Kyle Cease - The root Cause of all Suffering

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tonight's video is brought to you by left side hair pouf left side hair pouf for when you're going to make a video and you want to look a little crazy and speaking of crazy there's no way this video won't look crazy to a lot of people but I have to talk about this because tonight was a big revelation a big breakthrough um earlier today I was suffering you know when you're in a place of just sadness a lot of times when we're in sadness and I don't mean sadness like crying I mean that bloated II crazy suffering that's inside that immediately your mind comes up with the solution for it which makes it worse because now you're coming up with a solution versus just feeling the pain that you're in versus just being with it versus just allowing it it's almost like if the suffering was a separate person and it's going you know it was like a little kid and it's going mom our dad I have this one issue and you're immediately going well if we just take him to this if we just but you're not really hearing him like if your suffering was a separate kid our job is to listen to what the kids saying but when you just immediately go well we need to we need to fix him and put him in a different school we need to you know we need to do whatever do you make yourself suffer more one of the biggest ways to keep suffering and make it worse and worse and worse is trying to get out of suffering trying to leave suffering and there's that's that's a known thing there's teachers that have said that before and I was in this place of pain and tonight and I you know I'm doing this thing we're meditating a lot tonight I just said okay I'm not taking on any plans I'm not doing anything I'm just going to sit and listen to this pain and I sat and I closed my eyes and I heard all the voices coming up and it first was just in the silence all I could hear was my mind in the solution you know it was almost coming up with like three month long solutions okay you're suffering so if we work out every day for the data and I'm not hearing it I'm just hearing this solution and then I noticed in the meditation this voice that's coming up with these solutions and I started looking at that from a separate place I wasn't the voice doing it I was now the one looking at the voice I was the observer of that voice and then I noticed whoa do you notice that you're observing that look at that and then I noticed I'm observing that voice and then it was like okay we got to figure this out because uh and then eventually at one point this kept going and the meditation was an hour long tonight but it worked like this like it was like you you feel stress you feel no results and then holy crap results like around forty minutes it just went the other way and the reason was because my meditation didn't get me out of anything I always am out of everything it broke my illusion away in other words in the meditation I started noticing how my pain was only just thoughts and then I'm the observer of these thoughts but I had to sit and meditate and really notice that they're not who I am they're just thoughts and I just sat there and noticed how silly it was when my thoughts I thought I was the thoughts and I was like this but as I just sat there more and more and more and watched them they broke away they broke out of my heart my mind and everything like that and I was suddenly the space looking at everything I was looking at the story of Kyle I was looking at the the illusion there was an illusion that I was separated there's an illusion that you are separated from everyone else and everything else in the world and if you sit there long enough with your eyes closed you will prove that to yourself I'm so tired because I meditated for so long and I could see my eyes are just dead but what happened was it wasn't that the meditation got me to a place where I was the universe or I was the entire thing it's that I always have been and I just identified that I was caught in a lie and that lie was the illusion of separation it is an illusion the only way you have that your story is different than anyone elses story is your past you think you're different than other people because of your past story well I'm someone who makes this much a year you're someone who makes that much a year I'm this person who does this you're this person if you remove all the past stories and you remove the future stories you and me are the same thing we're just this moment we're just eyes and heart and lungs and then you start to realize there's no way that there's a separation you start to actually feel that experience aliy now I know this sounds nuts but if you actually sit there with your eyes closed and don't try to do anything and just listen to the stuff coming up if you think who you are as separate this is going to be really painful for a while because this is why it's hard for people to meditate because they think who they are separating and when you meditate it's death to separation it's the birth of what you are it's the birth of the awareness of what you are because you always were this you whether you like it or not you're totally connected even when you think you're disconnected even when you put yourself in the illusion of separation you're always connected to everything there are things that you have that keep you feeling separated like opinions opinions are something that make you feel separated and I'm not saying don't have opinions but it is interesting when you're like well you think this way I think this way now we're different and you're stuck in a place of survival because you're in an opinion who you are is divisive who you are is something separate and when you go when you hear your opinion go well the other way doesn't work I get that but it isn't about one way or the other it's about all of this is happening you are all of this your body is inside of you you're not inside of your body and when you meditate long enough you will discover that that's true you will discover that you are a space that is just observing the body observing this and you can actually prove it to yourself so I'm not just saying crazy airy-fairy things but an analogy I've used before is it would be like if you're an actor playing a character since birth and then you're trying to spend your life as the character finding the actor in other words gene Wilder played Willy Wonka but gene while but Willy Wonka doesn't have to do all this work to find Gene Wilder he is gene Wilder he's been Gene Wilder the entire time sometimes he might trick himself into thinking that he's Willie Wonka and if he was playing that character since birth he would think his identity is Willy Wonka a play this thing he'd be like I got to take care of the Oompa Loompas and someone be like dude that's not real and he's like no I got to take care of it and I got to do this thing I got to take care of this thing and blah blah and they're like dude you're Gene Wilder like okay well how do I become Gene Wilder you are okay how do I that's us how do I become more connected to the universe you are you can't get out of it you can trick yourself into thinking you're not but you are connected to whatever call it God call it the universe call it your intuition stay atheist stay spiritual whatever you want to say whatever thing you want to call yourself to keep you separated because you're all of this people will go well I believe it's God I believe it's Jesus Christ I believe it's Allah I believe it's Buddha I believe it's the universe I get it or you're atheist you guys this but you just compartmentalized yourself because all of that is contained within you so you are this whole thing and the more you allow yourself to embody it the more separation won't feel like it's happening outside your the entire thing and our pain is when we do everything we can to survive at the level of the separation and I felt as I sat there with my eyes closed for an hour I felt the pull away of myself and I would sit there and I would deserve this thing and observe this thing and break away and then eventually you start to realize all of that crap I'm stood they're worried about is not even real that's not real because it goes away and I'm still here the thing that I thought I was left tonight but I'm still here so I'm not the false identity I'm all of this you're me whether you like it or not you're looking at you right now you're watching a video of you right now you are talking to you do you understand that you are talking to you whether you accept it or not through meditation through enough connection through enough allowing eventually you will prove to yourself that you were watching a video of yourself and by the way you did a great job you are really good and I liked your hair despite what you thought of it I liked it you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 32,049
Rating: 4.9593391 out of 5
Id: p2oX6_e1THk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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