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Nuala be turned up to 350 terrific crazy here to try Thanks okay fill it little warm not hot do you have anything heat protectant on your hair no anything not gonna show what it is that's not their product I'm not real sure I agreed to all of this no surprise like Good Morning America surprise we're gonna why do you seem taller than me because I am taller than you will agree it I'm hungry I've grown okay let's say you're supposed to go like we hear it if we have to turn it up we'll turn it up so you go on the top oh look it's working like instantly okay oh then I need to do a better job of separating your hair we'll just leave this one side okay great thanks hmm yeah look at the difference that's crazy yeah this and this turns up this is not even the hottest setting I think it goes up to 410 or 415 Hey think the important part to make it easy on yourself is separating it any way that you can keep up with what the heck you're doing but the top is more curly and more whatever so that's a big section okay let's see and the reason this is gonna be better than a flatiron uh-huh is because the heat is going through your hair and you're not makes a lot of sense yeah but if you can find something that's healthier for your hair yeah now I don't know if this necessarily say it's time but you would be a better judge than that oh my hair I don't know if the time is necessarily the benefit but maybe on your hair if this saves time we got on the half can you straighten your hair though well in the summertime in Houston Texas never so you have to you do need to brush your hair before use this because that's stated several times this is not a run I hope you know that this is brushed hair sorry just let me know I know it doesn't look brush but it's brushed ma'am is that too hot on your ear [Music] pretty fast huh yes because you I mean they've tried these brush straighteners for years somebody finally got it right well you can lick here all right man bye it's awfully oh yeah Wow cuz you seen that took me two days maybe a week to straighten mine do a little bit get hot yeah to be honest I'm not doing the best job I mean we I didn't continue brushes some people brush like right before they use it every section we did not do that but your hair is not knotted up or anything like that no it's not so we don't want people think come over here the birds nests on your head but just looks real life hair this is new no supplements Lincoln it's like the commercials yes so once I because I have to go over a section now whole time that's the key this yeah you're kind of doing it twice because you're doing one on the top and then one on the bottom yeah but it takes me going over multiple times and I even tried my little baby hairs at the front and it worked pretty good alright oh my god if you came into my salon I'd be like extra $50 please do you feel the heat or you just hear the sound not just hear the sound yeah man gets a little warm I don't think necessarily any I don't think you have to wear gloves some people work gloves but warning I've never worn a glove so might be too hot if you're doing I don't know how healthy that is but yeah true hey that little lady with your jewelry on it's cute is that a little picture of Caden yeah my bracelet yeah from Shutterfly they're actually really good quality because I thought how are these pictures gonna come out yeah but it's actually really cute I think on that bracelet though you can only do two do I have to get ten bracelet Wow crazy thank you let's see hold this up here okay this is even a little damp that careless I don't like doing my hair flat ironing my hair if it's damp it also like it looks oh no I don't do it I can't it burns it or something yeah but that's what you can do with this one it's not made to be dryer but since the heat is going through your hair and I'm just mashing it down you know cuz when that it's almost like ironing to me like wet clothes like if you just got one stroke your clothes are just mashed down and not not really you know yeah yeah it's the same as a flat iron I think it'll obviously works better on dry hair was it expensive no it was on sale it was 67 bucks hmm but you know unbelievable certain brands have been around forever are still the same price like out with all these competitors coming out to still pay 200 bucks for a flat iron or something I or 100 ladies you know what I mean and you know what I have a chi at home and I don't even I like the Remington better I do not like that it does to me it doesn't straighten like my Remington this so yeah it did pretty good on the back with it being a little a little damp I wouldn't necessarily say it dried up but that's not about do you feel like this looks more less or the same amount of like frizzy so one thing that probably helps because I can tell the difference from like here to here I mean that's putting that heat protector on there yeah oh it definitely makes it silky it's okay if you want to straighten my ear be protective sure like everybody you see all the people that do this all the time like on the videos they always use protection oh yeah I have some I have one that I use at home too bless you I need to get better at it because you know well I take all the time to do this and not you know you're gonna spend extra additional money to get something that you feel likes healthier for your hair mm-hmm yeah I have something before and after cuz it's just the way my hair is have no choice I get impatient I get almost done and I'm faster slow down so the one through the top that's done so I guess you can consider that two passes but you do it the right way and section off it really does go faster I believe that a little bit right here the pleasure my holding the part I shouldn't be like no that's fine I just let me get this back here oh this is really just for a video okay what do you see all this hair do you try to be outside and one 500-degree nope then it's what's on my forehead makeup oh no that was a little hot tip of my ear but do we need to move this way closer to the cord my car doesn't have or this law and in our last house only had one plug and not race of course it wasn't where I needed it to be okay so don't get the brussels caught in your ears what you're saying yeah you know one suggestion and even at the bottom i hate when my hair flips out can you take the brush you know it's not a round brush it'll straighten that out Oh awesome so it has been how long 12 minutes 12 minutes 12 minutes is awesome 12 minutes is 12 minutes I'd still be on the first section cuz I would have so let's see we've got this much less that's what another minute I'm gonna run out of video time the only it only goes out with that 14 of 6s I'm guessing that must be all the free time I have hmm I didn't know it put you on a 10 hour that must be that's I said I must just not have that much anyway all right so get this done the challenge is on you go just had a Thor hammer thrown at me so this is the last piece left just see it before and after all right turn around we've got a little piece here that might just have to touch up otherwise pretty good all right turn around one more time little closer before and after pretty good all right stick hair approved
Channel: patty b
Views: 410
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: L'ange levite hair straightening amazing
Id: y8XoKXYKbmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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