L’ange Le Volume Review

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[Music] hey my beautiful friends it's your girl nicole also known as coach glamour and today we have a little special treat for you i will be giving you a full review on the lyons am i saying that lee and leon's uh hope i'm saying that hair blower let me just show it to you because once you see it you'll know exactly what i'm talking about hold on hold on go go go so i saw this on my facebook and i was like hmm i gotta give it a try cool thing about this product and this is what i was thinking when i ordered it by the way i'm not affiliated i'm just giving a review here i was like you know what it's gonna cut my time in half because i when i do my hair usually do a crazy blow and then flat iron which is a two-step process takes me forever even with this length of hair so i said maybe this will give me one less step to do right so let's get this started let me show you how i work with it let me get a shirt on because i'm straight out the shower let's go okay first thing i'm gonna do is comb brush out this hair it's wet so i'm going to be gentle with it using my tech wooden brush [Music] okay make sure that all the knots are out i'm looking extra dewy just the way i like it okay so now that everything all the knots are mostly out i'm going to separate my hair guys i might talk in too low separate my hair into two pieces here we go so this has a few settings it has um a cool and it has a low and it has a high we're going to go straight to high okay if you have hair that is bleached or processed test it out first okay because this gets really hot by the way i'm gonna speed up the video because if not um yeah this will take a while [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] today [Music] so [Music] so guys this is what it is so far it's dry um i do feel like i need to shape certain areas so this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put it on cool it has a cool option and then i'm gonna just mold the hair to the style that i want plus i'm so hot okay here we go [Music] okay guys so i love it i'm gonna be honest with you give you my full full honest review i never was that girl who blew out her own hair again i used to do um a wild blow with the blow dryer regular blow dryer and then flat iron afterwards which is a two-step process but actually blowing out each section of the hair i've never done that okay never like i used to go get my hair blown out never blown it out myself fully fully um it wasn't my thing so this is a learning curve for me however i think i did a pretty good job i did the whole head on heat on the hot setting which is called high and it dried the hair but to shape the hair and give it that extra shine i did the last touches with cool and i feel like that kind of seals the deal with the liange i hope i'm saying that and if i'm not let me know so um hot all over blow if you're not used to keeping your arms up um you will get exhausted because let me tell you something i got exhausted at least like wanted to give up three times okay three times but lucky for me i only do this about once a week anyway so it's all good plus it's a good arm workout right i know my friends who blow out here they always say yeah that's how i keep my arms nice and thin blowing up my arm blowing out my hair um so if you're not used to blowing out your own hair it is gonna take some getting used to i don't know if you guys seen what i did as far as lifting the roots and you can probably lift it way more but i noticed see i don't like my hair super flat my hair is already very kind of straight and flat as it is even without this um so what i do is i go upwards and i give it a nice little blow while it's there and then come out and around and curl under now if you're not a curl under person because not everybody likes curl under and even me some days i don't feel like curling under you can curl out with this i would suggest doing it this way not this way unless you want a 60s look or 50s look like with the flip which you could achieve with this as well um but if you have it on let's try let's try it while we're here i'm gonna put it backwards [Applause] just to show you see so if you do want that swoop out instead of in you could still achieve this with the liange okay also another thing i wanted to tell you guys see now i gotta fix that okay because i wouldn't do that that sweep out unless i was gonna give it a nice spritz of spray so it can stay that way because my hair the only way it stays is like this it will not stay like this it won't even keep a curl you don't know what i have to do to keep a curl anyway so um if you want to lift the root you want to make sure also if you want to lift this area right here a lot of women get flat in this area you can start on hot and switch to cold [Applause] it's the coral [Applause] and it'll give you a nice little lift in the roots if that is something you are looking for now if you want to take that to the whole next level you can lift the root again okay do a little couple of sprays up here of hairspray blow blow blow let it go and then you'll get a nice little lift um another reason i did buy this product is because um not only i just want it one step and one tool instead of blow my hair then flat iron right um i did like that this gives you body and that's something that i do notice with this i do feel like my hair is not as flat as it is with a flat iron just being right here just being real now let me fix my hair back to the way it was because that's how i want it i'm gonna put it back on cool [Applause] this side is a little harder for me as you see the variety [Applause] and there you go so guys i really really hope you like my lyons review um if you have tried it i wouldn't like lexing on your thoughts again i'm not affiliated with this brand but i'm gonna put their website below and um i did find them on facebook i kept seeing the ads and i was like you know i usually don't like to buy things off of facebook ads because it's like i know i'm being targeted but i was like it's for me it's for me i need that and i'm glad i bought it um definitely something um when we can travel again will be coming with me on my traveling journeys outside of this bedroom somewhere in the world ah guys thanks again for hanging out with me today i hope these tips were helpful and i hope it helps you decide whether this is for you or not again don't forget to like and subscribe i appreciate you guys um i decided in 2021 i'm gonna just put as much content i can for you guys out there that you will enjoy and like and we get to hang out together and again this is a dialogue so please leave your comments below your questions if you want to talk to me directly you can always message me on instagram at coach glamour i'm gonna end it there god bless and be good to each other always bye
Channel: Coach Glamour
Views: 3,467
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: wUr4leKLgZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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