KSP 2 lost ALL my Progress - So I Speedrun Back!

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hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of my exploration mode playthrough in kbal Space Program 2 for Science and this is kind of a somber statement that I'm making right now I don't know what happened but my save file has gone like literally it's not here I don't know what happened in between my the last video I made and the video that I did after that which was the uh you know where I tried out the released version of KSP 2 versus the current version of ksp2 my my save file got deleted and I couldn't find it anywhere in any backups it wasn't in my recycling bin it didn't get renamed some random name so I'm at a loss I don't know what to do so we're going to have to start again but I don't want to like start again again like just do the whole thing as I did it before like doing separate videos for everything so I thought maybe this can be a blessing in disguise right let's just uh come up with a campaign name right now um exploration mode attempt to we'll call it co space agency uh two and we we give it I haven't got the custom Flags mod installed yet so we'll have to quickly set the the agency colors turn off Cadet experience we'll set the base as nice blue accent as white this is essentially choosing your space suit colors right so we'll have that and we're going to have to like yeah try and get to where I got to at the end of the last video which is we've done the Monarch mission and we're well on our way to go on do our first minmus mission uh let's try and get there as quickly as possible uh so maybe this could be like a good little tutorial in terms of how to unlock the tech tree as fast as possible once you've done exploration more than once uh you want to just get started a new campaign how can we do things efficiently and not like from a super beginner level like I did uh like I've done so far in this series this is kind of a weird anomaly episode I'm really sorry I just couldn't think of any other alternative Al alternatives to this so let's have a go so we're going to go to we're speedrun ksp2 for science so we're going to select the launcher rocket contract and then we're just going to go ahead and make a rocket um here we go so obviously our part selection is pretty much chosen for us there's not many things is there so we'll stick our little command pod let's grab some fuel we use this fuel T we go one two three that looks good we use the only engine we have available to us let's just clone this entire stack stick it down double the number fuel tanks to six for this stage that looks good uh two four six yep and then um rather than just cloning mindlessly actually let's go uh one let's go one two uh four uh six eight 10 nice clean round number there that looks good uh we'll probably need some side boosters as well so let's put some side boosters on now we got no side decouplers it will just be one big dumb core like this so I don't even need to have like the side boosters sort of set like that do I and then let's just check our thrust rate ratio is okay uh it's not 2.65 game let's get that sorted out 1.14 so we can get off the pad that's good is the rest of our staging on okay let's see boom boom boom boom great and let's oh the game just saved itself let's just uh pick a nice snazzy paint Scheme let's set the base color to white and then oh you know what guys we've got to have the SLS colors haven't we because this is a mat loud KSP 2 video and that's just what I do apparently these days so let's just set that there boom boom that looks good why not go for a a nice snazzy stripy upper stage let's have about blue and white that looks good let's go oh look at this isn't this just the dream and that looks pretty good let's launch so we're going to um get we're going to launch our rocket so let's just gather some signs on the launch first of all brilliant and here we are let's just get the countdown because we are speed running ksp2 now obviously uh the first mission we need to do is launch a rocket which uh you know we've now done but we're going to try and do a few contracts Allin one so I know from memory the ones you hand in the launcher rocket contract you then we get another little C eight signs already we are fly fing our way through this playr kind of I know for a fact that after you do the launcher rocket contract the next contract you get requires you to leave the atmosphere after doing that contract the game then tells you to get into a stable curban orbit during which you can then go on Eva to get an Eva contract and then the game requires you to leave low curbing orbit and head into low mun orbit uh in space high above M but still low man orbit to get another contract so you see where I'm going here with this we're we're going to try and do loads of loads of contracts with just this Mission so first of all I'm going to head into low kban orbit and then we can start rapidly pinging between the you know flight game screen and the uh Mission Control building and just keep on handing in contracts until we uh until we kind of get as much sence out of the mission as possible now I did consider squishing in the mun landing and visiting the golden mun Arch into this Mission as well but honestly I I just thought it' be easier to not do that because I want to try and maximize the amount of science we're getting and as you can see we've done science so far so can I open the science panel again well I can't but you guys seen it earlier in the video um and that is that we don't have the sign oh what's this oh yes so the first contract wasn't just to launch a rocket sorry it was to reach 10 km which which we've just passed that's why we' just got the contract reward there uh but yes uh to maximize the amount of science we want to be taking science experiments with us and I don't know if you can see we only have Valentina Kerman as our science experiment uh so she can any R crew observations things like that we really want the science Junior so then we go flight we can get lots of more science points environmental analysis all that stuff so we're going to get to man orbit and then just head back to kurban build a second rocket using the science junor and that will be supporting kind of the next missions so that's going to be the that's the game plan I'm recording this commentary live because I I really um I sort of panicked and spend a lot of time troubleshooting in how to get my save file back because again I really didn't want to have to do this um but I I just couldn't figure out how to get my save file back so I'm now doing this whole thing live so I'm commentating whilst also playing the game in real time hopefully you can't hear the obnoxiously loud clacking of my mechanical keyboard in the background it's also kind of tricky to um to play the game whilst also trying to keep up a lively commentary like this obviously when you play the game when you play a video game right you just stare at the screen and tap buttons and you don't have to be like all like whoa energy you know sort of thing so this is now me like trying to uh multitask in I'm playing the game to a somewhat competent level that it's worthy of your uh amazing support of this channel if you are enjoying the flight so far then of course a like goes a long way helps support me out and all that uh but in order to earn your likes I need to fly with reasonable skill so it's like a bit bit stressful but we're getting there we're getting there our apoapsis is now let's go for an apple absis of 80 that seems like a nice round number well 80 km to be more specific we got 873 me/ second in this stage remaining so plenty of fuel to U we won't be able to get a mun intercept with this stage it will run out to fuel but then we've got loads of Delta V even though this is only a small upper stage this will be burned in the vacuum of space so it will be a much more efficient flight than what we've done so far we're still kind of in the atmosphere let's just time up now until we're out of the atmosphere and then we can perform our circularization burn to enter a stable Loc in orbit at which point we will hand in our science contracts in fact to spice up the video let's do some danger moves we're going to save the game we can get some science experiments there we go uh we're going to go to the Mission Control building here we are and then we're going to go to plan this in submit yep submit yep submit submit yep thank you carry yes yep there we go thank you guys right out of the atmosphere we got track that mission great now we're going to go to the tracking station uh then we're going to find our rocket there it is right click control and we're going to there we are and we the mission great and then how far oh we still got a minute we're still a minute away fromis we're good back to Mission Control let's hand in that mission there we are out of atmosphere submit and then get carry kbon shut up there we are 50 science thank you science right orbit kbon we'll track that mission pocy test is another good one to track this just requires you to land a pod in a body of water on curban so we can do that after splashing down after any Mission so we can keep that tracked there right back to the tracking station we go and right click our vessel press control and we're probably near our Apple absis now yes we are so we should probably think about making a maneuver plan so just before Apple absis best place to make it and we're going to drag out on prograde on the maneuver plan until our parsis and apoapsis switch sides uh I'm not that fusted about it being perfectly circular in future that won't be the case there is a contract coming up that requires us to get a perfectly circular orbit of 100 kmers but now is not the time we have that contract so we can just relax and do a nice you know rough orbit here we are counting down there we are EX us the burn now and uh not much more to say really should we go to the map screen and have a look at that orbit up here here we go and wait for it aha there we are overshot slightly but it's fine right we' got a size Ro back to the back to Mission Control here we go orbit curbing submit gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha over and out yep cool thank you science now we can select monob bus that's what we're going next get into a man orbit with is between 60 and 24 or 2,400 km sorry so we can track that uh now going green which is a attached the science Junior to a vessel so we can't do that yet uh and then we got space Walkin which is to go on Eva we got all of these things selected we can already do one of them so let's go quickly to the vessel here we are control M oh sorry not M uh here we are let's unpause the game good one and go on Eva and there we are we have now done a science we've done science back to Mission Control let's hand in that contract it was a it was a secondary contract so we might not get any new ones at this point I'm going on very I've already done this I've already played through exploration mode like twice right once when I was practicing when the update first came out and once when I filmed the first episode so drastically different circumstances what I'm doing now let's go back to the tracking station and get ourselves a m encounter oh what happened there don't know let's uh with it we control here we go right to the map screen now one thing we have to be careful of we only have a very small amount of electricity 50 units and as you may have noticed we have no means of regenerating that electricity we don't have any solar panels and indeed we don't have any batteries to kind of help boost our um energy Supply however there are a couple of things we can do to help ensure we don't run out of power first of all during long kind of coasts in Time Warp con what on on Paris yep 98 that looks good uh yes um whenever we're doing kind of like long periods of time warping we're going to make sure SAS is disabled so that the ship is not consuming any power pass ly and also I kind of told a bit of a fib when I said that we don't have any means of regenerating electricity that's not quite true the Reliant engine no I got it wrong sorry the swivel engine has an alternator inside it so whenever we're burning this engine it'll regenerate our electric charge so I've purposely just left SAS on for this bit of time War just so we can kind of drain a bit more power and then as we start our burn which is now less than a minute away so we can actually start doing some manual time will speed that process say up here we go got to concentrate now on a terrible multitasker here we go and then watch this aha we're now back at 50 units and this is kind of what allows us to do these big crazy missions like this with only our first launch and in fact if you want to speed speed run the tech tree I've actually done another exploration mode playthrough where I kind of try to unlock as much as possible and in just the first flight I went and landed on elu and then returned to kbin so it's totally possible to kind of go very very far on just the first flight and you can oh that goes off I've just was talking whilst we lost all our fuel ran out and we can stage and we can continue There we are yes I went and landed at elu on our very first launch and landed on elu and then returned to cbin we got like a bunch of science like we got more science than I got that I've got in my entire exploration mode playthrough thus far so I'm now just going to cancel this time this maneuver plan sorry and just wait until you know 130 actually that's within the 60 to 2400 kilm uh Target isn't it so we can time war I'm going to wait for this thing to light up which it will do oh there we are so we're now in space high above cban presumably uh curbing High orbit there we go so now we got a bit more science and now we can just time up until we reach the man's sphere of influence if I don't get too time trigger happy with my time up okay we're now in space high above the mon so we can run another crew observation there we are and then I guess I'm not going to bother making a maneuver plan we'll just burn retrograde once we reach man paropsis because this is a very powerful engine it's optimized to be kind of a first stage rocket engine so it's got very good thrust weight ratio at the expense of efficiency but it's the only choice we had so um obviously it's not going to be a very efficient burn because it's not a very efficient engine to use in space but it's got very good thrust rate ratio this burn will be done in a jiffy so here we go uh 15 seconds away let's uh make sure we're pointing retrograde can't see a lock we turn a light on I didn't really do anything did it and then once we get let's just get a little bit closer I'm looking at this number here uh two seconds away let's just do it there we go and watch this and ready we're going to wait for these two things to swap there we go and let's see 100 131 I believe that is a number between 60 km and 2,400 so hopefully we have completed that objective let's have a look oh I clicked the wrong button apologies Mission Control let's go yes go go in green ah well this is a bug isn't it cuz I I don't have the SES Junior so maybe the devs thought that we wouldn't be able to get to orbit without the science Junior somehow either way I'm taking it all right I lost my save file to a glitch so I'm going to get it back using glitches so we got the monob bus thing yep great continue gotcha yep continue continue to spout my way through this talk there we are thank you science and let's see first dibs so this is going to be our next mission we're going to plant a flag within any marry on the man track that there we are the perfect circle establish a perfectly circular orbital curban between 99 and 101 km I.E 100 km is what he wants to aim for and also land on the sub of of the month we can track all of this that's going to be our next mission so let's go back to the tracking station and bring Valentina Kerman home and also you know um unlock some more parts in research and development so we can build an awesome M rocket that can not only land on the M but can carry some science equipment with it namely the science Junior the science junior is the only science experiment you get in tier one of the tech tree so um and it's going to basically carry Us carry our space incy for quite a while so let's just perform a nice maneuver no here 55 don't want to get too low of a periapsis CU remember we don't have a heat shield so one thing I've done to kind of mitigate the risk of overheating is we've got loads of fuel left 1,660 m/ of Delta V left despite us only needing 244 me/ second to get to curban this is by Design um let me just um concentrate now whilst I get to the maneuver plan here we go oh spit danger danger time Waring here we go great so yeah we got loads of extra fuel because we can do lots of deceleration right before we hit kban atmosphere so we're entering as slow as physically possible it's possible to reenter safely from orbital velocity so we can actually just kill our velocity before re-entry into the atmosphere uh to be below uh low curbing orbit Orit orbital velocity and that should hopefully Ure that's very low parsis isn't it but you know what I'm done I'm done playing games we're gonna we're going to take a risky strategy now one thing I didn't do was drop my Orbit down so that we could get signs from low man orbit oh spanic got bit trigger happy with time up oh gosh guys this is a disaster quick Point retrograde uh we just hope for the best uh this is not going well but that's say no this is a real legit raw commentary I don't know but yeah I I could have lowered my orbit around the month so we could get science from space uh low close to the m so what is it space above the m space in low I don't know space close to the man I could have learned my over to get that but again we can only run C observations at this point so really it's a pretty negligible amount of science we'd be getting we have enough science at the moment to do everything we need to do for the next mission so I wasn't really that fuss so there we are we have successfully re-entered with Nara temperature gauge in sight and for transparency's sake oh no we're not going to be splashing down in a body of water oh well maybe for the next mission we can do that the buyy mission it doesn't really need that much science I wasn't under I wasn't putting too much pressure on myself to splash down in a body of water for this particular Mission so there we are so once we pass through the clouds we can deploy the parachute try to deploy as late as possible so we can uh there we are didn't think it was going to deploy let's just quickly quick save in case the parachute breaks and there we are so now we just uh twiddle our thumbs and wait uh I feel like I've bit of it hyperactive during this commentary so far I apologize if I've been talking a bit fast when I'm like in I'm I'm I'm in a head space I'm trying to rush and get things done as quickly as possible so I can get this video out and I'm also trying to multitask and play the game as I've already outlined to a good and enjoyable level uh that I end up I might be talking about bit fast so apologies for that let's quickly see we can do an experiment but look sub experiments must be run by Kerbal on Eva well in that case we better get Valentina out I do not think the space suit is necessary at this stage but you can never be too safe now here actually this how you fix this bug see how the ground is really pixelated we go map screen and back and now it is fixed might be patched out by the time you get to watching this video but hey just in case you want to know and there we are board press recover I'm going to press make a quick save recover The Vessel confirm back to the KSC now let's see we didn't do any additional missions did we no great so let's go to R&D and start unlocking everything so we want to make sure we get the science Junior that's the most important thing after that uh doesn't really matter actually we want the terrier engine we definitely want the terrier engine let's get that probably want M Landing as well considering you know that's what we're going to do next and then we need a solar panel where's the solar panels uh probes there we are solar panel and then it doesn't really matter maybe aerodynamics um 350 oh wow we got a lot didn't we we need the heat shield so guys this is not a Tut despite this being technically part of my tutorial Series this is not a tutorial because I'm literally just blindly unlocking anything without really thinking about what I'm doing because we we need to unlock this whole Tech Tree we need the whole of tier one and a a bit of tier two so I'm just literally I'm not really putting much sword into this so small payloads yep uh basic docking we got any more no we can't lock anything else great let's press F5 and uh go to the not revert cpal Space Center here we go so now we have some more parts let's just time up so it's daytime for our next mission a beautiful sunrise lovely right Vehicle Assembly boarding let's go so so um let's build a Mander let's name this works bace B cuz I forgot to do that and the game doesn't autosave ships so actually I can't use that previous rocket that's a shame so let's just uh save y save I never know what any of these titles mean they all look like the same thing so there we go Mander let's go we're going to add a parachute um there we go I don't like the I want to just hang on let's just build it nice and clean white color there we are right now first things first we got our capture there but now we need to add a heat shield oh there we are and we're going to add aoua and then where is it anticlimax there we are the science Junior boom and then the big FLT 800 fuel tank love it and then we'll add an an engine which will be the terer beautiful vacuum optimized engine that's perfect for any M Lander and many other Landers as well not just the mun got to try and be inclusive to other celestial bodies on this channel now we can add maybe just a couple of batteries we'll do and a few solar panels to boot as well that way we can now generate our own electricity and that looks pretty good from mland just frantically eyeing it up don't think we need add anything else so let's add uh an orbital transfer stage so just another FLT 800 fuel tank we'll do there with another Terrier engine and then we'll add our assent stage now we don't have fuel lines which is a shame so we're going to have to do uh this so we'll add one two three little one as well and we'll add the swivel engine that will steer the rocket we need more power though to get where we need to go so let's add a couple of decouplers we'll put them this way actually so they're the right way around upon launch because we want them to the left and to the right of the rocket right not above and below if that makes sense during Ascent two three again and then we'll just we'll do the same thing and where's the Reliance there we are so the Reliance will burn through these faster than this engine will burn through this so these will still stage first but there's no fuel transfer between the stages this is like you know Falcon heavy Delta 4 heavy what have you and we'll add some nose cones as well and then finally We'll add some separat Rons to help sure these definitely safely separate that looks good to me and in fact actually we should probably good practice and some struts like that lovely now in in terms of what we uh do for a color scheme um I guess Delta for heavy right let's do that so assembly no we want part base orange again so Del heavy is kind of like this isn't it this is not very hugely accurate because this is not this doesn't look like a Delta for heavy does it but regardless and then for the Lander let's go for a white base with a let's go for a red accent there we are perfect boom color it all I love it uh there we are there and there maybe we could add some like little flares of colors like a turquoise batteries they look good and maybe like for the science Junior oh I bet purple purple and black who that actually I don't know maybe maybe maybe maybe no color that looks pretty good to me and we're wasting too much time on something very unnecessary so let's quickly save this ship there we go um and sort out our staging so these separ ones go there this goes here oh yep that looks good and we definitely got good thr St ratio oh just barely so it's fine what was that alert there was an alert vessel is missing RCS I don't care so uh let's not take Valentina again let's take Jebel where is he there he is and there we are so here we are on the Launchpad we're going to throttle up and just launch skip the countdown here we go oh and we can do science no we can't it's going to be zero what five oh yeah of course cuz we got the science junor now haven't we I forgot this is our first flight with the science J look at that the Delta Delta small heavy Delta one heavy I don't know so uh yeah we're just going to go straight up until we get to I don't know like 300 M off the ground and then we can just start uh turning towards the 90° Vector which actually I was going the wrong way because I was instinctively tapping D on the key but of course I spun the ship around in the VAB that the boosters would be kind of like to the left and to the right rather than above and below like it would be by default which we don't really want because it kind makes the separ separation of the side boost is slightly more dangerous but you know I do love a bit of danger so guess nothing of value was learned I need to sip of water oh lovely oh there's no clouds that's a shame I like punching through the clouds as part of my uh Ascent but yeah my goodness the atmosphere has come along Leaps and Bounds yeah it was really eye opening playing the release version of Kerbal Space BR 2 for my last video I mean ultimately it was a shame cuz clearly I don't know what I did but I did I must have done something during the filming of that video that caused the deletion of my four science playthrough save I don't know what I possibly could have done because I've got other exploration mode saves that weren't destroyed when I loaded the game up in its release version so I I don't I don't know what happened I do not know what happened if there is there a bug is there a bug that people know about where if your save game can get wiped somehow then do let me know in the comments below oh look at that look at that for a look at that for a shot let's just oh look at that perfect anyway where are we for our Ascent wasn't I haven't really been looking at anything it's relevant like over here so uh we got a pretty good altitude let a for let's gradually tip towards the 30° angle and then we'll hold that whil we wait for the remaining Delta V for the side boosters to drop to zero say you know we're kind of getting close to the upper upper parts of the atmosphere so we can start running flatter and flatter are we in the upper atmosphere yet can we not run a science Junior yet yeah whatever as you can see we're running out of fuel in those side boosters let's just keep an eye on the flames and wait for them to run out and then we can stage oh here we go here we go and that is stage separation beautiful and then you know 500 me/ second remaining in that Central core we can start actually we got a really we got I need to be burning way flatter actually we're quite high in the atmosphere it's really hard to multitask talking and flying at the same time as I've said that's probably the third time I've said it now isn't it um I must have just run experiments in the upper atmosphere then and not noticed now I'm going I'm carrying on burning to raise our apoapsis because of course we need to circularize perfectly between 9 99 and 101 km in low curb in orbit before we proceed to the m so we are about to run out of fuel in this stage 97 as our up up we're nearly there just do a tiny burn with our Terrier engine I did we get it on the first time you might have to do kind of a circularization burn and then a sort of modification burn just to fix things I that's a pretty good initial start are we in space yet let's time up to space and then we'll uh make the maneuver plan because obviously when we're not in space we can run the science Junior as well we're not in space we're kind of still being slowed slightly by the atmosphere oh this is not a very efficient orbit at all so I'm probably going to need to do a correction burn to fine tune our robit once we get it but let's just let's have a go anyway so let's see paropsis so this is way too eccentric let's just drag on the maneuver plan maker see we can get it a bit more circular oh that looks better uh 102 95 why is this not circular let's just let's just delete this right just confirm I loaded it with dynamite it's fine uh sort of like I really wish you could make maneuver plans while the game was paused I feel that's a bit of an oversight like surely that's one of the massive benefits of having a pause button right is he can make stuff on the Fly pun intended I don't know uh God I need to make a circuit robit like I suck I suck at this game clearly oh that looks close that's pretty close you know what I I haven't the patience to play with this any further let's just go with that oh actually I've made a quick save let's just let's just keep trying maybe just a bit more oh that way where we now 103 93 I went the I've went the wrong way drag it this way right 97 98 come on come on can we get it 98 98 so so so no we can't basically right so uh let's just time up now to the burn oh we can't cuz we're too close let's just do some manual time warping danger time warping here we go or um and burn there we are and we just do some time W Benning as well why not I feel like we got a lot of a lot of periapsis raising to do haven't we let's see so we're going to drop out a time up now and just watch oh can we zoom out six five four so we're just use the numbers now the numbers jebba oh oh that was that was pretty close wasn't it let's just time up to Apple apsis do a small prograde burn and then we should be good let's see so where is our hopsis there it is and uh let's just uh Point prograde come on quicker there's nothing to see on the map screen really is there so on the on the gameplay screen sorry it's too dark so we'll just stick to the map screen for now we need to just raise our parpis to anything above 98 99 really so where are we where is are okay so in seven six 5 4 3 2 1 small burn now there we are that looks like yep 99 so let's go hand in that mission see if we can get any bonus missions whilst we continue on with our M Landing Mission so can Jo you over and out yep thank you science it's eccentric get into an eccentric urb curban orbit well we're going to be getting into an eccentric curban orbit any anyway on the way to the m so it's a good thing we handed in that contract let's go back to this screen press control and uh set about plotting our M encounter so let's uh what am I how how you get to the m again it's great a maneuver plan it's sort of exactly exactly where we we are now let's just time walk to get out of the spot I need to Pi maneuver plan in there we go right let's make a maneuver plan drag out on prograde now we don't want to get into an equatorial man orbit right because we need to be landing at the place that has the uh the golden man Arch so we want to actually be slightly eccentric because it makes it a bit easier then to plan a pass over the specific place we need to get to uh maybe not that eccentric although I don't wasting wasting time again this is like a speedrun video that's way too much I've I've messed this up I flown too close to the sun too close to the man I don't know uh wh That's just go this just just just oh come on there we go you know what I don't care that's fine let's just do the maneuver so let's point to the maneuver vector and then once we're locked on wait for it there we will initiate some time warp and our beautiful sunrise there and commence the burn uh yeah so um we have obviously I'm kind of playing this through with the knowledge of what comes next after the man landing contract and what comes next is landing at the golden man Arch I've done lots of videos on at this stage so um hopefully you're familiar with what it is but that's our next contract so we're just going to land at the site where that I know to be the Manar location we'll hand in our M Landing contract and then that should just pop up and then we can automatically get it um in this same Mission so here we go actually probably just stop make a quick save then do this so we can use some time War burning time War burning I find can be a bit hit and miss uh sometimes it can just freeze although I hav got to worry about watching this because look we're going to run out of fuel before we get our M encounter so we can just do our burn there we are oh no not yet the game just dropped out of time up for me thank you I guess I think wait for it wait for it I forgot that the terrier engine is more efficient it takes a bit longer to run out of Delta V with this and there we are now what was the I did actually check what the parameters to get uh Ecentric curb in orbit were hopefully it will just automatically give us the reward anyway let's just we're about to find out I suppose so here we go continuing with our burn still not still not giving me a still not giveing me a contract reward should I do I do it should I just go and check did I actually get it and I just missed it cuz I was looking at something else I was staring into outer space as it were right there you go so that's the thing done um focus on the month there we are let's aim for I don't know 30 that's way too low let's quickly Point retrograde whilst the ship is doing that I don't if this is going to work if the ship will continue spinning on its own without me oh there we go it's eccentric I got it nice I did it thank you SS so no more contracts are com through now so we can just relax a little bit back to the tracking station where is my rocket control here we go and uh oh thought the thing had separated but it's just cuz I've got that dark silver science Junior haven't I so let's focus on the man again when it you know that's good 34 and then we will uh I guess just time war time War to the m right and then we're oh we got a science thing oh yeah we're in high orbit which means we can get more science Junior stuff and now that's it we can just Time Warp to the m don't want to get too trigger happy with Time Warp because it'll be a disaster if I have to do a quick save or load of Qui load of quick save I should say cuz again this is like I'm trying to speedrun this so we're not even going to bother making new a plan again in fact actually going to get high M orbit science and then we can just time up down to periapsis and just do a manual retrograde burn from there or actually let's no let I want to instill best practice into my audience so let's make a maneuver plan there we go perfect doesn't look that symmetrical does it oh kind of is let's just uh let's see if we can get that a little bit more Circle get it a little bit more Circle brilliant gramar let's just forget about that and just do the maneu plan and do some Auto time who as well thank you I know game can we get rid of this stupid thing like oh you can't get solar power I know I can't see the sun I can put two and two together as to why my ships not generating power sorry mini mini rant about something that really you know Dev there are other prioritize when it comes to updates for this game so let's uh circularize at the M here we go wait for them to switch sides boom close enough 32 38 I'm happy with that so the oh my gosh this is such an eccentric orbit but it doesn't matter so now we're going to go to Kerbal Space Center to remove the specific time warp restrictions of our craft in low man orbit um we'll go to the tracking station going to the tracking station from the KSC and not directly from your your ship uh will mean you've got full time War control apart from this last one but I think this is for the interplanetary distances so control we're going to watch for the location of the uh of the man Arch so we're going to there we go so I tell you where it is it's it's here aha it's like here so wow I've I like paused that in exactly the right M didn't I so control and then we'll go back here now now where is my ship there it is so let's make a maneuver plan and point it so we're kind of coming down over the location of the Monarch I think the Monarch is like here I think if memory if memory serves me correctly so we'll do a deorbit burn and then we'll just look it's actually really easy to spot the man Arch from orbit in this game sorry I choked on nothing um in c space one it was quite challenging to spot the man Arches from man orbit uh in fact when I first started playing the game little uh backstory law thing now when I first got the I knew of the man archers cuz they were featured in um the official KSC KSP like trailers and media I suppose but I really wanted to find one on my own without you know looking up a tutorial about where they were and I literally was just orbiting them on for hours and hours I had like full zoom on the surface I literally for the life of me could not find one so but this time in this game it's it's much easier to locate them and I I just overshot no so once we get past this little lighter crater we can start I think burning a bit more retrograde we can set our thing to surface do you guys see the Monarch yet I do not but I think it's over here so let's just press on shall we uh great we going to be focusing mostly on killing our horizontal velocity let's make another quick save and it should be coming into view where is it oh no please don't s please don't tell me I got it wrong its location maybe I'm just not in the drawer distance thing yeah is that it there that's it there I think or is that a star I think it's just a star oh I got excited there I swear it's supposed to be here oh there it is there it is I see it you see it it's over there am I gonna undershoot uh somewhat well I'm I'm more gonna oh I don't know how these North and South controls work nor nor it's anormal and normal isn't it so let's just do a bit of burning this way is that enough have we deflected our trajectory enough oh I don't know where's it gone there it is just a just a just a t just a touch more I think let's just do another quick save just a or just a touch more just we got loads of Delta V oh my gosh actually no we haven't got loads of Delta V I thought we had another stage some somehow whoops well we've got enough we got enough it's fine we need like 500 Delta V 500 M second of Delta V to get back to um man orbit so got that time up it oh that was way too much I think I'm going to overshoot oh no disaster come on come on little Terrier you can slow down the rocket yes it's going well I think I think think it's going well it's not going well we're overshooting we're massively overshooting it's not gone well this is not gone to plan I feel like a fool am I going to crash into the surface in fact I don't know guys I think we're too far away let's just deploy our landing gear oh I don't know it's going to be close in terms of our um oh we're tipping over quick get get the science get the science okay go just just we're just going to do uh a safe we can just use this opportunity to just get cuz we got the um we got the thing right we got we did the mission to land on the m so now we'll just slowly hop our way over to the Monarch nice and safe this is great I'm having I'm having I'm having fun are you having fun if you're not having fun why aren't you having fun that's not allowed on this channel even though I've just spent the whole video talk about how stressed I am playing this this game this game this cursed game oh we G much longer we're going to end up having a a live Whiskey Review at seems H people can be ask me to bring that back the whiskey reviews always kind of a joke they were just to help like circumvent copper when that was a big thing when youtubeers like terrified of like getting their monetization removed because of copper oh my gosh oh this is really scary how much Delta V I got I think I've got enough Delta V come on rotate faster don't tip over do not tip over again 882 m/ second I don't actually know if that's enough to get back I think we might have used too much it's going to be very close we may have to get Jeb out on Eva to do a push but we might have enough so let's be optimistic and uh you know just assume that we've got enough so let's see Jeb can get out on Eva I mean worst case scenario we can just leave him in orbit and go and rescue him on a separate Mission so plant a flag that should get us the M marry are we in we actually in a m marry actually or or are we in the monument or in the monument we need to plant a flag in a Manar I think is the objective so let's just uh are we uh are we outside the monument zone now we still in the let's just try it anyway cuz it is in uh the marry Zone to be fair here we go come on jeble beautiful even got the flag right as well oh look at that we did get the science reward and we can do a surface sample collection also let go very well this and we've got crew observations um from the uh The Landing site just in case I actually am in a different biome we may as well run a um a CW observation did he do it nice okay we already got it fine cool cool cool so let's go back to the ship and try not to knock it over by slamming into the side of it that would be most unhelpful if that happened all right there we are so let's go to Mission Control so first dibs we got it nice got out yep one small step we did it nice oh they're all clapping nice okay now Muna signal we can track that we're already there escaping curbing we can do these two on a separate Mission but let's just track them anyway for brevity's sake right tracking station control we've done it back to the mission control ah we've done the big plot Mission there we go if you want to see me like actually reading through these in a bit more detail then you know bad signal that's what we that's where we got to I recognized that I recognized this contract that I couldn't fulfill so we'll just leave those unselected for now so how do oh yeah tracking station had a complete mind blank now is the moment of truth though do I have enough fuel to get back to curban this this could oh that was I turned my volume up just then it was very loud uh let's just go so we want to be pointing I need to be as as efficient as as actually possible so here we go look at that starting our gravity turn using the M's gravity it does save no fuel whatsoever but whatever we're wasting a tin we're wasting an insignificant amount of Delta uh getting off the ground so you can focus purely on horizontal acceleration I don't think we got enough guys I really don't think we got enough this is really scary oh no say it ain't so it's going to be so close what's what is orbital velocity on and on the mon I've forgotten this is really really kind of close we need like 300 to get back to curban from LMO oh my gosh this is so close this is so close okay 30k let's just go SL 34 so I'm so nervous I'm really nervous I don't think we've got enough it's going to be very glad why didn't I add an extra fuel tank I added those stupid tiny fuel tanks to the first stage this a joke and now I was like oh actually probably should have added even more fuel although that being said we yeah so that's 29 me/ second so oh my gosh this is going to be super duper duper close we definitely can get back because Jebel can push but I really don't want him to do that he's worked very hard he's done so many missions for us you know this he's done one Mission but he's done he's he's done one mission in the sense he's gone to the man in this rocket in one flight but he did a lot of things for us his contributions to the Space Agency have been in have been non insignificant to say the least look at that 983 science come on Jeb and we got lots of science on board in fact oh here we go time War has initiated this is I'm nervous I'm nervous so 30 seconds to parsis appoes I should say sorry let's use some manual time warping now oh there we go and burn oh stop okay we are now in M orbit but do we have enough here we go we'll just make a new all oh oh no but can we oh we had enough it was all fine there was never any pressure I'm a good I can play this game it was fine oh Lord um I'm not going to should I try and aim for a splash down you know what the buoyancy thing we can just leave that and if I don't get a if I don't randomly get a splash down at any point of this Mission I'll just do a quick rubbish you know flea engine hop off the pad and into the water I wonder if you can get the bocy test actually by Landing in the Kerbal Space Center swimming pool that' be a fun little thing to try not now not now I'm just stressed you know we got to get I don't even know how long this I don't know how long I've been recording for hopefully like it's probably been like it's probably like 2 hours you know time is uh time is relative and when you're flying I don't know I I'm not very good at improv lines like this I know I'm no um Socrates I had to suddenly think of a philosopher I'm not very good at remembering famous names of people it's uh what you would call my my Archimedes heel huh there you go you see I can make jokes on the Li sometimes let's get PSIs to be uh within the atmosphere will be a good start uh 30 20 21 fine great and 30 oh look at this I should have just acted all cool like I've got enough Delta v i engineer I won that KSP Esports event with B penguin of course my teammate can't take sole responsibility oh we are looking very promising for a water oh my god of done it again sorry we're got to Stage quickly cuz uh it's a bit right oh no we've not got solar power why all right cuz we've ditched them oh this is is this a beautiful site oh get past this body of land please thank you we this isn't staged right I did check my staging maybe I didn't check my staging don't tell Scot everyone oh no slow down stop miss the land come on the Flames of rangei have disappeared but we are still traveling far too horizontal there's a quote Oh it was all fine again shouldn't have panicked should have played it cool we are going to splash down and net ourselves the buoyancy Mission and we are coming in down oh beautiful Starry Sky and we're not the parachute is not deploying so I guess I did check my staging so you can all go tell Scott that I did already deployed perfect and then once you splash down we can gather some more science a negligable a negligible amount of science I admit because um we uh what was I going to say we've um we've got a lot of science basically we've got 983 I think it's like four science when you do environmental survey from the water but you know every little counts we're trying to get all of our science back so we can just uh run a surface survey oh hang on run surface survey here we go I wonder if the animation is different in water I know I've seen this before yeah that's nice is it and I also like this this is a fun Le drag ready like kerbals can swim way so fast look how fast he swis it's way faster than their running speed which like lends um uh oh yep yep which helps with the theory that kerbals are aquatic beings so let's recover The Vessel really don't want to press revert by accident KSC right let's hand in our contract which is of course the buoyancy uh we are buoyancy test unrack oh no wait wait what but I did that did I not track it oh for goodness gosh it's fine we'll just do another mission it's fine oh I'm really annoyed I didn't track it clearly but let's unlock some things first so power launchers I gu let's just unlock everything in this tier first you we've got loads of science let's just unlock this we if memory serves me correctly I unlocked two oh thank you I unlocked two of the top things in tier two so we unlocked medium launchers we also unlocked fuel lines and oh Precision arody dyamics we got as well and then enhanced Electronics oh we haven't got that yet now do we have oh hang on have I messed up do we have a probe core because we need to get oh we've just got the rubbish one oh no can I go back wait hang on VAB what probe CS do I have CU we've got to get the lonely satellite contract right oh oh it's fine this is fine it's all fine we didn't need to panic again I should have played it cool so actually you know what I can't be bothered let's just use the rocket we used before to quickly grab a couple of cheeky contracts this looks rubbish doesn't it uh do we have as extra extra SW I guess not this is fine though we're going to do the lonely satellite contract which I'm actually going to double check I um selected now after that embarrassment of a of a buoyancy test fulfillment uh buoyancy test lonely satellite probe core antenna and solar panel good so we're going to do escaping curban and lonely satellite all in one go and then that I think we're going to call it at that then we're at the same level we were at before my game got deleted somehow so Vehicle Assembly Building here we go so this is an antenna right there's no distinction it's uh High Gain antenna Deployable antenna static antenna let's go with this one cuz it looks cool and un folds and uh yeah let's just uh oh the staging got messed up again perfect right let's just go oh who should we take let's take um you Tim where's there is Tim C kman let's go for what will hopefully be the final launch of this Mission thank goodness what a what a what a what a stupid looking rocket as well what a what a rough ride it's been so I hope you guys enjoyed whatever this was I'm sorry that's how you know a video has been good right when it ends with the YouTuber saying I'm sorry you have to sit through and watch it but you know I I've also this wasn't like it wasn't my fault guys all right it wasn't my fault the game I'm I'm having a simple water my throat's just dotting up the game I'm back the game it did a whoops you know I it wasn't my fault it wasn't my fault my commentary has been recording this one I've just seen the time it was 53 minutes so this is going to be like an hour long video at this rate how embarrassing I mean hopefully it's not too embarrassing in the sense that I've done all this in one take right I haven't need to do any quick saves and quick loads admittedly just by the skin of my teeth ride like things got pretty close on the m mission I guess not too close cuz again we did always have the option of Jeb Kerman just getting out of the capsule and pushing with the Eva pack but you know bit rubbish that isn't it when this I'm supposed I'm a so-called expert player of this game to be doing Shenanigans like that to get back from something as simple as a man landing but we it was all fine in the end I mean I probably would have just quick saved then edited it out but I promise you hand on heart I there's been no I haven't loaded any of the quick saves I've been making and we have 10 km Mark aiming roughly 45 uh degrees on the nav ball and then we're just going to continue our gravity turn to orbit once again I suppose we could have made the rocket more efficient right by just adding some fuel lines to these side boosters for the Delta small heavy whatever whatever ridiculous name I settled on in the end for this machine but at the end of the day this was designed to land on the man it's got more than enough Delta V to get into deep space I mean if we talk about efficiencies right I could have easily got rid of these Landing legs which you didn't need but you know time time is of the essence time is very much of of the essence so we're going to continue our gravity turn aiming for the kind of the 30° Mark at this point whilst we're sort of this height in the atmosphere look at this we're running out of fuel so now most of my attention is now going to be focused on this number here waiting for that moment at which these engines flame out and we can press space to stage and get rid of those side boosters there they go I could have added um the pointier nose cones as well that was rubbish was it the more aerodynamic nose cones to those boosters really a lot of inefficiency well let's put it this way this rocket was very as very inefficient design as is this flight I just realized Apple apps is now in space I should have been pointing way flatter uh this rocket is of inefficient design but for the video it's efficient from like a video standpoint right because it meant less time in the editing you know does that make sense I I have no idea I'm losing I'm losing the losing the will to continue at this point um waiting for this to run out and then we'll just circularize whatever I perhaps this landed on didn't quite get to 90 but it's fine let's stage point PR grade as well cuz we know don't want too many losses to the atmosphere now I can't remember what the contract was for lonely satellite is it just low curbing orbit or was it get to an eccentric orbit I think it was just low curbing orbit right I guess we're about to find out we can deploy this I don't if that's a prerequisite for the contract but let's do that anyway and uh make a maneuver plan actually that would be helpful wouldn't it when it comes to getting to orbit I don't care if it's slightly Ecentric or anything just anything Paris is too low there that is beautiful it's got to be perfectly circular isn't it not quite but it doesn't matter and then PO on the maneuver plan and then time up oh come on game we can Auto time up faster than that surely let's just do some let's I'll do it myself and then can we do it there we go burn oh stage that would help right and then we'll just do a speedy speedy burn now I hope that's going to work I hope this wasn't taken into account the the thrust rate ratio of the previous stage right that would been that would be disappointing come on periapsis come on get above 70 that's 50 that's 60 and that's 70 and it looks like we've got the LLY satellite contract so it's fine so let's just this is stupid isn't it um right uh Mission Control let's just confirm we did we got the lony satellite submit do we get any more we could possibly do on this Mission thank you science no and this is definitely tracked bcy test uh tracking station there we are right and then let's control and just let let's just leave let's just I don't want to be in orbit of this planet anymore so we're just going to go ahead and we'll make a maneuver plan let's make it all official make a move plan and just burn until we leave there we are not going to think very hard or you know at all about that maneuver and looks like we're nearly there because I placed it right in front of my ship so I'm not surprised in the slightest and then let's initiate the burn and look at that we out run out of fuel so let's just put it on Max oh okay thanks game keep going keep going game I don't care if we like Time Warp through running out of fuel okay fine have it your way there a 70 and we're going to get a 60 and then we're going to get a 50 40 you get you guys know numbers right if you play c space program okay and there we are there's 10 nearly running out of fuel there it goes and stage and stage and now we'll actually watch the map screen and wait for our orbit to leave that of cban so here we go I'm going to kill the throttle basically as soon as our app capsis disappears don't need to waste fuel getting any higher although again we have more fuel than we need in this rocket because this is a man landing rocket and all I'm doing with it is going to deep space and back and there we have it perfectly perfect perfectly perfect brilliant English and then we'll just time up until we've left we've left this terrible place and there we are and we're also going to set kban as our Target and then we can do a few bits of science there we are couldn't do this the first time I did it in the video because there was a bug timc Kerman I don't think um oh that was weird I don't think Eva reports are a thing actually now are they so uh We've we've got the uh crew observation right let's just double check I did get it crate there we go oh we've already got it never mind there we are no lots of science there and then we can point towards our Target which is kbin quickly make a save game in case I mess this up somehow be very embarrassed if I did but let's just burn and we just going to get a super inefficient capture back at kban just going to wait for it and keep waiting come on cban oh there we go we got yep we got a kbon encounter nice and where is kban oh wait that's not kban I'm not focusing on kban there's kban Focus hooray and then let's just get a paropsis perfect a paropsis of 30 beautiful wouldn't want any less you know we're really uh pushing the threshold when it comes to a high speed re-entry aren't we so here we go we reenter please say I'm re-entering over a body of water because that would be big sad if I wasn't what I can do actually I could just be cheesy about it right we'll make a quick save and then we'll just do a quick load if I don't land in water so here we go got do let's just do let's do another danger stage right I've done it every Mission this flight so far oh hang on let's just drop out a time up first uh Point retrograde that would be helpful oh no we're coming in over but is that is that water I see on the horizon maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe not or maybe but maybe maybe not baby stop decelerating so much I can point I can point I can burn this way come on oh it's all the dream's over the dream oh there's some there no can we get there can we get up here I think the dream is over oh we were so close how good would that have been if I landed in that but maybe there's still time maybe I land in like a mountain Oasis that clearly there isn't one but let's just pretend anyway and here we go um I guess now is a good time to deploy the parachute doesn't look like it's deploying is that cuz it's bugged oh it's probably because I got time war on isn't it there we go and yeah kind of a bit of sweet end oh no we're like oh we're like five oh we're like five science short of the next oh no we're going to hand in Mission contracts anyway so we're fine oh no have no have we been handing in the mission contracts I'm already uh confused if we're like that short I will just do a quick rubbish flea hop into the water but let's have a hope because don't forget we could do a crew observation because this is a new biome so you do that and then we can gather a surface sample in fact this is our total right so it won't include our science unit from this Mission so this was actually a pointless exercise wasn't it well I guess not pointless because we are getting some science but it's not a very significant amount of science right let's recover confirm go to the KSC and where's Mission Control there it is uh escaping curb in submit buy my beloved over and out I guess we can do this on our next mission and V R&D where are we so tier two I pretty sure actually I have no idea I got to go check what I unlocked how's this for meta so the last video I did was um uh uh mystery Gateway that was it so I did that and then where was our where was our finished State mute this don't want to hear my voice do he imagine that uh oh I've rewound too much there so I block expanded construction I did so that's what we got to so we got all of these and Atmospheric science oh my goodness I don't we can do it it's because we got all of these and Atmospheric science no we're so close we're like 107 science right hang on right let's just what how much where is Mission Control how much do you get for the buyy one 40 so we're we need to get like 60 more how do how do we get 60 more science where did I get that in the first mission it doesn't matter honestly what do we what are we missing out on atmospheric science it doesn't matter because our next mission is bad signal which is going to be taking us to minmus I'm going to call it there that's where we left off last time let's go to the VAB fact I'm going to make a quick save now whilst hang on Kerbal Space Center I got to make a quick save now there we are we're going to call it back this up there we go and I'll now make backups every time just to be safe we are perfect we're in the daytime but yeah you know I do this for you guys 's just get rid of the UI do a nice sweeping pan shop I don't know but I need something in the background whilst I showcase the names of my patreons and YouTube channel members where all of this content possible uh the content bit less hectic than others sometimes it's a bit better than others how would you rate this content let me know what kind of content you felt it was in the comment section below also comment it on other videos such as the two that are on screen I don't know what kind of segue that was but yeah there's two videos on my on screen you like there's a patreon button and a link to
Channel: Matt Lowne
Views: 198,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksp, kerbal space program, kerbal, space, program, jebediah, kerman, matt, lowne, matt lowne, nerd, british, funny, epic, commentary, abridged, amazing, gameplay, ksp2, ksp 2 gameplay, kerbal space program 2, tutorial, for science, playthrough, speedrun, ksp speedrun, ksp 2 speedrun
Id: Z7r6paPQVGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 37sec (3877 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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