Kris Vallotton || The Supernatural Ways of Royalty || Top 5 Takeaways

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[Music] hello everyone this sunny welcome to charismatic gold today I'll be sharing my favorite Christian book the last few years the supernatural ways of royalty by Chris Valentin and a couple of chapters by Bill Johnson Chris Valentin is the profit figure at Bethel Church in Redding California serving under Bill Johnson the senior pastor / apostolic figure and we're gonna be going into this book I'm excited Chris Bolton is also the head of Bethel supernatural school of ministry he's all about training people in the supernatural a very very gifted prophetic powerful man of God all right so a little preface about the book Chris valeton grew up not in the best situation a lot of difficulties in the home he had to learn survival he had to learn how to survive and when he became a Christian and a leader he was a little bit harsh with his words and he was confronted by someone under him and he kind of thought you know what she's being so sensitive but God convicted him that he is a pauper in a king's position and proverbs says that's not good and so he had to repent and learn how to not think like a pauper but think like a king yeah he had to learn that he's royalty and he had to learn God's supernatural royal ways which this book is about it's helping us grow in our identities as royal sons and daughters of God and so that's what this is a book about this book is about it is fantastic well go to takeaway number one number one God frees the captives and the prisoners God frees the captives and the prisoners Isaiah 61 verse 1 says he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the captives and released from Darkness for the prisoners freedom for the captives and released from Darkness for their prisoners so what's the difference between captives and prisoners captives have been overpowered captives have been deceived and they are detained prisoners have committed offenses and therefore they had to be detained and so captives deceived prisoners committed offenses transgressed and they're both being held against their will I don't know about you but that's encouraging for me because in some ways I have been deceived I believe things about myself and the world that's not true and these mental mental limitations and barriers are keeping me back from doing some of the great things that God wants me to do on the other hand I'm also guilty of committing offenses and so I'm sometimes held prisoner of my past and things that I've done but god but God freeze both captives and prisoners that is my first top takeaway number two the devil disempowers God empowers the devil disempowers God empowers Chris Belton shares a cute story about two of his grandchildren Misha and Elijah Mesha says you know they're gonna play fight Misha says I'm a crocodile you'll be a lizard and they start fighting and the younger overpowered the older and message says no you can't do that you're a lizard I'm a crocodile I'm stronger you're weaker and so I beat you and then they're fighting again and the lizard again overpowers the crocodile and Misha says no no no I'm the crocodile you're the lizard you can't do that and Elijah says what what do lizards do did they just stand their bellies and just move their arms and legs and Eli just says grandpa I don't want to play anymore it was very very cute but it was eye-opening for me the devil gives us names the devil gives us labels and at times we agree with those labels and those names and what happens the devil this empowers us as we agree with him the devil disempowers us on the flip side God empowers us so he'll take a Gideon who looks like a coward and say mighty warrior he'll take a a Peter that looks reckless and says Peter you're a solid rock yeah he'll take the he'll take us all and make him appalled he will give us new names he'll take a Jacob and make an Israel who give us new names and we need to learn to agree with God and receive God's empowerment and break ties with the devil and do not agree with the disempowering labels that he gives us so the devil disempowers God empowers number three proverbs gives keys to royalty proverbs gives keys to royalty proverbs 20:1 for example one through three says this when you sit down to dine with a ruler when you sit down to dine with a ruler it doesn't say if but when so a king is writing these proverbs to his son to train him up in the ways of royalty we forget that sometimes about the book of Proverbs that's what it is 26 times in the book of Proverbs it says my son that we need to know my son who is the son and who is the father we know that the father is a king and the son therefore is a prince and God is raising this writer is raising up the son in the ways of royalty and all of these are included in the Bible for us to receive as well because newsflash if we are children of God then we are birthed into heaven we're birthed into God's family we are birthed into royalty and so we are royalty when we read the book of Proverbs we need to catch that though don't forget that he's training us up in the ways of royalty I was reading in problems 25 as well when you are in the presence of Kings I love that where when you're in the presence of a ruler I love that it's not if but when so that's for us to receive and to agree with and to believe in number four God will use both young and old together God will use both young and all together the last words of the Old Testament Malachi chapter four verses five and six see I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes he will turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the hearts of the children to their parents or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction we can see here God is not a fan of parents and children being completely separated because he says if that stays like that I'm gonna come with total strike the land with total destruction so what we get from that is the opposite when parents and children when they're together working together he is so for that he will greatly bless that that type of family that type of church heal the that type of nation because it's in line with his heavenly kingdom principles Chris Balaton brings us out because he had all these speakers come to the church at one time and a lot of them were saying revival was gonna come through to youth revivals gonna come to their youth revivals gonna come through to youth and one time he just couldn't take it when he went home he was just like bawling because he wasn't as young and so he was bawling and God comforted him and said they were just telling half the story it's not just the youth it's more than the youth God loves the generations working together and so he's encouraged and he shares that encouragement with us last but not least number five win souls or adopt children win souls or adopt children a lot of times in the church I'm guilty of this we're all about winning souls and so we all do this message will have this revival will have these retreats and make sure to win souls have altar calls have people stand raise their hands repeat these prayers after us and we're like yeah we've won this many number of souls tonight but the problem is that's kind of like a one-night stands it's a little bit graphic but Chris Valentine goes there it's kind of like a one-night stands so these children are birthed into the kingdom and now we say okay go home now bye-bye we'll see you whenever and as you can tell we're not going to grow like that God not going to bless that we're not going to reach new levels like that we're going to reach new levels when we take these newly birthed born-again Christians and then we take them under our wings and we teach them we train them we be mother father to them we be big older brothers sister to them and we help them we take them under our wings and we teach them the ways of royalty the ways of God and how to grow so win souls it's great but you know what we need to do a lot more than that you know we need to adopt sons and daughters sorry my voice so those are the top five win souls or adopt children we want to adopt children number four God will use both young and old together so we need to learn to work together number three proverbs gives us keys to royalty number two the devil disempowers God empowers and number one God frees the captives and the prisoners so there you have it the supernatural ways of royalty my favorite book for the last few years and check out links below for other resources that are available to you I am excited to hear what your favorite takeaway was and anything else you'd like to share so encouraged me I ask I'm asking you to encourage me with any comments and he likes shares or subscribes and we can get this message out to more people together alright stay tuned for more episodes see you soon
Channel: Sunny Kang
Views: 605
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: kris vallotton, bethel church, charismatic, prophetic, the supernatural ways of royalty, kris vallotton teachings, kris vallotton books, kris vallotton sermons, bill johnson, bill johnson books, destiny image, charismatic gold, top takeaways, kris vallotton book review, kris vallotton book summary
Id: mLp-SgM6CMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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