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oh yeah whatever you say when I first connected with Chris and just switched from a leadership role to working with Chris God told me to give him a piece of blank paper and said this is what God told me to do with you and so I did the problem was it's blank and so when you give a blank piece of paper to someone who's a crazy visionary what are you gonna expect as an oh my gosh my life I'm just it's gonna I don't I'll be buried and stuff and he's never written anything on it and it's just like when I listen to God and follow that it's just the fun things that we're getting to do and see in our city and in the nation's and business and government is just phenomenal so know that you're gonna be challenged inspired who has never heard Chris bellison before never before okay who has before hey good see it's gonna be good either way so why you standing feeding just welcome Chris Valentin hi everybody it's so good to see you it's an honor to be here with you today some and Andy you know Andy's one of those guys you don't have to write anything on the paper because he actually gets more done than you could then you would require you know so it's pretty good um I want to give away a couple things this is called destined to win how to embrace your god-given identity and realize your kingdom purpose and this is really written out of a school ministry you've been doing school ministry this is our 20th year this year and we do a lot of questions and answers and you know we say things to people all the time I bet you've said this God has a plan for your life awesome God has a purpose for your life amazing what's the next question people ask you what is it you should pray about that read your Bible so I thought that it'd be kind of important to write a book about how do I actually find my purpose and how do I actually find my destiny and and so this book is really about finding your purpose finding your destiny finding your people and by the way I don't think you can find your destiny without finding your people because I think your destiny is in your people how many you know if you're a hand it's kind of important that you might be important that you know the knee but you should have a relationship with the arm or you actually don't have a purpose the challenge is in an independent society that we live in where people move from dependence you know when you're a little baby you're dependent to independence to interdependence but the challenge is that most of the body of Christ never moved out of independence so we're trying to find our destiny when we don't have you actually have a people good word Chris thank you for that that's right I brought my encouragement with me thank you though so who would like to have these good you can buy those at the table um when you want to give these out to someone give them out to people who look really lost yeah um once you can you let's pray I was gonna say grab a hand but it might be a little harder at the round tables Lord we thank you for what you're about to do today we pray that you would actually pour out your spirit on us today Holy Spirit we pray that you would open up just depths of Revelation to us and that well I'm speaking that different people would get their questions answered for life and they would actually be able to say that they came here and their life was altered the course of their history was altered that there was something that happened in in a session that uncovered their purpose and and and launched them into their destiny at least in a a new way in Jesus name I want to talk about cultures that cultivate world changers cultures that cultivate world changers and I've often and I'm gonna make reference to Church in the beginning but I understand that we're in a business meeting but I have often seen people I've often known great people to come to church I've often met great people who come to church who have come to church but I seldom meet great people who come from church and what I've learned is it is that religion tends to reduce you it doesn't tend to empower you I was in Australia some years ago I love Australia by the way any Australians in here awesome loved your country one of my favorite countries I was in Australia with Bill Johnson and I think we were in I can't remember what's in E but we were we were we were teaching about 500 leaders we're doing this leaders conference it was just kind of a one-day event and I was talking about developing great people and my subject was finding finding people and and empowering them to greatness and so I was giving some examples about great people and how people have how people you come great and and I said you know in our country we have Abraham Lincoln we have George Washington we have Martin Luther King we have these people we look to as an example of greatness because how many know you can't become what you haven't seen heard and in England you know Winston Churchill comes to mind South Africa Nelson Mandela and so and I said to them and I was trying to use it as an example I said who name up one person in your country who's great and it was quiet and I said hey and I was down on the floor and I said hey can you just name one person who's great I want to use it as an example in your country and it was quiet so I asked the third time and the leader who brought us said whispered to me he's right there in a front aisle he goes we don't have great people in our country he said we had the tall poppy syndrome I'm like okay so I want to finish my I finished my my teaching and he came right up and he he told me that in Australia which by the way again I love your country in Australia it began as a prison continent right this is where the British sent their prisoners they basically exiled them to Australia and and what an Australia has this culture called the tall poppy syndrome and the culture itself cuts down anyone who's tall anyone who gets big it's the call it's a cultural core value that we reduce people who are great and I think that's the church when they explain that to me I'm like oh that's what the church does the church takes big people makes them little and I think that what happens when we create a culture that we actually empower people like where people come in little and they become amazing and Isaiah 60:1 says the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me for the Lord has anointed me to preach the good news to afflicted to bind up the brokenhearted to speak release the captives freedom to prisoners the favorable year of Lord the day of vengeance of our God to grant all those who mourn in Zion given a garland instead of ashes a man to appraise instead of a spirit of heaviness that they might be called oaks of righteousness that he may be glorified and so we we talk about the spirit comes in an organization the Spirit comes into family the Spirit comes into church the Spirit comes into business and what does this Holy Spirit do he's on us to take broken people and heal them to take depressed people and make them happy to take hopeless people and give them hope to take sick people and caused them to be healed to take to meet demonize people and to set them free here's the fourth verse then they shall return who they what they the broken people did the press people the the the captive people the people who were ashes and got beauty and then they shall return and they shall raise up the former devastations they shall rebuild ruined cities and so here we go we have broken people they come in broken but what happens when they leave so they come in they get discovered developed and then deployed right and they actually shift the course of nations who's that the broken people hum you know the goal isn't to get broken people and heal them up and keep them little the goal is to create world changers I owned businesses for 20 years it's nine businesses before I came to Bethel and I oversee all the business that happens here at Bethel Church and I I am I often think that business people think that their that their goal in life is to make money to give it to the important ministry like Church and I often think that pastors see the position of businesspeople like we like to have Joe in our in our miss because Joe makes a lot of money and he's going to tithe to us and we think that and we think that the business like we think that the kingdom is happening on Sunday and y'all that are out there outside the kingdom you kind of live to support the kingdom and I'm like I'd like to propose that that's a bunch of crap that all the churches in the kingdom but not all the kingdoms in the church and the goal of your life isn't to give to the church you are the church the goal of life is to extend the borders of the kingdom wherever you go I would propose that it's just as important if you on an auto parts store like I did that people come into your auto parts store as is they come in to church on a Sunday morning I don't like the idea that we teach listen to wait and start over because you're there's people who don't know me start back here a little bit I love worship I started to worship school at Bethel Church my wife Kathy and I a gal named Jackie and Brian Johnson was the was a 19 year old young man I love worship everybody get that but I stopped teaching worship for about 10 years because we created an understanding that there was worship and then there was something else so worship was something that happened when the music started and we created this we created this bipolar relationship with God in that I was supposed to anticipate when the music is going that there's one level available but when it stops there's a lower level and so I've stopped teaching worship after 15 years of teaching worship because and I'm teaching it again I'm just trying to tell you this struggle I was going through because I felt like we were creating a dualistic culture and we're teaching people anticipate God on Sunday morning we're coming to the worship service I'd like to propose to you that Romans 12 says offer your bodies as a living sacrifice which is your spiritual service of worship in other words I like to propose you that you have the same access when the music's there as when it isn't if miracles can happen when music is happening miracle miracles can happen only music isn't happening because worship isn't music oh you're like why you're saying this because the atmosphere in your business may not be may not have music to it but it always has worship as long as you're there because worship is an expression of the heart when I was a mechanic see Matthew 5 Matthew 6 seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things be added to you right seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and bill taught us years ago that some people have a list like seek first his kingdom and his righteousness so first I you know first I serve God and then I served my family and then and then I have this list but actually there's only seek first the kingdom there's no second in other words it was not in the kingdom I shouldn't be doing it are you following me so it's like okay I got to spend time with my family now okay I got that check okay now I gotta do some ministry it's like how about this how about I just do the kingdom so when I'm taking care of my kids I'm doing the kingdom and when I'm at the theater I'm doing the kingdom like I wherever I go how many know I'm an open heaven so I bring the kingdom wherever I go and bill taught me that what I do when I'm working on cars is just as important what we do on Sunday morning so we're the worship team has a guitar I have a wrench but because I dedicated this wrench to purpose of his kingdom there's no such thing as secular in my world because I'm dedicated to the Lord everything I do is sacred so I no longer have a Christian business I have a kingdom business see a Christian business is where a Christian owns the business but we can ok well I'll say it nicer I have to remember that you don't all know me but so so I I've been in business long enough to know that people have two sets of values they have a set of value that III I live by as a Christian and then when I cross over into my business world I am there to take out my opponent I'm there to win I negotiate with suppliers to get to the best deal screw them I'm there to get as much as I can for my employees and I can I am like it's like I'm on it's like I'm on the basketball court and I just do whatever it takes to win and then I step out there I'm a Christian again and then I wonder why I only get natural provision because I haven't tapped in to supernatural purpose and I have a dualistic set of values and I don't realize that wherever I go is an open heaven and whatever I do is the kingdom and whether I'm interacting with the supplier or a customer or a cop or a competitor that wherever I'm at I'm actually representing the king and his kingdom and when I bring those values into when I engage my competitor and I understand there's boundaries but when I engage my competitor I'm not engaging him as an enemy I'm gaining and engaging him as a fellow brother a fellow sister I'm realizing that that person is just as important to God as me I am I took a lot of negotiating classes when I was in the business world and I'm a pretty good negotiator I'm very good negotiator I'm a somebody you probably wouldn't want to negotiate with unless I was on your team and when they came to Bethel I negotiated lots of things like that and then one day I'm praying late at night and the Lord says to me Jorma your negotiating skills are manipulation which is rooted in witchcraft and you will not be representing me like that anymore and I had just negotiated a certain thing and and the Lord said to me from now on you only have permission to negotiate for win-win because you give and I take care of you is that true aren't you a person that give and it shall be given to you pressed down shaken together and running out all over aren't you a person that I that I blessed like aren't you somebody that is so generous that I take care of you better than the birds of the air like do I not bless you more than you could even think or imagine I'm like yes so I take care of you but the person you're negotiating with it doesn't know the Lord who hasn't given himself to me he takes care of him so why would you not care about him being blessed when you know I take care of you about a month later we went to buy a new car and we went to the tailor Motors in town here and we we picked out a car we liked and and and the guy said well you know the secret price was so much and and it they had all these things added to it and and he said so you know let's come in come in here and we'll you know we'll we'll talk about you know what payment you can afford and dah dah dah and I said oh no I don't do that why don't you do this why don't you guys work out the deal and you just give me the deal that you think is fair and I understand you have to make money on this car and we need a car and you you're running a business so and we're gonna go have lunch here's my phone number and when you get done figured out what deal is good for you and good for us just give me a call and we'll come down and sign the papers and so the guys like okay so about and he didn't like that very well he goes oh that's not how we do business I go well that's how I do business he goes well no we have to us to stager I go listen I don't do that so I'm gonna really buy this car I'm gonna buy this car and I know this probably isn't good for negotiation but I'm gonna buy the car don't matter what price you give me so I'm gonna go have lunch with my wife and then you're gonna call me and I'm gonna come down here and sign the papers he's like well we I said mr. Taylor tell mr. Taylor that I'm from Bethel and this is the way we do business he said okay how mr. Taylor so and he wouldn't until mr. Taylor and we left so he calls me an hour later he says all right we have this deal and I said oh what's the deal and he tells me the deal and I said oh that's $1,000 too cheap he said I'm sorry I said that's too cheap I want to pay $1,000 more he said are you saying that the price I gave you was too low I suggest that price is too low he said okay hang on a sec he puts me on hold tell mr. Taylor what you just told me I said awesome mr. Taylor I'm just saying that's thousand dollars Tula I want to pay a thousand dollars more for that so anyway they brought me when we went in to sign papers brought me from office to office tell mr. Taylor's like I've been here 38 years that I've never had anyone tell me my price was too low but the point I was trying to make with mr. Taylor is that it matters his business matters to me I paid $1,000 more for a car I could have got $1,000 cheaper but guess what I got for a thousand bucks I just told that guy in terms that he can understand God cares about you and I care about you and I'm not just trying to get the best price I want the kingdom extended here and the kingdom includes generosity and it's not just all those church people although try to do is get our money I'm like your business is worthy of sewing into you come to your church or your place and you sell money into it I want to sew money into your business I want to make sure that you prosper and when I'm getting at is we we're everywhere we go we we bring the kingdom are you with me so I just want to talk a little bit about creating a culture of world changers and I don't think see I think church is great I love Church we have a school ministry I started school ministry with a group of people and and I love all that but what we need more than anything is when our students graduate when our church members leave the building they actually need to go someplace where people can actually teach them the application of the kingdom so they hear all kinds of philosophies here the lake be generous Oh awesome gonna be how do I do that like you know work hard and you know be excellent but what we need is we need a culture where they go to for eight hours where they're actually experiencing the kingdom at work I'm saying the kingdom at work and the kingdom at work they actually need to be a part of a kingdom place where leadership is actually doing Kingdom in in a way that people can actually connect to you know Jesus said do your works in such a way do your works in such a way that they see your good works and they glorify your father who is in heaven so how many know that people get saved from good works you didn't get how you said they see your good works who the people who don't know you they see your good works and they glorify your father who is in heaven and what I'm getting at is that we have all these philosophical ideas and we preach good messages and they they you know they have fellowship here and they come to whole group but they don't really do life with us they do life with you and what happens when they leave this place and they step into some buddy who's doing the kingdom in a practical way and they're connecting within like oh that's how that thing works that's how leadership works my pastor talked to me about it but my leap but my boss showed me how it's done and we began to create places where we raise up world changers and I want to talk a little bit about this whole thing of belonging there's a man in the Bible named Barnabas and Barnabas isn't his real name the Apostles named him Barnabas it means son of encouragement and Barnabas is an interesting character in the Bible he in Chapter 9 of the book of Acts he encounters this man named Saul and for the sake of the you know we I have a half an hour more so I wanna I don't want to spend 20 minutes on a story that deserves 20 minutes so I'm gonna give you a four-minute update on Barnabas so Saul who you know is encounters God he hears an audible voice Saul Saul why are you persecuting me and he ends up on the ground he's blind and he's taken to this man's house and so Ananias this this disciple has a encounter with God and God tells him about this man named Saul and tells him to go lay his hands on him and pray for him that God's gonna heal him and give him this word and so Ananias ends up at the right house by this word of knowledge he lays hands on Saul who will eventually by the way the end of the stories becomes the great Apostle Paul and he he gets healed and he gets this prophetic word that he's going to speak to kings and rulers and and Gentiles and Jews and he's going to suffer for Christ and and and so the Apostle so the so Saul goes out and he tries to do what the prophetic word said he's supposed to do he tries to preach everywhere and of course he's the guy that's he was first century Isis leader you know so he's killing Christians right and he actually is authorized by the local governments to kill Christians and so nobody trusts the saw and in Chapter nine he comes to the Apostles saw he comes to the Apostles and he's trying to convince the Apostles that he that he's a believer and it says in the part of the Apostles in fact I'll read it to you verse 26 when Saul came to Jerusalem he's trying to associate with the disciples but they were afraid of him not believing he was a disciple I love these two words but Barnabas it might be the two most profound words an actual and the whole book of Acts but Barnabas took ahold of Saul but Barnabas took ahold of Saul for the next five years it goes like this and Barnabas and Saul were sent out by the Apostles and Barnabas and Saul went here and Barb's and Saul did that and part of us of Saul preached in the square and I know you read the Bible so you understand it when we get to chapter 13 which is about five years after Paul's conversion Saul's conversion they end up in the governor's office with a man named Elaine mas' who is basically a sorcerer and he tries to prevent Saul and Barnabas from teach from interacting with the governor and Salters him and blinds the man and gives them this negative prophetic word how come he blinded him remember how to Saul encounter God sometimes you have to be blind so you can see and from that moment on his name has changed to Paul and his name first Paul and Barnabas Paul Marcus one here Paul embarrassment there Paul Morris were sent out by the Apostles they go out they plant churches all over Asia and they take this young man named Mark who is actually Barmes his cousin mark runs off in the middle of their missionary journey probably because it's pretty scary and and at the probably attend to 12 years later Paul says to Barnabas let's go back and strengthen the churches we planted and Barnabas said fine let's take mark and Paul said I'm not taking that chicken he's a coward I am NOT taking and the Bible says that the dispute between Barnabas and Paul got so bad that Barnabas took mark and went one way and Paul took Silas and went another way of course Luke the writer of the book of Acts went with Paul so we know what happened with Paul and Silas but there was no writer with Barnabas and Mark here's an interesting story this is I love the story because Barnabas writes no book of the Bible but he takes a whole of a man named Saul who nobody wants and he mentors him probably for a good ten years but specifically for five and he writes thirteen books of the Bible a young man named Mark who this great apostle paul had wants nothing to do with he's a coward Barnabas takes ahold of Mark and he mentors mark for another twenty years until mark writes the Gospel of Mark this man who wrote no books of the Bible is responsible for fourteen books in the New Testament and by the way at the end of Paul's life he sends five times for Mark send me mark he's good for service I don't know about you would I would never want I love Paul but I would never want to be in his church how many people are just one Barnabas away from being a world changer see I think that most of us have the potential to be a world changer but we haven't found a Barnabas and I'd like to propose that there's not just a Barnabas person there's a Barnabas culture there's a there's a culture that believes in people before they deserve it there's a culture that sees Boldin people when everyone else sees brokenness there's a culture that actually empowers people before they actually deserve to be empowered there's something about the life of a leader who can see past the crap in someone's life and see the treasure there's something about the person who has these prophetic kind of eyes they can look through the brokenness of your life in my life and say there's something in there that I think I can grab ahold of and they begin to take a hold of you they begin to believe in you they begin to speak in your lives I love the way that Jesus takes ahold of 12 guys and you know and he you know they're I mean they have like one-year ministry training with Jesus and he sends him out by themselves in twos I mean think about this like you're sending out Peter and Thomas and Judas and Jesus is sending them out and they're coming back and he meets them at different cities and how does it go and they say that are done he goes don't do that anymore and he corrects him for this and he talks to him about that attitude and then he sends him out again right after they have their worst ministry attitude they want to call down fire on us Samaritan City Jesus corrects him says you don't even know its spirit your of the next day he sends him off to do it again and I'm like there's something about a person who can see past your past and into your future and take a hold of you and say I believe in you I encountered a pastor some years ago who was a pastor of a mega church and the day before he had already set it up to come to a leaders advance as this is probably 14 years ago he had already set it all up to come to leaders events and the day before he takes off for the leaders events flies out I think he was maybe from Texas he is definitely an American before he gets to the leaders advance the day before he leaves for the leaders advance I'm sorry he finds out that a CFO has embezzled a million dollars and his CFO is his childhood friend they went to school from the sixth grade on so not only did he lose a million dollars but he's found out that his best friend has betrayed him he decides to come to the leaders advance anyway but you can figure out he's not he's I mean he's in mourning I never met the guy before so we're in the he weren't in the green room and and I'm sitting with him and I and I'm said are you know we exchanged names and all that and I say how are you and he said you know I don't really know you but I just need someone to talk to I said great what's going on and he began to recount in tears his brokenness both over his friend and how he trusted him and how he'd give him this job and how he'd been with him since the sixth grade and how they with all through high school and college together and how the man had stolen a million dollars in and he said out of his mouth you said he looks at me in anger but it really had hurt he said I will never trust anyone like that again and I said you know I don't know you but I heard that you uh you planted a church like ten years before he said yes with my friend and and I said I heard you plan that out of your house and he said I did and I said I I heard your church has like ten thousand people in it on a Sunday he said it did it does and I said you know here's the deal see the culture it takes to raise up eleven world changers is the same culture that caused Judas to hang himself if you go change the culture so you don't trust anybody you won't have Judas but you won't have Peter either see two men betrayed Christ one three times when Mary encounters Jesus at the tomb Jesus says to her go back and tell my disciples and Peter I'm alive because no one considered Peter disciple after he betrayed Jesus except for Jesus and I'm saying Judas boat two men betrayed Jesus one man hangs himself and the other becomes a head of the church and I'm saying that difference is we have to learn how to fail successfully we have to learn that if we want world changers will have juices and if you change the culture so that you don't ever have a Judas you'll have less problems and you'll have a little business because the only way you're gonna raise up world changers is to trust people before they deserve I met bill when I was I had a three and a half year nervous breakdown I bet I met bill in year two young man been married by the time I met bill I had been married two and a half years I had a nervous breakdown the second year of my marriage my wife was pregnant with our first child I got in the bathtub one night I was I was managing a repair shop got in a bathtub one night and I had a thought now if you've never had a panic attack that's probably not gonna make much sense but I had this thought that I was gonna die it wasn't like just the thought because everybody knows they're gonna die right you know I'll know you're gonna die right this was like someone put a gun to my head and said I'm gonna blow your brains out and I I started shaking my heart started pounding and my wife was about eight months pregnant and I started yelling I'm having a heart attack I'm having a heart attack my wife ran in it the doctor our doctor was one of my customers and she dialed his personal number and she called him and said Chris Hammond heart attack and he's like he can't get out of the bathtub he's and you know real quickly the doctors like tell me the symptoms check his Paul stat and then he said he's not having a heart attack he's having a panic attack it's gonna be okay well that panic attack turned into 3240 panic attacks a day I couldn't think I couldn't I couldn't get a glass of ITIF to drink water I had to use two hands because I shook like an alcoholic I couldn't sleep at night I sweat the bed wet every night my wife had to get up in the middle night change my sheets they would be soaked wet and that lasted three and a half years I met bill in the second year of that and he would say things like this he had introduced me other people say oh this is Chris valeton you you'll want to know him like he goes where angels fear to tread I'm living in fear everyday I'm afraid of my own shadow I have a hard time getting out of the room to go to work and he is saying this man is so fearless that he goes where angels afraid to go and he took a hold of me not when I was well but when I was broken and he believed in me and he spoke to me as if I was a very whole man even though I was a very broken man and I want to tell you like you have this amazing ability to create a culture of Barnabas culture that actually makes people big that actually grows people that actually says them you can do this that actually that actually causes people to actually become great there's something about being in a room with a group of people and being able to say to them I believe in you and when they fail instead of saying you are a failure we say it I understand articulation but we say in essence you are better than that I don't know what you're doing but you're acting below your nature part of this I believe that there's four levels of life and maybe there's 50 but here's the four that I see there's bereaved there's belong there's believe and there's behave there's bereaved I my mother you know gave birth to me and put me on a doorstep and I'm bereaved I'm absent of people there's belong there's believe and there's behaved Robin Williams the very famous American comedian said this he committed suicide some years ago unfortunately Robin Williams said people say the worst thing in the world is being alone he said that's true the worst thing in the world is being with the group of people who make you feel alone see belonging one of my favorite chapters I have no idea one crying I think I'm going through menopause having the hot flashes and everything second samuel 22 is one of my favorite passages in the bible I've never actually taught out of it because it has 33 names of David's mighty men and I can't pronounce 30 of them but it begins like this these are the final words of King David and eight verses into those final words it says this and I love this phrase these are the mighty men whom belong to David I don't know why but it just seems like you don't become mighty if you don't belong to someone mighty see it's just like a giant killer to raise up other giant killers I love this story David of course this the story of David Glide is famous so I don't have to tell you that story David kills Goliath but what you don't maybe know if you don't know the history of Goliath is that Goliath has four brothers when David took five smooth stones from the brook it wasn't because he thought he'd miss it's because he thought his brothers would engage him and by the way a crazy story David is an ancestor like David's fathers Jesse ray Jesse's father's Odom Adams mother is Ruth got that follow me for just second speaking of longing Ruth stays with Naomi makes a covenant with Naomi to stay forever if you know the story breathe right she ruth ends up marrying beau abs Boaz and Ruth have Odom Odom has Jesse Jesse has David with me Ruth has a sister who doesn't stay with Naomi she goes back to Moab she's a prostitute she has sex with the guy who and the other sister I'm sorry I carry her her name at this moment but she is the great-grandmother of Goliath Ruth's sister is the great grandmother of Goliath Ruth is the great grandmother of David does covenant matter there's something about belonging so David kills Goliath and you know the story and years going on and they don't see another giant for years until David is about I don't he's old he's like he reigned for 40 years and it's like his 35th year of reign they go down into fighting the Philistines again and the other four brothers of Goliath engaged David and now David's an old man and David goes out and leads his men at now it's hundreds but he's leading his 300 mighty men he goes into battle and he he taxed the man who's described as having six fingers and six toes the brother of goliath a huge man and that man gets ahold of David and he's gonna kill David and one of David's thirty three men come up and kill the Goliath brother and they turn a day but they grab David they walk him to the back of the battlefield and they said you stay here we'll take care of them and they go out and they kill the other four brothers of Goliath these are the men who belonged to David they watched a giant killer they were taught by a giant killer they were walked through by a giant killer and then they become giant killers and those men belonged to somebody they didn't belong like they were slaves because they weren't slaves but heart to heart are you with me did great exploits because they actually belonged to somebody what would happen if our employees became partners see the side effect of belonging is ownership the story in 2nd Samuel 22 that I loved the most is one of david's mighty men who I really can't pronounce this guy's name he's on a hill of lentils and the Philistines surround him and all the people all the soldiers run off and this man it says that the Bible says and this man can cling to the sword and he kills a thousand guys with a sword and when he gets back home they have to separate his hand from the sword because in the Hebrew it says his hand literally melted into the sword how many understand that that man stood on a piece of ground he said this is my land you ain't taking it not on my shift and he didn't just become heat because he belonged to David he became an owner of the land how many know Adam was giving a garden he had ownership of a piece of land and the land was the place he worked what would happen if our employees became our partners if it actually felt like they belonged because someone believed in them they began to say this is my land this is my business I'm here I don't know if I'm here for a day or 50 years but this whatever happens in this business is my responsibility and they begin to take ownership how many understand that one of the keys to a successful organization any organization is that you have ownership of it I came here 20 years ago and and I my business stories for another day I was glad to tell it but before another day and I get here and Bill said to me before I came this is before I came nine months before I came he said you know basically said I want you to come here and start school ministry I said do you mean part-time you said no I said I'd have to leave my business he goes that's what I'm asking you leave your businesses I had four at the time and follow me and I'm like uh and he goes and here's another thing I have no money I can't pay you and this is what he said things are a little tight I get here and I'm like you know I'm excited you know we're gonna start a school ministry and a thousand people left Bethel before I got here I like to say that before I got here every time bill tells that story if I'm in the front row ago that was before I got here and and I I'm probably here now no no maybe two or three weeks it was definitely the first month and I go in the CFO's office and his head's on the table I'm like aw he's praying how sweet and I go hey dude Steve Burt I have this question and he looks up and he's got tears run down slice and I'm like holy spirits touching him I go hey how are you doing he goes I'm not doing good I said oh you're not doing good what's going on and he has four piles of bills he goes 120 days late 90 days late 60 days late 30 days late and these are the current ones right here and I have a payroll to make on Friday and I have no money and have a $45,000 payroll and it was like Tuesday I go oh I said did you talk to Bill he said yeah I talked to Bill bill said I should give away $10,000 Oh how'd that make you feel that's why I'm crying long story short you know after about two or three months I convinced bill I said let me oversee the finances and he said well let's just see how that goes and anyway within about six months I got put in charge overseeing all appliances and if the first thing I did is like I figured out like our CFO is carrying all the pressure we had at the time 45 employees my CFO our CFO is carrying all the pressure the finances he makes no business decisions he's the recorder but he's trying to pay the bills and like that he can work so I said here's what we're gonna do I get everyone together and I said from now on you have to take care of mama because Mama's taking care of you and I go what's mama I go mama is the person who writes your paychecks all right and Mama's in trouble she's old she's decrepit she could hardly move she's really old and mama can't take care of you anymore because mama is hurting they're like okay so I said from now on we all are gonna take ownership of the fact that Mama's hurting and every department has to take care of mama mama takes care of you mama write your checks mama gleich he/she gives you vacation mama gives you you know all the little things you need two pencils your mom would give you two pencils you got her desk you got a desk yes mom will give you your desk right you you got a roof overhead yeah mama gave you that so what are you gonna give mama Wow oh no okay well go home and think about it but from now on Steve is not an owner we are all owners this is our place and by the way if you don't like this then please turn in your resignation and we will mama we'll give you a couple weeks vacation and you'll be gone so I remember the very first and so they're all left and they're like what is going on oh we're just pastors not our fault mom was in trouble it is your fault you're the one spending the money I remember Betty and leisure I've told the story I doubt he'd be offended he comes in my office about a week later he tells bad stories about me all the time so we exchanged that because in my office he's like hey I want to have a youth I want to have a youth conference I'm like awesome shows me his budget I said well worse what I've said I don't see anything you're given mama he said it's a youth conference I said mama needs money he said mama needs money okay well I said he goes why can't give mama money I said well mama said you can't have you conference mama said the doctor this morning and I said okay well he didn't say okay you have to know banning he wasn't very happy but he left and he comes back the next day he goes alright because here it is Mama's gonna get mom it's gonna get $2,000 I said oh no mama needs 5,000 mama needs $5,000 Mama's really hurting mama needs $5,000 I can't give my own $5,000 mama said you can't have a conference well of course we had the conference and mama got $5,000 and I'm pretty soon we're shifting culture how are we doing it transferring ownership from this is Bill's problem this is Steve's problem too hey we're a family my son Jason said I've often been I've often had struggles in my life that are bigger than me but I've seldom have a struggle in my life that's bigger than my family and we started create a family culture where we're doing this together and we're together and if you don't be part of the family then quit but this is a family first business second culture and three years later we were completely out of debt three years later and it wasn't because one person got us out of debt it's because we together together we walked up every single leader had a budget and it was black or red because lots of pastors don't know how to don't know anything about money I say Reds bad black good if you see black black is good black lives red you're dying on everybody that was over a ministry got a budget and every month they got a report and they actually need how many know if you're gonna be an owner you have to actually know how you're doing who watches an NBA game without watching the score and we began to shift culture but my point is is that we shifted culture by making sure that everyone belong this this is part of creating world changers we take a hold of people we say to them I am with you we celebrate people when they do well and we confront them when they do bad how many know to the level you empower people you must confront them if you don't you end up with absalon's confrontation doesn't look like we yell and scream confrontation we looks like we talk to them about why they behave that way and by the way we should correct attitude way before we correct action how many know when we if we're going to mentor people when we start correcting people's bad attitude how many know we teach them to manage their inner world and not just their actions are you guys okay I'm right about this I know I'm good I just have a few more minutes now I'm gonna just mention these four levels of life survival connection significance and freedom of expression survival in other words when I'm in survival mode how many know I go to work to make money why what's the what's the first reason I go to work make money I don't want to starve and how many understand that when somebody's in revile I'm sorry when someone's insignificant start over when somebody's in a survival I starts a revival when someone's in revival mode when someone's in survival mode how many know you can motivate them with money I remember I had this young man came to work for me he he'd add his own shop in his garage just did horribly never had any money he had two little kids when he came to work me and his name was Mike and and Mike was by the time he came to work for me all his bills were late he was in horrible trouble financially and and he was a very good mechanic and I started him out at those days was like $12 an hour which would be like 25 now and you know it's just very low pay and Mike would take any overtime if a car needed to mean it'll be done the next day he would be there till 8 o'clock he loved overtime he loved and Mike you know went up the ladder and and he was with me for eight years and you know for the first three years man if you wanted Mike to do something as long as it paid overtime double time half time or you gave him a bonus he would do anything about the fourth year is very interesting because something shifted like I didn't realize it for about a year but Mike no longer was motivated by money and I kept giving him raises to get him motivated again and Mike was not motivated and I realized something about the fourth year with Mike that I've used here at Bethel and that is when the environment around someone becomes equal to the environment within them they're no longer motivated by money in other words if I have friends that let's say make 5,000 a month and I'll make 2,000 how many know I can't go the movie when they want to go to movies I can't go out to dinner when they've gone I mean I we can't do what my friends do but when I get to the level on the outside that I live in inside how many no money doesn't motivate me anymore and I had to find new ways to motivate Mike because Mike no longer worked harder for more money and I realized that Mike had moved from survival to connection and the next thing that Mike was really concerned about and it was happening simultaneously really is that Mike felt like he belonged to a team and pretty soon Mike became the team leader and and Mike's identity for the next three or four years was wrapped up in the fact that Mike was the team leader and Mike got people to his house and had a barbecue with all of our team and Mike was the also the foreman of our employees and and Mike's whole thing was I and Mike would say things like my team today not your team not our team my team my team did really good today did you notice the numbers do you notice how much we we put out we not me my team and I began to realize like Oh Mike was getting his identity now he'd moved out of survival and he moved into connection relationship Mike found a lot of identity and purpose in the fact that this was his team these were his men that was our job that was his job they were doing this was his shop and we ended up with three shops and Mike was over all three shops and Mike would talk about his men at shop number one and his men over at the foreign car shop and his man at the fleet shop and had began to realize that Mike found a lot of belonging in the fact that these were his men Mike belonged to me but the men belonged to Mike according to Mike which was fine with me because now Mike was motivated again because Mike was an example for the men and Mike found a lot of he found a lot of purpose in showing the men how to do it and teaching them and how to be proficient and showing the men that and letting the men know that this car had to go to Nitin and Mike was an owner and we got about three years into that I told you Mike worked for me eight years and Mike that started to kind Dyan Mike and I I started to just think through how do I motivate Mike which was obviously how I motivate my other employees and I and Mike it always did well he always made me money but just something just kind of died in him and in that last three years he was with me that year three four five six all the way you're eight Mike and the guy started a softball team and so they were on a softball team and and I was trying to motivate Mike like come on man we got let's let's do work let's let's pick up the urgency let's he'd be like yeah well you don't pay us enough to run to that or get that done or he make these comments like where's the Mike I knew and for a year I would drive home at night and I'd drive by the park and I usually stayed another hour after the guys got off and I Drive by the park and my guys were out there playing softball for free running around the bases and one day I'm parked at the park and I'm just sitting there and I'm watching them I felt like the Lord said sit here and I'm gonna teach you how to motivate men so I'm sitting there and I'm watching him running out in the field and the Lord said did you notice that they're running around the field for free but they won't run to the parts store for money yeah kind of pisses me off actually sorry makes me mad and the Lord said if you can figure out why Mike runs around the basis for free you can figure out how to double your income so for the next three months I'd lay awake at night like how do I make Mike how do I make Mike run around the basis which was the problem right I'm gonna motivate Mike from the outside in and then one day I had this idea every day we had these charts we put up on the wall for I'm sorry every day they got commissioned like they made an hourly wage the shop guys made an hourly wage and they also made a commission for how much work they did compared to how much we charge customer very simply if mechanic worked ten hours and he was able to charge five hours to a customer that would be 50% does that make sense and if he worked ten hours and he's able to charge eight hours to a customer because automotive field you you don't determine how much you charged customer manual tells you how much you can charge customer for each kind of thing you do so it's all very regulated so my guys so we stood this thing I brought in a consultant and I figured out that my guys put out when they tested him when when they when we put all of our guys together our seven mechanics in our shop they put out 47% they charged off 47% of their labor in other words if they work ten hours they charge four point seven hours to a customer which is horrible so we started working with them when we say okay we're going to give you a bonus when you put out 70% you're going to get a hundred dollars a month when you put out 80% you're going to get you get the idea you're going to get 200 and all the way up to if you do 100% you're going to
Channel: Kris Vallotton
Views: 9,382
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
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Length: 59min 11sec (3551 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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