Best Of Leon Season 8 - Curb Your Enthusiasm

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oh yeah did you just win yeah game over again he just won around the horn and [ __ ] like no [ __ ] getting there I'm excited I'm single get out there get some new ass you don't say huh you don't ran the other ass in the ground right I don't talk about my wife like that you ran that ass in the ground are you moving on well I didn't run a we had a nice marriage know you ain't a ass on the ground forgotten people's ass in the ground all men do it's not a negative thing to run an ass in the ground that's all you ready I should know gonna call hey Donald fighting me to sit in this box this is gonna be great for us ma'am I know this is better than excuse me it's great for us maybe for us it's great for me the hook-up always comes with a plus one there's no plus one here I've even hooked up you get hooked up all the time you've never gotten the hook-up I got couldn't hook up Larry we don't see him you don't notice the small [ __ ] Larry what small [ __ ] well [ __ ] it's a small thing Larry there's no plus one I was the first one I don't want to move man I want to uproot again and and I gotta move to a new house now well I like this house man I like it too everything I did in this house man as a memory to me all the [ __ ] I had here man it's [ __ ] two [ __ ] in your bed what [ __ ] two [ __ ] in your bed you had sex with two women in my bedroom [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] in a twin bed all right I don't want you having sex in my bed but you know what you know [ __ ] that [ __ ] up no I got that bullshit-ass lawyer who got a kicked out of here you picked that [ __ ] lawyer [ __ ] my [ __ ] up okay you know what we got a half hour to get out of here I suggest you go pack up and bring your stuff down [ __ ] you Larry [ __ ] you Leon and time we're gonna do this more often come to disgusting strip clubs faster boy isn't this awkward watch this [ __ ] saying jell-o pudding inside up [ __ ] just communicating right now understand what I tell you you know why they move hands and it's mm-hmm out here if titties their [ __ ] titties I talking about man what exactly are they saying those titties are a blabbermouth it's [ __ ] this all right oh nothing would I do man well it's not a big deal he gave me his computer to watch and I had to leave and I gave it to this guy and and he never gave the computer back look I give it to who's the guy not important what guy Wow I'm sorry god damn I didn't want to tell you [ __ ] black dude in there and forced it out of me I feel [ __ ] bad now honey you trusted that black [ __ ] you don't see I want to take a [ __ ] about me the other since Christos [ __ ] 20 times but I didn't know the codes to the [ __ ] house and [ __ ] thirty-nine forty eight right and last for this one security card number is 49 38 all you do is change it around all that [ __ ] out [ __ ] note ATM numbers minutes let me give me 18 your card to get gas in the car [ __ ] and your signature come on it's a big L is no clear right then an Arri David it's like sloppy anybody to do that [ __ ] your mom's maiden name Ratner tell me all you want to know is that part where the car keys inside the car I'll Drive take it off reduces by half some be able to [ __ ] out there cutting titties now you don't [ __ ] my reduction cities by half and expect a [ __ ] me happy with that [ __ ] you know I do you see a big deal what you're saying why do you keep asking me that I know what you're saying sometimes you don't know what the [ __ ] you're saying it's pleasure to you sometimes I don't [ __ ] get it I get it you want to give me a test on it you like [ __ ] fool titties a half tends to have titties right no no better huh you know what we could talk to a blow in the face I don't mean that as a racial thing either would I ever turn [ __ ] Blue Nation who talks [ __ ] please say that's what white people do you can't turn blue here I can't turn blue Black's blush blush nice don't [ __ ] blush you never saw a black brother seen a black blessing I [ __ ] like blacks don't [ __ ] blush yeah excuse me we're this month money I gave you $40 yesterday what's war I'm [ __ ] hungry my waiting around what it's [ __ ] tough for us you can't you see I'm in pain here I know I'm sorry don't [ __ ] hungry right now what are you gonna get [ __ ] Fruit Chews riku's you know bend those off your teeth you will spend the winter in the dentist's office but this should be my [ __ ] turn on your tab oh yeah like you're gonna pay me back you know what guys write you something yeah I love you too I'm sorry you know him yeah listen mate you live together yeah we live together he just moved in doesn't pay any rent and eats all my food those old top knows my mother's maiden name out of my house it's driving me crazy mr. David is there anything that you'd like to tell me about this accident this is completely in confidence surprise I thought the [ __ ] this [ __ ] got some [ __ ] heart to it why didn't you fly I don't fly baby you got a photo ID for that what I'm saying look that I don't know you should get a car back to somebody in this condition room to it eight [ __ ] up in this car yeah well I thought I have only four people but it makes you see you pick up hitchhikers to the baby seat back there yeah yeah maybe see a placement we're not doing how do you doing here anyway let's go had to go that [ __ ] house man roommate was driving me crazy and [ __ ] who the roommate all in my [ __ ] business I see the place so she gave she gave a phone number to me and Rosa Renny Harlin's plus [ __ ] hey baby I'm here you got tell people you hear sometimes right anyway so what do you think about that I'm in competition with Rosie O'Donnell Wow man I'll tell you what I'm feeling a little insecure about it lesbians up kind of an advantage in a way it's some tricky [ __ ] frankly I don't know what I'm doing down there ladies know that [ __ ] you're right ladies what I'm saying do people always be looking cranny you know every nook and cranny what would happen if we were bisexuals I can't be comfortable now I want me talking right now right now I'll be all [ __ ] up right now I already have zero interest in a person like you you God didn't write me to marry you know me oh you would be interested in me [ __ ] no Larry first of all I'll [ __ ] draw the [ __ ] up I regurgitate oh I will regurgitate all right you think I'd go out with a guy wearing a green wife beater for like look at you what the hell is that well I guess my Larry forced my roommate Larry I don't like going on this date I swear to God I'd like to cancel right now okay stop man I will not be a [ __ ] friend sitting around this plush [ __ ] but allowed you to go out there and allow a lesbian to beat you [ __ ] game okay come on it's over she's taking it to the Tonys and let's face it she's got the lesbian advantage we all [ __ ] men Larry what do we have man what the [ __ ] do we have got the penis damn right well Donald does not have has no penis got a penis on okay this is we do not have penises men have penises you were absolutely right I'll be a [ __ ] victim okay you're a bet what's below your [ __ ] back what Daniels below your back huh balls we got best balls right right okay well ladies have gloves what the gloves do that's what ladies on this planet to do is catch balls bats and balls run the [ __ ] world the woman is on this earth to catch balls the interesting theory so they're too bad I don't have a daughter I'd like to impart that knowledge to her gloves don't catch gloves we have to okay realize that yeah yeah I know I know but talking about the ponies here okay this penis that I have can I compete with the tony's tony's are a Grand Slam but the Tony's Tony what the [ __ ] is Tony what a Grand Slam hmm juice you want me to juice I want you to win this had a quiz thought fill with [ __ ] champagne [ __ ] hold the [ __ ] up god damn something got a date with Jane oh I need what you know a supplement no one of the pills pills it since when I'm out new poppity [ __ ] I can't eat it why don't you tell me I gotta tell you what about of pills you know I'm depending on it yeah go solo man what's all [ __ ] social notice the drop off how am I gonna do that yeah it's [ __ ] up you can't go to a [ __ ] fight with no goddamn weapon it ain't cool no me [ __ ] walk-in with a goddamn jump rope hanging from your [ __ ] pants you know me too I'll call you back come on hey Tom and a softball game I told you that how was the game I made an error and the last inning with two outs that cost us the championship meanwhile I'm staying the [ __ ] out here to cut my [ __ ] nuts know what I can't get me got the ability what are you talking about him he's [ __ ] a glass tube is [ __ ] this do right here the gatekeeper and [ __ ] what I mean - goddamn bill oh that's totally unacceptable does unacceptable let me just say this okay on behalf of all Caucasians I apologize [ __ ] in I apologize for the Caucasian race by the way you know I have a very good idea for you to avoid situations like this in the future here I think you should consider wearing glasses [ __ ] out of here swear to god I have noticed that white people revere black people in classes out of their way to do stuff for them but if a black man with glasses goes up for job against a white man yeah glasses gets the job no glasses no job we'll try to [ __ ] Larry it's a waitress you're welcome to it I'm open to the [ __ ] beautiful I'll try the [ __ ] happen alright let's go yeah let's go to a jumper man Oh see you know like oh I gotta [ __ ] table with my Johnson when I'm [ __ ] tell me so she said she changed her mind no man whatever changed his mind I'll tell you that I'm very curious to know why should we do that right I'll tell you why because because when you're impotent women treat you like a leper you try to put a noodle in a woman women hate that man that's a remarkably idiotic thing that you just said but you know the fact that you're wearing glasses I perceive it it's a little less idiotic than I normally would it's interesting you damn right don't make it slightly less stupid you make a little sense but your stupid sense don't say with you you know what that figure this [ __ ] out she was getting a rocks off and this damn chair look at me this is a moving dildo you mean like a horse this chairs a [ __ ] machine man cannot compete with machinery no wonder why she didn't come upstairs damn right coming down who the [ __ ] you do who people out of this damn car whose car is this car is the other [ __ ] man she is she no you were just [ __ ] cheap I think the suretrend surprised me he has poor toises so he's got Parkinson's that's course it's Parkinson's hey shaking he wouldn't never do anything like that on purpose Michael J Fox never in a million years but he shakes right he has your soul that's shaken you can't stop [ __ ] shaky say you saying you don't believe me I'm just not buying it should I [ __ ] Mookie down your hand right now you hear that man a car in the [ __ ] milk guess what give me a [ __ ] milkshake that was not Parkinson's hey thank God he was dick you know me you got my shaking it shook that dick up hand her to dick dick shot sperm in your face yeah but why would he have me a dick a loser what kind of example is that I'm just comparing it to other things you could shake up right with Parkinson's right you just live in a total dick world right yeah you up Patrol right now what is going on with him always [ __ ] clump around all [ __ ] night cap honestly make this man I know God but a health is do man you broke their hand with this [ __ ] guy man you don't saying this [ __ ] don't go down a black neighborhood you know me alright I'm gonna go up there unless you want to if I go up there I will kill this [ __ ] Michael James Fox about to be mock with J [ __ ] up in a minute but you go up there you and him that's a fair fighting [ __ ] you don't say how's that a fair fight shaking [ __ ] like that you know little kids and [ __ ] old people can't defend themselves and you that's perfect you to face off that's just even-steven not even even even [ __ ] Stevie Larry you you know the I can get the better him in a fight shaking [ __ ] might come in handy I don't [ __ ] know right you don't notice muhfucka skills all right you watch me okay so long it'll be understand they told Fox two months what are you eating so to lupa inside a burrito wrap the [ __ ] up you're in Paris get the best food in the world you're eating a chalupa if I gotta put french toast in this [ __ ] I would
Channel: Taylor
Views: 3,098,211
Rating: 4.7762356 out of 5
Keywords: Curb, Your, Enthusiasm, HBO, Leon, Larry, David, Television, Comedy, Best, of
Id: tVqDxLiT36s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2011
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