The Women of SNL Reveal Who Makes Them Break Character | Glamour

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Kind of a side note but this just reminded me of how much I love interview-mode Kate, not delved into that rabbit hole for a while! She isn't even being that weird in this but she gets all of my respect for how little she gives a shit about being media-friendly. Just cool to her core.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Kerraticus 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi guys I'm Maya my last name is Rudolph and we are at my glamour photo shoot and it's pretty great because there's a lot of other ladies from SNL here too would you like to step inside [Music] the scene that makes me laugh the most that I watch people breaking in including myself is Debbie Downer with Rachel Dratch that sketch can turn your day around if you watch it it's so funny well the first person that popped in my head is Will Ferrell he would just always throw in some extra little thing that he hadn't done in rehearsal Will Ferrell and I it just got to the point where we would just start laughing he was in a sketch where he played the manager of like a TGI Fridays and he was like oh Deanna massage and I couldn't look at him it just got so unprofessional yeah whenever Will Ferrell comes back to the show kind of hard to do scenes with him and not laugh Maya Rudolph was on the show last season she played Beyonce as thanks Solange and all she was saying was her name she was just like saying Beyonce like baby food buh buh buh but like she just kept going it was so hard for me to keep a straight face thank God the camera was not on me even Jay Pharoah was sitting next to me as Jay Z and I could audibly hear him like laughing on the end so I just like if you don't want to break you don't really want to look at a tea I'm laughing right now thinking of her I really struggle when I'm in a scene with Kate we just like lock eyes and I don't know if I can read her mind or what but it's very much like oh yeah well Kristen Wigg 100% was every single thing that she said or did is just the funniest thing I've ever seen I was in the Lawrence Welk sketch that she did when she introduced Denise I think this morning the baby hands and that was just beyond what I could sit through as a human the people who could break me up quicker at Saturday Night Live were Gilda and Billy without a doubt because they wanted to it was their desire to make me laugh and it worked Billy could make me laugh and anybody can make Gilda laugh most likely to make you break into laughter at the wrong time Kate literally makes me laugh at the most she always makes me laugh at the time I'm not supposed to be laughing
Channel: Glamour
Views: 4,398,931
Rating: 4.9453077 out of 5
Keywords: kate mckinnon, leslie jones, maya rudolph, kristen wiig, amy poehler, saturday night live, snl women, snl breaking character, kristen wiig snl, snl bloopers, breaking character, kristen wiig breaks character, kate mckinnon breaks character, snl, women of snl, actors breaking character, breaking character snl, amy poehler breaking character, maya rudolph breaking character, snl best breaking character, snl character, snl actors breaking character, glamour, glamour magazine
Id: VPNR0CkM0e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 05 2015
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