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are you ready Maya I am prepared to play Sycamore wonderful wonderful she is ruining this entire day she's acting like she's the queen of Thanksgiving I am the queen of Thanksgiving I now doubly sir a bottle of gobble so congratulations I'll give my rosy color I was just a field having sex for the whole Cheerios oh it's vodka I can see it right here on my why are you helping them look at you more like Scarlett Johansson good nickname hahaha tell us how excited you are for the next and probably final season of the Jersey Shore you know I've never seen the show so I just don't watch a lot of reality television [Laughter] you said the secret word yes I did I did it's the actress in me I I see a word and I bring it to life just like I did in the play she Stoops to Concord the story of a legless grape picker I picked all the grapes good Sunday on the truck why didn't you tell me I didn't have legs the New York Times said bad oh oh there's too much whipped cream to take a self Activia first the bad news 87% of women's suffer from digestive issues like occasional irregularity now the good news I just discovered [Music] [Laughter] all right look at me focus this is hard can do this five seconds Mindy I'm listening I'm with you oh I read it wrong it spooked India you said the secret word I know what at first I thought it said 800 T I think we could all use a break I'll play a DVD it'll help you find ways to relieve stress in situations like this these methods really work to welcome everyone has stress it's just too [Music] it's cake it's right there in the screen dad check each other class I'm sorry can we stop the clock I need to disqualify myself I think I just saw the secret word you're supposed to see it you're giving the clues Oh climbing Latin swim hair maybe Mindy maybe you're allowed to speak oh is that what is happening I can't play anymore I just tested positive for steroids okay thanks give me the happy turkey day thanks Percy happy fourth of July probably good to see a lot of fireworks could you live outside okay this is the feeling I get every time I watch a Tarzan movie no earthly idea oh hang on wait my clone was covering it to you the actual word is horny all right just shake your butt shake your butt like you're just like you're just broke the sound barrier if you already took this class and everybody passed congratulations let's make this happen [Music] it's over here actually yeah you did a great job in now there's someone at the door [Music]
Channel: sure
Views: 103,166
Rating: 4.890625 out of 5
Keywords: snl, saturdaynightlive, kristenwiig, funny, kristenwiigfunny, snlfunny
Id: G11jyl2AfqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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