Kyle Kinane Gets Angry Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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ah yeah coming down I just rub snot on my own head hey what's going on everybody first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot one it's a show with hot questions and even hotter wings today I'm joined by Kyle Kinane you can catch him on the road he has a special Kyle Kinane loose in Chicago and the Chicago guy and a man who loves his hot sauce I feel like this face-to-face meeting it's long overdue Kyle welcome to the show thanks for having me I'm appreciated how are you with hot food I love it and I get I think there's an addictive property that gets me uh gets me really going and before we get it going the wings they probably look a little bit strange and that's because Kyle we're going vegan wings for you today I'm going vegan right along with you ready to get going absolutely [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right let's first one is to Rochester Aceh is no big deal they've made chicken fingers vegetarian but that made them look like human fingers so I want to start by taking it all the way back to your formative years into Page County because I spent a lot of Friday nights in high school taking the track down I 92 go to shows at the fireside Bowl not good for the other lighting can you explain what the fireside Bowl is what is the fireside it was this rundown bowling alley and then had a just a stage a haphazard stage mhm I think Chicago is a unique in a way that it wasn't super violent of your of them kids are dancing in motion once I did get punched by a guy who was angry at bumped into him at a Scott show know you're not supposed to mosh the sky wasn't it bumped into him but he just held me and punched me stomach and said you'll watch this guy lick but I realize an explanation wasn't going to serve him at all classic stuff so I'll talk to you about the supernatural because it seems to be a big time for the supernatural and there's somebody who hosts a podcast on the topic you know that better than anybody yeah I've always been fascinated with it do I believe in it it's a case-by-case ly I'm very picky about which stories I choose to believe but I think having the hope and the imagination that it might be out there it's just a more pleasant way to exist and walk it around thinking you know all the answers and all the science like it's real cool that ghosts don't exist God's not real Wow Europe must be a blast at party I like this one you see this one - the good the good Mexican restaurant so for up to me I would just wax poetic with you about Chicago until we ran out of wings but we don't have that kind of time and I'm supposed to cover more ground so I concentrated all into this wing bathroom what's your go-to Portillo's order oh man jumbo chili dog with everything and one regular with everything Gino's East Illuminati's wow man I don't even [ __ ] with that deep-dish I love it I love this where'd it go it's a bucket of cheese it's great but I'll take hot dogs the Pete's argument falls flat on me what's the best bar to get blackout drunk in after a Cubs game I think just Wrigleyville in total is its own bar strung together by small walks between establishments but I would say the formerly Gingerman Tavern now the g-man tavern BAE colada Brendan Kelly my friend excellent musician and bartender there on Monday night that's drunk E so you go on this Al's Italian beef or you going at the Wiener circle I'll be honest I only went to Wiener circle one time and I was like oh there's a flavor they yell at you and I wound up having a gun pulled on me well it was pulled on everybody in the establishment I'm like this is a bit much for roughhousing when I think I was in the middle of like a gang fight that was not worth the cheese fries no no I don't remember the meal at all I just remember firearms being drawn and a guy with a knife it's got a cat on a bottle or a wolf well the Netflix series love opens with what I would say is an impressively graphic sexy yeah what is that experience like what is that process like basically put your dick and balls into this gift bag for wine bottles which is all just look like some sort of gopher [ __ ] which is a bag with a cinch on it which they don't work this bug all right let's hope that nope it fell off again sorry everyone fortunately Gillian Jacobs who same with me as a consummate professional like as soon as we'd be done to be a woman like right there with a robe and after a few cakes like I was feeling silly and I was kinda like doing a little bull fighting with her look at oh you know no that was not professional probably why I'm not in season two but I mean it was a weird way to find out that my mom actually had a Netflix password well your mom stumbled across that organically and yeah yeah call your phone yeah those way more awkward than the actual scene so that's a little sweet mm-hmm all right so the next part of the show is called explain that Graham we do a deep dive on our guest Instagram we pull interesting pictures that need more contact oh boy so I've pulled a handful of Kyle Kinane IG pics I'll just show them to you and you give me the bigger story that's - yeah all right let's top please looks like you're what getting a ticket at Wrigley Field only a little bit left yeah that is me getting a ticket in front of a Cubs game last - was so excited with two years ago I was having beer and then the gated doors were just open after the game and Chicago's finest stop me does that mean the Duke we caught a cop in a rare moment where he's not shooting somebody the heartwarming picture right yeah look at him not just shooting an unarmed team so believe it or not this is actually our second Froot Loops bath on explain that Graham shoutout to Bobby Lee he won here Ruth loops bath - can you talk to me about what's going on here this is my friends were doing a sketch that never aired and like again I think like I get called to be the go-to guy with some partial nudity and no body shame shout out to that cause nobody should be body shamed look at that you'd be proud I was having a couple of little Harry B cups and god-awful tattoos I think you look great Kyle thank you this is an interesting picture it's new with a bottle of Cholula and it took on a life of its own after you posted it and I have to think that kind of took you by surprise you know people just desperate for things to go viral the guys Cholula is eating it was shirtless ly eating some food like oh this would be funny and it failed one of these we take everybody else's [ __ ] instagrams where they call them aggregators yeah great people great people necessary to the world one of these aggregator sites got a hold of it and so now still every week there's still somebody just look like LMFAO this is totally me trying to use it my god now that we're in the back nine I think it's important that we acknowledge that we're eating vegan wings today for Kyle Kinane and that might surprise some uncle barbecue fans is that a product of moving to LA is that a product of turning 40 I was already kind of toying with vegetarianism when I was getting the point where I realized it was more like how nonchalantly I would eat meat be dread take the five freeway from LA to San Francisco you'll go by a very large cattle ranch I just see that the hills are black with cows [ __ ] and they smell and they're all crammed in and then I would just like get to San Francisco and go to Burger King and not think any big twice about that so it got to me a little bit so yeah I'm trying I'm not committed to it I don't have any righteous beliefs for me personally it was the way I wanted to go with my life also the gout thing avoid too much meat I can't walk and it sucks Kyle I feel a little bit I'll oh let's not act like I didn't put my time in I mean this is the part we're in a YouTube comments that we can call me a [ __ ] and that's time because that's what you're supposed to do when you comment on YouTube videos this is Dombey apocalypse and how I'd say this you're a hot dog I expected you to be fine here's your first real test where we're going to get into zombie apocalypse got it right in there mm-hmm all right the last season we had t-pain on and he has some crazy food series and food hotcakes but you make him look like nothing you've got the hottest now chill down yeah everybody got t-pain so what we want to do with you is what we did with him which is bring out some of his more controversial food tweets represent them to them and then maybe you can explain what set you off way more than 140 characters will allow okay okay all right so this first one is about salsa and I think it's a brilliant point we've been eating salsa for years and nobody's thought to make the jar wider instead of taller so you can get the chips in there easier some talking about that I'm basically like an ethical pharmaceutical company I could be making a million dollars off these ideas if I were just quiet about it and implemented them but instead let's put it out in the world for free salsa companies come on a big old tub I've got like a little tiny pool so the chip to go from one side to the other boom you're getting every last bite out of there it's just common sense all right next one Miracle Whip label says it's salad dressing if I saw someone put Miracle Whip on a salad I'd call the cops I love Miracle Whip too which is a controversial opinion a lot of people have problems Manning and then people that are with mayonnaise have a problem with Miracle Whip like but just like you what do you sleep with the lights on come on it's desti mayonnaise and in no way at all should have come near a salad pile not trying to blow too much smoke up your ass but I think this is one of your better observation Anthony Bourdain got all his tattoos done with an eight months of each other like a new suicide girl I already heard Elvis truly as I was a funny joke and then like I got a couple Bourdain heads out there like he's been getting them on his travels through the past seven years so I'm never watching his show and he got like one on his arm and now I saw him not like whole thing's covered in them like all right we get it he did arrow it I could see how this could harm a child yeah I guess the others could rebel adults sweating from the face over here yeah the bombs brutal all right do I keep eating yeah like it's not real funny [Music] yeah Sheldon eight yeah good too it's rolled out they do shoot two sets tonight Chuck bullet wet diarrhea wearing my pity shirt but I was wondering why my career wasn't was plateauing Kyle he's in the bathroom still um put somebody else on my first first sip of milk I'm going to take on this one go for it let the record show great run Kyle so as I see end up you and Hal comes in the brain some of the greatest barfly stories out there I'm not going to make you tell any of them on the bomb hot sauce for the YouTube audience out there you can go down that rabbit hole all day long but if somebody with such a deep fondness for dive bars I do wonder what separates a good one from a bad one I like [ __ ] not not prefabricated shuttles just something where like the wonderful bar in LA called the drawing room or if you go during the day I've been going there for years and finally during the day the door opened up and I look down I was like wait a minute there's carpet in here and it's just because it would shine and carpet shouldn't shine but you've been so much crap and still dumped into it like I know it's not a good thing like that's not a great review of a barb like that is oh but that's the barb it's like it's a beat you came here to have drinks we want you to have drinks you want to sing with the songs too loud and play plastic darts get a little loose in the mouth yell about how you almost got shot at a hotdog place in Chicago this is the place to do it this is me pretty hot a gas yeah you think what you think of it it's hot but you also think but now you're you're going bozo buckets yep difficulty yep from them does anybody else made both of buckets computers no you're the first one girl breaking ground here good sometimes I think I'm a hack and then once in a while you [ __ ] tumble on with Jim I'm hot on the lips so we've touched on it a little bit but I want to talk to you about Twitter for a second because you once wrote as a comedian I feel obligated to show up on social media like it's my [ __ ] shift at Arby's I hate this [ __ ] which is something I think a lot of people can relate to me haven't come at it later like alright I guess I'm shooting myself in the foot if I don't participate in but so much of it just so masturbatory like comedians on instagram are [ __ ] worthless and then the arguing and the political just badgering and just impotent whining about stuff like [ __ ] this whole thing that I have to be a part of so anyway it's at Kyle Kinane on Twitter and Instagram do you ever really seriously think about deleting at all oh I would take Twitter off my phone everyone's when I realize I started arguing with controls like what happened to shame what happened to the point clear if somebody's its own so thinks you were an [ __ ] as now you like oh what did I say I don't think I'm an [ __ ] I don't want to be an [ __ ] that's how I was brought up you don't want to be an [ __ ] and everybody's like yeah I'm an [ __ ] deal with it no I shouldn't have to deal with it you're part of society be a decent person otherwise [ __ ] walk into traffic Oh hot sauce got me angry I like it's called Megadeth sauce but who made it Blair get ready for it I'm always ready for it this is Blair's Megadeth sauce of liquid rage it's tradition around here to put a little dab on the last one you don't have to if you don't want to Kyle because you oh you want me to put it on yeah well that's probably good this has been kind of a runny tap lately had some I mean the jokes right there but the people at home with the running tab joke in it that I mean I'm a professional level I've already made a lot of time uShip here's to the Greater Atlanta area get on the tongue probably a dumb move no it's common in which it's all encompassing Lee warm mm-hmm but not unpleasant Yura Blair's that make it that soft man I respect the hell let me get it around in there I'm not trying to be a tough guy or anything but I had a hard time with the mad dog maybe I got like a finger not a pet frog go ahead and go for it but I would suggest your your Kyle you shouldn't shy away from the fact that you are a little bit of a hot sauce here oh yeah totally stupid yeah you shouldn't have to apologize for that either when we go to apologize for everything else none of this sweating I dig it you're into it I thought that actually it's very very hot but I would put it I would I would put it over here on Kyle respect I would put it there the bomb a little bit tougher for you Yahoo now I want now it's in the windpipe it's a tough place for it to be every time talk of Benguet and the real what's wrong but feel good like I feel good just feel alive I feel alive I love it label fulfilled its promises as we've touched down already your cult hero you're a comedian's comedian but some people might not know that you're that voice I'm Comedy Central I think now there's a lot of light bulbs going off with our fans who are like oh now oh oh I've been wondering where that voice is coming from so I want to challenge you on Blairs Megadeth sauce with liquid rage now that you know a little bit about the show to give us a promo that hot ones has always dreamed of well a Trickett like this is how I got my professional voice was three years of abuse lots of city miles throw some I throw some generic brand cigarettes and cheap beer on top of it and this is where you get there oh yeah number one hyper close right there I love that what is he would have you guys didn't have numbers all right confused everybody where Mike amber one I don't know I'll split the difference that's a terrible shot for both of you guys this is why I only do voiceover not in person stuff yes yeah Wednesday's 8:00 p.m. check out hot ones the show with hot questions and even hotter wing Wow the way that had my ear that was so perfect well you made it through you given a plug it was amazing and I think that it's only fair that we return the favor this camera that camera that camera let the people know what you have going on in your life I don't have much they asked me two days ago I had the evening free to come eat hot sauce for free I respect how much is going on my life no offense show I wish my calendar was more full I also jumped at the chance because I do I get a meal I got a I got comedy special out there online somewhere I usually go with a Google search because I don't know where they are welcome Kyle Kinane in Google and if there's a way that you can give me money go for it I think it's a decent product I mean I'll back it up and it's just like a big guy like like just like sales looks like oh no ha outtakes everybody all right what fellow light yeah that's a quite like hey what's going on hot ones fans if you like the video maybe meet us halfway throw us a subscribe if you didn't like the video don't subscribe I don't want you I don't want you in the tent but if you like the video subscribe thank you very much I appreciate you I love you more than a friend
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,550,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kyle Kinane, sean evans, hot wing challenge, First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession), interview, uncle barbecue, chicago, hot ones, hot sauce, chicken wings, spicy wings, kyle kenane, food challenge, blair's mega death sauce with liquid rage, scumbag stories, comedy, comedian
Id: whokj22FTA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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