Kurapika Abilities Explained | Hunter x Hunter

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krapika kurta from hunter x hunter what are his nun abilities first and foremost he is a conjurer but a specialist when his scarlet eyes are activated in terms of the six nun types his main core ability that branches off into multiple smaller ones to serve him in battle is his conjured men chains that he creates using his aura and each finger has its own unique power first is his dousing chain that resides on his ring finger that can be used for normal combat and striking an opponent offensively but also defensively in the battle against humanoid nen beans to test the strength of the bodyguards in the york new city arc grompika uses the dowsing chain to block and catch bullets in the holes of his chain he is shown attacking sayyard when manipulated by an end beast in the succession contest arc 2 restraining him kropika can detect the locations of people and see if they are lying via his chain as well this is first shown when he tests the bodyguards to see which one is the fake you meant to make a second guess but it was the wrong call i'll find out whether there are other infiltrators there you are you're the infiltrator when neon nostrade goes missing just by seeing a map of the area in which they are in he could pinpoint the location of her with his dowsing chain shall i go look for her do you have a map of the city it appears that your daughter is already in the cemetery building in the succession contest arc again karapika uses this to detect who knew about the contest when he was conducting lessons and teaching bodyguards about nen did you know about the succession battle not at all if i'd known why before we left i'm just the queens one at a time a simple yes or no you first i knew me too and the last example of this is when he was employed to do a check on the hunter exam of that year he detects multiple spies who attempted to be hunters pass he knows nothing fail he's mixing truth into his lies i thought we eliminated most of the spies in the first round under the pretext of a psychological test i didn't think so many could clear the thermography and lie detector changeale is the individual chain link on his middle finger that allows karapika to restrain members of the phantom troop and can even shut off the opponent's aura not allowing them to use their net abilities while trapped making the only possible way for a spider to escape it is with physical brute strength which even yuvokin the physically strongest member of the troop couldn't make it budge however as i briefly mentioned before this chain deal can only be used on members of the phantom troupe exclusively because karapika made a vow that if he uses it on any other person that isn't a part of the spiders he will die which is why the chain is so strong and nearly unbreakable the main example of this being used is in this fight against uvogin where he uses it to kill him chain jail the restraining middle finger this ability i will only use on the spiders its sole purpose is to capture them and deprive them of their liberty if i use this ability on anyone else i will instantly lose my life this is my vow a self-imposed restriction and proof of my resolve this contract with my nun carries a risk but its reward is greater power the changio strips captured spiders of their freedom and enforces zetsu so that's why i couldn't produce any aura zetsu shuts off your aura prisoners of the chain can only break it with brute force you're the strongest in the troop if you can't break it then the others won't be able to either kropika explains it further in a conversation with gon saying this one is called chain jail it restrains the target and forces them into zetsu i developed it to capture the troop when i fight them i use chain jail first to restrain them the holy chain that resides on his thumb allows karopika to heal the wounds he has taken in battle this is shown in his fight against uvogin where again he heals his broken arm in seconds after taking a direct hit from euvogen that smashed his bones holy chain healing thumb healing and recovery enhanced fully healed his smashed bones were healed in a flash the judgment chain resides on his pinky finger which allows krapiko to give an order to the target and if they do not follow this order they will die he's shown talking about the details of it to gone and this one is called judgment chain i stab the target's heart with this dagger and declare a binding rule break it and they die as you know there's a dagger in my own heart i was planning to use it on myself with the rule i must never attack anyone who's not in the troop with my chains but then i thought what if attacking myself meant breaking the rule i might be an exception since i'd be setting the rule after i stabbed myself but i couldn't be sure about that so i qualified it further i will use chain jail only on the spiders that means the judgment chain can be used on others too if i so choose but the chain has a condition as well i can only use it while my eyes are scarlet this condition was necessary because i'm a conjurer using the dagger enforcing rules on others are manipulative and emission abilities i cannot use them under normal circumstances once the conjured chain leaves my hands it will become too weak to be useful staking my life and limiting the range of the attacks were strong enough conditions for the chain jail my scarlet eyes enabled me to conjure the judgment chain when my eyes turn scarlet i become a specialist and can use whatever abilities i've learned to full effect and this is shown used in his fight against huvogen where he sets the rule to be that he must tell the truth honestly answering his questions which uogin doesn't oblige to resulting in his death this is your last chance i've stabbed your heart with the stake of retribution i'm going to set a rule breaking it will activate the chain and crush your heart the rule is you have to answer my questions with the truth if you do i'll let you live a while longer where are the others which you look in response saying get lost fool ending up in his death the steel chain resides on his index finger and allows karapika to steal someone's not ability from them he's shown stealing savored's ability in the succession contest arc as well as vincent's which i'll go over the details of later on and even if the original user of the net ability dies kropika won't lose possession of it and still will be able to use it also he is able to summon this being called stealth dolphin that is able to load the stolen ability before used in addition to analyzing it letting karapika know the details of the power and being able to transfer it to other people as well stealth dolphin index finger and emperor time it transfers the absorbed ability to someone else this allows steel chain to absorb another ability little eye is one of the stolen abilities krapika uses that he stole from say rid which allows him to take control over any being either the size of a hamster or smaller by sending a ball of aura towards it the user is able to then see out of the eyes of the creature and move it at will the ability is called rear window little eye a nen ball is used to capture a small live animal and control it it does not work on non-conjured creatures what happened to my ability it's still inside this you can keep it i wish i could but it will automatically return to you after one use i see i'll give you more of the rules i can only control creatures of hamster size or smaller i get information it sees and hears even from far away flies and mosquitoes are inconspicuous but they often get eaten or die from bug spray be careful you only get one chance to capture a creature i sometimes fail to capture the really fast ones use it well i hope you catch the culprit air blow is another stolen ability karapika takes from vincent in this case but even though he stole it it never gets used by him so not much is known about it other than vincent attempting to use it briefly until it got taken away from him gary garan is the last stolen ability which karapika was able to take from bill with his permission so that he could transfer the men to people during the water divination ceremony awakening their nen the power is said to accelerate a living beans growth rapidly when the user brings their hands close to it we see this used in the ceremony with seeds being grown immediately sprouting inside the water within seconds of being put down bill is an enhancer type and end user by using hatsu he is able to stimulate and hasten growth in his target bill is going to lend his powers to me and then i in turn will lend them to you and lastly emperor time karapika's most powerful ability is activated when his eyes light up scarlet red turned him into a specialist that can utilize all nen types at 100 efficiency this is explained in the manga further stating i become a specialist only when my eyes turn scarlet my specialist ability allows me to utilize a hundred percent of all types of men emperor time absolute mastery none abilities come in six basic types the type determines one's strengths and weaknesses when a conjurer learns abilities when a conjurer learns abilities other than his own his level of mastery would look like this for example if grappika is a level 10 conjurer the maximum level of mastery he can attain is level 8 for transmutation level 6 for enhancement and manipulation and level 4 for emission even after he had learned them the further they are from his own type the less strength he would acquire for example if karapika at level 10 and an emitter at level 4 use the same emissive ability at the same time the natural emitter would have more effectiveness however when karopika's eyes turn scarlet he can use the emissive ability at a hundred percent with an effectiveness equal to the emitter this huge power increase comes at a massive risk though with one hour of kropika's lifespan getting drained every second he spends in this state the rules for emperor time it shortens my life by one hour every second while activated which to put in perspective five minutes spent in this form translates to 12 and a half days of your life gone and that's just for a short battle 30 minutes spent takes off 75 days so add a few of those battles up and you've easily tallied off years of your life just like that but yeah those are all the abilities of karapika kurta from hunter x hunter i do daily videos like this explaining anime like hunter x hunter and all different kinds so if you guys are interested in videos like that be sure to subscribe and like the video if you enjoyed but yeah i'll see you guys tomorrow and peace
Channel: Laraze HD
Views: 13,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurapika, hunter x hunter, kurapika hunter x hunter, hunter x hunter kurapika, kurapika explained, kurapika abilities, kurapika nen, kurapika powers, nen, hunter x hunter explained, anime, hxh, kurta, kurapika kurta, scarlet eyes, kurapika scarlet eyes
Id: I-N40xN4lHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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