Kourtney’s Ex Shades Her PDA Romance!

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(upbeat music) Live from New York City, it's "The Wendy Williams Show". (audience cheering) ♪ How you doing, Wendy, let's go ♪ Now, here's Wendy! Thank you for watching our show. Say hello to my co-host, staffers, my hard-working studio audience, and the virtuals at home. How you doing? How you doing? I'm doing okay. Let's get started. It's time for. Hot Topics! Come on! (upbeat music) (audience cheering) Thank you. So Joseline is here, Joseline Hernandez, our Puerto Rican princess. Well, she's not here, here. She's actually gonna be on the virtual, but it's okay. Everything works, we checked out everything. Yeah, she's watching us as we're speaking. She's can't wait to get out here on the virtual and talk to us. (audience applauding) Yeah. So, well Brittany Spears will finally have her day in court, which, (audience applauding) this is a big deal. This is a big deal. Yesterday a judge scheduled her hearing for June 23rd. So, that's where Brittany's gonna speak about her conservatorship. Now, you know she doesn't get along with her father. She gets along better with her mother. Doesn't mean she gets along with her mother, just gets along better. We don't know the relationships going on around Brittany. I would love to see if the sons are gonna speak, too. I mean, they're kinda old enough to go in, you know, a little kid's room and speak to somebody from the court. You know? Brittany, you've got 56 days to prepare for this. And what we need you to do is to stay off Instagram with the bikinis. This is just last night. Yeah. Bad heels. Good body, though. But bad heels, uh-huh. Nice flower. What was she thinking of, New York winters, with those heels? I don't know. I don't know. What was she thinking? Anyway, so she's got 56 days to prepare. If she can handle it, this will be extremely effective, if she can handle her money and, you know, whatever it is that's been signed over to her father. June 23rd, what day of the week is that? That is a Wednesday. Perfect. It's a Wednesday. We'll be here on Thursday. (audience applauding) Red Robin for lunch, by the way. Yeah. Yeah. (audience applauding) Plus, have you guys ever gone to Chelsea Papaya? Yes. How dare you? When I'm looking for hot dogs and corn dogs- Uh-huh, uh-huh. It's right up the street. Look, look, I'm getting two corn dogs, a loaded six-ounce hotdog. But, I want the load to be on the side so the bread doesn't get soggy. And then, I'm gonna get one cheeseburger from craft services here. Uh-huh, what a lunch. No, little bites. Yeah, little bites. Go home, eat a little bit more at eight, right before bed. Maybe you smell it but you don't want to eat it. Then you wake up in the morning, before you get in the car. (audience applauding) I was trying to stall. Because of Tyrese. No. Now, you know we have a relationship with him here at the show. We love him and hate him at the same time. (audience applauding) Sus? Yeah. I knew she was gonna ask me about this. I didn't even want to talk about it. It's so disgusting. I can't even show you the actual full footage and stuff. But, people are outraged because Tyrese has this video out where he's shaving his 25-yeah-old girlfriend's pubic hairs. No, uh-uh! There he is. And we had to freeze it there, Norman. Right? We had to freeze it. It is filth, flarn, filth. You see arms bending, and him leaning in and making sure he's got. And then she's the one holding the phone while he's doing this. Yeah, no, this is all consensual. And Tyrese is how old, 43? He is 42 now. 42 and he's dating a 25-year-old. Yep. She's very cute. What's she doing with him? Her name is Zelie. And Zelie is some sort of, I guess, Instagram model, like they all are. Okay, well Zelie, I hope you didn't get nicked. You know, I happen to personally think, Suzanne, that that is more personal than even taking a number two in front of your husband or boyfriend. Yeah. Do you understand what I'm, do you understand what I'm saying with that? Yeah, it's very intimate because you're right up in there. Right up in there, catching angles. I had Brendan do it once when I was pregnant with Jack. Yeah? 'Cause I couldn't see anything! How'd that turn out? At that point, I didn't care. You wanted to be clear for the pushing? Yes, my stomach was out to here! Yeah. Yeah, I couldn't show up at the hospital all, you know. Yeah. Look, you don't want to get caught in the bushes while you're trying to, you know, make your landing there at the hospital gurney. Exactly. Yes. Yes, you want to look respectable. Yeah. Well, apparently Tyrese does not think that this is too intimate and he sees there to be nothing wrong with him and this girl. Now mind you, Tyrese has how many children now? He has a 13-year-old child, a daughter. A daughter who's 13. And a two-year-old daughter. Oh, the 13-year-old is old enough to see. All right. All right, Black Ty. In the meantime, (audience applauding) that side girl, the alleged side girl of Tristan Thompson, She's still talking. Well, we already filled you in, she's this Instagram model. Aren't they all? Her name is Sydney Chase. And she's really still talking about how she did hook up with him and how she did break up with him when she found out that he was involved. But, here she is with more conversation with those girls she was talking with the other day. Go ahead. We did have past relations. I then found out that he was in a relationship and I ended things. We first met November, November 11th to be exact. And that's when everything started. And then the last time we had contact, besides when he messaged me after finding out about the interview, it was the day after his daughter's birthday party, which he'd just got back home from Boston. Here's my thought. It's hard not to believe her. And I'll tell you why, because Tristan has a terrible track record of cheating. You know, Tristan cheated on his baby's mother with Khloe. And he cheated on Khloe twice. And that we know of. Correct, thank you. So Sydney, here's the thing. Do you have, why don't you show us your text message from him? Because would have just, that would have just put the kibosh on everything if you just showed us your text message. And yeah, you do have something to prove because you've jumped right into the middle of the highway, called Hot Topics and pop culture, right. (audience applauding) I would still suggest you leave him alone. And Tristan, if it's not true, then you know what, yesterday I was saying you don't have to speak, but now this girl is still talking. You have until the end of the day to say something. That would be 11:59 PM. Yeah, the end of the day, the end of the day. Right. And Khloe just, you could do so much better. (audience applauding) I know you learned the error of his ways. His girlfriend was pregnant at the time you all were hooking up. You did make a big, loud Kardashians splash over it. No one forgets that. But, somehow I think she's grown from that. Really, Norman? I just think this relationship is trash. Like, he was caught cheating on her twice that we know of. In Hot Topics, I can count, like I can play it back. He's been cheating on her. Why is she going back to him? Get out of there. I just told her leave him alone! (audience applauding) All that good work for nothing. So, Kourtney has this ex. His name is Younes and he's 27. And he's shading her relationship with Travis Barker. Well you know, he's 27, Younes. I don't know what he does. I guess he's an Instagram model. He's a model. Oh God, he's a model? Aren't they all? Kourtney posted a picture of Travis kissing her. Travis took her away on a vacation together and I guess the camera man was part of the package, I guess. Anyway, Younes responded to this picture by saying, shamelessness has become so normal in today's society that modesty has become strange. No, Younes, you're mad because you can't take Kourtney away on a pop vacation because you're only 27. And most 27-year-olds don't have that kind of money. And I understand why you're mad. I'd be mad, too. A woman of a particular mean should not be dating a Younes. Yeah, right. Maybe a Jonas. Yes! Yes, yes. (audience applauding) Yes. I mean sometimes, Younes, grown women want to do something other than go on your Freedom Pass to Disney World. Sometimes we want to go, no, Disney's a fine place. I'm just saying, for grown people and a sexy time, like take me out. Yeah. All the way out. Right. Anyway, so you have no money to take her on vacation. You have no money to fill her house, her mansion full of flowers like Travis did. So, you're just mad. It's okay, young man. Listen, you've had a Kardashian-Jenner. Now all you've got to do is make use of it. Stop complaining and get out there. You don't look bad. (audience applauding) If we're lucky, Tyrese's girl will be free tomorrow and you're more age appropriate with her. Oh, by the way, okay, so shout out to all of our friends at the "Daily Mail". I was so pleased to see this morning that I made your headlines. Wendy Williams is wearing an $8,200 Louis Vuitton sweatshirt. (audience applauding) Well, first of all, I said on the show yesterday that this is what I looked like, oh, wait, am I tugging? No, I'm not picking. No, no, I'm pulling. I think I'm pulling it down. I'm not picking my booty, no. But look, look, it looks like that though, right? No, I was saying, this is me in the morning going to work. Right? And I had on my not-$8,200, it's $7,500. Louis Vuitton made this specifically several years ago, and not several years ago, earlier this season, earlier this year, a few months ago. And Michael Lee, my brilliant art director, went out and made it to the tune of $80. (audience applauding) Now, Michael Lee, and I was telling you that I thought it was so weird that Michael Lee actually had it here. Like, Louis let us borrow it for the day? Wait, is that mine? Can I have it? And I would still return it secretly, you know. But oh my gosh, really? And it turned out to be another Michael Lee creation. Now you know, Michael Lee spent more time hunting around for the proper-sized animals. And I remember you telling me that most of them are dog toys. (audience laughing) And they're crispy inside, too. Look, look, that is the noisiest sweatshirt you will ever have in your life. It makes so much noise. (audience applauding) Thank you, "Daily Mail". (audience applauding) All right, so look, I mean, June is gonna be really busy if you love fights. Right? Well, just last night I heard this. Is this new, Floyd Mayweather? Yeah, this is like new information. So, Floyd is 44 and he's coming out of retirement to fight this YouTube star named Logan Paul. He's 26. You know who Logan? Yes, Logan Paul is a huge deal. Kids love him. He's geared towards kids. But Floyd is undefeated. He's won like 50 fights in a row. Right. But, Logan Paul is only 26 and he's got nothing to lose. Yep, uh-huh. He's a maniac. He's really good looking, too. Who's gonna? Wait. Rambo, who do you think is gonna win the fight? The professional. Mayweather? All right. Anyway look, so that one, (audience applauding) Floyd. I'm going for Floyd. But, I hope they don't try to pull the Rocky, Apollo Creed effect where he wins. Well, here's the thing, it's gonna be on June 6th at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami. So, that's June 6th we're already dealing with. That's a Saturday. I already checked. It's gonna be eight rounds. It's a real- It's a Sunday. It's a Sunday? Uh-huh. Oh. Yeah. But, there is one on a Saturday. Yeah, but look, eight rounds, it's a real fight. It's not like a fight for charity. They're gonna be beating ass. Okay. Then on Saturday night, Evander Holyfield is officially coming out of retirement to fight Kevin McBride. Now Kevin, wait, Holyfield is 50- 58. Eight, and McBride is 47. I don't know. This is also gonna be in Miami in the same venue. It's gonna be ridiculous that weekend in Miami. And then the following weekend, we see Lammy fight Aaron Carter. It's a busy month for fights. Suzanne, who'd you rather? McBride looked better when he was moving. I saw him bobbing and weaving. Now he's standing still. Holyfield any day. Yeah, yes, Holyfield. Who's gonna win this fight? I'm going for Holyfield, 100%. Somebody disagreed? All right everybody, look, "The Real Housewives of New York" return next week. And (audience applauding) some of the things that we'll see is that the Countess Luann moves into a new apartment. And so, Ramona comes over to, you know, see the apartment and share a girl's day. And so, Ramona shows her exactly who her neighbor is 'cause Countess apparently had no idea who her neighbor is. Well, take a look. I'm literally waiting for the movers to walk in. And I look and I go, oh my- No! No! (women yelling) Tom D'Agostino! No way! Holy (beep)! I can't! You don't even need binoculars. Oh my God! You don't even need a telescope! Can you believe it? And it's like, it's like right in my view. That's where Tom lives. Do you remember Tom, the one who cheated on the Countess? And everybody told her, "Don't marry him, don't marry him," and then they got married and then it was like a ugly divorce type situation? Well, if I were a Countess, I would not move. And people in our morning meeting were saying, "Well, why isn't it that she doesn't know her neighbors and stuff?" And that's because sometimes when you get busy in life, you don't really care about who your neighbors are. You care about what your place looks like and are the neighbors clean. You know, you don't want their vermin. You don't want, you know? But you know, I probably wouldn't know either, Countess. And it wouldn't bother me in the least. Because you know what? For the first two months, I must admit, I'd have to dust off my telescope, which I never use in my apartment now. Like it was cute, like, for the first couple of months I was living there, binoculars, telescopes, you know. Then I put all that stuff away. Like, what is going on? But, I would dust off my equipment and I would definitely be staring at him for the first two months. And then after that, I would build a lattice, with the vine, you know, maybe get it made out of cement, Michael Lee, not a wooden lattice to blow down in Manhattan. Yeah, you put up a nice lattice, Luanne. And look, have a good time with your new life. I like your apartment. (audience applauding) Oh, and Luann, don't tell your friends that Tom lives over there because then they'll just look at it as a, woo, woo, woo, did you move here purposely because of him, when that's not how it is. And especially don't tell your gentlemen friends 'cause they'd be like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, did you move here because of him?" You know? Anyway, the new housewife in New York, Eboni K. Williams is gonna be here tomorrow, so I can't wait to meet her. (audience applauding) Yeah. (upbeat music)
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 225,040
Rating: 4.8532443 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, travis barker, kourtney kadashian, tyrese gibson, britney spears
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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