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Thoreum best of all defi!!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HyperKyl 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
three thousand years ago a planet without the name i'm hungry mama i know my love that's why we're here but that was our last cave apple why can't i just eat it we are leaving it here in this sacred place as an offering my son so that the gods will watch over us and keep us safe but if we pay them to watch over us why didn't the gods take care of daddy when he got the sun fevers your father lived a long life almost 30 years he lived to see his only son grow strong and we will see him again my dear someday when the nights come he'll be there in the sky with the rest of the blessed ancients shining down on us but why can't i see him now and why can't we ever see the gods you will see them someday all around you once you truly believe i do mama i think i do always honor the gods my son and they will shower you with blessings as they have me you are my greatest blessing my darling little boy my beloved [Music] just as they have watched over me years later i'm sorry but it's all i could find here eat don't worry the nights will come soon i know it the sky gods will hear our prayers at last please just eat ara you need your strength the children sleep though i can still hear their stomachs growling this one doesn't sleep he's going to be a great hunter and explorer i can tell just like his father great hunter we are starving ara the whole tribe our caves are empty of all but salt worms and what dampness we can lick off the walls we have to go out sun be damned we have to leave the caves if we're going to live my love the gods will provide gore they always have you just have to put your life in their hands my love you just have to calm yourself and listen for their voices [Applause] months later mama where's my mama your mother has been dead for seven sandstorms agar rest yourself now we'll be there soon mama is dead just like my sisters with the sun fevers like back i told him daddy i told him not to eat so many stones rest my son we're almost there i can see the forest just ahead just beyond the next hill is there a waterfall i think i hear a waterfall yes there's a waterfall and trees thick with fruit more than we could ever eat just close your eyes son and you'll never be hungry again oh god i don't even have enough water in me to cry i'm sorry my son so sorry i brought you into this wretched world gore you cannot do this leave me be rugged let me say goodbye to my last child in peace this is not right what you are doing you cannot hide your son's body in the ground it is forbidden the boy must be hung from the trees so that the gods will see him and take him into the sky you know this gore do not damn the boy's soul with your sacrilege leaving him to spend eternity in the dirt just like a worm do not damn the way his mother was damned we are all damned what did you say open your eyes you ignorant bastard we move from one dried-up cave to another eating slime off the bottom of rocks leaving a trail of our dead behind us under a sun that will never set we are all going to starve and burn forget about your made-up damnations we are already damned right here right now be careful of your blasphemy score the gods hear your every word the way they heard my mother's prayers when she was eaten alive right in front of their idol or my wife's prayers from an entire life lived in obedience to them my wife who was sucked into the ground with our child still in her belly core you go too far or the way the gods hear your prayers all of you every day as you pray for food and rain for the comfort of night and yet all we ever find is more sun more suffering the gods don't hear your prayers because there are no gods there never were no gods in the sky no gods who made us no gods watching over us no gods who give a damn there's only us and the sooner we accept that the sooner we can go before the guardian oh at you no no one touches him he is unclean and now he is outcast may the god have mercy on your soul gore though i expect the sun will not so tired just want to die no heaven no hell means i can die and never have to think again never have to feel just blackness nothing but blackness forever please that's all i want can't even die in peace what is that what is gods there were gods all along ken can you talk me help you help you where were you where were you when my children were starving when my wife was screaming for your help when my mother was being butchered like an animal where were you when we needed our gods yes it fell from the sky many years ago and a world without a name i picked it up and butchered my first gods then then as i stood there baptized in their blood a question formed in my simple little brain i wonder if there are more many centuries later and of course there were so i set out to find and kill them all which brings us to our present situation does that answer your question little god no now it i asked if you knew where that weapon of yours came from but you don't even know the name of the god you stole it from do you do you it's still just a a sharp stick for poking things you're blind to its truth you speak like someone who'd rather die than be whipped tell me what is your name ragged wisp of a god false dog i am i was full stand the valiant lion of god let me ask you a question volstag the foolish dog of heaven's dungheep what do you think gives you the right to steal from me it was only a loaf of bread a loaf of bread that was not yours this is not us god for saying the greedy here you cannot simply take whatever you desire here you eat only what you are given for 500 years spent sliding in your minds i have eaten nothing but worm droppings in my own scabs even the most finicky of gods must eventually give whiter hunger the sooner you and your brethren finish your work the sooner your hunger will be sated forever and and tell me gore the gods slaver gore the lord of skin flints when was the last time you hungered when was the last time you closed your eyes and slept can you even remember i will sleep when my work is done when all worlds are free from the tyranny of the [Applause] or heavens fool you'll never kill all the gods no matter what weapon you wield no matter what that thing is you're building out there us guardians stubborn to the very end don't tell me you're still waiting for your friend with the magic hammer to come and save you no not even the oh father can save me now but even if you kill me and kill every other god in creation even the mighty thor in the end there will still be one god left won't there go you what did you say look at yourself look at what that weapon has done to you you've been alive for thousands of years murdering as you please you've raised worlds and built your own you put guards in chains what are you if not a god yourself the most vowel and despicable god i've ever known what no more whipping back to eating worm poop in the mines for old fool's day guys you may come out now don't be afraid he can't hurt you come here why are you spying on me i'm hungry hungry my son does not go hungry come we'll have one of the slaves fix whatever you like when will all the bad gods be gone father soon son very soon wake up god of thunder no is not the time for sleep now is the time for suffering ready for another go round already god of thunder for he's not dead who's not there no one don't worry your pretty little head my pretty little head has been smashing faces and breaking noses since i was old enough to see straight i'm a shield maiden not some sheepherder's daughter tell me who are we to murder you should know i make war like i make love naked and in a berserker rage thor yes no one here there's no one coming trolls take my eyes i'm acting like a child frightened by his own shadow eight days since i killed that god butchered bastard and i still can't get him out of my head i wish to dream no more this night that means you will have to keep me awake until the morn that i can do my lord for the glory of asgard [Applause] iceland 893 a.d [Music] it was not so much a scream that rang out through the viking village of kulkumira as it was a cry of battle the first of many that would be heard that night the night shadows themselves came out to murder fast guard many millennia from now sir you really are me the older wiser and more exquisitely baited you yes what happens to my eye and is that an arm of the destroyer are you going to simply gawk at me like some half-witted hercules or may we see to our business you act as if you've never time traveled before many times but i've never been waiting for myself once i got there this is asgard what's happened here where is everyone one question at a time boy let's answer the one you asked when you first arrived where is the god butcher this this is lidscaf the high seat of odin no one but the old father himself is allowed in here you are right about that you i mean me we are the your father i am the all father you are still just uh what are you against an avenger guardian of the galaxy the head of that ridiculous little order of yours have you moved to the sun and become a cosmic god cop yet what no oh then forget i said anything wait if you truly are me then shouldn't you remember this happening remember coming here and meeting yourself i can hardly remember how to buckle my own trousers can i and this is time travel we're talking about there are all manner of annoying rules governing this sort of thing i've always hated time travel yeah and you always will what are we looking for they're gone those damn black berserkers they're really gone gone where gore has called them home by the looks of it for the first time in 900 years the skies around asgard are empty the siege is broken by my beard we've still got a chance i go to make myself ready for war you should do the same young thunder god i'm ready now let us leave at once gods could be dying while we tarry we will die if we are not prepared for what we will face this is no mere ragnarok come upon us boy this is an ending beyond all known endings this is the apocalypse unparalleled [Music] there is a chamber in the east wing just past the statues of the kings you've never entered have you no odin said it was for all fathers only yes well now on the eve of your extinction you will find all that you need inside make yourself ready and meet me at the docks this cannot be right perhaps this is one of those alternate futures that the x-men are always going on about surely i do not grow up to become my father [Music] what could i possibly need to make myself ready i am ready now ready to pound the butcher of gods into the dirt once and forth [Music] well i suppose one drink wouldn't hurt he sent you didn't he the god butcher i knew he wasn't dead where is the one armed tired who would leave whatever's left of it speak you bloodless dogs where is your master where the hell ah at last my favorite thor welcome welcome to the place where gods go to die door this time when i cut you you will stay dismembered when we last met before those viking friends of yours interrupted us in that curve many millennia from now the black world of gore oh yes i believe that was it i am sorry my sons sorry i failed you i pray for your forgiveness and your strength if the children yet live i will find them so swears the king of asgard are you ready to spill your blood across the end of time are you ready to die as the stars die with you are you ready to laugh in the face of the twilight of the gods i thor is ready but i still need answers what has happened to asgard gore the god butcher happened 900 years ago he came here out of time spewing black berserkers an endless army of the beasts we held them at bay for as long as we could but as our numbers dwindled his power grew and ultimately i was all that was left he killed them he killed all of asgard ah he took them enslaved them he has his own world a dead blackened planet at the edge of space he's building something there i don't know what for all these years all i could do was watch from afar he's kept me trapped here alone for nine centuries always surrounded by those damned berserkers unable to break free unable to die i thought asgard would be my prison for eternity but then you came you have renewed my strength young god of thunder seeing myself as i once was a beardless and dim-witted nevertheless fills me with vigor for the first time in centuries i feel like a god again i dare say i even feel the rumblings of the thor force within me once again which i had long thought forever spent thor force you mean the odin force you wield the awesome power of the open force ah we call it the thor force now boy and have for ten thousand years i've wielded it far longer than that old man ever did and now it is mine once more this is our chance gore has called his minions home the fiend dares us to come after him and so we shall hammers in hand are you with me thor to the end thought then give me a drink of that ale and let us fly corona and the realm eternal for vengeance divine the last charge of the armies of asgard the last ride of the gods of thunder and so smith vladimir most wanted of the long ships of asgard set sail across the cosmic seas with its cargo of enchanted uru hammers the all-father's ale and the greatest collection of thor's ever assembled and yet it would not be enough take him away i've had my fun now you get to have yours young friends take our new arrivals to the construction site and put them all to work in the all work is finally completed the present omnipotent city nexus of all the gods well don't just stand there wasting my time and breathing my air speak or can you not even do that correctly god of the watch the communications division has tried contacting the world of cronuks as you asked lord librarian but without success the god priests of the word have dispatched dozens of space ravens and comet probes to where they believe chronics to be hidden but all have gone unanswered they suggest in the future you refrain from burning the books you've been entrusted with protecting especially those containing the only known directions to hidden worlds a billion gods in this city and i'm the only one who's not a complete waste of divinity what else oh useless one i've communed with the surveillance spirits your library was the only division infiltrated i suggest you review your own obviously substantive security enchantments and what of the department of death and taxes did you go to them as i asked their blood orders have indeed reported the stench of god blood in the corner of the cosmos where cronux is believed to be but there is no way and no word from thor the asgardian no none at all he's gone thor's lost in the forevers now just like gore will that be all your esteemed librarianship my godson is creating this first world today i would very much like to be call the parliament intercession what can can you even do that tell them if they don't want the pages of their family history ripped from every book known to the heavens they'll do as i say you what is your name again shadrach a god of baubles and ballerinas and what do you know of god butchers shadrach the mad nothing there's no need to know anything it will all be over soon all of this all of us it's better this way i shouldn't have helped him i know but i knew this way would be better helped him helped him how no no no no never mind i'm nearly shadrack god of kittens and coconuts i don't stop lying to me you're the god of this and the god of that who are you really god of pancakes and tamarinds if you really are a god then your name and image are somewhere in this library if you make me dig out the book myself i will beat you senseless with it do you hear me it's better this way i swear better than how he was doing it tearing us apart one by one he made me watch i only helped him so i wouldn't have to watch anymore so no one would he came to me he made me show him how to build it please it will all be better this way believe me stop making sense damn it tell me what you're hiding tell me who you are i i am only shadrach the god of god of god oh [Music] of bombs the far future the black ocean of deep space i grow battle start how much farther to the god butchers lair still a few billion light years but we've got a good solar wind at our backs and they'll are plenty we've no more rail ah hairless pale bosom boy go polish thine ammo but practice growing a beard before i cast my ask overboard or better yet get me to sleep believe me once we make landfall in the unholy world of gore there will be little time for relaxation the unholy world of gore city of the god slaves that shall be the last time you ever whip an air of asgard you black-eyed wretch carry thine own time rocks over the guard the bomb company dogs of gore this god is no man's slave you jackass what the hell do you think you're doing what who dares my handsome i dare pretty boy get back to work or i'll break both your arms and have you sent to the mines to clean boots with your tongue since it seems that's your strongest muscle you would have me submit to the will of gore like a gutless troll never to see such cowardice among my fellow gods fills me with shame for all divinity cowards did this idiot boy god just call us cowards i'm of a mind to reach in through his stupid beardless face and rip out his stones maybe you'll be a bit less annoying as a eunuch but it's such a handsome face seems a shame to waste it not to mention those stones down girls you knew god pick up your pebble and get back in line i won't tell you again i'm not going to let you get some poor guard killed with your immature pride the only ones who die here today are these black-hearted lap dogs look down the braggadocio for one second and look around you don't every time you make a ruckus like this gor crucifies another god if it was just you no big loss one less steelheaded godling in the world but i have friends on those crosses knee dogs blood we have to what you have to do is shut your mouth and get back to carrying heavy things now still think we should have gelded him there's something awfully familiar about this god tell me what goddesses are you we're not gods anymore neither are you we are slaves now get used to it and so it was that thor odinson of the viking age first met utterly elisive and freak were in daughter the goddesses of thunder from an eon hence his own future grandchildren damnable bunch of witches the gods mind broken moons and silence voices that once spoke whilst galaxies obeyed now reduced to frightened whimpers and feeble weeping kings of heaven and hell who had sat atop opulent thrones now squatted in muck and their own filth these were gods in whose image great temples had been erected in whose names epic wars had been waged for generations but now glassy eyed and not even they could remember who they were that will never be me not the god of thunder never in a million millennia would my spirit break so utterly but at the same time he thought it best not to wait too many millennia to find out what the hell is that thing then a bomb the bomb that's going to kill all the gods no bomb can kill gods boy certainly not all of them this bomb will gore designed it himself you'll see soon enough after 900 years of labor it's almost finished and do you think this is a good thing the killing of gods it will be a better world without gods no more fear of eternal damnation or lust for eternal reward no more hatred between believers of rival faiths without the lie of eternity to serve as our crutch we will have no choice but to finally cherish what precious little time we have and to put faith in only ourselves and one another that's what gore taught you is it what is he to you child he is everything he is my father your father is a butcher and a madman of course you would say that you're a god you fear him but i wonder how many is your father butchered to heal with both our fathers you should flee this world while you can son of gaw you and whatever family you have your father's going to die for what he's done by my own hands face willing never speak ill of my father he is a great man and you're but a jealous guy open your eyes boy he isn't a man at all not anymore get back to work slave before i have you crucified every one of you will be forgotten every god ever spawned all your temples will be dust your holy books burn to ash but my father's name will never die do you hear me gods of man shook the rigging galaxies passed by in a blur thor the avenger held the great wheel steady and called forth the solar storms and all the interstellar winds he could muster to push the flying dragon ship ever faster through the cosmic currents faster than the speed of light or all known laws of man faster than all but the boldest of gods had ever dared he talked to his hammer as he sailed chasing the stench of dead gods across the spaceways he struggled to put doubts from his mind worries that buried with ingor's vengeful rants there was some small ember of truth a truth that threatened to consume him thor sailed on craving combat with every ounce of his being combat and just a bit more gore's god slaves worked for days on end without pause without sleep but every seventh day they were allowed a few moments rest and on the seventh day they rested this was gore's idea of a joke three more days at the most and after that gore's bomb will be finished and we'll all be dead along with every other god ever born then we wait no longer we must take our shot we need more time to gather weapons to find the perfect moment you cannot be ruled by panic this will be our only chance more time most of us have been here for centuries there is no more time the when we can debate but first we must settle on the who who do we trust to lead the way who has the strength to carry the burden knowing that even if they succeed they will most assuredly die if you're talking about destroying that bomb and killing that bastard gore then look no further i'm your god the eunuch you let him in no offense friend but we don't even know who you are i am the favorite son of odin the omnipotent heir to the throne of eternal asgard the lord of the storm and god of the thunder him before whom even vikings bow they call me thor thor oh my heavens i've been having impure thoughts about my grandfather gore has been known to pull gods out of the time stream but if you really who you say then you should have no trouble summoning a thunderstorm to cover our attack there he's no thor we're the goddesses of thunder and even we can't summon storms in this miserable dunghole i've tried but this world is too barren there are no storms here that answer thor's call don't feel too bad hate the rain guard can't even make it do anymore and gore the wine lord can only turn water into vinegar we need more weapons if we're going to cross the black plain and reach that bomb clubs sharp stones whatever we can find this boom can it really kill all the gods gore has proven himself to be many things but a liar isn't one of them then what is your plan to destroy the bomb before it's finished that thing is the size of a moon how do you expect to destroy it with a few rugged slaves armed with clubs and sharp stones for 900 years we ragged slaves have mined the cores of dead stars and broken planets building gauze god bomb this is every scrap of unstable matter we've been able to steal and hide over the years he's got his bomb we've got ours but the question still remains how do we get close enough to the god bomb to destroy it without being swarmed by black berserkers we rush them every god who can walk all at once it won't work gore's weapon is too strong his berserkers are everywhere can we sneak our bomb as close as we can and detonate it by hand that's suicide that's the only way one god must die for the rest to survive then let's see a show of hands which god will volunteer to oh you stupid stupid thor one last storm that's all i ask if today the god of thunder must die screaming then let the sky scream with me get every god on their feet the final battle begins now wait listen he made it rain fire i've always wanted to make it rain fire i'll be damned he is thor go grandad go as he raced toward his death through the reign of fire young thor's mind was empty of all but rage no thought of asgard or of the father's love he would never live long enough to earn no thoughts of the maidens yet to be wooed the sagas yet to be written that damn hammer he would regret not having lifted that time [Music] did you feel that yes there was a great storm in the distance where it passed quickly now all i feel is pain but fire ripping through my guts we move carefully from here on out our prey is near in orbit around gore's world star sharks feed on the flesh of dead gods cast into the void over the centuries best fetch your hammer boy i sense something stirring something close something strangely familiar [Music] what just happened you were struck in the face with a shark that's what i thought what manner of foul beast has go conjured for us this time the fowlest i'm afraid is that yes lucky me another one who are you grizzled bastards and what is your business here if you be slave traders you will answer this day to to father is that you boss bones are you certain there isn't any air left you're sure you're up for this you just escaped from gore's slave world and now you're about to go marching right back in if you two old farts are up for it and i guess that means i am as well doesn't it blasted time travel whoever knew there was such a thing then arm yourself boy and be quick about it [Music] i'll be top side don't dawdle i know how you'd love to dawl is that the world you just blasted yourself off of young thor aye that's it and the great bomb you said you destroyed the god bomb it would have been right by all the pits of hell it's untouched i didn't so much to scratch the damn thing then let's hope you're a better slayer of god butchers then you are a dismantler of bombs come down from your castle you bloodless bastard the gods of thunder have come and we would have words with thee may the time for words has passed now we let the hammers talk because it's coming your way [Music] the far future the black world of gore [Music] gore watching me sleep again come to bed dear and i promise you a better view soon i'm sorry i woke you is everything all right i heard an explosion earlier at what sounded like thunder gods being gods nothing to worry about everything progresses as planned your bomb it's almost finished then almost yes and once it is once you've finally killed all the gods you'll be free then won't you we all will i have dreamed of that day for such a very long time my love but tell me why do we never speak of what comes after after you know what comes after i'd like to hear you say it after the bomb i will finally be ready to to what my love and please don't say die no to live gore is that go back to sleep my love and know that when you next wake it will be to a world transformed we should have a plan follow my lead the both of you and try not to get us killed that's our plan hit him with hammers until he breaks that's my plan everything below us the entire planet it all appears to be made from gore's weapon we should keep the fight in the air for as long as possible never forget the boy has no mjolnir he cannot fly do not worry about me old man i'm the only thor here who has already beaten this bastard twice you're also the only thor who's been captured by him twice we can't afford to be rash and reckless here we must you should have brought you sour old crohn's have forgotten what it means to be a god of the vikings here let me show you and you idiot children have yet to learn what it means to be a king let alone a failed one for the glory of asgard mjolnir old friend give me strength then struck thor with the fury of a billion storms the sky exploded with lightning and black wall thunder echoed through the depths of space thunder and the pounding of hammers thank you for this thunder guards it would have been such a shame to have ended all of divinity without one last chance to be a butcher a cask of the finest tale to the god who steals that tongue i have waited 900 years for this moment to feel the thunder in my blood once again and do you let us see moments later light years away such was the awesome might of an all-father unleashed that for the first time in millennia the butcher of god's new fear it would appear gore is throwing chunks of moon at us prime y'all near finds that amusing how about yours can't you hear it laughing that means [Applause] the true history of gore's weapon had been lost to time though there were many different stories and legends some said it was a blade forged by the elder gods and used in the time of creation to carve existence from the unbreakable stone of nothingness others said it was the darkness in all god's given form and that whoever wielded it was merely an empty vessel for its murderous will there were stories that it had slain billions upon billions even before gold that it had raged through worlds like a wildfire through dry stalks that its power would continue to grow for all time until the day it finally blackened all of infinity perhaps on that day they will tell stories of this one of the day gore's black world became ringed with blood and the screaming of gods filled the cosmos entire the day the lords of all the heavens were slaughtered like lambs i hear screaming from worlds away gods are dying gore is killing his slaves he knows he's in trouble and the god blood fuels his power i will show the bastard blood let me i feel them drowning feel the blackness flooding them no thor will survive this day no gore will either ah faster you stupid shark no more chains no more of your black berserkers just you and me now gore and the hammer i'm going to kill you in i tell you to pray to your gods but i know you don't have any though you may pray to me if you like now if you pray for a quick death don't expect your prayer to be answered serpents always another damn serpent we must be free of this mire gore must answer to the fury of our hammers am i not the all-father boy am i not the way and the wrath and the wonder god go leave the lord of asgard to deal with this worm as mueller flew thor strained to hold fast asteroids shattered in his wake stars flickered he knew he must not stop no matter what he saw even if they were wounded with every swing of his mighty hammer thor felt his bones rattle his fingers crack his muscles tear and yet he swung again even harder than before and again and again with every cut he felt gore's weapon creep inside him burrowing deeper into his flesh broken blades became black maggots eating him from the inside but thor made his mind as hard as the uru of his hammer and he thundered on thor ignored the pain the roar of his own screams the shattering of worlds around him thor focused only on bludgeoning and ignored everything else no that's no empty moon [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] thus did the norse god of thunder come to be worshipped on a scarred world in a distant corner of space [Music] at last i understand you little god the old jew the king he's always been fueled by regret he thinks if he kills me he can erase his own history of wretched failure i'm the young one the viking god he uses arrogance and rage damascus crippling shame but you you i could never quite figure out until now you know i'm right that's why you fight so hard why you try so desperately hard to seem noble because you see just how many and useless your kind truly you know what i know that gods have not created or cared for anything except themselves oh [Music] thor in the great black emptiness of space the mighty thor reached out his hammer and at last the black leviathan fell and thor looked upon his work and knew it was just the beginning thor the father the lord of asgard thor the king of kings [Music] young thor had a hammer in his hand and a viking cry of battle upon his lips beneath the rage he was smiling thor the son of odin the prince of asgard thor the bloody redeemer the avenger fought with the spirit of a multitude thor the holy hero champion of the cosmos thor the hammer of heaven the three thors the greatest of all the gods or so the story goes you mean to tell me that someday i will be able to do that after them into the sun somewhere in the cosmos star wars beached themselves on an asteroid and died hundreds of them for seemingly no reason at all a dog was born with the face of a child screaming in terror it did not live for long a saintly woman died and found no one waiting for her on the other side no white light to guide her nothing the sacred waters of the well of mimir turned red and bitter the world tree bled at the roots in asgard the statues of the kings began weeping and on a backwoods world an alien boy looked up at the morning sky and saw the sun turn black on the world of gore thunder is heard and then it began to rain it rained blood god blood then it rained hamlets and thorns and despair all thunder fell silent across the skies of creation as king thor was nailed to a comet and sent roaring through space on the world of the slaughtered god slaves the ground opened up like a great black mall and for the avenger found mjolnirs lay encased in a cage of god flesh unable to fly to their masters hands [Music] and young thor found himself too spent to even muster a curse as the countdown began go please tell me you're unharmed my love i saw those gods attack you and then there were great lights in the sky and the world itself trembled and all the slaves were screaming and go back inside it will all be over soon it's time then at last for the bomb yes time for the god bomb i have waited for this day for those words for so many years my love i never doubted that you would see us through that your strength and devotion would save not only our family but all of the families of man you have suffered so much my love i know you have endured horrors beyond imagining for so very long yet never have you wavered in your calling never have you lost faith in what is just and right and never have i lost faith in you you are the only being i have ever known who is worthy of worship you are the brightest star in all the heavens you gore my lover my savior you are my god what did you say said dear that you my sweet loving gore are mighty father father is it true is it time to trigger the bomb it it is indeed where's mother she said she was coming to meet me she should be here to see this boy but don't expect me to wait i have too many gods to kill yes father and of course we must make sure we kill them all if i could just reach one of those damn hammers and exactly what good would that do frigg what makes you think you'd fare any better against gore than all those thores did better to die with a hammer in my hand ellie then stuck to this damn web like some helpless fly you should both save your energy save our energy gore's world runs red with rivers of blood thousands of gods lie slaughtered three thor's have fallen and any moment now a god bomb will explode and wipe us out of existence for what exactly should i be saving my energy dear sister artley for biting off your tongue and swallowing it better to choke myself to death than give that bastard gore the satisfaction of killing me i'd rather reach a damn hammer we'd all rather reach a hammer frigg but what good is a hammer anyway against a bomb it was designed by a god named shadrach of the diamond moons of a gogo the god of bombs and fireballs he enjoyed casting them into space so he and his friends could watch the stars explode after just one afternoon of watching his friends explode begged me to let him build this it took 900 years in an army of god slaves to bring shadrach's designs to life it was built around the heart of an elder god and infused with the chronomancy of the time lords of grownups and once i trigger it with this it will explode through time killing every god who ever lived yes i believe that's all we'll need [Music] we'll need more blood than that [Music] meanwhile miles below you'll never make it in time gore is triggering the bomb as we speak you'll be dead before you ever reach the surface you and every god you've ever known run away boy whatever happens next this is no place for the likes of you i cannot leave i am what my father has made me but the question now is what is my father weapons there are weapons in the rock must be the weapons of the gods gauze enslaved he was a good man once my father a simple man a family man a loving man who suffered unfairly but i wonder what would that man say if he could see what he's become in the eons hence boy leave now take whatever family you have and my mother is dead she always dreamed about life after the bomb about a world without gods for my father and a butcher about us free to be a family but there was never going to be a life for us after the bomb i always knew that even before my father killed her just as he killed the man he once was gore is dead and in his place now stands something i've been raised all my life to despise i don't know how to pray but i will pray to you god of thunder i'll pray that you kill my father this must be it i love you with all my heart my sisters may we meet again in valhalla kiss my asgardian ass gore you son of a what the we're not dead fighting your tongue hurts like hell look weapons arm yourselves this day we're slaves no more today we die like gods stupid ammo must be broken we'll budge [Music] [Music] if you wanted that badly i'd gladly change you my heart for your eyes the last pathetic whimper of the gods you're too late you're all too damn late that's when i down no to take the rest john hey get your own axe sorry girl but this axe and i have unfinished business what kind of thor doesn't have his own emma the kind who can do this oh now those are fours cut them down right to the end fight to the very last god [Music] at last begins [Music] the bomb is coming to life get to the bomb he's triggered the bomb what do we do how do we stop it your thor you hit it with hammers oh that i can do [Music] the god bomb sea with power the roaring of the mjolnirs shook the stars thor fought to choke down fear but it bubbled up like and gore's words burrowed deep into his mirror what if they really are better off without us thor wondered in fear even as he swung his hammers what if a godless age is what they deserve what if god isn't a madman after all god's help us what if he's [Music] and i heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts saying come and see and i saw and beheld a white horse now omnipotent city nexus of all the gods how much time do we have you don't understand there's no time the bomb runs on time it runs through time it will kill us all no matter when we are how will we know when it's happening with any luck we won't tell me shadrach are you capable of saying anything that doesn't make me want to thrash you open the doors the lord librarian demands an audience with a parliament of pantheons we have a bomb threat the bomb will ripple backward through time exploding through every second ghoul's black weapon will kill us all every last god i didn't think it would hurt so much the work of the god bomb you're all at once you and trillions more just like you i do inside the heart of the god bomb time became tar eternity echoed with wailing and the gnashing of teeth with the dying of the gods if he'd been a lesser god thor might have accepted that gore had won and more so that gore deserved to win the gods were cruel and jealous creatures that it was time for their age to pass but this was no lesser god this was the god of roaring thunder and raging storms and even if he had been the last god left alive in all the universe he still would have been god enough what what is he doing dying like a god all through time gods were dying every god who had ever been born or ever would be there was no fatal battle for them to fight no enemies standing over them no warning even they merely fell to their knees choking on blackness their flesh falling apart before their eyes some knew why it was happening most did not but in their final cloudy moments they all shared a common vision a vision of one god with a mighty hammer in each hand fighting at the heart of a bomb to save them all and for one moment that stretched across time every god in the universe closed their eyes and prayed to thor he's absorbing it he's taking the blast into himself that's not possible and let us watch the impossible together the present day the wild space where asgard once dwelled so hear my prayer where a father prays to his son hear the prayer of elden do not for my son he the savior of us all [Music] he is a god of gods holy hell it just stopped i can't believe it we're alive yes but so is he should all be dead black for suckers kill them where are my black berserkers where are my towers where's my weapon it's not your weapon anymore it laughs at you gore its name is all black the negra sword a slicer of worlds the annihilate and it was meant to be wielded by a god but you were right about one thing no give it back it was also meant to kill them damn you all damn all the gods you you don't deserve this victory and you know it all you've ever brought this universe is misery gods don't create mankind but someday if they're not stopped they will end it mark my words was it a god who killed my mother or was it you or are the two one and the same now father behold gore god of hypocrisy i can't lose you too they do this you have to see that it's the god you've ruined creation we'll all be better off without them you can't blame gods anymore gore it wasn't a god who betrayed you it was only ever yourself no please please don't leave me alone the boy just melted into it a stone dagger is this gore's work there never was a boy there was only ever the weapon and the things gore made from it but it was the son who helped us defeat the father no it was only the lonely little man who helped you defeat the butcher [Music] i'd had about enough of that thus endeth the tale of the god butcher shall we drink mead and think of ways to defile his ashes the weapon is still inside you hurry you must purge yourself too late just make certain that you prove him wrong thus died thor for the ninth time that could be remembered three days later he rose again asgard of the final future seat of king thor [Music] father i had the strangest dream there were there were three of me it appears dying hasn't made him any smarter has it no but i bet it's made him thirsty did you know there's a whole hidden room filled with ale or at least there used to be what's happened the god butcher dead turns to ash and his weapon the necro sword left it where it fell we dared not touch it i would have touched it but his majesty here threw the entire planet into a black hole and then he brought you back from the dead the thor force i burned out the last of gore's sickness inside you i figured it was in my best interest would you like to see that for which you died as god is alive again with gods from all over the cosmos the survivors of gore's minds yes many have already returned to their home worlds but some had been slaves for so long they could no longer remember from whence they came so they will have a home here if they wish it or i will find them new worlds where gods are needed worlds where gods are needed i still can't believe i grow up to be your father but by the looks of this ragged place i do a fairly terrible job of it you will prove yourself terrible at a great many things in the years to come boy you'll fail you'll watch your loved ones die [Music] and worst of all you'll never come anywhere close to the one thing you've always wanted most yes i will i see you two carrying those hammers around that means i'm not talking about the hammer you'll never be the son he wants you to be no apparently i grow up to be every bit the troll's ass my father is i believe i've had enough of this wretched future the ale here is old and bitter anyway just like the thaws you were unnecessarily harsh to the boy perhaps i wasn't speaking to the boy i owe you great debt thor of the avengers for reminding me what it means to command the thunder but i still cannot look at you without a pain in my gullet without seeing the eons of struggle and failure that lie between us be a better thor than i was and kill your bastard brother first chance you get and you go be a king again old man and live to prove go wrong but what if he wasn't wrong then we have even more work to do speaking of which i think i know a world that could use some new gods [Music] and so old king thor with his all-father magic sent [Music] perhaps i could stay for a moment they knew that given the nature of the time travel involved their memories of recent events would soon begin to fade there were some memories they looked forward to forgetting and others they hoped to cling to forever the thor's would not remember having met themselves and chances were they would never meet again in such a way instead they returned to their own separate worlds and lives their own ambitions their own fears their own callings [Music] and also their one common destiny to be the greatest god who ever lived in the end they would remember only that gods had fought and died that some victories were won while others remained elusive you moved i know you moved i felt it that a king was restored to his throne and that a prayer was finally answered little girl of indigo i said i would return to you and i have you prayed to me because your world had no gods that is one prayer i assure you you need never pray again [Music] thus did a world without gods become a world with very many all thanks to a little girl's prayer and a madman's murder spree and of course to a god of thunder and his mighty hammer a god whose story may have been as old as time but whose adventures and perils had only just begun [Music] [Applause] so you
Channel: The Russian ComicBook Geek
Views: 19,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THOR GODBOMB MOTION COMIC MOVIE, Adam McLaughlin, Harrison Bulman, Erin B. Lillis, Thor GodBomb comic dub, Jason Aaron, Esad Ribic, Gorr the god butcher, Marvel comics, Thor god butcher motion comic, Thor GodBomb motion comic
Id: g-seiCo4kBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 55sec (5635 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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