L A Marzulli Conference - Session 4 (June 13, 2019)

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please oh yeah yeah where do you go after that that was incredible oh Lord help us look I'm gonna stretch you guys a little bit tonight because this stuff is um oh there it is again is he here don't slam the table that way first of all thanks for coming out really appreciate it and some of you have been for all the sessions and I kind of went a little long and I'm gonna I have a lot of material to go through tonight so I'm going to try to keep it on track that's my pledge to you yeah but I am Ellie Marzulli Yak yaket books a bunch of films it's a pleasure to be here by the way and I my pastor was talking about will you come back I said are you kidding me of course I'll come back I'd love honored to be here uh in the honor is all mine our mission statement is to expose the deception of the prince of the power of the air to expose the deception of the prince of the power of the air and to Herald The Return of the King Yeshua Jesus and that's what we do I mean that is our mission statement and there's another thing I think I talked about this last night but we kind of poked the dragon we've all heard the expression poke the bear we poked the dragon and I had this little thing in my in my prayer stuff in the morning which I wash my head with my mind with and it basically says oppression slash attack index from zero to ten and it waxes and wanes throughout the day depending on what we're doing some days there's nothing other days it can be a seven or an eight which so it can be you know alarming and I remember even last week going to Lord and said why does this keep happening and he says you're poking the dragon what do you expect him to do not to come after you not to try to silence you not to attack you in some way and you know people come up to me and say la you know we pray for you and I go you know your prayers are probably the reason why I'm alive so the first rapid shell of the night is I was approached by a guy from a deep state in 2016 and this guy was from the deep State he showed me his you know his his little badge with his you know numbers and it was the black it was so funny we were at the Dallas Hotel I had to hear the Washington conference and I would meet him and I was supposed to meet this guy in the lobby public place not a restaurant public place the lobby and I had a security guy with me from here the Watchman who by the way was packing so we were not going to take any prisoners we didn't know who this guy was and what we're going to get into so we go in there and and we walk into the lobby and he's at the far end of the lobby about 50 60 feet away he's got this black suit on with black sunglasses and I go there he is never seen a picture of him had no idea but obviously The Spook stood out like a sore thumb and so we went up there and and she introduced himself shows his badge and stuff and this is how we started the conversation La what kind of and I say this publicly because if something ever happens you know that it wasn't me okay like a suicide or something right and he goes all right what kind of cell phone lead I'm like I have an iPhone he goes well is it protected I go no why and he goes well you know when they come in a rescue they could find Kitty porn on the the cell phone I'm just kind of going okay isn't that interesting what kind of car do you drive I have an old 1991 sports car which I've kind of restored and kept in shape I call it the go-kart and he goes does I have a computer right and I go yeah I think it's got a computer and goes well you know we have ways of making accelerator stick to the bottom and you know it looked like an accident okay number three because how many kids are there we have two daughters he goes well one of them could go missing and never be found and at this point I'm like my brain is like in a blender I mean it really is I'm pretty freaked out and the spirit of the Lord you know kind of comes on me and I just look at him right in the eye and I said well you know that's true you guys have all the toys you have all the ways that are taking me out I'm nobody I get that there's no way I can defend against this and I'm not going to encode my iPhone and and do all this other crazy stuff and I'm not going to get paranoid but here's the deal you can't take me out unless he allows it and that's the end of the story you can't take me out unless he and he just went he'd never heard that before and so that's what I believe so about a month and a half two months later I'm in the go-kart the little red go-kart I'm driving up ensenal Canyon which is the canyon over from where we used to live in um in Malibu and you can go 55 and there was some slow poking in front of me he was doing about 58 and uh so I immediately swerved around him with a nice about at least a half a mile straight on before I have to make this left turn and so I'm I'm you know I'm pushing the needle a little bit but certainly below 80. praise the Lord and there's nobody on the road I'm having fun in the go-kart and I'm coming around this turn it's it's like a it's a very sharp turn so I slow down about 55-60 and the thought pops into my head you know if you go over the cliff here you would be dead out of nowhere this thought comes into my head right out of nowhere and so the road bends like this and there's a precipice which you know you go over there or you're that it's over and all of a sudden they hear this talk this happens all within like two seconds poop and there's no no power steering there's there's and I'm headed to the edge the car is locked and I'm headed to the edge and I have no idea what's going on my jam on the brakes and fishtail on the gravel and just stop and I'm just kind of going what just happened the car's still running but that's it like yeah I turn the car if I get out pop the hood and I look at the serpentine belt I kind of go oh boy so when the tow truck comes to tow the car I go to the driver I go hey take a look at this what do you think what does this look like to you he looks at the serpentine belt and he goes do you have any enemies who's caught was cut through like six bands two car here and then moved over about two inches two more were cut moved over two inches two more were cut just slightly if my wife had been driving the car there's no way she would have ever made it because it took everything I had to move the wheel and I didn't know what was going on we're talking like one second two seconds and you know you're doing 60 miles an hour one second you're down the road headed towards the cliff so you know the Deep state is real and I don't know why I have to tell you that story but I told you that story so the attack index the impression index the enemy hates what we do because we expose the deception of the prince of the power of the air and that's what we're going to do tonight and this will stretch you I promise you it will definitely stretch you so let's see what this has to do um I'm not going to show that let's go UFO update because there's too much material to go on the Christian Community has a morbid pretensity towards ambivalence in regard to the ongoing UFO phenomenon there's the sky from a well-known Ministry and and they're Nationwide and they're huge it's a publishing house and I'm not going to tell you which one right so I'm on the phone with this guy a couple of days ago and I go Josh are you aware of what happened on Tucker Carlson he goes yeah you know L.A we've been following this year and we're we're starting to get a little alarm I don't think we're ready for you yet but we're we're kind of researching it we're getting a little alarm I'll go Josh I've written books about this for 20 years I've been flailing my arms for 20 years I've studied this thing since I was 16 years old the Lord has raised me up for such a time as this I mean I'll give you the books for free let's get them out let's warn the people so the Christian Community has a morbid propensity towards ambivalence in regard to the ongoing UFO phenomenon what I'm going to talk about tonight comes from this book UFO disclosure the 70 year old cover-up and also the Washington Chronicles you see this guy he's about to get sucked out of the window so before I get into this and I want to just see what happens how many of you in the room have seen lights in the sky UFOs Craft um had an encounter with an extraterrestrial or some entity had sleep paralysis raise your hand and hold them up hold them up high look around the room hold them up high and look around the room look around the room see that see that and in most churches I go to it can be as high as 35 percent that's a guesstimate I've been to churches and the pastor comes up to me afterwards he goes oh I have no idea this is going on yeah of course you don't because everybody's too ashamed and too freaked out and frightened to say anything about it because of all the ridicule and all the nonsense because they'll be immediately asked where's your tinfoil at mind burning the fire but when I had it I wore it proudly there's actually some YouTubers where you can see me take it on and put it on and the audience just loves it it's in for a lot I wear mine every day and I love it because this stuff is now starting to unravel and those of us have been talking about this for decades where are we really as I said last night where are we who are you what is this no one nobody has a flipping clue as to where we are and what this is in the universe nobody absolutely Captain nobody oh sorry I just hit the table nobody has any if if the universe is analogous to the United if the United States of America is analogous to um the universe are we in Duluth Walla Walla Tampa Dallas Oklahoma City nobody has any idea of where we are in the universe nobody and that should keep all of you up at night but it doesn't because we all drink the Kool-Aid myself included I've got to get up in the morning uh the baby needs to get changed I'm changing my job I'm getting Social Security my hair is falling out I mean whatever it is right and we just walk through this thing and we just kind of well you know whatever we're somewhere floating around it's full of blue balls who cares right that's give me a break nobody knows where it comes from where we come from now God what the Bible tells us exactly that Jesus spoke the word we were all created and nothing that was made without it was not made without them okay I get that fine that's great he may creates everything he is our creator I understand that but everybody else including us we don't know really where all this began from and the thing that really keeps you up at night and I used to think this when I was like seven or eight years old okay and I used to break out in the sweat if there's nothing nothing can't be black or white so what is it if there's nothing then there's nothing but nothing what is nothing and I would sit there and try to think with my little stupid little brain pea brain and of course you can't and if God is there and he was always there but where did he come from and I know we've all thought about that stuff and you just sit there and you go ah where's the hamburger quick something to ground me again the point being is nobody on this planet has any idea of where we are and what this is and that really should keep you up at night we know from the biblical prophetic narrative that at some point in time in the future he rolls up the Heavens like a scroll oh that's just allegory only no one God can't possibly do that who you're thinking is God or something that's exactly who I think he is and when he does that he can do that he can roll this whole stinking thing up like a scroll he can create a whole new one and guess what I can't wait to see it when he does I want a front row seat go Jesus go [Music] well what did Mary think that's a rabbit show but what what was Mary I mean she's you know she just had to have been completely blown away because she knows this whole thing from the beginning nobody else does not even Joseph at that point and Joseph's not around after a while he just Fades from the thing so nobody knows where we are you know and I love his scientists the Hubble telescope he reported recently that there's another 5 000 planets which could have life on this on in the Galaxy so we now have you know they're always telling us that 5 000 planets somewhere in some Galaxy out there which could possibly support life guess what what if we're in a holograph Universe what if we're in a holographic Universe what if this is really only that the thing that there is what if there's just planet Earth and that's it because the New Jerusalem comes to Earth it doesn't go to set a reticulate Jesus comes to where here he doesn't go somewhere else it's here the New Jerusalem comes here not to the Moon Not To Mars not to Saturn not the Zeta reticulate not to the Alpha Centauri it comes to Earth and he rules from here and then he rolls the thing up I think this is it and the reason for that is because these entities pop in and out they manipulate space-time matter and energy that we don't know we are in some sort of a Holodeck we are in literally some sort of a matrix which is why I love that movie we are in some sort of a matrix here is it real of course it's real you know you shoot me I'm going to bleed please don't we're having a raffle to see who will shoot La for preaching heresy from the pulpit the bottom line is this nobody knows where we are and what this is but we have the biblical prophetic narrative which states men's Hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which come on the earth for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken now does that sound like a real good happy happy Sunday morning sermon hey guess what folks the powers of Heaven are going to be shaken so I suggest you stand up and shake your wallets out no I mean I'm just joking but you get what I'm saying that's not a happy thought Peter Pan can't fly with that trust me it's not a happy thought that's Jesus so why is he warning us about all this stuff because he knows what's coming he knows the beginning before the end and calls it out with great specificity because he is God and he incarnated here and thank God by his blood that we shed on Calvary and by our belief in him we are saved if it was any more difficult we Commons couldn't possibly do it oh do you believe in Jesus that he came and Rose from his dad I guess so that's about all we can do okay I'm in that's it I'm a sinner I got saved that's it that's all I know and then the fun begins and all of us in Ministry and all of you out there we all spend time on the Anvil in the Forge of the Living God when he Heats us up puts that on the Anvil and pounds The Living Daylights out of us and reshapes us and at first it is very very painful at first we do not like it it's like ah if this was a Christian I had no idea what I was getting into precisely they never tell you just come to Jesus everything's going to be fine and then you realize just how depraved and how deep the depravity goes and how the Lord just takes Lair after layer after layer and that's why and everything any you know my in my flesh is no good thing and my 24 Elders are casting their crowns down geez I'm only on slide four or five I gotta go there they're casting their crowns down why because they realize what he's done he's delivered them he's delivered them and guess what my spirit is is reunited with him but my flesh is still my flesh and the two are at war with each other constantly right but at some point in time in not too distant future when my body is ascended and I'm in my glorified body in Immortal and I let me tell you the story okay here we go L.A will never get out of here and it's already almost eight o'clock we're in a heap of trouble can you guys stay late okay I have to get up at six in the morning and leave so I don't want to hear any whining okay it's actually more like five to lead by six so you know I I know people ask me I'm like what's your position on the Rapture are you pre-midor post and I go it's you know I'm pan it'll all pan out in the end yeah yeah and the only reason for that is we're told by Jesus right to destroy the works of the enemy not to argue about when we get beamed out of here so to me it's like okay we can talk about that you guys want to argue about it fine oh it's it's literally I've studied the scripture this absolutely mid-tribulation no we're here for the whole tribulation I'm hunkering down with my AK-47 ah I dare you to come and I shoot you for Jesus I mean it's uh people have all these all these crazy stuff right and I'm I'm a staunchly preacher but I'm out of here you know I'm out of here but I never talk about it except for things like this because I'm about to leave in the story so I'm getting ready to go in the shower that's the image you don't need to think so I'm getting ready to go in the shower and all of a sudden as Paul would say in the body or out of the body I've been taken twice once which I can't even talk about this or right around the White Horse he won't go there I'll be bawling like a baby but I was there for three seconds this one he takes me up I'm there for three seconds second one I'm standing in this great throng of people we're not like this brother together hey G what the heck happened I don't know where are you from I don't know we're not like that there's like 15 20 feet there's space between people we're all facing the same direction there is a holy reverential silence holy which permeates the atmosphere no one's going hey what the heck just happened that's not happening it's totally holy everybody knows exactly where we are and what's just happened the third second I go like this my sin nature is gone I went was astounding I experienced it for three seconds and then I'm back in the room and I just fell to my knees and wept because it was absolutely astounding I was there and the next question is La was it pre-midder post just joking I don't know just like the right around the White Horse okay so men's Hearts failing them for fear something is coming could you guys agree raise your hand you guys agree on this good something's coming Satan comes with all signs and lying wonders oh gee there's a great topic for a sermon that'll make everybody feel good guess what folks Satan comes with all fines and lying wonders isn't that just wonderful doesn't it make you feel good right isn't that a feel-good message there it is it's in the Bible when was the last time you heard a message on that no one talks about the stuff they're warnings they're warnings for us that we need to take really really seriously because we are in a window of time where this stuff is manifesting and manifesting like I've never seen it before Jesus even the elect would be deceive it that were possible what about for those of you who are Fatima all those people in the field weeping yelling screaming oh it's coming down I mean thank you thank you you know clapping their hands at the apparitions and all this stuff even the elect would be deceived if that were possible I'm not going to be deceived God God willing I don't think any of you after you see this stuff and if you've been through all the presentations you know you're not going to be fooled by something like that you're going to rebuke first and ask questions later but that's a warning from Jesus the strong illusion and with every Wicked deception directed against those who are perishing because they refuse the love of the truth what's the truth the truth is that Yeshua Jesus created everything from his mouth he made everything without him nothing that was made what was that was not made that was it everything came through Jesus that is the truth he is the creator he did create us created all life on this planet created everything that we see created the universe that's where it all came from he spoke it into existence for this reason because the refusal love of the truth and because we have Darwinism that's the refusing the love of the truth they don't believe that God created anything in fact they don't believe in God at all so Darwinism as you serve the god of the Bible and so God says Fine believe the lie so for this reason because they abandoned and refuse the love of the truth a powerful delusion is sent to them so that they will believe alive he's calling it out with great specificity what is the LIE this is the LIE right here this is the LIE why aren't you going down oh there you go hold on let me go back it started the move there we go that's the line there we go that somehow millions and millions of years ago some chimpanzee got the bright idea to stand up and start singing speaking in a crisp English accent [Music] it's nonsense why and I said last night just show me one thing just show me one thing which is evolving something growing a flipper with just feathers or whatever becoming something else it doesn't exist because the DNA comp the complexity of a DNA but the spiral of life and the oxy nucleic acid the double helix of light the DNA molecular structure is a complex code so everything is created and reproduces according to its kind that's the way it works just exactly what Genesis no one had to go any further than that everything reproduces according to its kind hummingbirds beget hummingbirds they don't get Kangaroos and on and on it goes because of the complexity of the DNA so the whole why is the darwinian evolution but the neo-darwinists are looking at the stars as they realize the complexity of a DNA code which is the building block of all life on this planet could not have originated on its own thus many of the neodymus believe all life was seated here by an advanced race of extraterrestrials this is from um this year comets and asteroids may be spreading life across the Galaxy alert may be spreading life across the the Galaxy that concept is called spanspermia what we see here on the Ancient Aliens why aren't you working there it goes well we see here on the Ancient Aliens saying every Friday the ancient astronaut theorists believed that we were visited before that's all they say over and over and over ancient astronaut theorists say yes you know can penguins fly ancient astronaut theorists say yes I mean no matter what it is the ancient astronaut theorists the people on uh the History Channels Ancient Aliens and I was on the first two seasons by the way of that and was talked about that they say we were created by these guys they say that we were seated here the idea of that is called panspermia because they know that the complexities of DNA are there but God of the Bible is no good for them so they look out to the universe this is what the Neo Darwin is because there is no Supernatural so nothing can just spring into being like when Jesus bustes the food and all of a sudden he fuses the five thousand that doesn't work for them that can't possibly happen for them but that's what our Bibles tell us that Moses you know holds up a staff or drops his staff whatever he does to his staff and the waters come up as a heap that Jesus walks on the water and by the way he's always bumping up there's no humor in the Bible are you kidding me seriously so the disciples who goes hey you guys get in the boats I'll catch up with you later what's the first thing that's wrong with this picture and the disciples are going uh uh how's it going to catch up with us later they're kind of going like this isn't going to work they're out there and it's we all know the story and so you know the gentle Jesus that we get in high in in our in our some of our Bible studies with the Lamb on his shoulders the white guy with the Lamb on the shoulders you know that guy he would be going hey guys it's me Jesus it's kind of light it's getting dark I'm walking to you on the water don't be afraid it's just me but he doesn't do that does he he goes walking by dolls the girls the girls they all totally freak out oh that's not deliberate what about after the crucifixion the disciples are huddled up in the upper room who's next I could be next they're coming for me I'm leaving Dodge in the morning I can't stand this anymore I gotta get out of here call Jim so they're like they're huddled in the upper room the gentle Jesus would have done this watch your hearing aid hey guys it's me it's Jesus I'm going to come through the door now please don't be afraid or frightened no he pops through the wall ah they totally freak out but there's no humor in the Bible hey Peter Peter comes like Jesus I'm really getting bugged by my wife we've got to go pay the taxes I don't have any money I've been following you around we haven't been fishing oh my God the bills are buying up my wife is knocking me I don't know what to do the kids need new sandals for school some parchments I mean out so what does he tell him Jesus he goes Peter go out and cast your line on the Water Peter and the first fish that you get take the gold coin out of it are you out of your mind are you what are you smoking Jesus come on what's going on here right I mean it's absolutely crazy so what do you think Peter does well the Lord has just told me to go down to the water and I'm going to go do it because you know I have faith like a mustard seed nonsense Peter might have gotten to John or one of the Apostles are going to go you're not going to believe this one okay Mastery just told me to go down and catch a fish and get the gold coins out of his mouth I mean what do you think and they're going well you know we better do it because of all the other stuff so they go down there he throws his line out you can just see it they're sitting there waiting you know any nibbles no nipples how about now yeah all of a sudden you know the Bobber of course they don't have Bobbers but whatever the court goes ding ding ding and they pull the fish out now at this point what do you think they're doing oh but it's not now you open it let me add this my fish so they open the mouth there's the gold coin now what do they think they do oh Father hello in heaven thank you for your provision father you know what no they're going oh my gosh I can't believe it are there any more out there they're totally freaked out they're jumping around They're laughing they can't believe it gold coins out of the fish that's the God we serve now there's no humor in the Bible UFO you can turn the volume off on this this is real from Mexico [Music] this clip came from Jaime masola and we were allowed to use it in in their rooms steady steady there you go big fella okay next slide this is Tucker Carlson I'm going to let you watch it I will not comment I won't say a word after that we'll we'll tear it apart here we go volume [Music] UFOs have been the stuff of conspiracy theorists for decades often mocked for talking about it but maybe they shouldn't be mocked Commander David fravers spent 18 years as a Naval aviator pilot in 2004 he had an unforgettable encounter with an aircraft he said was define the laws of physics former Commander favor joins us tonight thanks a lot for coming on tonight um tell us tell us what you saw well we were on a uh when we joined up we were told that the event was going to be canceled and then we have World tasking and we were sent out to the West now take in mind that this has taken place about 100 miles Southwest of San Diego between San Diego and Ensenada Mexico yeah on a clear Perfect Day Blue Waters we get out to the sport spot where they tell us it's at we start looking around and both of us both airplanes see disturbance in the water and a white 40-foot long tick tape Tic Tac shaped object just hovering above the water going forward back left right there's no rotor wash there's no wings nothing so as we drive around in a clockwise flow we get to about the nine o'clock position and I said well I'm going to go down and check it out and the other jet is going to stay high so as we go down and when we get to the 12 o'clock position it starts to mirror us so it's in a clockwise flow and it's on the opposite side of the circle from us and we continue this it's in a climb we're in a descent we're getting a great look at it this whole thing takes about probably up to five minutes from the time we show up I get over to the eight o'clock position it's about the two o'clock position and I decide I'm going to go and see what it is and it's about 2 000 feet below me and I cut across the circle and as I get within about a half mile of it it rapidly accelerates to the south in about two seconds and disappears what would you estimate the speed oh well above supersonic it it like a bullet out of a gun it took off so from what you know about aerodynamics mechanics physics should this be possible what you saw that we have today not not at all even now even 13 years later is there anything that you know of capable of this kind of behavior no there's nothing I know of I mean this when you look when we saw the the video with the IR it has no exhaust uh it you know no no discernible things of anything form of propulsion and this thing came from a dead hover over the water just kind of moving around to a climb up to about 12 000 feet to rapidly accelerating away in a climb and in less than two seconds it was gone and you figure you're talking 50 miles of visibility and you can easily see an object that size easily out to 10 miles and it just disappeared in seconds could I mean what would be the effects on a human pilot of the g-forces involved in that altitude change uh well the altitude wouldn't be bad it would be the acceleration right the well actually honestly I wanted to fly it yeah uh you know there's you know talking to some physicists they don't think the human body could handle that kind of force yeah it doesn't it doesn't sound it doesn't it's like the human body could so bottom line what do you think this was I believe as do the other folks that were on the flight that we've when we visually saw that it was something not from this world believe as do the other folks that were on the flight that we've when we visually saw that it was something not from this world I believe as do the other folks that were on the flight that we've when we visually saw that it was something not from this world when I presumably you expressed that belief to your superiors what did they say but actually we we caught a lot of grief getting back to the boat uh and it got passed off as an event that no one could explain now keep in mind they had been tracking these for two weeks prior to us seeing it and this was the first time that manned airplanes had been Airborne uh when the objects appeared this feels like a really big story to me I'm not it's not exactly clear why Vladimir Putin's more interesting than this I think this seems like a big deal and Commander I appreciate time that manned airplanes had been Arabic I want to walk through this real quickly so on national TV Commander David fraver who was an unknown no one knows who this guy he doesn't have a book doesn't have a DVD for sale he's an unknown entity okay so why are we why are why aren't you guys seeing what I'm seeing here there you go thank you so if you look at this it's a triptych you got Tucker Carlson on the left framer um in the center and to the right you have classified UFO footage so the question is who calls up whom and goes yeah we like to bring this guy David fraver on Tucker Carlson's show next Tuesday well who's David fravor oh he's just an unknown oh and by the way we've got classified UFO footage which he want to show on on your on your Tucker Carlson Prime Time and nobody bats an eyelash this is managed you have to understand that this is a managed event a managed event by the Deep State it's essentially who's doing it and it's a it's a test balloon to see how the American people would react as I said last night flatlined no one reacts at all and who cares oh look there's a UFO hour we've seen those on YouTube nobody reacts nobody says anything the church doesn't do anything with it nobody says anything since then 2017 of December the US government admitted that area 51 existed they admitted that they study UFOs how the heck how do they study UFOs what do they do trade black and white pictures from the 50s I mean how do they how do they study UFOs so it's it's deep it's wacky and since then about every four to six weeks sometimes sooner than that or more frequent than that I should say Tucker Carlson has another guest on his show talking about UFOs and here's just another another shot basically the same thing yeah former Nevada Senator Harry Reid thinks it might be time to hold Congressional hearings into the mystery surrounding UFOs in his only television interview Reed told the i-team about the pivotal role that he played in authorizing a Secret Pentagon study of UFOs that ended five years ago the project was based here in Nevada carried out by a Las Vegas businessman who is no stranger to paranormal so this is what these these Talking Heads who are reading off teleprompers by the way they don't do anything but read off teleproppers they're just sitting there going well how are you read the blah blah blah the UFOs but that's disclosure that's disclosure and they're talking about secret government programs they're talking about Harry Reid had headed this thing up that's disclosure and it's you know all these guys do that you saw they like there's some Authority their newscasters that read off a teleprompter they don't go out and dig up their stories they don't invent any of the stories for the most part some do most don't think you show up at work they read the teleprompter they get their check and everybody trusts them and the media sometimes will have on all local news news channels across and we've done this whole thing one of the things a couple years ago it was hysterical um I think it was on was it on Letterman no it was um it was on Conan Conan and it was a clip they compiled of all these local news stations and one guy would come up and go you don't need us to tell you gas prices are on the rise cut to some lady someplace else in another part of the United States saying exactly the same thing you don't need us to tell you gas prices are on the rise cut to and they did this about 12 to 15 times you don't need us to tell you gas prices are on the right everybody's saying the same thing that's not news that's propaganda that's conditioning welcome to where we are welcome to where we are the government admits and studies UFO so about those area one Area 51 conspiracies um this is from the UK check this out sorry [Music] a few a few weeks later uh Tucker Carlson had this gentleman on former Pentagon official no one wants to risk their careers talking about UFOs say these things are happening over the past 20 years how many roughly would you say credible sightings there have been by the US Military yeah it's hard to say over the last 20 years and there's a difference one of the differences is that we're deploying much more capable sensors that provide a higher degree of fidelity so whereas 15 years ago we might get pilot reports saying I saw a bright light out there now we're getting reports from an Aegis class cruiser that says this thing came down from 80 000 feet descended to 20 000 feet dropped to 50 feet in Harvard then maneuvered towards the carrier and then Pilots are independently seeing it and confirming it only so it's a very different at a time I hope this tape goes everywhere thank you for your bravery former Penny got officials call for big UFO reveal after secret investigation and the U.S government recovered materials from unidentified flying object it does not recognize astronaut claims he witnessed an organic alien-like creature but NASA is denying it NASA by the way state stands for never a straight answer or a blind spot over experimental experimental military base maybe where you have government hides crashed UFOs defense Insider claims the space force president Trump's talking about the space force so all that to get up to this this is two weeks ago Tucker Carlson so I'm writing about all this I'm flailing my arms trying to wake up a sleeping church and anybody else who will listen for the most part people are very ambivalent They Don't Really Care no matter how much information you throw with them well but this one two weeks ago whenever it was this is the game changer because this guy Luis Elizondo is now on Tucker Carlson Prime Time and Tucker Carlson asks a very direct question and we talked about this last night here's the clip [Music] well for many many decades the U.S government has dismissed out of hand UFO sightings as crank stuff things that lunatics Babble about now suddenly they're taking a different approach they are telling the truth they're finally admitting that UFO sightings are in fact routine and the government is now being systematic in investigating the question of UFOs a new History Channel documentary called unidentified will explore the military's many recent encounters with unidentified aircraft the object the Navy pilot is tracking suddenly seems to get bigger the object then appears to accelerate rapidly disappearing off screen that's a significant rate of acceleration in a horizontal plane off to the left that's very fast the object appears to perform a similar maneuver to what the pilots witnessed instantaneous acceleration at this rate would produce a force of gravity or G-Force so extreme it would crush a human being Luis alzando is a former military intelligence official and special agent in charge he joins us tonight Luis thanks very much for coming on thank you Tucker for having me so um the military has decided to stop lying about this I guess the first question is why did they lie for so many years about what they knew I think that's a fair question Tucker I think there could be multiple answers I think first and foremost um let's look at the obvious we didn't have quite the technology for decades that we do now we now have the the technology on some of the most sophisticated weapon systems that give us the Fidelity that we need to to better ascertain what these things are another answer could possibly be frankly stigma and taboo and that this is a topic that is right that is fraught with these landmines potential you know if you will proverbial land mines yeah I mean we sent a man to the Moon 50 years ago so we've had we've had technology for a while and in fact it's been more than 60 years uh that the since right after the second world war that the US military has been downplaying these reports so over the course of that time it's one of the smartest most dedicated people in our country watching these unexplained aerial phenomena they must have gathered quite a bit of information about UFOs what have they learned do you think in all these decades well Tucker I could only answer from from the time that I was with atip for about 10 years when I was when I was part of that program and we learned a lot I think probably the most significant if you will results of the program were five observables and you've already mentioned a few of them on your show and that's instantaneous acceleration Hypersonic velocities a bit of a a an oxymoron but low observability uh transmedium travel and last but not least positive lift or in the vernacular anti-gravity so I mean there have been enough sightings over a long enough period that the idea that this is a computer glitch or the these are generated somehow by radar systems that can't be right correct Tucker we are we are well beyond right now establishing whether or not these these things exist that it is an absolute fact that they are there now what they are where they're from who's behind the wheel we we simply don't know I mean is it possible these things are a foreign adversarial technology that somehow was developed in secret and we're just now trying to figure these things out it's possible but there's also other possibilities as well of what they think could be right so uh that I mean that would be the the terrestrial explanation just to sign off the top of your head a likelihood of that being the case that these boys you know Tucker you don't want me to give my opinion I I the one thing I learned in intelligence there's a lot you can be absolutely sure of something and be absolutely wrong and so I it's happened to me many times you know but it sounds I I guess just to just to sort of put a bow on it I think that's a low probability I think that's it okay it's a very low probability that look we have the most sophisticated weapon systems right now on the face of the planet and we can identify not only a 737 or a mig-25 or a F-22 we can tell you even what airline it is uh and and the difference between the models of aircraft within that type of aircraft so I think it's highly unlikely that a foreign adversary was successful in developing something like this so let me ask you one last question do you believe based on your decade of of serving in the US government on this question that the US government has in its possession any material from one of these aircrafts oh uh I do yes you think the U.S government has debris from a UFO in its possession right now unfortunately Tucker I really have to be careful of my NDA I really can't go into a lot of more detail in that okay but uh simply put yes all right well we have a lot more to find out and I'm glad very much very glad you came on our show tonight okay what he did is he just broke his NDA yeah yeah there's no doubt about it why did he do that on national TV because he was told to as part of the plan how did she get on Tucker Carlson why does Tucker Carlson lob that softball question and ask it to him twice do you think the United States they weren't talking about that out of the blue Tucker says let me ask you this to put a bow on it you know well does the United States government have debris from a crash UFO in their possession and he says yes he asks it again to make sure we all get it and he says yes so I can't say any more than that we should all just go home but there's so much more because the great deception is upon us it's being unraveled by the Deep State the Deep state in my opinion are luciferian and that's a three-hour conversation and they're they're being pushed and fueled by entities nefarious entities nefarious interdimensional entities I.E Fallen Angels that's what we're looking at posing as extraterrestrials they have one goal to create a One World Government a One World System just like the Bible tells us to Mark every person on this on this planet to make them worship the Beast they always want to be worshiped that's the end game and we are rapidly heading towards that and the fact that this closure happened on Tucker Carlson and the church Dithers is real incredibly alarming to me incredibly alarming to me because it shows me that the church for the most part now I'm here at this church so that tells you something about your pastor other places not so much and there's a lot of Pastors in the audience which tells me it gives me hope that people are starting to wake up because what's coming there it's going to be really crazy I think the church is out of here but how much will we see before we get taken up and that I can't answer I don't know we're already seeing stuff that we never would have imagined 25 years ago you know booty gay kissing his husband on on uh on the stage and everybody applauding like this is the great thing gay marriage the law of a lamb you know people fighting over abortion like like it's just insane boycott Alabama because they're backwards and you know no we can't kill the babies what's wrong with you people this is where we are so these testimonies are from uh the book and also the DVD and they are alarming the wife of someone who was well known in Christian circles came up to me at a conference years ago we'll call her Beth and which is not her real name once again we have a troubling story of someone who was a Christian and who has been abducted most folks don't want to hear that this can happen but the reality is this it is happening we need to come together deal with it and perhaps try to find an answer as to why Beth has not even told her account of her abduction which resulted in missing time to her husband but she told me Beth and a friend were driving to New Mexico at night they were in a stretch of road that didn't have a lot of traffic on a suddenly the entire car was enveloped in a very bright blinding light that's all Beth remembers she then recalls that she and her friend awakened hundreds of miles from where they should have been and we're looking at their car's clock realized that they had lost four hours of time when Beth told me a story she broke down in tears she was emotionally distraught and kept asking me why this has happened I didn't have an answer for her and why it has been years since I heard her story I find myself still without an answer I asked Beth if her friend was Christian at the time of the incident she informed me that she was I asked if she had dabbled in the occulta was involved and anything that could open a door Beth she hasn't been involved in anything that might have compromised her as a Christian her account like Bernie's is a very is very Troublesome she didn't even have a chance to rebuke first and ask questions later I often like I often admonish people who see things in the sky to do her car with bathing light she blacked out and when she awakened it was hours later and she was hundreds of miles from where she was the last time she remembered a few years back a gentleman tried to get me to share my story with you but I didn't feel it was right I would like to now share my experience I had because I can see the great deception people are falling under about 40 years ago long before aliens in the Grays have become common conversation I was at home with my two children I had put them to bed and then I went to bed in the middle of the night I awaken with something holding my ankles at the end of my bed and two large black Shadows with eyes and they were holding my ankles it was like my bed area was lit up it was like my bed area was lit up and to the right of me I saw this little gray thing about three feet tall with these funny clawed hands and the almond shaped eyes it began to try to climb up on my bed and get on top of me instead of being frightened the Holy Spirit of me Rose up and I began to laugh at it and I rebuked in the name of Jesus and all of it left the Dark Shadow People the alien disappeared instantly the Walsh's abductions the walshes are an elderly couple who have been involved in full-time Ministry for decades the trouble is they have a secret that no one knows about I was contacted by another researcher with this story years ago and it's remain in my mind ever since I've discussed this with other Christian UFO researchers and there were no stock answers for what happened to the Walsh's both the husband and wife have been lifelong abductees they even take us numerous times on board the craft they tried they have tried to stop the abductions by rebuking the aliens in the name of Jesus but this doesn't seem to help the wife told us that her husband wakes up screaming most nights she recounted to us that as a little girl she remembers her whole family being taken as well was their neighbors she stated that they all went out the front door of their houses and across the street to where the UFO was waiting for them in the field the Walsh's are exhausted as this has been going on for years their experiences are real and very troubling another dynamic as your children were also abducted when they were very young the children are now young adults and have not been able to follow up to see if they are still being taken the Walters are tormented people who live in fear they came to the researcher who contacted me looking for answers but all he and I have is questions was the pack made in the far distant past perhaps by another family member which gave these entities legal right to take them how is it that both the husband and wife are lifelong abductees was their marriage arranged somehow the fact that the children were also abducted tells me that this is generational perhaps most disturbing of all was why in the name of Jesus didn't stop these entities why is this happening now this is this is a theory I can't prove it but based on all my research with the occult with the ancient world the way things work with luciferian sacrifice which bloodletting and everything else that happened in Antiquity this is what's happening again in modernity but it's now it's cleaned up with little guys in in white suits and who who call themselves doctors the sightings are at an all-time high we are living in an unprecedented time in the history of the world some of these pictures will be incredibly graphic as I stated last night we are living in an unprecedented time in the history of the world there are now 1.5 billion with a B 1.5 billion abortion since Roe v Wade that basically eradicates everyone in North Central and South America goodbye in other words all those people in these in these countries there wouldn't be anyone that's what 1.5 billion people look like there's 300 million in the United States give you an idea what we're up against here 1.5 billion if we think for one stinking second that this has not changed the supernatural atmosphere we don't know anything we need to go back on our Bibles and read the Old Testament and bloodletting and and what happened in Ezekiel 8 when father God takes Ezekiel into the temple and shows him the detestable things that are happening to the temple in the temple an Ezekiel shock the same detestable things are happening in this country and now global abortion is just being used everywhere we're starting to push back Hallelujah there are States now like like Alabama I mean I know Missouri only has one Clinic left Hallelujah but then there's other states like New York who are saying even if the infant's born alive after the abortion kill it kill it and I wrote a Blog and I was on acceleration radio my show and I said okay let's walk through this let's bring a woman who wants the abortion and she's like eight months pregnant right and we'll abort the baby in front of Congress and then we'll learn that baby who's born alive on the table and say okay guys come up and kill it who wants to do that how can you possibly defend it and of course you can't and it's time for the church to wake up and push back because it's supernatural we are opening the gates of hell with this heinous practice and you get this my body my choice how about your choice before you get pregnant how about that choice for both the guy and the girl and you know what you can't legislate morality but if someone if a woman gets pregnant like that out you know and they don't want to have the baby and all this other stuff I mean this isn't instead of teaching abstinence in the schools see we had office together what do we teach anything goes their classes in masturbation their classes and anal sex I mean I'm just telling you what's going on and all some of you oh I can't believe you said that word from the pulpit my gosh wait it's all everywhere we're surrounded by it and it's glorified for crying out loud it's glorified we need to talk about it and understand that we need to push back and stand up and say no I really want to bang a table hold on I'll move this over here no we won't do this sometimes you have to bang a table the next couple of pictures are pretty intense I show them on my program and amazingly YouTube did not censor me the life is in the blood the Lord said what have you done listen your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground the voice of thy brother's blood cryeth unto me from the ground Cain and Abel it's the first murder who who is the father of Lies who was the murderer from the beginning Satan the dragon that's all he ever does he lies he kills and he destroys that's his Mo that's his calling card 1.5 billion abortion since Roe v Wade the spiritual implications are staggering so as I said last night this pathologist talked about baby puzzles and this is what she got these are her photographs and that's what that's looking at the little arm the little hand that's graphic that's absolutely graphic and there were lots of these and they had to put them together and so these next couple of pictures if you don't want to look don't look please because they're very extremely graphic the only reason why I show them is people need to understand what happens during an abortion the child is literally pulled apart in the mother's womb the child is pulled apart in the mother's womb are we living under a grass seven you bet the picture I showed right here that's one of the less graphic ones [Music] there it is and now the fetal tissue is being being pulled you know being sold in the market we are in an unprecedented time in history is there a connection between the 1.5 and by the way when you rip apart a child in the mother's womb blood's all over the place they don't tell you that you know oh don't show what the baby looks like when we do this stuff oh my gosh people might change their mind that's the whole point that's why they don't show it to keep everybody ignorant it's a Hitler would have loved it this is like right out of Hell's Kitchen right out of Hell's Kitchen and when you see it and you know it's life how can you possibly defend ripping apart the child in the mother's womb it's Insanity it is complete and these women with the pink hats running around my body my choice they're crazy they're absolutely lunatics they've lost their minds they don't understand show them that picture defend that I dare you to defend it you can't it's indefensible you can't possibly defend that position why do I bring this up because that is change the atmosphere that we live under we are under a brass heaven we have given fuel to the fires of Hell to the abortion Holocaust and because of that everything is manifesting like we've never seen it before and it's all across the board it's lawlessness on steroids and it's everywhere lawlessness Reigns good is called evil evil is called good exactly like the biblical prophetic narrative warns us and tells us will happen in the last days folks we are here and the whole point of this thought is not only the Army for the last four days about all the deception and the Mounds of luciferian stuff so we started in the Mounds right and then we went up with Fatima which is the precursor to this that jump starts all of us where we're going that was a hundred 102 years ago and that that changed everybody let's go to fatim and burn some candles and they burn thousands of candles every day and there's so many people with candles it's this big oven thing and they just show all the candles in there and it's the place smells of wax it's just bizarre people have drunk the Kool-Aid but we're so far down the rabbit hole now there is no turning back except for one thing the Return of the King so when you see these things happen Jesus's words where you see the wars and rumors of wars when you see the famines when you see the pestilence when you see all the lawlessness the Troublesome times build a bunker get your AK-47 stock up on food hunker down shoot someone for Jesus no look up look up because he's coming back look up because he's coming back Herald The Return of the King Herald The Return of the King Jesus he's coming back he's coming back he's got to come back because he can't fix this you can't fix this anymore 15 years ago you could fix it maybe now forget it how many people think we're better off in 2019 than we were in 1999 anyone in the room raise your hand please it's just so you know everywhere I go I ask that question I have never seen one hand go up why is that because everyone's sitting in this room whether you can articulate it or not you know viscerally instinctly that something is really wrong and it ain't getting any better no matter who's in the Oval Office in fact it seems like it gets worse every single day and I'm not a pessimist I'm not I'm a total Optimist I believe in I pray for goodness over my house over my wife over my family over our ministry I pray that every day the goodness of the Lord the goodness of the Lord the goodness Overlord over the congregation over your pastor the goodness of the Lord over this building over everyone who walks through the main field of peace and the goodness of the Lord that's positive but we are living in the most Troublesome times on the history of the planet maybe except for Noah's flood and what has Jesus warn us about it'll be like a days of no and I return and what differentiates the days of known for many of a time in their history the presence of Fallen Angels of the Nephilim the beneath that's what's on the planet the whole place is nuts and he's got to destroy it with a flood because the genome is completely contaminated unless he destroys it right everything will be lost and the Redeemer will never come this is Hardball it is Hardball and we are in a window of time that is unprecedented Humanity this is Louisa was on the humanities approaching a very dangerous and very important time in its Collective development he's not a Christian by the way he were on the verge of emerging into a greater community of intelligent life oh really he says who Louise you will be encountering other races of beings who are coming to your world seeking to protect their interests and to discover what opportunities May lie ahead They Are Not Angels or Angelic beings they are not spiritual entities they are beings who are coming to your world for resources for alliances and to gain an advantage in an emerging World they are not evil they are not holy and that they are also much like you they are simply driven by their needs their associations their beliefs and their Collective goals you know Mr Elizondo with all due respect it appears like you've been reading my blog and perhaps even my books and that you deliberately said that to Discount and move people away from what I constantly talk about they are evil they are not friends that are reticular they are Interventional entities they can manipulate space-time matter and energy in ways that completely defy our physics they are nefarious interdimensional entities that have one goal to deceive All Mankind and to be worshiped that's their goal and they are well on their way to advancing their agenda hello just watch what he says here [Applause] but I think the same time next year we're going to have a fundamentally different conversation I think I think disclosure already occurred I don't think necessarily disclosure is an event I think it's a process and I think that process began with that said I'd like to go ahead and start with a presentation I think when this first came out everybody was and and all of a sudden Luis Elizondo is everywhere how does that happen you guys are written a book that I'm aware of it's got no DVDs like we have out there all of a sudden Luisa was on there was everywhere on Tucker Carlson how does that work who calls up that was on the one we want to go to the next rung of a ladder and see what the American people will do uh Mr Elizondo does the American government have crashed UFO debris in their possession yes on national TV the church and what is it going to take and I warned about this six months ago a year ago I said you watch you mark my words you go back and read it in the blog the next rung on the letter the next thing that they will roll out they'll bring somebody maybe retired General and they're going to talk about the crash debris they're going to have pictures well there were no pictures but he said yes it was very close to what I said not exactly because I'm out of prophet was not from God it was the speculation but it's close and I predicting Gary Steuben and I had a conversation on this a couple a couple of weeks ago watch for the pictures watch for the video because that that is going to be the third rung on the ladder before full-blown disclosure that's the next thing and let's see what the church does let's see what you do people why did you see the alien look it looked just like the guy in Star Wars that's really cool I want to meet him we've all been conditioned in in the book uh UFOs 70 year disclosure the newest book there's a section in it and some people go oh you're just that's all filler that's why why do you do that because I wanted to show the reader film after filming for TV show that deals with Close Encounters we have been conditioned and then guess what the conditioning has worked really well because the second run of a ladder has been breached and no one says anything oh yeah we know about that UFOs I know they weren't real excuse me water watch this one United 367 we're paying for takeoff please advise copy that 367 standby what is it [Music] [Music] you are one of the brightest students I have ever had and you are failing my class do you hear about this flight operations were temporarily suspended this afternoon after reports of a mysterious aircraft hovering about the airport I'm going to need the footage from this entire facility I want all those passengers in conference room a these lights outside it wasn't a drone the guy on TV was lying you don't automatically jump to the most extreme explanation this isn't some textbook problems this is more complicated than anything you've ever seen before this terminal is crawling with federal agents why would they still be here if they figured out what it was we didn't shut him down the FBI is monitoring our computers why didn't I see this before I think it's some sort of signal that's binary they're using math as a way to communicate and if I'm writing it's coming back foreign Leap Forward everything is riding on it what are the most important questions in the world is there a god what happens when we die are we alone in the universe if anyone answered any one of those questions it would change everything [Music] uh so the Deep State cover with Roswell um there was some well-meaning Christian guys who have written books about this stuff and they insist that Roswell was not real and that nothing crashed it was a weather balloon the guy on the left here is uh Jesse Marcel senior and this man here is uh Jesse Marcel Jr and we've got two witnesses here that claimed especially senior that he handled the records of a downed UFO and what happened was is he brought the records back to his wife and son before the Air Force base before we took it there and he laid it out on the kitchen table and he said look at this because this is something that you'll probably never see again it's not from this world and Jesse Marcel Jr handled the wreckage both of them went to their graves insisting that this happened they never retracted their story I interviewed Jesse Marcel Jr and that interview was actually in in the book I have this uh A reproduction of this paper on the wall in my studio so the bottom line is is that the what they'll what they say is that it was a weather balloon Jesse Marcel senior was the base intelligence officer to think for a second that he would mistake a weather balloon for a down UFO as an absolute insult to the man's intelligence he lived around with these things constantly this is a cover story Colonel Hill and we're kind of running out of time here there's so much more I want to get into so I'm gonna just tell you what happens here from the film in their own words these people um work with end-of-life patients and there was a man that they met by the name of Colonel Hill describe his OSS he spoke multiple languages he had three different degrees he was an intelligence officer in World War II OSS is the foreign of the CIA and he basically gave a death back confession the woman you see is Carolyn Rankin and they're both pastors Jim and Carolyn reckon out of San Antonio they're both pastors and so they look at the camera and say what you're about to hear is true and all that is in the testimony and the film in their own words the bottom line is they asked Colonel Hill was Roswell will and he'll this is like a month before he died Hill looks looks at them and says yes it wasn't a weather balloon and I was flown from Dallas Fort Worth to Roswell within 48 hours after the crash and I was attempted asked to make a contact with one of the retrieved alien bodies that was still alive I was unsuccessful in doing this the wreckage was shipped to Wright-Patterson that's his words can I prove that no but I believe these two so it's second-hand information do with it what you will why would Colonel Hill lie a month before he dies to two people who have no acts to Grant in the UFO Community he got something off of his chest because he never told anyone before that so that that's what's going on knocker Jesse Marcel Jr who I interviewed um he's deceased now the interview was was all handwritten but I met him in person and we and we chatted the whole thing up and he told me that um that event basically tore his family apart because his father was his father's reputation just went boom like that and everyone laughed at him how could you possibly the sake of weather balloon for a UFO and so he lived with that until Stan Friedman who passed away several weeks ago by the way heard the story went in and interviewed him and then it broke the whole Roswell cover-up which of course is what it was that's that's his father holding the remains of a weather balloon it was a setup a photo shoot for the press and he comes in and he's kind of looking at General Raymond going like why are you doing this to me body language means everything look at his body language it could have looked something like this mark my words and I'm not a prophet but at some point in time and I would say maybe by the end of this year but there's no way of knowing you're gonna you're gonna turn on Tucker Carlson and you're going to see something like that or a piece of the wreckage or something maybe a scientist comes on with a piece of the wreckage and he goes we've had this mental analyze and it's not from this Earth maybe they don't show you that maybe they just show you a piece of the records which doesn't come from the plan which is another rung up the ladder but at some point they will go up another rung on the ladder because we are in the midst of disclosure why this is called the coming great deception Academy relation ten thousand unsolved mutilations since 1967. the cows are taken the blood is removed sometimes and you can see that that that cow in the middle and all the other cows have run away from it vultures don't don't take it coyotes don't take the carcass uh no white animal and a coyotes will eat anything we all know that they don't get near it vultures don't get near the carcass just slaves the media law enforcement won't discuss it we get things like this where the flesh is excise from the animal with laser-like Precision all the blood is drained sometimes the sex organs are cored out sometimes the anus is cored out other times the the heart which is actually surrounded by the pericardium is actually pulled out of the pericardium without the pericardium the Saca surrounds the heart being ripped how is that possible it's impossible you can't do that and then they dropped the carcass back in the field and there's no footprints how does that work and there are thousands of them thousands of them and law enforcement doesn't even cover it anymore for the most part and we've got a whole file on this stuff and we've had people on farms call me up and tell me very hair-raising stories this is what it looks like eyes are cored out rectums are cored out sex organs Udders are poured out ears are cored out eyes are cored out and the animals are left for dead they are dropped deliberately in the farmer's field why because it creates the greatest amount of fear something is being harvested Linda Moulton Howe who broke the story decades ago called it a strange Harvest most mostly it happens out in New Mexico Arizona in the four corners area but it can also happen in other places and it's very very strange and very bizarre and usually ranchers and farm people will see lights in the sky for days or sometimes weeks before the animal is mutilated sometimes it's it's several animals over a rapid succession in the same field it's bizarre it's a strange Harvest why are we doing this and then if you can do that why drop it back in the farmer's field why do it because they want to do it they want to call attention to it this is what we're up against this is what we're up against and the Farmers can't do anything bills and plant extraction High strangers in the operating theater so there was this guy Bill who was 45 years old who came to us actually through Richard Shaw he's about seven feet tall he's a former basketball player he was changing Richard's smoke detectors and what do you do I make documentary films oh wow about what UFOs I have an implant that's how the conversation starts I have an implant what do you mean you have an implant so bill was taken when he was five years old when we met up when he was 45. holiday was an implant he remembers being I can't do that sorry I'm good save are they good save he remembers being taken the graves came into the room he fights them off the first time second time they come in the room he goes up through the ceiling there is no fight right up through the ceiling he remembers his pajamas flapping in the wind like this as he goes up through the ceiling we all know but that's impossible yet that's what happened he claims to have an implant in his leg we did an x-ray which is what you see there the implant is right here so you can oops that's your sorry [Laughter] the implant is right there that's the implant right there we did we did an x-ray we did a CAT scan we did um ultrasound we did um a Gauss meter the thing was putting out 8.5 milligauss how is that possible a little thing the size of a grain of rice putting out as much magnetic field energy as Richard is fully charged batteries camera how's that possible but putting off a radio frequency what are we looking at here how is it possible so when we when we took them to get the um to get the implant out we went to Dr matricia on his office he's the surgeon that took the implant out matriciana takes his wand from the uh from the ultrasound machine he looks at where the where the thing is he puts a little X there and he goes like this and within a minute he finds it there it is on the ultrasound oh there's the implant we'll see in two weeks we'll take it out two weeks passes we come we have three three camera Cruiser there we've got 20 people 15 to 20 people in a watching the proceedings on an HD monitor real big 16 inch HD monitor in another room I'm there with Richard we've got Dr matrician or Dr Roger Lear this was all his research we've got nurses it's a big production for us and bills on the table I'm figuring like we'll be out of here in 20 minutes we'll go to an early lunch boy was I wrong he takes the wand puts the X where the X where the implant was on his leg he does this for an hour and 20 minutes trying to find it for an hour and 20 minutes can't find it looks at Dr Roger literally goes maybe we should go get another x-ray Dr Roger goes no we know it's Tara we saw it so at this moment in time I'm in a room full of non-believers except for Richard No One Believes like we believe we're Spirit-filled Christians and the Holy Spirit tasked me on the shoulder and he says you need to take authority over this and you need to do it right now so I'm in a room full of non-believers and I wasn't politically correct I didn't go hey guys you know this might sound weird and I don't want to stretch you out of your Paradigm and I don't want to offend anyone I'm really sorry if I do no I was like this is what I said hey guys I want to pray I'm going to do it now that was it I didn't ask for permission I just did it why because they're all in Romper Room and I say that with great respect they have no idea what's going on everything Supernatural they I don't have time to explain it to them the spirit other than God just told me what I need to do I need to take authority over this thing and so I said I'm going to pray and I'm going to do it now and the prayer went something like this not some long drawn out oh great father would have nothing like that it was just father if there are forces which are cloaking this device I pray that you would break their power and do it so that's what I said guess what about a minute and 20 seconds later not even whatever it was this is what shows up and this is the implant on the ultrasound right there and everybody goes oh my gosh what's that and I go and matriciana goes that's the implant he finds it he takes the one takes it off bangs it like this looks at it puts it back on the leg it shows up again they're all going like what's going on here because he just went over that strip of Flesh for the last hour and 20 minutes couldn't find Dooley Scott one prayer changes the atmosphere I'm looking at Richard we're just cracking up it's one of those few times where you actually pray and God really shows up full power and just goes okay cooking device off thank you we're going to pull this thing out so we pulled the thing out and when I started talking about implants way back in 1999 I had Christian brothers and sisters laugh at me and call me absolutely crazy and this is why when we did this now it's crickets you can't say anything here's the guy here's the whole procedure that we did here are the protocols that we followed this is the implant he was taken we took it out High strangers in the operating room the thing was cloaked one prayer shows us that we have the authority and the power by the blood of the Lamb of the blood of Jesus to go after these things we have the authority so if if you say you're being abducted if you're being oppressed so you come here you get together with about 10 15 people or whatever you fast you pray together collectively and you break through that's how we break through it's not so easy because we've got 1.5 billion abortions on the planet but we can still break through because we have the power and greater Is He And it is us than he that is in the world we can break through but it takes effort it's not a five second prayer sometimes we've got to come together and fast and pray and go before the Lord and guess what we'll break through the barrier but that's that's what we've got to understand that we're in a Warfare is different now it's not like it was 50 years ago or whatever or 25 years ago it's completely different the game is ratcheted up 1.5 billion abortions has changed the atmosphere unless the church gets serious about fasting and praying and coming together collectively and going after specific things we won't see victory we won't but we can have Victory if we begin to do that so we look at this thing there's the implant we make the incision Dr matriciana makes the incision Dr Lee is assisting on the right we spread the wound open we spread the incision open not the womb we spread the incision open and we get the first look at the implant right there all this was on film it's irrefutable all of it's on film there's the implant there's Dr Roger Lear assisting this is what the implant looks like someone put the implant in Bill's leg why someone has been spending a whole lot of time and energy putting implants in people abducting them and taking them and doing this why are they doing this and see as the secular person and they don't have a clue because they don't work from a Biblical prophetic worldview so it's just well these extraterrestrials are doing something here that we don't know but whatever but from a Biblical point of view I'm looking at this and I'm starting to wonder what's going on here what's with this implant and I'll get to it in just a little bit hybrids amongst us I want to show you this is there a breeding program or hybrids walking amongst us the Netflix on the earth in those days and also afterwards it will be like the days of Noah which is an ancient prophetic Waring their seed shall mingle with the seed of men but they shall not cleave to them from The Book of Daniel and this is where we are the seed mingling that we see all throughout the Genesis narrative is no longer applicable what we see is the seed mingling but there's no marriage contract which is exactly what we see in modernity when people were taken when men are taken now sperm is taken from the men over mistaken from the women sometimes they are re-abducted and they see their child two or three years later and the child looks like like some sort of a hybrid in the in the early days like in the early 90s the child looked very sick now it's a whole different deal now they can pass they pass for human there might be some of them sitting right here no just joking that's not funny y'all like so Pastor Mike I'll just do this verbatim because I know what these are I don't need to read them I can do it faster if I if I if I just say it so Pastor Mike is doing a prayer walk and he's reading about little cards and notes and he's just praying in the spirit and just asking him alert to bless people and heal people and all this stuff it's a beautiful summer day in June in the distance he sees a woman she's very athletic she's about six three six four striking platinum blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail very athletic and she's running he's bothered but he's not sure why something's troubling him but he can't put his finger on as the woman gets closer that feeling of Oppression and and anxiety grows grows even you know more pronounced in him um as as they come closer she sees that she has striking blue eyes their eyes meet as she was then about 10 feet the eyes go totally black and as she runs by him she Bears her teeth and growls and he's in a Warfare stance at this point he's rebuking her in the name of Jesus and stating that no curse or no foul unclean thing Psalm 91 is basically what his foot is reciting the second one is a woman and her husband and her two children are at a fair in Iowa little County Fair thing the kids are on a ferris wheel all of a sudden in front of them walking towards the ferris wheel or a a young man and a young woman that looked like brother and sister they're dressed kind of oddly and they walk and sink in a very weird way they're weird looking and she looks at the husband the husband sees these two characters and you know gives them a look and stuff they go up to where the in a carnival they have like a ferris wheel thing there's always a gate there with a line the kids try to go through the gate and and the operator goes what are you guys doing like like you guys on crack or something it's like no the the the the thing is rolling you can't go on to the rides over so the right ends the uh the boy and the girl their boy and the girl come off the ride and they get back with their parents and they begin to walk she turns to look at the two weirdos and they are looking at her but their necks I can't do it obviously her their necks are stretched in an absolutely an inhuman way you can't do that they're arched the necks are elongated and arched and they are leering at her leering at her jeering at her she's totally freaked out doesn't say anything when the kids are put the beds it goes to her husband and she says what do you think that was her husband looks at her and says whatever they were they weren't human now I have the names of course and it's all my files these people want to remain anonymous she's her last line was I wish I had never seen this it is happening it is happening it is happening we are going to we are starting to see stuff already and you shouldn't be scared because greater received it is in you than he that is in the world greater is he that is in me and you than heathens in the world Al's encounter I'll let this roll it's getting kind of late but I'm going to let this roll you can watch what happens the back story is this that foreign Fisherman's friends oh it's a lozenger I'm yelling too much I'm losing my voice I'm sorry please forgive me owls I was taken from a very early age over and over and over again he was taken abducted are these what I think they are I have to say it I don't want to say it but I have to right see you got to have some laughter you gotta oh this stuff is so dark trust me I have characters that I divert to so you don't mind if I make disgusting noises why I'm trying to talk okay so um hmm don't you wish you had one so Val's been abducted he flees the eastern part of Canada to go to Vancouver where he is now and as a mover and in the process of moving he gets a call from this woman who comes in from Kuwait normal looking gal dressed really nicely real pretty except she's got these really tight glasses on that are dark they look like swimmer's goggles almost but they're not swimmer's goggles they're glasses and they're really tight or won't allow any lighting he figures maybe she's got like glaucoma or something I don't know so he just doesn't notice it oh I feel so good thank you thank you and they're riding up in the freight elevator to go look at her stuff so they can move it and she leans forward just two of them just Alan was swimming with the weird glasses she leans forward and she goes they're listening Al goes who's listening and she goes you know the grays I know that you've been taken just as I've been taken many times we were supposed to meet on the ship I'll totally freaked out at this point so in the course of the move and you'll see it he gives the woman his phone number and you'll see it in the clip I go mistake number one and so now she calls him up and he goes up to her flat mistake number two and she's with a girlfriend and I'll just let the thing speak for itself this is what happened and it is bizarre I walked into their place I buzzed up her friend answered the door was her apartment a beautiful two-story condo right on the Fraser River in obviously in BC and they're about both out on the deck and they have these big big glasses of wine now this did the friend look normal to you totally normal okay sunglasses no no just normal no sunglasses she introduced her to me and I could tell they'd be drinking and then you know I'm not passing judgment they're having some fun and um she introduced her friend we sat down on the deck she's still wearing those strange glasses their glasses of wine are right in front of me on a table and out of the corner of my eye I notice this massive black fly inner wine glass and it's almost like it was stuck to the glass it didn't make sense it wasn't moving and I pointed it to her I said oh look there's a big fly in your wine glass I'll grab some kleenex and get it for it she smiled at me and she goes no I'll get it she put her finger in the wine glass she didn't crutch the fly the fly stuck to her finger and she put it towards her mouth and went like this and I just looked at her and I go holy smokes I go if you're hungry I can make you a sandwich why did you do that and she just smiled again so that's the starting of how strange this got and it only got stranger from there she took off her glasses she got on top of me while I was sitting my chair and she started lifting up my shirt and I said what are you doing and she goes oh how old are you you're well preserved let me stop you there so this is not typical behavior for you no not at all okay so this is something normally you wouldn't you wouldn't allow this no I figured it's because she'd be drinking but it got a little carried away when she started asking me how old I was and the glasses were off as I said she went to kiss me and I pushed her away and her eyes shape-shifted now when you say what did they look like before what are they just normal I I don't know if they're brown eyes they certainly weren't uh like blue eyes or emerald eyes I would have noticed that right away I think they were just normal a darker looking eyes but the whites were white when I pushed her back when she went to kiss me I pushed her back her eyes shape-shifted they went the whites went to a golden color with black streaks and her pupils shrunk I upset her and that's what happened when I pushed her back her eyes shape-shifted and I pushed her off me that was my reaction and I said what the heck was that and she gave me the most evil laugh you've ever heard and I got the heck out of there so you ran out I ran out of there and she was chasing me I'm not telling you anymore the pupils were they were they round pupils or were they Serpentine round okay round people yeah what I would describe her eyes as it's like a snake eyes or a reptile's eyes there's a thing we call UFO brain fog where you know I asked him would you allow this and no no one's ever questioned him that way you know and and he's it's like it's almost like for the first time he realizes that why would he even allow her on top of him like this when you when we're in the presence and hopefully this will never happen for any of us in this room but when we're around the stuff let me ask you something how many people have been around someone who was demon-possessed okay when you got up to them could you think straight it can be really weird it can be really weird it's hard to think straight sometimes because you're dealing with Supernatural stuff it's it's like the the several times and I've done one on the phone with a woman and I was completely clear the whole time but there was another one that came into a church and this woman was absolutely possessed she you know she had the whole grin the whole thing and just approaching her the the oppression was just like whoa you know and that's why fasting and praying and all that it's like sometimes we have to do that the bottom line is there's like brain fog there's this clip in the film where these girls like 10 of them are in a car station wagon they're coming back from a dance and they see a light and they pull over and they realize it's it's not no one's mud run and it's some kind of UFO and the woman goes we got in the car we were speeding but we weren't going anywhere that's UFO brain fog you can't be speeding and not going anywhere the mind has no Grid in which to deal with what they're seeing what they're experiencing and it short circuses out so this stuff is real and it's coming down in the coming great deception is basically all around us the new agers talk about this event the event of the Paradigm Shift of Consciousness that when E.T comes back they're going to move us into a golden age and I'm just going to pass on this because it's kind of getting late some things at the other side of the of the aisle are saying the arrest of the global Elites the reset of the financial system the release of ET information the beginning of a new Financial system with prosperity funds for all Humanity sounds like communism to me and uh Humanity will enter a golden age when the event arrives there shall be an international washover it shall remain within each one on different levels this is what new age people are saying through channeled information okay it's Charlamagne with each one on different levels of different degrees of frequency according to each one's position of self this we have also mentioned before however once this has taken place each Soul shall come back round in their own time so we cannot give you hours days Etc yet we choose to say anything up to a week of your time before one feels the need to even think about normality again and normality will not be normal ever again our point to you is this this event will take place and it is drawing ever closer a one world government and a woman religious system we know from the Bible that that's how it's going to happen now is the time to address the UFO phenomenon all history when it happens and I truly believe when full disclosure happens the church will not be here um all history will be referred to as BD or A.D before disclosure or after disclosure this event is the biggest life-changing event on the planet this is the Ultimate Game Changer the ultimate instant Global Paradigm Shift when E.T comes and they and they finally reveal themselves they will say this we seated all life on this planet we are your creators we are your progenitors we genetically manipulated early man we started the world's first civilizations we started the world's religions now at this critical juncture we ET have come back in to Usher mankind into a golden age that's what they're going to say they will bear gifts the first thing that they will show us is free energy which completely changes the entire planet changes the whole financial system changes everything because if energy is free there was no electric bill anymore and I truly believe that they have zero point energy and that's what they will show us but they'll have something else that they will give us and I'm going to pass on that that's a Dreadful movie by the way I'm gonna pass on this hold on I just want to check something out here okay good sorry because of the time it's now nine o'clock I want to I'm gonna skip those two things um what was written will come to pass what was foretold is unfolding right in front of us okay Isaac Newton about the time of the man the body of men will be raised up who will turn to retention to the prophecies and insists on their little interpretation in the midst of much clamor and opposition people will be terrified at what they see coming upon the Earth for the powers in the heavens will be shaken that's a quote from Jesus men's Hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken even the elect would be deceived if that were possible the dragon will come with all signs and lying wonders this is what E.T will tell us we've already talked about that criteria one from The Book of Revelation he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or their forehead and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the Mark or the name of the Beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him who understands calculate the number of the beasts for it's the number of men his number is 666. see the implant I believe that that's the mark whoever's doing it has been an inordinate amount of time on this he Bill had it 40 years ago it's actually more like 48 years ago because it was a while since we removed he was five years old when they took him and implanted them this implant we could cut with a razor knife the that was number 17 that Dr in the last implant he took out number 16 was made of a material so hard the only way they could cut it open was in a laboratory was a laser that was it so this there's been an uh Evolution between this early implant from from like 45 or 50 years ago to the more recent ones the one from decades ago you could come up with a razor knife the new ones laser beam they're revolving is it possible that what we are looking at and by the way these things we we used to think that they were powered by the blood the circulatory system now we think they're powered by the nervous system and the body did not expunge the implant from Bill in fact there was like a covering over the implant which we have no idea what that covering was like a rubbery-like substance and it seemed like nerve endings actually embraced it and when we were there it was shut off but before we and that's what's chilling about that they knew that we were going to take it out that's why it was shut off that's why it was close we couldn't even find it that was a supernatural experience we had this in my opinion these implants are prototypes of the coming mark of the beast here's what E.T will say we created you and because of that we are your creators we now have an implant which will extend your lifespan three to five hundred years disease free disease-free three to five hundred years without any type of disease at all you'll live longer and have a wonderful life that's how it's going to be couched in my opinion and of course this whole thing will have it'll do a lot more than just buy sell or trade it will change your DNA so that you not you but the person who takes it becomes the seed of the Dragon you become a Nephilim you're no longer human you become some sort of a mix of hybrid that's what we think it is it's all conjecture call me crazy I don't care that's what I think and now I'm sticking to it with all my guns because look at this criteria two another Angel a third follow them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships to beast in its image and receives a mark on his forehead around his hand he will also drink the wine of the Ancient of Days rap That's my kind of interpretation this was given to a mufon meeting non-Christian so I couch it in the way that they would understand Ancient of Days but it's the Lord God that's what it is in the Book of Revelation and the bottom line is is there any Redemption there is there any is there any grace and mercy where where is where where does where is grace and mercy suspended throughout the biblical prophetic narrative anytime a Nephilim are present there's no grace and mercy every place look at Nineveh for crying out loud Nineveh was like a hellhole I mean you'd walk in the Nineveh heads were on Stakes others Uncle Fred right there I wonder what happened though I mean it's crazy that's Nineveh and he sends Jonah to Nineveh grace and mercy and they repent you take the mark you become something else you wind up in the Lake of Fire why that is that severe yes it's severe I get that but why is it severe because something is changing the very fabric of our humanity and it's I think it's this implant in the hand or on the forehead we've had two people who were abducted and taken and implanted one was a male the other one was a female both of them had implants right above the eyebrow that's the forehead both for the men implants there both of them did the same thing they got tired of feeling the bump they took a razor blade and cut it open themselves the thing dropped down in the sink did you save it no I flushed it down I wanted to get rid of it they didn't know me then but they came forward later this stuff is real but we've not been given a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind all I'm doing here let's get to criteria three and those days and then we'll seek death and will not find it their desire they will desire to die and death will flee for them the reason why I wrote that and the reason why I think the implant lengthens the the lifespan is because of this birth in other words is it possible that the lifespan is is lengthened via the implant they're changing your DNA we know from science that there's some kind of Gene which kicks in in our DNA which makes us grow old what if that little chip reverses that and that's what I think is happening with it so the lifespan is lengthened everybody celebrates because does it is it mankind don't we all want especially the other side they all want to live to look at trans transhumanism look what the what the new age people were saying you know we want to live we want to be able to move our Consciousness into avatars and all this other stuff that's what they all want they're gonna get it but it's not the what they think it is they'll come from the pit of Hell well that will extend the lifespan yeah but you'll get group of sores on your body that's not a good thing people will seek that from those days and not find it what does that mean seek death in those days and not find it is the Bible crazy how could you seek death and not find it you can't die why because the body regenerates itself because of the implant no matter what you do the the implant is so powerful that your body just regenerates why do you think David cut the head off Goliath because he knew exactly what goliath was and he knew the only way he could really kill the thing was to completely decapitate it completely decapitated this is where we are this is where we are the medic this is from Dr Jacques filet who is on the other side of the aisle he does not he's he's a secular guy but he believes as I do but these are not extraterrestrials the medical examination to which abductees are said to be subjected often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation as reminiscent of the medieval Tales of encounters with demons it makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical framework any intelligent being equipped with the scientific Marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these things any of these alleged scientific objectives in a short of time and with fewer risks what is the good news when you see these things begin to happen look up look I'm not making any of this up this is all hardcore research that we've done I've done over since I was 16. I've been plowing into this since I became a Christian 39 years ago this June this is you know this is my calling this is what the Lord has put me here the object isn't to scare you was to inform you again we've not been given a spirit of fear but if power a love and a sound mind if you're afraid you need to take that to the Lord what it should do is it should make you outraged outraged that we're living in a society in a time like this where the the evil one where the dragon and his forces have managed to completely pull the wool over people's eyes and allow 1.5 billion abortions that the church remains silent get get excited get Al Greens you have been armed in the last four sessions that we've done you know you will not be deceived when they start showing this nonsense of Tucker Carlson and they will they will roll it out you will not be deceived you now know the truth at least in part I don't have all the answers nobody does but you've been armed and we should rejoice in the fact that you've been armed even the elect would be deceived if that were possible you saw the clip from Fatima where people are are freaking out you know that whole from the movie and they see the mirror the so-called Miracle of the sun happening in modernity and they're like ah we're screaming and yelling and all this stuff no one's standing up in the name of Jesus the Lord rebuke you shut up and go away no one's saying that if you see something you don't know what it is don't think about it rebuke first ask questions later I am giving you tools I'm arming you rebuke first ask questions later know our Authority that we have has born against spiritual Believers know that when we invoke the name of Jesus sometimes it may take two or three people getting together to do it but rebuke first ask questions later you're not sure of something you're frightened you're afraid not be given a spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind look at the thing Square on the Lord rebuke you get out of here and follow come out in the Greek come out get out of here show the Lord rebuke you leave go get angry man I'm so ticked off I can't even tell you how dare you come in this place how dare you show up how dare you do this outrage outrage how dare you take a five-year-old and implant him how dare you do that we gotta get fired up folks and you got to decide what we're going to do how you're going to react to this you have been warned and armed you are now officially dangerous you really are because you you might not be able to be as articulate because I've been doing this forever but you'll be able to give an answer if people come up to you and start asking about this stuff you'll be able to give an answer and that's what we're told to do I'm going to take a couple of questions we'll go 15 minutes to like 25 after and that'll be it I'd love to have a microphone so I could hear the questions Phil so stand up and fill we'll hit that microphone and go back to you we'll do a short q a and I'm going to pray over you before I let you leave here okay I really enjoyed either on lecture it's been quite enlightening thank you uh there is a telescope that the Vatican was in charge of development called luciferous yes research has come out of there yeah yeah yeah that Tom Horn did a lot of research on this with uh his Protege who passed away um uh Chris Putnam the Vatican bought the property and they called the telescope the Lucifer telescope why is the Vatican so interested in what's coming because they also on the inside they know what's going on they know that they're here um they've it was interesting is the last Pope uh Benedict was a staunch believer in Fatima and then right after he became Pope we just went oh Fatima was for another time and I think he was briefed and then there was a coup in the Jesuit took over so the luciferian Lucifer tarot scope they know what's out there and you know they're seeing all sorts of stuff anything else I assumed you already heard about Captain beard like his encounter with a extraterrestrial Captain beard like he was an explorer and Captain beard a bird how do you say his name Bird yeah yeah what was your point of view on that story yeah but the Admiral bird diary is you can't vet it and I've tried to vet it I can't vet it so I although I know the story and it's very colorful that Admiral Byrd allegedly you know the hollow Earth in Antarctica and this whole thing but Steve Kraus taught written a book called Empire beneath the eyes I do know this the Nazis were absolutely fascinated with Antarctica they had a base an article called new schwabenland a lot lots of U-boats went missing at the end of World War II were never found I believe Hitler escaped Germany and lived to a ripe old age in South America um and that's last year hunting Hitler was one of my favorite shows I think they proved it Beyond a reasonable doubt he definitely escaped der Fiora bunker and the skulls that the Russians have forensically don't don't add up in my opinion so they were they were fascinated with Antarctica there's all sorts of stories coming out of Antarctica I can't vet them so I don't really go with them are there Great Pyramids down there and all this crashed UFOs and alien bases well yeah maybe who knows but I do know this stuff out in Area 51 they do have saucers because I talked to Bob Lazar and Lazar was stationed there and there were UFOs and I think we're going to be seeing more of this look when again when Tucker Carlson sits down with Luis Elizondo and asks them does the United States government have in their possession to breathe from Crash UFOs and Elizondo says yes need I say more next question okay the Nephilim are they um evil spirits are they the byproduct of human and Angels I've got several questions I'll throw them all together then you can kind of hash it out then the other thing is is like the fallen angels that were with women that were destroyed the Nephilim and stuff that were destroyed with the flood obviously that happened that's happened again and so so I mean Nephilim are the byproducts or Nephilim are the Fallen Angels Bethlehem is a broad term for the different tribes the sounds I mean the emens the anakim the refiam um they're all named which I I believe in my opinion uh denote certain genetic characteristics but the Nephilim are the byproduct of the Unholy Union of the Fallen Angelic beings the women of Earth cohabiting together and creating a hybrid entity known in a broad says as a Nephilim there are many incursions the first one happens pre-flood the other one happens again after the flood and so on until the cross then it all goes away and it changes so what are what are unclean spirits and demons disembodied spirits of the Nephilim Demons of a disembodied spirits of the Nephilim they need something to inhabit demons in my opinion are not fallen angels two totally different things Demons of a disembodied spirits of the Nephilim Area 51 where is it and we used to hear about the Bermuda Triangle we haven't heard anything lately at least I haven't um could you expound upon that one is outside of Las Vegas I've been there several times we actually were at the little alien last year uh had a hamburger there delicious burger by the way um I met Bob Lazar out there in like 1994 something like that and this is when lazar's story had just broke about handling uh UFO and material and back engineering and all this stuff that was out at area 51. uh Gary Schultz who we interviewed and showed the clip uh in our in their own words UFOs are real in the film Schultz was out there in 89 90 something like that well before anyone even knew what area 51 was and he had this beautiful shot of what he called a human pilot alien craft right over Area 51 it was taken I think on a Wednesday night by a place called the mailbox where you could go and see this stuff in 89 all that's changed the federal government came in and brought more land the mailbox area is completely closed you can't go there anymore but yeah I mean it's like the fact that the fact that the United States in 2017 admitted that area 51 existed that's part of the thing and so here's Commander fraver with the F-18 and the pilot command affair with the pilot in the Tic Tac shape UFO that was not of this world at the same time a few days later Harry Reid yeah it's a secret government studying UFOs and then the government admits in the reality of Area 51 all happening in the month of December of 2017. that was the first initial wave of the disclosure and then since then like I said and showed you up to Tucker Carlson with Luis Elizondo we've got crash alien alien UFOs we you gotta I mean come on it's coming it's coming what was that oh yeah the Bermuda Triangle I actually wrote um studied this it was fascinating um that's a three hour conversation basically it is it's very complex there was a squadron of Fighters that vanished when looking for another group of planes um countless ships had vanished some people say it's methane gas and all this other stuff there are places in the world there are gateways and portals there was this one guy I think it was on so I'm sure on the History Channel where guys like a piper club and he goes he goes through this like tunnel and he has missing time Gary Stearman also was was in in the in the air for a number of hours well there's no way the plane could stay up that long and it stood up that long and I've always had trouble with that with Gary because wow Gary why would but what is the Merk about what is the Divine taxi as Mike Heiser would call it what how is Elijah Elijah taking up we don't know um in a whirlwind fiery Chariot one of the fiery chariots that um Alicia points out to his servant and you know and all this other stuff so there's a lot of stuff we don't understand but when Gary Stearman saw it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen Gary Stearman has been an aircraft and flying since he could probably before he could walk I mean his whole life was immersed in this what better way to get his attention than showing him something like that shortly after that he became a Christian next question um so about the abductions and implants do you think that people could have been like there's people out there who have been adopted who don't know that received an implant and if so happens no no people most people know what they've been taking most people know they have memories that keep coming up they figure it out they know something's up and sometimes they come to me and if they have an implant the first thing we say is go get an x-ray tell them you had an accident as a kid and you fell off your bike and there's something in your leg and just check it to see if there's something there and the X-ray will tell you if it's a metallic implants we know that there are portals on the earth uh you know the Bible clearly talks about angels moving up and down and we know uh Temple Mount Mount Moriah Maria uh it's there there's a place out in Samaria and there's several other places but the question was asked to me to ask is this uh when you entertain uh things like Ouija boards uh when you start getting overly involved in Dungeon Drake and Dragons or watching videos that are consistently pushing the evil agenda does that open up a portal 100 percent absolutely you can't do that stuff you know the movies that are crafted today in Hollywood the games that are crafted by these they're crazy I mean they're just absolutely wacky you can't play eight hours of video games or two hours of video games blowing up people and killing people you don't think that that does something to your psyche of course it does you can't watch movies like The Exorcist or all this I mean every we don't go to movies anymore we don't go to movies anymore because there's nothing but junk and slime when you when you watch you know laugh what you want but when you go and you watch The Avengers they're Nephilim that's what you're looking at they're hybrid beings that are human beings with power that's why we're all getting set up for this am I making this up and everybody goes well let's go to The Avengers movie far out or Wolverine he's a chimera that's right out of the Book of Enoch Wolverines as a chimera he's part wolf part man it's Greek Mythos it's a Nephilim The Book of Enoch says that the Angels sinned against the animal kingdom we've had reports and I won't get into them dogmen centaurs all sorts of stuff it's crazy and these are same people that come to me because you know what they come to me because they trust me because they know we'll laugh at them and I I that's why I get the stories and they're hair raising and they're very Troublesome but I want to take one more question I want to pray over you guys Sloan um so the cattle mutilations I used to live in Texas and I used to see a lot of that is that to open portals all that crazy stuff they're doing to the cattle I think the conjecture I think the blood is used in the reproduction system to make the hybrids for gestation because bovine blood can be used in human transplants they can do that you can use you can use cow blood instead of human blood when you're when you're you know isn't that crazy it's been used but I want to pray over you guys because this is really important okay so let's pray father in the name of Jesus we come to you in the mighty name of our Lord and savior the one who died in our place the one who holds the keys of life and death in his hands the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end The Once and Future King the one who has already crushed ahead of a serpent we come to you in his mighty name and we pray father that every person in this room will leave charged up and we cancel the assignment of the enemy for anything it was a spirit of fear and we speak blessing and hope and goodness and outrage that these things are even happening over every person in this room we pray a blessing over them we pray for a peaceful wonderful night's sleep but we also pray father that you would bring these things back to your people and encourage them so when they see signs they're bold and they can speak out against them it's time for us to stand up help these people here Lord stand up help them make a commitment help them to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh bless them bless their going out and they're coming in bless them bless them in every way bless them bless them in Jesus's name we pray amen thank you guys
Channel: WOW Faith Church
Views: 171,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WOW Faith Church, Larry Ollison, Walk on the Water, Osage Beach, Word of Faith, A Place Called Heaven, Southwest Baptist University, Billye Brim Ministries, 3BI Bible Institute, Rhema Bible Training College, Loretta Ollison, Southern Baptist Convention, Taking the Word to the World, Eagle Mountain International Church, Joyce Meyer Ministries, WOW Worship Team, The Lighthouse Bookstore, Christians United for Israel, Mega Churches, International Convention of Faith Ministries
Id: 5so1ltdjAS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 38sec (6998 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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