Marcia Clark on The People v. O.J. Simpson

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[Music] so our first guest became a real life Hot Topic in 1994 when she was the lead prosecutor on the OJ Simpson trial 22 years later she had to relive the whole shebang over again due to the hit show The People versus OJ Simpson and now she's got a new book it's called blood defense I can't I'm living for this moment please Welcome to our show real life Hot Topic Marsha Clark [Music] hi thank you thank you so much please have a you look fantastic thank you thank you oh it's so nice to finally meeting you i' been meet meeting you I just have been waiting for this moment I like your earrings I like your cool funky necklace let's give Marsha Clark some shoe cam put your feet on those feet man let's show them how do I'm just saying I haven't worn these heels in a long time no well here can we give her some shoe cam shoe cam shoe cam there we go Mar shoe so Marca it's so funny to see you be giggly like the rest of us I think a lot of times people think of women in high-powered positions to be a little bit hardened and really able to giggle and enjoy life did you watch the people versus OJ I did you did I did every episode Everyone by yourself with tissues by no no my no I have friends all around me to keep me from jumping off the balcony and tissues yeah wine yeah wine lots of wine yes um what did you think of Sarah polson's performance of you oh my God I thought she was awesome me too oh she was incredible incredible I have to say and I don't know how she did it because we didn't meet we didn't talk the show never consulted me nobody she they didn't consult anybody in the real case so how she nailed how I was feeling on the inside was just a miracle I don't know how she did it now remember the miniseries was based on a book so what you're saying I think is that they were pretty accurate in the portrayal of you yes which did not come from the book I promise you yeah yeah cuz it wasn't written by me you know yeah so in watching what was the one moment or several moments too difficult to relive I think I think the main one that comes to mind actually is watching Mark Ferman on the stand during that thing because I was remembering what it was like seeing him on the stand and it made me remember all the things that were going to happen that I didn't know were coming and this time seeing him on the stand you know in the series I knew what was going to come of it and it just like I relived that horrible nightmare yeah well knowing what you know now would you have put him on the stand yeah I had no choice the problem with it is he really did find the glove so what I'd have to do is call other cops to say oh yeah the glove was there it was there it was there and then the minute I do that the defense says yeah but you didn't find it did you and they have to say no so who did find it Mark Ferman well why aren't you calling Mark Ferman I mean is he still alive yeah is he in La yeah so why are why isn't he here and the cop goes I don't know and what do we look like like we're hiding racist the the racism in Mark Ferman so um you know while you were trying this case there were a lot of black people who just wanted OJ to get off reparations for Rodney King remember Rodney King had happened prior yes yeah I knew that so I talked to the jury about that during jury selection yeah I said you know our office prosecuted those cops we thought they were guilty we thought it couldn't have been more obvious there was a videotape yeah and we lost please understand but don't hold it against us you know and I think what I said was it's not payback time you understand do you agree it's not payback time and AC quitting Simpson isn't going to make right that wrong that happened with Rodney King and everybody's nodding and going yeah not it's not it's not an hour later um another one a juror came forward to say one of your people in the jury box was saying one of the jurors said oh yes it is it's payback time so why didn't they boot that juror because um denied the judge called her into Chambers and said did you say that and she said no I didn't judge EO judge EO let's talk about him okay so well I'm just saying you know judge Ido was very sexist during the trial and it was pointed out by a lot of women and women's groups he addressed uh Mr Cochran as Mr Cochran and then Mr Kardashian but he called you Mara yeah yeah Mr Cochran Mr Darden Marsha was yeah oh how did you feel about that oh I did not like it did you ever pull him to the side I couldn't you know that's the problem you can't and this is what I you know I talked to my friends about and all the women that I've talked to since you can't call the sexist on his behavior in the moment he's not going to believe it right right CU I'm the one you know they're never going to buy it so what happened uh during the trial was the president of the National Organization for Women in Los Angeles went to him in Chambers and said we think and I've been having a lot of phone calls about you treating her badly like you never treat the men he didn't believe it so she had to put together video clips of the way he was acting in court and then he said oh I see and so for like two three weeks he was actually treated me like one of the men cuz he would say stuff like don't be distracted by Marsha's hemline like like all kind of stuff yeah so let's talk about hair okay okay it's a separate character there's me and then there's your hair but that was 24 years ago or something like that where there were a lot of people who had that hairstyle thank you now I mean it does feel better to hear that you know no a lot of people um what was that is that a perm is that natural hair honest to God watching the the the series on television I thought it looked like a Gia pet but it really it was a perm I had two little boys tiny tiny you were going through a divorce going through a divorce and he was trying to take the kids from you take the kids I cried I did too I was so happy I mean to to I learned we we learned so much about you and what you were going through it wasn't like this boss woman in the courtroom you're a woman's woman like a a lot of us are who work yeah you know there there's a life whole life that you that you're dealing with I did I smoked all we're going there yeah but first let's talk about the hair okay the hair first okay so yeah it was a perm I wanted wash and wear hair I don't have time to mess with it you know with babies at home and got to go to work you know so yeah so you know for some reason I thought that was a good idea it you know it really isn't wasn't oh any and so then and so but then you went and you got a blowout and all of a sudden well I had to because it grew out I my hair is naturally straight which when friends that I met after the trial friends who had curly hair said you had straight hair and you got a perm I'm going to kill you I got a lot of flack for that but so no I I didn't have time to go back and have it Cur permed again so I had no choice I had to blow it out because it got so ratty it got even I knew it was just you know no that's that's way too bad so everybody well a lot of people a lot of us smoked 24 years ago um did you smoke as much as the character was smoking cuz you were smoke alicious what smoke in the miniseries I know I was a chimney man uh no I I I quit I quit since then yes now um how did things work out with your husband cuz he was being like a real MF yeah you don't mean Mark Ferman right what happened um it all resolved and we wound up with the same custody schedule we already had yes yeah so we went to trial I mean it was yeah but it yeah now now your boys are grown you yeah you were through Family Court by day and then OJ a little later on in the day if you watched you know it was a mess yeah it was terrible so now how old are your boys now the oldest one's 26 okay the younger one is almost 24 now were they part of the people holding court with you as you watched no no they live in the Bay Area so they did watch the first episode and that's all they could watch it was really interesting so my older son said here's the thing mom you know they make you look like a victim you're not a victim you survived you're doing well yes you know yes Mara yeah yes all right Marsha's not going any place coming up next we're going to talk about her new book plus I have some burning questions from my social media that Wendy Watchers need the answers to so keep it here maybe when things start to settle down again but not just when are things going to settle down you're writing books sorry he Marsha Clark is still here we're talking about dating I was going to ask her about her dating life and she told me there's not much to talk about she gave up dating years ago yeah well she likes to you like to write I do I love toite write and really when I started writing books I found myself so busy that and I have a case load so I mean I'm I'm I'm busy so you're on your sixth book um but back to you and Chris Darden I hadn't even asked her just saying that how do we get back to it um it was implied yeah in my mind that you guys at least did the mattress Mambo once I've never heard it called that before that's really funny I think it was comic relief in in the show it's a pretty it's a tough series you know I mean it's a lot of sadness and a lot of and there a lot of tension and there's so such big stuff going on and I think that was fun for them so that was inacurate yeah no they tease this are you do you still speak to Chris dardan no I haven't spoken to him in about 10 years you know and it's not it's not a bad thing it's not like you know we're not I would always consider him a friend but we have not we go into different ways you know he has his life you know and I have mine and yeah so I don't know I would just think that you know when you spend such a unique situation with people that you you know and I'm shocked also that you never got a judge show like Judge Judy or something like that like and Ido didn't get it and Darden didn't get it I mean this is the trial of the century and nobody came out with the judge show really yeah I you know what it just didn't happen and I think there's so many of them out there now my God that it feel like there's like 10 a day you could watch at any given time you can watch somebody getting judged so well that is true yeah okay so Marca OJ's gonna be on the loose in uh 2017 might be um do you change your name and move to main like what happens I do not feel in danger I do not no he's not gonna come after me what are your thoughts about him being released well we don't know if he will be or not it's up to the parole board next year and they're going to decide based on how he was be behaved in PR prison and what his history is and all that stuff and and it has nothing to do with the case in Los Angeles so if he was good in prison let's assume that if he was good in prison would you say okay okay let the man out he served his time I have no say no I'm saying if you did if I did yeah I I don't know what I I don't it's not my decision to make so I I've never really was it was if I well if I'm required you know there are guidelines I'd have to follow the guidelines and if under the guidelines he he he qualifies for release then I have to say yes I'd be fair yes yeah yeah I was like pulling teeth Mara okay um I have some questions look I know that we're running over this break but it's okay um look uh Global Gemini has a question for you do you think Johnny Cochran really believed O.J was innocent you really want me to answer that yes oh okay but remember this is what I think okay it's not okay so I think I think he did Johnny's smart he's a good lawyer yeah he being a again doing a good job for your client doesn't mean you necessarily don't believe you know you don't know I think Johnny knew he did it okay Melissa Swanson says why didn't you go for the mistrial when it was offered because it would have been worse with the second trial okay and by that time by the way the whole everybody in in Los Angeles had heard all the terrible stuff that Ido had kept out so we're going to be picking from a jury pool that's even knows even more bad stuff so we were about Ferman and that kind of thing yeah well mil rain um asks a question that I think you've answered do you have peace today it seems like you're very peaceful quickly tell me about your new book your sixth one yeah this is so this is the sixth book my fifth novel it's a new series uh Samantha Brinkman is a lead she's a criminal defense lawyer who's kind of Twisted has unusual um theory about Justice and she kind of thinks the law is a suggestion that she can kind of ignore and she comes from a traumatic past and it's kind of it's a mystery thriller all kinds of strange things happen in it yeah love it all right give it up for the legendary Marsha Clark the book is called blood defense it's in stores now and Marsha bought a copy for everyone in our studio [Applause] [Music] audience
Channel: Debmar-Mercury
Views: 2,453,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marcia clark, wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #YouTubeBlack
Id: -AqEKxeAoaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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