How to Find Your True Identity - Kris Vallotton | April 8, 2018

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okay so let's pray why don't you grab a hand and if you'd like to date the person you're holding hands with just squeeze their hand and if that's a yes just squeeze back my the angel that travels with me is Cupid so Lord we just bless what you're doing here this morning and we just thank you for everything that you're doing here and Lord we pray that there would be an anointing in the room to see things that have never been seen to hear things that have never been heard so it can be people we've never been and we can do things we've never done before and lord I pray that you would just open up our eyes to see new things in Jesus name Amen gosh you guys are easy to preach to guys get excited about the prayer time I I want to talk to you about the third most powerful experience I've ever had in my life and the first most powerful experience I had and I'll just tell you briefly about it my father drowned when I was three years old and my my mother married a very violent man when I was five divorced him when I was when I was 13 and um and when my mother went through divorce we were going through a very difficult time my mother was covered with psoriasis all over her body and we had a prowler at our house for almost a year police were out five four five six days a week to our house trying to find the prowler he had gotten in my madryn you actually got in our house twice you got in my bedroom one night and my mother was sleeping with a shotgun on the couch and I was sleeping with the 22 rifle and as somebody got he he got in my room about three o'clock in the morning and and I woke up and took my gun and he jumped out the window and I took a shot at him and did not hit him it was very difficult time and this is when I was 15 years old and and I didn't I wasn't raised to believe in a god I wasn't raised to be an atheist sight we just never went to church we never talked about God and that night the night after that incident HAP I said out loud if there's a god if you heal my mother I'll find out who you are and I'll serve you the rest of my life and an audible voice said my name is Jesus Christ and you have what you requested and the next morning my mother was completely healed of psoriasis about a week later the voice came back and said my name is Jesus Christ you said if I yield your mother you'd serve me and I'm waiting so for the next three years I search for God I went from church to church of course I didn't know where to go I just knew that that God wasn't Buddha he wasn't Muhammad I knew all I knew is that his name was Jesus because he said the audible voice said my name is Jesus so when I was 15 years old I I met my wife when she was 12 we got engaged when she was 13 that's a true story tells you how dysfunctional our families were we got married when she was 17 and so we ended up before we and when I was when I was 18 and she was 15 we ended up in this group and somebody my friend where I was working said you got to come to this group I was still in my search I had not found God yet and I ended up at this group and they were a bunch of Jesus people how many of you got saved into Jesus Movement I didn't even know what Jesus people were some of you guys are too old too young to even know if Jesus Movement was and so I end up in this Jesus people it's a house I was probably about a hundred hundred and fifty kids there and if you got there late you had to sit on the front lawn and they would open the windows and put speakers in the windows and and there was those days when they saying how do you guys remember that song and so we're sitting on the floor in the front room of all these Jesus people with my growth then-girlfriend and this man shared a really simple message and while they were worshiping singing songs like I just demonstrated by the way you don't want me on the worship team it definitely won't be invited back I attract demons have the anti anointing well we were worshipping people which young people would stand up to say jesus healed me from cancer Jesus delivered me Jesus Jesus restored my mind jesus healed me from from epilepsy and and I and they were just stand-up just young people to stand up testifying of the miracles that God did in their life and I said to myself the God who spoke to me is here and so at the kind of like at the end of worship young man just a little older than me said if you if you'd like to receive Jesus just raise your hand I'm like huh that'd be me and my girlfriend raised her hand and and we received Jesus that day and the young man came over and talked to us he's again like maybe three years older than us he sat on the floor with us and he he explained the gospel in very simple terms he told us that we were born again and he said to me and and to my then-girlfriend Cathy you're born again and you're like a little baby and you need a father I'm like yeah I've needed a father all my life and he brought two young men over to us and he says which one of these men do you want to be your father and I just took the better-looking one and that was the beginning that was my introduction to the body of Christ and I've never turned around since the second most profound thing that ever happened in my life was I got married how many no marriage will change your life but I want to tell you about the third most profound thing that ever happened my life I am when I first came to Bethel Church I had a personal assistant who was a prophetess it was pretty interesting relationship we had it was kind of like you're fine how am I you know that was any way to think about that that was our morning and her name was Nancy and Nancy was is a really a wonderful person but Nancy was very sensitive like she cried when she was happy and she cried when she was sad and then she cried because she was crying so she pretty much cried everyday and uh so it's a very yes a very interesting relationship we had so Tuesday morning is usually our brief my briefing morning when I meet with my pH she tells me about my week so I come in Tuesday morning and and um we're sitting there and she's telling me about my weekend and she's crying and I and I'm like okay I wonder if I should engage this because she's worked for me for a long time and finally I said to Nancy like are you okay she's like yes no I said well did I do something to hurt your feelings she said no yes I said what what did I do and she said these words to me she said you don't realize how much people value you and you don't carry yourself like people like you understand that people value you and you step out of your office and you think you're being funny but you're destroying with your words the very people you're supposed to be leading and I said did I say something to hurt your feelings and she said yeah she told me what it was and I asked her to forgive me and literally it was over like we had had many of these incidents several times a week for nine years so it wasn't something it wasn't like I didn't even tell my wife about it it wasn't even a big deal when we went on throughout the day and we had a normal day and that night I went to bed and I had a dream have you ever had a dream where you wake up and you can't remember the dream but the emotion of the dream is totally with you I wake up in the middle of the night probably three o'clock in the morning and I feel like I lost my best friend I'm overcome with grief and I and I have this verse a part of a verse running through my mind the world cannot hold up under a slave when he becomes a king I hadn't read that verse for a number of years it's a it's a part of a proverbs chapter 30 and it's just running through my mind the world cannot hold up under a slave when he becomes a king and so I'm half asleep and I just kind of slide up against the headboard and I'm trying to get all the way awake and and this vs. keeps running through my mind and finally I say to the Lord are you speaking to me he says yes you are a popper who's become a king and it's time for you to change and immediately I was taken back into that morning and a vision where Nancy said to me you don't realize how much people value you and you don't carry yourself like you understand that you're valuable and you walk out of your office and you think you're being funny but you're destroying the very people you're supposed to be leading with your words and I came out of that vision and the Lord said to me do you know why Moses had to be raised in Pharaoh's house I said no but I bet you're gonna tell me he said because the man who's in slavery internally cannot free people who are in slavery externally so is it it was necessary for Moses to be raised as a prince so that he could free my people but he said unlike Moses who was raised to be a prince you were raised to be a slave and it's time for you to change now I don't know how this works you know I believe in sovereignty I also believe in free will but I have to say that when God says you're gonna change it doesn't feel like you have a choice how many can say amen to that and I began to encounter the love of God in a way I had never encountered before I was reading through the book of Genesis at the time just in my devotional time and I had really related to the character of Jacob anybody remember Jacob remember his his father didn't like him his brother didn't like him but his mother loved him how many know your mother always loves you you can be a drug addict and your mother's like he's training to be a pharmacist you know I'm saying and Jacob Jacob goes down to a watering hole and he sees this woman and and he wants to marry her and so he finally ends up you know in her father loss in her father's houses says you know I want to marry your daughter : and his father says well you work for me for seven years you can have Rachel now I think we should go back to that I got two daughters this stuff paying for your daughter's weddings no way but I don't think we should do the Philistine foreskins thing either but anyway so Jacob says so the eleven says to him you work for me for seven years and you could have Rachel and so you know the story he works for seven years and they have the big you know the big wedding and and and and he wakes up in the morning and from the honeymoon suite and Leah's in his bed now I don't know why it took him all night to figure out it was Leah but thank God for Thomas Edison and he comes out of the honeymoon suite he said did I not work for Leah for Rachel yes you did well this looks like Leah and Levin says to him well listen we always marry off the oldest first like you know you had like seven years to tell me that but you can have Rachel on credit you can have was it this week and then you work for seven more years for me and so Jacob works for his fall off for 14 years and is miserable his wives don't get along with each other his fall doesn't like him his father doesn't like him his brother doesn't like him he's just living a miserable life and finally he says to his father-in-law like listen I'm taking my wives I'm leaving and as far Long says to him no no don't leave if you stay with me I'll give you a signing bonus this is kind of Chris peloton's edition of the Bible it's hasn't come out yet and Jacob says and he says you know if you stay with me uh you know stay with me I'll give you a sign of us and Jacob says it doesn't matter what agreement we we make you've changed my wage ten times and what Jacob didn't realize is that he married into a family Jacob is a liar and he married into a family that lies more than he does and finally Jacob says to him listen I'll work for all the spotted and speckle sheep and goats if their spot and speckle they're there they're mine and if they're solid color through yours and then Jacob does this crazy thing how many of you know the story to Genesis 30 he goes down to the watering hole where all the sheep and goats mate and when the strong sheep and goats are mating he takes branches and and he and he and he carved spots and speckles in him and he puts them in front listen you can't make this stuff up and he puts him in front of the strong sheep and goats when they're mating and the craziest thing happens all the strong sheep who goats reproduce spotted and speckled sheep and goats and all the weak goats you know well he doesn't put two he only puts the branches in front of the strong sheep from goats when they're mating and the outcome is that all the strong sheep and goats are spotted and speckled all the ones like drag and a leg got a bad eye they're all evans and jacob becomes really rich and one day i'm reading that story in the midst of the lord saying to me it's time for you to change and i had this idea that this is not a lesson in agriculture and i began to realize that god is sharing telling teaching us how his sheep reproduce we don't become what we want to become but we become what we see at the watering hole of our imagination ladies before there was mirrors there was puddles you would go down to the watering hole and you would fix your hair and do whatever you do to your face and what i'm getting at is this is that proverb says as a man thinks in his heart so is he and my point is and what i begin to see is that you don't become what you want to become you become what you see at the Warrenville of your imagination and i've learned that there are two ways to live you can spend your life reacting to what you don't want to be or you can spend your life responding to the vision that god's given you for your life if you spend your life reacting to what you don't want to be it's interesting because you have to keep in mind what it is you don't want to be in my case too violent stepfathers I realized that I was becoming like the very people I hated I used to counsel when I was at Bethel the first three years I know scary huh and I remember that I never met a child molester who wasn't himself a lusted and somewhere in the counseling session they would say something like I swore I'd never be like my brother my cousin my my uncle my mother my father who molested me and I become like the very person I hated and I begin to realize that you don't become what you want to become but you become what you see at the watering hole of your imagination and here's the challenge in order for me to not be like my father's who abuse me I have to keep in mind what it is I don't want to be are you with me but the challenge is I become what I see in order for me to not want to be my father's when I react in life and I'm like I don't want to be like my father's but the problem is I'm imagining what it is I don't want to be and I'm becoming not what I want to be but what I imagine in the watering hole of my imagination [Applause]
Channel: Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
Views: 64,644
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Keywords: guillermo maldonado, ana maldonado, king jesus ministry, el rey jesus, the supernatural now, supernatural encounters, erj, kjm, kris vallotton, christian message, kris vallotton sermon, faith based, king jesus ministry live, king jesus ministry 2018, christian messages for youth, christian messages, kris vallotton sermons, kris vallotton 2018, kris vallotton identity, guillermo maldonado 2018 english, el rey jesus live
Id: 4pzFguuhFOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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