Joseline Hernandez on Wendy Williams

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Please welcome Joseline Hernandez. (upbeat music) (audience cheering) For some reason, I wouldn't recognize you if I saw you. You look different every time I see you. In a good way. Hopefully it's in a good way, Miss Wendy. Yes! 'Cause you know, Miss Wendy, I just must say this to you first. I hope you're gonna give me my flowers today. I hope you're gonna honor how much work I put it out there. I hope you're gonna, you know, not kind of like throw this off outside of everything that I've done. I'm an accomplished woman, and I just feel like every time I come to your show, you don't give me those flowers now, you know? And you're, Wendy, you're 35 years my senior. Ow, yes. I should get those flowers by you. Shade. I should feel wanted by people like you. Not just me, all the other young girls. You are wanted by me. I always say that you're very entertaining. But we feel like you be trying us. We feel like you don't be really rooting for us. You know, we feel like, and especially with me. Every time I come on your show, you always wanna compare me to another broad. I don't need to be compared. I've made my own brand. I've made my own brand for years, you know? I've been out here for the past decade. I got my own show, I fresh diced my own show to another network. I have the number one show in the country. I know. I have an actual cabaret show. No, you have the number one show on Zeus, and you got renewed for a third season which is to be commended. The number one show in the country, Miss Wendy. Okay. And I just want you to know that, I want you to know how I feel. I want you to know that I feel like every time I come on here, you understand anything. You feel undervalued? Well so do I, okay? You know what? Joseline, because you're a part of pop culture, this is what I do. But if you possibly think that I leave here every day and don't feel undervalued for something that I do, you know, as a woman, we're not gonna even talk about race. Just as a woman, I still don't make that dollar for dollar men make. So please, anyway, shoe cam, please. Let me see your shoes. (applause) Okay, but Wendy-- But stop. Joseline, Joseline. Listen, I'm making pretty cool money. I own my own show, so you should be doing the same thing. But as a woman to woman, woman to woman, and this is not about men, woman to woman, we should uphold each other higher, not go against each other or compare woman to other woman when every woman out here in the game, especially pop culture, is handling their business and is doing great. Is doing amazing. There's no other girl that came from television that came from, I came from the gutter. I came from the streets. I came from the gutter. Give me that respect, Miss Wendy Williams. We love you, but at the same time, you have to do better. You're not enough. You're not in an abusive relationship anymore, you don't deal with that man anymore, you should be in a better place. And when people come on your show, especially black culture, you should be nicer to us, the ladies, you should respect us, you should give us our flowers while we're here, and you should tell us how proud you are of what we've done in the streets. Well I'm not proud of all. And what I've been through makes me even harder on young women. Like you can do better. Now, can we get back to the show at hand? Can I see your shoes, please? If that's how you wanna do it, Miss Wendy. I'll show you. Yes, that's how I wanna do it. So you have nothing to say about my feeling? I just said what I said. I don't apologize for anything. This is what I do. (applause) Let me see your shoes. Joseline! But you only do it to the young, black, Spanish stars coming up. You don't do it to anybody else. I don't? No, you don't. You take it so much differently for Hispanic people. First of all, that's not true. Joseline-- Than you do do for people of color and it's true. Joseline. It's true! Here's a flower, come on! There's a flower. I just gave you flowers. You should give me more flowers. You should give me more flowers and you should be real proud that I've accomplished what I accomplished. So Joseline's Cabaret airs every Sunday on the Zeus Network. I'm sure you don't know how to work the streaming app, but it's a streaming show. One of the people in there in the audience could show you or your producers could show you. Can we see your shoes, Joseline? It's the number one show in the country. Joseline, Joseline? And I would like my flowers while I'm here, alive here. I'm not gonna let you play me anymore, Miss Wendy, and I'm not gonna let anybody on national TV or anybody disrespect me. Do we just pull the plug? What was going on? Joseline, Joseline. Y'all, let me tell you. Your producer-- No, Joseline. Knew that I felt like this. I told him how I felt. No, yeah, he told me that you yelled at him the whole time, the producer on the phone. Listen, Joseline, shoe cam, please. Jocelyn, shoe cam, please. There you go, delicate and beautiful. Now, what are you wearing now? What kind of costume do you have on? Do you wanna just stand? I actually took off all my costumes. I leave them at the cabaret. I only put my costumes on when I'm performing at the cabaret or when I'm filming the cabaret for Zeus Network. Right now, I have on a sexy, beautiful dress. Let me show you. Beautiful! Yeah, any woman could wear that. Perfect. No costumes on here, Miss Wendy. Perfect. No, well, everything is a costume other than the naked body to me. Look, how was your fiance, Ballistic Beats? He's doing amazing. Are you guys gonna get married? We are definitely gonna get married. Of course, you know, the COVID-19 slowed everything down for everybody, but I would love to get married, and I'm gonna do it in national TV. I'm gonna let everybody know that all my past relationships were so dramatic, and I'm so happy I have a great man that I deserve, and he's been so good to me so I want the whole world to know that and to celebrate that. To celebrate that. Are you gonna have more children? You know what? I want another kid, I do. Nice, well Bonnie bell, Bonnie is only two, so you know. Bonnie's four. Oh, she's four now? Oh, wow. She's four, yes. Beautiful girl. It's four years. And Stevie J is her father. And how were you in Stevie getting along? Well, you know. (indistinct) Who is that? Okay. I don't know. How do you get along with Faith? I definitely don't know her. Okay. Well, there was a Twitter feud between you and Faith and Stevie. That's why I ask. To hear Stevie tell it, everything is fine. To hear Faith tell it, she's unbothered by it all. Like everything is fine. I didn't know you didn't get along. Let me tell you something, Wendy. I haven't been with, I've been in a relationship with a new man for the past four years. And I'm sure that because I'm so successful now, everybody that I used to deal with in the past have something negative to say about me. Because one thing about it is I shine so bright like a star. You do. Other people, them other people are so dull. We don't even know who they are. You do. You know, it's not just your looks. It's also your personality, you know? You've got a very unique way of delivering your message and you embrace-- Not more unique than the one you do. Well that's why I have the number one show and you can be number two. (audience cheers) You know what, Miss Wendy? You know what, Miss Wendy? Because I'm a respectful woman, you can have number one. Listen-- Yo, Joseline. You were here before me, you were here before me. I don't wanna take your spot. I just wanna do what I do. You want your fair share of the pie and you're getting it. I just, you know, I appreciate you being here. I apologize that you're so angry with me. I can only be me. I'm not angry! Okay. Oh, I'm being wrapped up by my floor manager. Now that you're doing TV, you know exactly what that is. They're telling me you gotta wrap it up, okay? Joseline, my Puerto Rican princess, good luck with everything. You really have always been a go getter with that drive to make it on your own. So I trust that it won't stop. Josline's Cabaret Atlanta air Sunday night on Zeus.
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 562,951
Rating: 4.7944283 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, joseline hernandez
Id: W0qmeAT34xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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