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[Music] hey y'all welcome to today's video so real quick if you watched my video testing out the duo from lounge i did like a first impression honest review trying it out for the very first time could not get the thing to work right for me so today i thought let me give it a try again somebody gave me a tip and let me just see if this works better so i tried it out was not going to do a video and then yo it worked so i'm like i got to jump on here and show everybody my update on how this thing works so good now that i know one simple trick and it's like it works so y'all excuse me i'm out of breath this baby in here is like taking all my lung space up so i can't breathe um so my hair is like not freshly washed it's maybe been washed like a day or two ago um i just threw some dry straw dry shampoo into it um so this is the lunch style revival dry shampoo super dry shampoo um so i threw that in there and then that's all i did um i brushed it out with their little brush that i love i'm gonna link all the products down below so everything i use in this video um y'all can purchase through amazon down below in the description okay so that's all i did then i picked up my little tool i'm like let me try this trick so what the well actually there's been several people that have told me this trick basically what they said is point the top of the i don't know if you call this a curler or what the point the top of the tool down i think last time i was curling i was curling with it up and it really doesn't make sense to me why pointing it down or up would make a difference because it's the same shape but y'all it makes a huge difference so that's my trick and i'm gonna show y'all now how good this thing works just by doing that it's crazy also if you like this makeup look this is using i've really been loving i tested out the unique um again their new makeup and y'all i was blown away so go check that video out but this is basically the same look i did in that video i changed my lip liner because i wasn't feeling the liner but everything else is the same okay do i want to push this hair back so i don't get it mixed up normally i don't part my let's see let's put this part in a ponytail just get it out of the way only i don't part my hair into two sections like the top and the bottom like this but i was trying something different gently it's working so all right i'm gonna section my hair the top part of my hair into two sections so brush it out i love this brush y'all okay so this looks crazy i know i got my ponytail on the back and my two pieces of the top look funny so take a small piece let me cut my fan on i've got mine set on the highest set and i always do depending on your hair how hard it is to curl or how thick it is you can change your setting so take a piece of hair point the tip down and doing this i have to put my thumb on it i can't do it this way because i like to curl my curls back so i have to hold it with my thumb on the plant so that i can twist back no back it's confusing you have to like think about about it when you hold it down like for me holding it up it's just so easy to go back but holding it down to go back to twist it like a funny way but anyways so put the tip down clamp it and then you start rotating so i like my curls to rotate away from my face keep rotating so i just use this hand to guide the hair and i use the other hand to twist and that's literally all and then once i have like a little piece like this left i don't curl the end so i just kind of open it and let it fall out and y'all it worked like look like the whole entire piece is curled pretty evenly um if it's too curly what i like is that it's a straightener so you can just like run over it real fast and kind of loosen it up a little bit if you want to look at that y'all like it worked i was so show i was so shocked at how good it works when you just point it down so i'm gonna throw that one to the back let me show y'all on another piece real quick so so i watched another girl and she like straightened her end first if you want that like really tussled loose wave look you leave the end out um so i have to rotate it to where my thumb is on it and then i clamp it up the top and rotate it back pull it down a little rotate it pull it down a little rotate pull it down rotate pull it down pull it down and then i'll leave this end out and just kind of like look how pretty i'm so shocked all right i'm gonna do one without talking because i feel like they turn out better when i don't like try to talk and also for some reason i think they work a little better with thinner pieces how pretty i'm just updating because this thing did not work for me and then i tried a trick that like a few people have said and it's like amazing like it works so good now i didn't know you're doing a video that's why i come in here well i wasn't planning on it and i was curling my hair trying to do it with the trick and it worked i'm like let me just five minutes jump on here and show them the trick update so much that it exploded outside of the diaper into his chair and then he as i was carrying him i didn't notice it it was all all the way down his leg into his feet and then he put his hands in it just just let you know it's a good morning well he's been pooping like three times in the morning like three massive poops stinker hey did you find your sister's food come here little man let's let mama finish up the choice of being a parent normally it's me out there dealing with the blowouts and the like pooping three times back back so i just think it's funny that he he had a poop incident in like the five minutes that i've been doing this video okay i just am shocked at how pointing it down like makes that big of a difference it blows my mind look look how pretty so pretty and loose and wavy completely different from the first time i tried this thing out when i was pointing it up and in the directions i just want to point out it said you can point the barrel the tip up or down so i just did it up because it's more comfortable for me but apparently down is the way to go with this thing i always get nervous when i do this piece right by my face in the front because if it messes it up the whole like hair look can be bad okay i'm gonna straighten the end a little bit because that one got a little curly okay so that kind of gives y'all an idea just of how good it works um i'm gonna finish up this last little section here and then i'll come back and show y'all the products that i'm gonna throw in to tame some of these wild hairs and um the finished result so i will be right back okay so here is what is left after i curled everything y'all this is insane to me how good this thing works um with doing one one trick one thing different and it works so good okay so now what i'm going to do i got this thicket cream their select thicket cream so i'm just going to put like a teeny it's like a teeny little dab it on my hands and i'm gonna work it like where all that frizziness is like you'll see on the side i'm just gonna kind of work it on that and then kind of fluff up the hair and push it through the ends a little bit okay then my hands are sticky okay then i'm gonna take this brush and i'm gonna brush through the curls all right and then my last step this is not a long product but this is something i've been using forever and it's probably super old but i love it so this is the paul mitchell super skinny serum it smells amazing so i'm gonna put one pump of that um it's clear yo it literally smells like candy like i don't even know how to describe it smells so good so i'm just gonna try to tame away those frizzies and kinda separate my curls with this but look at that y'all like look at how pretty you can't even see on my hair but like look at how pretty it's big on pregnant belly um look at how pretty these curls are just i'm just shocked it just blows my mind but anyways i just had to jump on and update y'all and show y'all just how great this thing works if you point it down so i hope this tip was helpful i hope this video was helpful um if you liked it please give it a thumbs up and if you want to see more y'all please subscribe and click that notification bell and thank you all so much for watching and i'll see you all in my next video bye you
Channel: Cheltsie Allen
Views: 61,851
Rating: 4.7739406 out of 5
Id: tbJaf4_kRA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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