I UPGRADED my KSP controller to the ULTIMATE!

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[Music] all right let's rewind real quick first of all this video is sponsored by incog and second of all last year I assembled my dream Kerbal Space Program custom controller building fully custom control panels for Kerbal Space Program has been a thing since the very early days of the game but my it and programming skills are very limited and so I resigned myself to the assumption that I would never be the owner of such a device enter kapop who launched a business creating and selling bespoke controllers to order based on the customer's design and I of course had to seize the opportunity to commission one for myself and well that's exactly what happened on screen right now is a little Montage of clips from the video I made showcasing this controller build last year but as time has gone on I kind of wanted to expand its capability plus cop had created some top secret new experimental modules for me to try out securely packed into their secret paper-based overseas Transportation containment unit of course there's a small problem I have two controller panel frames both of which had no space available to accommodate more units so I also have to have a new controller frame commissioned to replace my yellow 2 by unit with a bigger beefier and Bluer 4X unit and here's some footage of me with my hands on my new unit for the very first time wrapped in cellophan I hadn't yet unpacked it but here's a a little Montage of me opening it in a very excited manner um very 2D at the moment because yes codap poop's Untitled spacecraft controllers come flat packed and you got to culk them together so my journey began by unpacking the controller parts and making sure they all fit together before starting the gluing process okay so I've got it dry assembled I have done it back to front this bit needs to be there so I'll take it apart rearrange it we've got the uh throttle the throttle probably used to go like there this is a display so that would probably best to go there so maybe that can go I feel like the camera isn't a hugely important one Eva controls so now I I take all of this apart and glue it and so anyway here's a time lapse of the final full assembly and culking process it does get a little bit messy so I would highly recommend doing what I did and put some cardboard down or some scrap newspaper underneath your unit as you're building it so you don't know mess up your kitchen counter or whatever whatever surface you're building it on really and obviously the culk isn't like an instant drying thing so definitely try and hold it all together quite tightly once it's all put together and then you know I waited a couple of days before I then started cleaning off all the excess from the outside and putting the electronics all together and well I was pretty proud with the final [Music] [Music] result and so there they are in their fully assembled Glory but before I showcase them in action I want to address the fate of my old yellow unit I had to cannibalize it for the controller module which I transferred to the blue unit but I didn't want to just scrap the yellow unit entirely luckily codp also sells blank face modules primarily so that if you can't fully populate every space on your controller chassis then you can have a plain facia to cover up the hole and so I had two blanks sent over for installation on the old controller base as you may have noticed earlier my order came with one with codap poop's logo on it and one with my logo yep you too can have L aerospace's logo proudly displayed on your controller if you want but it doesn't stop there you can even upload your own design if you want as long as it's monochromatic obviously and a bold design without complex dithering or Shadows or whatever heck you could even have one with in Cy logo who have sponsored today's video incog is the ultimate solution to safeguarding your person personal data from malicious data Brokers and trackers online incog relentlessly scours the web automatically identifying and wiping your data from data Brokers sparing you the headache of dealing with them yourself why should you care you ask well picture your data being tossed around like a hot potato if it ends up in the wrong hands it could lead to denied bank loans inflated insurance rates and the looming threat of identity theft the identity theft resource Center's 2022 annual data breach report found that the number of victims has surged by a staggering 41.5% from the previous year alone I personally would vouch for the annual subscription as this ensures that incog will continue sending removal requests as long as you're on board ensuring your data Remains Not just removed but permanently off the radar join the everg growing Community bidding farewell to data breaches and embracing peace of mind and here's my deal for you if you use my exclusive code mat lown you'll receive an incredible 60% off an annual your plan seize that opportunity click the link in the description to fortify your privacy with incog today anyway with the building of my new controller completed and whatever my kitten thinks of my old controller aside let's get down to Brass TXS and play us some Kerbal Space Program with my Kerbal Space Program controller now although I have two separate units if you look closely at the side you can see there are some little magnets I don't know how how well this is showing up on camera so what happens is we just push them together o I felt a good little satisfying clunk just then and now they they move together as one unit so we are here in the game with the controllers connected under my logo here for emotional support okay so I've just loaded up a stock craft for the purposes of this demonstration so we can pull back and I can show you so let's have a look at my new modules so the new modules are this the throttle and Telemetry screen now I'm assuming the former is fairly self-explanatory we got this throttle gauge here that changes the velocity on screen so if I pull up my [Music] navball and what's cool is it has a Precision mode as well so we flip it into there and now Max throttle on here only gets us to 25% on the nav ball so it's just for like really sort of fine Maneuvers it's great for that we'll leave it on normal Tel I think is the cooler module cuz you know it's like a it's like a separate screen right that pulls information from the game so if I get my fuel up for example that's a that's a big way to look from the navel but down here I can press fuel there you go it shows my Rocket's fuel levels and this changes in real time we also got our or orbital information uh obviously we're on the Launchpad right now so might confuse the thing but once we're in Flight we can have a proper look at this I think we also got our you know velocity and altitude information here um so let's what we'll do is we'll do a mission and um you can watch and see what it's like to fly so before we can start I need to take this key and insert it into my executive actions panel and turn it to activate there we are we got our abort button here pressing that we'll obviously activate launch a we don't press it by accident so let's keep that closed we've got our joystick is set to Rocket mode not plain or Rob mode so we want rocket uh everything else is fine this is my legacy uh throttle modules I don't need to use this now I've got this one I think that's everything we want to have the nav ball up actually so we just flick that makes the navball come up and down uh there's the map one as well which changes us to map view if we so desire and Camera let's just zoom out a bit with the camera panel I think we're ready to go I'm going to pop you guys on a tripod here throttle to Max we don't need RCs at this stage off we go now you have to forgive me I'm a little bit I haven't used this in a little while actually so might be some relearning how to use this over a mouse and keyboard on my part let's get the camera at a nice angle and yeah as you can see this is a full keyboard and for me keyboard and mouse uh replacement I guess you do kind of still need the mouse for creating maneuver noes and stuff but generally it's pretty good now we can actually use Auto hold prr at this point and the rocket kind of just sort of f itself but you know where's where's the fun in in that right let's uh disable that and we'll try and fly just with the joystick and already it's uh it's it's not I'm not as used to the joystick as I have WD getting up pressing Auto help prograde we probably slow down a little actually cuz we quite fast for our altitude level that have to hold that in place I think cuz the lever is a bit heavy just twist a little bit drop out of Auto hole cuz we varing of course a little bit so that's going to hold 30° on the nav ball okay is pretty high actually so I'm going to throttle right down and that's just point basically flat beyond flat to the camera zoomed in a little bit okay we have an apple capsis of 100 km which I think is fine let's Auto hold prograde and we can drop that lower stage all right so make sure we're pointing along the maneuver node and we can probably ditch the launch escape tower right so now we are you know approaching our maneuver and quickly show some information on the tele screen so we' got our maneuver plan is here so our next maneuver in 45 seconds it's counting us down for us there's our appops information paropsis our orbital information is here and there my current fuel as well as the Lecky levels and monopropellant levels so let's uh now we nearly ready andn time 34 seconds which means we need to be starting the burn in a quick math 16 17 about 15 seconds you give or take I fact that's touching now so we can throttle up here we go and we're burning look at this and can we use the maneuver screen aha um just watching waiting for the I'm going to rely on this screen this is very scary for me now I don't know if it's going to work I mean it should work right I don't know if it will so we go so my paaps this is about to get into positive numbers here we go uh is that hang on 19 okay I was panicking okay there's 50 k 60 km 70 K we're in space 90 okay that's about oh a little bit more that's about so 104 97 have we done it well the camera has flipped and yes we have is that focused 104 97 so thank you to L screen this is quite cool in a way you can essentially fly blind and you can't quite but it's quite cool that you can like use your instrument it's like a real it's like a real Space Center right like this is like it's dumb like it's it's much more difficult to like precisely fly a rocket but it's just so much more cool like it's so immersive and like just having like these little switch I'm going to turn this off before I start messing around and you know changing the throttle and stuff and like you know the staging button like this is so like ready three like unlock I've locked it so now now I press the stage button you know nothing's happening we can unlock it it's now armed and ready can I get it both in screen oh it's just it's just like I love it now we've done that we can lock it again and uh yeah then we like just clicking like the M like just this that how how satisfying the time War Keys as well you know it's uh and like all the SAS like here we can turn on RCS oh look at that now yes has turned on like it's just like like the satisfaction of seeing that little light come on by flicking by flicking a Swit like and look we have an Eva panel as well so we get like a Kerbal on Eva we can control them and look at this we have their monop showing us an actual gauge that actually you know reflects their monop levels in the game I don't know if this is like a good way to film this I've I've been struggling to think of ways to Showcase this controller in gameplay but like we can just like let go and um so have they let go so we want to activate their jetpack oh it's worked and I'm now controlling this with the keyboard not with the keyboard sorry with the controller this is really um like I said I'm not super practiced with this so let's just [Music] uh up oh no this is going really badly okay I'm getting the hang of this now I [Music] think now [Music] not okay get ready to grab grab yes got a grab button there and we have in fact used a lot of M repellant Let's uh uh board so uh board and we're back in the ship it was terrifying that actually I'm not going to do that ever again in my life and yeah now we can just continue on with our epic m mission I guess now it's not just ksp1 that this controller supports it also now has support in KSP 2 which you know is kind of a bit bittersweet because we still don't really know what's even happening with that game but as you can see the controller is supported in the latest version you do still need the same mod to get it to work it's called simpit if you get this controller yourself you'll get full instructions about how to set it up oh you know I got to pause real quick to bask in the Glorious launch sounds of ksp2 but yes this controller works with ksp2 the support isn't quite as good as it is in ksp1 and stuff like the camera module doesn't really work since the camera controls differently in ksp2 versus ksp1 but the mod support has really only just been created so this will improve with time or it might not if KSP 2's development really is over man what in a poing situation we're in right now it would be nice to hear some actual news about our $50 purchases right anyway ksp2 dooming aside these controllers are built on Arduino and since they basically can mimic a keyboard and mouse they aren't just limited to kble games though obviously they are very very specifically designed to be best for Kerbal what with all the button labels and whatnot but if you want you can use the controller for other stuff here's cop playing Harvester's new game kit hack model Club with his controller and many thanks to cop once again for building and supplying these controllers to me and he can build you one as well so you may want to know how much to save up for well you know these controllers they aren't mass-produced they are handbuilt to order and every order is customed to you so you are buying a bespoke product here and so they're not cheap I'm not quite sure how much a clone of my setup would come to as I had the blue chassis and the two experimental module Cent over for free business dealing and all that but when I purchased my original setup it came to $980 but you can commission smaller controllers for a lot less money if you want I'm also kind of mindful that this video has been a bit more casual than my last controller video If you to go over each and every specific panel minus the two new ones I added for my new controller in this video then I'd highly suggest checking out my previous controller video Linked In the description I spent a lot more time talking about every individual button dial and switch on the unit and how it works as mentioned these controllers aren't really going to make you better at the game but you know that and you know that's not why you want one these things really crank the immersion of by a huge degree and it's so cool seeing your ship's information displayed on a dedicated little device it's hard to describe the feeling which is a shame because that's the point of this video but but trust me it's a good if you want more controller videos in the future then do let me know I'm trying to think of ways to give you a good view of the controller itself and the gameplay on the same screen I was thinking one way could be to record the footage in ultrawide definition and then there'll be space under the gameplay for controller footage when displayed in 16x9 aspect ratio but I'll have a good think about other Solutions as well is controller content something you want more of do let me know in the comments below and if you want to go ahead and pick yourself up a controller then I'll link codap poop subreddit and store Page in the description as well as a link to my patreon who the amazing people on the left clicked as well and sign up to support what I do here speaking of supporting what I do here massive thanks to today's sponsor once again in cogy click the link in the description to fortify your online privacy and there should be two clickable cards on screen to other videos I've made I'm going to make sure one of them is my old controller video so you can check that out the other one uh don't know YouTube just picked it based on your you watch History so hopefully it's a good pick but that is the end of the video I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Matt Lowne
Views: 142,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksp, kerbal space program, kerbal, space, program, jebediah, kerman, matt, lowne, matt lowne, nerd, british, funny, epic, commentary, abridged, amazing, gameplay, ksp2, ksp 2 gameplay, kerbal space program 2
Id: URfR6Albf0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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