L’ANGE Le Vite Hairbrush Straightener Review | Did it work?

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hey guys welcome back to my channel if you haven't already subscribed please subscribe below and don't forget to give me a thumbs up and or comment on how beautiful I am not just kidding today I'm gonna be reviewing the launch Levite hairbrush straightener I just got this in the mail and I'm so excited to use it as you can see my hair is a little crazy right now I just highlighted it this morning I thought it was a perfect time to be testing this bad boy out super excited I also did get the rival heat shields the satin nectar nourishing gloss and the sort of a botanical smoothing balm and the sorbet sort of am I saying that right I always want to say sherbert so first let's take this out haven't even taken it out of the box ooh fancy comes in a back that's nice so fancy I got the blush one because you know it's big and I look like how long these are the bristles yeah oh and it says its flashing off do you saying it yeah I know what's off cuz I didn't turn it on yet let's turn it on 350 371 do I want to put that oh oh it only goes to 450 which is fine I'm gonna put it on for 30 Wow that's heating up fast look at that and you can actually hear it I don't know if it's working or if it's not oh it's already at 4:30 look at that that was fast and these are heated but you can touch them but you can feel that they're hot okay Wow Wow that is on I'm gonna go in with the heat shield and spray that all over coming out like oh there we go and I definitely want to use this because my hair is bleached and I don't want to damage it anymore than it is so try not to anyway okay get in there that smells really good say it says keratin infused chamomile extract locks out humidity I'm glad it locks out humidity because my hair gets crazy okay I'll let that soak in there smells really good I knew shoot I should have brushed it out first and be very gentle I should have brushed earlier that's as good as it's gonna get - I hurts and I'm gonna section it I do a bunch of sections actually no this is how I section it everyone doesn't different I was watching videos on you know this straightening brush before I bought it and no one ever sections their hair like this I'm the only one around here guys don't look at my double chin are we ready I sure AM okay so section this in half oh boy oh yeah it's higher than before oh it's a glides right through oh yeah look at that oh that is nice that's that's only one pass you see it that's nice oh my gosh this is awesome oh my gosh it made it so straight guys I don't know if you can see this I have my husband's zipper out is a little chilly here in New York this morning look at that oh my god it makes my hair so long I don't really straighten my hair too often only if I'm going somewhere but this is definitely going to cut out the time it takes me to do my hair when I'm straightening because it usually takes me forever it glides right through it's so crazy and it doesn't pull my hair it doesn't pull it whatsoever holy crap look at that do you guys see this you know look at the difference do you see I love it oh my god like I don't want to get another one just in case this one breaks I'm going to do I am so mesmerised amazed and how good this is working and it doesn't pull it my hair at all good hot look at that get that part and it's nice because you can get right up to the scalp of your head and it doesn't burn it next section yeah holy crap we're on a roll my husband's gonna be so excited it's gonna take me less time to get ready easy peasy lemon squeezy oh my god this is friggin amazing oh this is just amazing I can't even stop here we go yeah side by side when how long it makes my hair look come on nuts I just can't believe in one pass it makes my hair straight pretty much and the only reason I keep going over is because of the little flyaways other than that my hair is straight the parted section holy crap this is the new love of my life look do you guys see this my hair is freaking straight we've been recording for 10 minutes is it ten minutes okay last section this is the craziest part last section Wow are you guys seeing this right now this is crazy where has this been my whole life oh my god I love this thing I'm not even kidding this makes me want to straighten my hair everyday this is this works almost effortlessly do you guys see this this is freaking insane uh oh and look there's one piece of hair the whole entire time I was straightening my hair one piece of hair and that's it my hair straight how long have we been doing this not that long if I did it my old way it would take me almost an hour to do my hair I would blow dry it dry and then use a curly brush and blow-dry it straight and then use a flat iron to get it straight but look at this guy's this is straight and I love it yeah longe you did good I love this Levite levied this is amazing go out and get yourself one now now to finish it off we're going to be using the satin nectar and the shampoo smoothing balm we're just gonna put a squirt come on squirt in that bond and then a little trip come on get out a little drip together and we're just gonna get the ends smooth it all out get those little flyaways right there get it all up in there got ownerships if you want your hair to love you you have to love your hair you have to give it some lovin lovin okay there we go bu T fo oh yeah yeah let me know what you guys think and go out and buy this brush you won't regret it don't forget to subscribe to my channel and give me a thumbs up love you guys bye y'all
Channel: Alyson Boice
Views: 1,786
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: L'ANGE, Le Vite, L'ANGE Le Vite, hair straightening brush, straight hair, hot brush, pink, pink brush, review, blush color, did it work, curly hair, curl to straight, $69.00, awesome, amazed, so cool
Id: beU43PRm5Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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