Kris Jenner on O.J. Simpson

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Before we go any further, we have to talk about the OJ Simpson thing. I don't know how many people have been watching it, and I was talking to Ryan Murphy the other day and he's surprised by the success of it. He couldn't believe how successful this is, because it's a true story but then to see it. How many years ago did it happen? >> Well, it's 1994. >> Wow, so. >> Yeah, 22 years ago. >> 22, that would be the math. >> Yeah. >> And then- >> [LAUGH] >> They're all just sitting there going. >> I think it's so popular with everybody too, because a whole other generation is watching this, some people for the first time. >> So Selma is playing you? >> Yes, Selma Blair. >> Is playing you, and David Schwimmer is playing your- >> Robert Kardashian. >> Your ex-husband. How long have you all been divorced when this happened? >> We got divorced about three years. >> Before that? >> Yeah. >> And you were good friends with Nicole? >> Yes. >> So for those of you who don't know the story, OJ Simpson was accused of killing Nicole Simpson. You were good friends with her, but you didn't even realize that there was abuse going on? >> I didn't know that there was abuse until we saw the whole thing unfold like everybody else and then heard the 911 tapes that had been, many of them, which were gonna be used as evidence in the trial. So it's [CROSSTALK] heartbreaking. >> I can't believe that she was your friend and she didn't [CROSSTALK] say to you, I'm in trouble and I need to get away from this guy. >> Me and some of her other close friends all were really surprised and shocked by that, because we felt like we really failed her as a friend. You go through this and you discover things about somebody and it was horrible. Although she and I were supposed to have lunch the next day, the day after she was murdered, and she said she wanted to show me some things and talk about what was in her safe. And so now, unfortunately, it all makes sense that that's probably what she wanted to reveal to me that next day, which broke my heart because I'll always feel horrible that I didn't pay enough attention. >> How did you find out that she was murdered? >> Her mom called me. I had known OJ since I was 17 years old. When I met Robert I met OJ. So that was a very long time ago, so he was like a big brother to me. And that morning I was coming back from taking the kids to school, and I was supposed to meet Nicole. I was gonna change and go meet her. And the phone rang, and my assistant said Judy's on the phone. And I said, tell her I'll call her right back, and then she talked to Judy for a second. She goes, no, you really need to take the call. And I picked up the phone and she actually said Nicole's been shot. And I said, what? I said, okay, I'm on my way. Where do I go? And she said, no, she didn't make it. And I said, what do you mean she's been? And that was the information that Judy had at that very moment in time. And that was very early in the morning. >> Yeah, wow. And I know that that was really tough cuz then Robert was kind of supporting him and on his side. And then slowly he realized there was way too much evidence, it was very clear. It's really interesting to look back, too, for me, to see how Marsha Clark was treated, because she was the person who was trying to prosecute him, and she was so amazing. And they just tore her apart because she was a woman. >> Yeah. >> Did OJ ever try to reach out to you at all? >> Right after, yeah. He called me a few times, and wanted to talk and explain how he felt. >> Mm-hm, all right, you don't wanna talk about that. But that must have been really awkward. >> It was painfully, it was just the whole entire, every single day it was something different. And it was very difficult because my ex-husband was on one side and I was kind of on the other. The kids were in the middle, and it was trying to explain this to children and then OJ had called. And I lost, everybody lost so much that night. It was, you lost everything you knew as far as your, I can't even imagine being her family, her sisters. Her parents were so devastated and all of us friends were completely- >> If you haven't, I'm sure that there’s a way to catch up if you haven't started. It's a fascinating thing to watch. It’s a ten-part series. It's amazing.
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 5,920,824
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Keywords: kardashian, kardashians, oj, nicole, vs the people, ryan, murphy, selma, blair, david, schwimmer, mom, robert, kim, kourtney, khloe, kendal, The Ellen Show, Ellen DeGeneres, Ellen, on, Kris Jenner, O.J., OJ, Simpson, interview, theellenshow, friend, friends, Nicole, abuse, best, 911, tape, tapes, American Crime Story, The People, vs, v.s., murder, kill, killed, died, story, trial, marcia clark, jail
Id: NS0mpa7K1ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2016
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