When Heaven Speaks | Session 1 | Kris Vallotton

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one of the most powerful encounters with the Holy Spirit you know those encounters that you don't where you just start crying and then you're crying goes into like boohoo crying and then you've got snot coming out of you and nose and you just you just can't it was one of those like so now I'm like lord I maybe if I didn't have one of those encounters and I would still remember my youngest son Jonah Marge was protecting me from people talking to me because she could see I was having an encounter with God and my youngest son is about five at the time came and looked at me and he was holding water and as he turned over he tipped his water all over my front so now I look like I'm crying the snot coming out of my nose and it looks like I peed myself so that was my encounter anyway the next day we left and we flew to California went to Bethel Church and we drove up the driveway and fee and I could just sense where there was such an expectation such an anticipation we're gonna meet with God for the last year we'd had that song but I still haven't found what I'm looking for we went to different ministries we traveled to different churches we were connected with all kinds of different people but it was like a tuning fork in our spirit it wasn't just making the same sound we hadn't found our tribe we hadn't found our people and when we walked in to that building we had many encounters with God but I just want to say the Holy Spirit said your home it was that tuning fork that was on the inside began to resonate with the Spirit of God on the inside the Bible says it like this deep calls to deep and suddenly was like wow and as I heard these the messages and I heard people prophesy and speak I thought this is my language I believe this this is I believe this stuff this is I believe this hang on I what this is this is this is crazy and from that moment as we began to connect ourselves with that Apostolic house we've been exceedingly blessed and I'll say this and I don't think I've ever said this publicly but I mean this with all sincerity I don't know I'm ministry on the earth today that doesn't have so many revelatory things to say to the body of Christ that come out of one house I don't know any any Church I don't know any Church on the planet right now that has something revelatory to say on the Apostolic on the prophetic on evangelism on worship on administration on marriage on raising kids on in a healing I could go on anyone heard of Jesus Culture Jesus Culture they played here came out of that house Bethel music anyone loved Bethel music I think they wrote a song actually in this room one of the songs on their album but so much stuff has come out of that house and something resignated inside of us and tonight we have Chris valeton with us who is a prophet in that house who's been there and walked through and seen all the seasons and Ledley led the school of ministry and all the things that Chris has done and many of you are here because you've been so enriched and blessed by Chris's teaching his wave just wave your hand if you've heard Chris speak before yeah kind of why you're here but Chris is a prophet that says this if you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet you receive a Prophet's reward you know part of a Prophet's reward is you get to see what he sees so tonight if we receive a prophet if we as we receive Chris I thought was interesting I use word about the heart everyone say heart if you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet you receive that award and I believe tonight we're gonna see more because of the way that we honor this man amen so I'm gonna read this I'm gonna get Chris up fees is chapter 1 if in fact let's all stand together we're gonna pray before Chris comes if you won't just put your hand on your heart because that's what I'm going to be praying for right now this is a thesis chapter 1 and Paul the Apostle Paul prays this he says I have never stopped thanking God for you remembering you in my prayers I keep asking that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the glorious father may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation why so that you can know him better I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you the riches of his glorious inheritance in the Saints and his incomparable great power for us who believe while you're standing here I wonder if you could give a massive applause for this great man of God Chris Balaton come on Chris thank you you can please be seated this has to be one of the most beautiful cities I've ever been in in my life and uh I've been to some beautiful cities this is place is amazing and this place is amazing I feel like Winston Churchill I should like have a speech or something and you know your country is like you have buildings older than our country well let me say this way most of your buildings are older than our country and we were in teepees when you guys were you know building like monuments and stuff and it's just so beautiful so thank you so much for the introduction and hope I can live up to some of it sometimes people introduce you and you're like oh they have another speaker you know what I mean I like being in England because you understand my humor in America I have to explain it all every time so um well I'd like to see Rachel's with me and Bethany's with me would you stand is there any more of our team here [Music] [Applause] we're gonna have a really good time this weekend like I usually have pretty high expectations but like I really like a few likes God's doing something really powerful and and to be in this country at this time feels like a Kairos moment to me in history and we were in London this week and just meeting with some folks and it was just like we just had Rachel kept saying I think this is the most powerful meeting that we ever had then we'd have another one I was like I think this was the most powerful meeting we ever had and and so I'm excited to be here and my my wife were too loved to been here but she likes horses better than people so we stayed back we have two horses and we don't have two horses she has two horses and I have a wife people are like you like horses I'm like no I like marriage and if for those of you that don't know me I've been married 42 years I met Kathy when she was 12 we got engaged when she was 13 that is a true story and we got married when she was 17 and we have four kids we had all our kids by the time she was 22 our oldest is adopted so that might explain some of it and so we have kids that are 40 all the way down to 36 and our three biological kids are all in the ministry how many know you're in the ministry if you receive Jesus Christ you're in the ministry like you may suck at it but you're in it right people like I want to be in the ministry do you know Jesus yes you're in the ministry there's only a royal priesthood there's no other people right Jesus that's the truth jesus said I hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans the Nicolaitans means conquer of the lay people they were the people that actually split the church into two groups of people the ministers and the laypeople and so how many know Jesus hates the deeds of little a attends and when people say we have lay ministry I'm like there's no such thing as lay ministry there's only priests in the Old Testament there was a Levitical priesthood that was one tribe in the New Testament there's a royal priesthood if you receive Jesus you became a pre the only question is where do you do your priest eat your priestly ministry so well that's what I believe and I'm right about that because I thought about it um externally process so about three years ago I was preaching live in live streaming place was packed and I you know the all the preachers don't know that you know they've had this experience but I'm preaching on my notes and I know I have notes and I'm preaching off my notes Sunnah I have this message all planned and I'm sharing and then I get this idea and I'm like oh I felt like the Holy Spirit so for 15 minutes I like chase this rabbit and then and then I chase it long enough to realize like oh that's actually not biblical so then I said oh you know that stuff I taught like the last 15 minutes like that's actually not biblical then I let's get back to the scripture and the people were like they thought I was joking when I utterly wasn't so so lord thank you for what you're doing in these people and we just pray that you would do something profound in each of us tonight and Holy Spirit we're aware that we just have words but we understand that you make words worlds and we pray God that you would expand our world that the kingdom within us we've come to Kingdom around us that literally that you would move through us to a world that's desperate and dying and in need of light amen um I want to talk to you about changing epic seasons and so I say this I believe that we're in the second greatest epic season transition in the history of the world now let me tell you when I use the word epic I'm talking about the word EPOC H and you guys probably spell it differently you know thank God for the Americans like you guys have screwed up the English language so at least where God had us Americans you know actually preserved the English language I was in your country three years in a row on 4th of July I mean what do you say on 4th of July from the podium like what you guys like to celebrate 4th of July like you're the guys we left anyway ok ok but I want to define epic EPOC H for you yes I understand yeah and you guys say honor we like to blow on you you're like what we'd like to learn you oh no a please don't I already had that cut off once yeah anyway sorry EPOC H is in the way means biblically a way in which the way in which God deals with these certain people in a certain season a way in which God deals with a certain people in a certain season and I'd like to propose to you that we're in the greatest transition in the history of the world the second greatest the first greatest transition would be the cross huh me know that the cross divided history now Jesus said it like this in Matthew 5:43 you've heard it said love your neighbor but hate your enemy but I say to you love your neighbor pray for those who persecute you don't be like your Father in Heaven who makes it rain on the righteous and the unrighteous where did they hear love your neighbor and hate your enemy I'd propose to you it was God for 2,000 years God said 2 for instance Joshua go into the land and kill everybody don't let anybody live you remember that Saul the very first king of Israel actually lost his kingship because he extended mercy to an enemy King and the the prophet Samuel came with his sword and cut the enemy a GOG app up with the sword and then he was the prophet who cut him up was the good guy in the movie and saw who extended mercy was the bad guy how many know Deuteronomy 18 says from verse 1 to verse 14 God says this is all the blessings if you serve me here's all the blessings I will do for you I'll bless you when you come in I'll bless you when you go on I'll bless your children your your crops and so on and so forth but from verse 15 to verse 64 all the curses I think it's verse 30 of Deuteronomy 18 that says and it will if you serve other gods it will not reign in your land now think about it when Elisha called for a famine you'll notice that in first Kings 18 you'll notice that God never told Elisha to call for a famine it says Elisha called for the famine where did he get the idea in the Bible because how many know Ahab and Jezebel were ruling and God said and they were serving other gods and God said if you serve other gods it will not rain in your land and when I'm getting at is this is that Jesus is heast he's actually the thirty three years that Jesus was on the planet how many know that he was closing one epic season or epoch season and opening up another Jesus lived if you will in the tension of two of two of two transition of two covenants and so when Jesus said you've heard it said love your neighbor and hate your enemy they would have known that Jesus is talking about the fact that they were supposed to hate those who hated God in fact David bragged God do I not hate those who hate you and then jesus said but I say to you love your neighbor love your enemies pray for those who persecute you and listen this you'll be like your Father in Heaven who makes it rain on the righteous and the unrighteous how many know in the Old Covenant it didn't rain on the unrighteous but in a new covenant God's pouring his Spirit out on all flesh how many know God is making it rain on people who don't deserve it that would be like most the people in this room including me and so the point is is that Jesus assured in the greatest epic season in human history in which God applied his blood to the entire creation and by the way how many understand that Jesus didn't just die for humans he died for all creation why did Jesus have a crown of thorns on his head what was the curse Adam you remember the curse over the serpent was you're gonna crawl on the ground and I'm gonna put enmity or hostility between you and the woman and then the curse over the woman was I'm gonna increase your pain in childbirth and your husband will rule over you and by the way your husband will rule over you not all men good point Chris thank you for that this might be one of those conferences where the first crowd is bigger then it gets smaller and smaller till it's like me in the pasture but the curse over Adam was you're gonna till the ground but it's going to yield thorns and thistles the point is you're gonna do the right thing but the wrong things gonna happen why did Jesus wear a crown of thorns on his head because how many know when Jesus died on the cross he didn't just die for humans he died for all creation that's why Romans 8 says that creation is groaning waiting for the revealing of the sons of God creation is waiting for it's born again experience how many know that we're gonna get a new earth a new heaven and a new earth for the Old Earth and the old heaven have what passed away how many know when you receive Jesus you became a new creation and all things have passed away how many know you got your born-again experience but creation is waiting for it when I look in the mirror I still look like the same person I was but God said I'm a new creation and he said old things have passed away it's just a thought I had I thought I'd share that with you my point is that when Jesus died on the cross that he literally split history in half and God actually God actually interacts with the world differently than he did before the cross it's an interesting statement you know sometimes cheap people they they they talk about grace in a way that seems cheap but Jesus said from the days of John the Baptist the kingdom suffered violence and the violent took and violent men took the kingdom by force and in another passage he said that well we'll leave it there my point would be this that help me understand that when Jesus died on the cross that through a violent act of grace you got into the kingdom see the jesus said to the Pharisees he said you don't come into the kingdom and you resist anyone who tries to get in and Jesus talked about the fact that that the law and the prophets were till John and from the days of John everyone's forcing their way in the kingdom and violent men are taking the kingdom but force how many know Jesus came to fulfill the law and the prophets the law said you didn't keep the rules you can't come in here the prophets said of the Old Testament said you didn't keep the rules you deserve to be judged but huh me understand that through a violent act of grace people who didn't deserve the kingdom God yet you know what's funny to me is we get in through his works and then we want everyone else to get in through theirs there's another thought and what I'm getting at is that Jesus it's um you know think about this what happened at the cross but let's pretend that rachel is a judge and and bethany killed my brother and when you come before the judge and the judge says Oh Bethany your dad was my golfing friend go free how many know that's mercy but it's not justice see how many know that God sits on a mercy seat but the foundation of his throne his righteousness and justice see Jesus God has a challenge he has to create justice so he can release mercy and I'm like wait a second you can't let her you can't let her go she killed my brother and though and then Bethany's mother comes and says I will die for Bethany and the judge looks mrs. Roper mrs. Roper I'm sorry you can't die for Bethany because you actually are a fugitive yourself you owe for your own sins I'm you know all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and the soul the soul that sins shall die she can't die for her daughter because she has to die for her own sin all of a sudden the the judge's son steps up to the court and says Your Honor I will die for her and the judge looks Jesus Christ Jesus Christ wait a second you don't owe for your sin so you can die for hers and I'm like wait a second he can't die for her sin like he she killed my brother yes but your brother was also on death row I will give my sinless son for your guilty brother and so when Jesus died on the cross how many understand he fulfilled justice so he can release mercy so what's the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant well there's some lots of differences but how many understand that the greatest difference is that God that justice was fulfilled so God can release mercy so how many understand that it rains on the righteous and the unrighteous now and God can make it rain on unrighteous people and not be unjust because Jesus already paid for it on the cross so Jesus so the greatest epic EPOC season in the history of the world was the cross but I want to talk to you about the second greatest season epic epoch season I'm sorry in the history of the world and that's the season that I believe that we're coming into you right now I believe we're in the second greatest epoch season in the history of the world I want to describe to you an a an epic season when the children of Israel when they were when they went from the wilderness they crossed the Jordan River how many know it says the manna ceased the cloud by Nate day was gone the fire by night was gone and God said welcome to the promised land now how many understand that's not too hard to lead on one side of the river be a leader on one side of the river it's not too hard to lead on the other side of the river but it's very difficult to be the leader in one epic season and lead well and the other Moses couldn't do it and God went from doing miracles to them to doing miracles through them think about this if you're if you're an Israelite and you're in the wilderness you've seen God in the fire every day like God's presence is actually physically visible in the fire God's presence is physically visible in the cloud are you with me God's presence is physically visible in that you have angel food every day all you do for three days three you know for 40 years three meals a day is eat manna and then you cross the river and the supernatural weather system is gone and the suits not supernatural food systems gone and God you're in the promised land see how many know the wilderness was welfare here we go I'd like to propose that God wants to get his people off of welfare that he wants to co labor with his people that God doesn't just want to do miracles to you he wants to do miracles through you and you can imagine when they cross the Jordan River the Bible says in the day they cross the Jordan River the manna ceased there is nowhere where God told them the manna would cease it just said it ceased I proposed to you that if you were born in the wilderness and how many understand that when they crossed the Jordan River there was only two people that crossed that River that weren't born and in that wilderness and that was Joshua and Caleb everyone else had only known manner for forty years for forty years all they ate was manna in fact they ate quail but the people who crossed the Jordan wouldn't even known the quail that was their parents all they'd ever eaten for forty years is manna all they've ever done is gather manna for 40 years how many know that if you're the gold-medal olympic manna gatherer in the wilderness you don't want the manna deceased in the promised land and they crossed the Jordan River and the manna ceases and I propose to you that they probably thought they were on a seven-day fast because they had fasted in the wilderness and about day eight they're like oh we're on a 14-day fast and day 15 we're like oh we're on a 40-day fast and about day 42 i picture Mary she turns to Joel it says you need to get a job and he says what's a job that's why they put the book a job in the Bible because how many understand that they had never worked in their life these people all they did was gather manna but Isaiah 42 9 says the former things have come to pass behold I proclaim what new thinks to you I'd like to suggest that God's not doing the next thing he's doing the new thing see if God was doing the next thing the thing you have you did would have something to do with the thing you're about to do but how many know God's not doing the next thing does doing a new thing and it require a new song sing to the Lord a new song what does it mean sing the Lord a new song it means God's doing a new thing and you need it what a new way of thinking Jesus said about John the Baptist he said John sang the dirge that's the funeral song and you didn't mourn I played the flute it's the wedding song and you didn't dance what was he saying he's saying you weren't congruent with any season are you with me I'm saying Jesus used music to depict epochs seasons and I proposed to you that we've just crossed the Jordan River and God's not doing the next thing God's doing the new thing and requires a new song Eric Hoffer said in times of change learners inherit the earth while they learn find himself beautifully prepared for a world that no longer exists in times of change learners inherit the earth but to learn find themselves beautifully prepared for a world that doesn't exist a friend of mine in a very first year of school of ministry 20 years ago his name was Eric and Eric graduated from our school of ministry and at graduation during the graduation which was very small 37 students he leaned over to me he had a PhD in theology by the way I have no problem with people having higher education but this is what Eric said he had a PhD in theology he wanted to go into the ministry and the Lord told him that he needed to do a school of ministry one year school ministry and he leaned over to me he didn't want to go he fought for the first three months he was my worst student he only went out of obedience he didn't go out of passion but I may the end of the year he turned to me and on the stage he said you know what I learned I said what he said in seminary I learned to answer questions no one was asking I'd like to propose to you that we've just crossed the Jordan River and that heaven the way in which God deals with these certain people in a certain season has changed how many you know you get the metaphor when they were in that wilderness God dealt with them I just told you manna fire by day I'm sorry fire by night cloud by day God dealt with this same people when they cross the Jordan River I'm saying when they cross the Jordan River by the way they really did cross the Jordan River it's not a metaphor but when they cross the Jordan River in the first heaven how many know they crossed into a new epoch epoch season in the third heaven in which God dealt with the same people in a different way the Bible says that the sons of Issachar understood the times it's 1st chronicles 12:32 the sons of Issachar were famous for two things they understood what time it was and they understood what Israel should do in the times I'd suggest that the greatest question that we should be asking right now is what time is it what epic time is it how is God dealing with us now and that the key word for this season is flexible because the God who dealt with you one way on the wilderness side of the river is dealing you with dealing with you differently on the promised land side of the river remember the land of Egypt was the land of not enough they were slaves the wilderness was the land of just enough remember they could collect manna for only one day there was no such thing as savings then how many know the Promised Land was the land of what more than enough it was the land of milk and honey it was the land flowing with milk and honey it was the land of more than enough in fact it was so more than enough they didn't conquer the entire land that God gave them for 400 years God gave them so much land that it took him four hundred years to actually receive the promise how would you like to have God give you so much exceedingly abundantly more than you ask or think you're like God I want this and gods like I want to give you this how would you like your inheritance to be so great your children's children's children's children are still getting all the territory that God promised you in covenant I believe that God's not doing the next thing but he is doing the new thing and I believe that most churches have crossed the Jordan River and they're still doing mana classes and we're eatin mana by faith and we're getting skinnier and skinnier and skinnier and our favorite song is the way we were and I don't know if you know this but religion is dead we may be the only ones who don't know it like people are exiting traditional churches in mass numbers that in in Europe and in and in America we've not known in 200 years and it's not because people don't want God is because they don't want manna and they might be the ones who are right oh thank you Chris do you have another message so I want to talk to you about the second greatest transition in human history I want to talk about it for they're probably a couple of sessions and then I want to talk to you about what you should do about it what I should do about it 19 years ago this would be the 20th year actually that Cathy and I came to Bethel we left the business world and we we moved to we moved out of the mountains we were living in a little town called Weaverville honey no you can't even sound like you have a education when you're from Weaverville where are you from I'm from Weaverville really did you graduate from sixth grade barely and we moved to we had businesses and we got rid of our businesses and we moved to Redding California to start to school ministry and we were living in this little apartment we had gone through a crisis in our finances we had lost our business that's a whole nother story I'm glad to tell it but it's not relevant to what we're doing tonight and we were living in this little apartment and two-bedroom apartment and and I was going through a we were both going through a lot and I would go into the at middle night you couldn't sleep a lot and I would go into the other bedroom and lay on the floor and just pray and talk to God and one morning I was laying there is very early in the morning and the Lord spoke to me and he said you're moving he said we're moving from denominationalism to apostle ships after me what that means now I knew it was God because anything that has more than one syllable I don't know that word I don't use words like that and so I said what does that mean and the Lord said in denominationalism and by the way everybody say ISM so I'm not talking about denominations I might even slip and say denominations but I'm talking about the ISM like communism it's the spirit are you with me and by the way just just a preference this I believe there's as much denominationalism in apostolic networks as there is in denominations so it doesn't matter what it says over the door of your church it matters what it says over the door of your heart you're not going to solve the nomination ilysm by leaving your denomination and saying we're Joe's apostolic Network it's a heart thing are you with me and the Lord said in denominationalism in denominationalism people gather when they agree and they divide when they disagree think about it we are in the 500th year of the Reformation this year and by the way not by chance that it that England came out of the EU I didn't make a political statement you might have think I did but I did it's not by chance that the Lord decided to reform you in the 500th year of the Reformation you remember where the Catholic went Joe when Martin Luther host said John Wesley and John Wesley was with him in spirit when Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses to the door of the Catholic Church Martin Luther left the Catholic Church not over social issues not over you understand like I'm not a historian so I've just given you a documentary I have no idea if he should have left he should have stayed I I don't happen to pick I honestly don't have an opinion about that I'm only telling you I'm only sharing a documentary when he left the Catholic Church he left if you will over doctrinal disagreements are you with me and the Lord said to me I'm about to pour out revelation on this generation that's been held in the vaults of heaven for the eons of ages even the Angels long to look in the revelation I'm about to release on this generation when Daniel said in the last days knowledge will increase he wasn't talking about the internet he wasn't talking about the knowledge of the glory of the Lord that will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea it means it'll be wide and deep and God said I'm about to reveal things about my nature that have been hidden for the eons of Ages but if I release revelation on this generation know if either release if I release Revelation on this wineskin that people gather when they agree and they divide when they disagree it's gonna rip the wineskin think about it if I am a shepherd of a denominationalism church and I realize that people have come to this church like they chose this church because they agree with the doctrine they gathered because they agreed and by the way let me ask you a question how many times is the Catholic Church split in two thousand years well I'll tell you the answer twice how many times is a Protestant church split in 500 years let's make it easy in the last thirty days you get my point what do the Catholics call the leaders of their individual churches father are you with me if I'm a leader if I'm a shepherd of a denominationalism Church that's a little hard to say and I realized that people gathered when they agree and they divide when they disagree what do I have to make sure they don't do disagree what does it take to have a disagreement an opinion what's it take to have an opinion a thought what do I have to make sure you don't do I have to make sure you don't think so I don't preach to inspire you I preach to convince you see it's the opposite of a revelatory culture because when people start thinking thinking is dangerous business so I don't teach people how to think I teach them what to think and then I redefine what it means what terms of the Bible mean to keep you from thinking and I say things like loyalty means you agree with me actually loyalty is only tested when we don't agree I say I say unity is when if we could just all agree we could change the city I'm sorry Jesus had 12 disciples when he walked the earth and he couldn't get 12 guys to get along when he walked the earth and they changed the world okay I kind of ruining it for some of you like oh there goes your notes for Sunday listen I like people to get along but it's called the unity of the Spirit not the unity of doctrine so in denominationalism we gather when we agree and we divide when we disagree but in Apostleship s' I don't choose the church because of what they believe now doctrine is important we'll get to that a minute but I choose a church because that's my family I go there's my dad there's my mom my cousins my brothers I'm not crazy uncle and by the way everybody has a crazy uncle you know the guy that when your friend can we obviously you don't choose your family but you choose your friends right and they choose you so you just prayed that you crazy uncle stays in the cellar well your friends come over how many people have a crazy uncle or a crazy aunt of course and some of you are lying you're like I don't have a crazy what we all know you know you are the crazy uncle the person next to you raised their hand like have you ever asked yourself why the greatest inventions innovations creativity art the greatest intellectual property in the world isn't flowing from the church I mean you think about this like how many understand before you knew Jesus you didn't have the mind of Christ how many you know that just ok let me just try this everyone raise your hand okay I'm just making sure okay so so you really didn't agree with me okay so before you met Jesus you didn't have the mind of Christ after you met Jesus you had the mind of Christ that means what you think God's thoughts like you want to know what God's thinking yeah what are you thinking you have the mind of Christ you think like God thank you Chris for that before you met Jesus you didn't have the Creator the Creator inside of you after you Mitch you're like I'm too hot man I ain't exercising I'm telling you right now and the people sitting next to you like please don't raise your arms before you met Jesus you did not have the creator of all the universe living inside of you correct after you met Jesus the creator of the entire universe the God who made everything literally literally lives inside of you you are literally a mobile home for God I can't do anything without God that's true but he's always there I can't do anything without God without God that's true but he's always with you so what's your Excuse how many know John the Baptist was the greatest prophet of the Old Testament Jesus himself said that but he said but the least in the kingdom was greater than John how many no that means that John was greater than Moses David Esther Daniel just who's your favorite guy jesus said John was greater Daniel was ten times wiser then all the wise men of Babylon John was greater than Daniel and guess what the least in the current kingdom is greater than John who is greater than Daniel who was ten times wiser than all the all the wise men in Babylon and you how many you understand you are a new creation in the kingdom and you the least in here you're like oh I'm stupid well you're smarter than Daniel who was ten times wiser than all the wise men how many know before you knew Jesus you were not seated in heavenly places with Christ but after you met Jesus you were literally seated in heavenly places with Christ far above all principalities and powers and every name that's ever been named you aren't just seated in heavenly places you were seated in heavenly places with Christ and by the way Jesus is sitting on the throne of David not his own throne and you're seated with him how many know you live on earth and in heaven you were currently here in bath and you are currently seated in heavenly places when you when you became a new creation the word new there means there's two words for the Greek word new one means like you've got a new car and the other words means prototype never before created this is the word prototype it means a creature that never graced the planet before when you receive Jesus Christ you actually became a different species of creature that's why it's put Peter said that you are strangers and aliens you're the first creature at least that we know of that lives on earth and in heaven the question is do you live from earth to heaven or from heaven to earth see if you live from earth to heaven how many know your prayers are always reactionary you're always praying about what already happened but if you live from heaven to earth do you remember when the when John when John the Apostle when Jesus said to John the Apostle come up here it's Revelation 4 come up here and I will show you what must take place after these things yo do you believe in the rapture well I believe you were raptured once already because you already came up here how many understand that your heavenly seat come up here and I'll show you what must take place after these things how many understand your heavenly seat gives you eternal perspectives now you're praying not from Earth to heaven but from heaven earth and your prayers become prophecies and your words become worlds now you're not reacting to what happened but you are actually dictating you are actually co-creating with God Winston Churchill said history will be kind to me for I intend to write it how many understand that you are actually making history his story before you knew Jesus you weren't seated in heavenly places but now that you've met Jesus you're seated in heavenly places with Christ and your heavenly seat gives you eternal perspectives so that you can see things long before they take place how many you know before you met Jesus you did not have the first Corinthians chapter 12 gift of wisdom spiritual gift of wisdom but after you met Jesus you have the spiritual gift of wisdom before you met Jesus you did not have the manifold wisdom of God Ephesians chapter 3 that's been given to the church to teach the principalities and powers the mysteries of God but after you met Jesus you received the manifold it's the word multi-dimensional or multicolored you receive the manifold wisdom of God in which you will teach principalities and powers about the kingdom now I could give you I think there's 42 of those 42 advantages you have over the person who does not yet know God now tell me where should the inventions innovation creation cures for diseases where should the next great car come from automobile jet plane and things that we haven't even thought of yet you remember when a hard drive was a rough road we don't even have language for the things that are coming my point is this who should be on the edge of all innovation invention who should be it should be the church I'm saying are these realities or they're just philosophies and theologies that we believe that never really happened how many know if we were on the cutting edge of all thinking in the if you went to church as an unbeliever receive Jesus Christ got baptized and came out of the tank thinking the world would be rushing the aisles they'd be like I know John he's an idiot well he was now he's building the rocket in his back yard I'm simply saying are these promises are they philosophies theologies or are they realities and I'm asking you the question why are the most brilliant the Creator on board people not a millennium ahead of everybody else would it not be jealousy evangelism remember that's what God used in the Old Testament he said I'm gonna so bless a certain see God wanted everybody but they didn't want God so he goes alright I'm gonna sing lots of people and I'm gonna so bless this one people everyone's gonna want me jealousy evangelism God says you know I love the story remember when the Ark of the Covenant David was trying to get it into the city of Zion and some things happen and a guy died on the way and David gets scared and he takes it to Oba Needham's house and it says that it was there for three months and it says that everything in Olbermann's house that Oden means house was blessed everything and it says the word came back to the king that everything in Albany tombs house is blessed because the arts there and David said okay we're getting the Ark come on my point is the Ark is that obedience house it's in your garage everything in your garage everything in your house all your children all your grandchildren your finances it is supposed to be blessing you you're supposed to be the wisest the smartest the most blessed people on the planet it is jealousy evangelism but why is it not happening and I'd propose to you because in denominationalism we have been taught to not think it's like having a Ferrari with 1200 horsepower and 257 mile an hour top speed and you listen to the radio and someone's like don't start that you could get hurt that's called religion on people come to church and we reduce them don't come here with a new idea we've been doing this for 40 years and we like the circle we're making CI somebody we met with some folks and they said that there's so much in certainty since you left the EU I'm like no it's not uncertain it's just unknown see I don't have to feel uncertainty when I don't know what's ahead because I know who is with me you know a pessimist says the glass is half-empty the optimist says the glass is half full but the believer the believer doesn't care how much is in the glass the believer wants to know who's the source there can be no oil in the jar come on help me there doesn't have to be any oil in the jar if I'm a optimist I go oh they'll be oil at some point but if I'm a believer I go get more jars I'm not called to be an optimist I'm called to be a believer I'm not believing that the elements will be right I'm believing in the God who made the elements who said I'm about to bless you I'd like to propose that God's about to bless your country in a way that you haven't seen in 1,500 years the future is not uncertain it's just unknown how many of you like surprises I'm saying if your husband comes to you and he's a good guy and he goes I have a surprise for you I'm giving it to you Friday are you anxious or are you excited well that depends on his character right I'm saying if he's a good man and you've lived with him your life and you trust him and he says I have a surprise for you and it's Monday and he said it's coming Friday how many know you're not scared you're excited the future is not uncertain it's just unknown and if you know who promised it you're excited not afraid people are like but all these terrible things are happening ah whenever God moves the enemy comes in remember God's sending a deliverer Moses and what does the enemy do he's killing off all the firstborn are you telling that the times by who's dying or who's in the palace are you saying these are the worst times in history maybe because you don't know about the x-factor you haven't factored in that God has a Moses you don't know why the enemy has come in he's only come in because God said I'm about to move try and stop me how many know when Jesus is sent to save the world what does the enemy do he's trying to kill all the firstborn sons wait is it a good season or a bad season I propose to you that it's about to be the best season in the history of the world but there's bad things happening that's because good things are about to happen so you gotta put on new eyes I'll pray that you would see I pray that you that the spirit of the sons of Issachar would be on you Nebuchadnezzar comes in to bat but becomes king of Babylon what's the one of the first things he does makes war against Israel you know the story destroys his real destroys the first temple captures all the people is it a good time or a bad time he'd agree it's a bad time but never made one mistake he put kept four boys and put them in his service one strategic mistake see if you looking at Israel you will miss God's xfactor named Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and never condensers ghost I beat those people and God says I haven't spoke yet and you know the story he served Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar has an encounter with God becomes a believer decrees that everyone has to serve the god of Daniel who he doesn't even know he's just thought of Daniel I don't know his name but whoever it is serve Him and then you'll remember that he serves the king's son belch Eleazar and then he serves Darius who put him in the lion's den and by the way I don't know if you know this but Daniel was throwing the lines that 92 maybe why the lines didn't eat him yeah and then he serves Cyrus now a lot of people don't know the story the Prophet Jeremiah prophesied before Cyrus was born that there will be a king his name will be Cyrus and in the 70th year he will let my people go back and rebuild the temple that's a great prophecy right and what does Daniel do for 70 years in Babylon Daniels in Babylon from the first year of Jeremiah's prophecy to the last and every day three times a day what does he do he throws the windows open and he prays towards Jerusalem he just happens to be there in the 70th year in the 70th year he goes to Cyrus and he said hey there's a prophet in Israel who've talked about you before you were born your name Cyrus you're in the book you're supposed to let the people of God go now what isn't in the book is that when Cyrus let the people go which he because of his relationship with Daniel he lets the people of God go back and rebuild the temple what Jeremiah didn't realize is that not only was Cyrus gonna let the people go but he was gonna fund the most expensive building project in the history of the world from the Treasury of Babylon no Persia the most expensive building project in the world was funded through Cyrus who wasn't a believer but here's the most important part do you know who wrote the Bill of Rights that's in United Nations it was Cyrus you know who taught him about the Bill of Rights it was Daniel you know that when Daniel when Daniel mentored three kings he served four that literally that Daniel is still speaking through the United Nations who uses the Bill of Rights that Cyrus wrote that Daniel taught him so you just don't really know what's happening because you're listening to the news good point Chris I'm helping you I believe that we're moving from denominationalism to apostle ships and they were in the greatest transition in the history of the world when I was laying on the floor that day that morning the Lord said to me we're in the new apostolic age and I believe that the world will benefit from what God is doing hmm you know Jesus said I'll build the church you extend the kingdom so funny we spend all of our time building the church and wonder who in the heck's extending the kingdom see part of the challenges we think the church is the kingdom I'd like to propose you that all the church is in the kingdom but not all the kingdoms in the church I'd like to propose to you that God's bigger than his book Oh Oh what don't leave yet let me finish didn't John the Apostle John said if all the miracles that Jesus did were written down that they couldn't that the books the earth itself could not contain the books listen I'm not talking about extra books I'm saying God is bigger than the Bible some people say all the answers for life are in the Bible no they're not all the answers for life are in the author some of the answers for life are in the Bible no I believe there are things that are biblical extra biblical and anti-biblical I'm not talking about anti-bible you're like I believe every word the Bible and that's the only thing I do know you don't you ever seen someone receive Jesus in church yeah and the pastor says if you want to receive Jesus raise your hand anybody ever seen that not in the Bible ever ask anyone to pray a prayer to receive Jesus not a Bible see there's a big difference between Christianity and following Jesus I can pray a prayer and receive Jesus but I can't be a follower of Jesus just by praying a prayer anyway okay I'm simply saying that when we receive Jesus by raising their hand or repeating a prayer which is the way I receive Jesus but we're not taught that being born again means I follow Jesus how many know I can I can I'll be careful I can be a Christian and live with my girlfriend but I can't be a follower of Jesus and live with my girlfriend cuz he ain't going that way see when when I prayer prayer to receive Jesus then questions like once I'm saved am I always saved see that's not a question if I'm following Jesus it's only a question if I prayed a prayer I'm saying we have moved from the gospel of salvation to the gospel of a kingdom but lots of people are still in the gospel of salvation and Jesus didn't take this to preach the gospel of salvation he taught us to preach the gospel of the kingdom I'm in a new kingdom with new ways I can't live immorally and follow Jesus but I can live you morally and be a Christian because now being a Christian means I agree with some philosophies and theologies I embrace the things I don't practice and by the way if I feel it I am it because feelings Trump the truth good point Chris thank you for all about so we're moving what time is it yeah thank you we preach the eternal gospel the only reason we wear a watch to see if the day changed okay let me just finish with this and then we'll and then tomorrow we'll pick up the subject we're in the new AB stock season what does it mean to be an apostle very simple what's it mean to be apostle I'll explain this to you ten minutes is good okay you can endure till the end and you'll be saved that's in the Bible yeah what's it mean to be an apostle okay so the word apostle means sent one the word was invented by the Greeks about four hundred years before the Romans were ruling Jerusalem and so the Greeks actually came up with the idea it doesn't just mean to be sent though it means to be sent from a place to another place to reproduce in the place you're sent to what you what you were sent from until the place you're sent to looks like the place you're sent from simply put it means cultural transformation so the word doesn't just mean descent it means to be sent with the mission to reproduce in another place what you were sent from till the place you're sent to looks like the place you're sent from are you with me okay so the Romans were obviously obviously leading ruling the Jewish ruling the Jews at the time of Christ so sometimes people say why were there no apostles in the Old Testament well first of all the word wasn't invented so the Romans were like Hitler right they were conquering the world they were conquerors they wanted to conquer the known world did a pretty good job of it actually and when you're in Rome you do as the Romans do so the Romans were conquering cities and let's say they conquer one city city to city three and they come back to the first city that they conquered and the people were back to their old ways and the Roman said where recall currencies but we're not culture izing them so the so the Romans are the ones who made the word apostle famous they took the Greek idea concept of apostle and they they they some of their generals and they named some of their generals Apostles and then with the generals who are now called apostles they would send them out to war but with the military also went philosophers and teachers and politicians and musicians and artists so they would conquer and culture eyes conquer and culture eyes are you with me so when Jesus promotes his learners disciple means learner to leader it's interesting when he called them because he could have called them priests there was the whole Levitical priests of the order right he could have called them prophets so there was sons of the prophets he could have called them patriarchs there was 12 patriarchs and was 12 disciples but instead he takes a word that would be as secular as the word CEO a very popular common word and he says you are my apostles and then he gives them an apostolic prayer what's the prayer our Father who is in heaven help me hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven where are you seated in heavenly places what's your job make earth like heaven how many understand we're trying to get people to heaven but Jesus didn't emphasize going to heaven he emphasized heaven coming to earth how many know if you get heaven and people then you'll have heaven you'll have people in heaven are you with me so I'm saying Jesus talks very little about going to heaven he talks a lot about the kingdom coming and so the goal is to get the people in the kingdom because you get people in the kingdom then they're gonna be in heaven and by the way God's not in heaven heavens in God do you remember well think about this if God is eternal and the heavens and earth will pass away that means the heavens and earth aren't eternal so where did God live before there was heavens I'm see David said this way the heavens the highest heavens could not contain him the only reason gods in heaven is because heaven is inside a God God is bigger than heaven so what's your mission get people to heaven of course evangelism is important but what's your ultimate mission then it'd be on earth as it is in heaven how many know that's an abbess t'like prayer what's that what does it mean what says positive word apostle mean it means sent one what does it mean it means to be sent from a place to another place to reproduce in the place you're sent to what yours plate what you were sent from until the place you're sent to you looks like the place you're sent from and guess what that's what we're supposed to be doing that's why you are an out of stoic people see the goal isn't to get butts in a seat two hours on a Sunday morning the goal is to extend the kingdom to the world how many know Jesus is the light of the world have you ever heard someone preach in the last days the church will get brighter well this world gets darker how many ever heard a message like that I've heard many of them I preached them where's the light it's in the oh you don't even know you're like I don't know I have no idea I ain't raising my hand for anything see Jesus said I'm the light of the world then he said you're the light of the world a city on a hill that cannot be hidden and see think about this if were the light of the world how can we get brighter and the world get darker if the light is stationed in the world I'm saying Jesus listen if I turn the lights up in here if I get a light and I turn it up is there any way that it can get brighter in here and darker at the same time yes there is how can you do that Chris you could put a basket over the light then you can turn the light up and it could get brighter under the a skit and darker in the room but Jesus thought through that and he said no one takes a lamp and puts it under a basket but instead they set it on a yeah they set it up in a high place right so think about this before electricity you lit a lamp and you put it as high as you could in the room right so the light would go as far as it could this is the metaphor are you with me and then so Jesus then said okay you're the light okay good where are you stationed in the world okay and how how are we going to make sure everyone sees you because we're gonna put you on a top of a hill here we go I wrote a book called heavy rain you should read it it's my favorite book that I wrote my favorite book actually but anyway in that book I'm almost done in that book my PA and I did a statistical study on American churches and here's what we learned the cities that had the greatest Christian Church going population had the worst social statistics in our nation okay let me just make sure you hear what I just said the more people that went to a Christian Church in a city the worse off the city was the crime rose divorce Rose poverty Rose sickness rose are you with me in other words I call it the huddle factor I'm not saying that the people who went to church weren't better off I'm saying the city went to hell as people went to heaven what's the point gathering Christians don't transform cities see I'd propose that we put people in church so often they don't have time to be light anywhere else and the church becomes a basket and then the what statistics get worse so we create an eschatology to feel okay about it well brother it's the last days jesus said in the last days the light's gonna get brighter and the darkness isn't gonna get darker I'd like you show me where Jesus said that well it says nation will rise against nation check that's happened there'll be earthquakes in diverse places check that's happen and you check the 13 things that Jesus said would happen and guess what they're all checked in Matthew 24 but the ones that aren't checked are and you will make disciples of all nations and I will pour my spirit out on all flesh how many know the bad things have happened but the promises to Abraham have not what was the promise to Abraham and hope against hope he believed and so he shall become so he became the father of what Israel know many nations and listen this here's Russia and so shall your descendants be when Jesus said make disciples of all nations it wasn't a new idea it was the promise to Abraham Isaiah 2 I'm gonna finish with this verse Isaiah 2 you can turn there if you like you won't even believe it's in there nobody's read this verse to you I guarantee it maybe they have I was in Ezekiel I'm like wow that wasn't Isaiah - the word which Isaiah the son of amos saw concerning judah and jerusalem now what would come about in the last days okay when's this supposed to happen in the last days does it say it will come about in the Millennium no okay just making sure that the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as chief of the mountains and we raised above the hills and all the nations will stream to it and then and we'll raise the rub the hill and a couple nations will stream to it Oh Oh it says all the nations and many people will come and say come let us go to the mountain of the Lord to the house of the God of Jacob he'll teach us concerning his waise will walk in his past for the law or the instruction will go forth from Zion the word of the Lord from Jerusalem he will judge between nations and render decisions between many people and they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks nation will not lift up sword against nation and never again will they learn war what is that it says in last days you know why you haven't heard that verse because all the prophecies teachers put all the push all the good stuff into the Millennium what if that's for today what if it isn't I'll be the happiest guy that beasts ever ate when Jesus died on the cross he defeated the devil I don't know how he got his power back but he didn't in my world he told me that he put everything under my feet I believe that when David built the tabernacle of David in put the Ark of the Covenant in the midst of it and sent all the priests sent all the priests in to administer 24 hours a day do you know that the Bible of his day told him he can't do that do you know that the tabernacle of Moses that God instructed Moses to build was down the street in another leaving do you know that the tabernacle of Moses was down the street but the Ark of the Covenant was in the middle of a tent the Ark of the Covenant being in the tent was David's idea David put priests in there 24 hours a day the rules that God gave Moses was let one priests come in one time of year with blood and if he sweats I'll kill him they tied a rope around the priests so they could drag his butt out of there if he died my point is this is that David wasn't doing what the Bible said he could do but the Bible says that David looked ahead and saw a day of grace and he took what was for another day and he pulled it into his day and he lived in grace in a season of law because he was a man who said in heavenly places and said I'll take that I'll take it now would you stand what if God meant that he was going to pour a spear out on all flesh what if he did you know the Muslims are disciple in five nations Christian zero I propose to you it's not about ability it's about belief and I want to pray for you all y'all it's sweaty in here huh don't hug me after the service because I really my deodorants a day old Lord we just bless what you're doing we thank you that you've given us the kingdom it's the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom and Lord may we extend the borders of the kingdom into our city and as they did in the days of the Apostles when they said those who turned the world upside down and come here Lord may we turn the world right-side up may we bless the people that you bless in Jesus name Amen thank you so very much for the letting you go long [Music] [Applause] we man Chris thank you so so much let's just lift our hands to the Lord can we you know in every nation on earth this is a sign of surrender and this is a sign of receiving just close your eyes for a moment and we're gonna end and just go back into a bit of worship and I'm gonna ask the ministry team to come forward if you want prayer for the fete prayer tonight before you go but this is gonna be an amazing weekend of just continually having God speak to us as our hearts remain open to him so father we thank you again so much and Holy Spirit we asked as Paul prayed in Ephesians chapter one that you would open the eyes of our hearts wider and wider and wider so that we can know you better we ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to come so that we can know the hope to which we have been called from everything we've heard tonight we thank you that it's a glorious hope we thank you that you are a victorious God because of the finished work of the cross and therefore we are victorious people follow me thank you because you sent your son Jesus as your people we declare and we thank you that we win at the end of the book is we win we thank you that nations will come to our light and Kings to the brightness of our dawn we thank you that you're coming back for a bride that has made herself ready a house that has been built a body that is fitly joined together an army that is ready for battle a vine that is fruitful bearing fruit and fruit that will remain father we thank you for Cris and this the prophetic gift that you've given him as Paul prayed I long to be with you I may be in part something to you I thank you for all the seeds of destiny that have been imparted to our hearts tonight God I asked that they would take root and that they would bear fruit that you would protect those seeds as we sleep as we go to sleep tonight the you would speak to us in our dreams that you would reawaken seeds of destiny seeds have been spoken to us maybe from a childhood that have laid dormant and that where the spirit this age have clouded us and we've listened to things other than you the God of all hope we thank you that you were a victorious King you are the victor we thank you that it is finished because we are with you as your people we too can say we win in Jesus mighty name and everybody said we make him we used to pour the Lord one more time in this place
Channel: lifechurchbathtv
Views: 52,630
Rating: 4.7329092 out of 5
Keywords: Bath, City, Church, God, Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Bible, Biblical, Scripture, Scriptural, Truth, Hope, Sermon, Seminar, Teaching, Lecture, Nigel, Stenning, Tony, Sheard, Dan, Reynolds, Joshua, Luke, Smith, K1, Kingdom, First, Family, Community, That, The, World, May, Know, Kris Vallotton
Id: LPw_m6i0hA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 6sec (4806 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.