Kris Vallotton - Your Identity as Sons of God

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Daniel 7 I love this book I kept looking because the sound of the boastful words which the worm was speaking I kept looking until the beast was slain and the body was destroyed and given to the burning fire come on ok now listen to this verse 12 as for the rest of the beasts their Dominion was taken away now this is very important that you get this part their Dominion everybody say their Dominion was taken away but an extension of life is granted to them for an appointed period of time ok so their dominions taken away so they don't have Dominion but their life is extended did you get that part ok now verse 13 I kept looking this is a key I kept looking in the night visions and behold with the clouds of heaven one like the Son of man was coming everybody say son of man and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him and to him was given Dominion everybody Dominion glory every say glory and a kingdom everybody say kingdom that all peoples nations and men and every language might serve him his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which will not pass away and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed ok you got that ok so here's the question when when does this happen to him was given Dominion glory and a kingdom that all peoples and nations and men of every language might serve him his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which will not pass away in his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed the question is when ok so let me read on verse 18 but the Saints of the highest one will receive a kingdom possess the kingdom forever for all ages to come verse 21 I kept looking until the horn was waging war with the Saints and overpowering them everybody say boo verse 22 until until okay this is a very important verse this is a very important word until okay this this word until is like the cross of Jesus Christ like before the cross I was a sinner after the cross I was a saint I mean this word until is the Jordan River before the Jordan River I was in the wilderness after the Jordan River I was in the promised land are you with me listen this until that ancient today's came and judgment was passed in favor the saints of the highest one and a time arrived for the Saints to take possession of the kingdom okay Wilson on this side of the until the saints are overpowered by the horn on this side of the until it says that the time arrived for the Saints to take possession of the kingdom that's a big until because on this side the horn is waging war with the Saints and overpowering them and on this side Dominion glory and a kingdom that lasts forever is given to the Saints of the highest one so the question is when when is the question okay listen it goes on verse 25 he will speak out speaking of the devil against the Most High and wear down the Saints of the highest one but that's a big but but the court will sit for judgment his Dominion will be taken away and annihilated and destroyed forever nor did you notice that it doesn't say that he will be destroyed remember we already read back in verse 12 it says for the rest of the beasts their Dominion was taken away but extension of life was given to them in other words God said listen you have no more power but you have to live on the same planet as the people you torment it it's like taking a police officer and putting them amongst the criminals he arrested the Lord said listen before I throw you into the lake of fire here's going to be your first punishment I'm going to put you in the middle of the people you tormented and I'm going to take away your power because now I can fulfill the word where I said you'll bruise his heel but he'll crush your head so listen to us then the sovereignty the Dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the highest one his kingdom will be an everlasting Kingdom and all dominions will serve and obey Him ok the question is when when how do we know when this is supposed to happen ok we know that the Ancient of Days has to come and he has to pass judgment in favor of the Saints got it and what's the second clue and the time arrived for the Saints to take possession of the kingdom ok as soon as that happens we know that sovereignty Dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms are the whole heaven will be given to the Saints of the highest one got me ok so let's read a few verses then you can write them down Matthew 24:14 the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached on in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come mark 1234 then Jesus saw that he'd answered intelligently he said to them you are not far from the kingdom of God you're not far from the way came of God Luke 4 verse 43 it says but he speaking of Jesus said to them I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also for I had sent for this purpose the Luke 9 to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing Luke chapter 10 verse 9 the kingdom of God has come near you Luke chapter 12 verse 31 but seek first his kingdom and all these things shall be added to you verse 32 do not be afraid little flock for your father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom John chapter 3 verse 3 jesus answered said truly truly I say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God John chapter 3 verse 5 lest one is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God Acts chapter 1 and verse 9 to these he presented himself alive after suffering by many convincing proofs appearing them over 40 days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God Acts chapter 8 verse 12 but when they believed Philip preaching the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized both men and women alike Acts nineteen eight he entered the synagogue continued to speak to them boldly for three months reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God acts 20 verse 25 now behold I know that among you I went out preaching the kingdom of God and you will no longer see my face Colossians 1:13 he rescued us from the Dominion of darkness and transferred us currently transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved son at Hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 since we have received a kingdom which cannot be shaken let us show gratitude by which we may offer God an acceptable sacrifice with reverence Daniel chapter 7 the horn was waging war against the saints and overpowering them until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of what the Saints of the highest want in the time arrived for the Saints to take possession of the kingdom when did the Ancient of Days take a seat and passed judgment in favor the Saints to the highest one I can tell you when it says in Colossians that when Jesus died on the cross he publicly displayed the devil he defeated him on the cross he publicly displayed him as perilous and the decrees that were made against us were canceled that's why it says in Daniel chapter 7 that the Ancient of Days took his seat and judgment was passed decrees were made in favor of the Saints of the highest one and then the time arrived for the Saints to take possession in the kingdom when you were born again you were born into a kingdom and then you were told to preach the kingdom wherever you go and it was the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom a hundred and twenty seven times preached the kingdom heal the sick raise the dead say the kingdoms come near you I would like to suggest that Daniel 7 is not in the Millennium but the kingdom has already come I'm not saying there's not a second coming I'm saying the kingdom has come and you've been transferred from the kingdom of darkness and you are currently living in the kingdom of his beloved son and you were seated in heavenly places with Christ and he's already put everything under your feet that is a past tense he's given you every blessing in heavenly places in Christ it's already happened and so the ramifications of that is this then the sovereignty the Dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms are the whole heaven will give and be given to the people the Saints of the highest one his kingdom will be an everlasting Kingdom and his Dominion will serve and obey Him okay turn to Romans 8 verse 14 if you led by the Spirit of God your sons of God you've not received the spirit of slavery leading to fear again but you received a spirit of adoption as sons which which we cry Abba daddy father the Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God and if we are children listen if we are children of God you got to get this if we are children of God listen don't pass it by like something you've read a million times if you're a child of the person who's God then you are heirs heirs also heirs of God fellow heirs with Christ and if deeds you suffered with him so that you may be also glorified with him for the anxious longing of creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God for creation itself was subjected to futility not willingly but because him who subjected it in hope that creation itself would be set free from slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God for we know that all of creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now what's he saying you know what he's saying he's saying that the devil knows who you are and God knows who you are creation knows who you are it's only you who don't know who the heck you are and all of creation is groaning see when Adam and Eve sinned it wasn't just humans that were cursed it was creation remember he said to Adam you will till the ground you're going to work hard but you know what it's going to do it's going to yield thorns and thistles that's why Jesus said preach this gospel to all creation the gospel is not just for people it's for creation isn't that interesting what is creation groaning for it's groaning for the sons of God to be revealed why because Adams subjected creation to fertility what does that mean it means that it became purposeless you know in the book of Ecclesiastes where it says it's all vanity same word it means it's all for nothing but remember Romans 1 said God's invisible attributes his eternal power his divine nature clearly seeing what God made in other words creation had a purpose to display the glory of God but what happened when Adam fell the earth itself was cursed and what's it waiting for it's saying listen you got released from the curse on the cross and we're waiting for the sons of God to be revealed so that we can be released from the curse of slavery into the freedom of the children of God how did the verse start out remember Romans said were no longer enslaved to fear but now we're released to freedom because we're children of God joint heirs of Christ creation goes that's great for you but we're still under a curse until you figure out who you are we're under this curse and we want to be a new creation - that's why the gospel was to be preached to all creation so that creation could be released from the curse and be released back in to his purpose which was to give glory to God when does creation get released from the curse as soon as you figure out who you are what's the point you rock you just don't know it you were born to reign what Genesis chapter 1 be fruitful and multiply and take dominion Daniel chapter 7 Dominion glory and a kingdom shall be given to the Saints of the highest one what is Daniel saying I see a time when the original creation the original call creation was restored to the children of God 1 is that supposed to happen it already happened well isn't that in the Millennium no that's not in the Millennium I'm sorry it says when this Ancient of Days took his seat judgment was passed in favor the Saints of the highest one and the time arrived for the Saints to take possession the kingdom I'm sorry that already happened that already happened that's you can't argue that that hasn't happened it was the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom you got born again so you can come into the kingdom you got transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his beloved son you've already received every spiritual blessing in heavenly places you've received you've become children of God no longer are you under fear of slavery but now you've been released as sons in which we cry daddy father now your heirs of God fellow heirs of Christ Jesus that's already past tense it happened if you're waiting for that to happen you're waiting for nothing go make it withdraw on your account the reason why you can heal the sick raise the dead and cast out demons is because of who you are Jesus didn't say pray for the sick he said healed the sick well only God can heal the sick that's why he said the imitators of God listen I can't heal the sick only God can heal the sick that's right you are sons of God in fact Jesus quoted the psalmist when he said you are gods and the word is gods is little G he is big G and you are little G you're little G God I understand we're not Mormons don't take this too far I'm saying that before you were born again you were created a little lower than the Angels but when you got born again the Angels serve you now you became heirs of salvation in which the Angels serve you didn't make you this listen you didn't make you this if you did then you would be arrogant all you're doing is receiving what daddy did for you daddy did this for you and that's why you can say if you don't believe me on account of my words then believe me on account of my works because greater works sure you do when I go to be with the father what's the point the reason why you do miracles because your daddy is God Jesus never said go out and pray for the sick he said go heal the sick only God can heal the sick you are heirs to the throne you acting like God because you are children of God your daddy is in charge of the universe listen if you teach people to heal the sick raise the dead and cast out demons and you don't teach them who they are then they have a performance-based identity but as soon as you figure out who you are you're like if that's who I am where's my power the reason why miracles didn't pass away with the Apostles is because you are children of God out from the time Jesus died on the cross to the time he returns for you you will still be a child of God and you only know how to act supernaturally because your daddy isn't of God of the universe when you act like God you're being yourself that's why Paul said in Ephesians 5 be imitators of God what are you doing I'm acting like my daddy creation is waiting for you to get it it's under a curse because you don't know who you are well you know you don't want to build ourselves up too big just the sinner saved by grace I'm just you know I'm just lucky to get in that's what I am well that's a really weird way to act when Jesus said in John 17 father the glory you gave me I want you to give them I mean I believe in prayer but I don't know if he answered that one do you think that Jesus said to the Father the glory you gave me I want you to give to them John 17 and the father said I don't think so ain't going to do it the only reason you have a bad thought in your head is because you have a devil who wanted to be what you became he said I will be like God I will raise up an assembly of the Most High and I will be like God and God said no you won't you'll be thrust down where were you seated in heavenly places what did he want to be I will sit in the Assembly the Most High God goes oh you won't sit in this then we have nothing you're going to the earth he thrusts him down to the earth and then what did he do he took away his power and let him live what so that he can watch this is part of his punishment was watching billions of people on the planet be made in the image of God the very thing he wanted he said I will be like God goggles no you won't I will put you down on the planet I would put you on this earth and I will make billions of people like me they will be made in my image and in my likeness you will never forget me because they will step on your head time after time and then when I get when they get done tormenting you for thousands of years then I'll throw you in the lake of fire you were born to torment the Tormentor the devil's after me the devil's after mingun almost after me Oh No you got it all screwed up in your brain I don't know what to do I'm under attack well if you submit to God and resist the devil I heard he runs but the devil is like a dog as long as you run he'll chase you he doesn't care just a little pee Fifi dogs and little fluffy Duffy's if he yep yep yep yep yep and you run he will run after you have you ever thought it would happen if you just stand like what are you doing man you don't realize I have troubles in my life well you can always tell the size of a man by the size of a problem it takes to discourage him do you have a trouble or do you have a miracle in your life it looks like a problem well listen every miracle was a problem at one time till it became a miracle you got to have a mess before you can have a message and a test before a testimony listen this I'm almost done Psalm 16 3 as for the Saints who are on the earth they are the majestic ones and whom is all my delight you're not nameless their faces you have a name and a face Isaiah 55 5 behold you will call a nation you do not know and a nation which knows you not will run to you because of the Lord your God even the Holy One of Israel he has glorified you that's a good word you rock and you didn't even do it to you why do you just try this it'll be painful at first just say this I am amazing I am God's greatest creation he loves me to death I rock I was born to do greater works than Jesus I was born for glory nations are attracted to me because I'm so good-looking and I have the mind of Christ therefore I think like God he's my inheritance I'm his inheritance and he actually likes me and I like me too and if you got to know me you would like me creation knows who I am the devil knows who I am God knows who I am the Angels they know who I am and today I know who I am
Channel: whizzpopping
Views: 319,142
Rating: 4.8622465 out of 5
Keywords: kris, vallotton, bethel, church, school, of, supernatural, ministry, bssm, daniel, vision, kingdom, dominion, beast, saints, children, sons, adoption, heirs, creation, identity, glory
Id: GZtTSY889rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2011
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