Star Wars Dark Empire Full Movie

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you Tom's the navicomputer just reported extreme turbulence is re-entry coordinates over the Imperial City that'll be battle debris lay the whole Imperial sectors littered with it one of the other ships this is the Millennium Falcon rebel star Antares six do you copy we're coming up on some spatial distortions ahead our scanners show lots of orbital wreckage stay sharp those big frigates you're flying aren't as maneuverable as a falcon Joey get ready to cut in the sublight engines energize repulsor lift prepare decks in hyperspace oh pardon me sir but the odds of collision with that amount of space debris at three thousand seven hundred twenty two to one if I may suggest Julie watch your thrusters and remind me to cross why are c-3po voice synthesiser when we get back to base should I be safe to reveal sit down five seconds three entry four three two our ship wreckage and ahead Russell's full right [Music] I see it I see it Chewie Bucky I just brought the Falcon thrusters up the maximum specs are we be slice-and-dice like space slugs in a server there must be hundreds of bricks floating around out here the battle must have been unbelievable may have the other ships are coming out of hyperspace those big frigates will never make it through this wreckage brother Skaar and Tori 6 this is the Falcon there's too much debris here come around to 0-2 that's zero - you'll find a gap in the wreckage captain Eva's frigate is hit you gotta go back Chewie stand by them it's too late no one survived can't be sure hon I feel it in the fourth I'm sure stand by entire sticks just great Luke crashes a captured Star Destroyer and we just lost a good frigate crew I knew this trip with a bad idea Han we really ought to do is take the Falcon towards the galactic core to check out those rumors of super weapons coming out of the Imperial sector the Alliance said Admiral Ackbar to do that han besides those are just rumors Luke and Lando are in real trouble but they don't need us I know those guys right about now they've got the Imperials doing the gomorian two-step han we lost their signal the distress beacon broke contact at zero altitude oh yeah Chewie you're right you're both right I'm sorry I shut off my big mouth solo two entirely sticks establish the docking orbit prepare to take on survivors we're going planetside yeah wherever he is [Music] okay Chewie buckle up everyone we did a mild magnetic storm in the upper atmosphere Han I love you but the ship is still a pile of junk yeah well this pile of junk just saved us from becoming one more piece of space garbage maybe but I'm getting pretty shaken up by this magnetic storm that's cuz you prefer my kind of magnetism oh I didn't I see him what is it Imperial TIE fighters going our way deflector shields up Chewie I didn't even stop to say although they must be joining forces with one of the Imperial factions fighting for the throne they're heading straight for the ruins of the Imperial City where the Emperor himself used to hang his hat he was alive not much left of that place now not since the civil war started caresse count was a beautiful place while the rebels controlled this system yeah so we got driven off planet by those Imperials cars get used to be the political center of the galaxy now it's nothing but an empty battleground fought over by fragments of the Emperor's ruling council this machine the loss to the empire that's all I have to say yeah that's what we thought after Luke and his father defeated the Emperor then Admiral Thrawn unleashed his forces and almost wiped us out Chuy's right on you are a pessimist hey I'm not complaining all this infighting among the Imperials was given the Rebel Alliance a chance to get organized not to mention giving you and me time for a honeymoon I just feel like we've been in this situation before we think we've got the Empire on the ropes who knows what enemy is waiting in the wings okay we're coming up on the ruins of the Imperial City according to Luke's last coordinates you're right on course on the idea sweetheart three miles above the surface and I can still see smoke rising from the city there's anything left in that place I'd say old Luke put that big Star Destroyer right down on top of it who off to d2 is with them if anything's happened to him I'll never forgive myself a serial Walker unit one this is unit six we've got a whole platoon of mutinous imperial troops marching in at zero six zero we're taking heavy fire looks like they're going on the offensive copy nine unit six target is loaded Italian finder starving out of orbit now flash those tears in a wringer boom all right now in order to track down the rebel intruders so keep your scanners are the ruins where that Star Destroyer we're never gonna find those rebels in all this wreckage but I don't think our fuel weapons are doing much good against those huge Imperial walkers status report we've got 15 wounded most of us blasters need time to be energized maybe we explain that to the Imperials we'll break for lunch get down you okay wedge yeah thanks you saved Mike never mind just keep the head down and return fire we can't hold out much longer I get back millennium falcon and solo you old space pirate what are you doing here what I always do man saving your butt again look at all the carnage down there blasted Tie Fighters twisted hulks of armored transport the wreckage goes on for miles and they're still fighting I wish all these Imperials would just wipe each other out it would save us a lot of trouble take the helm Chewie Leia get up to the upper gun turret I'll take the belly gunner all right Chewie take us in there about to watch the greatest husband-and-wife gunner team in the galaxy y'all set up their lives let's see tracking systems on blaster cannons charged ready at least I hope so this is only the second time I've ever had to use one of these things okay try to remember what Luke taught me you're mine large with support feel the living energy with vying with the galloping together new target acquired one ship bearing zero sick affirmative walker one move off I'll handle it okay Leia and it shows our target at 1:04 moving into my range bring her in chewy what can we turn that metal monster into a pilot Luke is right I can feel the force moving through guiding my hand damn like shots bounced off the deflector shield Chewie give me a Chewie swing around a 12.3 oh good hold her steady steady now good shot like other ships get those battle droids ready take other ships get those battle droids ready no no no brick they just took out an imperial walker we're only a couple of junk plays and scavengers ooh what a fifty puff for us ah you must be part hour we got these Hawaiian weapons Troy's running at the ferris don't we got some backbone will ya would you rather leave this exciting life we got gallivanting around the Empire elephant growing rich off the spoils of war it sure I don't know about read a diner glorious that day and you rather waste your life in some backwater planet getting old and in fact none of you mention it mr. shows pretty good I thought so now get going retouch the plaster ominous battle for it well I activate this program activated just then I'll walk over there with the other toys and await further orders come on slag let's go hi Stella no brick relax even if these old battle droids don't do the trick I got another surprise of my sleep hey Linda Frenzy's [ __ ] Jesus good to see you buddy but what took you so long another honeymoon we've been holed up here for days oh well - it's still good to see you in one piece Lando where's Luke he took off without - right after we crashed he said something about the dark side of the force still being very powerful in this place you mean he's been gone for six days yeah but if our two's back Luke must be nearby right now I'm more concerned about the renegades and the scavengers are the crawling all over the ruins every junk trader in the galaxy has been drawn to this battle zone like flies to the feast this bunch is using hot-wired weapons droids they've created their own little army and it looks like they're headed this way take cover [Music] come on Mike let's get the work on that ship Hey look at the ticklish baby mattified power couplings first place luck stabilizes hey you know what this ship is this is a Millennium Falcon [ __ ] the most notorious ship in the galaxy oh man I'm gonna love stripping this starship oh no those scavengers are between us and the Millennium Falcon Hey trying to steal my ship don't be crazy secret it ain't working can I come I got things under control let's see activate this remote that opens the cargo door my transport ship and [Music] what's it on they're releasing a bag of next-next what the hell are next sigh Gorian battle dogs armored and fitted with attack stimulators they kill on sight yeah they're ugly too we're gonna get out of here wait I think I can handle them Luke taught me how to use the Force no confusion as minds of others it's faster than a blaster and a lot less messy I don't know sweetheart I think I prefer a blaster that way I know they're not gonna knock my leg my back is turned besides I'm not even sure these things have mine just got to concentrate concentrate man turn a tail actually I apologize I didn't know you could it wasn't me hon it was me Luke Oh Luke you're alright where were you in a minute layer first let me take care these battle droids normally this unit experiencing unexplained wages hands and all those battle droids exploded simple really I just use the Force to displace the master servo motor inside each droid they destroyed themselves look behind you it's another Imperial Walker it's about [Music] used his lightsaber to deflect the blaster fire right back at that thing but it's still standing not for long Lando don't tell me you can use the force against something that big of course size matters not the only difference is in your mind watch what's it going now be still family how did we miss them we didn't miss it he deflected our shot for that favorite thing to do a look what's he going I told you he's just standing there doing something my power we've got a wire internal buses are over we've got the valves and the engines all right boy [Music] good job kid Oh Luke I'm so glad you're all right yes after what it's quite an emotional moment my protocol empathy module is starting the video you want to do what I have to stay on this planet Han Luke what's wrong I found strange clues in the palace Leia I have to stay here but you and Han Chewie Lando you should leave this place at once are you kidding we traveled a million light-years to get you out of trouble and you want to stay here hon you don't understand there's a great disturbance in the force someone or something is using the dark side with unbelievable power I felt it seen it but you know we can't leave you I won't let you face whatever it is by yourself whatever this thing is we'll be right beside your kid blasters blades Han this isn't just another gun battle a vast evil is approaching it knows I'm here what will happen is unavoidable it is my destiny it is beginning now what is it some kind of where more opening up in space it's huge 50 times the size of a ship energy readings off the scale this is untiring 6 calling the Millennium Falcon our scanners just picked up a gigantic hyperspace wormhole an energy storm of undetermined magnitudes look sir there's too much interference the message isn't getting through bad it's heading right for us evasive action pull right faster param not responding captain we got flattened garden full reverse back of the way oh look at that sky well it is it's the sky's on fire must be next a magnetic storm hit earlier a storm but not caused by anything natural it's almost upon us there's no need for you to die too we can't leave you doesn't want you it wants me leave all of you or you'll be destroyed no Luke we're brother and sister we are brother and sister but my destiny is not yours you you children are the future of the Jedi protect them leave Leia come on we've got to get back to the ship but Luke won't Luke can take care of himself even if he is crazy no he belongs in Boston stopping someone please no time Luke we'll have to save our - while he's busy saving himself get onboard Threepio good they've escaped Oh lair you don't understand the power I've achieved since our father died but I still don't know why our father betrayed his friends and himself I must find out what he learned what made him give in to the dark side it's the Darksiders coming my presence triggered such hatred that it wrens the fabric of space [Music] yes r2 I know they're leaving they've made the right decision I only wonder am I [Music] believe me Leia Luke knows what he's doing I think I'm not so sure hon something about the way he looked at me I was afraid of him Lando notified Terry six were returning to Pinnacle base Chewie lock in the auxiliary power prepare to jump to Lightspeed this is green free to green leader I show target ship exiting hyperspace beyond the third moon green leader here vinegar-based confirms our readings ship is broadcasting no ID codes assume intercept course uh Tillery power engaged relax kid you sound nervous this your first patrol mission uh yeah it is take it easy it's only one ship we got the whole Rebel Alliance orbiting a nearby planet and her own Star Destroyer to back us up you got nothing to worry about just keep an eye on your scanner intercepting zero five this is I brought far aboard the flagship defiance and relax are from the planet Mon Calamari that's all why are you broadcasting on a recognition code we right into an imperial convoy and our transponder was damaged I thought you were on a recon mission to the galactic core let's just say the Imperials didn't like the idea as much as we did patch me through to Mon Mothma the Alliance leader immediately blackbar dad to see you in one piece glad to be in one piece Mon Mothma after what we've seen we penetrated as far as we could into the star system still controlled by the Empire we've got as far as the planet bish it was ringed with thousands of warships something of great consequence is happening there we saw Imperial ships from both sides of the Civil War vanishing into the darkest reaches of the galactic core our spies and probe droids report similar sightings in other sectors two ships vanishing from our tracking screens what can it mean the Civil War has left the imperial system a wasteland the populations are in desperate straits after galaxy is ripe for the pickings if one person gains control of the fleet but just when one of these star fleet commanders has a chance to seize power he vanishes thank goodness for that it could be a blessing for us or well I'm afraid of the alternative it's beyond my ability to understand how did the mission to the old imperial home world go is there any news of commander Skywalker yes but not good I'm afraid we received a garbled transmission from the Imperial planet but there was too much interference to understand it we think they found general Calrissian and Lucas but only Lando is returning with them I don't know what to make of it I think you'll get your answer soon Mon Mothma we picked up the Millennium Falcon exiting hyperspace we're heading into pinnacle base pinnacle base current headquarters of the Rebel Alliance location fifth moon of the planet to suture topographical description the atmosphere of the fifth moon sustains carbon-based life-forms 100 percent of the moon's surface is covered by jagged rock formations indigenous life forms sentient aliens known as pixels Alliance headquarters located in a series of caverns on the northern hemisphere weapon systems this information is classified for trainees fix this stupid transmitter every time I bring the Millennium Falcon back to base my comlink picks up that damn trainee orientation relax hon were morning now had to be disengaging repulsive left deactivated you are clear to disembark welcome to pinnacle base Princess Leia thank goodness you're back little applause I've only just returned myself where's November Skywalker a terrible thing has happened the dark side is taken Luke prisoner he let it happen and full of chili sweeping they're like hydro scatters out of images Kiki survived hurry you can give a full report immediately but my clothes just called an emergency meeting of the command staff the energy storm that took commander Skywalker this is not an isolated event similar storms have been detected in several systems furthermore Admiral Ackbar's reconnaissance mission suggests that there is a great war fleet gathering at the very core of the galaxy someone or something has been biding its time while the feuding Imperial factions distracted our attention we have reason to believe that some darkside geniuses at work creating new technologies that go beyond all previous conception activate holographic projector the images you are seeing are being transmitted at this very moment from the water covered planet Mon Calamari the homeworld of Admiral Ackbar the people of calamari have been a proud heart of the Alliance since the beginning now calamari seems to be under attack from some diabolical new machines they're coming into view now what is that thing the calamari called them will devastate it there are dozens of them gathering here many of the world sympathetic to the rebellion it its larger than one of the Empire's Star Destroyers add more little than the depth stop call that threatening to me I mean I only see a few escorts of Tie Fighters no heavy weapons these huge rectangular black ships hovering over the planet's surface the world devastators only need one weapon general solo you see the large square opening in the front of the Devastator sure and another on the bottom looks like some kind of tractor base these world devastators are giant factories they consume everything in their path and in the belly of each machine could eat furnaces go space to collect to matter into raw elements and then into into even more weapons of destruction upon the world devastators are like twisted versions of living things every time they destroy something they get even stronger reports from calamari indicate my people have been unable to stop the world Devastator they are impervious to all modes of attack one of an ion cannons amal ineffective round assault suicidal nothing works Beto's I've got nothing to hold the enemy advance Bigler teams complete my team to take out the tower evac shuttle get those evac shuttles to the front line will be exploded but that's three degrees north of here we can't just give up that much ground we match other this path discover third Battalion captain man 3 words never stages heading north a few miles from the equator and you're heading west looks like they're trying to form a wage to sweep us out of our atmosphere just one of these monsters to take a determination about troops how can we face battle fleet we must send a transmission for the rebel base inhibited fallback can be recorded I hope my transmitter is strong enough to reach off-planet Rebel Alliance this is a translation from the planet kalanor H we are under assault a massive world demonstrator I repeat massive world emissary that's all the transmission that got through it's a massacre down there the people of calamari were the first to defy the Empire years ago when the Death Star was created we were scheduled to be one of the first planets annihilated by that terrible weapon when the emperor was killed we thought we'd been spared but now whoever is reunifying the Empire is carrying of the Emperor's decision to discipline us don't give up Admiral Ackbar if there's one thing I've learned from Luke it's the power of hope and the power of strong will will save your planet green and blue squadrons will leave at once in their x-wing fighters to escort and defend the evacuation of calamari general Calrissian are you prepared to pilot our remaining captured Star Destroyer against these world devastation I don't know after what I did the last Star Destroyer I'm not sure I'm qualified to pilot anything pass it in the garbage scow how about you hon you're the best star pilot in the galaxy sorry you'll have to wing it Lando I've got my hands full what nursing all these new fighter pilots that have joined the rebellion that's good luck hello little Jason there's my beautiful Jana I miss you so much hey Leia I oh there you are looking at those Holograms of our kids again I can't help it Han they're so far away Leia you know it's better this way as long as they're hidden away on to Alderaan they're safe from the Empire but sometimes I want to reach out and hug them so much I don't breaking up the projection you like looking at their pictures as much as I do yeah I guess so look Han she has your hair and he has your eyes yeah and if they're lucky they'll both have your smarts my looks and your brains they'll be the stars of the galaxy the next generation of Jedi Knights they're going to be the leaders of hundreds of worlds of here I am their old dad the smuggler tickling them under the chin like a doting old moisture farmer what me it's like I got a beautiful wife and I saw bad pictures on the walls yep just what I always wanted hun it's not like you to turn down an assignment like you did today Leia this endless war it seems like we've only been alone for five minutes since we got married but I really wanted to go with Lando but I accepted this other assignment so we'd have a chance to be together on something awful is happening to Luke oh jeez Leia but once in my life I'm trying to be sensitive and romantic and see what it gets me Luke can take care of himself I can feel him Han he's getting farther and farther away we must help him we need some time to ourselves Leia for you and me Luke doesn't want any help he says he has to do it alone and I believe him Han I mean Who am I to challenge the judgment of a Jedi ah whatever craft me was no energy storm and it's left me somewhere dark and cold artoo is that you I don't know where we are some sort of ship whoever whatever captured us has left us in the dark but I don't need light to see and I don't care how thick these walls are they're nothing compared to the power of the force we're inside an imperial dungeon shoe the kind I used to transport Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars and it looks like we've reached our destination somewhere the core of the camp surrounded by thousands of warships gigantic aah it's entirely enveloped in a dark side of the force if there is a dark center of the universe our - this is it [Music] did I bet whisk please come with us I'm not going anywhere until dark horse clear anodized does not conclude inform his Excellency that his gift has arrived on damage to give to the Great Hall r2 are you functioning here I'm glad one of us is I I don't understand my mind these whispers in my head can't seem to concentrating its food is designed to hold readily it disturbs the power of the force now your mind control abilities no your control of physical objects will work while you are indicated then I guess I'll have to resort to some old-fashioned questioning what planet are we on you are on the planet bish the very center of the galaxy what's that whispering I hear fishery yes those voices so sinister are you know who are you I service it's you who's that some two-bit Imperial governor with delusions of grandeur foolish promote your new master as we soon we have arrived at the Paris Easter prisoner we will take him from here who are these big ugly guys in the armor they look familiar Imperial Central's you need warriors of the Empire the octave is in darfur scream prisoner oh this is it r2 Kutcher's this is where my opponent whoever he is is waiting I said oh don't threaten me I'm here because I choose to be here oh that should teach you to offend a Jedi Master now to face your leader impudent whelp I will do nothing let him believe it is it's fruit force if he wants but you've walked into his doom this palace is like a maze but the force is leading me here but this looks like a throne room yes my throne room you the Emperor yeah but you're dead young Skywalker you of all people should know the power of the dark side and you will know yes for you are destined to rule the Empire by my side forever where young Skywalker I am pleased that you have come to me once again the emperor alive somehow I knew but I saw you die yes you knew didn't you you sensed it you are in touch with the dark side already you've grown very strong in the force since last we met but then so have I gods you may leave us how did you survive survived your foolishness over the moon of Endor survived the base treachery of your poor weak father ha ha ha that was not the first time I died nor will it be the last such are the bister ease of the dark side of the force mysteries you will soon learn well you see a young apprentice flesh does not easily support this great power many years I have been under the dire necessity my body has decayed again and again and each time I have needed to take another transferring my sense it will humble clone of the man I once was clones yes young Skywalker the dying is painful the transition is terrible to endure but the suffering is a small price to pay for eternal life after all I live primarily as energy formless and powerful well my young apprentice your father is dead have you come to join me will you take the place that rightfully belongs to you I can't Thank You hesitate let me offer you an incentive screen on hold the battle raging across the planet calamari those pathetic rebels flee before the might of my world devastators whether they to kneel before me and they are yours to command now the rebels had their chance they had years to reclaim the galaxy of microscopic life in across the empty reaches of space to return with his clothing chamber I spent five years in hiding like your face right above there their dream without the Jedi Knight they failed miserably and now I have outflank them working in secret I have created weapons such as the Galaxy has never seen these world devastators are utterly invincible they are environment over 20 even if every member of the crew were destroyed the ships themselves would continue in their destructive purpose directed by a special master control program which I maintain hmm what's that our - oh my lifesaver it is your destiny my friend to succeed your father who will my discipline over the world that have betrayed me never once again you stand before me light and save at at hand once again who hesitate I know too well my young friend I promise a powerless not entice you and the stroke of your lifesaver might help the cause of billions I'm clicking in the end of the dark side this strike everything I am cries out for me to strike is it so difficult to decide my son sure you know that if you strike me down in anger I will live again perhaps I will even live as you know you strike the throne but not the man you miss by inches but you miss hunter best I see you grow wise in the ways of the books have a take control no longer the impulsive youth and or with your own anger excellent I will not kill you but you can still conquer me by learning the secrets of the dark side both though there is no other way for you the secrets of the dark side those whispers that's the dark side the seduction of its power but maybe for once it speaks the truth maybe I must challenge the dark side from within your decision young Skywalker now I I yes my father's destiny is my own it is done my young apprentice let us celebrate our conquest of the galaxy [Laughter] well yeah yes hon I'm here sitting alone I'm sorry hon I just can't escape the feeling of dread you need cheering up it's all come outside see what's happening the whole galaxy is pulling together against the unn I shouldn't have listened to you I shouldn't have listened to Luke I hear terrible laughter something awful has happened hon we we may have lost him hey old Luke's got more tricks up my sleeve don't be a fool hunt Luke's in serious trouble and I have to help him don't you see this isn't about you or me it's not even about our children because if we don't help him our children won't have any life at all it's about Luke it's about the whole galaxy Han he needs me yeah but man they told me marriage to a Jedi gonna be on don't be angry [Music] naughty just I've got this bad feeling about this [Music] [Music] jewy jewy jewy he finishes here in flux stabilizers fuel up the founder we got a date with a dark side [Music] affirmative rebel base this is lando calrissian start destroy Emancipator will exit hyperspace over the planet calamari in 58 seconds general Calrissian we've intercepted a new hyperspace communications channel being between Calamari's orbit in the galactic core they're transmitting images of the destruction of calamari they're doing us a real favor by beaming those images which we calculate our exit from hyperspace at 2 degrees from their point of transmission land are you crazy if we leave hyperspace with those coordinates we'll smash right into whatever sending the signal that's the idea which if you say so let them coordinates locked in we hit the right the space in 33 seconds standby to cut in sublight engines prepare to fire all forward purple lasers and ion cannons at my command here your saucers for you get a hit fire [Music] super stardestroyer Scotland's deflector shields down its it signal the other ships concentrate all firepower the remaining Star Destroyer vinegar blades were in position over calamari deflector shields up prepare to take further offensive action directed the fetus booster they're holding off the enemy ships drop the x-wing fighters and transports we've got to get down there and having those devastators the world devastators our reigning destruction on the peaceful world of Mon Calamari fly as wedge antilles in battle against all odds to stop their evil conquest this is a new crap bad light and unpredictable the wing carries two blaster cannons which can be fired at a normal rate or in the rapid fire position rapid fire is useful for strays and ground targets but it overloads the cooling units and could often cause a complete burnout in addition the thrust engines have been modified to supply an incredible amount of power over a short distance if you're generally used to evacuate a pilot from a dangerous area that the B wing carries no shields and very little armament that said the V wing is extremely nimble and stealthy and has an even match for most adversary three for you [Music] this commander Webb dentally the rogue squadron we are coming to your assistance sir the devastators are getting close to the city [Music] [Laughter] free mir-2 is found a weak spot is revealed generator on top if we destroy it we have a better chance of taking these things down but take out the leg Jessie if we destroy the leg the demonstrator has no promotion all right in both Isis 1013 just the obvious weapons malfunction [Music] whoa that got him [Music] I'll be out here [Music] I require most games hold on my last Christmas goalie [Applause] [Music] Eliezer warfighters inbound on 1:7 devil doing [Music] [Music] you you [Music] involve fighters a 1013 you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on declare we're receiving distress calls must be speak and now we are being attacked from low orbit x-wing fighters and speeders looks from an imperial glass Star Destroyer it must be the contemptible Rebel Alliance they captured two of our ships at Endor years ago so you're like those noses x-wings are nothing but antiques they have the slightest chance of penetrating the defenses of this world Devastator yes and they can hardly realize the destructive powers our command their game is over send a message to this inform supreme commander Skywalker of the rebel presence meanwhile let's allow these rebels of brief moment of food we radio Grenadier Mr gum - aliens about all that's left in this section our glad to see the pieces come on declare two of our ships actually report minor hits silencer for results - terminator stations silencer six reports damage - admonitions warehouse we are sales event a shotgun art hangar bay there's very well it's time to end this release the robotic TIE fighters and increase our altitude bring electro back you've got your fighters on your face general Calrissian the world devastators that just released the whole fleet of advanced TIE fighters they're cutting all ships to ribbons call our people back call them back we we can't let cut off there's one hungry looking demonstrator in a secretary let's make we're in trouble a vision appearing before me that black armor the death mask the father if if it you know your father is filled with all the Jedi went before and Darth Vader is Luke Leia do not try to find them do not enter food why do you wear that armor destiny has forced me to follow the path of origin it was the only way the only way to save everything from the power of the - Luke no that can't be you know that how can you save us by joining the dark side you'll destroy yourself and you'll destroy us with you I've got to help him try to use the Force to reach him no did I times Walker is beyond your reach your brother had risk fall [Music] Princess Lea I just had the most fascinating discussion about the complex dining etiquette on the planet Sisk where all the spider people have eight arms so it seems Princess Leia Princess Leia oh my word she's collapsed the prototype sweet flavor the main hangar trainees thanks for signing up with the alliance now let's get down to business hey you guys want to run this training program alright then as I was saying major weapons manufacturing plans on Norville - just opposed its governor and joined the rebellion you're looking at the results latest hot imperial fighter we've got it and you guys get to fly it not only do you get to fly it you get to fly it tomorrow because we just got word we're getting this stuffing kicked out of us on calamari by those new world devastators I haven't gone up against them fortunately but I'm told they're meaner than the Death Star so you guys have got your work cut out for you now over here we've got later free meal now over here we've got the latest Alliance fighter crap the Ewings aah a good ship but we've had to beef up the cans to the point where they might blow up in your face she was sued Oh what it's just a yes sir she's not this opening chambers sure if you lose done to anyone Luke Luke take it easy Leia it's me hard you're safe to the infirmary me in my mouth and Threepio been looking after you you gave us quite a scare princess I thought you were told circuited but medical scan indicates that you are simply fine sweetie I said I was fine hon what's wrong Leia you've been muttering about Luke and you sleep for hours of course the force is bringing me closer to him even though he's light-years away I'm not take it easy lady just sit back relax a while he's in terrible trouble hun the dark side is swallowing in the hole you've got to find him before it's too late sure why not there's only 12 million inhabited star systems out there shouldn't be too hard I can find him the force will lead me to him Leia we've talked about this before solo may I speak with you for a moment sure my mother general Staal I believe we should follow princess Leia's life but she's in no condition medically there's nothing wrong with her our forces on karma are no match for well devastated I believe we will never find a way to defeat them without commander Skywalker's jedi insights therefore I believe the success of this mission is parent more important than her life more important in my life your life in yes even the life of Leia Organa Solo Luke Skywalker is probably the last for you realized tonight in existence yeah well if he's such a great Jedi how come I always have to keep rescuing hun okay okay anyway I was getting antsy playing professor with these green kids you've been recruiting besides Chi we just finished overhauling the Millennium Falcon for this trip nice trip you mean you already expected me a fool of you hey I'm not just another pretty face Joey hurry up with those Lightspeed calculations in axillary power ah I just like to thank you but allow me to accompany you I fear before us yeah yeah take your seat goldenrod we're about to launch what stopped you I'm worried about you sure you're up to another Lightspeed hop you still a coughing pale I'll be fine honey I have to be boy this woman never gets off my case I acknowledge my mama contact you and we reach the planet mal hotter hotter but hon I told you my senses tell me that Ruby somewhere in the galactic core I know but those systems have been closed off to outsiders for decades Lily to ship authorized the land of insecurity and I know just where to find it clinical base clearing tractor beam within the repulsor list and may the force be with you for it is now clear to me that the future of a new republic depends on the revival of the Jedi Knights if Luke Skywalker is lost to the dark side then the Alliance is finished okay let them have a computer takeover Chewie the Falcon will take this right to Nell huh de Haan what is that planet sounds so familiar to me you mean now huh de I may have mentioned it now honey means glorious jewel in the language of the Hutt's the hot hun isn't that planet Jabba's homeworld well yeah a lot of those big slimy traders did migrate there over the years but also it's the center for smuggling activities across the galaxy especially its nearest mood Mao Asada that's where we're headed in the days before hyperspace travel now hada was a heavily populated cargo port under tight control of course there hasn't been much control over anything lately now the only law now hot is the deal you cut with your friend or your enemy but if there are smugglers won't there be bounty hunters sure but there's bound to be a price on our heads after what I did a Jabba the Hutt don't worry about it lay out got friends there we'll be fine captain sir Chewbacca asked me to inform you that we were approaching the Honda as receiving an emergency message patch it through to this monitor Threepio you're my old friend Mako still in charge of the Karelian sector of the spaceport I see yeah well it's nice to feel wanted Mako now open the planetary shields thanks makeover it's like it's already found out solo out you better get in front later ownerships we got three on our tail already we must maybe I had to collect on myself want me to get on the turret gun yeah these are just local rust buckets real bounty hunters know better than to go up against the Millennium Falcon just outrun these guys yah whoa turbulence in the upper atmosphere Oh strap yourself in there yeah hurry up I can't watch your head and my back at the same time hold on we're in the upper atmosphere thank you angle the deflector shields Chewie oh so much time enters in those treaties I forgot how much fun this was okay let's see just how fast these local boys can go then guys that you dengar uh well I must be moving up in the world if I'm attracting a better breed of bounty hunter like you oh boy this is not good let's get to the shoot back the chute yeah it's the entrance to a hideout B hideout as a matter of fact I got a friend this there hold on here we go this is the shoot it's barely wide enough for the Falcon those bounty hunters are still on our tail we've got no room to maneuver so much for your fancy flying solo got you in my sign so he's put everything into the rear deflector shields fast okay my other buddies name is Lynx let's see what seems calm code yeah thanks I need a place look come on pal I got hotshot [ __ ] on my tail and you owe me save your skin when you got caught running ion triggers to the ziggurats remember cut the gab Nix I don't have time to barter like the old days I'm coming in fine you're heading straight for a blast wall come on Nix don't let me down old buddy yeah I know he come through - we passed right through that blast well like it wasn't there private energy shield and holograph designed to look like a wall oldest trick in the smugglers book what about the bounty hunter I know my old pal minx he raised the shield on them they're bantha fodder by now better power down in land before we get smashed up to [Music] [Music] thinks fixes starships specializes in illegal engine modifications that can outrun the Imperials it's quite an operation what's that big [ __ ] they're building over there oh we're about to find out hello jebecca haven't seen you guys no rankers a a Ning huh you guys never should have come here heard you killed Java nobody kills a Hut and lives yeah well actually my wife did it laughs this old space pirate is shoved minx he's got a Karelian heart of gold and silver and spice pleasure to meet you lovely lady so you a stole Java this you're a lot tougher than you look excuse me would you mind if I used your oil bar no it's bother to duplicate make this soup is exciting jar right over there Gold um I don't know what you're doing here solo but I want you guys to know old things be more than happy to put his own life on the line for you but the truth is we can't help you stop Hans solo you never heard in front of us how many years has it been since you walked out on me and you look beautiful as ever saw but look minx about that help listen on the Imperials are buying a cargo space and every tin can in the galaxy the action is heavy equipment run moving military hardware we've got time for the business we got that's why Saleh here is build mad monster ship you saw back there the Starlite intruder all we needed the ship is legal for making a deep core run the Alliance will pay a hundred thousand credits in cash sound intriguing so the intruder is registered for deep core and but he's not ready yet it still needs hyperdrive overhaul and power couplings by the way who's the lady oh this is Leia my name is Leia Han and I are married my condolences dear Hans great fun but he's a scoundrel he'll break your heart she likes scoundrel Sallah come on how long before the Starlite intruder is shipshape we're in a big hurry not long if Ming's to let me salvage a hyperdrive off one of these other chariots sure why not but we'll still need top-of-the-line power coupling is to get the intruder up to maximum specs for a deep core line now Han as I recall yeah yes Oh got stuff stashed to my old big of course the equipment stays on the ship even if you don't what that's robbery it's alright later this is how we do business around here besides it's a chance I just can't pass up Han Solo's got the best equipment in the galaxy just a minute you you got a deal Salim Chewie help me prep the ships we're going after some power couplings coupling hmm now there's a pod you know the most interesting people han Solo you mean in some Saloth good people and jumped out a starlight stroke for me long as I promised of a prophecy thinks that I go way back he's even wilder than me I find that hard to believe he taught me how to tear down a hyperdrive how to get the most power out of a third hand Moe dog power huh I think she's a story for another time and a guy that led us planetside Mako he's like a brother to me the guy we first contacted yeah when I met way back when I was a cadet at the Imperial space Academy they goes my guy troublemaker and we were classmates he stole a gram of antimatter from the physics lab and used it to blow up a nearby moon sounds like the life of the party actually I don't a lot I got drummed out of the service you did me a favor introduced me to the smuggling business hmm sounds favor did he introduce you to this place how could you have lived here my shot is nothing to look at I called home just a place where I could stash my gear between jumps really oh look at this garbage now the city seems to have fallen on bad times as nice as I remember that then nothing ever is hey doctor hey what's the idea keep your head down you see that hover sled floating by carrying one of those big warming slime-covered like Jabba the Hutt so I killed him gotta be one of his relatives you know like a light they all have long memories can you see it I don't think so you better cool it here for a minute yo hey guys what's up oh he must be well look at that a talking pile of rags it's an old woman a poor homeless woman what did you say hey guys hey guys be my nose FEMA can see the boss FEMA conceal the horse hey that's my wife you've got your paws that's okay hon let me talk to her Oh daughter of the force then you will give vemma for her crimes who are you I can feel the force in you covered by a great shadow for 200 years dr. Lima was Jedi we might be trade her own we will try to forget in the time of dying we Maher herself down among the lost to escape the great scourge great scourge she must mean when the Empire began hunting down the Jedi Knights yes yes everyone was hunted everyone was killed but you you'll live you'll contain the spark that will be killed on the fire did I creature died she is FEMA can feel take this gift what is inside will help you this whole box but what was inside he may want you to have it it was very much no it is yours I don't know what to say come on lay on the Hudson water did you get moving wait I have to think she's gone she'd vanished let's do the same thing my place is just around the corner here we go just push the intercom it's easy still on the job this eats me open up this is my housekeeping droid I am mr. solo open up lousy second-rate housekeeping droid always so long as servos probably rusted through forget it I'll just get the override it and we go Oh lovely place you've got hair hon why didn't you bring me here on the honeymoon what a mess gosh easy I see it did a great job of taking care of the place while I was gone trullo so thank you shoe yeah thanks now uh mister factors who sir and it's effective for you sir and it's a bet to see you fool mister who what the grating solo Wobbuffet but you're dead yeah I saw you fall into that pit back on Tatooine this I lied found me someone to jest about solo now I am back to collect my debts and this time I brought friends hello again solo Bhangarh I thought I left you smashed up against the shield wallet Nyx's garage but all you bounty hunters come with extra lies Oh porous I've got es from Corfu how'd you find me your friend Makos been real helpful he told us right where to find you hello solo Mako after all these years you adding betrayal to your list of accomplishments sorry hon the asking price was just too good I got to be thinking of my old age a lot of people would pay to see you dead solo but also pay more for you alive they want to watch you die either yes easy for them some get out of the way you stupid [Music] make a break for would you like green would you like to who we're both wanted by the hunt husband-and-wife mark for death watch out Boba Fett deadly actor with us responding turn left here down this alleyway I know this city like the back of my hand turn here no no here he exam is alley right up to the back of your hand tell you there would be a big slimy hot on his Hummer Flint surrounded by bodyguards down here behind this pillar bounty hunters behind this with hot bodyguards in front of us poblanos in a pile up than we are some coming in that world devastators let the atmosphere implement intercept course with action gonna target all weapons systems on an approaching Devastator [Music] family you get effective against their shields and masturbated Dominical base the immense affairs of central base very troubled where those were smashing is coming straight at us fire all forward torpedoes is work response the nose she's been accelerated by the Hofstra it's no shoot if you miniature masturbate it's gonna be nothing but scrap ah it's two Star Destroyers I've lost all personnel to the escape pods something that's bad but the alliance's Vader was alive nice going hon we're trapped in the crossfire yeah and every 500 town team be joining the party everyone back on watch it both sets making us move a lot instead of us knocking right off it come on there's no chance young lord oh what's on this thing man I never thought I had to climb dragon smell so sweet okay I'm on let's go hang on your worship I'm trying to figure out these weird knobs and switches don't call me your worship why do you always get forward when you're about to do something you won't get away that easy solo one of these days I'll catch up there's mixes garage up ahead and look starlight intruders ready to take off man Sal is great trust an old girlfriend to help a guy out of a jam somehow your old girlfriends don't inspire that much trust in me ah move your black they're broadcasting your location all over the content what about the Millennium Falcon she's stowed in the cargo bay come on here we go hey Chewie you lay a hand huh okay thanks we're on board it they keep this dead moon lies out of here Tala [Music] how are we doing Ming's fine salad now the computer says the Sterilite intruder has cleared all the way to this but willie stall out in hyperspace that's what worries me I rebuilt the hyperdrive motivator three times and it's still shaking like a durian jelly I could have used those couplings of yours Buell annelid salad no one could coax an engine like you can huh what's this Oh in all the excitement I never opened the box that old woman gave me what you got there yeah let's open it and see Oh hon that woman was a Jedi this is a lightsaber and an old one by the looks of it kind of like the woman who gave it to you real antique Han will you ever understand for better or for worse you're married to a Jedi now I understand the things that matter this lightsaber has a long history it has a strong connection to the force I can feel it helping me focus my power late what's wrong the vision I can't stop it [Music] [Music] hey honey hey no no no no wait let go the lightsaber let go take it out of her hand Hey Oh Luke Luke she's still out of it Leia what's wrong huh it's terrible was it the lightsaber No when I touched the lightsaber I tried to reach out with the force but all I can see is on I see Luke he's commanding the imperial forces like our Father I see him sending hundreds of thousands of ships against the Alliance I fear we've lost him Han I fear we've lost everything [Music] [Music] we've lost everything ion cannons to the latest gather all weather systems are dead seems easy mr. lunch therefore sentence full astern ion engine unresponsive which will be sucked into the mouth of that world Devastator Oh get us in the escape pod that's two Star Destroyers I've lost come on I know we have to take this last escape pod ready to launch no I guess I just wasn't cut out to command star destroyers [Applause] we're clear of the stardestroyer just in time yeah floating around space like Minox in a shooting gallery the rebels have no hope against your world devastators my master you mean our devastators young Skywalker it is beautiful is it not my young apprentice to be the cause of so much distraction the art of misery knows no one greater than you my master you take too little credit my son it was you who predicted the rebels would send their remaining Star Destroyer to Calamari you are the victor here now do you see the power of the dark side only too well but I must leave you my master I have duties to attend and missed the final death throes of the rebellion well the loss is yours authorized personnel only identify Luke Skywalker supreme Imperial commander voice authorization confirmed now to give the rebellion a surprise it will never forget cadets what are you waiting for fire yes commander cloud escape pod targeted firing sequence engaged and firing great lords of the sit what was that [Music] reported by Kane this white leader concentrate your fire on that rear scanning town recommend you a leader named later to move leader my County make that nine 9's keep on spinning Alliance co-leader leaders blue team transfer energy from ion cannons and lasers mark against the world in a position look at the screech of the ships must be five kilometers I cut the chatter blue team fan out with professional that protect us escape my stay leader - mo-cedes restoring our attack run listen to that word looks like half the galaxy's arrival and oh we got the observation for x-wings frigates even those Nui wing fighters hey are we glad to see you you guys I am I'll say there's a be destroyed run our missile launcher is gone I got one formation [Music] [Music] rebel scum they really think they can penetrate our defenses with EU ships come on declares we've got a problem the master control computer on business transmitting in father signals it's shutting us down what that's impossible puts Islands are settled on overnight you heavy overnight all systems override confirm sir we're okay but silence of fives have riders fail to respond I'm glad to be out of that escape spot wish and tarry six feels like a luxury liner after that blowing coughing it's got a better view to check out the screen see is that big world devastators Aflac spinning out of orbit it's crashing those newly wings must have found the Devastator sweet one not the way I saw quench the world devastated self-destructed whoever's in charge of those losses is an idiot it almost think he wants to lose do you want to lose your fingers and what fellow sorry Sal I I just can't help well keep your hands off my instruments nobody flies the Starlight intruder with me how we doing need Ryan rendering the deep core security zone Lenin bases acknowledged our approach the whole planet is protected by heavy-duty shield generators kind of like the system we took out on the Endor moon which should clear the land right confirmation of your registration code the planetary perimeter shield will open in exactly 3.2 seconds follow your prearranged flight path or you will be vaporized if you make any fun maneuvers you will be vaporized if you deviate from your course by one degrade you will be vaporized welcome [Music] okay we're talking where are we at the imperial freight complex on the outskirts of the city we're tapped into the city's computer network cargo bays all around this whole area is patrolled by a hunter-killer droids aside to small moons just west of us we got well looks like somebody opened up a bar right here on this whatever the drinks are in good and remind that what else is around about four klicks east we get one serious security zone something really big happening there electronic barricade and surveillance equipment all over the place yuki-san I can feel them on you have to let me pilot the Falcon I'll take us to Luke I like the Falcon I don't know about that layer this place is crawling with hunter-killer droids you don't really have that much experience you better quit talking and start walking solo your wife is already headed for the castle wait keep your eye on the axillary power yes hon and study that forward stabilizer Khan keep your eyes on your flying Oh talk about a backseat pilot oh poor solo never contend have a woman in the driver's seat on stop being so protective you taught me everything I know darling trust me yeah but the Falcons are tricky now be quiet I need to concentrate on Luke Leia Leia you're taking us right into the Imperial security I don't where Luke is Han see that big tower we're landing that hangar on top what this is the security zone should give ourselves up we're gonna get vaporized the forces on a pond I know should we be alive we'll be in cooler I've got a hunch we're gonna need the force to get us or we're going we're not going anywhere with that security [ __ ] on the back got to use the Force to reach the guns mind you got any suggestions I'm a hey what's with lair I am making a suggestion security command this is patrol xls we are in pursuit of unregistered traffic in security zone one you have the order done a bio and ready Donna what are you waiting for they must be using a cloaking device we've lost visual sighting in the scanners can't locate them what do you mean that trip is right there on the screen destroy it I'm sorry so the targeting computer is never wrong maybe they dropped behind us whoa how we've missed our chance that plant freighter is in violation of the Emperor's personal security zone with both be executed for this everything to live my life for Android prepare to take the prisoners to Lord Skywalker for coming out we surrender it shoots me don't shoot exit with your hands up well what a motley crew we have here a battered physical droid well if I may say so sir none kiss wookie a common smuggler laughing their way to freedom that's the last of the guards we're safe for now I did them why I put so much trust in ruins I always think that getting has salads lucky she'll find a hole to hide the Falcon until we need it right listen hon Luke's not far all we have to do now Leia Luke that's not Luke see right through it at some sort of a projection but those two goons and battle armor look real enough Leia you should not people not go my master wishes these central to the scorcher to the Emperor's crescents the end prisoners follow me keep your mitts off me you big ape no offense to excuse me sir under the program but I forget the protocol I'm not well-versed in philosophy but this is the Emperor dead yeah Luke's probably gone crazy after the Emperor be alive prisoners Oh Oh No I think you have your answer huh gee they're clones chewy see those transparent Todd's lined up along the walls they're cloning chambers each one it's filled with a meiotic fluid and and a clone of Emperor himself in various stages of growth look he's full growth in this one I'm still a teenager in the one down here he was even ugly as a baby do not touch the generation chamber all right all right why are we here where's Luke I'm here Luke so no tools with him Oh to what we still roid Oh careful Threepio Luke's brought more of those Sentinel goons with him must rain pretty high to get the Emperor's personal bodyguards old buddy it was very foolish of you to come here I told you that my destiny was not yours I can see you really gone off the deep end this time kid looks like being a Jedi was just too much for it be quiet han there are things far beyond the mind and powers of a space pirate things you'll never understand hey wait a minute I could read a face smart boy you come a long way from the idealistic kid who couldn't wait to get on Tatooine and join the rebellion a long way down on take it easy what happened master Luke Otto said [ __ ] racers made programming how could you let them prepare I wish I could explain Lord Skywalker the master wishes to be dark guests of course take their weapons Leia give me that lightsaber not on your life han put away your blaster we're leaving here now this time you're coming with us Hey be grateful Han I only use the Force to pull the blaster from your hand and take the Wookiee to later give me that lightsaber take good dancer himself Leia don't be a fool I don't know what you did you lose but get back excellent dude strike your brother say mushi what you tell us one from a dark side of a boss I won't use this light paper on you Luke and your sentinels hey you I don't run my home my husband oh thanks man gonna be breathing again now we're leaving and we're taking Luke with us brave little Jedi but really such an old Zac Sigma is not a worthy weapon for you check it out look at you brother and sister Jedi the last of your kind and I have you both this one my dear apprentice so strong in the force he has learned his lessons well and the sister so vulnerable so inexperienced and yet she holds the key to the future get your hands off me do not worry Jedi I will not help you indeed I will teach you things you have never imagined I will show you the real power a Jedi can weird come my son yes my master bring your friends let us reveal to them the wonders I haven't saw let us show them the future of the galaxy my lovely clothes come on Leia if there was ever a time to prove you're a Jedi now's the time that power generators dispensed from the ceiling heavy enough to crush a vampire power surge I don't think the power surge anywhere there we go I found my flesh could not withstand the awesome demands of the dark side the great emperor himself discovered he was dying my body was literally consumed by the energy I had released fortunately there was a way a road to eternal [Music] how well done my daughter your first step towards the dark side of the force but it would take more than a Jedi apprentice and a falling object to kill me now let me show you something Luke help me no you murdered my wife don't worry my friend she live that was just a little discipline for a Jedi sinners take up to my quarters it is time to begin her training don't take her Leia Leia Han to not in two-seat trainer a my way go my throat on I strongly suggest you refrain from violence for Leia sake become just like him just like Vader or worse are you killing him you understand nothing of what is taking place or what I'm doing to save the galaxy you don't deserve to live for what you've done Luke I'll kill you myself Oh God that may be true Han I may have to die but I assure you it won't be you who does the deed so why is this process I got your thrusters right here baby you're a lifesaver look on thanks for letting sign millennium fall gonna tell you [ __ ] I think the hyperspace Marauders got room for both of you will need food if the Imperials find out I'm dead me got that cellar yeah solo with me this security in kind of my ship it's not that intruder you know how long it took me to build that sure that's it dad you'll never collect solo and his pals are probably rancor full glass well if he's not you better show up soon or I'm taking this often and just for home so what's the deal with this bar full of space jockeys low con Imperials never let deep core haulers dock planet ID before it's a military buildup makes every pirate ship in a thousand systems running supplies from best of the Imperials offworld well I'm not complaining been a long time since I've been in a joint disguises hey this might calmly that's my solo you sure this is a good idea so I know it's a lousy I'm using but we've gotta get back to the millennium and it's all continues I love hot [ __ ] anyway there's one of those giant hunter killer draw it's wanting around the space dock like it's looking for something is look at bright light it keeps moving on division yeah I've seen those before that's a sensor with enhanced detection array it'll see right through the hull of a ship to take anything inside let's look in this way yeah did it see us too late another killer droids s0d than the hyperspace Marauder doesn't make a break for Rachel hyperspace Marauders docking permit xa9 7hm combos and progress anomaly detection site essential concealed within basis of identification of priority one chorus priority one fluorine Corellian YT one three zero zero transport cargo capacity 100 metric tons vessel mitigation vanadium campus identification confirmed sensor analysis increased energy readings and a squatters location engines conclusions [Music] this is the stupidest thing we've ever done so not as stupid as sitting around and waiting to get arrested nice doesn't 12 acceptance eternity cannot apprehension entertainment the pocket ship in progress is closing on us tactics didn't hidden oh good that HK droids got some new kind of deflectors the hawk and missiles are bouncing off a shield right bevel we're caught in a tractor beam full power no good we're being drawn in looks like Han Emil will have to take care of business to them like a nobody would have come to my inner sanctum idea now we may talk privately I have nothing to say to you my brave little warrior just like your brother oh yes he is brave despite what you think in fact he has been sabotaging my efforts he can hide nothing from me Luke sabotaging but why why do I allow him to continue it suits my purpose everything is as I foresaw it and everything works according to my plan in the end he is insignificant my brother is a great Jedi I'd be more comfortable if you took this restraining device off me very well yes great Jedi Sentinel really sir now leave us I have secrets I can only be shared with a Jedi yes my lord but you are destined to be far greater forgive me my dear I am NOT well the diamond of my transference approaches transference then it's true you are using clones soon this body will no longer be able to contain my great power and that forgive the ramblings of an old man come here little Jedi I want to show you or something that's more cute going with inner light yes this the Jedi holocron given to me many years ago by a very old Jedi before his untimely departure it beautiful go ahead my daughter don't be afraid take it something about it so wondrous so familiar yes it knows you are a Jedi an image spring full of shoes magical nothing magical about it my dear primitive hologram technology the old Jedi you see in the images was part of a group that lived in the a bigger system 600 years ago they took it upon themselves to meet on account of Jedi history of teachings for the Jedi of the future like yourself did I hear the words of all the walls some ownership to conquer the dark side the darks this is a Jedi teaching device you have no right to this oh but I do aren't I the master all the Jedi your own father was my apprentice my father died because of you and now my brother my brother is in great danger your foolish brother has caused me great harm look at me I am only a helpless old man soon like all great Jedi Knight or own father I will prop this fragile flesh they help a dying old man into his bed into your grave so rude very well I will help myself there I must lay here awhile stay with me soon you will see what that is you have seen the dark side has given me a wonderful power the power to enter one of my clones indeed I can enter anyone I can overshadow the soul that well set in I can even enter your child my children my children are hidden from you your first two yes but not the one now studying in your womb you know yes little Jedi and this child belongs to me never wait just a bit my leg is broken it was a mistake to leave yourself so helpless lying there on your bed old man not to point on and get out of here yesterday and it is exactly as I have foreseen she has the Skywalker anger like a brother like her father let her free for now she will fall to the dark side soon enough thoughts this my holocron she took my on a cloud God [Music] god help outsider silver space parts removal chakra and I've brought the to Troy's house you commanded very well captain anything else captain there was one other thing milord security reports of the master controls Eli's been tampered with by someone in the command section as a result we have lost three world devastators hmm is that so have you informed the Emperor of this I was about to milord but you were saying commander I was about your zelicah but I forgot my lord it's very strange then why don't you keep this information to yourself captain and if anyone else knows send them to me at once yes sir keep it's myself sir very well dismissed now Threepio yes sir unhook artoo from that Tech station and bring him over here yes sir muffled I know artoo but you'll have to trust me I'll restore your main programming someday right now I need all the space in your memory banks for these plans to blue cluster Luke it's Princess Leia today a brother to go hello Leia I've been expecting you Oh princess 10 Boston to be careful he's putting far too much data daughter's memory he's only a simple astromech droid you know you freed yourself from the Emperor layer it did well the force is strong in you Luke please the dark side is all around us get on we're leaving I I want you to come with us Leia you've got the wrong idea everything's fine I know what I'm doing Leia it's good that you came to this your Jedi power added to my own has helped me break the grip of the dark side I'm not so sure I see something happening I sense great danger for you and us the emperor is toying with you Luke yes he may think so but look here's our two I've hidden the master control code in his circuits the effort is priority battle plans how how can I believe you come on I'll take you to han and chewie and then we'll all return to pinnacle base together listen for face if you'd let me cut off some of that rug you're wearing we could make ourselves a rope and get out of here a lot quicker oh come on I ain't that heavy besides I'm the one who has to squeeze through this little window of drop twelve stories I just get these barley studies push me up a little higher Oh hold it down 100 killer droids fine let me down charging up its cannons [Music] that droids coming closer but it's not firing it sending escaped killers droid is that my kind photo am I glad to see you hey you almost got it you get ahold of a hundred killers draw x2 we got over like over 100 us it didn't figure on a genius mechanic like nukes he's up inside the mainframe I've wiring this thing's computer brain they will do backflips if we wanted to now come on the Falcons right inside planet security knows he's still one of their drawing I'll let you eat to heck with a falcon we are leave until we find Leia but there's no time someone's following you through the hole we blasted your wheels don't fire salad it's Leia and Threepio there's r2 and then there's hot the traitor we got Velasquez Salah ok farm boy this is where I even the score one stop it's over ah my way Leia the dark side has got to be pliable to do anything no han we're all leaving together Luke has a code we need to stop the Devastator bond listened to Leia it's what I'm doing succeeds the Empire will be finished forever ok you're telling the truth why don't we take out the Emperor right now as long as we're here in town Georgie the trolls have you gotten moving oh wait for me Chewie grab goldenrod there and yank you man I'm closing the door nobody ever cares what happens to me [ __ ] such language I didn't think there's a translation for that okay they're in they're in [Music] there's nice up on that walkway robot the pocket I programmed the HKS targeting computer to shoot everything using Imperial codes with us all fleet coming down on it there's my beautiful ship great I'd never see you again okay hon he says on board let's blast out here way ahead of you sweetheart okay we're clear the HK shields up Chewie I'm you sure the habit of collecting unwanted attention these security ships are no problem sweetheart the Falcon elute them on one Prosser what about the sanitary shoes will be spatula Casey I'm on that too Leia calculate the jump to hyperspace my present coordinate we're stealing a planet's atmosphere if we make the jump now I know I know we're gonna risk high atmosphere burn up but unless your pretty smile can open up that shield it's our only hope I hope you know what you're doing Joey this is to the shield perimeter mmm-hmm two kilometers we'll never make it 1.5 kilometers matter computers finish this calculation one can only by disengaging sublight engines hope I get over there going hyper [Music] your son why are you crazy my brother pledge will drop we are what Rob - Tariq or okay there we're out yeah back in normal space thank goodness my service is going to fall right off hey Luke how'd you know we'd be okay I told you how I can discover things you'll never imagine with the force or the dark side you me han that's not fair Lucas provided us with everything the rebels need to beat those world devastators it's all stored in our tooth memory banks take our two and plug them into your hyperspace comm system he'll help you beam interference codes to the world devastators even while you're in hyperspace that's great don't you show us or maybe you've got a little surprise planned I can understand why you still don't trust me but now that all of you are safely away from this I have other work to do if I fail in the task I must now accomplish the alliance must be prepared to fight its greatest battle what do you mean all of us are safely away aren't you too are you talking about very super odd wow he must have used the dark side power to project a double of himself fella he knew I'd never willingly leave him on bit I'd do it he's still a trigger han he did it to save us I don't care what you say Leia I'm starting to feel sorry I ever heard the name Skywalker I sense your presence yeah how did you get into my cloning chamber this laboratory is sealed my moment of transition is closed no one is allowed in here now I have come to prevent that transition so you have using powers I have given you that we offer you a bargain my friend I will kill you now or you can tell me to move into your body and then you and I will rule the universe as one I learned many of your secrets your majesty your power over me is broken when I destroy your clones your reign will be at its end is it so un that I must die [Music] vanish to Skywalker I exist as energy remember [Music] yeah yeah yeah he's trying to enter one of the Clones must destroy them all [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks Kyle again due date nice one close look at me I am young again I will live forever not if I can help it you will yet I'm a Jedi Master now and I know something about the dark side the force it's me all you've succeeded in doing is hurting me within our stern action of Jedi weapons as for your dark side knowledge doesn't you how many more so-called Jedi Master spell to vanquish me that I have already to you and now waiting one of their precious man sabers brings an end to the Jedi delusion getting tired not quite as youngest were with you watch your father what my father said nothing I'm excused at all sighs fail [Music] consequences on media your father before you it is not your time today it is your time to submit the tax I will break you now we are going to find your sister I want my holocron and I want your sister's child I am going to crush the rebellion once and for all you [Music] hmm can the Millennium Falcon go any faster Han I'm worried about the battle on calamari we're doing twice the speed of light now late don't worry once we get our two plugged in his transmission reach Lando long before we arrive please be careful sir Auto says they've burned out his differential regulators when they erased his memory banks I know why do you think we're having so much trouble accessing the battle codes Luke in the sub systems there okay Chewie ready on this end hope this works I listen professor if you want to do something useful why don't why don't you come with me 3pl Han needs to be wrong about people if he was wrong about Luke he's in a grumpy mood I should say so come here I'll plug you into the hyperspace transponder so you can monitor transmissions for Luke says the information is stored in r2 will paralyze the devastators command computers I want you to tell me if they start deeming distress signals to this of course previously these do you let them operate on a binary code that's quite familiar with I'm so glad so let me shoot my talents there you're all looked down I think that by the return transmission from calamari translating your hand in my word being sorted / holdback we need our support engine oh man just get all airgun Deventer stories always left me the logic attachments I'm holding back keep them under those worlds elevator or get sucked up all over the rest of this center cap again in all areas of town re-enter converging on our location we got some Arianna get all the soft folks into attack formation general Calrissian once our commando team ready to pour those planets measures at a moment's notice and Ursula cremation maybe what mondo thinks that commander Skywalker is doing something of sabotage those world devastators I don't know what it would be [Music] something strange is happening the demonstrators just stopped they're just sitting there like somebody's written them off all right let's go what's going on here mother Claire ribbing can buy coats coming to the Emperor's secure hyperspace channel then bypass the muffler Pro computer with trying sir but the system was designed to prevent tampering this is ridiculous but being paralyzed by our own command center what was that the calamari ports the counter assault against us as storm troopers repented repel boarders there is one option available to us commander we were able to restore power to the onboard batteries well they do it we're going to sit here like a bit moon we might as well give up a fight [Music] okay The Fountains exiting hyperspace and there's calamari dead ahead entering the upper atmosphere careful hon we're coming in right on top of the battle yeah what's going on that world devastators still got its furnace blasting I thought those codes were supposed to shut down the devastators I guess your brother decided to pull a fast one on us after all hon use your eyes it's paralyzed obviously the Imperial engineers figured out how to keep the recycling factories working if I may say okay your worship if that's true what's to stop them from getting the whole thing operation yeah good please listen Mauricio I thought I told you to shut up Oh to sir he said scree didn't you come on code that will make the devastators do anything you want thank you sir I think well why didn't just say so it's worth a try Luke's big plans here didn't help much Sean I don't know why you're still so down on Luke he's taking a great risk for the Alliance yeah yeah let's see if this dripping three-legged full [ __ ] can do any better actually sir I believe up to was having delusions of grandeur he ain't the only one okay he's plugged-in Joey radio those commando teams again I'm cleared the devastators I got three minutes [Music] recovery millennium something all games not sellable there are pet worlds matter we just bought a home for stormtroopers on it go that's older my death is right this muscle you crash kilometers we must all controllers as well Devastator tribute she directed or violence of all it's too choppy so something [Music] - you've done it thank the maker I knew you could do it did you save the day never be insulted in all my life and just take it was I told them about your grand plan too bad you destroyed all the devastators I like the sea to be recycled I'm [ __ ] Lando you all want Brandt good work on those World devastators I've destroyed each other Oh oh yeah I just wanted to say I I mean I wanted to tell you I'm sorry about what I said I guess on the referral look out sometimes the actions of the Jedi make no sense to ordinary men Luke is sacrificing his life for us on our three children yeah well three you say three children you mean yeah hon I'm pregnant I can feel the baby stirring it will be strong with the force pregnant again who would have thought me the father of three Jedi I guess an ordinary guy could do something [Music] ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming to this council of war thanks for your efforts the battle of calamari has been won but according to the plans that r2 is brought us calamari was but a small part of the Emperor's overall scheme the deep core systems have become inviolable fortresses the Imperial fleet has reaffirmed its allegiance to the Emperor now the Emperor plans to expand his total area of dominance in stages he will launch a series of wave assaults upon all worlds in proximity to the galactic core moving out from the center he will not rest until the entire galaxy falls under the sway of the dark side our only hope lies in commander Skywalker attempt to sabotage the emperor's plans in the meantime I have assigned teams to analyze all our possible responses when we begin tomorrow I want you all rested and ready to act what could be happening to Luke is he safe what's this in my pocket the device I stole from the Admiral I've forgotten about it what a strange thing I'm so old constructed by a long-lost science what did the emperor call it the holocron what what's happening my room chemical base it's all fading greeting Jedi I am Moldova's you you're the image I saw in the holocron but you are no longer an image you're real where am I everywhere know where you are with the force but above am i inside the holocron no the holocron is a device it helps us to reach each other it is the force which truly brings us together and you are you real I mean didn't you die a long time ago past history and protection are one the force surrounds all time all doing Auto passage with the force that is certain can you tell me what will become of Luke for you world of us will speak and prophesy with 1000 years before your time by my own master a brother and sister born to walk the sky but reckless brother falls into dark sideline Jedi sister carries hope for future in her womb only she can save her brother from his certain doom and did I kill her once to tame her now the dark side comes to claim her she must join with her brother to come back this leaf before the Jedi come to grief join with my brother join with my brother Leia Leia wake up hmm hunt where's Bato boss moto who you've been dreaming Leia it wasn't a dream it was the holocron whatever come on we got to go what's wrong we got company serious company we count three ships maybe three ships coaching Pinnacle Bank confirm that scanners indicate Junior Imperial plant destroyers the first enormous make it 10 miles a crime on mob but what's happening good you and Han have arrived three Imperial ships just came out of hyperspace right over the planet two star destroyers and well it can only be the Emperor's flagship : signals cut across all our frequencies we're getting the same image on every channel it's the Emperor but he's grown young he does something Rebel Alliance I have no quarter with you give me the woman Jedi she's dead of Skywalker and return the precious objects she stole from me he's got to be kidding why should we comply with your demands a shepherd is waiting send her to my ship and I would discuss a truce with the Alliance I vote we blast him with everything we've got that's what Luke would want no I have to go to them I have to it's too dangerous it comes a point when you have to choose between this force business and your own good common sense you're right hon there does and I have Leia I won't let you go not with our child you will let me han i okay you look these general Soto almost like layer used a Jedi mind trick on you no no mind tricks I'm just surprised with all the women in a galaxy I marry the only one is stubborn as I am and as brave general solo do you still think we should prepare our forces for an all-out attack no it's taken me long enough but I just realized whatever is going on here that has nothing to do with blasters or fighter pilots it's up to the Jedi now you [Music] [Applause] for the effort the shuttle is lent the kid our woman is approaching his chambers so my young apprentice your sister will be mined yes my master very good Princess Leia you have understood I am here you may leave us God's now my daughter the time for subtlety is over where is my holocron I don't have it I've come for my brother look are you all right he will not answer you unless I commanded he will answer me Luke you still defy me perhaps you do not know your own heart in these matters the child in your womb will be given to me is that not so no you cannot resist I will raise this child in the power of the dark side the giant would become an extinction of my way yes at the appropriate age I will displace the personality that Wells within take on its young Jedi body as my own yes now if I touch you yes here the child grows you tricked me you aren't the only one here who understands the power of the force Your Majesty this is touch me again I'll cut off your hand curse you Jedi because this is me I have something better for you Skywalker I have broken you now prove yourself worthy upsetting me yes my master bring your sister over to the dark side you have the power I don't know what he's done to you Luke but this time we're really leaving Leia light saber away I don't want to hurt you the last thing I do is hurt you Luke what's happened to you is not final it cannot hear you jazzed to him what a ghost the saved memory of a former life look listen what have you done what's behind his vacant stare why nothing I just Duffy ah Wow the boys dance hey you mind my child will be a very great general because you will train him you will train all my children's in the ways of the force now I'm not I'm never alone no Scotty no one returns on the dark side you're by me help me I've gone too far I found knowledge all the dark things father knew so well the ability to control others to destroy others if he chose if I choose then warned me Yoda warned me but I had to do it later I had to know what happened to our father I had to know why he chose the dark side and now you know what happened to our father it's time to come home Luke do not listen to her listen to the voice of the dark side your power is immense no the powers of control and destruction weren't the only things I found in the dark side ever I also found great isolation and sadness I found fear these are the feelings my father felt the feelings even you feel in your moments of darkest triumph nonsense - you Skywalker's both of you I'll kill you the truth about your father the great Darth Vader was a sick man in an iron mask yes that mask inspired terror throughout the galaxy but the feeble heart within was forever possessed by the impotent side of the force you can be far stronger than he was dark you die are you going to let your weak sister get the better of you get up I can give you the power to breaker you will kill your sister if I command it No I made a mistake I thought I had to save the galaxy alone all by myself but the way of the Jedi is not a solitary path the holocron Luke the holocron told me to join with my brother yes the force binds us brings us together many people are fighting this war together our ally is the force through the strength of the force your shroud of evil has been lifted from my mind the power of the boss you will die the light is winning you got oh I had now your we will escort you to the Alliance space where you will surrender the galaxy to the New Republic look at you don't think I don't know your dad the dark side has you you intend to rule the galaxy in my place what utter imbecile that you are you have still failed to understand my power happening what's the viewscreen I listened as a friend died he's created another energy storm it's descending on a physical thing consuming all the ships in his path Mon Mothma can you hear me we have 12 ships waiting we're being wiped out they're going to slaughter all those people yes did I not warn you I stayed long with your Jedi dueling games long enough now you will experience my full potency I live as energy I am the dark side what have you done the power you've unleashed even you can't control it but we can Luke we can do it what the holocron meant let me add my power to yours we stirred a much you would get itrex the storm will crush your level base to dust what are you doing lucila 40 no yes it's salami ever cutting them off all the power cord into the soil pools you destroy me the dark force will crush you as well robbing him in his own dark hatred now [Applause] this storm is your best course heading for the Emperor ship Leia get out of there lay off [Music] scanners this is mon mothma report no sign of man no sign of what do you mean original solo the ever shipment it's just gone no idea [Music] well you forgot my boy lair don't forget about me Luke we've got a shuttle just coming in to do [Applause] clear the way pinnacle base we're coming home the last of the great storm is fading Luke vanishing into the void taking the Emperor yet I cannot conquer the dark side alone I guess we proved that but together we were a Jedi fire that out shown his evil to are more powerful than 1/3 are more powerful than two I felt another join us look my third child he's going to be a very great Jedi your children this is the beginning layer I feel it great things are coming that Jedi Knight will rise again this is been a Time Warner audiobooks presentation of Star Wars dark Empire starring John sigan as Luke Skywalker and Patricia o as Princess Leia Joe hacker as han Solo Jim Ward as c-3po Nick Jameson as the Emperor Andy Callen as Admiral Ackbar when is Tonkin as solemn let Smith as Imperial officer featuring Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian based on a story by Tom Beach published by Dark Horse Comics audio adaptation written by John Whitman and produced and directed by Arthur G Insogna executive producer Maya Thomas creative director John Whitman music composed by John Williams sound design by Russell Burke engineer John Kerr barik recorded at West Valley studios Chatsworth California Star Wars dark Empire was mixed and mastered at Skywalker Sound and produced under license from Lucasfilm limited
Channel: nathan S
Views: 251,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wasr, force awakens, last jedi, rise of skywalker, full movie, Emperor reborn, Emperor clone, Jedi Holocron, evil, dark, side, emperor, palpatine, darth, vader, film, force, light, han solo, leia, chewbacca, r2-d2, planet, original, trilogy, clone, jedi, sith, comic, luke, legends, movie, comic book, ray, Kylo Ren, Snoke, Poe Dameron, finn, Phasma
Id: M4BM01WZdF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 37sec (8737 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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