Death Of The Truth Seeker

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there's a speaker that I actually really like named Bashar who says that he is a very different definition of addiction the word addiction he says addiction is something you do over and over and over again because you don't realize you're doing it and when you realize you're doing it it becomes a choice and I really am discovering that's the truth for me is that everything I'm doing there's always anytime there's anything there's some underlying habit that we're just not aware of so there's all these different things inside of us that we're just not aware of there's an awareness issue and whenever were even in an argument with another person there's something we believe and we're not seeing a bigger picture and whenever were whatever it is so to give you an example I've had it before where I'm in an argument with my fiancee and I'll think to myself she doesn't understand me and that'll make me upset and I'll hear all these things that different speakers have said like the number one thing everyone wants and I've said it the number one thing everyone wants is to feel understood and that is true but what my awareness wasn't showing me was also that I need to learn to understand myself like that I can actually sit in meditation and understand and be and feel heard and really discover that without knowing it I was addicted to being understood outside because no one can understand every person all the way but we can understand why we do what we do and go inward and understand ourselves so that makes what I have going outward an addiction until I understand it until I understand the root cause of it the real thing and then it's a choice and sometimes I forget and still want to feel understood but I can all of a sudden switch to do I understand me and in those moments it's more of a choice than a problem and I can catch it quicker and with almost everything we're struggling with it's that we don't understand something under it and what's cool about life is it'll make a struggle until we understand that thing and I think for me one thing that I'm catching is an unconscious truth seeker that had some major experiences that really felt like truth to me and I've spoken about those concepts and they still serve a purpose and they served the purpose of getting me to where I am I believe until one day I find this to be false awareness but I can see that there's a part of me sometimes when I go deep deep deep inside myself if something's feeling off there are these principles that show up in me that I believe I'm supposed to do through all the different speakers and the different revelations that I've had in my past oh I'm supposed to take this action or I know that a low means something there's times where I know that when I have a low that means something good is coming I tell people that and I know that's true and sometimes I know that quicker than I feel the low sometimes I know right away that things coming and I stop myself from feeling it and then I don't learn until later that I was doing that later I discover oh like I wasn't actually feeling mellow I have all these principles in me I have all these things that I know are true and they're these principles that I've taught that really did serve a purpose for me like let go of something that feels heavy and there's times where I've shown that to people and it did help them and serve the purpose but I can see now that those were experiential truths at the time but all of those things might not be the deepest truth and some of those principles sometimes can prevent me from learning more and today I caught this habitual truth seeker that I didn't realize was such an unconscious thing in me and I caught it through struggle I caught it through not trying to catch it your mind might unconsciously be hearing that and going how do I find that thing whatever like we all have all of these unconscious things and we do that because we're not aware of something deeper and I can see and today I like located and caught and found this part of me that can get love through strategy it keeps the kid in male life that got love from my parents externally and I don't I don't even want to go through what it is like I can see all of these things and why it is but more importantly was I see it and I can see how at the deepest level all these things that I discovered in the past were principles that I'm trying to use now that are stopping me from discovering what wants to be discovered now and at the time they were true truths that I discovered and learned because I fell into some real place and surrendered or went to a place where it was too hard and then those revelations showed up so then I'm now hitting and type wall type things and then those revelations show up from here not here so I don't go here and I can see this unconscious level of truth-seeking that shows up and is actually causing the suffering because our minds try to mentally find the thing we knew before as the solution and then they prevent us sometimes from actually feeling the next level that we need to feel so in some ways of course there's still a truth seeker but I felt a level of it died today and I've got more excited about being a professional learner like I'm not saying now that's my plan because that's a declaration that also isn't what I'm doing but what I'm getting out of all of my meditations and all of my conversations and real experiences with my amazing fiance and through the different work that I'm doing is a lot more listening and I could see just at the next event the idea of me bringing this next level in that if someone's saying what they're going through not necessarily saying they're Britt still could happen say what the breakthrough is but like being in more surrender because that's the planet I feel like I live on now just like wow like working with them in that way like really listening to it with them on a whole new level and listening together and when I first had that breakthrough my mind was like okay so when I find the truth seeker it's a lie and the noticing that's the new truth seeker that's trying to come in but can see it like I can't help that it went to a deeper level so there's less of a solution here or a title or a theme but more of a surrender and just a listener just listening beyond listen to all the stories in you or the silence or your heart beating it's liberation for me it is today maybe that's not your truth and I so respect that for you too but for me there's nothing we have to do life's going to do it life's going to take care of things if you're in surrender to life it's going to answer things you didn't even know you had questions about in [Music] everything in meditation in whichever way you want to live your life whether you're watching a bunch of movies or going broke or on Facebook what's amazing about life is if you're really listening and open it'll give you answers and then it'll just give you it seems to me like it'll just give you an answer that you need to know then and it might be a truth for a while maybe even years but it might not be a truth later and you can move past your belief system that you got from a previous breakthrough and just listen now as if it's a total new moment so for me I feel like I without even trying snap past some level of truth seeking that was used as a way to stop me from listening so today is just my breakthrough and I really respect wherever you are and I'm just thankful that I have you to share this with and hope you know that you're loved in your pain or in your freedom you're loved and all of that and if you don't know that that's okay - happy fourth of July
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 9,612
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Id: w3-9IUTupEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2017
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