7 Husbands Drugged & Assaulted Each Other’s Wives & Live-Streamed It For Their “Boy Chatroom”

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[Music] bada bing badao James was going to take his wife to the best hotel in the City Marina Bay Sands in Singapore it's the three buildings and what looks like a spacecraft sitting on top of the three buildings the top is actually the largest infinity pool in the entire world it is like the equivalent of being in a pool on the 100th Floor about 1,100 ft up in the sky it's a five-star hotel that a lot of couples in Singapore they'll even do stations there because truly like what is more romantic than taking a swim overlooking the entire city and it's it's not cheap the most affordable room starts at around $500 a night but you can also book a Lover's Suite that's going to cost you around like $1,500 per night this is a luxury resort but James didn't care he said no expenses are going to be spared he just really wanted to splurge on his wife Jennifer they were going through the thick of life life they're raising four daughters together I mean nothing in life at this point seemed easy anymore everything about being a parent was just exhausting and both of them deserve some rest so they spent all day just lounging in hotel robes going to the spa ordering room service by the end of the Night Jennifer excused herself to the restroom to go take a shower James is waiting in the hotel room waiting for the water to turn on waiting to hear the sound of his wife open and close the shower door behind her and then he pounced he pounced on her phone this was the whole purpose of the trip James wanted to see what was in that damn phone he went through her messages he went through all of her messaging apps WhatsApp all of that and then finally he clicked on Facebook Messenger he starts speed scrolling through her messages he knows exactly what he's looking for in here he had a sneaking suspicion this whole time and there it was messages between James's friend Owen and his wife Jennifer so he starts scrolling to see what they're talking about and it it was bad Jennifer the wife is telling Owen that they were at the Marina Bay Sands Resort and Owen is kind of teasingly asking her oh are you going to wear a bikini are you going to swim at the pool okay you know it's bad but maybe it's explainable James keeps scrolling there were messages James found where Jennifer his wife is telling Owen all these intimate details about her marriage with James she said that whenever James asks her to sleep with him she doesn't even know how to respond she doesn't even want to respond he just isn't doing it for her anymore if she felt obligated to sleep with him she would just close her eyes and imagine that it was Owen instead oh my gosh James had confirmation that his wife was cheating on him with his friend James said that he just felt this like strong sense of betrayal I'm so sorry Owen is his friend Owen is J James's friend but he didn't even feel the Betrayal coming from his wife he felt it coming from Owen they had a deal Owen wasn't supposed to flirt with James's wife he was only supposed to rward her how can it be rward when they're both choosing to sleep with each other when they're both choosing to have an affair that wasn't part of the plan James decided that day to take matters into his own hands so on his 3-year anniversary with his wife he would drug her invite Owen over and watch as Owen assaulted her unconscious body he would end up liking this experience so much that for the next8 years he would find like-minded husbands on online forums and they would drug and assault each other's wives all the while recording it for their own sick [Music] pleasure [Music] we would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for rotten mango to support the national network to end domestic violence they are a nonprofit that focuses on creating a social political and economic environment in which partner related workplace and stocking violence no longer exist they also provide legal resources that are very easy to read in simple words and provide survivors with how to get a restraining order and so much more I'm going to leave all the links in the description but this episode's Partnerships have also made it possible to support rotten mingo's growing team of dedicated researchers and translators that work from all around the world and we would also like to thank you for your continued support as we work on our mission to be worthy Advocates of these causes as always full show notes are available at Rotten Mingo podcast.com this case does involve heavy conversations of essay so if you're not in the headp space for that or if you feel like okay maybe this is too much take it easy go watch a funny show relax and just remember to take care of yourself we will see you in the next r with that being said this case does take place in Singapore and due to their intense privacy laws all parties involved in today's case cannot be named not even the perpetrators due to gag orders imposed by the court in most online articles all the perpetrators are given a single letter Alias so j k l m n o p and in court documents they were referred to as ceg C K C and so on and so forth which would just make it so incredibly hard to follow for this episode so I'm going to give everyone involved a nickname with their Court designated letter to make it easier to follow and for clarity the nicknames of the wives of the perpetrators are going to start with the same letter so for example James is Jay and his wife will be called Jennifer in this episode Kevin his wife will be called Kathy in this episode and so on and so forth and so one last disclaimer before we get started like I said this case takes place in Singapore and this is not I mean I don't think I need to say this but this is not a representation or even a judgment of Singapore or singaporeans evil people literally exist everywhere and it's not like they exclusively stay in a single country in fact Singapore has one of the lowest crime rates in the whole world so just keep that in mind and as always with foreign cases if there's anything more that you'd like us to know about the case or something that's been miscommunicated please leave it in the comments now let's get started James was a former safety officer who is now trying to make a name for himself live streaming he had set up all the cameras and he was researching up the mics he didn't set up the mics yet because they were a bit trickier he needed to think a little bit more about where am I going to put it where's the best placement for the mics to pick up all the good sounds but at least the cameras were up so he starts live streaming straight away he's texting all of his friends a link to his live stream and he's asking if they could kindly come and support him almost every single one of his friends showed up to every single live stream in the beginning even though there were no mic set up they couldn't hear a single thing that James was doing or saying nothing just video no audio they showed up to give their unwavering support and encouragement they were James's Brothers you know after his lengthy live streams that usually happened in the middle of the night his friends would stay up even if they had work the next day just to watch just to support afterwards his friends would flood the group chat with nice show that was very well done you thought of every detail we loved it you keep getting better and better at this keep it up James is getting off on this praise he would smile dim the lights on his phone so that his sleeping wife wouldn't see what he's doing and he would rewatch his own live stream the one where he was engaging an intimate relations with his wife his wife was completely unaware that there were hidden cameras installed in the corner of their bedroom ceilings live streaming everything to James's closest friends his family friends his best friends and all of his little online buddies that he met on Sammy boy have you heard of Sammy boy so the Forum Sammy boy has two worlds you've got Sammy boy Alfresco coffee forum and then the Asian values Forum so the Sammy boy Alfresco coffee forum is not about coffee what what Sammy boy is a is like a website it's like Reddit right reddit.com Samy boy.com but there's two sides of Sammy boy so imagine if there's like the regular side of Reddit and then the Dark Side of Reddit I mean you could argue that is how Reddit operates but Sammy boy is pretty distinct in how different it is so the light side of Sammy boy is called Sammy boy's Alfresco coffee forum and contrary to the name it's not about coffee I mean this part of Sammy boy really does kind of feel like Reddit a little bit I mean it's much less moderated than the big Subs on Reddit but to just give you a general idea the top threads of the day on this part are usually linked to current events current news religion immigration I mean conversations about international news what's going on with the local government in Singapore people go on there to talk about just all sorts of random things they go there to get opinions to ask questions to analyze everything that's happening in the news cycle that's the lighter side of Sammy boy the Dark Side of Sammy boy is called the Asian values Forum what a name so that side of Sammy boy is Infamous and it's frequently and mainstream Media news cycles for having explicit material trafficking illegal hidden spy cam footage and illegal upskirt photos being uploaded onto that Forum now side note if you go to Sammy boy's FAQ page where they have you know all the frequently asked questions they named the explicit side of their Forum Asian values because originally it was called the commercial scene in Singapore but a lot of people complained that they couldn't look at it while they were at work because of the URL domain they bosses would pick up on it oh so so they're not hiding this information like this is like publicly like hey come to my side for these type of content you don't understand how many hours me and a few of the other members on the RM team have been on sammyb boy.com basically the P yeah so it is a very like questionable for very questionable I will say it doesn't even compare to Reddit in how questionable it is I know that Reddit has kind of a sour history where a lot of dark things have happened through Reddit but Sammy boy is like unregulated town I would maybe consider it more on par with forchan is the vibe yeah it's really intense now a lot of people complained when it was called the commercial X scene in Singapore they couldn't look at it at work because their bosses would get a list of all the URL domains that they would access while they were at work and that's very obvious that it's a nasty website that's why they changed it to Asian values Forum which is consider it I guess so the Forum was started as a Yelp page for sex work now to give you some more context work is legal in Singapore but it is highly highly highly regulated there is only one single legal red light district in Singapore there are more than like a 100 brothal in there but they're heavily monitored by a division in the Singapore police force each brothel has to be properly licensed and it's estimated to cost about a million dollar to even set up a brothel the law dictates that each brothel has to organize regular medical checkups for the workers all the workers themselves have to be licensed and come from one of the five following countries China Vietnam Thailand Malaysia and Singapore all of them need to be medically registered in Singapore so it started as a place to review different brothel in different happy-ending massage therapy places it's like Yelp for the red light district that's why it started the Forum and while some of that still exists it's kind of branched off into this General conversation about anything explicit it's just dumped onto Sammy boy there are threads for explicit fantasy stories threads for conversations about special interest Kinks right and it's just a general place for people to gather and talk about very explicit things but there is barely any moderation I mean it's kind of weird it seems like they take moderation seriously when it comes to things like posting that's what they call it where you just like Mass post post the same thing on different threads but not much moderation in the sense of posting questionable if not illegal content Sammy boy themselves wrote on their website juvenile crap will be deleted this forum is not for pimple-faced teenagers to discuss their first wet dream or to ask about where the girls body parts are located if you want to learn about the basics of adult activity ask your teacher or your dad Samy's forums are designed for experienced fornicators wow you can even pay a premium monthly membership which is about $18 a month and that comes with a promise that the content that you post will not be moderated at all so it's kind of turned into this breeding ground for questionable activity the header of the premium membership says please note this forum is full of homophobes racists lunatics schizophrenics and absolute nut jobs if you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense please leave now Sammy boy admin and are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here to give you even more context on what kind of threads can be found on there many threads are some sort of variation of come share your wife pick yeah which is done with or without the wife's consent and usually we're talking about explicit photos we're not talking about profile pictures another one is called upskirting my employer both are explicit threads and the upskirting employer thread is just I mean it's really illegal it's exactly what it sounds it's for people who want to post illegally taken upskirt photos of female colleagues in the workplace which I mean we've heard of this happening in subways or very busy areas where people feel like they can just take upskirt photos of strangers but to take illegal upskirt photos of your colleagues that you're interacting with on a professional level on a daily basis it's like a notch above on the scale of messed up and illegal there's explicit Revenge videos posted on Sammy boy pictures and videos of girlfriends and wives being shared without their knowledge nor their consent and you would think that most people would be so turned off by this I was getting freaked out on there I genuinely felt like the FBI was going to knock on my door because I don't know why so much of the threads just felt so illegal MH I'm like how am I accessing this website this sounds super illegal like I don't know how any of them are not being investigated for the things that they're doing you know a lot of people were arrested because of Sammy boy and this is probably one of the biggest ones but it's still operating like very similarly to what it was before it's just crazy I mean you would think that most people would be turned off by something that's so blatantly illegal and immoral but one college student from Singapore who is an active user of Sammy boy he said you know I actually go to Sammy boy for the non-consensual content he said it was so much better than the conventional x-rated websites because in those videos he's like you know there's like a whole ction team there's paid actors they're not really having fun they're not really like enjoying the activity whereas the content on Sammy boy it's so much more authentic he said he was addicted he said the only way he would stop consuming this illegal content is probably the day he dies he said sometimes if he sits there for too long and thinks about it he kind of feels a little guilty for enjoying such content but then he thinks you know what no matter what someone's going to post this content and just because I stop watching doesn't mean people will stop posting so if the content is out there and I watch it and I don't watch it like what difference does it make he said I know it's wrong but what can they do to me he said technically he's just streaming explicit videos which is legal the people that should be in trouble are the ones uploading and downloading the content and a few did get in trouble there was this fantasy story writer on Sammy boy who was jailed for uploading hidden camera footage to accompany his stories so he would write these really intense vulgar X-rated stories like fantasies they're fake fictitious stories but then he would throw in real life hidden camera footage pictures to accompany the stories at the right parts where he felt like ooh this matches the scene but the worst part of all of this is the explicit photos that he used were all women that he personally knew he went into his mother-in-law's house and installed secret cameras into her bathroom he he took photos and videos of his sister-in-law showering uploaded them to Sammy boy he's a church guy he went to all of his church friends houses and installed hidden cameras into one of his church friends homes watched her shower uploaded it to Sammy boy he was finally caught but there's more there's so many incidents like this do we know what he his sentence was a few years and I mean this forum just gives very very very very strong bro energy and I'm not just saying that a lot of the commentators on there actually call each other SBF bro which means Sammy boy Forum bro there's a whole Sammy boy dictionary that you can go to which has shorthand abbreviated terms and a lot of them deal with women's bodies and actions tarma means when there's three parties involved in explicit activities there's a word for a regular-looking average girl there's another word for a hot girl a hot female that's what they call it Thailand is abbreviated into L the land of smiles and I'm sure that they're not referring to the trip advisor recommended activities to do in Thailand I'm sure they're hinting at the industry in Thailand then you have papaya Farm which means wh house PCN means lousy service and you're you know what kind of service I'm talking about there's om f a m p which I felt like was unnecessarily long but it stands for one man's food is another man's poison which is typically used to describe women that you think are ugly but other people think are pretty and there's EMA this is a very commonly used term on Sammy boy and it stands for extra marital Affairs there was a post made on Sammy boy about a woman who found out that her husband was cheating on her through his Sammy boy account he was using the Forum to look for happy-ending massage parlors that give extra Services her husband was in the comments giving reviews of some of these places saying things like oh the service at this place was not not bad smiley face and this woman this wife she took to Sammy boy to kind of talk about how she has very low self-confidence from all of this she did some investigating and it turns out that her husband made the account right after she gave birth to their first child and now she thinks about it and she says maybe it's my fault because after I gave birth he tried to initiate intimate relations and I just wasn't in the mood after giving birth but now I'm wondering if maybe it's my fault because I kept saying no so now he's on Sammy boy looking for you know ex-workers the original post was on a different website and forum and she was genuinely looking for advice it got reposted to Sammy boy the comments were brutal they wrote dumb woman if you treat him like a man that he deserves to be all this wouldn't have happened this woman should go and learn from those derogatory term for Chinese women on how to seduce women the only way to prevent your hubby from starving is to quote feed him with as much activ it as possible the lady in the story clearly took things for granted she practically pushed him into the brothel what an idiotic woman so yeah that's what's on Sammy boy and you know how on Reddit there's Subs that you can go on and ask for relationship advice knowing what you know now about Sammy boy would you go on there with the intention of finding real applicable tips on how to better your relationship probably not it's like the last place that you would post about it like is this really the place to go to learn about how to be better connected to your partner I mean I went to the most generic thread for marriage advice on Sammy Boy the original poster was asking about what being married is like and any advice since he's about to get married soon which side note even the original post was so alarming the op wrote I guess my girlfriend's biological body probably needs a home I really do like her so I don't really mind marrying her it ends with any good and sound advice from you senior guys here who have been through this life-changing milestone the top responses are marriage is not a word but a sentence a life sentence and the classic you're not very smart boy why buy a cow when the milk is very cheap at the market and another you can still cheat on her while she's at University someone commented post her photo that's needed to make a sound decision which leads me again to believe perhaps this is not the best place to be looking for marriage advice like if you genuinely want to work on your marriage right James disagreed James had some very intense relationship marriage trauma that he wanted to talk to someone about to give you some context James and Jennifer they got married in 2008 one year into the marriage Jennifer was pregnant with their very first daughter they're going to go on to have four daughters right but this is their first kid this is such a beautiful moment for the both of them they're both so excited they're nesting they're setting up the nursery and James is continuously showing that excitement by Sleeping with another woman the whole time that Jennifer is pregnant with their daughter Jennifer catches him now we don't have more details on this but we do know that she probably found out and for a long list of reasons she ends up staying with him it's pretty clear though that the infidelity while she's pregnant I mean it's going to take a massive toll on their relationship it's going to take a massive toll on her mental state James said that Jennifer would bring up his cheating all the time and each time she brought it up she would have so much anger and hurt in her voice and she would say something along the lines of well if you can cheat on me I can cheat on you too you know James wrote on the Sammy boy Forum that his wife was making him quote live in fear and anxiety he said he was living in fear he was worried so sick of worrying and so anxious that his wife might actually cheat and be unfaithful and the idea of that made him want to throw up while he is worried sick he showed his wife a video of two men and a woman okay doing intimate things and he tells her this is something I want to do she told him are you crazy are you out of your mind I'm not doing that we're not bringing another man into our bedroom and he goes on to Sammy boy to say after everything that we've been through after she keeps rubbing this in my face like well I can cheat on you too she can't even give me this on one hand he's living in fear that his wife is going to cheat on him on the other hand his Ultimate Fantasy was to have another man join them in the bedroom and she just turned him down so he goes on to Sammy boy to vent out all of his frustrations now we don't really know exactly what kind of responses or advice he was receiving but this is a website that has a full-on thread of men even debating the pros and cons of cheating on their wives there's a whole thread I was on there for like an hour because I was just so appalled pros and cons of cheating on your wife I wonder if they write any cons or is it just all Pros no cons yes some people wrote cons and they said you know once trust is broken it's broken which is a very generic thing to say but one commentator wrote I guess when the opportunity comes I cheat if my wife does the same though I can't accept it a painful revenge is the easy way out why do I do this and why am I like this you ask because I'm an and I don't give a the truth is I'm quite sure that I'm no different than most of the on this thread so that's great one person wrote the idea that they don't think cheating is good they said you should not cheat but they said it like this I think seual desires and needs will never be fully fulfilled there are certain fantasies which I can never tell my wife about also I can't turn her into a hot Latina model but I got to use my brain so I'm not going to cheat on my wife this is the pool of people we're dealing with and when James goes to write about how his wife has been holding a grudge against him since he cheated on her while she was pregnant he said he knows this because she quote repeatedly tells me that if I can do as such she can do the same as well since then I have been living in fear and suspense he also stated recently that Jennifer his wife has been acting cold towards him and there's been a shift he suspects that she is sleeping with her boss they've been getting closer and closer together it doesn't even feel like a work relationship anymore he said I'm worried that this is heading towards something that might go wrong he posts this and the comments start pouring in personally I mean I think they're ill advised suggestions but they're all along the lines of if she stayed with you after you cheated on her that means she forgave you she can't hold this over your head and you shouldn't have to live in fear all day my poor sweet boy have you thought about setting a trap for your wife at least that way you'll know for sure if she's cheating or not at least that way you don't have to deal with the anxiety of not knowing for certain that is when James decides to to set up a Honey Trap these are services that you can actually purchase to test your partner's loyalty they exist not just in Singapore but like all over the world you could do it in the US I've seen ticktockers do it there's one Tik tocker who made her whole career off of being a Honey Trap or would they call it like a honey so this is very different from hiring a private investigator because you have suspicions that your partner is cheating this is hiring someone to go out of their way hunt down your significant other online or in person and flirt with them see if they're willing to cheat on you this is a Honey Trap nowadays you can pay a platform about $100 hire a tester to flirt with your partner online to see if they'll respond and if they ignore it or flat out deny the tester that'll be sent to the wife or the husband and these days the Honeys the testers they never even meet with their subjects it's all done online they just message them trying to get a response out of them they send screenshots to the partners as proof but James James wanted more he's like if I'm setting a honey trap for my wife they're going to sleep with my wife it's really weird because James did not want to divorce his wife so I have heard of people trying to do honey traps when they're in custody battles they'll hire a professional honey to try and get some sort of evidence of an affair of infidelity because this works against them in child custody battles but this I don't know what James's end game is here he's just trying to be like aha I don't know he just wants someone to sleep with his wife and he felt like this guy named Owen from Sammy boy was the perfect fit James chose Owen because Owen drove a BMW yeah James said I chose him eventually because my wife's ex-boyfriend drove a BMW so I just I assumed I mean based off that assumption it seems like James thinks his wife is someone that's just interested in material goods and would be tempted by any man that drove a BMW he decides okay okay perfect Owen is going to try and sleep with my wife and I'm going to help him everybody else on this thread is warning James telling him like do not trust this Owen guy I'm telling you right now things aren't going to go well for you James Owen has a history of being very sneaky on these threads so he is trying to have another guy Owen sleep with a wife or seduced a wife as a honey seduce the wife and eventually sleep with the wife oh okay it's really weird so he's saying I'm so scared my wife is cheating on me so I'm gonna set up a date with her with another man so she can cheat on me okay is what he's saying basically so he's not scared the wife that is cheating he just want to watch it he just wants to watch it yeah basically that's what's happening he just wants his wife to sleep with another man and I think he wants to get involved later it's just the way that he's like concocting all of this and pulling the strings is just so bizarre so everybody's warning him like don't let Owen do this this is going to backfire on you but James said you know the way that Owen expressed himself he was very confident I liked him so they set up all these rules that made James feel reassured Owen was going to tell him everything that happened between the two of them even if it's just a mundane text message Owen would report anything that Jennifer said to him James told him this is the only way this plan works because as long as I feel like I have the power to pull out at any time and I tell you to stop talking to my wife you stop talking to my wife that's the only way that this is going to be okay if there's anything I'm uncomfortable with I'm just going to tell you to stop I feel like everyone tells you to start your own business and they tell you it'll be fun but why is it that when you actually start working on your passion you start hitting all these roadblocks and I realize that there are so many things that are being gatee kept from people that are starting their own businesses and not even necessarily because people want to gate keep but I think people are worried that it's going to sound boring but I would argue that nothing is more fun than watching your small business grow when we had Grandpa mango Studio up which side note we're working on something fun coming up we used Shopify Shopify is the global Commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business from the launcher online shop stage to the first real life store stage all the way up to did we just hit a million orders stage Shopify is here to help you grow and Shopify will even help you turn browsers into buyers with the internet's best converting checkout which is like 36% better on average compared to the other leading Commerce platforms and you can sell more with less effort thanks to Shopify magic your AI powered Allstar I just love that with Shopify they give you everything that you need to take control of your business and take your business to the next level and as 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obsessively checking his phone for reports from Owen he wants to know what did she say did she flirt with you did she send you a picture did you guys respond are you guys going to meet up yet when so the two Owen and Jennifer they talk online for about a month until finally Jennifer agrees to meet up with him in person they go to the local park to grab dinner and I don't know what James is feeling I'm sure it's a mix of emotions I'm sure he's upset that his wife would actually meet up with another man and for a romantic dinner date at the park with all of that I mean there's probably some sort of anger there right but he also seems oddly excited he wants Owen to report back every little detail about that first date and I feel like we all know how this is going to end it's not going to end well after the dinner Owen starts messaging James again on Skype and he's telling him well yeah we shared a bottle of wine together and uh intimacy wise we did hold hands for a while then I hugged her and uh we kissed so the first date it goes so well that the two they make plans to meet each other again this time that they're going to go for lunch at another parking nearby now after this date this is when things start getting interesting Owen reports back to James again yeah it was more or less the same thing as the first date you know wine handholding making out yeah yeah same stuff uh that's it Owen apparently lied he didn't tell James that their second date went so well that the two of them found a hotel afterwards and had full relations and maybe sneaky little Owen was starting to like Jennifer because he starts distancing himself from James he starts acting like the whole thing with James's wife is kind of fizzling out and we're not really talking anymore she hasn't really responded we're not really into it anymore when in reality Owen and Jennifer are texting even more now they're getting even closer this goes on for like 2 months until October 26 2010 James took his wife on a station the one at the Marina Bay Sands found the text messages of her talking about how she wished she was sleeping with Owen instead of her husband and James immediately confronts Jennifer but instead of telling his wife hey I snoop through your phone he said you know our neighbor stopped by the other day to talk to me they said that they were out and they saw you walking into a hotel with another man holding hands Jennifer didn't even try to deny it she just admitted it very swiftly she's like yeah I am having an affair but she told James that I'm done talking to the guy we're no longer seeing each other if that matters why not well because he he brought up the idea of a threesome so Owen had allegedly suggested to Jennifer that he wanted to sleep with Jennifer and her husband at the same time Jennifer has no idea that Owen even knows James mhm Jennifer was so grossed out by this suggestion she blocked him on all platforms soon after so it seems like James forgave her or at least Jennifer was under the impression that her husband was over it they were moving on from it and I'm sure sure Jennifer felt a little bit of guilt about what happened and how it must have made her husband feel she had no clue that James was the one that said Owen up to talk to her that that he had been getting detailed reports from Owen about everything that they talked about at least in the beginning and now she's got no clue that James is still talking to Owen over Skype James tells Owen change of plans he wanted Owen to fully assault his wife while he watched and it was going to happen on their 3-year wedding anniversary a symbolic moment March 14th 2011 James hands Jennifer a glass of wine she takes it and she clinks it next to his like they had been through a lot you know marriage is tough having kids is rough overcoming infidelity is even tougher but at least today is something worth celebrating they've been married for 3 years Jennifer takes a sip and another the wine was spiked with crushed up sleeping pills it was odorless tasteless color less and it it was a little weird that she felt very drunk very fast but she could have thought maybe she didn't eat before she drank maybe she was just drunk off the energy or the love in the house that night and just like that she's out cold and this is in the safety of her home just like keep that in mind one moment she's drowsy from the wine the next minute unresponsive James text Owen and waits for him in the meantime he drags his wife's limp body to the bed blindfolds her just in case she wakes up and opens her eyes and he's patiently waiting for this man to get here the man who's having an affair with his wife to come over and now assault his wife while he watched James said that he has two distinct memories from the very first time that this happened cuz it's going to happen again and again and again and this is from James so take it with a grain of salt he said he remembered Owen essaying his wife he remembered watching it and then after he left James said he remembered cleaning his wife up and crying and sobbing asking himself what have I done what have I done James said on one hand he felt so guilty but on the other hand there was this excitement of watching Owen essay his wife it didn't feel real he said he said even today I cannot imagine myself standing there and watching but he did and then he wouldn't shut up about it he starts going on all these random Sammy boy threads about wife swapping which you know it's not wife swapping what doing and he starts making friends with random people on the internet that have the same interest as him and he shares the story of what happened with Owen and one of the guys his name is Matt Matt is like that's so intriguing I want to be a part of this please let me be a part of this James is like oh yeah you want a turn let me give you a turn James drugs his wife Jennifer once more making sure that she's unconscious and waits for another man to come into their house where their four daughters live they've got four kids four daughters and a man that he met online is coming over to assault his wife while the kids are asleep and he's watching yet again this time he even took it a step further and started recording the entire thing he wanted photos and videos to remember the assault by and for 8 years he would drug his wife the mother of his four daughters he would drug her drag her unconscious body to the bed their marital bed where she's supposed to feel the safest and the most protective and James would invite men from the internet over to assault his wife while he not only watched but started taking videos and photos soon more people on Sammy boy started being intrigued by James and his wife they all wanted to join James connected with a man named Kevin on Sammy boy and Kevin was like James I want the same thing that you're doing right but my wife Kathy is just like Jennifer you know I thought it would be perfect because your wife and my wife like we could swap wives if you will but Cathy would never in a million years like she would never consent to it so they decided okay then Cathy can also be drugged it's no big deal and they start developing an Mo at this point James had already drugged his wife before but this is when they really started having like a system they started drugging the woman with something called dormicum it as a sedative it's categorized as a benzo dipine and it's Unique for being very fast acting if injected it takes about 5 minutes to kick in if it's taken Oly it only takes about 15 minutes and it dissolves in water it's odorless colorless tasteless it's a terrifying date and if you remember the burning Sun case this is a very similar type of drug the drugs are metabolized and they leave the system really quickly typically within a day so it's even harder to catch at least on the police investigation front and I don't even think I need to tell you about how dangerous that is especially since the husbands planned on mixing it with their wives alcoholic beverages that's even more Reckless so they're already risking their wi's health and Life by administering this sedative without a prescription and even more so by mixing it into alcohol a doctor who has knowledge on this said that when this drug is mixed in with alcohol increasing the dosage without waiting to see the actual effect coupled with the alcohol intake there's a very high risk of over sedation which could lead to suppression of breathing which could in turn lead to inadequate oxygen in the blood in severe cases this can lead to brain damage a sedated person is unconscious and therefore unable to avoid any visible danger and could potentially even ingest their own vomit into their lungs and die it could be fatal but they were like no this is perfect because you don't remember a single thing when you wake up you don't even have like a feeling you have it's just a blank space someone cut it out of your memory Kevin invites James over after dragging his wife Kathy and he watched as James assaulted Cathy so now James went from being The Watcher to the assaulter he took photos and videos and James wanted more men to come and assault his wife but he also wanted to assault more men's wives it's very complicated in the end these Monsters Just wanted to physically mentally emotionally violate the person that they're supposed to love and respect the most and they just kept this sick little cycle going adding more people in from Sammy boy Kevin invited James over to assault his wife Kathy then and he decided he was going to assault his wife right after James I mean I don't believe for a second that any of these guys felt guilty about anything that they did even now they're crying and moaning about how remorseful they are I don't think so at one point James just straight up asks and demands to assault an ex-wife of one of the husbands so remember the guy named Matt who came over and assaulted Jennifer yes they met through Sammy boy and James helped Matt assault his wife Jennifer and now he's like it's my turn but the problem is Matt's like well I'm no longer married my ex-wife Mary she still lives with me but we're not together James is like that's fine she doesn't have to be your wife for me to assault her James wanted a very Twisted Tit for Tat like I give you one an i for an I come on so he waited until Jennifer was out of town for a work trip he told Matt to bring his ex-wife Mary over under the guys that James would have some work opportunities for her he spiked her drink assaulted her so not only is James having men from the internet come over to assault his wife in their family home but when his wife goes out of town he's having another woman come over so that he can drug and assault her all in their family home where they again rais four daughters Mary was drugged and it was said that she was slurring her words before she fell unconscious Matt her ex-husband helped prop her up so that James could assault her and they made sure to get a ton of pictures and videos from it not that they needed to because before Matt and Mary even got there James had turned on all the secret cameras so that he was able to live stream the whole assault to all of their buddies on Sammy boy so it wasn't an open live stream where anybody on Sammy boy could watch you needed a password but a lot of people could watch when they were done James kept Mary's undergarments so that he could gift it to one of the boys in the group later he gave them to a guy named Nick I actually did manage to find one of James's comments on a thread in a thread titled quote most perverted things done question mark James he had like four different accounts on one of his accounts called newbie to all this he wrote my most recent experience was to invite an SPF bro over to my place to watch my wifey's EX videos and pic and if they got a fetish for her lingerie I let them help themselves to her wardrobe and laundry basket it's so nice to see especially young guys lusting over my wife LOL can it even be considered as some sort of perversion what basically being like is this really even that perverted a lot of people were responding to his post saying wow can you invite me too I love panties hi bro can you invite me over next time I hope I can join this group so James is loving it he keeps posting videos and photos of his wife being assaulted by other men they would add little captions to the photos and videos so Kevin would send videos to James of James assaulting Kevin's wife Kathy and he would write to James it would be nice if you managed to knock up my wife Kathy what which like we don't even need to go down that road of deciphering how messed up that is they've already tried to strip Cathy of her bodily autonomy but now they're like let's take it a step further the idea that she would be impregnated by her arer and her husband is encouraging that is another level of depraved the men refer to their wives as and plan to get more assaulters to come on board and they really had this fantasy of impregnating their wives with the assaulter DNA this part is very disturbing James like I said had four daughters and he discussed in great detail with Owen about how Owen should come over to assault Jennifer in the kids room while the children were asleep wow they laughed about how their wives were too dumb to even know what's going on they were poking fun at the fact that they as husbands they wanted to have three SS they wanted to bring another man into the bedroom the wives said you're crazy don't ever talk about stuff like that no no no no no and they said you know the wives think they won but in reality we're still doing it that was their whole he he haha thing James messaged Kevin women like Jennifer and Cathy no matter how smart they think they are they eventually get outsmarted by their husbands he he James goes on to say I bet both of them still think that they're their husband's loyal wife making fun of the fact that neither of them know that other men have violated their bodies additionally they talked about their wives as if they were just objects or property to be given and gifted Kevin told James in one instant that Cathy is quote always yours implying that Kathy belongs to Kevin and Kevin is gifting Kathy to James on Nick's birthday dinner this is another man that gets involved and assaults James's wife Jennifer on Nick's birthday James sends him a picture of Nick assaulting Jennifer and wrote in the caption happy birthday I will always be knocked out waiting for you in bed from your Jennifer he would also steal his wife's clothes and underwear to gift them to Nick like a souvenir for the crimes that they've committed like it's just a husband's world and the wives are just living in it and I think now is probably a good time for disclaimer there are a lot of husbands who want to watch their wives be passionate with other men I think it goes without saying that I personally don't shame people as long as everything they do is between consenting adults and no laws are being broken I just feel like it's not my place to have an opinion on what people are into and I almost feel like I need to give you the psychology Behind These interests that people have because if I don't it does feel like in a lot of mainstream media articles James is being grouped into this wife swapper community and it just ends up demonizing a whole group of people who don't do anything wrong a lot of media Reports say that this is a wife sharing case a wife swapping case but it's not really it's an assault case wife swapping wife sharing when done properly is not illegal so to undo some of that stigma we're going to go down the psychology of why someone might be interested in watching their partner with someone else and how that differs from James and what he did because James is not part of these people right I mean it's very different you'd be very surprised at how many people out there are interested in watching their wives sleep with someone else I think it's one of those things where we can very easily react and say well that's crazy well I could never right and that's perfectly fine if you don't want to but it does seem like there's a lot of solid psychology behind the Intrigue of something like this and this is what I've been able to gather just as a whole from this genre if you will so again this is not James psychology cuz he's not part of this group but right off the bat the aspect that kept coming up in Reddit threads about this was the mixture of really good and really bad emotions that are really intense they said It reminds them of Christmas when you hear the Christmas songs and you see the lights you smell the nutmeg and the spiced apples and the pine it's this comforting and very happy feeling but there's also kind of a sadness cuz you think about all the days that have gone by and how you're no longer young and crisp is no longer stress-free and there's almost like a kind of a mixture of Sorrow a reditor said just like how that mixture of joy and slight sadness makes Christmas special it makes this whole experience special and I'm not speaking for everyone this is just what I could find from hours and hours of riting this topic it seems like the husbands the ones who will watch go through a series of really intense emotions and I do think that this can to a degree be applied to James but not fully we'll get into it so the first emotion they said is excitement and nerves it's so taboo there's such a thrill in doing something that's considered forbidden by Society they think it's naughty and that in itself is so exciting you know society says you should never cheat on your partner you should never actively and so bluntly cheat on your partner literally in front of them then they said that there's happiness and joy at seeing your partner being happy and having such unique experiences so this is to emphasiz ize that the wife's participation consent and enjoyment of this process is a huge part of why some husbands would want to partake in these activities because they are seeing their wife be happy is what they were explaining on Reddit one husband said you know and it's also my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world to me I'd rather watch her than some adult actress that I don't know so there's that voyerism aspect some husbands said that it's like seeing your wife from a whole new angle only when you're not part of the activity can you see her from the outside and focus on like her every minute movement and expressions and then they said this is where it gets complicated the jealousy and insecurity starts to hit the husband perhaps there's an edge of embarrassment and self-doubt even some husbands believe the humiliation aspect of feeling weaker or lesser than or not really a man adds an extra layer of excitement to the whole process and they said that you'll start wondering oh am I not good enough for my wife and once it's over now this is what I see a lot of husbands on Reddit at least talk about it's called reclaiming between the husband and wife they said it's one of the most intense things ever now again just from an outsider trying to understand something that's very nuanced and complicated I kept coming across people talking about this so I try to research it apparently there's a biological side to this have you heard of berm competition no okay I guess to put it more eloquently it would fall under mate guarding so Studies have shown that if a man thinks his wife may have cheated on him the more likely he is to want to have intimate relations with her like psychologically often times even the physical volume of the product that comes out at the end will be greater in volume there will be more of the final fluid because biolog ically I guess men are wired to try and get rid of the potential rival's product if we're like really going into like caveman thought proc so you're saying scientifically studies shown that if someone found out the wife cheated the man will will have like a biological reaction yes now I'm not saying that they'll act on it like don't go around cheating on your husbands thinking like they're going to like it they're not going to like it right biologically there seems to be some sort of connection with more production of that yeah yeah I mean just going through some of the psychology of that like the fact that a huge important part of the process so far is for the husbands to watch and enjoy their wives be happy and excited that seems to be a main point for every single person that I came across on Reddit wife participation is key not just legally but for the whole process to even be exciting for these husbands so it's very clear that this is like wife swapping is being demonized in this case and it's evident that James is not a wife swapper mhm and if I could just be an armchair therapist for like one second because think about it the psychology and thought process here is just so unhinged side note me explaining what I think is going on in this evil brain of James is not a justification nor an excuse or even trying to be understanding for someone like him I think I'm genuinely just intrigued by his thought process and these are all opinions not professional diagnosis or fact James claims he did all of this because his wife made passing comments about cheating on him he said that he felt non-stop fear and suspicion that she was cheating on him and his solution is to watch someone assault his wife over and over again it feels like there's multiple elements here first maybe perhaps if he's not lying he's almost trying to get rid of that anxiety or fear of his wife cheating on him by just making her cheat on him through assault and there is the sick power that he feels by humiliating his wife in such a ghastly way I think if you ask any woman about one of the their biggest fears in life it's to be essayed and to facilitate the essay of your wife that is one of the most vengeful spiteful violent things I've heard in a while there's a comment I read on Reddit about this case well about a different case but I think it sums up this one really well it says this is about possessiveness it's not about being a husband it's about being an owner he hates his wife being looked at by other guys in situations that he can control because in his mind she is his property he wants his wife to have intimate relations with another guy in a situation he set up and controls because he sees his wife as property that he decides to lend out on his terms a part of it is the importance of him being able to make his wife do something she doesn't even want to do we don't know if Jennifer felt gaps in her memory we don't know if maybe she was beginning to suspect something because sometimes after drinking wine with her husband she wouldn't even drink that much but she would wake up the next morning and have no recollection of the night before we don't know if she felt suspicious about any of that but we do know that James literally did not care like he could not care less he didn't care for her health or her mental well-being one time James had plans for one of the internet guys to come over and assault his wife but Jennifer was feeling a bit sick that night so she's like I don't want to drink wine like why would I drink wine I'm feeling sick like that's so weird stop pushing this cup of wine on me I don't want a glass of wine and he's like okay no no that's fine he's being so mind he's sympathizing with her and he tells her I'm going to tuck you into bed and grab some meds he comes back with a pill and a glass of water Jennifer didn't know what this pill was because I mean how many times have you taken a pill from your husband and you just assume it's probably Advil it's probably this right and she trusted her husband to feed her medicine instead while she's sick she's drugged and assaulted that night while her husband watched and filmed January 1st 2020 New Year's Day Jennifer noticed James had fallen asleep and he was watching a video on his phone so she walks over and grabs his phone to turn off the video but a new Skype message comes in from someone she didn't know so she's kind of intrigued you know it's an interesting username she clicked it the phone opens this chat log and words just start jumping off at the screen at her I mean I'm sure she started feeling panicked they were talking about how their wives are clueless about how they're going to do it again when they're going to do it again how hot each other's wives are she starts scrolling up on the chat to see the prev chat log and there are pictures of herself and I'm sure in the beginning it wasn't even registering like I think if that were me the first reaction I would have would be are these deep faked because I don't remember taking a single one of these photos she did not remember a single one of these photos but they were of her naked blindfolded in her bed those were her sheets her pillow and there would be in one picture it was just like her blindfolded face and two male parts hovering over her but if she did think it was faked or edited or maybe not not her just someone who looked like her those doubts were squashed she's scrolling reading as fast as she can and it's clear that this is a chat between Kevin and Kevin and James are both assaulting her in her sleep when she's drugged and passed out so New Year's Day Jennifer slaps James across the face wakes him up and shoves the phone in his face she's like I need answers right now she wanted to know everything what are they talking about when did it happen the pictures when was that who was in there the two men who are the men James quickly confesses to everything well not everything he says yeah so Kevin did assault you he's basically saying it was just Kevin it was just Kevin he said he took the picture where she's blindfolded and it was just him and Kevin and she's like who the hell is Kevin Jennifer demands James take her to Kevin right now so that she can confront him and see if James is telling the truth James hesitantly drives her to Kevin's place and she starts confronting both of them they both confess they're basically on their knees begging for forgiveness and understanding saying it was it was a one time thing they just wanted to swap wives like one time after drugging them that's it Kevin admitted to assaulting Jennifer James admitted to assaulting Kathy and they told her it was just a stupid stupid thing they were just wanting to try something different and it was a stupid stupid fantasy and they would never do it again they felt so bad about it all of that January 2nd 2020 the day after Jennifer went to the police and filed a report and that's when the truth starts unraveling detailed plans on facilitating the assault and potential impregnation of their wives by other men and almost every single assault was documented in depth with pictures and videos she discovered that her husband James had been live streaming their own intimate moments straight out of their bedroom Jennifer would later say that James did try to initiate intimacy with her like every other day and she felt like it was very frequent so maybe it was for the live streams and whenever James had any free time she said that he was constantly these days watching x-rated videos once she caught James trying to call one of his friends while they were having intimate relations it was weird like he tried to play it off probably like it was a butt dial but she it was weird later it's discovered that he likely just wanted his friend to overhear them on the phone over the span of 8 years Jennifer's own husband had fantasized coordinated and facilitated numerous assaults against her she was assaulted by Owen Matt Larry Kevin and Nick the photos and videos of the assaults were shared to God knows how many people I feel like I always write down drink more water on my New Year's resolutions but we really should start being better hydrated right now during the busy holiday season we're running around maybe we're having a glass of bubbly if we're of age recovering from hosting shopping traveling staying hydrated is probably one of the key things that you can do that's super easy and you'll feel so much better liquid IV is here to support you so one stick of liquid IV is in 16 ounces of water it hydrates you better than water alone you also get three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink no artificial sweeteners and zero sugar I love how convenient the packaging is I always throw a few in my bag when I'm running errands and I always have a few sticks of liquid IV in my travel bag because liquid IV hydrates two times faster than water alone all in a single stick when you're traveling you're always forgetting to stay hydrated this is my solution and I always thought electrolytes that's for athletes those are for gym people but really it's for everyone liquid IV contains eight vitamins and nutrients for everyday wellness it's non-GMO and free from gluten dairy and soy and it replaces sugar with a proprietary amino acid called allulose blend and not to mention their sugar-free flavors are really really good they have white peach green grape lemon lime I mean they're so delicious so even when I'm craving a tasty drink I'll just throw liquid IV in my bottle which is how help me cut down on soda intake which is also nice so grab your liquid IV hydration multiplier sugar-free in bulk nationwide at Costco or you can get 20% off when you go to liquid i.com and use Code Rotten mango at checkout that's 20% off anything you order when you shop better hydration today using promo code rotten mango at liquid i.com and in Singapore there's a very interesting punishment that select prisoners must face a lot of it is more mental than anything psychological if a prisoner is sentenced to this specific punishment they don't know when it's coming every day they wake up in prison wondering is today the day every day they're in prison other inmates will tell them these horror stories about it oh you were sentenced to that it's really bad really bad you see that guy over there that's drooling and staring at the wall he had that punishment yeah never the same as ever since then the other prisoners they burst out laughing and you have no idea if they're joking around or if they're being serious every time a guard makes eye contact with you you wonder are they going to call my name is it time for My Punishment one prisoner says each and every day in prison you sleep you wake up and you worry I waited 3 months before it happened to me 3 months I was just waiting and then it happens your inmate number and name are called and you're going today is the day so you try to act nonchalant you can't show the other PR ERS that you're nervous or scared but you have no idea what's about to happen to you you and the other prisoners get taken into a waiting room it's kind of like a viewing room when you walk in you notice a giant window that looks directly into another room and in that second room there's this big wooden structure looks like a Contraption maybe like a giant ladder and there's a muscular men just lined up against the wall they call them Commandos the men and they're all holding 5 foot long sticks a cane the staks are about a half inch in diameter which doesn't sound very thick but in this case thinner might be worse two people are escorted into the room with the Commandos the muscular men they each get changed into a special padded jacket and pants the pants have a hole where their butts are so now their butts are fully exposed they're told to bend over the wooden frame their ankles are tied down their wrists are tied down they're fully bent over creating a 90° angle they cannot move there's a wooden bar on either side of their torso and one supporting their stomach so they can't move their arms legs stomach they can't scoop backwards they can't scooch forwards they're literally just stuck there butts up in the air fully exposed skin touching air so they're wearing special pants with their butt cut out yeah a hole M and the whole point of this wooden Contraption is to make sure that you're held in place and you cannot move it's one person at a time so let's say prisoner one is tied up to this wooden frame they get positioned bent over but exposed prisoner 2 is in the same room with prisoner one they get to watch up and close what's going to happen to prisoner one Knowing damn well it's going to happen to them next then on the other side of the window staring into the room are prisoners 3 4 5 6 7 and so on and so forth and they're all watching they're all waiting they're all knowing they're going to be next one prisoner said about the waiting room experience it's like queuing up like idiots lining up and waiting for your turn to be slaughtered the Commandos then take the five foot long sticks which by the way they made sure to soak it in water last night that's very important because the sticks can Splinter and they don't want that they don't want it to crack they hold the cane with both hands like a baseball bat or maybe more like a golf club and they start swinging it back and forth midair you're just hearing noises the commander are trying to intimidate them because the prisoners know they're trying to show how fast they can swing because in a few seconds each prisoner is going to get a determined number of Strokes on their exposed butt they're about to get caned the canes are said to be able to go at about 9942 mph so to give you perspective cheetahs are known as the fastest land animals and they run at a speed of 60 to 70 mph 99 mph the speed of a Cane strike is even faster than a burst of speed that a cheetah uses to catch their prey it's Swift it it's explosive and it's solely there to create pain some prisoners have stated that even with the first stroke the skin and flesh will tear and blood will start oozing out of their butt but they don't stop not until you've gotten the number of Strokes that the court has sentenced you but it's really bad to give you an idea no adult is allowed to be sentenced to more than 24 strok Strokes they have medical personnel there to make sure nobody gets Gravely injured or faints the Commandos the officers administering The Strokes they're incredibly muscular they're incredibly fit but even then they're only allowed to give six Strokes per officer they want to make sure each stroke has Maximum Impact so if you're sentenced to 24 Strokes they don't want the officer to get tired 10 Strokes in so they want them to get the maximum amount of paying from that stroke yeah Maxim imum amount of pain so every six Strokes you have to wait while a new officer walks in grabs the cane cracks his knuckles practices swinging the cane gets into position and then smacks you and there's nothing you can do you can't even squirm you're being held down in place there's prisoners all around you if you're screaming like a little baby they're going to talk about it afterwards the caning officers are trained to not strike at the same spot so prisoners said that you walk out of there with your butt looking like you sat down on one of those barbecue grills with the lines the impact is so harsh that it feels like you're getting burned if the pain is too much for a prisoner and they look like they're about to pass out the doctor might say stop and all Strokes will stop but that doesn't mean it's over that doesn't mean like that prisoner gets to go with half The Strokes that they were sentenced even if you were sentenced to six strokes but you only do five and you can't do it anymore because the doctor says you're going to pass out that one extra stroke gets translated into extra prison time up to a year you can't come back and finish the rest of your Strokes it has to be done at one time and in a final Act of humiliation and pain prisoners said that they've been told to stand before a panel of three prison guards that have been keeping watch the whole time and after you've been whipped all over your bottom you have to say thank you and if you don't thank them for your punishment you cannot leave the Singapore government does deny this you know but multiple independent prisoners have said it is a requirement but thinking the panel the actual Strokes the caning itself those aren't really the worst part either the worst they said is the recovery prisoners are given one round of medication for their wounds after they're done there's no Continuous Care throughout the healing process and in the upcoming weeks you've got all sorts of fluids coming out blood white discharge pus you can't even put pants on because first of all it's so painful to have anything touching it second of all the pant fabric gets stuck to the open wound and the fabric starts fusing with your skin it's nearly impossible to take the pants off later without ripping off more of your skin and flesh with it so a prison tip in Singapore I guess is to run your trousers under water first so the water helps separate the fabric from your wound before you take off your pants a prisoner said if you don't do that it's just damn pain everything is painful though after the caning taking a shower is painful don't even think about sitting down you have to sleep on your chest and never mind the fact that you feel extra vulnerable in a place like prison like it's a lot some offenders who experienced judicial caning said it was one of the most painful experiences that they have ever had and because of that caning as a legal punishment in Singapore has been hotly debated judicial caning is really really complicated over 30 different offenses can warrant a caning punishment by the Singaporean government robbery drug trafficking and sex crimes are just a few and before anyone feels the sudden aching urge to be xenophobic the caning punishment was likely introduced during the time that the Britain were colonizing Singapore so there's that but it's kind of just stayed in Singaporean law for a plethora of reasons there's a lot of historical cultural context that I don't want to bore you with and even among singaporeans there's so much debate on whether this is good or bad the caning debate has even started International debates yeah so the US had a problem with Singapore's punishment when a 19-year-old American was sentenced to four strokes for vandalism the US are argued it was cruel and unusual punishment which is against our constitution Singapore argued that if you're in Singapore you abide by Singaporean law just like how a Singaporean National would do the same if they visited the United States the US argued it was a deplorable inhumane punishment for a nonviolent crime Singapore said well we do what we want here but there were also politicians in Singapore who argued the vandalism in New York City is so bad even cop cars aren't even safe from them so this is what we do to curb vandalism Singapore does have one of the lowest crime rates and is one of the cleanest countries in the whole world I went on Reddit it's like 50-50 even amongst Americans it's like 50/50 how they feel about this the 19-year-old American Michael said he had just four strokes but it was really bad when he first saw his scars he cried thinking that he would have them for the rest of his life he said when he was first caned his skin ripped open and there was so much blood it felt like nose bleeds it doesn't feel like just a oops blood broke and and this is after the US helped get his caning sentence down to four four is known to be on the low end of the punishment but he said it was miserable his scars were agonizingly painful and then once the pain was over you think you're in the clear you're not it's like unbearably itchy you want to lose your mind it's so itchy and puss is leaking out if you itch too hard kaning was again in international news when a British national was caught with drugs in Singapore he was sentenced to the maximum of 24 Strokes he said to this day he has bowel problems because of how bad the caning was and now he wants to raise awareness to put a stop to caning he said it causes permanent physical and psychological damage to the offenders human rights activists have agreed and said it's considered a form of torture and the argument here is it's enforcing violence like you are trying to enforce Law and Order through violence and really who gets to decide something like that human rights activists have argued that the government just arbitrarily decides punishments for example robbery during the daytime the mandatory minimum is strokes but if it's night time it's 12 but on the flip side one attorney who had been caned for a crime before said well the rules are known before you commit a crime so it's not really like a surprise so I accept the punishment the sentiment was should we really fight for the quote Humanity of criminals when they can't do that for victims like is this really the hill that human rights activists are going to die on that's the argument from the opposing side a lot of people also questioned the cruelty of the punishment you know a lot of Human Rights activists said it seems like a big part of the punishment is the mental trauma I don't know if I want to call it trauma but the mental torture aspect they don't know when it's coming the strikes are done in such a very meticulous methodical way the way that they whip it back and forth they have to thank the panel but for the same point it could be argued there is mental trauma for every victim of every crime and I think for this one most singaporeans were not sad to hear that the husbands in this case were facing caning punishment on top of their prison sentences because we know how many oh yeah we're about to know because even during the trial James still managed to blame his wife for everything I mean in a very interesting choice James stated he would be representing himself in the trial and he really played the victim part I mean he looked sorrowful he was dragging his feet wincing at the remorse that he felt inside of his soul James admitted to ring the wives of two of the other men but but he only did it because he wanted to be good friends to these guys he did it as a friend he didn't want to do it like you know when your friend asks you to take them to the airport you don't want to take them to the airport but you do it because you're a good friend that's why he said he these women it's not because he was genuinely interested in their wives it's not because he was an assaulter he did it to quote reciprocate their friendship and their help so in short he still doesn't understand what he did no remorse no still you know mhm yeah and then when the judge is like I'm not going to listen to that he looks for something else he said actually I find it really hurtful to be stereotyped by media as someone who thinks and behaves like these wife swapping husbands he said that he was pushed into doing what he did he said that he doesn't have an interest or kink in something like this not like the other perpetrators no he said you know my wife cheated on me twice and I did things that I'm not proud of but we mutually hurt each other and her betrayal cheating on him was the reason that he did what he did it contributed to his actions he said the shocking discovery of my wife's Affairs triggered these offenses when describing his wife's alleged second Affair he wrote to further rub salt into the injury my wife had another affair with her colleague he claimed that his wife taunted mocked and humiliated him and that all these events pushed him over the edge and made him want to lash out in retaliation but like remember that's not a good excuse first of all second of all for eight years yeah yeah I yeah however he argued he should have a light punishment because he was quote sincerely regretful of his wrongdoings and he wanted to submit himself to receive punishment as soon as possible he brought in letters for the judge from all four of his daughters character witness letters which thankfully were not read in court another letter from his mom who argued that he was a great son and great family man and you can see probably how he ended up this way as well a letter from his wife to show that his family wanted him home that's what he said that letter said I don't think that's what that letter said at all so when he realized that the judge was feeling less than sympathetic James starts changing his tune he starts accusing the media he starts accusing the journalists and the reporters for over sensationalizing the story he said the reporters were quote irresponsible and unethical for trying to make his case about explicit videos and fantasies of wife swapping he said that's totally not what I am in reality he has so many people to blame yeah which it is very true that's not what he is in reality he is not a wife swapper he is an art worder but essentially he blamed everyone for his actions from his wife to his Co co-perpetrators to even netizens and the Press he even argued with the judge that netizens and media have made it so hard for his wife he said right now oh get this what is going wow he said this with his full chest he said right now my main concern is the safety of my wife as well as my children so I would like to seek your Honor's consideration in putting me to go for legal assessment and diagnosis of what's really going on in my mind he's basically saying look I'm going to get some therapy can you just like let me out so I can protect my wife neens were shocked because he is the danger to his wife what are you saying right now one comment read don't you just love it when these disgusting criminals whine about how people treat or view them they whine about Injustice they receive and yet they're the ones who got themselves there in the first place because of the disgusting things they do to other people another comment reads his legal arguments are so dumb at this point he's a danger to himself when all of these things didn't work out he starts pulling out psychiatric findings he said he was diagnosed to be addicted to sex to be more precise he and his therapist agreed that he would he had compulsive seual Behavior which I think is a wild argument to make like addiction is real is that relevant it's not an excuse nor a mitigating factor for a crime so just to clarify this is a very real diagnosis that can have big impact on people's lives it's described as an intense focus on fantasies or urges or behaviors and a pattern of failure to control such impulses which ultimately result in repetitive negative sexual behavior okay that doesn't impact anything that he did and it it just doesn't make sense I mean first of all the prosecutors don't even believe that he has that diagnosis and second of all they argued even if he has it all that is is a racist who claims they're addicted to sex and all that means is he has a high drive which honestly could be argued it makes him more dangerous to be a free man the judge seemed to agree now side note James would then go on to make more arguments he's like judge before you decide I have low self-esteem I have self-doubt in my masculinity and those were contributing factors to why I did what I did nobody cared because those things do not impair judgment or decision-making capabilities and considering all the aggravating factors for these specific crimes like nobody had sympathy there was significant planning and premeditation the victim's vulnerability exposure to risk of sexual disease and unwanted pregnancies violation of the sanctity of the victim's home recording and dissemination of the incident betrayal of trust and abuse of trust the judge said James does not appear to have fully understood the gravity of his offenses although he's indicated that he wishes to own up and take responsibility and accept the punishment that's due I could not ignore the fact that all the written P were all just self-serving attempts to deflect responsibility and shift blame to others particularly his co- accused most regrettably the accused has resorted to a form of victim blaming suggesting that there's a reason for his offending yeah the judge pointed out that James himself had affairs so what are you on this High sensitive horse about you too cheated on your wife before any of this happened you cheated first while she was pregnant mhm the judge also noticed that James was trying to downplay the seriousness of his offenses by claiming that he was unfairly labeled as a seual predator the judge was over it Jennifer his wife said in an impact statement that she felt so hurt angry disappointed and overwhelmed with the sense of betrayal she expressed that she had dark thoughts and thought at one point she would be better off dead then have to deal with this she said I kept thinking about how cruel he was to do this to me she said At first she thought it was just one person that had assaulted her but more and more started to come out and likely her brain went into self- protection mode and started to block everything out because she said that slowly I chose not to feel anything about it I wanted to focus my energy to take care of my children and family so I just became numb Kevin's wife said something similar she said she felt like dying but tries to manage her emotions by not thinking about it and just blocking it out which side note many of the wives chose to stay married to their husband and yeah before we judge I I do think that there's a lot of reasons why even if we can agree it's maybe not the best choice I don't think judgment is the solution one redditor has stated very eloquently and this is speculation we'll never really know why they chose to stay nor do we have the right to know but the redditor stated there's so many nuances behind abuse that us internet bystanders don't see the abuse begins from the very beginning of the relationship creating a dependence on the abuse abuser socially financially emotionally and psychologically that dependence it's takes a very long time to go away it's not as simple as walking away what the victims need is supportive network of friends and family that are willing to forgive them and for whatever hurt they've caused because of their toxic relationships and that's the first step of healing and recovering a damaged psyche another redditor commented this is beyond getting angry and walking away the couple's lives are so intertwined and we're looking at who've been married for decades maybe some of them financially depend on their husbands they've got multiple childrens and on top of that they're going through all these complex feelings which is so difficult to process maybe they feel the need to keep it a secret maybe they feel the need to process the emotions first before they do something life-changing yeah like I I just listen to the way James handles himself in court yeah like let's say he didn't even do anything illegal just imagine that's your husband for 10 years yeah level of psychological abuse she's probably been through where he nothing is his fault it's always your fault if I hurt your feelings it's because you hurt mine first like it's crazy how he talks about his wife in court yeah so the men though of course they use their wife daying as the best legal strategy ever of course they did Larry is one of the guys right Larry's attorney even argued that Larry and his wife have a good relationship now so the judge should take that into consideration side note about Larry Larry's wife actually caught him doing all of this she woke up while she was being assaulted let me take it back September 1st 2017 Larry was sharing a glass of wine with his wife Lucy and he's all up in this little circle of crimes and of course he spikes Lucy's drink and he's so excited this is the first time that he's bringing his wife into the equation he had already assaulted Jennifer and he had been consuming all the videos and photos shared in the group chat between the husbands but he had never gotten his own wife involved he made sure that she was knocked out and following the others he blindfolded his wife dragged her unconscious body to the bed he texted his colleague so not a random man he met on the internet his work colleague Parker and told him it's time come over Lucy is quote ready for you Parker would claim that he had no clue that Lucy was going to be drugged up when he showed up he said that Larry started confiding in him at work that Lucy wanted to have a threeome that's his argument I don't know if I believe it take it with a grain of salt okay Parker shows up unconscious wife laying on the bed like what are you talking about you're committing a crime right what does he do he takes off his clothes and starts performing unsolicited seual acts on Lucy but he's like oh no I thought she consented it's dumb right yeah and he did not use protection none of these guys did thankfully Parker could not fully assault Lucy because he had erectile dysfunction so he could not maintain the right faculties to do so but he did continue to molest her and that's when she started moving around she started grumbling felt a man on her so she gets up takes off her blindfold Parker's running with his he's like grabbing his clothes from the ground running out the door at this point Lucy seeing this like there is a strange man running out the door her husband doesn't seem startled she's putting two and two together she's piecing it together she confronts her husband Larry who's just like yeah it happened he confesses to everything Lucy forces Larry to write a confession letter demands Larry to get his coworker Parker to write a confession letter and she just wants to know what happened that night she wanted to know the truth it is unknown if Larry's wife Lucy went to the police with the confessions but lar argued later in court that they should go easy on him because he and his wife were good now Larry would get 13 years and 6 months in prison for his crimes and zero zero cane strikes because Larry is 50 and there is an interesting law that you have to be a man under 50 to be struck with a cane by the court Parker the colleague who came to assault Larry's wife Lucy but couldn't successfully maintain his faculties he pled guilty and was only given 3 years in prison a lot of neens felt like this wasn't enough his whole thing was that he actually didn't end up following through what they assault with Lucy like that was his argument well I didn't actually assault her but neens argue yeah it wasn't a choice though it's not because you were a good person like it wasn't a choice you literally couldn't and then we have the others Kevin the man who drugged his wife Cathy and facilitated her assaults he was given 22 years and 20 cane Strokes Matt the man who helped drug his ex-wife Maran facilitated her assault he was sentenced to 20 years in prison and 20 cane strokes and Nick Nick is the food delivery driver that assaulted Jennifer his attorney took another interesting approach these attorneys are all unhinged I'm telling you okay they argued that Nick was the only one without a wife so he should get a lesser sentence because he his his does not have the aggravated additional aspect of abuse of trust since you know these weren't his wives and he didn't get his own wife involved but the prosecutors looked at him and they said yeah no that doesn't make sense Nick is not married it's not possible for him to even offer up a wife to be assaulted offer up so it shouldn't be a mitigating factor that makes him seem more empathetic surely if he had a wife he likely would have again same with Parker you didn't have a choice Nick was sentenced to 18 years in prison and 20 cane Strokes James and Owen were tried separately James was sentenced to 29 years in prison and the maximum cane punishment of 24 cane Strokes James looked defeated when he was sentenced and he said he he didn't say this but he dug deep and somehow found courage to appeal his sentence he says that he wants to appeal for two reasons one he claims that his wife wants him home and two he feels like he wasn't represented well by his initial attorneys over so so unhinged yeah like I I can't how unlikable of a person even at this yeah moment and like you can just tell the judges are over him so the judge is like your family's not even showing up to support you and all I got from your wife was a letter of her Victim Impact statement where she basically had thoughts of death and was the only redeeming Factor was she said she felt numb now okay that's it and she's focusing on her kids but you keep saying your wife wants you home your wife loves you your wife supports you your wife wouldn't want this for you again still using his wife to try and get something that he wants as of 2023 we are still awaiting his appeal with Owen he went on trial August of this year and Owen argued that he never wanted to assault Jennifer James invited him and forced him to do things to Jennifer he never wanted this to happen Owen stated he felt scared and he only did it to get out of the situation it was arguably not a bright legal move because there were literal messages between Owen and James where they were talking about drugging Jennifer and doing this Owen even cutely named the whole plan operation Jennifer he even nervously messaged James like whatever CAU so clearly he knew he was convicted and he will be sentenced January of 2024 he is facing 20 years in prison with a fine or kading punishment the judge presiding over this case said it was quote one of the most astonishing and atrocious cases of sexual assault to ever come before this court many victims are able to lean on family members including their husbands to deal with the after effects of trauma after an assault like this but these women cannot do that because it was their husbands that did this it is such a gross betrayal of trust the prosecutors on this case stated when a woman enters into a marriage she entrusts herself to her husband she trusts that the man who sleeps beside her will not harm her as she sleeps she trusts that in sickness her husband the father of her children will not poison her with drug drugs passed off as medicine she trusts that her husband will keep private their most intimate seual moments together instead the men breach their wives Trust on every front neens commented the law must severely punish them to prevent ruining Society others said why can't we publicize their names as for Sammy boy it is still an up and running site a lot of Singaporean neens want the site to be fully taken down and they're confused how it's still up and running in a country where even chewing gum is banned did you know chewing yeah chewing gum is banned in Singapore it's illegal really the laws are more laxed now I think there's some Provisions where you can bring in enough chewing gum for personal use if you import chewing gum to the extent where it looks like you're going to distribute it or sell it you can face a fine or go to prison they really don't like they're crazy about cleanliness and order in Singapore and there was a problem with chewing gum being just like stuck onto floors I mean so chewing gum is banned and they're like how is this website not banned but apparently it's very complicated Sammy boy servers are not based in Singapore which if they were Singaporean authorities could just seize them and arrest all of those operating the website but since it's not the only other option they have is to try and block the site from being viewed in Singapore but one people could just get a VPN and two they said it's like whacka mole so Sammy boy constantly changes the URL to the explicit Forum to keep the website restricted would take so much coordinated oversight and taxpayer dollar it would be insane so Sammy boy still thrives with who knows how much illegal content being uploaded and distributed on there and again this is not me saying Sammy boy is all bad and everyone on there is bad and doing illegal Shady gross things that's not what I said at all but we have to admit there definitely is a dark underbelly to this forum but I will say before you lose hope in humanity most people everywhere usually are still sane and logical and I hope that these husbands are just a small portion but someone did make a very Grim comment about this they wrote these are the only ones who got caught imagine how many hundreds are out there doing the same wife sharing without their wives knowing so what are your thoughts on this case please be safe and I will see you guys on Sunday for the mini sod bye
Channel: Rotten Mango
Views: 3,529,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, MissMangoButt, Stephanie Soo Story, Stephanie Soo Storytime, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Rotten Mango, Rotten Mango Podcast, Podcast, Mystery, Mystery Storytime, Mysterious, Scary Story, Internet Mysteries, Urban Legends, Creepy, Creepy Storytime, Documentary, Bailey Sarian, Dark History, Dark Reality, Dark Truth, Morbid, Ashley Flowers, AudioChuck, Kendall Rae, Mile Higher, Eleanor Neale, Danielle Kirsty, kpop, k-drama, korea, korean case, Netflix, GrazyTV, korea case, scary
Id: kFdBfV-EcD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 7sec (5467 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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