KPCS: Drew Carey #140

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welcome back once again to Kevin Pollock's chat show I am as always and shockingly chat show how are you uh but just back from Baltimore and I just want to thank all the baltimoreans uh yeah which one did I grab guest I got the guest one Our Guest look bottom of his cup saying I think you got the wrong cup there Slammy speaking of Slammy where's Sammy Sammy LaVine Fast Sam LaVine got a job been the Jew has been replaced by an Arab and if we can't find peace in the Middle East after Today's Show who can we should we represent each right Jason andun thank you for joining us of course I love being here uhhuh you like to look over Jamie shoulder and read what's going on in the window with the chat make out with me you're showing me baby pictures and now you're like list um Jamie you have much to report no no not I'm boring this week uh I've been my week has been consumed I'm trying to rewatch all of Mad Men before it starts you're gearing up when does um this week in Mad Men begin I believe we want to start the 19th which is the week prior the uh Monday prior yeah it is it's a week from tomorrow turns out D Draper's a that is the reveal in in season five turns out he's a bastard will Don Draper get laid that's the question this season um so a week from tomorrow starts this week in madman a little pre before the thing debuts on the 25th of March we're very excited for you he's a bad guy yeah don't root for him um jmck wrote a joke that I did in Baltimore and it went over very very well wow what is it although I found that the rhythm of it cuz I don't really do jokes the rhythm of it was kind of Carson likee tell me BR as all know as we all know uh shnookie that's right shnookie the adorable drunk meatball from Jersey is pregnant she's uh she stated that her drinking days are over that's right her drinking days are over and adding my life has changed completely she also announced a line of Ed Hardy onesies life has changed forever anyways it killed so in Baltimore so thank you jmck for that uh that fun silly joke and then the audience stared at me saying you've been telling stories for half hour why are you doing jokes now no I did it did you get him as ham sandwich uh the ham sandwich comes later okay shet your face uh okay uh I also wanted to um well they'll thank all the staff and the great Folks at MES easily the worst name of a Theater comedy place on the planet mcy Dana G was here and he chatted and I always give him credit for naming the the funniest fake comedy club name which I believe was Uncle fucker's chuckle Hutch right yeah you remember that yeah and magies comes close to Uncle fucker's chuckle Hutch oh excuse me MC's joke house probably the next door to Uncle yeah down the street from the competition uncle chuckle Hutch I'm just going to do this the rest of the show um a big news uh in these here Parts with the uh with the with the podcasting I believe I mentioned last week when David Wayne was here that we were launching a new comedy podcast called Talk and walking and uh we're 14 days into this as of yesterday and we cracked the top 10 after about five or six days and then two days ago we landed at number three of all comedy podcast so I thank you you sons of uh just go to talk and walking on iTunes and I change the spelling on Walkin to match talking because I don't want Walkin family to assume me so I and I talking about yeah talking walking I in I in who said that what um or go to talking but uh Jason and to and you you joined me for the third one I did it was very fun Matt Myra did the first I did the second one live from carolin's on Broadway New York with Rory albanes and uh speaking of Mad Men Rich summer who plays Harry Crane and then you join me for the third one yeah and you kept telling me I'm swallowing this big black microphone that was in front of my face the whole time and I kept wanting to do this you're like ease off the microphone you were riding it like a jocky biscuit chy but it was very fun it was cuz I you know as you as you continue to chat with you as you're doing He Who Shall Not Be Named no I just speak as Christopher Walkin the entire time there there's no secret I just want his family you end up thinking that you're with Walkin because it's so casual because you're not doing I'm not doing bits you're not you're not you're not you're not goosing it too much because you can Goose it on the on liners when you're doing an impersonation of Crest like when I'm on stage when you're on stage but here when it's long form you got to sound a little more casual which you're doing is like and we talk about nonsense we ended up talking about a friend of yours who ran for president in your high school and won because he promised to put doors on the bathroom stall he promised to put doors that was his campaign and he won his campaign was and everyone was like yes oh my God and it made me think or made Christopher Walkin think why are there never doors on bathroom stalls do they just never want you to at school is that the deal did you have doors on well we'll get to that one the doors like so when you you know they had the walls but no front do so you were like go in high school you're like please don't anyone to come into the please don't let anyone come in time you're you never go to the bathroom no doors Jamie any doors at Ambridge yes we had doors on this oh maybe in the ladies room ladi's room I'll ask our guest as well when you when when you're yeah great great that's helpful I can't remember um uh also thanks uh when you go to the iTunes for writing reviews appreciate that you know that helps the whole thing blah blah blah uh let's get that crap out of the way um and you know I don't want to forsake what's going on here in fact I realize there's only 19 reviews on the chat show even though we're in the the top 10 of the video uh on iTunes we need some more reviews people 19 after three years is not going to cut it we're going to be three years old next week 19 reviews yeah I know how lame I think they probably think that you don't need it oh well we do it helps damn it so write some views about the chat show even if they're shitty ones tell us you what an Ask we are and blah blah blah uh we do ask you to get involved in the show constantly um one of the ways we do that is to have you write in with how do you do the show do you uh do you watch us on the you know the whole library is on the now and the iTunes and the website so how do you how do you do Kevin Paul and chat show we hear uh oh should we go to ask Kevin first sure why not okay let's go to ask Kevin first cuz I like the uh the graphic for ask Kevin ask Kevin look at that God everything's silly uh this ass Kevin comes to us from Scott slazo cuz that's a name having worked on many films both good and not so good thank you what do you look for in a director when you had Dana Carvey on you both talked about a comedy you did in the 90s I assume it was clean slate and while you didn't name names I got the impression that it was less than happy time and that the director was more enthusiastic about the number of shots on a shot list than working with you guys and having fun thoughts keep up the good work Scott saslo boar Raton Florida um Mick Jackson was the director of Clean Slate and uh he did care a of a lot more about how many shots he got in the day than than the comedy we were attempting to do I might as well call him out all the way he directed The Bodyguard uh with the late Whitney Houston and Mick Jackson is so brilliant you know that film is the number one selling soundtrack in the history of the motion picture business MC Jackson's cut two songs Kevin Cosner true story came in recut the film put in nine more songs and it became the number one best-selling soundtrack in in cinema history that's a true fact I'm sorry Mick you dick I worked with Mick Jackson HBO movie called live from Baghdad that we shot Michael Keaton with Michael Keaton Helena bottom Carter I played in Iraqi with a must with a fake mustache all we did was joke around the whole time that the the entire shoot I walked around like this cuz my mustache kept popping off cuz we kept CU you actually are an Arab and you sweat too much yes but I didn't want to grow a mustache because you know mustaches don't look that great on some men I would look like khil Jabron and but also slash terrorist rapist never be able to get on a plan no get on the planes and this was back in the late '90s no this was 2002 right after after 91 holy actually closer to 911 when we Shot the movie and uh but Mick Jackson was there and and but did he direct it he directed the movie and much more consumed with how many shots in in the course of a day I don't know it was more handheld like we're in we're in you know we're supposed to be in Iraq and it's supposed to be like it was like this that kind of Iraq shooting so I look forward to running into Mick and him taking a swing at me now that I mouthed off about him it was clean slate about Clean Slate was about an hour and 40 oh thank you for that how do I do Kevin poock Chacha this is from Amin B the whole show is dedicated to the Middle East when I'm at home it's kpcs app on my boxy box uh podcast show on Apple TV iTunes Hulu add-on XBMC do you know what the XBMC is anybody somebody Apple TV when I'm on the road I podcast the show from the iPhone iTunes oh he watches the show on his uh on his telephone wow uh there's an app coming your way for the iPad keep up the great show a mean B from Toronto Canada told you we were International you sorry um the last one is the Larry King game I've explained to our guest at the end of the show there's a little Larry King game for him to do but of course you at folks watching or listening from around the planet you know that if you write in Larry King game and I say it on the air you get yourself a free t-shirt that you can walk around and advertise the show by wearing uh today's winner Aaron Dalton congratulations Aaron and now Aaron Dalton's Larry King you know when you're on ecstasy kissing arol Flynn tastes like a mixture of sunshine and cheap Tabasco sauce it was a simpler time Buck snort Tennessee you're on the air that's all it takes to get yourself a t-shirt effort people give it a go good job uh write to us tell us how you experienced the show are you watching us on the Hulu we'd love to hear that as with the people at Hulu um so let us know uh how you do the show and ask your questions and and offer up your Larry King games and we'll invite you into the these hallowed walls um Jamal you're going to uh oh we've already got some a great offerings for our guests I better bring them out here uh JM our wonderful research producer sent me a 50 two page dossier on today's guest and I spent the entire Saturday reading studying and making these notes uh I've known this man for a very very long time um and uh it wasn't until I went through this dossier that I became a little closer with my guest today and his insane number of accomplishments not accomplishments we we most of us know several of his accomplishments but it got a little ridiculous quite frankly if not obnoxious and I will just start with this one marching ban you know what I'm saying oh yeah Jamie you're in the marching band were you yes and greatest shits alive well it was a big in my high school we had a very large marching band and it was because we would take these trips uh once a year where we would like leave for a week and like we were excused of everything like like why you love the marching yeah that was the best part and football games are fun and you played the I played any percussion instrument that required note reading so like the marima or the xylophone or triangle all that's garbage you and Miss ston yes my BFF Jaclyn ston and she played the triangle no no we play in the marching band we had um the xylophone oh cool that we like it was like but you loved it come on you've told me you've confessed we l it yeah it was fantastic all right well I can't wait to I loved to uh Christmas time when you get to do concert concert band because I got to play the Chimes the giant chimes with the mallets oh wow that was the fun that would be awesome cuz those are very very prominent Christmas songs yeah well as a Jew I know that do the people in the band get laid do do you find that not you I'm not trying to make it awkward but I'm just saying when you're in the band you have a lot of are you asking my better lot of no others nobody was getting hand jobs on the way back from Disneyland I that's a Jass okay good he and I think turn about fair play something along those lines we just witnessed all right now stop it YouTube uh so marching ban um a PhD yeah he's got a PhD honorary suck it honorary indeed uh I forgot about the Walk of Fame yeah but the biggest achievement by far and I can't wait to hear more about this in his own words the bobblehead doll from the Cleveland Indians please welcome Drew carry hey everybody tell me sir I could tell by some of this that that bobblehead was was a religious experience that was a big deal yeah yeah so so tell me I think I'm the only non-athlete uh in the Cleveland Indians history to get a bobblehead long storyed history yeah not well come on I know they're all you know despite what you think of certain members of the Cleveland Indians I'm the only non-athlete right as it were yeah but uh where are you when you get this call and what the uh I think they called my publicist or my manager something like that somebody called you yeah and I said yeah that sounds good to me and uh so they sent me like drawings and artwork about the bobblehead and I finally approved it and then uh went to Cleveland they had Bobblehead Day threw out the first pitch oh my God uh you know you let's let's back at at the the I think the night before Bobblehead Day I met the stadium uh watching the game right watching the in I forget who they were playing and uh the weekend was going so good and my friend said man the only thing that could happen that could be better is if you get a a foul ball hit right to you and like the next inning they hit a foul ball and it landed right in my lap shut the up that's insane I got up and I your friend is the devil I held it up and everybody apped and I threw it down to the fans down to the bottom right I didn't keep it let's be clear I want to be a dick about I want to be greedy because I had the greatest day in the history of the Cleveland Indians it was pretty cool holy man yeah um had you thrown out a first pitch before like you must have yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's pretty fun though the first time I threw it a first pitch um uh it was pretty nerve-wracking because you don't want to ground it no and I a really bad thrower it turns out did of a baseball did you I thought what Bill Murray did uh was probably the smartest what for people who are concerned about grounding it and not throwing it just roll it he did the wind up beautifully yeah and then in his stretch he turned on the side and did a beline right into the stands oh that's nice yeah a frozen rope right into the stand I threw it to the dude the uh Jim I forget who the catcher was Jim Tomy was playing for the Indians at the time the first time he was playing for the Indians and um they were all like doing their throwing around the infield or whatever and uh the you know Jim Tomy he want to play catch with me you know before like yeah sure so he would I'd throw it to him he was like over by first base and I was over by Third Base so I was I would throw it to him and it would bounce and Roll On The Ground sure then he pick it up and he throw it back to me and all I I heard this sing I that then I I was like oh and I caught it and my hand like stung and you wasn't even throwing it hard no my hand really stung like for the rest of the day and then the pitching coach came over to me and he put his hand on my shoulder and he said you want me to teach you how to throw like I teach the kids wow I went yeah and uh he goes well you want to hit the giant there's a giant back of you and a in front of you what and you want to hit the Giant in the chin and hit the on the top of the head wow and I'm like oh boom boom so you get that like a nice rotation so that's what I thought of and I practiced a couple times it really works if you want kids at home you learn anything from today's show Punch The Giant in the chin Giant in the chin on top of the head which is speaking of Vegas and he gets a Sor nice rotation and then I was able to throw it over the plate and you know it's nice and then you reenacted this one night in Vegas as superable the Giant and the chin the on top of the head cost me a couple bucks money money well spent yeah that's what money's for yeah uh but it actually did create yeah cuz I was doing this sure which is bad like a catapult well we're show FK we're show folk what do we know from I didn't you know yeah I didn't play baseball uh not even during the the Marines that didn't sport you up I was in the reserves yeah let's be clear yeah I kept the commies out of Ohio but but you might have uh might have played a little baseball with the with with the fellas at that no no well I could I you know I didn't throw it like in a baseball stadium from first to third like with Jim Tomy was throwing like it didn't even curve it didn't like it went straight that's the astounding thing also it it when you try when you if you're anywhere near a professional sized diamond and you do try to throw from third to First it you it's unfa like where did this Chasm come from no it's not like at the park you know where you play softball it's big man yeah it see just seems like so huge and then those guys are throwing it like it doesn't there's no like rise and then it gets there like you think we do yeah it he was throwing it straight at me and and all I I could barely see it and all I heard was cuz I could hear it slicing through the air it's crazy scared the out of me man yeah yeah I love that uh I thought I was going to get hit in the face well that's that's what I was thinking when you said you catch it I'm thinking I might put my glove over here yeah I was like I don't want well you know you want it to see like kind of cool when you're catching it because everybody's watching so you don't want to be like that no but uh don't scared the heck out of me man yeah no yeah uh tell now so I asked Jamie about the marching band how much fun was it for you I love being a marching band I was marching band in high school and then a little bit in college played the trumpet hell yes little trombone no just trumpet just trumpet yeah no what Trump bone what are we talking about yeah please why would I step down trumpet King of the marching manand who uh really trumpet trumpet and percussion I would say yeah what inspiration did were you try a March Man Without trumpet a percussion yeah good luck can't do it right do it you saying you can get by without the xylophone yeah uh so did you have any Inspirations on when you're playing the trumpet from from the pro leagues of the trumpet playing doc severon was my hero always from The Tonight Show and then once you got to do The Tonight Show and actually to meet was very excited he was actually one of the coolest things about that show for sure yeah and a really good horn player by the way amazing yeah horn player yeah uh so but you actually were listening to him a bit when you were in high school that's so cool oh yeah yeah we know when they came back from commercial I try to catch as much as I could yeah that was it a fantastic seven notes yeah uh but once in a while they did like the band do a number yeah which was great when a guest in Show and they would let the band do a number I fig that out later right it was probably never planned that they let the band do the number they were just oh so and so didn't show up you know well you know could get anybody the band doing number yeah I always thought it was planned it's ridiculous when you find these things out yeah um well let's let's go all over the place and walk down the Carson Lane for just a second we we we both experienced a moment in time how how old do you feel you were real you were real uh instrumental in my Carson appearance by the way say more uh well I don't if you remember that but I came out to visit you when you were in California you were doing a sitcom forget the name of the sitcom uh Bob seot was also on Full House at the same time right and I came out and I was playing at the uh ice house no I was playing at the comedy magic club down Beach yeah and I came to see your rehearsal Paul douly glennis John's that one coming of age the retire retirement home yeah the retirement home yeah and invited me to lunch so we were in the Comm commissary and I'm like oh my God commissary Universal I was so excited it was a big deal to me and uh and I was like oh this is like the coolest thing and uh I asked you if you had any advice for doing the Tonight Show and your advice to me was to go there before I do the show and when the show's over go out and stand on my mark right so I'd be able to be in the environment and look around and see what it was like yeah before this that way I'm not freaked out when I walk out there and go oh my God there's the band there's you know the desk but I it could be in my head ahead of time and get the nerves over with so I called uh The Tonight Show and I got I think I saw you on Wednesday so on Thursday I went to see um mcau or you went with some ACT I went by myself and I went to The Tonight Show on Thursday night uh and I watched the taping of the show and um Larry Miller was on and Jerry Seinfeld was with him he's so I remember Larry Miller is doing a set and I'm backstage and there's Jerry Seinfeld there and I was like oh my God Jerry Seinfeld and I I'm like hey Drew Cary I'm I'm scheduled to do the show you know got one of these days and I remember Jerry seel going uh yeah this is what it's all about yeah Johnny casual doing a set on a Tonight Show yeah and he was right like that's what it's like what are we in the business for right if not to do a set on The Tonight Show and uh so that was really exciting and then the next day um Friday it was a really fun week I was working at the comedy magic club down at Hermosa Beach so then I would drive down there and then the next day um I was staying at a friend of mine's uh named Matt King he's a magician and he does a daytime show in Vegas now if you ever want to go see him he's great yeah he's really good and it take the whole family he does like a familyfriendly daytime magic show in Vegas right so uh I I was staying at his place and this is before cell phones or anything like that so oh hell yes it was the only way to get I had a 800 number service that people could call me were you wearing a pager something you telling me no it wasn't a pag it was a 800 number and then I would call from a pay phone and like hit pound and I was able to put my box number in we are 105 yeah yeah so uh that's how I got my so I was staying at Matt Kings and uh I was going to go see uh full house cuz I was also knew Bob Saget so was going to be my second big sitcom experience but I was going to see an actual taping in a week yeah and the beach boys were on full Jesus yeah so I was going to be gone all day so I took all my stuff with me my my suit my toiletries cuz I wasn't going to be able to go back I was going to have to drive straight to the comedy magic club saw the Full House taping which by the way was kind of Epic because the Beach Boys did all their it was about the Dej didn't have tickets to The Beach Boys and they finally got them out of what happened Gibler yeah however the song was Help Me Rhonda and she said help me Gibler they're like it's not help me Gibler it's Help Me Rhonda God you remember the episode oh I I know way too much about Full House and Mama's Family that is awesome so get this they did all the Beach Boys stuff first cuz they had to leave so they taped it out of order and they taped all the Beach Boys stuff first you're watching them perform and then uh so then they were going to do the they did they were going to do a a what do you call a little commercial you know at the Beach Boys and then they tape the rest of the show was all L of order yeah they little promo so all the Beach Boys and Mike Love is holding one of the Olson twins they were like three at the time probably and what they would do is they would have a dialogue coach prompt the Olsen twin for what to say right because obviously too young to read yeah so they just say they would say the line and the Olson twin would repeat it there were monkeys with that point yeah so Mike Love's holding one of the Olsen twins all the Beach Boys are there and uh hi Mike love of the Beach Boys be sure to watch us on Full House this Wednesday at 8 o'clock on ABC and the dialogue coach creeps up and he goes say hi Beach Boys and Brian Wilson goes hi Beach Boys that is fantastic and everybody like laughs like ha quiet all laughs like ha oh and then they like stop everything and M club's like what you do and then they somebody coach talks to Brian Wilson and he goes oh you know and then do it again he doesn't say anything and then they do the rest of the show then I head down to UHA cuz I'm the uh opening act uh I think I'm middling and they and uh I get there and the MC meets me at the door and he goes hey man how you feeling I go I'm feeling okay had a pretty good day you Beach Boys and it was I got a story to tell you and uh I go what happened he goes I don't want to tell you and I go did my mom die or something I just tell me what happened he goes well but colie's been trying to call you all day to do The Tonight Show to that night yeah couldn't get a hold of you so he had like some other guy do it I can't remember the guy's name I was well that was the thing back in those days when you were on the list when you were on the short list you're like on a Tarmac right and there's no cell phone there's no way to reach you no way to reach me and uh but you got to be just around and I was like what the I can't believe you know what damn it oh you know get him another time and uh so I got up on the stage at night even made a joke about I was supposed to do The Tonight Show tonight but I missed the call but here's my set I did my Tonight Show set right and then I did the rest of the show and uh when I got home I was able to listen to the messages on Matt King's machine for me how many from from Jeff Schneider the guy was comedy club owner and he was trying to get a hold of me cuz the col called him hey Drew Jeff hey real exciting news uh m is trying to get a hold you do The Tonight Show tonight give me a call back blah blah blah hey Drew is Jeff what the gotta call me back uh got a couple hours call call want do night show beep Drew it's Jeff really important you got to call me back in an hour and then beep hey Drew je you blew it man I'll never forget that that was the line of you you blew it man yeah you know next time but yeah it's too late you know I remember I'll never forget that I drew his Che you blew it man so then I called myor St Friday I called mcau on Monday and I Jimmy mcau was the guy that picked all the comics for The Tonight Show and like when he was in a club everybody tightened up he was the gatekeeper yeah he was the total gatekeeper for stand-up getting on The Tonight Show and uh I called him I said I'm sorry I miss missed your call uh you know tell this gives me again yeah and he said uh well I'm sorry I missed the call but I'd like he only see he's only he'd only see me once Jesus and I got booked my first time I ever audition for him which is also very unusual one through 100 that never happened never happens yeah and uh usually people audition like five times 20 times also he would Circle you cuz you needed to have two shots ready because if you killed that first one he knew Johnny might say you bring that kid back in 2 weeks so the fact that he after one viewing said you're ready and I been doing comedy like three years or something when he picked me it was like I was so brand new and he said I'd like to see you again before I book you again oh no and I was like all right my act that changed so much he saw me like back in May and this was November and I was in my third year two and a half years I mean like my act that changed dramatically in that year and so you're thinking he's going to see me and it's not going to happen well I I thought well yeah I'll go see him again so I did my ACT again for him and he didn't like me then seriously yeah then he didn't like it so you were booked yeah demoted right but the only reason that he saw me or he wanted to call me in the first place was I went there and your advice cuz you said hey you should go there so he knew I was there that Thursday oh no cuz cuz cuz Kevin paa told me I should come do the Tonight Show you just happened to be in the building yeah so yeah and he I was fresh in his mind and go oh Drew Care's here let's use him while he's in town oh God but I went there because of you son of a cuz you told me to go there but it was good advice because then when I finally did get to do the show I'd know I remember remember what was like to go out there and it really worked I wasn't as nervous well this was had been passed down to me by either chandling or SE I was able to I was able to visualize it in my head like very clearly and I had I had kind of like a vision of it the night before I even just to find out how short the distance was between Doc's band and Johnny's desk cuz on TV it looks like it's a half a mile apart and you get there and it's 14t and you go what the happened to the studio yeah seriously like five steps and you're at the desk right not even um it's amazing that you shared all that because uh what I wanted to get to was a bit of the story that a lot of people do know because it was such a huge gigantic deal at the time you may know the exact number of comedians that had been what was called in its day spontaneously paneled prior to you but didn't that in fact happen on your very first yeah I got called over the couch my very first time it was called spontaneously paneled by The Comedians they gave they gave it that moniker because it had happened to Roseanne it had happened toen Ellen after you or before you before me yeah but maybe like three times only or five may I was in the basement of the Cleveland Comedy Club waiting to go on I saw Ellen get called over yeah the spontaneously panel but it was legendary yeah it was a big deal for standups if you name the people that got called over to the couch the first time you would name people with their all their own sitcoms and became Stars seriously there's not one person on that list that somehow vanished that somehow slipped through no that's another proof of Carson's genius and his why he was one of a did you did um I will tell you a funny Stu yeah please cuz you talk about people that slip through you know I did HBO young comedians right like the next time I auditioned for mcau was like three years later no yeah about and I auditioned for him again and I got the show but the and I really killed by that time I was just like a total headliner really had my stuff together and I was totally I would I wasn't really ready maybe a blessing it was a blessing and um but when I auditioned for him the HBO comedians people were in the Audi at the same night at The Improv so I got both shows on the same audition crazy yeah I know but so I did HB on Comedians and I was with John Stewart was on the show with right we were HBO young comedians together uhuh and we were looking at the we got a hold of a list of everybody that been on HB comedians before us you know uh kenerson and Elaine boozler and uh you know uh it was you know jayen o boo like all these people have become famous but on every single show there was there was one or two people were it's not only we didn't wonder what happened to them but we never heard of them like there was a like from the first couple years there was like an act like are they it wasn't like what happened to them like who the are they never ever heard of them yeah and me and John Stewart I'll never I'll never forget we were backstage like at a stairwell of this theater like looking at this list and and going like oh my God who's that who's that and we looked at each other we were like let's not be that first yeah which one of us is going to be and we shook hands we like whatever happens to us it could be a what happened to him but not who the is that you know what I mean we can burn out but let's not be like never noticed yeah ever it seems like things worked out for both of you and yeah I'll never forget that though I I really like bonded with them during that taping and we were like please God let's not be that one guy right what a strange thing to bond over yeah um that was weird so you were you were called up to do the show and then three years later when you were actually ready three years to the month I was ready and then I I got finally got this I auditioned again and like the like three novembers later I was on the show how much did it haunt you during those three years in terms of all I thought about that's a long time to that's all I thought about I even actually uh I moved out to LA with a girlfriend did you hate the Beach Boys and Saget at that point no no uh although I did not every time I heard the Beach Boys I thought of it uh which was like I stayed away from AM radio um I came out uh I was living in Cleveland I I had a girlfriend then and I was like we got to move to I'm not going to have this isn't going to happen to me again right it's too sketchy you know I got to get the Tonight Show I was it was this close so I moved you know we came out to LA and nothing and had money troubles I was gone for like three months 3 weeks out of the month doing the road doing the road and we broke up and then it was a horrible breakup a lot of tears and I ended up like uh cuz we talk about getting married and stuff you know it was really serious relationship and then uh I lived out of my car for uh 18 months I didn't sleep in the car but I drove everywhere around the gig to gig I was never in one place more than a week for 18 months and the whole time I was thinking like I got to get better so I can do the tonight I ran into you during those time every Every Act every night was like I got to get good so I could do The Tonight Show yeah that's all I thought about so that that year and a half there plus the you know was a half year to get over it you know another year moving out there then year and a half living out of my or you know living out of my car another half year you know before I got after the audition to actually get on the show right you know I mean it was like uh that's all I thought about that it's hard to explain to uh anybody in their late 20s or early 30s that that what you just described was the center of the universe for a standup comedian yeah if you had a lottery ticket and it blew away and you were like I got to find that Lottery tiet that's what it was like yeah I got to that's my whole that's a my whole career there the fact that there was a show and by the way as it turns out you were right yeah that first appearance with him and him seating you down I made my whole career that literally the next morning I was in Show Business did you just sit by the phone uh no at the my I i' signed with Rick MSA by then lucky uh but I already got but the thing is I already got the show like I already auditioned and got the show and I was approved again to do the show and then I signed with missena right so he didn't get me the show I got the show yes the uh he had all the benefits yeah you could say that but I remember even massina sat me down and he goes uh said hey uh we got this client Tim alen you know do you know who he is and I go yeah I heard of him because I'd seen his picture up in comedy clubs and he goes well he just did a pilot and if the pilot goes we're going to hire we're going to assign another client we liked it to be you and I was like all right I never you know I didn't know then that was home improvement that went that went really well for 10 made him a couple bucks yeah and uh then so they signed me after that and then it was like um and then I did The Tonight Show then like the next that whole week I did a Tonight Show on a Friday it was perfect it's just how you had to be on a Friday because that's the biggest viewing day and then they have the weekend to try to and then you also want I also want to be on on with Johnny Ed and doc I didn't want to substitute right anybody right you don't want to guess I don't want Tommy sorry I didn't even want Tommy new yeah I love Tommy new I wanted everybody I watched when I was a kid yeah to be there and that's just how it worked out and uh then Monday like it was just that's all they did at the office was answer calls about me and send out packets and like I remember walking in there just like piles and piles of packets they were sending out and um uh it was an absurd time yeah it was absurd and then I had like I did sets at The Improv every night that week and you were basically broke at this time I wasn't broke I mean you you're getting money on the road I was getting Road money I wasn't broke okay you know I was making I didn't have any money in the bank okay I'm sorry that's what I should have said you didn't have any money at the bank at the time right yeah I was living you know but I was making like I think I was making like 70 80 grand a year well wait a second that's a you couldn't pocket any of that I was blow up are you kidding me I was a comic on the road I was spending money you know much Denny's is yes I do and I know it was one of your favorite places so I'm shocked that you couldn't hold on to 80 grand well I mean I I had like bunch of student loans and stuff you got agents and managers taking right off the top yeah you know you were saying about 10 gr yeah I mean I was spending a lot of money um so I uh I remember I had 23 William Morris agents show up at the at the Improv to see me do a set one night Jesus and they we sat up in the top there and then they all sat and once like facing me and I sat here and they stayed for like an hour after I did my set talking to me about what they would do to for me 23 of them yeah I'll never forget it three would have been Overkill no they had the head of the lit the head of the commercial Department the head of the they wanted your back movie Department yeah I didn't sign with them I don't know if there but I signed with Marty Klein uh he came by himself and he was so he was like such a sincere so so is William Morris I got nothing bad to say about him but the um it was like crazy but that was how it was every single night it wasn't like an agent yeah that's what I was saying Marty Klein and it was like 23 will morrris agents the head of every department and it was like it was really like the craziest week of my life well that's why I was trying to stress that it was a moment in time that it's difficult to explain to someone who is looking at the scene today of late night talk shows I can't really fathom that one appearance created all of that it doesn't make sense today seven minutes of my life right and I was probably never funnier seven minutes well you haven't been as funny since I picked a good time to be funny you know what I mean you picked a good night yeah that was going to be funny that was the time that yeah that was the time not to it up yeah holy CRA I tell everybody I've in other interviews and I'm totally serious it was like I used to belong to a Pentecostal church when I was in junior high right and uh it was like the closest thing to like a that was like a come to Jesus I remember when I got saved when I was in the Pentecostal Church where I us speak in tongues and rolling it was somebody got church speak in tongues roll around on the ground all that stuff and that tonight show appearance was like the closest thing I've ever come to that right feeling where you just like the holy spirit's in me I'm something's happening special today like that feeling where like oh my life's changed forever now and my whole you know like when people have a baby that happens or you know what I mean where you like oh Something's Happened in my psyche where I'm not going to be the same person ever again right from this moment on right and that's what happened when I did The Tonight Show it was really crazy and some of the research suggest that you're starting to witness that or have been witnessing that at the Price Is Right in terms of how these people are cheering for total strangers how they're rooting for each other they have no vested interest and how they go absolutely apeshit when you yeah I feel that like churchy stuff prices right all the time because it's it's really like uh yeah people are always like there's it's just what you see on TV every there's no like a commercial we have people to do this like here the commercials coming but people generally are just going bat you know and they're really like there's total strangers and that's the greatest thing like you never get a situation where so many people are rooting for a stranger to do well right you never you would think it would breed competition a situation like that everybody does everybody's so happy for whoever wins right like even the dollar biders don't get mad really like you bid 400 they bid 401 right even they're like uh you know it's part of the game yeah you know what I mean so they can't really get mad right they're disappointed but they're not mad ever right and uh there it's so much joy and happiness and then you get this wave of it and when you walk out there's like this big wave of happy comes at you and then you're in it swirling around you all this happiness like for an hour and then I'm sure at first there was no way to prepare for that part of it nothing it was like a sound it was like honestly like you could feel all the particles of Happiness just surround you like in a like in a movie effects you know what I mean like like an effect in a movie just like swirling around and then um then I get a 2-hour lunch and I come back for the afterno show another thing of happy and I go home and I'm like man I was like you feel so good when you get off stage there it's like really fantastic and then everybody is just like so freaking happy and I tell the um like I get like all the contestants are like I feel like I could be friends with every single contestant how freaky is that yeah and uh it's as if they're selecting cuz I like people that are upbeat yeah anyway I like people that are upbeat and happy all the time well it's kind of how you've been your whole life as far as I've know I like to be I I only want to be surrounded by people that are upbeat happy fun you know I mean that's why I like to be around and so the contestants are like oh my God that and like that guy could be my bud my drinking buddy right this old lady could be my neighbor right she could be my nice neighbor a cute chick I could go out with her so you're casting the movie of your life when you're when around yeah but I meet everybody in the in the thing I'm like ah you know that could be they were in a contestant we'd be friends right somehow like we'd be the people that we chat them at least somebody that I chatted that I chat regularly with at the coffee counter I would want to hang out with these people is what we're thinking on some kind of level yeah you know where you're like oh I could easily be friends with all these people right everybody that comes on the show and a lot of people in the audience don't get picked to yeah you know because they're all really like upbeat happy that's an extraordinary part of it that I don't think anyone probably explained to you when they were talking to you about doing the show not really I mean I've never heard there's a guy there was a producer when I first met them because I didn't want to do the show first right yeah I read that initially I was like I remember I was taking acting lessons at the time and I thought well I like to do movies and stuff and then um I got a call from uh my my age I'll never forget he goes uh I got the most interesting call from CBS casting and I was like ah maybe they want me to do a CSI or you know what I mean one their big killer yeah like you know like right away I'm like yes yeah and uh he goes uh what would you think about uh taking over for Bob Barker on the price right now was like no and you son of a no yeah that old man show that old person show that's on daytime no yeah well yeah no especially where your head was at like a two like that was like a 10-second call well really yeah like if you're goes really cuz they were SE me like no forget it you kidding me I was like right then I you know I remember I was with the my girlfriend at the time and we went to the we were on a driving trip and I went I I check my messages in the car I left my phone and uh and there was a message wait before I I heard the message and I got back and I you can't believe marker Price is Right I was like that when I sat down they that'll be the day you know and then a couple weeks later like that's I was they I got on their radar because I was I did a uh pilot for a show called Power 10 so that's they saw the pilot I was in New York doing the pilot and I was driving back and I like to drive and uh when I got back to LA they pick up the show and then I got another call the power of 10 yeah and I got another call from agent and I got you know I got another call from CBS casting and I was like yeah I wasn't as excited that CS yeah and he goes uh he goes you know they're really after you to do this price is right thing and I go how much does it pay yeah he goes that finally came out of if I'm going to consider it yeah I need to know how big the money truck is like what what kind of money we talk about he goes he goes I have no idea and I go well what what are the taping hour like what do they tap he goes I don't know you don't know anything about it so I said why don't you go do some due diligence and then do your job yeah do your job get back to me before you call me and I you know they we' like to meet with you and I thought well now I feel obligated to meet with them sure now you've inquired yeah cuz they're asking again and they picked up the power 10 so I'm kind of in business with them is that a different network or the same same CBS but the you know now I'm in they they have my nighttime show so now I kind of obligated to have a meeting with them yes you are you're in the family yeah you're going to get a Christmas gift so I met with uh uh I I met with them and um uh Barbara Bloom uh the had of daytime he AE of daytime there who's not there anymore and uh who else uh that doesn't matter okay so I I sat down and they some Executives yeah doesn't matter I want to name off but uh the uh just a few of them and I I sat down and um they uh that it was after that meeting I decided I would do it I needed I based on what they said at the meeting well I found out how much I would pay at the meeting no no of course not for my agents and man like they asked around and got an idea what Bob was getting right and then uh so that's pretty good money and uh I was interested in buying into a soccer team Jesus so I thought well that could be my soccer money right I really that's what I was thinking i' be soccer money like that's money I used to buy my to get into the team with and uh but it was a bit more of a commitment than that yeah and then I had the meeting with them and they were like uh I remember s vintage I have to give him credit because he said to me he goes what do you like to do more than anything else and I go I'd like to leave big tips and he gives me a thrill and he goes well here you'd be able to give away things every single day holy and I was like yeah I never thought of that yeah every day I'll be giving away things yeah and I kind of made up my mind then I thought like let's do it if we can work it out and I when I I went to dinner right after I met my agent there and uh he goes how'd it go I go I think I'm going to do it and he said to me he goes there's your soccer team we can wow and I my family was in town and I had sat down with my family and they go because you know they're kind of rumored that I was going to be considering me by then and they said how'd it go I go I think I'm going to do it they going to be the host and your family said there's your soccer team yeah I never told that before that was my agent actually said that there's your soccer soccer team and if we shake hands I go yeah my soccer team it's one of those crazy moments in time as well cuz they said that you know they were real talked about the like the hours were flexible and I could you know how many in a day tape two a day three days I hate to say people are going to want to kill me I take tape listen 15 minutes ago you said you set 80,000 a year on fire so you know yeah it's it's they're already not happy it's uh yeah they're going to cast dispersions you've already um you know I got to pay airfare out of that yeah that's a lot Stu I've got Hotel expenses people I'm not literally sending that's my gross what I took home it is funny when you first try to have that conversation with your family about what you actually see it starts to make sense that Elvis held on to like 10% of his money it does you know you don't see any of it uh there's a pie chart and I'm the little piece of sliver s uh but they uh Tred telling that to the Democrats they don't want to hear it NOP uh yeah so I I I uh it's two day two shows a day I go in about4 to 12 for shows 12:20 right so I I literally go you show up 35 minutes before yeah say hi to everybody change in my suit go to makeup walk on stage I mean there nothing to learn the Price Is Right I know all the games and uh yeah when I walk out on that stage it's I've been there for like half hour sometimes right before yeah now and then I we take show takes like an hour 15 hour 20 20 it's pretty much right you know we're right on they have to switch out the games that's the only thing it takes time and I talk to the crowd in between some on stage whole the time and then I get a 2-hour lunch just about and then uh tape another show at 4:10 or so and then you're probably sleeping during the two-hour lunch though I I do phone calls people yeah and then I we know you don't eat much now yeah and then I um so you're not having a 2-hour lunch yeah and then I uh do the second and then I'm dressed and out the door makeup washed off and everything by 6:00 so about a 6 hour day noon till 6 about 6 and a half hour day three days a week with a 2our lunch three days a that's Monday Tuesday and Wednesday buys you a soccer team and then uh I I do three weeks on and one week off oh and sometimes I get two weeks off Christmas I get three and then if I like when the World Cup was going on the Germany World Cup and the or the South Africa World Cup was going on I said uh you know I need a month off go to South Africa and I got to mon thought and they say we have eight runs yeah uh so it's pretty easy job how old were you when the soccer thing happened what I get interested in soccer yeah I was living in LA and uh I'm from Cleveland so I can't root for any La teams I mean I wouldn't I'm not going to become a Lakers fan all of a sudden for example I'm with you I'm from San Francisco I hate everything out you're not going to do it yeah can't do it and uh so I don't even like wearing like Dodgers hats or you know what I mean like I don't even like seeing a Dodgers hat yeah yeah I'm not going to wear one that's never going to happen yeah from San Francisco especially even when my Giants come to town I don't go to Dodger Stadium I won't go in that place yeah right we went cuz then you got to give money and buy when you buy a hot dog exactly dodger blue and then they killed one of my people or tried to yeah I know yeah so uh yeah you don't want to go there so uh I I I was like man I miss going to games you know just I'm because in Cleveland I would just like up and go to a game one day we got a wild hair at my butt to go to a game and I could just go and root form and I read the paper and there'd be articles about my team you know and I there's nothing in the LA Times about a Cleveland team no got to go online it's just nothing and Bugg me so I thought well I got to find something to root for out here and uh the LA Galaxy which is the local MLS soccer team here uh David Beck and plays for him he uh they just started at the Home Depot Center and there was articles about this new place they were moving into and I was like oh maybe we should go check out soccer maybe that could be my thing here because there's no soccer team in Cleveland there so you thought of this yeah I got the there's no way anybody in Cleveland get mad at me for likeing soccer cuz they don't even have a team maybe I could just follow the local soccer team here and that way I can have a team to follow and I can go to the games and have somebody root for locally I could have that experience that speaks also volumes I think to just what are in your gut fan of sports in general I like sports yeah yeah and I missed the experience you don't want to you know I like to go to game yeah and uh so I went to the I took my girlfriend at the time we went out to uh Galaxy game and it was great pre Beckham pre- Beckham yeah there was nothing happening it was they just moved into the Home Dep Center but it's a great place to see a game uh really great stadium and holds about 25,000 somewhere around there and uh really good experience I thought wow this is really fun never saw a live soccer game before and then uh I mean I would I didn't know anything I was asking like what an offside Ru was what the penalty KCK was all about you know how many minutes and a half blah blah blah and uh then I started buying I when I bought like soccer for dummies and all like every tape and DVD I could find about the history of and I learned as much as I could about soccer and then I found out that the and I was kind of retired at the time too so I didn't have a job and I found out that the Men's National Team was just starting to qualify for the World Cup and the Germany the German World Cup and they were going to be playing at all these different places around the world oh my God I should call I should follow the national team that'd be my excuse to travel I could go pretty great excuse yeah so I the first time I saw the national team play I was in Trinidad and I went to it was right after Super Bowl and I went to tr D to see him play and they just was were finishing up Carnival so I I got there on uh Tuesday night for the end of Carnival and Wednesday the game was on Ash Wednesday oh my God I mean it's it's already a religious experience for them in Trinidad I would think compared to what you're seeing in Los Ang they like Cricket more than soccer I think but they they love their soccer team down there and the you know United States was coming it was you know it was a big deal yeah and uh you know what's weird about seeing this game in Trinidad they only I called them I American Express I had a platinum card then but they have a concierge service that'll get you tickets sure you know so I called up the to get a ticket to this US men's team playing Trinidad in Trinidad uh and the the guy was like let me check Mr Cary and he's checking checking calls back say Mr Cary I don't know how to tell you this but you can't buy a ticket uh for this game unless you get it from the local KFC K's got a piece in a soccer AC in Trinidad and uh down in Trinidad KFC is so big like there's no McDonald's there's no Burger King don't with the colonel there's no churches what no KFC that's it man in Jamaica when I went to Jamaica we were in uh monteo bay and we going from the airport to the to the house the it was a twostory KFC yeah and they have things on the menu that they would never have here it was gigantic I was I was amazed yeah my brother my brother was with me and we went to like you've been to KFC right you've seen like most four people in front of you sure three people you're like oh God for my biggest lines yeah and we went on Wednesday to get lunch at this KFC downtown in Trinidad and there was two lines out the door what out the door we were standing on the sidewalk you can't get some chicken waiting to get in there to get our chicken at KFC it's huge there you can't so they did it taste any different no same thing yeah same same same chicken and uh no different but they just love their KFC man I don't know what it is it's crazy right Jamaica actually I have to say the KFC chicken they made was actually pretty amazing Jamaican spices or you but they because you were up no I wasn't up taking out the seeds and the Twigs of the pot um no but I thought the chicken tasted different because the way they the way they cooked it and the way and to me it tast just the same that was like I this is like the craziest thing and then in the SOA music they'll they'll like give a shout out to KFC I can almost wrap my brain around that but why do you have to go to the chicken place to get your tickets for soccer they sponsored the game so you had to go to the KFC to buy get a ticket so I went to KFC and I was like I want to get two tickets to the game and a threepiece and the lady like P bank account the lady like pulled out a chart oh my God and like where would you like your ticket so I told her and she was able to like GRE stains on the J she was able to like punch in the computer and gave she sold me my tickets but you had to go to KFC and that's the only way you can get a ticket it fantastic but I happened to be staying at the same hotel at the men's team was and they found out I was looking for a ticket so they hooked up with me and uh then I got to gave me I got to be friends with them cuz they were staying at the stadium I got to be friends with the front office uh staff of the men's team they started inviting me to Sidelines when they played games then I got to then I was able to pick their brains about the game then I became like a huge fan and now it's like my favorite sport and you had a thing for a while where you were a photographer and you travel with a team you did a thing for Discovery while I was going on the sidelines I thought I'll bring my camera and I started meeting photographers and I found out like what equipment they were using so I started just like bringing I always wanted to do Sports Photography so I started like I I remember I'm went to sami's camera here in LA and I go if I was going to shoot sport what would you buy wow he goes get this this and this I just bought everything I have money I just bought everything and then I showed up and I had all these photographers that I befriended on the sideline they showed me how to use my new camera equipment and uh I was actually taking it seriously and trying to take better and better pictures and one guy like kind of took me under his wing and uh he actually hired me to shoot the World Cup in Germany cuz I was get I was getting pretty good by then uh like not the greatest you've ever seen or anything like that but I could shoot at a professional level he stopped calling you TV boy in referred to you as a cameraman yeah and I actually I used a fake name and I went to Germany and then travel channel did a uh Travel Channel yeah Travel Channel I did a special with them of me shooting the World Cup because I said you know I'm going to be it was called Drew Cary sporting adventures and we did like the Real Madrid B Barcelona game and you figure out an angle to make money off this is that what you're saying yeah that's what we do it was a lot of work man but I I but you L it like shooting the game like if you're going to shoot the World Cup that's a lot of work anyway are you running constantly up and down the same way the players are to catch the action no not in socer soccer you got to pick your spot and you're there the whole game and at the half you can switch but snip but at the World Cup you're shoulder to shoulder to shoulder and everybody's like a little folding chair that they're like right you have like climb over the chair there's not even space between the chairs and um I had to get there sometimes like four hours for the game just to get a spot and uh for a guy who strolls in the prices right at a half hour 4 hours that's no I was working man in the ass and nobody knew the hell I was in Germany you know really nobody even the other photographers were like kind of like who's this celebrity you know doing our job cuz spots are hard to get right shooting the World Cup and they didn't realize that I was there at the behest of the southern guy was trying to make money that he actually hired me to shoot for him because he liked the way I shot right and uh so but then travel channel is following you around with a camera yeah they they couldn't go into the stadium like they could they could follow me till I went in do my job and then when I got back I would show them the pictures I took and then we do other stuff in Germany when I wasn't shooting a game so I was like like shooting the games is harden up and then I had to do all this other stuff because you you have so much equipment when you're shooting sports like I had like two packs full of uh camera equipment that weighed like 70 75 PBS each that I'm luging around it stopped being fun it was fun but it was just it was just like a job you weren't used to that no I mean I'm used to doing stand up stand up was even easier because you you have 23 hours to get ready for work when you're doing stand you talking about an easy job I would sleep till whatever hit the mall yeah you know have a light dinner you know do the show go out after a drink I just came back from Baltimore I went to the Apple Store three times really great yeah yeah read a lot of books saw a lot of DVDs you know it was pretty nice life but uh it wasn't it wasn't 70 lbs of gear no then you're were like eight like work work work work work and then you're like oh my God like I was you loved it yeah I loved it but I wasn't there around cuz this guy was counting on me if I didn't get good pictures he wasn't going to make a Liv what happened with these pictures uh he used them they're still up on the site and he sells them still they they end up on in magazines a couple of them yeah soccer magazines and soccer sites and so the first time you saw one of your photos in the soccer magazine it pretty cool yeah yeah yeah I mean I got you know I took a couple good decent shots nothing great like I said but a profession level but you don't get into that soccer magazine because Drew I used a fake I used a fake name Jim Carrey yeah marah that was my fake soccer name righty hey we like to involve the audience whenever possible sir don't you dare uh so uh I want to bring in um Barry Gribble one of the uh forms of questions here um is a rapid fire of five questions that are specifically designed for you it's kind of a Coke or Pepsi no correct answer but it's which would you rather Sophie's Choice kind of thing they are called a T5 T5 you know this crazy son of a T forever now that's what happened when we asked him to do the T5 we rattled that off and we said you know what we'll turn that into a graphic all right from Barry gille this T5 directly to you sir improv or script uh improv kale or spinach kale Ron Paul or Bill mAh uh neither one of is going to get a what's the difference I'm waiting for Ron Paul to completely morph into Rosboro he's going to use the wrong analogy the economy is like peanut butter see if you feed it to a horse and he chews on it it'll look like he's talking uh honest praise or thoughtful critique uh thoughtful critique cus Olay or soccer wow please well mean soccer I love soccer sorry that's those two things I like don't give me two things I like and make me pick one well that's the that's kind of the deal yeah um a lot of them are easy choices some of them yeah yeah like I I love doing improv uh actually you know scripted is fun you can about improv so like when it's happening and it's good man there's nothing like it well did that start for you when you were doing um the Drew Cary show because Ryan Styles would come back you know during rehearsal like people talk like what' you do last night you I did a show in Santa Monica or blah blah blah and or flew out to England and did who's lying and uh he did yeah and I I was they would talk about it so much and people would go see him and think oh my God you should you should go sometime he's so funny and uh I you know was doing the Drew Cary show so I didn't my Act was my act and I wasn't like writing any new stuff for my ACT anything I wrote that was funny ended up in the show was going on in the show yeah and uh so actually was like my Act was getting kind of stale for me and I was like you know if I did it was the same thing you know you know you want to always do that and uh always want to learn how to do improv and there's Ryan right there I'm working with them genius you know and then I found out that a couple other cast members uh like C think like two two other people on the cast used to teach it wow and then uh you know uh Craig Ferguson used to do a little bit of improv and I never did and uh Chris Miller never did but I was like hey uh why don't we do improv together on Thursday night at the impr I remember I remember I went to The Improv and I asked him like would you think real PE would be okay if I brought the cast of The Drew car show here to two I I thought that actually they would say no that we're busy or something and they go yeah it' be fine so every Thursday night at The Improv like we would go and do improv right I remember this and it was like the craziest it was really fun we did it for a couple years and um um like for a year at least with the cast it was really and I I learned they picked out games for me to do that I could do easily and that wouldn't hurt me for like me and Chris M to do that would get murdered and uh I learned like OJT from these guys and then when we were doing it I thought oh you know uh I come hear about whose line and I thought that ABC could have us I thought they should do summer shows they weren't doing any summer shows and that could be a good thing for them to do yeah so I told Ryan I go hey why don't we do Whose Line Is It Anyway as a summer show pitch to ABC and he goes well Dan Patterson's now he's the guy that created it on BBC Radio and then the the show in uh England he goes Dan's out here trying to pitch it as a syndicated show just happened to be just happened to be in town and he's not having any luck oh my God like they didn't want to use like I want to say he's pitching it to but they didn't want to use Ryan or Colin cuz Ryan was goofy looking and Colin was old of course you know what I mean of course like they were like we should get Dan Cortez to do like that was there I feel you we should get all these young hip people to do the show but they didn't they were missing the point and Dan was getting really frustrated and uh so uh I met with him like that was one Thursday and then the next Thursday say Dan came over and we met we were talking about what we what we could do and maybe I could be the host right and then I you know couple Thursdays after that the ABC Executives came and saw us to improv we gave him DVDs of Who's Line and uh or maybe tapes and then uh probably probably tapes and then um BX couple weeks after that they said yeah we got a show it was really like pretty quick yeah it's remarkable and it was so cheap to produce for them you know I think our original licensing fee was like 27 ,000 an episode which is a ridiculously low number yeah like shows nowadays get like even The Drew Carey Show was like by the end it was 3 million an episode no according to all reports was it yes for Whose Line no for Drew KY show yeah that's what I mean like they spent a lot of money in licensing right but for for $270,000 like that was the lowest like there was shows on UPN that weren't that were getting more than that yeah you know we were like literally like the lowest licensed show on TV but you know what's interesting when you get that low amount you there's so much more freedom that comes with do anything you want Lou CK show on FX right now arguably the funniest half hour for a lot of us yeah he the only way he was able to write it direct it edit it and star in it is if he agreed to do it for a fee not too similar this similar to 270 I like and I I'm telling you it's so freeing like I'd ra now I have I'm saying that now that I have money sure but I'd rather do like I love doing like a small club and like just whatever I want and the pressure of like we got to get ratings we got to get this and that I'd rather just say hey let me do a 99 Cedar and do sov and that might have I imagine I thought from studying up a little bit factored into not just buying into a soccer team but also you're walking into a legacy that's going nowhere that is not really about ratings it is a hit television show that no one can up really I mean they might have had to go through three or four different hosts if they were having trouble you know if you hadn't have worked out but the show itself was going on yeah the show's good good show it's rock solid and its fans are as devoted as fans can be yeah it'd be like the whole idea is don't it up yeah yeah but I mean there must have been some transitional pressures you put on yourself and then maybe once you felt comfortable you started to make some changes with the theme and this and the that to make it your own yeah I would think that's about it yeah yeah but I never felt any like I felt comfortable from day one did they say look there's no pressure here in terms of ratings where we're you can't you can't hurt us did they say I would I'd hear this a lot it's a marathon not a Sprint I kept hearing that all the time and I believed him I know I shouldn't have but I believed him well but I that was one of the first pieces of advice I got when I got to town actually as a standup in 1983 someone saying this is a marathon not a Sprint cuz I was like in a hurry to get something going yeah so that's a pretty good piece of advice yeah I would think the advice you gave me besides do the the tonight thing was uh somebody takes you out to lunch enjoy the lunch did you like that one yes cuz it's probably solid advice man don't get too excited man just hey enjoy the meal enjoy the meal yeah cuz I'll make you all kinds of promises I want to be in the Kevin Pollock business oh boy that's my favorite we should do this and that and you're like want to be in the if you're new you can get really sucked up into that you you're good about how great the chicken is yeah you know concentrate on the chicken and then uh uh the the other thing is like the most important word in La is uh no no by far that's the biggest word you can learn Life in in fact less Moon vest gets a little more pissed off and just about anybody else at the word no was my personal experience so I don't know how he felt when you were saying no uh I didn't say no I I get like sometimes you don't hear but I there was a somebody gave me a really good phrase and I have it taped so I can see it at my desk when my when I'm sitting at my desk and it's uh when you say yes you say no to everything else oh wow once you you commit yourself to something that's everything else you could do that day that hour is gone nothing you can you can't do anything you have to do that one thing right uh when you say no you're saying yes to an infinite number of possibilities you say no you can do anything yeah anything you want yeah in the whole wide world but in Show Business the number one reason to say no is to own more of the soccer team yeah but or you're just like no I'd rather be yeah then you're committed to doing something if you say yes and then you could be honestly rather be reading a book or you know rather be with your kid you rather be on a boat you'd rather be in another city yeah rather be home but you're on the road because you said yes you know what I mean yes then you're like oh you know I'm in this club I'd rather I'd rather be home with my wife and you know I remember when you said front of a fire but I said yes to this I don't really need the money right why did I say yes to this I could be I could have just said no and been home and been happier I know what you're mean yeah I remember feeling that way when I said yes to doing the voice of Mr Bell what it was it was a good gimmick while it lasted that was fantastic I remember the call when you said as I I mentioned this Craig Ferguson who was here how he owed his entire career to both of us um because I I didn't want to be six lead but but I loved how you couched it when you called me you said look Kevin Kevin was the first boss on the Drew Cary show I don't imagine you want to be six lead on the Drew Cary show but the network really really wants me to have a boss that the audience can see now they like the gag so much they actually want to have some Inplay so assuming you don't want to be the sixth lead on the show we need to uh fire you and have you appear on the show which was a great thrill after doing the voice of him for the first season to actually walk out with my cardboard box full of Mr Bell items yeah we had a it was just the voice of the boss yeah thought it was a good Gap I was on the speaker phone it was fun it was really fun and you know it was an easy sell for you you said Kevin you can phone this in from any in the world because it's on the phone yeah but the greatest thrill of all was walking out in front of your audience finally after that first you know at the end of was end of the first season I think so right I think so too and they made a lot of changes at the end of the first season and then yeah but the second season is when the thing really kind of caught its yeah that's because of the dance number and everything they well they we almost got canceled you know and they there's people at ABC that fought for us and then they honestly they during the summer they double pumped us with uh Roseanne and Grace Under Fire oh boy like they would during the reruns they would put it would be Rosanne then me and then gra Under Fire than me so they double pumped us all like the whole month six weeks leading up to the premiere and then the premiere we had we couldn't ask for a better S then the premiere we had the dance number that caused a big sensation and we kind of take took off from there so uh um imagine a network actually getting behind and giving a struggling show a chance we barely got a script we got a script order barely got a pilot order I remember we got a we were supposed to hear from him like Friday night at 6 o' I per our contract for them to order a script so we could do a pilot or after we turn the script for us to do a pilot and it got to be like 6:30 and I was like ah well it you know what I mean let's go see what Saget's doing yeah oh well gave it a shot wrote the wrote a pilot anyway you know and then uh got the call sure you know half hour 40 minutes later then the deadline I was like we did the pilot and then I you know it was really I think the pilot barely got picked up and then we did the first season and then I heard a lot of people didn't want to bring us back and we got barely got picked up and then they they did the thing that really saved us was getting double pumped with uh uh Rosanna Grayson or fire in my opinion it wasn't the dance number per se but it was that interest they built up by repeating us with those shows well it's all marketing so Mark you have to deliver once they bring you the audience if your show's not funny entertaining all that marketing goes down yeah but it's a lot of it's so much marketing you have to get that support though yeah it's so hard to get now it's almost impossible for these shows to last them more than a couple weeks if if the numbers don't deliver there's no support or so it seems you're that John for Mars or whatever the that movie is supposed to be what's it called what's it called yeah it's it's supposed to be something for Mars and they dropped it from Mars part John Carter John Carter from Mars Mar yeah it's supposed to be John Carter from Mars yeah that's that's the book that's what's supposed well the book is called Princess of Mars and all the other books sequent books are of Mars yeah yeah it's it's a show on Mars hello I thought it was when I saw the first ad for it on the billboard I thought it was a guy in Africa John Carter I thought it was John Carter and I thought he's in Africa or something fighting elephant I I couldn't see what the mon that they were monsters real clearly on the billboard right if you just hear John Carter I thought it was like a spike Leo yeah like it doesn't it felt like Denzel for sure harder on Mars yes now we know what we're talking about now I know what you're talking about yeah that's all marketing uh and the film did not open as well as they wanted I think the marketing did kill that movie I saw it I went to the premiere and I actually had a really good time it was very enjoyable I wonder how it did on Mars probably better than here yeah the uh The Lorax Lorax beat it in its second week John Carter made I think 29 million 30 million but it's doing really well overseas and I think who knows that book you know why cuz it's called John CER from Mark overseas maybe overseas they got it right um I want to talk about the drive that you and hord would take to break stories for the new season when did that start uh at the end of the first season he didn't fly and I well before we did the show even uh he didn't fly and uh afraid of flying and uh we wanted to go to he wanted to go to Cleveland and do some research in the city and see what the city was all about and so it was like January I remember we wanted to get a rental car and have Warner Brothers pay for it or ABC pay for it or Warner Brothers they were giving us a hard time about paying for it he like you think I want to drive in January to Cleveland for cuz for vacation you know give us some money for hotel rooms so we drove from uh LA to Cleveland in the winter and like hung out and he saw my house and um went to a couple local bars and got the inspiration for the Warsaw and uh drove back and then it was such a successful trip that at the end of every season we would get in a car and just drive somewhere usually Florida or some place like that but across the country yeah and we would talk about the show and you know listen to music and you know then drive back it was always really fun right I loved it I really look forward to those drives was it every year yeah every single year and so you would often break stories for the next season or no we think about like not stories not specific stories but like how the season would go right you know things we could have done better that we didn't and how it could be better next year and you know stuff we want to do you know uh got the idea from the dance number on one of the drives really yeah that was so huge oh my goodness yeah cuz I was on um show called The Good Life with John campanera I played his best friend and as a joke one day we were talking about like coming in doing a big uh Busby berkele number you know and camera over yeah and uh we were laughing like that'd be hilarious and I remember the producers like yeah next year you know what I mean like slow down we were only like half serious he didn't get it next year but you did he was only really half joking about it anyway right you know what I mean and I was telling Bruce about that and he goes hey you know a dance number could be a good thing and uh did the network fight you at all because it was pretty bizarre no no I I don't think they did someone Bruce did all the talking to the network not me so that mean they might have but I didn't hear about it I think they were behind it all the way and how ridiculously fun was that yeah it was really fun yeah yeah so uh uh yeah it all worked out so you know uh let's go to Eddie nun another T5 for you sir tner this one's going to be a little harder SE from a hat or ho down uh either one to me they're both good yeah Ferguson or Letterman not really fair to ask my friend yeah exactly bald bald jokes tall jokes or fat jokes none really apply uh to about me I it just says bald jokes tall jokes or fat jokes oh cuz probably on the Who's Line we make bald jokes about Colin tall jokes about Ryan and fat jokes about me uhhuh like say bald and fat bald and Tall jokesall yeah well they you can't really do the fat jokes anymore now can they roasted or be roasted oh to be roasted honestly that's the that was the most fun the wor mean or they were to me better like kidada had the best line ever he said uh boy that Drew Cary he has a temper well me give it out he goes man that Drew Carrey has a temper let me tell you I remember one time I was uh him up the ass I wiped my dick on his dress well his head popped out of that toilet he must have chased me around the gas station for an hour he wrote the best jokes ever he was the da was a I was like and it just got like first of all he has a temper yes right a good setup and then I was him up the ass and I wiped my dick on his dress we're done that could be the end most people are done most people are done head in the toilet but then his head gas his head popped out of that toilet and you got a good image right there of me like what the you know water just what the P how much money I paid for this D and he must have chased me around the gas station for now I mean it got better and better and better yeah he built it oh my God he built it on a foundation of that was funny uh and the last one is the Sims or the second life oh Sims or Second Life Second Life Second Life yeah second life you can you know design all your own stuff and it's a lot more a lot more freedom in second life than Sims yeah although Sims is fun it's like Second Life clearly has a lot more to offer there's a game I play uh called second life that some people know about uhhuh you can tell by looking my eyes I don't what the you're talking about I know what he's talking about you want second life I I don't do second life but I know the game but I I did Sims but I I got too obsessed with Sims that I couldn't do Second Life second life is so much cooler what's what's the additional nothing you just it's like having a train set honestly you have um it'd be like if I said I was really into train sets and I had this beautiful train set in my basement and you would go oh you know it's like that so I might say I'd like to see that train set yeah Second Life uh it's a I hate I hate to even call it a game uh you sign up and a life choice if it's what is it it's a second life and you make a a AR and you can have any Avatar you want make it look however you want name it whatever you want and then it lives in this world and you meet other avatars and socialize and chat and there's there's some there's some combat but not really if you don't want it to be that a role playing going on yeah if you want you know you could be a vampire you know a furry or whatever you want to be and people live in those you spend real money though yeah you they uh lynon is the name of the company that makes it so they have lynen dollars and you you can um earn linen dollars in game or you can just get your credit card out and buy lyen dollars at the exchange The lyen Exchange which is a uh doesn't fluctuate much it's pretty steady and they keep they keep a LD on it so you can buy linen dollars that exchange and use that to buy your clothes and your house and your car and and a turn to Dad soccer team and your you know your jewelry and wherever you want to you know hair make your appearance good A lot of people spend on just looking good but you can create an island and someone like I think it was a news report where they created an island or a big uh building and they sold it for a lot of real money that you could buy it person real money to buy that island so you could have that island in the game you're buying shelling real estate within a world for real money yeah yeah it's not that it's not as much money as people think like you can't really make a living in Second Life but people make money hundreds of dollars yeah they make a little bit of money some people do if they work you know like I go to there's uh I go to nightclubs and hear DJs and there's people like you can go to a nightclub and they'll see some guy who's DJing and he lives an England you know and he's playing all Brit pop music and you know he's in his house but it's like songs I haven't heard and right you know other people be have other nights and they'll play you know and you make your avat avatar dance stuff pretty cool it's like the best thing about it is I'm not Drew caring in there I'm somebody else uhhuh and I could just go there and just be me and just relax and talk to people and I don't it's not me the celebrity talking to people right it's fun nobody knows who anybody is yeah right and it's like you know once you get into it's just like life or move into a new town when you first get there you're like well I don't know but once you meet the cool people that you want to be friends with then it's really fun but you got to like huh you die in in the second life no no I died my first character who was JD Salinger that was my first character he died on a fire from the oven I created oh that was in Sims in The Sims and I created another JD Salinger and he kept his last JD Salinger in an N yeah yeah and that's what I did you didn't bury him in the backyard with a cross no and I had a little earn on you in the backyard too if you want to get what you went The Cremation route I went The Cremation route yeah yeah he kept ashes yeah of your Dead character from well Salinger kept ashes of his of his former self that's what happened to me I like second life better because you can really like it's super customizable compared to the Sims and uh it's just you can just like you can make everything you want or buy anything you want and just have a like I have a really cool Island yeah a couple I have a couple islands that are really fun I just you know have a movie theater uhhuh you know it's fun yeah yeah it sounds pretty great you get to escape and I like the idea that it's a lot of escap it's a little eyes wide shut for you in the sense that you know you're in a mask and nobody knows who anybody is right yeah there's a couple people know who I am but it's really and I met the coolest people on there honestly I have have you spent any time away from the game with any of these people uh I planned on it but the one guy couldn't get away he wasn't uh uh I was going to meet up with him there was a second life convention I was going to hook up with them and but once you show up at that now everybody knows you're in the game yeah then we were going to make him he Liv down in like near Cincinnati and I was going to like cook up with him but would never never happen but we talked on the phone right you know and that's how you found out who you were no I told I told him before cuz he was I I got introduced to him from another friend of mine who knew who I was was playing the game yeah yeah it was second life when they first came out was like made a big splash and it's never in the news much anymore it's kind of like there uh but when it first came out I was like oh this is going to be the next big thing and this people going to be able to shop on here it's going to be the new metaverse you know like you know like talk about science fiction books like a William Gibson book come to life but it it never really turned out that way but it's still a fun place to go to is that what draws you guys to it initially Is Your Love of Science Fiction and and what's part of it I was like At first I was like oh my God you could do shopping here and they can have a virtual Kmart like they did have virtual uh like they had a virtual American perel and they had a virtual Mercedes dealer on second life for a while but it was just like you don't really get the same sense it just never there's not enough people that can get on an island like you can have like 40 people in an island at most you know what I mean but they're you know without having a lag time and stuff you have more than that but then it starts to get laggy and stuff it's just um but it's fun you know it's like you can get together with like 20 people and social and then it's like card games and dice games you can play with people a lot of gaming going on you know I've sat with friends and played cards you know and just talked and you can do voice now so you can like get on a thing and talk to people oh that's got to be good you can have meetings there yeah yeah it's just a weird nerdy thing that makes it a little more personal yeah it's just a kind of a nerdy thing uh but we we Your Love of games has been uh documented sir yeah it's not a complete mystery um half a million dollars for the Ohio library Foundation that was on uh Who Wants To Be A Millionaire yeah I got lucky did you yeah total lucky total really yeah I should have got the I should have got the million I was afraid to go for it I didn't know it it was who's who's the my million dollar question was who was the first uh NFL player to say I'm going to Disneyland how could you possibly know that oh I should haveo uh can't remember it was filth I think was the first you can look it up I think it was Phil Sims I wasn't totally sure and I would have lost everything yeah so I couldn't go also could you look like a bigger dick losing half a million dollars because your pride wants to try to answer that last question want to do it no way yeah uh so you came back and won another amount like 32 or something and it made you the highest winning celebrity in the history of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire really yep the celebrity version I've also given away as a game show host I've given away $4 million on prime time TV you're the only person to give away a million doll on three different shows that's never been done yes well I give away a million on power 10 I give away 3 million on prices right on the nighttime the million do spectacular version of prices righted on Prime Time what was the third one yeah what was the third one you you can't bring this up without knowing well I have 4 million that's 4 million right there that I've given away um I've got it maybe it was on maybe maybe it was two different prices wres and uh or three different prices wrs in the power of 10 but it was 3 million on prices right we had a million dollar spectacular shows that we did and I gave away they changed I don't know why they they made it so easy to win a million dollars did they yeah like the I couldn't believe it like the uh Power 10 was pretty amazing it was our the first taping we ever did we gave away a million dollars this some 19-year-old kid and uh could have won could have gone for 10 million but he didn't and a price is right I remember one person won uh cuz he had to get the Showcase within on the on the Regular Show you get the Showcase within $250 and you win and you're within $250 of the Showcase price you win both showcases but then on the million dollar spectacular they made it so you have to get within $1,000 of the Showcase price and win and then you win a million dollars and that gets a little easier well it's only $1,000 not 250 they should have made it a hundred right you know or 50 bucks or something for a million but they made it a th right but they added extra prizes thinking it would be harder to do the extra prizes right like instead of three prizes they put in five or something but all I had to do is add a two two more prizes I thought it I thought they made it easier it seems that way that wasn't my call I also love yeah right but I noticed we haven't had any million dollars spectacular since then what about this ter we gave away $3 million and all of a sudden like hey do another million do spectacular but this this Terry n changed things up a little bit too oh that dude that dude uh who got he got the exact amount to the penny right on both showcases uh yeah he won both showcases because he got his showcase on the right to the dollar right and somebody on a headset's got to be freaking out well we all thought something happened right it's a long sto oh I read I read almost a a documentary about it the inquir not the inquire but the uh Esquire it was Esquire right that wrote an article about it yeah that's pretty much the story somebody I all the Press obviously jumped on the fact that that you the article kind of gives the whole story yeah yeah look it up it's a pretty great story and and there's no reason really he didn't cheat no he didn't it's like the guy with the whammies he figured out the repetitive nature of certain aspects well we like we saw the tape of everybody there we have cameras everywhere in the show and there's the there was a guy there was a fan group that was upset uh that the there was a producer on the show my first year they had been there 35 years right that was he'd been there his whole television career it was his first job out of college and uh then he wasn't there my second year of the show and this fan group like really liked this guy and they were very upset that he wasn't there anymore they might have blamed you yeah they thought it was me or somebody then all of a sudden they you know and then I I was like after I started changing showcases and stuff and then they then they then they didn't like me anymore they didn't blame me for getting for him not being there but but then I started doing different stuff then they were mad at me for changing things and thought the show was spinning out of control without this guy Steady Hand and they were really upset so all that was building up to this right and so one of the guys from this group and they were like super fans where they would like at the end of every show publish on their website like who bid what what the amounts of all the prizes were like it was like a stat sheet for the show right and uh scor they'd only changed the prizes like every they'd only introduce like every like six new prizes a week on the prices right which is a lot of repeats a lot of repeats and they hardly ever changed anything you'd see the same boat the same cooker the same Grill the same cars and uh all the time and uh hardly any changes and now it's like rid like we changed some you can't keep up right you know so it would never happen again but um but it's amazing how it didn't change for 30 something years well you know they would get like uh you know it was a it was it was a good show it was doing well you know what I mean like well why you got to things up yeah honestly like it was fine the ratings were good like everybody was happy yeah um so uh Bob's always going to be there he's never going to age or get tired of doing the show um so uh this there was a guy from the this fan group that was able to showed up and he was in the front row row or the second row the first second row of the of the show I can't remember now uh during the taping and uh he was giving people advice like people do from the audience we encourag them to yell out what they think the price is they're always yelling yeah one guy won a Chevy one time in the show he's with a friend of his that was a Chevy salesman oh jez and got every number just and so what yeah you that's how it goes and uh so this guy was like got somebody got a perfect one bid got an extra 500 bucks cuz this guy gave him the price right You' seen the one bid before then uh some lady was paying one away and got every single number exactly and was like looking at this guy and changing the number cuz this guy was yelling out no that's 5 seven you know oh I make that a seven you know she looked back and said so she she won a car and then uh I think somebody else maybe got a one bid exactly I'm not sure but for sure one person got a one bid exactly and then I think it was the guy actually that won the thing but when that guy that that ended up in the Showcase when he was doing his pricing game was in door too we were really far away from that guy oh yeah he couldn't hear him good and he lost his pricing game but then he won on the wheel then he got to the Showcase when we got to the Showcase you know it's three things everybody's seen before certainly the guy from The Fan this this Rainman dude from the the fan group and he was able to give this guy an amount that happened to be the exact amount to the penny which I think was like I think the guy was probably as surprised as anybody that he got it to the penny but he's like oh no that's something that's something he add and gave them gave him a price it was the price to the dollar and I remember Kathy Greco was producing the show was not on the show anymore either she retired but she came out with her headphones she was like like that and I was like what happened she goes she had her clipboard you got the exact amount and I go I went like what what was the item I there was like there's always like three or four things I don't know and I go I go that ever happened before and she goes no that had never happened before no that's what she said right away so then we had a big we shut down for like 10 minutes right 15 minutes which is a long time uh and everybody was like that standard and practice there what are we going to do what does this mean what does this mean yeah does this Happ is this possible right you know could this even happen and we knew that the the did someone cheat that's got to come yeah and this fan group had a lot we knew that this guy was yelling out prices because we knew the people that were in the fan group but then like they were always getting a lot of insight information about the show and we never knew how they were getting their information about things we were planning or things we were doing they just had a lot of contacts right you know with in the show and they were mad about this guy not being here so we all thought like oh they're just with us now cuz they're mad now they're trying to hurt prod to the 35 year yeah now they're mad because the sky's not here anymore they're just trying to with us now and they got the prices and then now they're now they're kind of screwed with the show right that's the first that's what's going on during the 10 15 minute break yeah everybody thinks like so let's give the guy's prize right now we'll investigate it and so when we come back on the air and you're not thrilled for the guy which is all all I think I'm I think I'm right you're out of job I think I'm out of a job you think they're shutting down the show I think I think they're shutting down the show I think well this is it I have a soccer team yeah no I thought like this is I'm now yeah you know I I had nothing to do with anything so how shocking that you weren't happy I was like this guy you think I'm giving him a slap in the back or whatever hey congratulations yeah you got the exact number go yourself honestly I was like go yourself that's that's if you're G to the show over go yourself yeah but I didn't know the whole story at the time I should have and then uh no I don't think anyone did I go is this going to I remember asking is this ever going to air I don't know how we could I remember hearing that from somebody and I thought they were never going to air it anyway right so I was like well it they said that before you went back on the air and I didn't think they could yeah I remember hearing somebody wondering how they could even air it you know if there was a scandal right you know and I was like well this is you know I mean I was so depressed right then sure and uh then they uh turns out that nobody did anything wrong like this guy you can't by listening to the AUD like if somebody happens to have bought the exact GE microwave that were given away and knows the price and yells it out and the guy wins the microwave fine that's part of the game part of the show yeah we encourage people to yell out but you should have like the meetings we had but the number was like seven six different numbers it was crazy it wasn't like 4700 you know it was ridiculous right on the yeah it was crazy yeah and so we everybody thought that something happened and somebody from we thought somebody from the staff had was also mad about this and was cooperating with the fan group and was like just to the show over gave the guy the price of the Showcase yeah you didn't have to be Oliver Stone to see a conspiracy theory going down yeah so I mean there was such an investigation you can't believe and uh turns out turns out the guy was just was able to because we never he beat the game yeah because we didn't repeat because we repeated prizes so much he was able to just like memorize all the major ones we give away yeah the story car is this guy would like flash cards he was a weatherman and he was he had he had made a 30 something year career of his own memorizing stats for other lines of work it's not tough to do throughout his life it wouldn't have been tough for anybody to do a rain man to beat the prices right yeah back then but now back then good luck to you we we could have the same car every single prize and you would never get it if if it's a $119,000 car one time that will change the option and make it a $21,000 car a $20,000 car a $25,000 car and now it's more of a game you know now it's not our memorization skill yeah it's more of a game you really yeah it's more of a game well it's kind of what the heart of the game was when it was launched I'm sure and over the years yeah well you know yeah you do get the comfort with certain sponsors coming in where you're like okay so just use this thing because they're there all the time and right now it's like constant meetings constant prize pitching you know like that's never going to happen again and you honestly all those guys are if you want to come wait in line they never had a wait in line before so I'm not going to but if you want to wait in line and come see the show and try your best never going to be able to do that again right down to the penny yeah never yeah yeah it's crazy literally crazy um you uh again the the list is ridiculous New York Times best seller list for several months with uh dirty jokes and beer stories of the unrefined that was a celebrity book yeah but you kind of went out of your way to with that system too if you have a TV show it's easy to get a bestseller because if you're on if you're on the air especially back then yeah but that's not a big deal yeah I found what was interesting about it was not that you on the best sist for several months but that you kind of when tried your best to with the design of a celebrity book like you wanted to go off on this area and they said well you got to clean this up and you well if I give you that you know I really did kind of like uh bargain for things yeah you did you know have just phoned it yeah but I have so much money at stake I bought my house with that book hello yeah like that's the weird thing like there was such a big advance and everything I was able to um you know and I I really kind of it up honestly I really needed like a two three more passes to be honest and I didn't have time cuz I was there was a deadline and I waited so long to start it right that was kind of under the gun and I was like oh I got to type this book out now well now that it's time for you type do a workout type do word count really yeah cuz I knew how many words it had be and I was just like pressured to come up with this thing and uh you know I wrote pretty quick I should have been like from the minute I got the deal should have been writing writing writing but I didn't I waited and they I remember them saying well you know in the TV business and the movie business when they say your script is due in April 1st you give them a script on April 1st you know what I mean you go okay here's your script but in the book business say it's in you know no say it's in you know August and they say your book is due you know April 1st uh you know August 30th they're expecting the first chapter they want to see the progress as you're going oh yeah and then you know finally the end comes at you know I can't wa to see other dead it's like they're like they're getting a serialized version of your book right you know with revisions along the way from the first chapters and stuff but they want to see your progress as you go and I didn't realize that I was like all right well do April 1st see April 1 then and I remember getting a call like hey where where the hell chapters how's the book going yeah that's kind right I got some ideas in my head noodling it around they were like what the I was in New York and I had remember they sent one of the one of their editors to meet with me and he was like no you got to you know you got to throw up some chapters it was something so I had to like think of all this at the you know I was I knew I had a book do but I was doing the show and I I was kind of busy right and I I had to kind of Rush this book out and I became a bestseller but it could have been a lot better all right well I'm not I'm not proud of it you're giving me valuable advice you're you're returning the advice favor because I have my first book finally coming out this is how long it takes when you're not a television star to get your first book out it's called how I slept my way to the middle see it's a funny title at least um and so the advice is actually bust some ass bust a lot more ass than you know because it I'm taking it pretty seriously yeah well yeah that's the way to do it but I was and I did but I was like man I really had to like uh shut down my life for and just like not talk to anybody or answer a phone or anything like 12 hours a day and just bup pump this thing out and by the time I got it done I was like would have loved to been able to like I'll read some of it and I'll go like man if I had a couple more passes with that I could have made it a lot better right you know it's tough when you're doing your first one you'd like to do another like if I wrote another one I would really take my time and not well that was my follow-up question cuz that book was a while ago why not another one it takes a lot of a lot of work too much work a lot of time man yeah so I mean you know you don't want to put out any kind of like like no you know so but you carried around a 70 lb bag full the cameras yeah I was taking pretty good pictures it was a fake name like I like I would like to do like do something like that again it's just time yeah I don't mean another book along the same lines I mean another book from that involves your other interest like the soccer thing for example um the reason I keep coming back to it is you're you know you were saying how you wish more people would would follow the game speaking for that mass of ignorant Americans um like Jamie was raised uh in Pittsburgh so hockey is the world right right so being from California specifically Northern California Long grew up long before the Sharks I didn't know anything about hockey because no one played it there were no sure ice Rings there was no reason for me to who knows from hockey to be taught the game right so I was educ by her and the first time I actually went to a live game having heard for years you've not seen a sport played until you watch live hockey it is the most it's really fun it's ridiculous yeah uh the pace the chaos there are no plays here they're just chasing that little Puck and they're kick and so it it is engrossing from so from the mass ignorant America the soccer field is expansive there's a couple of guys chasing around the ball are kicking it around and that thing is taking forever to get from side to side this country is driven on scoring points how frustrating is when you I'll give you seven points per goal then if you want to see some like that's what I tell people right it if it scores like the galaxy lost 31 their home up Earth make it 21 to7 you happy there oh look at all the scores they got 20 they like they did the four time three times one guy's team scored one time the other team it's two to one so if you saw four 147 game you wouldn't think you got ripped off or something like that but that's all they did was or if it was 20 to7 it was two scores and two field goals two times they got close and they didn't quite make it so they let him a field goal yeah and it is the Nuance of players and other sports big deal you know it wasn't that Michael Jordan could score all those points it was how he did it you know there there is finesse and Nuance to Great Sports and soccer we only give you one point for completing the goal right of scoring soccer they give you foot and the NFL will give you seven right you know they only give you six plus the extra kick but it's seven right you know and there's no you don't get credit for getting close like you do in the in in American football so you're allowed to oh we got close let them get three points anyway if they can kick it like there's none of that in soccer you either do it or you don't right you know what I mean if it hits the crossbar or if you you know if you shoot it wide tough you don't get credit for that right you don't get credit for coming close you do it or you don't and we only give you one you know we keep that's one time you did it we don't give you extra points for doing your thing it's a lot it's pure the earn ratio yeah seems extremely more it's really hard to score a goal in professional men's soccer on a professional level it's the tough thing to do and anytime it happens it's it's like really amazing yeah you know just to get one goal you're like what the like you you can't believe the work that goes into that did you see the footage recently of Woody harelson scoring he Woody harlson played he got into a game there was 70 or 80,000 people at this Stadium I wish I could remember it was not a celebrity game I wish I could remember what the team was that he he somehow got on the roster wow yeah we have to look this online the actor Woody harlson look it up real quick and in the other room too with the uh with the faster uh bandwidth um yeah and scored and I saw a footage of it and it was the same thing where it was um what's the uh sudden death kick at towards the penalty kicks yeah they only do that when the when a team has to advance they normally don't do that okay uh it's yeah in a normal game it's if it's tied at the end it's tied right because you get the standings you get three points for win one point for a tie no points for a loss so the rule of thumb is you want to get three points at home one point on the road so if you're on the road you get a tie that's good right and we recognize that sometimes you know you two teams are about the same and nobody's going to you know there's no winner right it's okay you know doesn't have to be better than you doesn't it's about the accumulation of points right over the course of season through the season yeah and then also like in the Premier League uh I love how they do it in the English Premier League there's 20 teams right in the league and uh if you have the most points at the end of the season guess what you're the champion wow no playoffs right they don't need playoffs nope if you got the most points you're the winner uh what they do to make the end of the season interesting though cuz like a a lot of times you know you know Spanish league or the Premier League you know the team runs away with it and you're like well you know a month before the season ends you know they're going to win right no way they uh so what they do is uh the bottom three teams in the league 189 to 20 if you finish in the bottom three you get to moted to the league below that your whole team get sent to the miners and then the top three teams from the lower league get promoted up oh wow and they that catch Cades down all the way down to the pub Team level in England so like in theory you and your friends could start in a pub league and get promoted up every year and 20 years later you have you're in the Premier League playing for the championship that's pretty Wicked right it's crazy yeah and that's like I mean Clint Dempsey is really famous player uh from America that plays in England now he's doing really well when he first went to England uh his team was in danger of getting relegated they call it relegation and uh he scored a goal in their last game and saved them so they finished uh 17th yeah oh wow and they called him like the they were calling him like the $20 million man or the $40 million man cuz that's how much money it would have cost them to get demoted down CU you lose all your TV money all that shared Revenue out the door now there's the impact of a single goal yeah and that like you if you watch these games on satellite TV you know when you're watching like if team gets relegated this is the last game of the season like people are cry like growing out like tears devastating devastating like like I'm never coming back like if you Tom Brady didn't look that busted up yeah losing the Super Bowl yeah but I'm like well s that's he comes in second right but if they let's say you're the name of shitty like Detroit Lions when they were bad in the NFL and they had a you know a bad year their first bad year with mat Millan you know or whatever and uh they don't do so good and all of a sudden they're minor team they're playing in the Canadian league right sorry you're playing in the Canadian League now yeah so every been in Detroit's like hey NFL's coming up and oh wearn the Canadian League we got to learn all these other teams and yeah you know now we can't afford these guys and now what he do he take out loans to buy players to get back in the NFL or like say you're the like name a bay bad baseball team Kansas City maybe or there you go so Kansas City bad Bas so your team finishes the bottom of the American League now a sudden you're in Triple A Triple A ball like how do you get fans to come see that's devastating those are terms I've not heard players yeah how you going to say then you get a promise like don't worry we'll get back next year we'll be in the majors yeah and we're going to go for the championship yeah you know I mean well also I'm noticing that where capitalism has basically destroyed professional sports with the free agency in this country and then in the Premier League there's no salary cap at all right if you're can afford a player you just buy them all right they're setting this to so I want to clear this up it was a UNICEF game for soccer Aid England versus the rest of the world harlson played for the rest of the world charity match but a big deal in front of 70,000 people oh that's good good yeah uh so when I saw the footage that he showed on Letterman as a clip they showed the rest of the team going as nuts is when they it's so hard to score a goal and you can't believe it if you score a goal yeah because on those penalty kicks especially you've got a professional penalty Kick's about a 990er actually oh really yeah that's like taking a free throw shot there's no way you should miss a penalty really no way if you're like when you get when it gets down like World Cup what about an actor that's really good but if you're in a World Cup yes no he's not a there's a lot of pressure you can see guys missing you know and there's five guys and like two of them Miss that's understandable right three out of five that's pretty you know Not Unusual uh but if you're in a regular game and you got a penalty kit coming you got to you got to put it in there man that's 80 perent or 990er that's you shouldn't be missing those it's like a uh like people watch extra point people watch footage of the other of the goalkeeper to see if he favors his right or his left and the goalkeeper watch footage of everybody on the team to see during penalty kick if they favor the right or the left up Corner this corner that corner the bottom they shoot down I mean it's like I know that you know that I know that he knows it's like that when you get up there but if you hit it hard enough and get it into the corner it's no way you should miss a penalty kick yeah I get M you should NE I'm saying as an owner you should never ever there's no excuse for but only people get nervous it's it still hard to do like you say that you should never miss but then you get a free throw line right games on the line yeah you miss a it's understandable that you would miss a free throw yeah when it's when in the gym 100 in a row or whatever right but in the game you're like a everybody's yelling there's all the man it's me I'm the goat or the hero right you know about alcoh going three so yeah you could miss one but that's a different yeah and then you know the goal is like if you're go next time you're to get a chance stand in front of a goal as a and pretend you're a goalkeeper and see how much area you have to cover what is it 45 ft it's tough man it's a lot it's a big goal you know 8T you got to be like 8T either way I think it's 8T all the way around but you're only so tall and you know you got to reach out and people are hitting it in the corner and you got to like the whole goal is only 8T no no like 8T up you tall tall tall tall and you got to be a you know hit in the corner what is the WID I can't remember anybody know the width just Google it yeah yeah if you only had some kind of magic electronic machine yeah that we could um all right sir I want you to start gearing up your Larry King game I want you to start thinking in terms of your Larry King game I'm going to go over the rules again okay I'm looking for a bad Larry King impression all the pressure is up that's me yep gotcha takes all the pressure check well the other two would be just as easy uh it's that too much information from Larry and it's Larry Kings again you can go back to prehistoric times talk about one of his 74 wives right it's all about Larry and he's sharing it right before he goes to the phones it's like one of those kings things that he decides to share and then if the name of the city is is funny sounding it's helpful I'm going to buy you a little time by asking you a question from Steven Ranken is there a genre or field in the entertainment industry that you haven't done that you would still like to try um long form improv yeah learning it now that's the next one yeah I want to learn how to do long form improv it's different The Who's Line Is short form it's lot short games and stuff and long form you just get one suggestion and you just go or not even a you don't even need a suggestion just two people can just start talking and then they're gone and half hour later an hour later they're still going oh wow you know yeah and uh that's a whole another skill like a hoine game you get a suggestion from the audience everybody knows their place their position what they're going to do and then you only have to do a couple minutes five minutes go for the la boom boom boom in long form you're going for the laugh too but you have to discover all that storytelling yourself yeah by what the other person said and how they're acting and they have to discover from you're acting so it's like all this creative spark going back and forth you know yeah it's real it's like to me it's magical and I want to learn how to do that but there's a lot of guys in La is like the LA is like the best place in the world for all these people like this is where they all come to where they all end up so you can see some fantastic improv out here and I'm like no I want to learn how to do that I think we have to go to UCB Wednesday yeah we'll go Wednesday night Drew was saying there's a big thing us to be Wednesday Wednesday night at 11 go see Heather and miles yeah the cage match that they're they're great insane miles are insane right yeah and your answer is 24 feet wide thank you you're welcome 8T by 24t 8 by 24 it's a lot of area to cover that's too much for one man yeah when the guy standing in front of you yeah and the the ball goes 80 miles hour yeah yeah literally how fast it goes it's like it's like a fastball pitch or it's like a not a fast ball pitch and go 90 but it's like a good hard you know pitch from a major league pitcher and you have to guess like what side and you know you're not supposed to you're supposed to be on your line and not come off the line if you come off the line it's supposed to be a retake or you get a penalty or something uh not supposed to do it right and uh but goalkeepers do it all the time they have to only be able to go side to side at first and get rid but they always take a step up and you'll see guys like the referee just doesn't call it right it's like one of those like one of those things where there's a holding on every single offensive play yeah then one time they deci to call it you're like now you're going to call it yeah I've been doing this whole game now you're going to call uh what do can you tell us I mean you can I would think this team that you're the Seattle Sounders is that who it is yeah going we Sports Business Journal named us the sports franchise of the year last year excuse me sports franchise of the year yeah Sports position covering all sports yeah we beat out uh Yankees the Dallas Mavericks everybody the criteria being it's best run fan like every I don't know what their criteria is with we everything we beat everybody in it's really a great franchise Joe Roth is the Maj majority owner from the motion picture business Joe Roth yes and I'm I'm the minority minority owner Celebrity Face uhuh and uh uh Joe Roth Adrien hanau who's our general manager the two be owners and Vulcan Sports uh uh own the Seattle Seahawks the Seahawks are our partners up there we play at the the senty Link Field uh just we got renamed us year Century Link where the Seahawks play we got 38,000 a game last year we're going to get close to 40,000 a game this year here and on the many list of achievements we've gone through pretty cool that's got to be way the up there it's great and I'm like a fan with Benefits I don't really have to go to the meetings it's pretty cool and the thing we do up there that nobody else does is we let the fans J up this year the end of this year is going to be our first vote so we're in our fourth year right now uh but we let the fans vote out the general manager every four years if they don't like the job he's doing vote him out yeah uh we hire the general manager we could fire the general manager any time we want of course the ownership can for whatever reason just like a normal J like a normal general manager but the fans always have in their back like the season ticket holders I should say always have in their back pocket uh this feto power to go like no this is not the guy we want wow and get rid of him and you can do every four years we have we have a vote no matter what but if like uh you know you're the general manager and the fans vote you out then we hire your brother who thinks exactly the same like you does the same things you do like any year they want they can get 20 % of the other season ticket holders to sign a petition can have a vote that year W so technically any year they want if they get mad enough they can get rid of our general manager for us who came up I mean is this an experimental thing that's worked in other countries yeah they do it at Real Madrid and at Barcelona but in real real mad and Barcelona um they have a vote every four years on the guy that runs the whole club Jesus so it'd be like voting Mark Cuban out of the de it' be like that where if like because the teams are worth that much money right so it'd be like if you had a billion dollars and you said you know I'd like the Dallas Mavericks I think I want to run them you would put just like you could do at Real Madrid you say I want to put 15% of of the team in a bank account so if they make money I make money if they lose money I lose money but I have to gather that money so you get like $80 million together if you're going to do Real Madrid let's say put it in a bank and then I'll use the American version of Dallas Mavericks and you say hey this year uh vote Mark cubin out and vote me in I'll run the Dallas Mavericks I'll do a much better job than he would I won't argue with the refs I'm going to bring in this player that player I'll be the you know I'll bring you a championship holy for sure right I got LeBron's going to come but whatever yeah and if all the season Nick holders in Dallas that that are members of the Dallas Mavericks you know members Association whatever they call it if they go you know what this poot guy he runs a hell of a campaign he runs a hell of a campaign yeah I believe he's going to do way better than Mark Cuban I like Pollock and see and then our Cuban out and then you're running the Dallas Mar wow and you're so when you hire that's that's what they do at Real Madrid and Barcelona so you you that's why I heard that idea and I wanted to bring it to the America that's why this the first year yes we're going to have our first vote but we can't have the vote out the because of the MLS structure they can't really vote out the owners the person that runs the team but we can have them vote out the general manager and it really like marries us to the fans and make us makes us accountable to the fans all the time that's pretty great yeah it's good every sports team should have it I I agree yeah starting with the Mavericks yeah um well it wouldn't be Mark Cuban Mark Cuban if you don't like my general manager get rid of them we'll have somebody else run the team yeah but we you know we we hire and fire normally it's just all the same but just the fans always have that in their back pocket they can always go you know what no this guy's forget it I always use Matt Millan at Detroit Lions sorry Matt as my example because he was fans were so unhappy with him for so long in Detroit and nobody liked them and the owner never he didn't care right they're making money and then that makes the fans feel like they don't give a about us they just want our money right yeah which also happens you know what I've always said from the beginning I'm sorry it took 141 of these that the show needs to be entertaining and educational you got to learn something every week about something that not everyone knows how many Kenny um it's time for L King game okay yeah there there's your camera when you're ready uh bad lar King impression a little uh too much information moment and then go to the phones 1952 Marilyn Monroe snapped my spine in two repaired in 1968 Kingman Arizona you're on Larry King Kingman Arizona I like I like it all oh man long overdue thank you very very much honestly thanks for all the good advice when I started out yeah well listen thanks for helping me on the book um sit there un comfortably for 30 seconds while I wrap things up if you don't mind sure uh thank you all he thanks you all for joining us once again next week for our thirdy year anniversary I guess I probably should have mentioned that to the crew that next year uh Sunday will in fact be our third year anniversary the Fantastic Ed Begley Jr the first um electric car in this country driven by that man so much so that it was uh I think he played himself on The Simpsons talking about it didn't he didn't he yes he was ding driving I think a solar powered car and then the sun went down and he couldn't go anywhere yeah he stopped I guess what it was uh it kind of comes full circle because I was wow in many ways I just realized I was performing at SW underground at Swan's remember Swan underground at Seattle yeah former catcher of the um the Mariners had a bar swanes and the under Comedy Underground was in the Bas basement of this place and I was performing there when Ed Begley Jr came to town he was already on St Elsewhere and saw me there and said well if you're ever in La you know and he was the first real celebrity in Show Business who said if you're ever in LA and showed me around and and um gave me advice so it's kind of Full Circle fantastic that he's our guest on the third anniversary I'm very excited about that check the um the calendar for upcoming shows Jason andun I want to thank you Sam LaVine was very upset about you sitting in for him today I'm sure you saw that on Twitter so he's happy doing a pilot but he's shooting a pilot in the Philadelphia so I see what you're saying he's going have a mustache yeah see oh the advice is falling from Tre say drew you gave me advice put on that mustache and he's had that Porn Stash ever since uh thanks to Dr Chan and Jamie as well and Josh and Justin and jmck that are in the outer walls where was Adam today no Adam M intern Adam midterms midterms gotcha uh youing our fabulous social media show you don't want to miss your midterm no you don't want to miss midterm that's why you got to have more than one intern um and Samantha W of course for the wonderful makeup job um yeah check the local listings and I got to say it again if you don't mind please go to uh to the iTunes give us a review let us know what you think of the show reviews is not enough yeah it's not enough it's really not it's really not enough and then check out talking walking you son of a uh thank you all and uh very much for contributing and being a part of the show we do actually do appreciate it very much I give us a review if you're going to hit the maximum number of stars by yeah you don't like the show go don't bother fck your balls nobody do after three years I don't need it yeah just shut the up if you don't like it but if you like it just click five stars and whatever you know trer words never spoken and on that I say to you once again as always get out of my face a
Channel: kevinpollakschatshow
Views: 94,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew carey, kevin pollak
Id: GdJ639HMdcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 7sec (7447 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2012
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