Robert Shapiro reveals what OJ whispered after verdict

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when OJ Simpson was accused of murder back in 1994 I was in law school and like the rest of America I watched the trial gavel-to-gavel while the smashed success of the FX miniseries the People vs OJ Simpson American crime story has proven once again that everyone still likes to talk about the trial of the century well almost everyone for nearly 20 years Robert Shapiro OJ Simpson's first defense attorney has remained silent until now thank you very much for being here why do you think the story is still bring about so much passion I think because number one Simpson himself great all-american hero one of the greatest football players who ever lived first time DNA was ever used in a trial of any significance very interesting lawyers on both sides and a horrible devastating loss to to two families mr. Simpson is a wanted murder suspect two counts of murder when OJ Simpson was first arrested for killing his wife Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman pretty much everyone thought he would be convicted not attorney Robert Shapiro Shapiro was so famous he's portrayed by John Travolta in the FX series the People vs OJ Simpson Shapiro now says that a lot of what you think you know about the trial is wrong first Shapiro says he outmaneuvered Marcia Clark by making her believe he wasn't ready the judge asked mr. Shapiro what's your position Your Honor we're ready for trial looks at Marcia Clark and says call your first witness and you can see the blood come out of her face and from that day on I knew there would be no conviction these are not efficient murders these are murders that are really slaughters ii Shapiro believes the prosecution did not understand the evidence the dream team win that case or did the prosecution lose it I think it's a combination of both the prosecution wedded themselves to one knife one killer theory I think it's pretty clear that it was within reasonable medical probability that more than one knife was used there's a strong possibility that more than one person was involved and you believe the killer of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman has never faced trial I think there's a strong possibility that that's the case if it doesn't fit you must acquit and finally Shapiro had a plan for that bloody glove I tried the glove on it was a little bit wide in my palm and a little bit long in my fingers Oh Jay Simpson has enormous hands and I knew that that glove would not fit him really wouldn't even be close did you feel in that moment when you put your hand in the glove that you were trying on the glove of the person who murdered mr. people as you say it now it is chilling but I was looking for one thing of one thing only the size of that glove so when au j Simpson was asked to try on that glove in that courtroom did you realize it was a critical mistake by the prosecution here's what I told Jay Simpson I want you to walk as close to the jury as you can hold up your hand like you're holding the Olympic torch and pull and tug on that glove because it will not fit and clearly it didn't we the jury in the above-entitled action find the defendant Orenthal James Simpson not guilty of a crime of murder was after the verdict Oh Jay Simpson leaned over and whispered something in your ear What did he say you had told me this would be the result from the beginning you were right how did you feel when you saw Oh Jay laughing and posing for pictures shortly after the verdict I thought it was inappropriate two people were dead and there should still be some respect certainly for your ex-wife now when he was arrested for armed robbery and kidnapping years later did he call you no why not you know up to him I wouldn't have taken the case in any event why he still owed me money from the first one Hey after the verdict Shapiro went on to create the popular website LegalZoom fast food like legal advice quick and affordable we put the law on your side but in 2005 Shapiro's life went into a tailspin when his 24 year old son Brent died from a drug overdose when you went to the hospital that morning did they let you see him most difficult thing that a parent will ever endure is seeing a child on life support with her eyes taped closed and standing next to his mother and knowing that you'll never feel again the Shapiro family channelled their grief into the Brent Shapiro Foundation which lobbied hard for a Good Samaritan law that says anyone can report a drug overdose without fear of getting into trouble themselves he wants this to be his legacy but that's probably not what people will remember him for that's the takeaway from the trial of the century there's moral justice and there's legal justice and when that not guilty verdict was rendered I felt legal justice was done as far as moral justice I haven't discussed it with anyone including my wife
Channel: Fox News
Views: 21,079,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Megyn Kelly, The Kelly File, Crime, Homicide, Trials, On Air, Personality, US, Fox News, News
Id: Uztf1el3JUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2016
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