Knowing God - An Extraterrestrial Message - Chuck Missler

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it's a delight to be with you but i have to tell you as one who spent his career in the scientific community i get so tired of people who mean well say you can't prove the bible but then they'll make some positive statement i'm so tired of hearing that preamble this presumption that you can't prove the bible yes you can this document this collection of documents you have in your lab the bible is incredible and you can demonstrate that it is of extraterrestrial origin its origin is from outside our time domain and i want to give you some examples of things to help demonstrate that this morning one of the questions that we often get asked is are there hidden messages in the bible and there's a lot of nonsense published in that area but yes there are in fact solomon tells us it is the glory of god to conceal a thing and the duty and honor of kings to search out a matter so we're going to explore some of those things this morning and i believe that before we're through you'll have some examples that will strengthen your confidence that that bible the word of god that we also depend on is in fact a supernatural document a unique document but i'll start by asking you a riddle and that is who is the oldest man in the bible anyone methuselah good for you yes methuselah lived 960 969 years he's the oldest the longest life in the bible and yet he died before his father yeah that puzzles you a little bit doesn't it he's the oldest man in the bible yet he died before his father say i cheated on you you see everybody forgets who his father was his father was a guy by the name of enoch and enoch was an interesting guy and we'll talk a little bit about him he at the age of 65 something happened in his life that from that point on he walked with god for another 300 years now what happened was i should explain something else the flood of noah did not come as a surprise the flood of noah was preached on for four generations surprisingly enough but when enoch's son was born god told him that as long as his son is alive the judgment of that flood would be held back and indeed so he names his son methuselah that's a hebrew word from two root words the word muth which means his death that occurs 125 times in the old testament and the verb shallach which means his death shall it means to bring or send forth the combination means his death shall bring or send forth strange title but that's his name and we discover when we study genesis chapter 5 carefully that methuselah was 187 when he had a son by the name of lamech and lamech was 182 and he had a son by the name of noah and it was in the 600th year of noah that the flood came and the in other words the year that methuselah died is the year the flood came and that was the prophecy can you girls imagine what it was like to raise that kid every time he caught a cold the entire neighborhood would go into panic right as long as he's alive everything's right but when he dies that's when the lord did come right the flood did come excuse me when the flood did come before i go further i want to give you a little flavor for the hebrew language because it's very different most alphabets are phonetic they help us to pronounce the words the hebrew letters the 22 of them in their alphabet carry meaning not just sound the first letter in their alphabet even the word alphabet is hebrew by the way the aleph bet the the aleph it was originally written like an ox's head showing on the left up there and uh we are up there at the okay good uh being the first letter it means first or strength or leader that's what the flavor of that letter is and the second letter is beth it was originally written like a little house or tent and the word beth means house and or family and bethlehem is the house of bread befell the house of god the word beth the letter itself carries the concept of a house now when you take an aleph and a bet together you have the word ab and if it's a that means it's the leader of the house who's is is the father it's the word for father now there's another hebrew letter called hey probably like an open window or two hands raised it's a breath if you will and it can mean behold or revealed it also is like a breeze or a breath or a wind or spirit the hey you even breathe well remember henry higgins and and uh my fairly and hartford hereford hurricanes hardly ever happened need to get elijah doodle to get our hs right same idea there well if you take the hay and put it in the middle of a word it the collective represents the essence of that the word ab was father if you put the hay in the middle of it you get ahab which reveals the heart or essence of the father that is the hebrew word for love because love is the essence of the father see the point i'm trying to get across the meaning is in the letters not just the sound and so now you may recall in genesis 17 both abram and sarai had their names changed right what god did is simply put a hey in the middle of their word of their names a breath he filled them with the spirit the the spirit was infused in their lives abraham sarah the hay was what connoted that if you will well as we read our bible we really get enchanted with of course the first two chapters of the creation that's pretty exciting stuff you get to chapter three that's the seed plot of the whole bible as rooted in chapter three chapter four is the the murder of uh uh able by cain and you know that story from chapter 6 on we have the flood of noah and there's a lot of action there so the book of genesis is a very exciting action-filled book but when you get to genesis chapter 5 it's one of those chapters you talk you'd like to skip it's just a genealogy and if you're in a reading plan you like to sort of skip over that get into the interesting stuff no genesis 5 what is it all about well it's a genealogy of 10 people adam seth enosh keenan mahalalel yared enoch methuselah lameka noah see the problem with that list it's not translated for you that is transliterated those are approximations of how they were pronounced i wonder what light might lie behind these other names let's see if we can go through this a little bit that name adam is pretty straightforward that comes from automa which means man no problem with that one that's why he is followed by a son by the name of seth the word seth means appointed and uh how do we know that because he tells us that in the previous chapter eve said when he was born for god hath appointed me another seed instead of abel whom cain slew and you all know what came in the middle everybody asked me where did cain get his wife right he married his brother's sister because he was able i thought i'd help you with that right all right we'll move on he has a son by the name of enosh now this is a heavy name to go around with the word enough means mortal frail or miserable can you imagine having him on a sports team hey miserable you're on our team it doesn't really work especially in school i imagine okay and it comes from the root anash which means incurable it's usually used of a wound or grief or woe or sickness something like that canaan now not canaan keenan is a can mean sorrow dirge or elegy don't confuse it with kanan balaam and uh in numbers 24 develops a pun on his name it's another whole story but keenan means sorrow these are pretty heavy names miserable and so forth so when keenan has a a son he decides this enough's enough so he names his son when he's born of a mouthful but a wonderful name mahalalel and mahal which means blessed or praised one and l the name for god mahalalel kind of hard to pronounce but what a great name quite a conference to his his elders the blessed god is what his name means he mentioned he names his son yared and there's a story behind that i'll spare you here but the name yarad which simply means shall come down and that may have a connection with genesis 6 but it's always another story that brings us to enoch we've mentioned already but what does the word enoch mean it turns out that enoch is an academic phrase which means commencement or more narrow teaching enoch suggests teaching if you will and then of course he has methuselah which i mentioned means that mooth and sherlock really mean his death shall bring the year that methuselah dies is indeed the year the the flood came that brings us to lamech now here's a case where the root word is still in our english language and we see it evident in the word english lament or lamentation if you will in the hebrew the word lamech suggests despairing despairing fair enough now lamech has a son by the name of noah and that's the he's derived from nacham which means relief to bring relief or comfort and we know that from his father mentions that uh he's uh islamic says in chapter 5 says he called his name noah saying this same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because of the ground which the lord hath cursed okay so here's our genealogy now adam seth enosh kanan noah that's the way it's a rough way they might pronounce it let's translate it with what we've learned well adam means man seth appointed enos mortal keenan sorrow mahalalel the blessed god shall come down teaching that his death whose death god's death shall bring the despairing comfort or rest man is appointed mortal sorrow man has appointed mortal sorrow but the blessed god shall come down teaching that his death whose death god's death shall bring the despairing comfort of rest staggering staggering discovery here tucked away in the genealogy of uh of noah this tells you several things it tells you that god's plan of redemption was not a knee-jerk reaction to a surprise that adam simm he knew he would from the beginning before the creation he appointed those that would be saved when did god first have his mind on you ephesians 1 4 before the foundation of the world god knew he knew it it would take a display of infinite love to remedy the situation that nothing less than the death of god himself would avail to to pay for the wickedness of sin but the other thing about this that you learn well there's no way you'll ever convince me that a group of jewish rabbis contrived to hide a summary of the christian gospel tucked away in a genealogy in the torah no way no way and yet here it is right there saying you see the thing i want to get across is in your bible it's an integrated design every detail is there deliberately the old the new testament is in the old testament concealed there's an example i'll show you some others the old testament is in the new testament revealed it works both ways and we'll look at a few of those examples so we're looking at the book of genesis here if we study the let the and i should point out something before we go further you need to understand that all languages flow towards jerusalem nations that are east of jerusalem go from right to left not only hebrew but arabic sanskrit you name it all nations west of jerusalem go from left to right not only english and german and english latin of course but also cyrillic greek what have you all those that are west going anyway so they go in different directions but now here's the book of genesis and remember it goes from right to left and the the most venerated part of the old testament the tanakh is called the torah which in hebrew is four letters the equivalent of our t-o-r-h if you will well it's interesting if you go to the first tau or t equivalent and then you count 49 7 squared 49 letters and you come to a vav which acts like a o in effect and then you count 49 letters and you come to a resh and then you count which is like an r and then 49 letters you get to the hey and that spells torah now you say well that's kind of an interesting coincidence it happens in 49 letter intervals that it spells the name of the books of moses all right that's kind of a curious oddity that sure it means anything you go to exodus and the strange thing the same thing happens there's a tau 49 letters to avow 49 letters to a resh and 49 letters to a hay and again it spells torah now when it does that a second time you get a strange feeling someone's playing games here indeed the holy spirit may be doing this let's watch and see what happens here the next book is leviticus and when you look at it that doesn't happen and you almost feel a sense of relief but when you go to the next numbers you find it happens but backwards there's a hey theresh and a vav and a towel it spells torah backwards i have no idea how they discovered this somebody had time on their hands i think you go to deuteronomy and the same equivalent thing happens so you stand back from all of this in 49 7 squared 49 letter sequences you find genesis spelled right taurus spelled right numbers in deuteronomy it's spelled backwards that's pretty weird well let's go back and take a more careful look at the book of leviticus and when we examine that we discover in the hebrew that at seven letter intervals it spells the unpronounceable name of god some people call it yahweh and so that's interesting you look at this whole thing exodus just texas they go forward numbers do not be backwards right in the middle you have the name the torah always points to one of the unpronounceable names of god are you unused of yahushua also our our lord jesus christ well let's enjoy that okay you know every time i do this i get goosebumps because that is so staggering to see that there let me show you something that to me is even a bigger surprise let's take a look at genesis chapter 38 now that's a pretty weird chapter it's one that many parents wish wasn't in the bible because it's this sordid story of judah's sin with tamar and you know when you study genesis from 37 to the end is a fabulous wrap up of this incredible book and in genesis 37 you have the the beginning of the saga of joseph who after being sold by his brothers rises to become the prime minister of the world incredible saga from 37 to 50 end of the book chapter 50. but in chapter 38 they insert this story that is a sordid thing how judah is tricked into having sex with his daughter-in-law tamar and then who gives birth to two sons out of wedlock and many people wonder what's that doing in the bible and well it's in there because it's part of the messianic line for a lot of reasons but we won't get into that here the real question is why is the holy spirit recorded here let me show you something else about it and this is genesis 38 again in hebrew going from right to left and it's interesting that we discover in that text at 49 letter intervals again the name of boaz that catches our attention then we find at 49 letter intervals we find the number of root the name of ruth and boaz and ruth wow okay what's going on here and then we find in 49 letter intervals that name obed and then at 49 letter intervals we find yeshe or jesse as we would say it and then we find at 49 letter intervals the name of david now so we have here apparently rather astonishingly we have boaz ruth obed jesse and david at 49 letter intervals in chronological order we have the genealogy of david indeed now realize this is in genesis long before the after the books of moses we have joshua then we have judges then first samuel long before david's around david's genealogy is plugged in we know that god had planned to have david as the king from the beginning israel is impatient they want a king so he lets them have saul for a while to learn some lessons but david was ordained in genesis 38 staggering staggering implication known unto god are all his works from the beginning he alone knows the end from the beginning and he demonstrates that to authenticate that message that he sent to you it's in your laps it gets better it gets better when did the flood end we all know about the flood genesis 6 7 8 flood but in 8 chapter 8 verse 4 the flood comes to an end okay and we notice in verse 4 of genesis 8 it says the ark of the noah's ark the ark rested the seventh month on the 17th day of the seven of the the seventh month the 17th day of the month upon the mountains of ararat now if you are a normal well-adjusted bible reader you go ahead and keep reading but if you've been to one of my bible studies you are no longer a normal well-adjusted reader because you remember i told you every detail is there deliberately every detail every number every place name in the bible is there on purpose the holy spirit had a purpose in it well why on earth did the holy spirit want you to know that the ark came to rest i mean who cares you know it came to rest on the seventh month seventeenth day of that month on the mountains of ararat now for this one you need to do a little bit of homework you need to understand that the jews have two calendars and uh the genesis calendar is the one that they celebrate even to this day the beginning of the year is in the month of tishri in the fall and that's called the head of the year rosh hashanah so that's their civil calendar what i'll call the genesis calendar however they were given in exodus 12 the exodus counter where god tells them to make that month the month in the sun in the spring the beginning of their months because that's where he establishes passover and you may recall that in texas exodus 12 verse 2 god says this month the son shall be unto you the beginning of the months it shall be the first month of the year unto you so now you've got two calendars the two different beginnings you need to just keep them straight and so if you compare these of course in the genesis encounter history is the first month if in in the in the uh exodus calendar nissan is the first month which is the seventh month of the genesis counter the sun is the seventh month of the genesis calendar and it's the genesis calendar that records the ark coming to rest on the 17th day of the seventh month so let's put this together jesus was crucified on passover the 14th of nisan how long was jesus in the in the tomb anyone four days what three days okay great exactly so that means he was resurrected on the 17th day of nissan which is the seventh month of the genus genesis calendar you're with me so far you say so what here's why do you realize that noah's new beginning on the planet earth was on the anniversary in advance of our new beginning in jesus christ praise god do you get the feeling that god knows what he's doing do you get the feeling that he's in control of every detail praise his holy name he's orchestrating even the flood of noah and the timing tithes coordinates with the whole gospel story praise god the more you study your bible you'll discover these connections these coincidences now the rabbis will tell you the coincidence is not a kosher word okay the old testament the new testament is in the old testament concealed and the old testament is in the new testament revealed let's take the brazen serpent i love this one it's one of the weirdest stories in the bible it's not explained the brazen serpent it's a numbers 21 for those of you want to study it later the people spike against god against moses and wherefore you brought us out of egypt to die the wilderness where there's no bread there's no water our soul loaded this light bread meaning the man and they hated the manna lords and so the lord sent fiery serpents among the people that bit the people much afraid they call it fiery because the poison stings it burns and so the uh that bit the people and much people died from these snakebites and they're now they're upset about that and they repent then the people speak against god excuse me i got to get the next slide okay therefore the people came to moses said we have sinned we have spoken against the lord and against thee pray unto the lord that he may take away the serpents from us so moses prayed for the people and god resorts to a most strange remedy here the lord said unto moses make thee a fiery serpent and set it up on a pole and it shall come to pass that everyone that is bitten when he looketh upon it shall live wow so moses moses made a serpent of brass put it on a pole up on a hill and it came to pass that if a serpent had bit any man when he beheld the serpent of brass he lived so god set it up so here's this brass serpent on a pole up on a hill somewhere and up a copper bronze i won't get into the brass issue right now but what what why is god doing this there's no explanation we take a look a serpent is what a figure of evil or sin isn't it and a breath why brass that's the metal that could sustain fire so it symbolizes judgment is this an idiom for judgment you can search the entire old testament and never have this explained very it's a you know come on it is a pretty strange remedy that god set up here to heal if he's going to heal these people why did he do it that way he chose to do it that way and they did in fact this particular remedy creates a problem because that brazen serpent becomes an idol to worship many centuries later king hezekiah discovers their their their uh praying to this he destroys it in ii kings 18 hezekiah is doing what's right before the lord according to all his what his father david did he removed the high places broke the images cut down the groves and all that and uh and for the under those days the children of israel did burn incense to it that is the the brazen serpent that moses made he called it nectar which means a thing of brass and he destroys it but they never explain why did god do it that way there's no evidence of that in fact this becomes the symbol of the medical profession it leads to a legend called the uh escalatious and the rod of escalapias was used that legend has its roots of course in numbers 21. now in america they have a way of messing things up you know they they thought gee uh two serpents look a little more symmetrical so they not on they call it the caduceus which is the wand of hermes which is a symbol of merchandising so when you see a american doctor with his car on a on the license plate with a caduceus it you can know he's going to charge you too much you say now these things happened as examples the scripture tells us whatever things were written before time were written for our learning that we through the comfort of the scriptures might have hope they're written for our administration and so on and so so let's move on here let's see it isn't until you get to the new testament and you're in the gospel of john and nicodemus the leader the leading teacher in that region came to jesus and jesus explains it to him then john 3 verse 14 jesus says as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the son of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life now the it's astonishing to me to realize that that's the first place in the bible this peculiar event of numbers 21 is explained and then you suddenly realize that that's why god had the serpent in the wilderness as an indicator as a foreshadowing of the cross deliberately in advance did the people of israel understand that i doubt it but god planted it there to be assigned to us because it leads to the most well-known verse in the entire bible verse 16 of john 3 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life praise god okay so it's it's this is one of these things see in in in gentile terms prophecies of prediction and fulfillment prediction fulfillment in the hebrew mind prophecy is pattern all through the scripture you see patterns set up that are for that are predictions and the numbers 21 the praise and serpent is a prediction of the cross interestingly enough socrates was recorded as saying it may be that deity can forgive sins but i do not see how it's interesting this guy had the perception to understand the problem how can deity be righteous at the same time forgive sins what's the key he saw the contradiction i can't see how indeed he can forgive sins he never occurred to him that the deity might offer himself to be the payment for those sins he understood the problem for more clearly than most people made and yet he didn't see the solution to it because see paul tells us in the second corinthian letter chapter 5 verse 31 speaking of jesus for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him you and i have no capacity to imagine what it means to have a holy god who's pure unspoiled made sin for us we can't imagine what that embraces he may have made him to be sin for us in a great design the new testament is in the old testament concealed and the old testament is the new testament revealed it's a single 66 book penned by 40 different guys over almost 2 000 years that's an integrated design you can't prove the bible yes you can you can prove it you can demonstrate its integrity and you can see where the who it points to how it authenticates christ and then how christ authenticates the whole package but let's take another glimpse of surprises that might be in the bible uh i always say that everything in there is there deliberately by design people challenge but what about numbers two now what are you gonna make of that numbers two that's all these weird numbers that that what may what might be hidden behind the numbers and details of the camp of israel here let's describe jesus said the volume of the book is written to me you need to discover for yourself that jesus christ is on every page of the bible not just the new testament and so in in numbers chapter 2 we have the listings of all the 12 tribes of israel you have judah issachar and zebulun then you have reuben simeon and gad and then you have ephraim manasseh and benjamin and finally of course you have dan asher and naftali now you realize there are 13 tribes by the way don't get confused they always speak of 12 tribes but they cheat because if you want all 12 all of them you want to call it 12 you take joe joseph and lump it together if you want to take one out for some reason dan for one reason or levi for another you can still have 12 left over by taking joseph and splitting him into two once you realize the game they're playing you'll realize why they always have 12 whether or not levi's included he doesn't go to the line of march in battle so you still have 12 going to battle and there's they're listed 20 times in the old testament always in a different order but there it's always a subset of the of the 13. but anyway moving on here so we also learned from numbers two that these twelve tribes camped in four camps the first three judah issachar and zebian camped under the ensign of judah as the camp of judah so reuben sibian and gad camped under the camp of reuben ephraim manasseh and benjamin under the ensign of ephraim and dan asher naftali under dan and so they have four camps now the levites are camped in the middle they set out an area where they set up the tabernacle in the middle of their area and the door was always to the east and that's where moses and the priests were camped and then the the gershonites gothites and merorites camped around the tabernacle but the whole area was the area assigned to levites i don't know how big it was but it's going to be the basic unit we're going to deal with here the camps of the levites why because we're going to discover that the rabbis worked very hard they give them credit they really worked hard to fulfill the law as precisely as they understood it the rabbinical precision the camp of judah is instructed to camp east of the levites fair enough camp of reuben was the the south of the levites no problem but that means that no one can camp southeast because that's neither south nor east so that's a vacant area apparently only cardinal directions were ordained in the law and the width of the camp it would be as wide as the levites camp and still conform but not larger than that so it would go as long as they needed to for the population okay let's take a look at this here so we have the can we have the 22 000 or so of the levites in the middle and we have the camp of judah to the east its ensign was of course the lion of the tribe of judah and so those three tribes assigned to judah would be encamped to the east no problem there reuben was to be to the south his ensign was a symbol of the man and they camped to the south and only to the south and then we have no one in the southeast you understand nor the southwest northwest northeast those are vacant okay ephraim is to the west and his symbol his insulin was the oxen the three camps that make up the camp the three groups the three tribes that make up the camp uh camp to the to the west and then we have dan and his symbol was the eagle now you wonder wait a minute i remember genesis 49 his ensign was a serpent except a heezer the head of the tribe was uncomfortable with that so we discover that what he does he adopts an eagle with a snake in its mouth as his ensign and that's where dan picks up the eagle as is a more comfortable ensign than the serpent for obvious reasons and so be that as it may we now have the for now what we need to do is figure out the the populations judah is the largest with 186 thousand ephraim to the to the west is only 108 the smallest the other two are about the same let's i want to show you an aerial picture that's in your bible that we've just constructed here for you it's the same thing that balak excuse me balaam when he was on the hill cursing israel as he looked down what he saw and that's what he saw that's an aerial view of the camp of israel this is in the old testament this is in numbers 2. it's staggering isn't it when you really start putting it together it's even deeper than that it would appear the first time because it also becomes a model of the throne of god because we have the three faces of the cherubim the man the ox the eagle and the lion portrayed here that are in all the visions of the throne of god whether you're looking at it isaiah 6 or ezekiel 10 or revelation 4. we see the same four names we discover the design of the four gospels in the new testament matthew mark luke and john present jesus the messiah in the one case the servant the other the son of man the humanity by luke and john the son of god they have a genealogy appropriate to their mission each one except mark mark has no genealogy because he no one's concerned about the pedigree of a servant matthew because he's dealing with a jewish thing starts with the first jew abraham and takes the legal line luke who's a gentile and a doctor he takes his uh genealogy from adam and goes down the bloodline a different genealogy mary's genealogy is not the same as joseph's matthew has joseph's geology luke has mary's and it's a very interesting study and john of course has a genealogy but we don't recognize this because it's the genealogy of the pre-existent one the first three verses of the gospel of john's if matthew talked matthew speaks of what jesus said servant the mark what he did luke what he felt his humanity and john who he actually was and we have the one is written to the jew the roman the greek or the church depending and we also have the first miracle in each one supporting that particular design all the way through and they have the same proper ending matthew being jewish ends with the resurrection mark is uh writing uh he he speaks of the uh to the gentile so he's talking about the ascension luke's uh uh talks about the promise of the spirit setting up the sequel luke volume 2 which we know is the book of acts and john sets up his sequel which of course is the book of revelation the promise of his return so that's what we have this represent this these representations are by those same four faces the lion the ox the man and the eagle and that's why we see the ensign of judah ephraim and reuben and dan in that order on the east west south and north side now i don't have to make a big thing of this but if you start studying your gospels you begin to discover that they also are designed in some amazing ways again the new testament is in the old testament concealed and the old testament is the new testament revealed something having come out of the scientific community for most of my career i am continually stunned by the technology that is anticipated in the bible our most advanced weapons technology bullets that can't miss cruise missiles that can't miss are described in jeremiah and and elsewhere the fact that man can wipe himself out with his weapons is something that didn't make sense in earlier years and today's technology the world worries about the fact that man can very easily do that and medical hygiene has its own history in the scripture circumcision there's no way you'll convince me that moses knew that you circumcised a baby on the eighth day that he learned that by trial and error i don't think so no god told him that we now know medically that is the optimum time if you're going to circumcise you do it on the eighth day for a lot of reasons matthew fontaine mari uh read in psalm eight that there are pathways in the sea and he dedicated his life to finding them and he is recognized worldwide as the father of oceanography and of course the round earth is all through there subatomic particles are anticipated the meteorological cycles anticipated global tv jesus says when you see the abomination of desolation stand in the holy place holy place the holy of holies how can the world see what's going on in the holy of holies a place that only the high priest can go only once a year after great preparation there's something going on there that everybody's going to watch how are they going to do that on cnn of course and electronic french funds transfer we all talk about the 666 and all that stuff the other thing that you may not know but we need to pay attention to the physics world the scientific world is very very worried about the fact that the constants of physics are changing and that's disturbing many and they are light speed of light's been slowing down the other change wisconsins are looking searching every in scientific american in june of 2005 they had an article which points out that if the constants are changing and they are that implies that the reality what we think of as reality is but a shadow of a larger reality no kidding dick tracy that's what that's what the bible has been saying all along in hebrews 11 3 first corinthians 15 that we live in for the hebrew sage and commodities in the 12 13th century discovered by looking at genesis that we live in ten dimensions four are directly discernible six are only inferrable we could not not knowable in his vocabulary and now we've spent hundreds of billions of dollars on atomic accelerators to learn what doc monitors inferred from the text of genesis that we live in 10 is the current estimate four directly to perceptible three spatial in time and then six that are inferable and being hunted by these uh accelerators we have boundaries to reality we know now if we if i use da vinci's vitruvian man is a symbol representing man's reach that which is larger than man that size increases to the right of my little diagram things that are larger than man we call the macrocosm and that leads us into the fields of astronomy and astrophysics and the great discovery of those sciences in the 20th century is that the universe is finite it may be expanding but it's finite not infinite staggering that's what leads to the big bang just conjectures and other things if we go the other way things that are smaller than us calling that the microcosm that leads us into quantum physics and subatomic particles and the more most astonishing discoveries there are simply that there's a limit to smallness that the things get so small you can't divide them anymore even conceptually if you try to divide a subatomic particle it ceases to have a property called localities everywhere in the universe at one time shattering shattering discovery so what that really means is we live in a digital virtual simulation a virtual reality there's a limit to smallest and limitless largeness we are bounded in a digital virtual reality very very elaborate electronic game if you want to look at it that way it is set inside a larger context for lack of another term we call the metacasm that's the domain of angels that's the domain of the demons and what have you it's these things that we are experiencing and measuring are trans-dimensional that's what leads to the confusion in the ufo area and so on and i won't go to that here but the real point is the assessment is that our universe is but a shadow of a large reality that's what the bible has been saying all along and it proves its origin from being that from coming in from that region so i want to give you a challenge before we leave here and i want you to if you accept what i put on the screen you flunk the course i'm putting it on this sincerely not hypocritically i really believe it but if you accept what i put on the screen next you flunk and i believe that you and i are being plunged into a period of time about which the bible says more than it does about any other period of time in human history including the time that jesus walked the shores of galilee or claimed the mountains of jia now that's a preposterous statement that you and i are moving into a period of time about the bible says more than it does the gospel period absolutely absolutely now how do you don't accept that i want you to challenge that that's preposterous how do you challenge it you got to do two things first thing you got to do is you got to find out what the bible really says that's too important to try to delegate to anyone else you need to do it yourself your eternity depends on it now in our unique environment today that's easier to do than ever this part's easy because the word of god is more available today than it's ever been in human history you do not have to know hebrew or greek to go to the original language you can do it with a click of your mouse and a pop-up will tell you exactly what that word really was originally and what it means the software for doing all that is free of charge if you haven't discovered the blue letter bible or similar kinds of things you're in for a pleasant discovery and these advanced information appliances we have many people carry around six or seven bibles in their telephone and what have you and the internet you can find out anything on the internet all of man's knowledge is a few clicks away all of man's knowledge is a few clicks away and of course the role of small in my 65 years of bible study the one place that i see people grow is in small groups that's what makes this fellowship so dear to our staff because it's the one place we've seen it done right small groups and focusing on making disciples praise god but that leads you to the second part of your challenge knowing your bible isn't sufficient it is for your salvation don't misunderstand me but it's not sufficient to get a perspective what you also need to do is find out what's really going on and pilate asks what is truth you need to ask the same question you and i live in the age of deceit the news media your schools even your legal system almost every every place you look you see corruption you see information that is biased that's twisted that's designed to deceive you need to be able to cut through that now here's the point the more you know about the biblical scenario and the more you know what about what's really going on in the geopolitical and technology worlds the more you see the convergence clearly you and i are being propelled into a period of the bible calls the end times we really are i'm not setting dates don't misunderstand me but clearly we should be living our lives by prioritizing our posture with respect to our coming king because the king is coming and there is we have a window of opportunity i don't know whether there's days weeks or months or even some years i don't know but i know it's coming soon and it's going to impact every one of us and so so with that you need an action plan what is god calling you to do i'm assuming if i ask you are you saved all the hands will go up but i have a different question do you know what your calling is do you know what god has called you to do i know one thing he wants each of us to be included none of it god is not finished with any of us in this room me included we each need to raise the bar on a personal walk with him and i it may involve many things but it's certainly going to include committing yourself to a systematic program to really learn your bible and my main motive this morning was to stimulate enough to realize there are discoveries there that are thrilling and exciting and they're available to everyone and you can do that as a family by the way you can even do it in such a way that your kids will get university credit for doing so but whatever you're going to do do it now if you come here this morning hearing to enjoy a nice service and hear some things fine but it should result in a change in your personal priorities about him is the point so and all of this if you want to double back on it is going to be on the on the internet both by this church and also we have a website uh all this stuff will be streamed free of charge you can take a look at it and try to sift it out a little more leisurely than cramming it in here in this window and with all that let's bow our hearts in a word of prayer father we thank you for this opportunity we thank you that we're all here by your divine appointment we understand father no accidents that all we're here by your divided point so it's our prayer father that your purpose be accomplished in each of our lives that each of us would better understand what you would have in response from us as we this morning commit ourselves into your hands in the name of yeshua hamashiach the lord jesus christ our messiah our redeemer our coming king indeed amen another pleasant surprise well ladies and gentlemen did you enjoy that now how many of you have read the entire bible raise your hands higher now every year i encourage you to study the whole bible why are you convinced that the bible is the word of god louder really you are convinced the bible is the word of god love there now if you are convinced why are we not reading the word of god are we communicating i love you guys but i'm concerned because we live in an age of deception that you and i will not take the bible seriously you see for a while during my time evolution was the hot topic but i praise god i went back to the bible and i'd like you to follow this advice whenever you are disturbed by so-called scientific discovery scientific theory and it goes against the bible what you need to do is to pause and then when you post you choose to trust the bible today the theory of evolution if you are an intelligent scientist and you know genetics you know dna it's a bankrupt fury if darwin had known what we have discovered today that the simple cell is more complex than one of the most the biggest factor in this country it cannot happen by chance but most of us are deceived by the devil that's why you and i don't study the bible seriously because you think the book of genesis is fairy tale it is not in fact it is so foundational when we move to the new building we are going to start a series on the book of genesis okay we will preach through the bible but in the meantime my prayers this i was so blessed when i heard my friend gave the message about how the bible cannot be by accident so i am recommending myself to study the bible even more will you commit yourself to study the bible no nothing wrong with reading devotional books with reading other books but i suggest first thing in the morning you start the bible okay with you now my last encouragement is this if the bible is so true and jesus is so true there may be some of you here and you're not yet sure you're going to go to heaven you are not yet sure there is something in your life you are holding back now i don't know what it is but for a crowd this size and those watching us in the internet i will not be surprised if there are some people here you have never crossed the line you have never said lord i am going to step over and i'm going to trust you as my lord and savior something is holding you back in tagalog in english canoeing in two rivers you cannot do that don't be misled on what it means to be a true christian to be a true christian is very simple follower of jesus that's what the bible says a christian is what a follower of jesus you trust him you follow him so i'm gonna close with a simple prayer that if you will take the word of god seriously you'll do the following number one if you have never surrendered your life to jesus you are not serious about jesus i'm telling you what the bible is saying is true jesus is coming soon there will be a day of judgment and it'll be too late for us that today is the day of salvation so if i were you i'm gonna take it seriously why full of promises i really don't understand why people will not want to come to christ is there anything that's preventing you from surrendering your life from surrendering your life to jesus is there anything if there is none you say lord i will now if there is something you surrender that to jesus because he is here to help us number two if you have committed to follow jesus will you commit to study the bible and share that with people is it okay with you louder all right the lord heard you let's bow our heads if you are not just sure that if you were to die today you will be with him forever i want you to pray this simple prayer something like this lord jesus i'm not yet sure that i'm a true follower of of you i'm not sure that you are my lord and savior but today i want to be sure in humility i want to take a step of faith lord jesus by faith i believe help my unbelief you died for me you shed your precious blood on the cross it is not by accident but you died in my place will you come into my heart lord jesus be my lord be my savior to those of you who know jesus already or you invited him make this second commitment lord help me to be a student of your word give me that desire help me with a simple discipline instead of watching tv lord help me to set aside time to study your word and to listen to you and to obey your word father god in heaven what a joy it is to have dr chuck mitzler to be with us i now pray for everybody here those of us who are struggling those of us who are hurting those who are having family relationship problems lord thank you for reminding me that your promises are true your power is real and there is nothing that is too difficult for you but lord many times you allow us to have problems so that we will listen to you we'll respond to you i now pray for everybody here lord that you will help us experience the peace and the joy that comes when we trust you lord help everybody here to learn to fall in love with you to trust you day by day moment by moment in jesus name we all pray amen amen so why don't we all stand up and let us sing our last song for today oh and do it it forever hallelujah yes all the time all the time all the good and time mercy endureth forever say uh uh have a blessing sunday everyone you
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Views: 1,529,236
Rating: 4.6857471 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: 1QdUhNY6DnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 9sec (3549 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2013
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