The "I've Got To Work On That" Lie

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hi and once again coming to you after did this one was close to a couple hours of meditation I know I'll do it a lot later today I know that almost looks like are you even living your life now you're you're just meditating so much I've never felt more alive in my life and when I think about you know the things we do that feel like we're living our life you know I'm not scrolling through Facebook nearly as much I'm not watching as many movies I'm I'm just so much more in bliss around nature I'm so much more present with the people around me and myself yesterday I probably did four or five hours and the times I wasn't meditating I was with Christie and she said that this was one of the best days of our whole relationship she said it was just the best day ever and some of the times she meditated with me sometimes we just ended up staring at each other it was just like all that awkwardness inside of us is leaving when you meditate you you start to see all these things inside of you that you unconsciously before didn't know were there and if you sit there long enough you start to realize other than sitting there and staying there there's nothing for you to do I think a lot of times when we do inner work we find these different issues that we have and then we say oh I see that I got to work on that you can't work on that people go I got to fix that one issue and me I always do that I always you know crave people's approval I got to work on that issue you can't work on that when you meditate and you stay there and by meditating I mean I'm talking about my experience with the way I do it which is just being and allowing this stuff comes up and you see it and if you stop everything I go I got to work on that then it stops coming up it becomes this thing that you got a fight now but if you stay there and you imagine that you don't have to work on it that just seeing it is enough because before you saw it it was something that was stuck in you that you thought was you that you thought was a part of you I you know you're just feeling this need for approval and then you stay there and then it comes up and you see it and usually if you stay there it'll show you a different thing under it it'll show you the reason why you have that you stay there it'll start to identify it'll pull up right in front of you the first time you needed it or the trauma that you felt when you didn't feel seen or something from you and you just stay there you don't go okay I got to work on that trauma because that trauma and those things are just trying to leave they're not these legitimate things they're just things that you believe are real so you put this resistance in you maybe it's that you're giving your power away to other people and you don't know it and by doing that you think those people are your oppressor they're their oppressing you I used to have that you think being in a relationship meant the end of freedom but that's not true at all I was oppressing myself with that belief and the idea that I could work on that versus just noticing that that's the lie already frees me by seeing the lie that's under it and I keep identifying all these lies inside of myself all of these lies that I have to to to fix I think instead now I go it's going to take care of it it's doing the work just by me staying still and seeing all these things then I spend all day without needing to fix everything and when I don't need to fix things I don't create the problem because when you try to fix something you create more of that problem and then you start to realize everything that you're judging in yourself is the only thing that causes you to judge what's going on outside and your resistance to anyone outside of you anyone the way their personality is the way that they even if they're judgmental if they have traits that you don't agree with your judgment of them only stems from your belief that you're separate and you not doing the work in yourself to find what you don't like about yourself because the more you do the work the more you realize there's nothing to change there's nothing to change in me and if there's nothing to change in me there's nothing to change in the world the world the problems of the world are really a collection of people who don't realize they have problems with themselves casting that on each other that's what's causing everything the war is everything people's judgement of themselves that they've never actually looked at and because they're scared to go inward and really look at themselves they move it outward and their problem with everything outside stems from their hatred of themselves and all of us have it to some degree because some people hate certain types of people some people have hate for different ethnicities some people have hate and then you go deeper and you start to find how crazy it is to have hate for the people that are judging because that's us judging and most of the people that hate different people paced themselves and have felt that they couldn't be themselves and for different reasons and once it becomes a given that that's just truth to them and they don't inquire inside and it's traumatic to go inside in their mind and they've developed a false identity with their ego but not their soul they've developed this false identity and now it's death to them to work on themselves so they spend their life judging the outside because it would be it would be death to their judger to work on themselves and they've developed this thing that doesn't want to be wrong but when you finally go screw it I don't like how much I hate other people I don't like how I've only banded with other people that hate so I can feel okay about my hating for other people everyone is feeling not allowed to be themselves and some people have just become such an expert at that that they develop something that's a defense mechanism and it's a false identity and that false identity gets love from other false identities and we're a collection of what we aren't and were or a public of what we aren't and weirdly as I do the inner work I go okay that's supposed to be happening and I don't even have judgment for that because that would make me enslave to think that anything should be different and if I open my heart up and I become what needs to happen by living this way and letting it come through and letting it do the healing of myself and letting myself go deeper and deeper and deeper and connect with this moment in this moment sees all the judgments that have habitually happened and learns to love them and it goes deeper and deeper and deeper and keeps digging out this judgment and goes deeper and deeper and deeper then that love goes outward and then if that love goes outward you start to see people for real which could scare them at first and they might run but some people will be wide open to seeing themselves with the same unconditional love that you see them and that will eventually as a by-product stop them from being so scared or hateful because what you are under that addict that anxiety-ridden person that fear-based person is infinite you are just love and you might go that's just stupid that's just crazy talk and say whatever you need to say to own your limitation but I own that you're infinite and you can join me in owning that you're infinite or use your mind to come up with all the examples in the past of why you weren't infinite which were all times that were moved moot that happened from your ego versus you you can't fix the things that you find in you the ego can't do anything to fix it but you can go deeper and transcend it because the real reason that you have a problem in any area is you're more addicted to outside being a certain way then you are - just connecting to inside of yourself and that takes deciding and just choosing sit for a couple hours stuff will break apart whatever comes up let it catch let it show up and then stay there and Morrel show up Dee pearl show up let it stay there it's leaving those things that are showing up if a dentist pulls something out of your tooth like an old old filling you're going to see it for a second you're seeing it because it's be getting pulled out of you they go look this was inside of you boom oh I see it I'm not going to sit there and go I got to do something about that no it's being pulled out of you I got to work on this no it's gone it's gone just stay there and let's see what you become on the other side of that
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 16,831
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: kyle cease, meditation, evolving out loud, daily insights, eckhart tolle, michael beckwith, truth, true self, inner work, transformation, presence
Id: VOCrufkHIH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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