KSI Tries INDIAN Snacks!

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oh it smells like it's a packing with spice no don't dig it out nah bro that's that's disgusting bro no one's gonna want to kiss me that is not it no no are you not gonna have that one i do not like that that is horrible i hate it i hate it yo what's up guys it's me mo saeed and today i'm joined with jj hi what's up as you can see he's a lot excited to see me and not tired at all i didn't force him to no i'm not tired bro it's 1pm or 2pm well we were meant to meet here 1pm yeah yeah pop that time in well worse than indian time apparently but yeah due to popular demand i've got him agreed to come here and try indian snacks wow and guess what a lot of people know this hajmullah i think that's how you pronounce it i'm going to make jd try this right at the end so carry on watch it there's so many good things about it it's not look photo's already open and i've tried it and it's horrible but yeah let's uh let's start off all right all right so first thing we're gonna try is aloo bhujia uh this is spicy potato noodles spicy potato noodles yeah so i think i can eat this raw you can eat this raw yeah you can have it as a snack when you watch a film okay so it's not something you'd cook right i'll let you eat first no i've had it anyways oh okay all right let's make sure you're not poisoning me okay hmm what do you think it was pretty good but would you have it that's a snack yeah jeez yeah and what it is it's not it's not super spicy as well but you can basically have this with other things as well there are like so many snacks like pani curry and all that in india all right before we continue this video is sponsored by dragon city this is my brother hazik saeed i've challenged him to have these ladoos and gulab jamun if he doesn't finish this within one minute the fourth is he's going to have this hajmullah two of this hajimula and he's gonna mess him up so good luck hazer let's get started so whilst hazard does this challenge let me talk to you more about dragon city dragon city is a free to play game which is available on android and ios and also windows and amazon you can collect over a thousand dragons and build your own dragon city breed two dragons to get new ones and feed them to evolve you can train your dragons and take them to battle in order to make them more powerful there are different pvp modes that let you fight against your friends and challenge other dragon masters there are several different events each week to discover and play new adventures you can find many of your favorite youtubers in dragon city like dream joe's not found and so many others click the link in the description and get a special free reward 15 000 food plus 30 000 gold plus the very rare thief chief dragon download the latest version of the game to get that exclusive reward now let's see how my brother has done all right stop you have failed hazard you have failed so you need to have two of this [Music] that's enough street food you've been to india in it i've been in india when was that oh man this is years ago and i was like what 18 19. damn that was before youtube four i was like big on youtube yeah what was it for i went to see a few orphans yeah no it was just like a nice thing to help out a few orphans oh nice painting some um painting their walls and like just to help refurbish their their schools yeah i know they're cool they're amazing they kept calling me would you go again oh what are you yeah yeah they were like chocolate uncle chocolate not because i'm black just cause i always kept giving them chocolate oh is that why yeah yeah yeah i'm not gonna say anything red is gonna start calling you uncle chocolate now i'll go chocolate so next thing we're going to have is the drink thumbs up it's basically like pepsi okay thumbs up thumbs up yeah so let's try it for me it's like it's bit sweeter than pepsi okay it's a bit more flat than pepsi inside the can as well so it's actually very fat this is flat as hell look it's a bit liquid does the job taste wise forget flatness taste wise it's just yeah it's it's it's coke it's just indian version yeah so what worse [Music] so next item we're going to have is kurukure this is chili chatka i've not tried this flavor i've tried the masala one but this is different this is chili so spicy cookery last time i did this with um corn i think i had a ketchup flavor and people like haven't got me saying that's like worst flavor for this okay okay so is everything is everything just spicy and not really i've got other things as well which is not spicy we've got dessert as well we can have that later oh wow oh man this is spicier than i thought yeah it's nice it's like um oh what's that american sweet not sweet crisp cheetos no it's not cheese it's like spicy cheetos no what's what they're called it's like it's like this but orange cheetos that's right cheetos yeah oh bro the reddit was dissing your hair like when you had like oh cheetos but spicier but spicy a bit like um just indian indian just just indian if you want to make something indian just add a bit of spice taste wise how is it you like it yeah it's good no big up india fam giving me some some good food oh yeah that is a bit spicy oh that's what we need on the hot days spice [Music] all right let's move on to biscuit now yeah baby popular brand apology um i used to have it when i was in india they'll spice it up with the last one yeah bro jesus all right apology there's got does it got spice in it on biscuits no i mean i don't know man yeah harley g popular brand the earliest memory i have of biscuit is the size it's quite old company all right so you take one oh it tastes like biscuit all right wow and it's not spicy it's not it's not spicy [Music] the next we're gonna have is limka drink it's um lemon lemonade i feel like it's like seven up with sprite it's kind of like 7up but it just has an as an asian twang to it does that make sense no explain to me what do you mean by that i don't know it's just like you can't just say it tastes like something that's a board i feel like i can taste more lemon yeah just like it just tastes foreign well just i mean it's not necessarily a bad thing i kind of like it good as long as you like it well taste wise it's really nice it's really good i've liked everything apart from what what didn't you like oh apart from the flat coke oh apart from thumbs up that was thumbs down for you [Music] how how have you made lei's spicy the hell so next one the popular product of india indian magic masala khan lighter he loved it really yeah he gave him like a high rating for this weird guy right he's watching the swedish tv by the way so yeah he's at home yeah it just tastes like layers but indian indian just packed with a lot of um it's nice though this is my favorite chips or crisps from india i'm sure i'll feel it in a few minutes especially when you have this you're really picking that up aren't you i just want to see your reaction [Music] all right so we're going to move to biscuit now okay another biscuit called britannia good day biscuits oh good day this is pistachio almond cookies no peanuts no peanuts no peanuts we'll see if i start choking then i die probably says pistachio will be the person who have killed me imagine no no don't want that yeah it tastes like biscuits well i mean it i feel like you can't really make biscuit boring it just tastes like biscuits i mean yeah the texture is nice you know it's got buttery biscuit base overall it's nice yeah nice it's great it's great i like it [Music] this item jay's gonna like it it's called masala zeera drink why does everything have masala exactly so this is a drink with spice what yeah what kind of freak thought this would be a good idea apparently it's good for digestion and they have it after yeah zera cumin in it that's why you call it after they have their spice food they want the spicy drink just just open it bro i'll laugh if he likes it i'm like i'm not gonna drink it i'm not lover of god what off and well it smells like it's a packing with spice yes it's good for your health spice is good for your health bro that ain't it that ain't it that is not it no no are you not gonna have that one i do not like that that is horrible i hate it well i hate it well i hate it well but if you have it like with no that's disgusting whoever thought that is stupid how dare they decide to and spice jesus christ but it meant to be good for your masala get out of my face man wow how's it take this away do not do not buy that take this away don't do that don't do that to yourself before he punches that is the one of the worst thing i've ever drank in my life i've drank piss at some point in my life i don't know i probably have fed it did you cast that i don't know i'd probably join please i think we've all drank this no no don't we definitely have no we haven't i'm sorry to survive no number one so why bro you're a millionaire living in london yeah but i wasn't always rich and then i used to live in the jungle well i used to live in the slums my mom was out here babatunde spending for his life drinking pizza i'm sure even in slums they're not drinking pigs drinking piss to survive they're not drinking pests even instead i swam all the way all right let's move on right we need to eat let's not talk about pests anymore [Music] all right wait let me just okay so we're having laddu so this is a leg laddu l-a-d-o-o that's how you say there's no g i'm not saying g did i say g laddu no i didn't say g lag do like do yeah yeah oh wow pretty good oh made of flour fat ghee butter oil we're just eating dough pretty much this one is mixed with almonds and cache oh it's pretty good i'm glad you liked it you know you hated the last drink in it so i felt bad i mean right do you like that drink i've never had it i do want to have it here as well but it's good for you apparently according to my grandad oh sorry grandpa beau syed it's probably not his name but it's not sorry grandpa side it tastes like it tastes like all right so next thing we're going to have is also dessert gulab jamun what gulab jamun we love jamun yeah nailed it i'm sure it sounds like goo like jabbing there's also a flower uh dipped in in a syrup or something right fried and then dipped in syrup so this is what you get after you went in the gulag this is to go into do like with diabetes okay okay oh wow oh it was very good a lot of indians in their desserts bro so that's all done that's it but the moment that everyone's been waiting for is to try this you know this is basically similar to the drink that you didn't like so in a tablet format okay it's a tablet yeah you chew what yeah bro people have it casually on the street swear down yeah exactly so i have to has to stay longer in my mouth the things that did you have to do for me man oh man oh no you have one as well i'm okay no no join me man i'm all right now i'm not i'm good okay okay it's not a big deal okay why is your bottom lip quivering hey damn hey yo you're tearing up it's nice can you have it please don't end the video oh wow do i actually have to please let's stay in my mouth it's fine because it gets better after oh my boy no i'm not this is just me no i'm actually just eating oh it's a family channel oh no don't take it out no bro that's that's disgusting bro no one's gonna want to kiss me my girlfriend's gonna push me away whoa you yo nah man look i'm just in the comments they told me too i'm about to sort you out all right stop stop okay breath done done out bro you've ruined me i'm finished you want more whoa you want more of that what is that what don't what what is in that is it diarrhea of every animal together into a tablet why they looking so happy was this before they took it or after must be before bro no way it's after why why was this created that's disgusting my granddad said destroy this my granddad said it's good for you destroy it bro bro it's good for you it's like it's like having gaviscon but indian i'm going to save india right now stop no no for real you guys have to stop taking this this is the worst thing i've ever seen smelled and tasted all right you know what jj i feel bad so i got you something listen listen leave it leave it because it's your birthday this week and i knew you wouldn't like it so i got you something in advance what'd you get you want me a louis vuitton you've done so much for me and i wanted to thank you and also wait what really yeah what bro i don't need you why i know you have everything blah blah blah this is like small gesture holy yeah man can i open it yeah if you want oh you you showed me these yes i was pretty you were yeah you were like oh what do you think of these i was like yeah they're pretty hard oh my g thank i you yeah so no no no i can i don't need that cool man thanks for coming bro and uh hopefully you enjoyed the snacks i i enjoyed most of the snacks thumbs up for india thumbs up for india all right thank you guys for watching and uh yeah let me know if you want me to get someone else involved next time and let me remind you to download dragon city free on your android and ios link in the description to get that exclusive rewards available for new users for next seven days again thank you jj for coming i'll see you guys next time and peace [Music] you
Channel: Mo Syed
Views: 6,856,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksi, mo, mo syed, editor, jj olatunji, sidemen, mo sayed, uk, moresidemen, sidemenreact, olatunji, ksiolajidebt, reddit, try not to laugh, syed, sidemen react, indian youtuber, challenge, british indian youtuber, reddit mo syed, youtube editor, KSI trying snacks, snack wars, ksi snack wars, indian snacks, ksi music, holiday
Id: wTyQY6mOxSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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