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wow you guys are on fire and ice ice and fire that's a game of thrones joke it is [Laughter] the time has come for us to ride on to our next adventure what is that we're gonna have a three-way with a declaration of [Applause] independence and now there's broken glass beer and blood on the [Music] hi we're not porn stars anymore i'm brookie and i forget hey hi guys uh i'm um my name is roy and uh i um and for the most evil invention in the world contest i invented a uh a child molesting robot and show you yeah exactly i am a red american boy after all what is happening oh buddy don't make me hit you with my dog because never touching sometimes crying pretending we're all right his thing woke up for just a sec but then got scared again the sun came up a squirrel walked in what's up y'all my name's pontoon and i used to carry around my dad's ashes until i let go of them on a roller coaster you just tapped your damn fingers out just to tip just to tip that's what she said i just want to say something at this point i think we may actually have a problem here just to provide a few 100 simple confusing forms if you need assistance there will be someone no one to help you with all your forms filled out proceed ahead also forms d9 w8 f12 and d9b you're almost done getting started you yeah that's right you better show this woman some respect maybe you don't know where you is are you in maine now boy that's right you call her by her christian name unless you won't get tossed out in the marsha swamps of the new england everglades and trust us if the gators don't get you yeah the north atlantic trap weird that's right there it is hey don i'd like to guess uh the phrase give the golden goose a gander okay that doesn't start with the p also it is not your turn and my name is not don fake so in terms of dress code people will be wearing capes or if you want to get dressed up maybe a poncho i mean you can wear whatever you want great i'll wear my cape you can wear your poncho my ponchos my pawns are still dirty from blue man group [Music] no boy do you want to put your dog down no no she doesn't walk she hates me walking is for babies she didn't like it and now she can but i think she got so hot oh god who betrayed winterfell uh on greyjoy duncan who's your local congressman pass carrie how do you say all men must die in valeria valar morghulis duncan where is iraq pass gary who is the brotherhood without banners uh beric dondarrion duncan name one living painter living the one i'm a friend of a cousin this is such a great great time for love uh why wouldn't it be it's a winter time what a time to hear the shots i think it was around 8 30 but my kid my kids saw everything everything thank you take it away jake hey what's the best river to take to your house well please tell us you live downstream at least there's no river traffic on saturdays hey carrie can't wait for saturday and don't kill me but i picked kansas to win it all darren yeah and if this is a purge don't kill me either so robert please tell us a little bit about yourself i don't know why i'm from scarsdale i have black eyes and one time i chopped up my best friend i don't know i'm a psychologist you know i got to say about greg the guy's an alien right i mean he talks weird he's got no eyebrows you don't know nothing about earth you know i don't know i love the show thank you caller and greg is not an alien way to go
Channel: leah slv
Views: 249,223
Rating: 4.8700404 out of 5
Id: LZo4YPRHask
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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