are illiterate they cannot read or write they are illiterate there are no schools that's that's an original picture at Fatima so they are Shepherds they don't read they don't write the stories that they hear or from the parish priest or from their grandparents during the winter sitting around a fire or whatever they were literate they know nothing about the world they know nothing about anything they were literate peasants they could not read or write Ten nine and seven ten nine and seven that's that's who these kids were and they're out on the field and they're tending sheep now that's the Lucia Francisco and jacinta I have actually stood right at that wall it's in front of Lucia's house and we photographed there they maintained Lucia's house as a shrine you'll see why so they're out there and tending the sheep and this entity appears to them and they said the entity was small like three feet it was female it was wearing a short skirt that came just below the knees let's let's look at this and this is a this is how do I know this because when you go back to the 1917 handwritten record by the parish Priestess Lucia is is telling him what she saw it's he wrote it down women in 1917 wore dresses all the way down to the ground so flag number number you know 15 on the play is she's wearing a short skirt her mouth isn't moving she's communicating with the children telepathically when the kids see her they don't know what to think of this and she says you know don't be afraid and she's communicating with them telepathically they never see her lips move she gives them something to eat and something to drink all the children eat but only the girls drink so Francisco can see her but he never hears her he never hears what the what the entity is saying only Lucia and jacinta can both see and hear her it's complex it's a complex deal so they go back and they tell them they tell their parents this is what we saw so you can see here this is the family and things start getting out of hand really quickly the first Apparition happens at May 13 1917 just like the psychics predicted we're told that it would so some things at play here what is it and this will lead us right up into tonight you'll see where all this goes but something's at play and June happens and oh The Entity tells them to come on the 13th of every month so I could get down the rabbit hole of why the 13th you know that whole deal but it's an occult number so so on the 13th of June they come back there some of the family comes and they begin to see strange aerial phenomenon they see what they call Flying hats in the sky weird aerial crowd formations things are just weird sometimes people hear a buzzing noise when the so-called Apparition appears over this tree and the kids see her and hear her but only Francisco does not hear her but he sees her and no one else can see only only the children can see and they know something's going on the children kneel and they communicate and all this other stuff and the crowd begins to swell same thing so we have May June July it becomes the crowds even become you know swell even more in August it goes off the rails by this time the priests and the magistrates and the mayor and all this whole this whole thing is going on because some people are going in fact the parish priest Right Said from the beginning Father Figure Catholic clothes it's got to be the Virgin because who else could it possibly be we'll get into that and we'll show you a little bit later in the second film who else it could possibly be um there are more than one candidate here so all this is going on the children are locked up in jail for August so they can't go and see The Apparition but the crowds are still there in August and the crowds now have swell to like thousands of people and they see flying hats in weird atmospheric conditions and all this other stuff is going on so September Comes and they say look kids go back and ask the lady the entity for a sign so they go do that they go back the lady appears there's thousands of people there and they say we need to see a sign so the entity says on October 13th there'll be a sign but she never says what the sign is going to be so no one knows so October 13th comes upwards of 70 000 people are standing in that field 70 000 people some people have cars but not many it's not like it is today there are no cell phones there's one photographer that we know about his name is Joshua bonolio who took 12 photos of the of the scene I'm getting ahead of myself so everyone's expected they said the entity said at 12 o'clock there would be a sign but 12 o'clock comes and goes and there is no sign and no one knows what the sign is going to be you got 70 000 people and it's been raining all night so everyone is shot to the Bone I mean soft to the Bone there's a sea of black and white well it's all black and white film but there's just a sea of umbrellas as far as you can see and all of a sudden it stops raining the Cause part the Sun comes out and people were going wow okay they're waiting and waiting another crowd moves in front of the Sun out of this Cloud comes a spinning object which spins like this and it falls to the ground like a leaf and then comes back up does this three times before it does what we call the flyby and it comes over the crowd this shot that you're seeing here is from Joshua benolio now these people are looking at something they have no idea of what that something is there's nothing in their grid system to prepare them for what they are looking at this is later dressed up and called the so-called Miracle of the Sun and what that supposedly is is that another shot of the people you can see some of the umbrellas they're all looking up gives you an idea the size of the crowd so the Vatican published this Photograph here but it was taken five years afterwards so that doesn't work and they say this is proof of the miracle of the Sun but it's not because it was taken five years later and actually whether it's as a sun dog so what they're saying is another shot of it what the people are seeing they call it the sun if the Sun is as big as a watermelon and the Earth the size of the head of the mass which is about the ratio if the Sun moved from its place in the sky we'd all be dead and it's only a local phenomenon it's only the people who are standing in the field that see this people 50 miles away see something but it's not the Sun the sun's not leaving its place and coming down to the Earth so it's not the Sun that people are seeing there's something else that's going on here and this is this is the whole point this is this is what they based this whole thing on is the so-called Miracle of the set and that's what we're going to walk through here and and you'll see it in detail so what we think happens is as the people are waiting um why did that why did the monitors go off oh well it went off so as people are looking um at this object which is spinning and coming down the witnesses from 1917 on the record on the record from the 1917 hand written documents say this I looked up and saw a dull silver disc I looked up and saw a disc shaped object there was disk dull silver is used repeatedly by Witnesses I had a woman who came to me and I didn't understand this at first um why is it that one person sees something and someone right next to them sees something slightly different I didn't understand that she was in a place called Conyers Georgia and you'll see a shot of that a little bit later in the 90s where the so-called Miracle of the sun and a Marian Apparition allegedly was appearing in Conyers Georgia right here in the states okay so she's out there with thousands of people they're all looking up like this right next to her is her husband they're both looking at the same phenomenon in the sky she sees a religious figure he sees a UFO how is that possible they're right next to each other they're not like 50 feet away they're right next to each other looking at the same object of the sky she sees a religious figure he sees a UFO and this is why we get the discrepancy slight discrepancy on what people are seeing in in the field of Fatima I looked up and saw a dull silver disc and it was spinning throwing off all these different colors and people report that so something is going on here this is an illustration of what it actually looked like so This Cloud comes in front of the Sun out of this comes a spinning object which is a dislike object and it begins to spin and eventually fall over the crowd like this and then eventually come back into the and it does this three times there's also witnesses that saw beings in The Craft as the craft Flew Over the the people's heads probably less than 100 feet now in Portugal at the time no one had ever seen a plane and I mean that it's 1917 and I would I would venture to say that 99 of the people standing in that field that day had no had never seen any aircraft of any of any sort whether a blimp or it's hard for us to believe but that's that's Portugal with 1917. this is a very rural place there there are there are dirt roads there are no aircraft maybe one plane in Lisbon but but maybe we're not even sure about that essentially no one's seen any type of aerial phenomenon guess what there's nothing in people's grids to to process what they're looking at nothing to process what they're looking at there's no words like Arab they know in an airplane but they've never seen one I remember once my dad and I were walking on a beach in California and this knucklehead in a in a World War II fighter plane you know restored comes barreling over us I mean he was like 100 feet up maybe and we Dove to the sand he's still 100 feet up but when this thing comes at you and it's roaring it looks way bigger than it really is and you just go oh my gosh we're gonna die we both hit the ground like this and off off he went you know he didn't come back so the people in the field have have never seen any type of error phenomenon at all they have nothing in their grid system to process what they're looking at I look up and saw a dull silver disc that expression is used multiple times by people go silver disc and then when it does the flyby which is what is Illustrated right here it gives you an idea here's the crowd of people that's The Apparition tree where the entity appears the thing comes down like this over the crowd and all these different people this team of researchers uh Fina diermana Joachim Fernandez they wrote books on this they they found some of the People based on the photographs they were to locate them and they and they took testimonies from them now people and this will get into the whole idea of a strange phenomenon in in just a minute but this is a copy of the handwritten letters a photographer the handwritten testimonies from the People by father Fieri the parish priest so and that's that's the source of the information because this is unredacted There's No Agenda here the parish priest is going what did you see and there are doctors and lawyers who are coming on the record telling father Fiera describing the phenomena that they saw so I've never shot of it and that's father Fiera what's interesting is when Fiera gets all this information and he has it all put together several years later he delivers it to a bishop or a car I think it's a bishop in Lisbon and then he just disappears disappeared no one knows what happens to him he he falls off the face so that we've tried to track him down because you know I still would like to do that because he came from some family somewhere did he keep a journal does he have Memoirs which are sitting and somebody's drawer or a chest in somebody's attic that nobody knows about that's far-fetched there may be nothing there but that's how I think and I just wonder whether there's something because if we could find that it'd be incredible to get his side of the story because he was a witness to the whole thing he was there he got all the testimony from the people so all the information that we're that we're drawing from here sorry is from the 1917 I had written documents by father Fiera so what happens to the three children Lucia and Francisco die in the flu they never make it to their teenage years the great influenza epidemic uchira that's Francisco so he does why is it going off anybody what's going on here father I ask that you touch this and not let it flicker Jesus name Lucia when she turns 18 seven years later is hustled off to a condom she's the only witness that's left and remember only only the Chia and um um jacinta could hear and see her Francisco couldn't so now with jacinta's dying the seven-year-old she was like nine when she passes away from the flu there's only Lucia who's going to tell us what happened or supposedly what happened there are no messages in 1917. the consecration of Russia is never mentioned in the 1917 documents it's not there and we said Okay show us show us where the word Russia is mentioned it's not mentioned so this whole idea of consecrating Russia to my Sacred Heart comes much later basically in 1928 and at this point she's when she's 17 18 she's taken in she takes a vowel silence which is common but she takes a vow of silence moved into Spain in a Convent where no one can see her and she can't talk to anybody and that's when the Memoirs begin to come out the three secrets of Fatima and all this other nonsense which in my opinion with all due respect to people who believe this completely manufactured with an agenda in mind consecrate Russia to my Sacred Heart why is that there because the Russians are Bolsheviks and Communists in the church is deathly afraid of the Russians because of if the Communists take control the first thing that happens is goodbye Catholic church and every other church for that matter just like what happened in Russia so there's a lot to be to be said for this so that's what happens to the kids the secrets of Fatima are not revealed until 1928. it's not in the original handwritten documents from 1917. so now we move to Fatima II a miracle of a son and I just show you the trailer here so you can give it some volume on the uh what if what happened inside of my 101 years ago it was much more complex than any of us could have imagined what if there was a fourth witness hidden away for decades and through the detective work of researcher Fina de Armada this witness was discovered and interviewed in that interview the fourth witness described seeing a being with blonde hair floating in mid-air above the same tree that The Apparition would later apparel one of the so-called angel hair that fell over the crowd is also reported by Witnesses who have had close encounters with UFOs today then there was the dull silver disc which Flew Over the 80 000 people gathered at Fatima which seemed to create chaos as car windshields exploded hooks flew open and gasoline spontaneously combusted what if there was a picture taken 101 years ago that Leon discovered in the Fatima archives until one man Jose muchado had access to it what he found may be a Smoking Gun then there were numerous reports of apparitions and so-called Sun Miracles but what are these really could they be harbingers of deception this is Fatima II strange phenomena foreign [Music] and what we discovered remember we were over there for like what two weeks over there for two weeks we had interviews with people we went to different sites firstly we discovered there was there were many Apparition sites all over all over Portugal and then this is the kicker I remember sitting here with a with an anthropologist and I asked him a question I say what was here before the Christian era and he says oh there was goddess worship everywhere I'm just kind of going what because it's God's worship and the goddess worship that there was this woman called Mora the female and it was it was everyone embraced all these these these serpent Cults embraced the so-called sacred feminine so it was a matriarchal society with the worship of of the Goddess when the Romans came in they bought in Diana there's actually a temple which we'll see uh in about a week or whatever a little more like two weeks in southern Portugal Temple to Diana so this whole area is steeped in the worship of the Sacred feminine and the worship and goddess worship that's a huge red flag so what are we looking at really not a shot of the mother goddess it's a shot of Diana the huntress notice the short skirt [Music] notice the short skirt then Fina di Armada which is right here Fina di Armada was a researcher she passed away in 14 2014 so I never got to meet her but I met her daughter and and her daughter comes in on the record her daughter saw is taking the mantle and it was fantastic to to discuss all this with her Fina de Armada was doing a paper she was a in school and she was doing a paper on internet influential women of the 20th century and so she wanted to do a paper on Lucia right and that's how she gained access to the sanctuary at Fatima and that's where she got to see and one of the very few people ever read all these handwritten testimony she was not allowed to photograph them but what she would do is she would bring a tape recorder and read in in the tape recorder in the tape recorder mic what she was reading she would record it so she would go home and she would be reading as fast as she could and recording the text and she couldn't photographer obviously couldn't take anything out it was Xerox it so her hands are kind of tight but she's figured out a way to make it work and that they allowed her to do that and from this she's uncovering all this information and one of the incredible finds was a fourth witness that went completely under the radar until Fina de Armada brought this out to the public and what happened was this fourth witness just like muchia Francisco uh and jacinta is also a shepherdist and she's out there attending sheep and as she's tending the Sheep she sees a you're not with me on the slides why isn't it changing let me try it again it's okay there we go okay good so as she's um out there she sees this androgynous being in a white kind of dress Smock thing she's not sure there's a boy or girl it's got blonde hair so blonde hair in Portugal is be good I I I won't stand anywhere near that so blonde hair in Portugal is is unheard of and the fact that this this whatever this this entity is it's laughing and singing There's a ring of stones around this tree and by the way this is exactly the same tree that the entity later appears over so this woman um Carolina Carrera was her name the fourth witness she's seeing this and she describes this is another shot of what the being at Fatima allegedly looked like it was wearing this kind of like quilted deal it held some sort of a ball there's the dress right below the knees very very strange so she's out there and she is looking at this entity and she looks back to the sheep and the Sheep beasts are kind of stunned they're kind of paralyzed and when she looks back at the entity The Entity is no longer at the base of the tree The Entity is floating on the Treetops all and this is all handwritten testimony father figure which Fina de Armada discovered what was incredible about this this is decades later and Fina knew the woman's name Carolina Cara she goes to Fatima the village and she finds her and that's what the picture is here Fina Fina took this picture of the fourth witness that's Carolina carriera are obviously very old at this time and uh that is the fourth witness which is just incredible so the fourth Witness Goes pretty much under the radar and there's the being floating above the Treetops and what we see that our ancient serpent Cults all throughout Portugal that worship the sacred feminine these are done by our CGI guy Wesley San giorgi foreign Cults everywhere and what happens is with this flyby it's not this benevolent wonderful experience car windshields explode gasoline spontaneously combusts people get burn marks on their skin their clothes which are absolutely sopping wet underneath the flyby from this craft as the clothes become dry as well as the ground so we're looking at strange phenomena absolutely and as the people look up they're definitely seeing something there's no this is again an original picture take it from Joshua benolio 1917 in October 13 1917. so in in UFO war people who sometimes see UFOs have burn marks on their skin this is exactly what is reported in these are shots of people that have had encounters and they get burn marks on their skin and this is exactly what some of the witnesses underneath this object that flew over them reported they were burn marks car windshields exploded again in ufology this is very common we it this windshields will just explode so there's a great amount of energy that's being um just demonstrated and blowing out the car windshields the car windshields at Portugal this is what they recorded So this isn't some benevolent wonderful act where everyone is like the movie where everybody falls to her knees and it's like oh it's not that at all people are freaking out I'll show you a clip in just a little bit you'll see in modernity the same type of complete chaos because there's nothing in people's grid system to deal with this stuff so you've got burn marks on the skin you've got wind chills that are exploding you've got a buzzing noise that people are hearing in their ears and this buzzing noise was associated in pretty much most of the apparitions from May to October when the entity would appear people who couldn't see her would hear this buzzing noise the clothes and the ground became instantly dry again this is another shot from 1917 to give us an idea of just how many people were in the field that day something called which they call Angel hair again it's dressed up when we see something we take our cultural um knowledge what we have in our grid system and we try to Define what it is we're looking at based on what we know so there's strange substance fell down on the ground people call it angel hair later on in between towards modernity it was it was turned into rose petals from Mary that's the whole thing is just being it's being managed and manipulated from 1917 to modernity so this was what fell on the crowd was rose petals well not so fast citizen people talk about these strange white fibers that fell on the crowd and this same White Fiber called angel hair is also found with UFO sightings and UFO events people this is what happens windshields break burn marks on the skin and angel hair where am I going with all this La why why why do you have such an ax to Grant about the UFO phenomenon but because this is the coming great deception and you'll see what Fatima does I'll get to the punch line You'll see how Fatima completely twists the whole thing to and everybody just accepts it every mile is great bring it on it's Mary in the Bible it's a religious figure it's Jesus so enter this man Jose Machado we met him last year back to Portugal and that's when we discovered that Portugal had all these ancient mounds and dolmens were going back there a week from the Saturday we'll be in Lisbon and then we'll start we're filming over there for three weeks Portugal Malaga Spain Karnak France and America Stonehenge this we're on the trail of the Nephilim and was meeting with archaeologists anthropologists people will hold dealers it's just a very very rigorous trip uh we'll be exhausted by the time we come back so enter enter Jose Machado he is a professor of semiotics but a professor of semiotics do they study film they study pictures they study film this is what they do they analyze this stuff so he's a professor of semiotics he teaches this on a university level he gets access to the Fatima archives to the glass scrapes that Joshua benolio took there are 12 of them this isn't Polaroid stuff these are glass plates in other words in 1917 they've got the wooden box cameras they got a glass plate you take actually pull the glass play it out you put it in the container this is what this is how they're photographing the stuff and he takes 12 photographs I have maintained go back and listen to me on George Noory I've said George somebody have to have taken a picture of the so-called Miracle of the sun there's got to be something somewhere I won't pound the top I promise so I almost did it's got to be something so there's a shot of Joshua I'm sorry um Jose Machado holding the glass place by Joshua benolio in the Fatima archives in the fat you see which drives me nuts about all this stuff just like the picture in Catalina that I discovered it's like everything everything is like we just kind of hide this from the people and you can't look at it we won't we won't let researchers look at it but he somehow he gets access and this guy tells us on the record there were three photographs in his words that had problems with them and we go what do you mean by problems and he says basically there are objects in in the photographs that shouldn't be there so to our absolute utter amazement and I would suggest looking let me see what this monitor looks like here I'd probably go with with one of these not the overhead but I'll show you in just a second um dim the lights just for a second let's see how that looks that's good right there so this is Joshua benolio's photograph from 1917 October 13th all right he's in the field look at the people there's The Apparition tree right there here's the smoke something comes up makes a right angle turn and there's an object there okay is an object there Joshua benolio tells us on the record after examining the glass plate whatever this object is this disk like object is it is not a smudge it is not a chemical burn whatever it is it's intrinsic in the glass plate itself so we took the photograph and all we did was clean it up in other words we took it into Photoshop we didn't Photoshop it but we got rid of the artifacts around it and that's the object right over the tree you tell me what we're looking at you tell me what we're looking at who is the prince of the power of the air Satan comes of all signs and lying Wonders that even the elect would be deceived if that was possible even the elect would be deceived if that were possible men think from fear from us coming upon the Earth I'm not making this stuff up I wish I was but I'm not when we saw this I fell out of my chair went oh my we've got the Smoking Gun the History Channel I'm not really supposed to say this but the History Channel did a seven part series on Fatima okay so they got feet of the Armada and um Jose Machado in Portuguese is Jose it's not Jose it's Jose that's how it's pronounced so don't correct me later so Jose I didn't know it either so Jose and Fina are together and the History Channel is forming them and they're showing this picture they're discussing Jose's incredible groundbreaking work it's all on film seven part series somebody from an organization which I won't name puts the kabash on it and all the the six the six films go out but not the one with Jose and not the one with Fina talking about the object didn't go out it was it was quashed so Francisco our guide and good friend over there has got I've never seen the actual interviews but he's got it but he can't show it publicly but Jose published a small book which we then published earned in the fire we haven't reprinted it yet it's a really small book but he talks about what the photograph was this is this is amazing here's the deal folks 95 99 of the people in Portugal have never seen that photograph because it was totally quashed by powers that be that start with a big V that's where it came from completely caught and and was never people in America have never seen this they've never seen this it's only through through our work that people have seen it and you know and people go when I'm on Coast to Coast or other oh well you just hate Mary you're just bashing conflicts and I go no no have you seen the film well no but you're just I go if you haven't seen the film how can you possibly talk about it because we never bash Mary we never talk about Mary we never say anything disparaged about Catholics or what they believe in fact we go out of our way to make sure we don't do that but this is the evidence here it is this is the stinking Smoking Gun it's a disc over the tree which is exactly what the eyewitnesses said it's not Mary of the Bible or anything else it's a flipping disc and it's over the sanctuary and everybody's freaking out oh but wait it gets better what is happening in modernity watch what is happening in modernity what happened at Fatima is now in the far distant past over 100 years ago events occurred which are still the subject of debate today however there have been numerous Apparition sites since 1917. this segment will explore more of a strange phenomenon that has occurring in modernity we want to crackers of so-called apparitions and ask you to determine what it is you are looking at can we really ascertain what these indistinct images of light are you be the judge this is all recent [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you let's go [Applause] this is Conyers Georgia [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you Satan appears with all signs and lying wonders as a former woman Catholic and three years seminarian for the priesthood I want to thank you for your expose on Fatima I frequently watch EWTN which carries many discussions and presentations on Fatima I actually began preaching about the deception of Fatima about five or six years ago as I continue to hear confusing accounts about what happened in Portugal 1917. your video is a classic I am looking forward to sharing with many of my Christian and Catholic friends thanks for your diligence on this product I am looking forward to part two so here's the deal when you watched the apparitions and Sun Miracles happening in modernity you heard the people complete craziness screaming yelling oh thank you Lord is this clouds open up and there's like a religious figure that kind of looks like Jesus but can we really just because there's a blob of light that's supposed to be Mary because there's a blob of light with this blue thing hanging down it's not Mary it's just a blob alive with a blue thing no one's rebuking first asking questions later no one's doing that no one's testing the spirits no one's rebuking anything they're all just accepting it John tells us hey did Jesus Come In the Flesh no one's yelling that out no one's doing anything they're all just going oh thank you thank you thank you following your knees and worshiping is like it's something this is where we are and this is not 1917. this is in modernity 2009 you actually wanted to grow there and the Lord said no so thank God we did there were all these Muslims and Christians together in the courtyard and by the way the mayor that that Apparition lasted for two weeks off and on and the mayor of the town right outside of um Cairo turned off all the power to make sure it wasn't being held sure enough The Apparition and the Blobs of light and those blobs light the big one is Mary holding the baby Jesus it's a baby Jesus and then behind him is Joseph and then maybe the angel what first of all it's Blasphemous to think that Jesus would appear as a baby it's utterly Blasphemous he sits at the right hand of the father he is the King end the story Jesus is the king he's not some little baby in his mother's arms anymore that was then this is now he's the king and he's going to come back and he's going to rule end the story so it's absolutely utterly Blasphemous but it plays on everybody's oldest Mother and Child near Marvin simarabis I'll look at that as this wonderful Hallelujah burn some candles I mean it's wacky this is where we are right now in 2019 and this stuff is not going away and as you'll see tonight what is happening is the whole UFO disclosure is pressing so why is this important why is Fatima why did I do these films because Fatima sets a precedent to accept this type of phenomenon that's what it does it makes it oh some miracle oh it's got to be merry Hallelujah let's go and you saw all these people falling down and basically worship holy Lord no one's rebuking first and ask questions later even if you see an angel of white you don't you don't know what it is you don't we don't know what it is you've got to rebuke first ask questions later end the story no one's doing that nobody's doing that and frankly I find that incredibly alarming but it's a sign of the times it's a sign of the times it's where we are thank you for listening I will be back at seven o'clock this evening it's a UFO presentation thanks guys
Channel: WOW Faith Church
Views: 86,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WOW Faith Church, Larry Ollison, Walk on the Water, Osage Beach, Word of Faith, A Place Called Heaven, Southwest Baptist University, Billye Brim Ministries, 3BI Bible Institute, Rhema Bible Training College, Loretta Ollison, Southern Baptist Convention, Taking the Word to the World, Eagle Mountain International Church, Joyce Meyer Ministries, WOW Worship Team, The Lighthouse Bookstore, Christians United for Israel, Mega Churches, International Convention of Faith Ministries
Id: yIs1f22xs_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 27sec (5907 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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