Kylo Ren Full Audio Comic Movie [Star Wars Audio Comics]

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show me again the power of the darkness but i will let nothing stand in our way show me grandfather and i will finish when you started [Music] i am called red but that's not my name your cast and your younger brother here is villain good to meet you both we've been looking for you for a while looks like we got here just in time what is this sector security almost had us and then you guys swoop in and just start shoving them back who in blazes are you yes sexec wants you too bad word is you killed what at least a hundred people but we want you to we could make you one of us a knight of red [Music] we have a friend he told us about your cast said you can touch the shadow do things like this that true yeah i can i don't call it that but yeah that's good that's real good we can all do it it's like a requirement to join we'll join we'll follow you just get us out of here you don't follow me friend you follow this the red the wren doesn't stop to worry about what it's burning or the right of it or the goals it might achieve the ren just is it lives and it consumes and it doesn't apologize it is nature and nothing else i believe in that principle on a deep deep level in fact i dedicated my life to it you could do that too bathe yourself in the shadow fight its battles preserve its tools eat what it sends you [Music] all we need is a death a death i've killed more people than i can count it's why these fools want me dead why you came for me right no a good death my brother there dad get me the hell out of here oh felia you've got the attitude and that's good i respect that you can't touch the shadow that's all right if it were easy to join us everyone would do it the master will find us somewhere else soon enough why now let's go find something to burn oh no how is this possible i i don't know we have to get down there we have to help help who hennix i can't sense anything down there not even not even master luke i sense someone though i sense ben oh m3 that's right you were off planet what happened here where is master skywalker where is master luke ben we can't sense his presence he attacked me ty tried to kill me in my sleep and now he's dead that cannot be that master skywalker would never hurt any of us and you ben solo could never what what foe you don't think i could do it you don't think i'm strong enough in the force i'm stronger than all three of you put together skywalker made us act like we were all equal but you all know the truth i was the temple's prize student when it mattered i was stronger than luke skywalker ben please the story you're telling us it can't possibly be true there must be there must be more to what happened the temple master luke the other students just talk to us it can't be as bad as as what you're saying already told you what happened here this place was a lie now it's over i'm leaving you all should too you're not going anywhere then are we really going to no we're not ben we can just talk none of you are jedi do you know how i knew that you're all afraid especially you though you should be just get out of my way i won't be responsible for what happens if you force me to fight you don't worry i'll take full responsibility how why are you doing this don't tie i'm giving you a chance i just want to go you really think you're better than all three of us put together oh let's find out you're doing this i guess let's do it i'm in last chance i couldn't have said it better myself [Music] let me let me take your pain you you feel nothing i can get this thing out i can be delicate yeah i feel quite a bit thai info leave off you haven't been delicate a day in your life just get me to the med bay on the verity fo what are we gonna do first we're going to help henniks yes please and then we'll see [Music] master solar a pleasure to see will you be requiring your ship i am pleased to report that i just completed a full system tune-up also i could not help but notice the rather large fire at the temple is everything all right can i assist everything is fine gigi we're leaving now [Music] where do you think ben's going he's not going tight he's running yeah thought you were going to take my pain i'm sorry xenix i tried i'm i'm a little distracted the med bay will have something to help you [Music] what it's the engines foe's getting us ready to fly she's going after him bo what are you doing we just came back to the ship to help henix there might be survivors at the temple maybe master lucas didn't sense our teacher or anyone else neither did i normally the whole force sings with master skywalker's presence we have to face facts tie you heard what ben said he killed our master we need to bring him to justice you don't know him what benz had to deal with i don't care what he said he would never do this ben doesn't need to be hunted he needs our help we're going after him what happens when we catch up [Music] that's up to ben soto [Music] what is he doing he's making an attack run up i'll take evasive action evasive action ben's father is one of the galaxy's greatest pilots and his uncle blew up a death star we can't invade him [Music] you have not yet entered a destination master can i calculate here out for you perhaps you intend to visit home it has been some time i have the route to hosnian prime pre-calculated shall i enter it it happened did not we both thought it might skywalker feared you your strength he was always small [Music] better know [Music] all right why why did you do it what [Music] no i never i didn't want this and you did not choose it ben the jedi did skywalker no not hosnian prime i'm going somewhere else i i don't believe it what he took out our main engines one shot if he was even the tiniest bit off we'd be hot vapor right now i told you ben wouldn't hurt us he's not a murderer i just don't get it he really was the prize student i didn't always like him but the force is so strong in him i'd have given anything it doesn't matter our mission hasn't changed we'll find him no matter where he goes maybe maybe we can track him through the force he casts a pretty long shadow just because we're jedi doesn't mean it always has to be the bloody force here ben has a temple droid on the grimtach they send out an automatic transponder signal when they're off on a mission to find the ship if something goes wrong once i fix our blasted engines getting right off my deathbed to do it thank you very much we can find him easy should we should we call his mother tell her what's happening and say what exactly hey senator organa hennick's here your brother supposedly tried to kill your son but your son killed him instead and now we're heading off to hunt him down sure we need to see this through learn the truth before we involve anyone else for master skywalker and for ben [Music] top my boy i'm so pleased you came to me [Music] snug never mind that my young ben let us consider what he nearly did to you it doesn't matter i killed him do you think so luke skywalker will not die easily whenever or however it happens easy easy nothing about this is easy snoke of course my boy i meant no offense let us put skywalker aside for now he has stolen too much of your life as it is tell me now that you are finally free what will you do [Music] i've been thinking about the knights of ren [Music] do you like this place ben it's interesting snook i am very fond of it the people who built it were trying to hold back the dark that was the entire point to create an oasis of light here in the great shadow you see how well it worked you see what denying the nature of things brought them but you were asking me about the knights of ren i think i think i can learn from that yes perhaps the nights would be a good stop on your journey there is only so much i can teach you at the very least you would no longer need to deny yourself in the way luke skywalker required but i should say ben so no jedi to be the knights of ren might not be interested in him i hate that name oh why is that you are named after legends that's exactly it snoke obi-wan kenobi big famous jedi everyone thinks i'm supposed to be him i never even met him and solo did you know it's not even his real name he's a lie everything is [Music] i'm in the midst of an important conversation who is general hux i may not be the most sociable being in the galaxy but you're not my only friend ben in any case let us speak no more of lies what is the truth my friend what is your true name the knights will want you to take it if they let you join them it is the way of the dark side when we embrace it fully we become our truest selves i was not born smoke i became snoke [Music] that is good very good no it's stupid something i thought of when i was a child that is why it is correct children's thoughts are pure they do not practice self-deception they are who they are and when you called yourself by that name you saw your truth it represents what you want to do on a deep level the part of yourself you want cut away the part you want to kill perhaps someday you will do it the galaxy will hear that name and see you the knights of ren could be your first step on that path they always seek powerful people to join their ranks [Music] the price of admission is steep i don't care i'll pay it can you tell me where they are no locating the nights would be your task a way to prove yourself worthy think of everything you know about them you met them once did you not begin there when you do find them my friend you must not fail you will join the knights or you will die you're sure about this lord as sure as i can be my contact told me a great deal about the location i think after all my wonderings i can recognize the description of a jedi outpost when i hear it look i'm not questioning your expertise i just didn't realize the jedi ever had an official presence so far from the core my friend i sense disquiet you'll find snoke just often yet another mission with master skywalker to find jedi artifacts he thinks he found something on the edge of the outer rim it's probably really a public era it was a time of greatly expanded jedi activity throughout the galaxy some planet called elf way to find some old junk masters will lock away in his temple and never use the jedi have always been good at that they consider themselves masters of the force in every sense at least to go let me fly the ship but give me something to do he's an amazing teacher very strong i've learned so much from him but he never seems to want me to use any of it your master thinks of you as a child someday you will realize your true capabilities we're just about there ben if this place is everything lor san tekka believes we could find some new insights into the old jedi maybe some interesting weapons too i know you like that sort of thing entirely possible kaipa crystals have powered many tools over the generations not just sabers i'm glad you came along ben yes master skywalker so am i [Music] well that's impressive i agree all preserved and the entrance looks intact this could be quite to find let's go in see what's in there be ready for anything just because it's sealed up doesn't mean there's nothing dangerous inside i found a lightsaber in a place like this once but the whole thing was a setup a trap almost killed me i understand master i'll be careful this isn't an outpost it's a treasure trove the jittery of the time must have used this as a storage site and been unable to return to gather these items this is truly fortunate this might be even better than jocasta newscash pretty amazing hey ben think of everything we can learn it's wonderful master truly wait do you sense that it feels cold well hello there everything here is ours we're going to take it but how we take it is up to you your call friends you're wrong so so wrong this is a jedi outpost everything and it belongs to the jedi order which at the moment means me i am the last jedi though not for long even if i had no claim to these things i wouldn't let you take them i can sense the dark side in you in all of you you will leave here with nothing but your lives all right let's show this all for what's what and get what we came here for this is jedi master luke skywalker he is a legend well i'm ren these are the knights of red and we're legendary lord get back stay out of the fight ben protect him i will he'll be safe with me but master what about you there are seven of them oh i'll be just fine the very last jedi and my very first almost ashamed to see you go then again i suspect we have some serious ideological differences and this ain't that big a galaxy can we just skip to the part where you all run out of your crying knights you are released [Music] i am one man but i am not alone force is my ally and it is powerful [Music] you use the dark side like a hammer but the light side is a blade and so am i magnificent had enough ain't over yet [Music] we still got the numbers you sure about that guess it's just me and my pretty red lightsaber huh i'll tell you this blade wasn't easy to get if you want it you'll have to take it you probably can you're strong that's obvious before you try there's something you should know i just flipped the kill switch this blade leaves my hand it blows and takes you me the kid your old explorer bend all this fancy garbage with it what now jedi man seems like that's up to you but i wouldn't assume it'll go the way you expect yeah i can see that like i said you're strong i think i'll take my people and go let you have this one life's too much fun to die you know one more thing you said you could sense the shadows in all of us that's right we've all got it but you know your apprentice does too right powerful can feel it better be careful jedi man it's time for you to leave yeah i know hey kid you sure this is a lie for you you know there are other paths right last chance i hear you jedi man we're going but kid you ever want to try something a little different learn more about your shadow come look us up [Music] thank you i was wondering if we'd ever hear from you again all right i need somewhere to go snoke said maybe you wouldn't no car yeah okay come to van rack in the mid rim we'll be there for a bit [Music] ben i'm sorry this is over you have nowhere left to run red check it out what's up big well look who it is ben solo you took your time getting here lucky you caught us we're leaving soon i was held up clearly looks like someone chewed you up and spit you out no that's not what happened it was a junk it was a joke all right of course yeah relax the masks kind of intense that's the point but you and me maybe we're gonna be friends snoke thinks so anyway you came looking for the knights of ren not many do that and most who do end up regretting it real quick so what do you want maybe friend ben i want to travel with you to learn i can be useful i'm strong in the shadow yeah i know i can feel it last time we met and snoke told me maybe you're something special a lot of maybes though snoke tell you the price to join up with us it's a death man solo a good death i've killed i killed a jedi luke skywalker snoke said maybe you'd say that he had his doubts and so do i skywalker's as tough as they come not luke skywalker someone else well this sounds like one hell of a story i'm sure the boys and i would love to hear it you wanna tell us who you kill mr ben solo all right [Music] it was on the planet where we first met where you fought luke skywalker how can i forget i went back there to see if i could find a path to you in the other nights but i was followed somehow by true jedi students of luke skywalker wait aren't you one of skywalker's students at that temple he built not anymore and the temple's gone burned i destroyed it that's why the other students came after me to kill me but instead now hold on there you're gonna tell me about a death fine but how will i know if it's a good death hurry tell me about these people tell me who they were to you they were we were learning good all of you let the force flow through you it's everywhere do it a stone in the air feels the same as a stone on the ground let it show you that truth there is no difference no difference at all we all study together i was first but they came not long after vo annex and ty keep talking tell me about them [Music] bo had a hard time accepting her place in the way of things why is ben so much stronger i work just as hard as he does ben isn't stronger though that's not how it works the force can be a trickle a stream a river a flood for anyone who can sense it think of yourself as a door the wider you open the more easily the force flows through you some people just start out with their door a bit more open but any door can open wide [Music] through our entire time together as students vote tried to measure up to me lightsabers meditation any of the jedi techniques she tried to beat me she couldn't that was her whole problem she couldn't just be herself she wanted to be me or better than me i think that made her angry and that made her ashamed jedi aren't supposed to get mad about things anyway that's foe hennix was different he was funny smart too both thought the force was a contest she could win hennigs thought it was a puzzle every holocron is unique based on the teachings held inside you have to hear what it's trying to tell you before it will open is it speaking hadith because i only know like three words in hadith and two of them are curse words that's headaches listen just listen we couldn't solve it but i think you'd have been happy to spend your life trying hello searcher whoa i will guide you on your way all right you got brawns brains what was the third one i already forgot his name ty why do you hide so much about yourself ben i don't know what you're talking about ty i put it all out there come on you know the force helps me sense things you've got a box inside you where you lock things away i mean everyone does but yours is locked up tight you know why i'm ben solo yeah but that's exactly it you need to be who you are everyone does i don't need to know your secrets no one does unless you want but you have to realize that people will accept all of you just as you are i know you ben solo you're not as bad as you think are you sure about that don't be afraid of what other people will think just be who you are the rest will follow [Music] tyrist high cryptic but i think i have a pretty good picture now so get back to the fight [Music] why did you follow me here just let me go absolutely not solo it's too late for that oh wait i can't jump like you do don't go after him by yourself you betrayed the jedi how could you do that to master skywalker to us this is so stupid we all just need to stop and think you're a murderer and you must face justice you think i'm a murderer is that what you want me to be fine by the light no please please can't i can't hold you killed her monster what [Music] may the force i can no bow [Music] are you all right vo i did my best to slow you with the force but but i'm but we have to stop ben did you hear that scream it was henix get in the outpost ben henix what happened to heat it doesn't matter anymore [Music] hmm what do you think fellas i agree it's a death but not a good death not good enough i killed him i killed henix a jedi yeah but you didn't really want it but smoke vouched for you and you're strong in the shadow and that's not nothing let's spend some time see if you like us see if we like you maybe you'll find that good death after all the kid looks like trash an actual pile of garbage find some clothes i mean with the knights of ren we have a reputation [Music] much better let's go find something to burn come on ty we'll do it together all at once i saw into ben's head when i was trying to calm him down during the fight vote i know where he's going to a group called the knights of red he thinks he thinks they can help him find his true path i don't care about where ben solo's path takes in time i only care about where it ends i know i think i think he's lost [Music] you know i think i'll just kill him if he won't give us what we're looking for one of the others will wren wait there can be another way stop you're killing him no i'm just looking through his mind i have it the artifact is three levels down in a sealed chamber to the southwest the entrance is marked with a carving of a red snake nice move kid it's a variation on the jedi mine trick snoke told me about it but that was the first time i tried it wasn't sure it would work i'm beginning to see why snoke thought you'd be useful something like that could really come in handy anyway thanks to you we have what we need which means we can release these fine folks boys if you would be so kind the jedi believed their endless rules and codes of behavior made them stronger when in fact it made them rigid and so they were more easily broken you said you would release them the knights of ren do as they please which lends them fluidity whatever they need to do to survive to triumph they will do i did three levels down chamber with a red snake let's go you will not take the mine splinter we discovered it in the deep delving centuries ago it belongs to our people a priceless relic sounds like all the reasons we will take it lady get in there with them mix it up they're miners not fighters just chop them all down then we'll find the thing and get paid yep don't tell me you're scared kid get down there your jedi train this should be easy for you i ben who are they the past govo help the people you sure you can handle ben alone ty you know ben and i have always had a special bond i can get through to him go may the force be with you always you should have just given me what i wanted no please now just look what's gonna happen no ah right your buddy ben told me all about you the wannabe i've fought actual jedi before your master in fact don't see you being much trouble master skywalker told me that story ah said he sent you all home crying how did you find me through the force you know we're connected ben for your sake ty i wish we weren't you don't have to do this ben you don't have to turn your back on the light i am not what you think i am ty it's too late now this is my path i go no that's wrong you can just stop turn around walk the other way every path goes in two directions however deep you think you are i promise you there's deeper yet it can get worse you're acting like you don't have control when every single step you take is your own choice joyce i have no choice and never did my name isn't a choice the dark side and the light both clay me for their own the moment i was born do you know how that feels whether it's luke skywalker or snoke neither one sees me as a person i'm just a legacy just a set of expectations you came here to take to destroy to kill you thought no one here could stop you that you are strong and they are weak but i am strong i was trained by luke skywalker there is hope there is always hope you can start from wherever you are no path is forever you could spend the rest of your life helping people trying to bring more light to the galaxy and it would all matter those people would still be helped we could team up right now and destroy the knights of red and save this place we could kill me if you have to ben or don't be the man i know you are just be [Music] be who you [Music] you killed tai i sure did snoke was completely wrong about you you're fighting this every step of the way you think so but have you ever actually been in a fight before where the other guy really wants you dead i mean [Music] my guess is luke skywalker didn't let you anywhere near a real fight you're too precious too special [Music] now you will be you are who you were always meant to be i'm not special i no one yes but that's good means i can do anything i want [Music] i've killed a lot of people who thought they were special you'll just be another one [Music] other people think i'm special i don't but that's good means i can do anything i want i should have realized what you were asking me to do much earlier ren huh you feel that feels cold [Music] you were so clear yes yes claim your birthright and strike him down here's your good [Music] ben you killed him you killed the knights master ren of course i did i'm a murderer remember you're not a jedi though and you never will be there's no one left to train you no no oh oh no why do you even want to live [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] ah [Music] what is your name [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] can we just skip to the part where you all run out of here crying
Channel: The Lore Master
Views: 45,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S-M7zSRHerM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 29sec (3029 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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