Jimmy Interviews Khaleesi from Game of Thrones (Kristen Wiig)
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Views: 13,694,810
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Keywords: interview, video, snl, funny video, Funny, Khaleesi, Daenerys Targarye, stand-up, tonight, sketch comedy, Interview, NBC TV, highlight, Game of Thrones, Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, jokes, Fallon Stand-up, comedic, comedy sketches, ALL2015, musical performance, Jimmy Fallon, The Roots, Kristen Wiig, The Tonight Show, celebrities, humor, Fallon monologue, variety, show, music comedy, music, clip, talent, Television, NBC, youtube, talking, Talk Show
Id: wavqs3yMN58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2015
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