Riff Raff Goes Full Burly Boy on Some Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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gosh they're oh-yo about to run out of here what's up okay what's going on everybody first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today I'm joined by riff raff the album peach Panther we've been teasing it for about a year now but for real for real it's coming out do we have a date yeah June is July Yeah right around there I won't well having a set date presumably I don't want to guess you up too much before we start but every time we drop an episode people clamor in the comments or online about who they want to see on the show yeah and I think you're probably the most requests for real did they get a close-up Morocco bear grill cuz I had to put these all Tomas I know cuz you can't eat with the aqua bear you can't mess up these aquifers you get a blue glass you know when I say swimming pool and mouth with Jacuzzi diners well they can't save you today now you're just on your own biology oh you're ready to go man leavers these wings alright let's make the people proud you ready just first one sriracha no big deal you'll take off these pinky right who got hmm so speaking of peach Panther last summer there was this clip that surfaced online and it was you and Bieber in the car huh and you're rapping the song he was sick I just want to know if they're gonna be so many chances I'm looking all around and I've heard you say that Bieber is gonna be on the next album and I've heard you say that you don't have any features on the on the next album sometimes with you I don't know what - blue can you level with me what's the deal with this people I wish for sure got ya damn the guy every song I have is a to feature but I got a lot of soy sauce to on there but you definitely got features on there what about this Bieber song I need to know more yeah Diplo producer that's one everyone down aren't you like a little bummed that maybe it's not out now because you have your buddies post and Justin on tour you could be doing that song on this road right now you don't know how bad I would wanna be on that tour you think about that sometimes man every night Fargo sleep okay i sat on that post alone Justin Bieber to it that were crazy so this one got Tapatio household name no big Miller corner notice were so every rapper talks about shutting down the mall but you really shut down the food court we at first we feast we've written about it quite a bit you're not content with just a Styrofoam plate with some chicken teriyaki in there I want to know what's your former top five pants where's it up there chick-fil-a is up down your personal ball yes I was Italian Oh auntie auntie those pencils you can get the honey mustard the marinara and you mix those together that's the move mm-hmm at aunt Annies okay one more yeah I gotta go talk about talk about top five for sure number three how you feeling so far Jesus Christ I'm Kyrie Lu techo Caribbean hammer oppa and you're also Somali a of sodas that might be your favorite my favorite thing that you do you know how you'll pair fruity pebbles with monster energy drink right you [ __ ] with cinnamon toast crunch a lot of time for fun what would you pair us them in toast crunch you poor horchata you know cinnamon toast crunch what about Apple Jacks Applejack go sour apple poor logo luck Cookie Crisp Kogi Chris you mess with Cookie Crisp you go on oh but no approach docile milk yeah like a monster muscle up goddamn that dad number three was getting up there well you got a ways to go yeah yeah all right so this is Pena's girl [ __ ] louisiana-style how you feeling now my up done do this down but right here she's getting kind of spicy alright cool let's go so last month I saw you swing a wrestling match for a boy Rey Mysterio right I know that you bolt you're barely fitting into the suit jacket you know I gotta get a new one made pretty soon yeah you might have to get that custom because it was hacking on the pound Python comin through we're probably on beat Python for sure gonna split it at the seams and I know it's a dream of yours to be a wrestler but I wonder to what extent have you thought it through do you have a wrestling name picked out peach make a neon Python okay Joey how old Hey mr. Lamborghini leglock okay aqua Barry back fist neon knuckles ma'am we got along this have you thought about the persona what would your persona man I'm just me like like those are what people are saying Jodie Howell riff raff you're talking about the same person you know hey like James Franco's Nick like James Franco's nickname is riff raff comes in like it's like you're saying [ __ ] are you still bugged by that y'all care no but I don't every can about do you know what bother me about that if I were you though is that is that one what Spring Breakers - needs to come out and I play that uh I was James Franco's um twin brother who was in jail and then he gets out to revenge his death yes that would be basic step round already I know sounds like you read that script or something else crazy well cuz what would bother me is you know should be you getting these roles not man Franco [ __ ] plain man you'd say who you gotta talk to the director about that alright so this fifth one is actually our hot sauce the top ones hot sauce it's made by our friends homeboys hot sauces out of Phoenix you can pick it up at heat inist you can pick it up online literally the greatest hot sauce ever made but riff raff I'll let you be the judge of that Omaha so what's the best piece of advice Hulk Hogan ever gave you about getting it done in the weight room how is your mom passed away that's good to hear a good thing is work out in the mornings like as soon as you get up don't even think about just make it part of your schedule like I'm wake I'm waking up and I'm working out for 30 minutes you know I mean I'm waking up and I'm like have a little set schedule with you um at this time doing it was hard on tour sometime how you feeling man we're halfway through um I'm gonna make it what are you coming in that now thirty to forty I'm not to forty i fluctuate though i started having trouble tie my shoes if I know it's time to kind of chill out logo what other downfalls have there been to putting on that kind of those kind of gains cuz that's no joke yeah just like having a constantly bike spend money on new clothes cuz I'm not I can't fit in my clothes like if you see right now I'm damn near busting out of this Marc Jacob jacket I wasn't what are you gonna do with that huh are you gonna do this yeah all right when you're working these kind of pythons like it's like it doesn't it just doesn't happen overnight I can barely even drink his beer hold on sir you have a straw you gonna strong enough no sure do you have any style advice for husky boys keep it comfortable cut the sleeves off don't don't don't try to get too fancy and go sleeves all right uh-huh just go just give us a snip them shits off not rip them off because then you're still gonna have the undercarriage I'm just gonna cut you in the under cartridge you got a start down low yeah I have a certain way up cut if you had a shirt and a suit I'll show you exactly what our burly would pull both sleeves right there number four or five inches down no notice that no no notice that notice that curvature then hold up that's bad nice run for sure you ready I'll get burly I'm ready okay you're right good now those officials how hot one shirts that's how the bird would go there we go you ready to move on all right so this is High River rogue and toss on it look like you're trying to take me out with this one we had currency on here and we were talking about rap dogs when your boy riff Raff's jody husky [ __ ] that was a dog like this they chased me to school every day we named him Jack the woof I believe he was a man up in the Siberian or maybe an Alaskan male news or something but we ran from him all the time now that we have our doing here I need to know more I was a bit video shoot and I saw Jody and he was sitting in somebody's on this true story he's spitting something on a cop car after Huskies that day and he's just sitting there he wasn't you know like most puppies they wanted jumping around and playing and run around he was just sitting there just looking around I was like something about that husky I got you know I mean I saw something you you had a connection yeah and I went through the video shoot we did it we did the photo he was on the front cover of neon icon that was him that was that was my baby but that was him so so I asked the dude I was like how much for that dog he's like thousand dollars I was a cool megiddo drop but that time I was I'm saying I had a condo I was in Hollywood there was no you can have pets I remember but I remember I woke up the next morning and I was thinking about that dog I like parking it I caught media calling bottom rest is history holy spice guys moving on to eight dozen by the Lambs home kind of scare this never go so this one is the bomb yeah insanity it's not what wasn't I wasn't describing it well I think I'm wrong pain that's poor oh yeah you are on pain are you doing next one I'm on the docks ask me yeah I did damn I'll show you're busy we're talking about Jody I guess the key is to just hurry up with these damn answers and just start jumping more I talk to warm all right cool all right really is month you might announce this for million-dollar neon nation deal right says that you're gonna be the music executive with the artists and these deals I never really understand them like jay-z and title oh and I read about him and never understand first off what does that deal mean exactly I don't think there's a lot of artist development or a lot of art like to my watching over artists and making sure that every single thing they do is right I want to be more in charge of that when I saw to that you're like this is the record label this is a talent oh yeah oh yeah I'm signing I'm not just signing just music artists I'm I might sign if you if you if I like the idea it's like shark tank you know I mean if I like your idea I think we can make money that's what we're gonna make money let me ask you this what if you met some guy who had a wing show on YouTube right go on yeah yeah what if you don't want to open up oh wait yeah what would you say to that guy first of all number if I can get through this got now tip these wings now you look at wing challenges are actual [ __ ] that could be a show that should be on an age of HBO or something one I want to be at the top of your list okay riffraff I'll tell you what if I will how wins on this so you're the man you got it I mean so much to me Mad Dog 357 is number nine holy [ __ ] oh boy you cleared those beers yeah how many other thing I'm in Jesus wort 5d gee you have a song with little yachty yeah under yeah you know right now yeah and what I've always thought is interesting about you is got a lot of rappers will reference athletes right but everybody says like Kobe and LeBron and what I've always liked about you is your references are always a little bit more obscure so specifically I wanted to bounce a couple 90s baseball players off of you that you seemed to be interested in and you can tell me why they inspire you okay Julio Franco hey what I forgot to quit oh man getting dangerous over here why are you inspired by Julio Franco well hope I don't feel free clay but x-rays out his used to be cranking homers in a wild batting stance it was crazy do you think that Major League Baseball is kind of better when everybody was just on the juice man it was all juiced up it's kind of like a WWF but with baseball bats just balls flying out all over the place I kind of wish that everyone would just give it a concierge the Sammy Sosa Mark McGwire the best you're going back to back jack man I'm uh oh there I go yeah you got one more wing bro perhaps y'all will have that for sure five oh man oh wait do we have one more lap graduate yeah one more go it's tradition around here it's dad the last one you don't have to but I will oh how you doing not so good you guys gave it up be careful don't put too much oh man that's good that's good gosh dear oh you're about to run out of here what's up all right come on holla good but it was the biggest misconception about riffraff you will think I save over money as soon as I get I spend it we're gonna ask me for [ __ ] of our [ __ ] Sparrow from super trip all right amazing episode you made it all the way through from zero impressive and in a suit the floor is yours 30 seconds let the people know what you got going on in your life probably peed pants are coming soon movie console pee pad call Slim is out now holy [ __ ] and that's about it these pants are sign at all I might take this [ __ ] bowtie off me for real take it off I can't do it take that [ __ ] off oh my god wait what I thought that movie was humming with my that movie was fire you got how about two or three parodies you know if you don't these wait I'm gonna struggling on workouts that one just bites your ass wow great raps bottles do is the first time amazing I feel like these are the best Jordans
Channel: Complex
Views: 491,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: complex, complex originals, sneakers, magazine, news, entertainment, current affairs, men, man, young man, culture, cool, edgy, funny, complex tv, complex media, riff raff, hip hop, chicken wings, hot sauce, hot wings, spicy, food, 10 questions, 10 wings, neon icon, wing challenge, sean evans
Id: dSVL0QIRh1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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