Top Korean actress found out about her own divorce online & almost had her career ruined

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hello hello welcome back you can't just like you don't have free autonomy over what to do with this intro you gotta stick with one line come on there we go welcome back to another midnight mango okay here here's one thing about me I love a woman in her comeback era like there is nothing that can stop me from being obsessed with a woman in her comeback era like there was just something so powerful about it a woman that rises through the ashes and is like okay I can't get enough I eat it up every single time I don't even care who's on the other side of this I will always love this woman I mean and that woman today I'm so nervous she is one of the most popular actresses in all of South Korea she I believe is either number one or number two top paid actresses as of right now and has consistently been like one of the top paid actresses and she was recently in the kdrama The Glory which was a super intense kdrama about school bullying that I had an unhealthy fascination with the whole show it got me back into my kdrama era and she played the victim that used the rest of her life to plot her revenge on the high school bullies that literally mutilated her she played that character to a t but did you know she did because her life might have depended on it her career might have depended on it did you know there's actually a deep story behind this drama okay well like not the drama but Sonia's performance in the drama so real quick I just want to say that none of this is confirmed and Korean news media Outlets Korean YouTubers Korean um netizens have been sued for from hell and back by even just covering this even talking about this they've been slammed left and right and on top of that that's just the legalities on top of that there are two crazy strong fan bases for both of the parties involved in today's episode so um yeah it's called people are gonna be really mad at me party so um here I am um I don't know what I'm doing so here's what people thought happened before the glory was being shot there are two women that were involved in this drama this is like their real lives outside of the drama they got signed they got booked to do this drama be a part of this project and they weren't just using the glory as a way to perfect their craft they weren't just using it as a way to make some money and get their name out there or even get more popular or because it's their job it almost felt like two women's entire careers depended on the success of this show I'm sure both of them would have been more than financially fine if they retired tomorrow but they wanted to keep working and this was their way back into the industry and to be able to prove I still got it like imagine the pressure of that so while I was researching for this video I started kind of dumny I started sweating okay listen I know we talk about crazier things on other channels but when there is any talks of a lawsuit oh I'm high alert okay which Speaking of high alert okay I feel like cyber security is a huge thing now but it's only going to get even more important there was a thing that was like AI was it chat jpt one of the AIS they depicted they theorized what was going to happen in 2024. and one of them was like massive cyber security threats like out of this world and I have been using expressvpn for years now and I'm so glad that I do I just feel so much safer browsing the internet Gathering data from all sort of websites for cases that I cover on here and other channels and just turning on expressvpn makes me feel like I am walking through this crazy unregulated world of the internet in my own little protective bubble and then I see people not using vpns and I'm like y'all are out there booty crack naked are you guys crazy like at least I'm in some sort of a bubble you guys are butt crack out and everything you're okay with this but you know what I realized a lot of people that don't use vpns because no one really talks about vpns like this but they they just think 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you can get three months of expressvpn free that's to find out how you can get three months of expressvpn completely free and thank you expressvpn for sponsoring today's video I'm so nervous okay so the writer of the show The Glory why why are you nervous I just told you they they be suing people left and right for even talking about it who's the actor or um two actors well they're agencies I don't want to make it seem like they're going out and like trying to do this for you to talk about doctor and actress no talking about the actor and actress is fine but I'm going to dive into their divorce so today we're talking about we're gonna get there I had an intro you know what I mean I had a Vibe for this but we're talking about two of the most famous actor and actresses in South Korea who got married and their divorce literally sent netizens spinning I've never seen a divorce like that and usually you know in the world of Korean celebrities dating marriages divorces there's drama but it's not like the us where we come out guns of firing we're like we're divorced babes let's do a reality show I'm about to expose you in Korea they're like oh irreconcilable differences but we love each other still hehe but this was crazy it was cuckoo bananas but first the writer of the show The Glory is actually a very famous writer her name is humans hook and even if you don't really recognize her name which I didn't until like recently but you'll still recognize all the work that she's done if you've ever even been slightly like dipped your toe into the world of kdramas Secret Garden the errors descendants of the sun damn the glory these are only just a few of her titles she is one of the most famous show writers in all of Korea she is the queen of kdramas and it's alleged that she gets paid eighty thousand dollars to write one episode and how many episodes in the show The Glory was eight but some of these had a lot more yeah yeah and a lot of people had thoughts you know so she did descendants of the sun it's like what 2016 2017 okay and then people really like everything she's been kind of putting out afterwards they're good they got ratings but they didn't have the oomph that she used to be bringing they weren't like The Secret Garden they went The Heirs like she had these umph shows and people were either waiting for her next one or they said you know what maybe she's kind of not in touch with the younger audience now as she's getting older maybe people are kind of getting sick of her stories because she does have critics out there that say that um some of her stories are too reliant on not realistic banter that would never happen but like witty banter you know what I mean like she focuses too much on that as some of her critics say that and again she's financially more than well off it's not like she needs to be working but it's like okay either she's writing her next big hit or people are gonna say that she's in her flop era and her career is gonna slowly kind of dissipate from there most likely so I'm sure that she's feeling the pressure and then the lead actress that gets casted people were kind of shocked girl she had a more complicated situation she had a very very public divorce in 2019 and took a two-year Hiatus and for two years it's like the public just ripped her to shreds they turned on her they dragged her to hell and back through the mud for two years and then she finally had a comeback and it wasn't the glory it was called now we're breaking up literally after her divorce look it's a very classic drama for song like if you watch her stuff I mean she's the Romantic lead she's she's doing what she's always been doing and she's 41 now and people liked it because they like her acting she's undoubtedly talented but they weren't like oh my God that was a masterpiece so when people said that she was casted in the glory there were talks about if she doesn't nail this if she doesn't kill this role again she's made more than enough money to retire travel the world live her best life that's not what we're saying but people might be saying that she's entering her flop era you know what I mean okay and if the hate got to her what if she ends up leaving the industry and she's like you know what bye I'm gonna go gallivant through the south of France like think about the level of pressure that both these women have been under and they've previously worked together on descendants of the Sun so their former co-workers they know each other they're familiar with each other they're friends so they had to absolutely bring it to the show full force and they did it they did it okay this is the story of how this went from beloved princess had her fall from grace for whatever reason to hated actress literally despised actress and now coming back as a queen Queen Mother I'm sorry I'm so biased I just really eat up like a female main character moment you know what I mean and this is no hater ex-husband I guess I'm just not that invested on his side of the story like it's not like I chose one over the other I'm like oh no I hate him and love her I hope both of them do well in all their future endeavors but like her story is kind of more interesting you know what's his name again that's my sister's let's start with her story first she's been a household name for as long as I can remember like my mom likes her a lot like a lot of people like her she's got a very charismatic look to her face and my mom said that she likes that she's not a soft face do you know what I mean because a lot of Korean actresses are more of that soft face and that's usually what the Korean audience kind of gravitates towards soft almost like a schoolgirl innocent look but there's something about her where she has a very alluring face it's she almost looks a bit mature but she still looks so young it's confusing it's a little bit of a contrast people say that she has Regal energy so you know how some celebrities you're like oh my God they're so pretty oh my God they're so hot oh my God they're so this right but the way that even the way she looks but also even the way that she carries herself it's almost like a queenly energy and I'm not saying that to use like the term Queen like my queen right but you know how some people just have like a royal Vibe about them yeah yeah people say that she has that and she's 41 by the way anyway this is like turning into a love letter I'm sorry I'm gonna stop Focus anyway so she was born to two pretty young parents her parents were both 18 when they had her and her story is really fascinating so we don't know much about her family Dynamic other than the fact that turns nine her parents divorce and now she's being raised by a single mom this was huge especially like 40 years ago back in the day like 30 years ago so here's the problem little tidbit in South Korea if your parents are divorced your chances of getting married decrease is that not so freaking stupid is that not the stupidest thing that you've ever heard because same so basically the idea in South Korea and I think we're moving way far away from this because women don't even want to get married in South Korea right now they're literally like marriage why would I do that so I think we're moving far away from this but if one party's parents are divorced and the other partner's parents are not divorced they look down on the party whose parents have been divorced because I guess the idea is like you don't have a strong family unit and you haven't seen a successful relationship which is ironic because most married couples in Korea probably hate each other so it's weird her parents get a divorce and her mom took a lot of this guilt on it seems that she was doing this to her child like gonna make her future harder and so she moves into totally looking for more opportunities and from the get-go her father-in-law did help though so song was raised by her mom and her dad's dad so her dad was not in her life yeah yeah but on her dad's side oh okay yeah so her dad's not in her life but her Grandpa on her dad's side was like the man raising her he was the father figure and because her parents were so young he would go to all the school stuff and everyone would just assume that he was the dad and not the grandpa because they were 18 when they had totally guilt and ever since she was young she was like up in the kitchen making panchan she was up in the living room like fixing with screwdrivers and her childhood was so lonely but the one thing that her mom always told her was that I don't know what's gonna happen to me and I need you to be independent that was like the only message that she got as a kid like you need to be independent so she's cooking cleaning doing everything by herself is able to survive she's self-sufficient and it really seems like the the single mom and daughter Duo that like they didn't really have a lot of people around them so it's just them it seems a little bit lonely and isolated but swankyo even said sometimes my mom was more like my sister sometimes she was more like a friend but even then and now when I'm sad or having a hard time I don't dare tell my mom about it I just don't want my only mother to grieve because of me so it sounds like she grew up pretty fast as a kid but like really thankful to her mom she loves her mom after she started making it she bought her mom a five million dollar house and was like here you go mom so they have a really good relationship but back to when she starts getting into the industry it's actually pretty young she won this modeling contest like a pageant in middle school and a bunch of agencies showed up saw that pageant because they're looking for people to sign and they're like you need to come audition so that lands her in a couple of small roles they translate into bigger roles and I just felt like she was she's kind of like Unstoppable once she got in like when she got her foot in the door I mean she played her roles really well but also she's really pretty so in 2016 she was ranked 18 in the most beautiful faces in the world by independent critics so they've been doing this whole ranking for the past since 1990. I mean South Koreans were shocked because South Koreans were never ranked that high on the list it's usually Western media and Western celebrities So Korea was like we don't we didn't even know about this but like now that we do suddenly We Care suddenly we're like we're 18. I mean 2Go is 18 but like we you know because I look like her people start going nuts and they're like tell us what it is about her so that we can replicate it like we can try and look like her experts in traditional Chinese face reading came out after this and they stated that suego's beauty is the perfect golden ratio so in order to do you know this I don't know it's so funny so in order to achieve the golden ratio your face has to be equally three parts yeah I mean so your forehead has to be the same as like your eye area and then your mouth area yours looks about pretty even to me yeah horizontally but then vertically this is where I might lose the game I don't even know if I have the game horizontally but this is where I lose the game okay you got to be equal this way symmetrical I'm not the inverted filter makes me want to jump off a building okay you know I always find that's what they say about another like Chinese celebrity too but I don't know I don't know if that's I sometimes it's too perfectly even you lose the charm like you lose which one to look at which side which item that's the whole blend I don't know that's I always feel that way am I am I a little little pick me I'm just kidding so soyigo is almost mathematically perfect literally facial features her eyes are said to be so if her eyes are this big this is how I like to measure things not with the tape ruler you know what I mean then the distance between our eyes was the same everything was perfect literally and they said that's what creates the most attractive eyes a lot of plastic surgeons commented that her eyes were strikingly proportionate not saying that she had surgery that's not what they were saying but they were saying even as plastic surgeons who look at these things on a day-to-day basis hers are like Beyond golden ratio they said hers are like uncomprehensible like how did that happen they stated that when sometimes your eyes are too long you give off too Fierce of a Vibe like too strong of a Vibe when they're too short your face looks like Peppa Pig like stuffy like all concentrated in the middle this is what they said not me right I I what do I know they said she her looks don't just stop there she's got a small but sharp nose small but thick lips meaning like the opening of her mouth isn't too big it's small but her lips are full oh my God they're like going crazy these surgeons are just like foaming at the mouths for her perfectly ratioed face so because of this people theorize that she's able to pull off the innocent young youthful but yet see an alluring look very very well so they say that she's very interesting contrast it's really confusing she's so pretty and she actually she was so pretty that she actually received an acid threat to her face so January of 2005. her career is taking off and a letter shows up at her mom's house and they demanded 200 000 in cash or else they're going to spray acid Oliver's Holy Ghost Face and Body they wrote Think carefully you don't want to see your child's body rotting and melting for the rest of your life do you I have a lot of acid in my store I'm gonna send over a delivery man hand over the money to them or else had to flee to a safe place the police had to come and they like had a sting operation waiting for this delivery man they caught the blackmailer this is so sad it was her manager former manager oh man she worked with this manager for like three years and they stopped working together because he stole money from her yes and she didn't even file charges she fired him but she didn't want to ruin this man's life and send him to prison so out of the goodness of her of her heart she didn't do that but even after all of that he was now threatening to disfigure her I mean what so song was so traumatized a lot of people that knew her said that she never left her house after that like she did but never like frequently to hang out she kind of got more introverted only trusted herself and her mom like had a very skeptical approach to humans she just was never that extroverted but this made it worse until they said she met her prince I mean you know and then she fell in love and you know the drill let me introduce into the picture this guy had a much cushier childhood and I think maybe that's why I'm not as interested in this story so he was born into a really loving family he had the financial ability to just kind of explore what he wanted to do in his life he got into athletic clubs he did track he dreamed of being an Olympian one day and just all around he got really good grades he's a really smart kid he was also um the vice president of the entire School like the like the head boy I guess and he was very handsome in high school so the rumor was that girls would line up outside the classroom window just to look at him studying yeah he was nicknamed um no that was his nickname it's Oma 's friend son yes okay he is which means your mom comes home after hanging out with her friend and goes why can't you be more like my friend's son does this we have the exact same sayings there and Java Heights like other family Sons this one is Mom friend's son so that means I just want to say yeah grass is not always greener on the other side why to the parents oh yeah like grass is not greener on the other side like it's never a Greener like come on parents stop comparing your kid to other kids do you know what they do well do you know what they do they do this guy is PTSD do you even know you don't even know this is trauma showing honey zip it up hide it away like I think parents need to stop doing that all parents you know okay what's so funny is parents are I'm so sorry I love parents okay but I find that it's always only two categories and that's it I never really find Middle Ground people I know it's always why can't you be like my friend's son and then my kid can do no wrong my kid is the best kid I'm like guys we all need to be a bit more rational okay because the reality is your friend's son ain't it and your son ain't it nobody's literally we're all just mediocre people just trying to make it you know so anyway he's the full package the full package anyway he graduates gets into one of the ivy of South Korea and it wasn't until the third year of college he's like why don't I try acting because everyone said I'm so handsome I would kill it at acting and he was always curious you know why not give it a try at this point it couldn't hurt anyone his parents were disappointed yeah but they supported him there was this acting academy that he joined and from there he grew connections joined the talent agency and acting is very similar to an idol where you have a debut but people kind of know when there's trainees because they're being pushed on like smaller platforms so maybe they don't have a lead but maybe they have like small small supporting roles and you know they're signed with this agency he had a fan club before he debuted which is kind of unheard of at the time like I know these days with Idols people have fan clubs for like trainees and stuff but back then that was not the case what happened how people just thought he was so handsome I mean he is I guess very conventionally attractive yeah I I thought like he's definitely the type that's you have to watch a show to to get the charm type of guy I mean that's my opinion I know something lovers don't come for us yeah he had a lot of hype he still does but it's very interesting but you know I think it's really dependent on the person my sister is obsessed with him I think he's attractive but I don't have like oh my God he's so attractive like wow I just have like I I mean he's very conventionally attractive it's like after you watch the show you get oh yeah yeah and it's like he's obviously skilled and talented and hardworking so then it all adds up but I don't know if he's the person I would see one picture of and just be like oh my God oh my God oh my God this is like literally God's gift to Earth and like how is someone look like that like I don't understand you know that's I guess what we're trying to say meanwhile potatoes we're potatoes don't hate us so both parties they have these wildly successful acting careers before they meet which kind of makes them the ultimate it couple it's not like one of them was kind of lagging behind the other they were both the it girl and guys of their generation was nicknamed the goddess of viewership ratings she would get so much attention just by existing in a series before the series even came out it would be guaranteed to get views because even her Casting even the news that she was casted in something was just people would go crazy and they came and they watched whatever she was in every producer wanted her because she's like a good luck charm they said because the minute she's the lead you're gonna get views it's gonna be one of the top K dramas awesome imagine the pressure index exactly like if you don't deliver this one oh yeah she was yeah and she delivered time and time again and her career was actually taking off at a faster speed than zhongjingis at the time at the time okay and it was mainly because Hong jongki had a two-year enlistment in the military so obviously that puts a damper on things but he gets out of the military and he's like oh I gotta be in my comeback era like people were already waiting for his comeback but it had to be good like he had to deliver his comeback he was kind of seen as the Pretty Boy prior to all of this like people actually called him an idol and at the time this is like before BTS this is before Idols were actually more globally well known than actors at the time it was kind of a diss like when you're called an idol as an actor it's like you're cute that's why you're in the show you're good looking yeah you're good looking and there's nothing wrong with that you know but then now I guess you know Idols they have a lot of talent but you get what I'm trying to save so people are like he's just a pretty face he's just a pretty face he gets casted on descendants of the Sun and that was perfect because he just came out of military yeah and like side note there that oh it's about to get crazy it's a friend had apparently even asked him once who's your type like who's your ideal type even as a celebrity he would take selfies with Billboards of song they had never met they're not even friends she's my screensaver can you imagine yeah but I think that's actually cooler than taking photos with the billboard though he would take photos with like her advertising Billboards so he's a fanboy he's like strong Fanboy apparently if he had friends that were on set with he would go and hang out with his friends but like his friends clearly know because you'd be like so how you doing they're like are you looking for song right now no I came here to drop off food for you oh so like is everyone here do they all want to eat okay like he was obsessed with her and the fact that they were gonna be casted in the same role I mean he's he's excited so this is like their very first real introduction into each other um they're introducing themselves but they're also going to be each other's love interest and the Sparks really had to fly in order for the show to be successful the show is about Doctors Without Borders it's like that type of story and it showcases the life of young soldiers and young doctors who are trying to kind of balance their lives their love lives their professions their careers their Futures in like a war-torn area so it's like a lot is going on and and I I think like the show was so popular at that time because it was different from traditional k-drama yes it was really different and also the lead singer her character was not really what you expected in kdramas so she was a doctor a woman who is focused on profits she's out here to make money money and so it's kind of you don't really see that in female characters in Korea unless they're like a supporting lead never the main romantic lead and also I think like their interaction was so like it wasn't like awesome it was like their conversations like sure they're like very direct they're it's like that kind of like relationship just people are so drawn to that because it wasn't like that that kind yes and one thing that people really loved is like it's kind of based in like a extreme environment and they're not like the world is about to end but I like you you know what I mean because that's so annoying and it's so immature her and this was not that so you are literally selling me to watch it right now okay so change your location to Australia on Netflix and you can watch descendants of the sun because you can't watch it in the US or if you're outside of the US and you don't see it up on your Netflix switch to Australia so anyway the show International sensation it was actually one of the first kdramas of that era to break through on a global scale like Boys Over Flowers kind of did it but it kind of was delayed like it released and then many years later on a global scale it was like oh my God this K drama but this was almost instant released China was obsessed with that yes China went nuts for this couple like probably more than Korean netizens Chinese netizens obsessed with this couple okay and I'm gonna like there's more to that but anyway everyone starts falling in love former president Park oh yes how are fairy that lady okay corrupt schwitz jail got released yeah Park president Park she did some weird things she allegedly wanted a billboard with some joongi's scenes on there from descendants of the Sun and her argument I guess was that if you push celebrities from South Korea internationally it gives your country a lot of soft power I'm sure you guys have maybe have been hearing that a lot if you guys are in the like the discourse of the Eastern Asia and like the countries and their like the rise of K-pop so she's saying I'm pushing the celebrity because we want more soft power we want International yes pushing what like she wanted a billboard like there was some sort of convention oh that was happening but that billboard was gonna be like two million dollars and she was like ready to fund it people were people were so confused and she already had a little bit of drama because prior to this she was outed she went to this really expensive hospital that's membership only and you have to pay out of pocket a hundred thousand dollars to even be allowed to visit this hospital and from then on you have to pay for each service on top of that in Korea in Korea so it's like super special they don't take insurance yeah so she went to one of these hospitals already a scandal and she used uh an alias name like a fake name right and it was a name from The Secret Garden that's not really a Korean name and she used it so that she and then people were like she's literally obsessed with K dramas yeah she's up obsessed with kdramas and a lot of men you know what she's a pretty corrupt president I'll give her that but she was a corrupt female president I'm just kidding I hate her I hate her because of this Tower fairy right that's the only reason I really hate her I don't know too much about her politics and like everything that she's done but what was I saying oh yeah a lot of men were using it as do we want this lady to run the country when she probably goes homes and watch dramas all day like every other like when she watches drama what in the world you know what I mean do we really want her as presidents bro what this is so bizarre this is the whole Scandal anyway so then when the whole billboard thing happened people were like not again not again and then there's a scene from descendants of the sun where can I get my iPad I gotta show you the video because this isn't the first time she did it apparently the president did this a lot especially with people thought that she wanted to be something yeah and like wanted to date song was the allegation I think I really it's a really weird how the president wants to date it's her oppa yes because first of all the president mentioned that she loved the show the show comes out and she mentioned she loved the show mentioned she wants to put songjungi on a billboard and then she goes and like visits a different country and people said that she was cosplaying song in the drama I guess she had I guess president Park had never really dressed like that and then they said that she was just cosplaying her people thought it was like a whole it was a little giggle Gaggle okay anyway others her supporters argued she's embracing k-dramas which is what you need to do to gain soft power and to promote tourism to your country like she's being smart so there were two sides of the coin anyway the drama ends there's a lot of speculations like I don't know that unseen chemistry was just too strong if you paid me to make out with someone they didn't make out believe you paid me to be that have that much tension I don't think I could do it no damn I want a refund it just was there's no way they didn't even have that much to attention with other people they were in leads with you know what I mean so everyone was saying there must be something going on behind the scenes there's just no way and then a rumor comes out eyewitness girls shopping together in the US because like I said this was getting Global attention at the time which was pretty rare for Korean dramas and soyega was quick to deny it she responded when I visited New York City on vacation songjungi was there for work and we had one meal together later songjungi was asked about the dating Rumors in an interview and he said you know people that had been in the same drama like even producers writers directors the production team we often have company dinners and the rumors of dating you know they just get annoying I just want to thank everyone for enjoying the drama bro he's crying on the inside yeah he's like I want to tell everyone that's my woman the woman on the billboard is my woman okay so for a while everything dies down until another rumor pops up allegedly and a lot of these rumors were spread on um Chinese social media because they had one of the strongest Chinese fan bases out of all the K actors I mean Chinese and Chinese netizens were traveling a lot at the time so a lot of Chinese netizens were in Bali and they were at this upscale Resort and they were like wait a damn minute I just saw his Hong joongi in song at this Resort and Bali in China first yes it starts going crazy in China and everyone is like what wait what were they like in the same room give us more details what's going on and then their agencies came out and responded in a way that doesn't really shut down the rumors it just made everything even more suspicious they straight up said it's not a rumor that we think it's worth responding to they both visited Bali on their own schedules it's giving YG saying Jenny's private life is her private life it's giving confirmed but not really confirmed it's like what's going on so this happens and then a month later they announced that they're getting married to the point where it was so out of nowhere people were like did she get pregnant in Bali what's going on like this is too it's Whiplash whip lash out of nowhere Korean celebrities also don't really they don't really get encouraged to get married I think it's getting a lot better you know I think even with like black pink chisu she's like making changes in the industry she's being so confident with her dating and she's like yeah this is who I'm seeing and like this is my life and because she's been so upfront about it everyone supports her and like hopefully this is a good transition right but back in the day and even still today you know it can really mess up your career it can really things up especially for the woman it's just and you know I don't know what it is but when a celebrity couple comes out the women people go after the woman it's always um let's dig into her and see how she's not good enough for him it's never let's dig into him and see why he's not good enough for her I don't know why so it's they try to do a campaign of Shame and that's what they call it it's like the Walk of humiliation and what that means usually for K Idols is um they'll bring up your high school picture before surgery and they're like see you're not good enough and you're all just plastic surgery which like who cares but they dig up her old elementary school middle school high school photos top comments has never not been pretty huh damn yeah other top comments fine I guess she deserves to marry him no no yeah they're like how are you like never not pretty every stage in her life she's been pretty oh my God every stage so much pressure yeah to take those School photos I know so if you're thinking about me you never know you could be the next top Idol okay you gotta make sure you show up and glow up for those photos damn I didn't know my high school photo was like holy what the hell so it settled the public was like fine they deserve each other and they wish them marital bliss but there were some fan girls though like songjunki was in an interview I'm gonna play the clip it's crazy so this is after they announced their wedding and you know those um oh man the Name Escapes me but the poems where you take in Korean it's easier I don't know if it exists in America so let's say your name is right you can put the beginning and then you make a poem right so this little girl is in an interview and she's like um she's using the the song jingi's name in that poem and it's basically like I heard you're marrying and then she goes which means I'll wait for you was so shocked he was like he didn't even know what to say and the the MC of the interview goes she means she'll wait to watch the wedding and then she's like that's what I meant um and the way she's looking was I'm confidently saying this right now and what's crazy is after their divorce people went back to that YouTube video and went damn she used all her luck she got what she wanted come get her come get her she'd been waiting crazy anyway people were very invested they were looking up their birth charts going to Clairvoyance to ask about their Futures they had the same last name they had the same blood type blood type A did you guys know did you guys know that blood types in Korea mean something so people oh huge okay so right now in Korea if even at job interviews I don't think they ask about your blood type but they ask about your mbti which is legal that's crazy but um it's illegal in America to ask for mbti I feel like some people would be offended but in Korea it's so common if you meet someone for the first time one of the first questions is like what's your mbti yeah I do think mbti says a lot though I think so too and it's so annoying because my mbti is actually one of the worst rep reputations of the mbtis and every time I say it people go oh oh and then I'm like yeah I know it's like one of the worst yeah not like okay I get it so they asked about your mbti and like what's your like blood type right your blood Young and people often ask and it's not because they want your blood it's not because they want a blood transfusion but it means something about your personality so blood type A which is what both the songs on couple were right they're usually much more introverted sometimes a bit more timid they're often very sensitive but have a hard time expressing their emotions and they're not that quick to trust people they're very skeptical people they're very patient considerate of others they're also seen as perfectionists who pay a lot of attention to details they also work really hard and they value long-term friendships so the best traits of blood type A include hard-working patient considerate loyal creative the worst traits are secretive closed off self-conscious obsessive and sensitive then blood type B these types are typically cool independent like follow their own rules types of people they don't really like Authority they don't care about what people think about them they're kind of like more free-spirited they have a lot of passion they're very impulsive but when they're not passionate about something they like don't care and people think that they're actually lazy so if they're not passionate about their job people will perceive them as being lazy people they're only hard working when they're passionate thank you I am blood type yes why do I think you're not you're I mean yeah I just found out I'm blood type B this is accurate they're honest um they make friends easily they value freedom but since they're a bit more free-spirited um in South Korean culture they're actually known to have the most enemies out of all the blood types like they're the types that they're not universally liked by people and they're oddly known to have very strong immune systems like what the okay men with the type B blood are considered boys and blood type B girls are often considered which means again and so people are shocked when I'm tell them I'm blood type B because I guess that's like the first perception and I don't really look like a rule breaker and I'm I guess I'm not like baby so best traits individualistic passionate optimistic social honest worst inpatient irresponsible self-centered prideful and Moody then we have blood type A B okay so they say blood type abs are like hit or miss they're either unhinged like just oh my God unhinged or they're really genuine people so this is like the most unpredictable of the blood types some of them the good ones they have a lot of can do attitude about everything and they're really smart so these are like successful people they're kind of in their own world at times but when you get into like the unhinged territory of blood type AB love my AV friends okay when you get into the unhinged territory they're just kind of too much in their own world but they're also so smart so these are like the genius people sometimes it doesn't translate well and you're like what this person's living in their own reality but sometimes because they're Geniuses it translates well and you're like wow this person is an innovator but they're confusing to understand they're fun to be around they hate drama so they're just like purely positive people and they are the least understood blood type because they're so unpredictable so best traits intelligent positive unique worst traits critical indecisive unforgiving aloof and very unpredictable yeah then there's blood type O you're o right yeah so these are considered Natural Born leaders get out of here they're also well-rounded individuals get out of here okay they're um outgoing and charismatic when they want to be but they like to be alone I know and they're also capable of saying what's on their mind with ease like they're not afraid of Confrontation wait is blood type really work please leave it in the comments does it match all your just like does every blood type O feels the same way like because it's too spot-on like I know there are some times where you get these descriptions and you're like well everyone can fit it but like I wouldn't fit blood type O yeah at all they believe in actions over words so they don't like all this yeah they'd rather speak through their actions they're very ambitious individuals who like to succeed but sometimes their honesty comes off as condescending bro this is they also hate losing and they are a little bit stubborn and they don't like to apologize first best traits is they're well-rounded ambitious self-confident energetic and charismatic when they need to be worse traits stubborn arrogant overly competitive insensitive and sometimes vain bro okay please let me know if you know your blood type and leave it in the comments if this is really accurate calling me out originally so they both had blood type A and everyone thought that they were just like a match made in heaven they get married October 2017 and it was a beautiful very private event at a luxury hotel so the basic rent fees for this hotel to have your wedding there are eighty thousand dollars That's not including dress food everything just menu costs No cameras were allowed all the Press were banned they could have easily made it public brought in sponsors but they absolutely refused There is almost no record of it on South Korean media why are you smiling you know what's about to happen yeah because I saw it on the news that was it drums or something Chinese netizens who loved the couple hid hidden cameras in the hotel prior and flew in drones over the venue oh that's pretty and it was I think it was suppressed in South Korean media because of the legal implications mainstream media didn't want to talk about it and that's why there's not much record of it in South Korean news but um they couldn't have control over Chinese media obviously right so it went viral and um yeah I felt bad but I hope that they had fun on their wedding it looked like they did otherwise and so everyone was really happy for them and for about two years it seemed like they were married everything was going well both of them were still very focused on their careers and there wasn't really anything crazy until about 2019 rumors start circulating on Chinese media because they have again like I said huge Chinese fan base Chinese netizens said that there was trouble in the relationship because wasn't wearing her wedding Wing but zhongjing was seen way during his wedding ring so Chinese media goes crazy with this but when it got to Korean netizens they didn't really think much about it because they were like oh it's not really in our culture to wear engagement rings like that especially for women like maybe for men it's different because it's just a band but for women when it's like a diamond ring like we don't really it's not a thing here like maybe in like the US News when a celebrity isn't wearing their engagement ring it's like oh right but it's not really like that in Korea so they kind of shut down the rumors initially it was dismissed but within like two weeks they announced their divorce but let me tell you this is where it goes crazy they didn't even announce their divorce like it wasn't joint statements put out at the same time filed for divorce was out of the country for work and she found out about her own divorce through the news wait so he filed divorce without her knowing that's the allegation or the allegation is that she didn't know he was going to make it public that day and she found out that it went in public yeah and this is an allegation but it looked like she was blindsided because she flew back into Korea and she was like hounded by people it was there was no plan in place for her to get safely from the airport back to her like it just looked like she was in a media frenzy so she had to travel all the way back from a foreign country while the Press were ready to sink their teeth into her and since he announced it first and while she was out of town for some reason everyone felt like it was her fault like he was the one breaking up with her that's how people kind of this was shocking shocking oh shocking nobody saw this coming even two weeks ago everyone was like what are you talking about Rings don't mean anything like they're fine let them be happy like let them live how long they're married for like two years oh wow yeah and people had so many questions and both of them posted online so zhongjungi said we both hope to end the divorce process smoothly rather than blaming each other for our mistakes I asked for your understanding that it's difficult to tell you these details of our personal life as it is a personal matter I ask you politely to refrain from making any random guesses and spreading false information related to our divorce once again I'm sorry that I couldn't give you good news she had a representative speak out for her because she was already getting dragged at this point like there was nothing she could say people were like how could you do this they were blaming her why so there is some misogyny involved of course a lot of people the first initial speculation was like she was not a good wife she didn't care she was still focused on her career she only cared about her career she didn't care about her love which is exactly what he was doing wow so just baseless yeah so at first it's baseless and then it becomes like weird rumors they stated that she's currently in the process of getting a divorce after a careful consideration with her husband and the reason was differences in personality and they said that they couldn't overcome these differences so both were pretty acceptable like PR statements but the public still wanted to know why and they got really carried away with it and to make matters worse there was a rumor that chungi's dad had always supported them like he basically made a shrine in his apartment for them like his house for them it was just pictures of them from descendants of the sun like everything about them he had like banners outside of his home for them and allegedly according to his neighbors one day after the announcement everything was in the trash like all anything that had tsungika on it was in the trash so that's fueled rumors that did something to piss up not just Hong jungi but also his parents because people were speculating online if he and she couldn't reconcile their personality differences I'm sure his pair parents being adults would just be like okay that's sad you know it was maybe we can stay in touch with her she was our daughter-in-law for two years after all so a lot of people are like she must have done some they just were going crazy with these allegations and then everyone got a lawsuit every single person mainstream media Outlets Korean bloggers YouTubers random ass netizens because defamation laws in South Korea are probably one of the strictest ones like U.S defamation laws are I don't know they're like kind of okay defamation laws in South Korea you're gonna be wiping the courts with your own booty if you be slandering someone yeah it's pretty bad I mean good so all these people are just getting sued left and right and I just think that also shows the power of this couple they were both being represented by the top two law firms in the entire nation like power houses of law firms insane so the only information to really get from this divorce was through Chinese media International media sources because I think I mean you could get it from like American sources but obviously they had a stronger presence in China it's not because Chinese people were like trying to spread rumors it's just it was blocked in South Korea and their next biggest fan base was in China it was um it was pretty bad I can see why people were getting sued in South Korea was getting dragged the biggest rumor that was going around was that because she was abroad in a foreign country filming for her next show they said that she cheated with the other main lead and that's why they were getting divorced and that's why song jingi's dad was like getting rid of her pictures and all of that and what is the proof what is the basis for their allegations these bloggers and YouTubers just said well she has a reputation for sleeping with her co-stars wow with no proof I'm sorry when were you a producer on these top K dramas I'm sorry when were you the lead okay how the do you know people were just saying like well that's the rumor that she loves sleeping with her co-stars or dating her close co-stars literally what there was even this meme that was circulating of her that is so horrible it was five men very famous actors four of them were her four last recent former co-stars that all had dating allegations and like you know dating allegations don't even just come from suspicious things coming from the couple it's not like oh they were spotted together they were doing this together right it's straight up people wanting them to date and thinking they have chemistry and then like coming up with this own little fantasy in their heads so like she had nothing to do with these dating allegations it was four of these guys that were laughing and then tongjing is crying on the sand and they're all at a beach and they're playing the sand game do you know what the sand game is you make like a mound of sand and you stick a stick in the middle and everyone pulls a little bit of sand down from the sides and if you're the last one to pull and the stick Falls you're the loser you're caught holding the stick and song jingy is the last one holding the stick so it's basically the meme is so it's like we all got to do fun things but you have to marry her wow that's so up yeah and then people were saying because also Her Image her look and the way she carries herself in interviews she gives off more of like a wise Soul Vibe so in interviews she's incredibly elegant sophisticated well-mannered but she's not the type of actor and it's just not in her personality to be like oh my God like thank you so much like oh my God sorry you know like oh my God this you know she's more the type to be like oh thank you you know but it's she's that's who she is that's how she is right but people started saying that she was this egotistical person she thought that because she's famous she's like the queen and everyone needs to do whatever she wants because she didn't have the stereotypical like and yeah oh my God like no don't say I'm pretty wow and so people straight up started sympathizing with hongjungi and saying that they felt bad that he had to put up with her for their marriage they started this whole narrative that she was obsessed with her own career she refused to have a family she refused to have a relationship with she probably cheated on him and she was obsessed with herself which is crazy because allegedly she you know how she was in the process of filming one a show while she was married she had allegedly told all of the people on set like yeah I mean I think this is gonna be the last one I do in a while because I think I should start focusing on like maybe trying to get pregnant so it seems like she was willing to sacrifice a lot to start a family allegedly allegedly so I don't know the rumors just felt so targeted towards her for no reason and it was just really really up really up meanwhile everyone is like and again I'm not saying that should have gotten hate but he's being put on a pedestal a pedestal it was so bad so then because people were getting sued left and right um South Korean medicines come a little wild they started doing a can I get my iPad let me show you this is a compatibility chart is it like a code type of thing oh kind of yes okay I'm gonna do it the drawing though oh yeah this is an immersive show budget gone up if I just gone up guys finally started with nothing and now we got CGI guys we got CGI okay so I'm gonna do your Korean name me mango okay one so it's how you write in Korean like every time you take your pen off yeah it's you gotta stop but in like I don't know if it works in English I'm so confused okay so I'm gonna write me mango for misto mango me that's four into so far and then five and then one two three four five six seven how many times I had to lift my pen up yeah so not syllables but Strokes okay one two three four one two three four five one two so we have me mango and tsujini these are our names okay and then we do what's the difference between five and seven two seven and three is four four and five is one five and two is three then the difference between two and four two is two and then one and three is two we have zero percent compatibility what the is this wait was I supposed to do this no it could be possible zero percent sure could be possible yeah okay budget cut budget cut that did not work out so people are doing that to their names yeah because they're like we can't even speculate why they divorce so let's just come up with these random ass charts and like literally these were like on the top of forums and people were like it says they only got 11 compatibility anyway let's look at their birth charts now and see if that tells us anything about this divorce well if they had used expressvpn oh I got all my racing you know anyway so the cheating rumors go crazy and then even got more hates because she wasn't tucking her tail so divorced women in South Korea have a really bad stigma they're literally stigmatized they're supposed to be like they're lesser than non-divorced women or married woman so they tuck their head and just like know that they're they should know their place is the energy that a lot of these misogynistic men in Korea believe and she wasn't doing that she was like why should I do that I'm rich and I'm famous and I'm successful I'm gonna just be myself so she would still go to events and hold her head up high and people were pissed I would say a lot of her haters were men okay or people who had really subscribed to the patriarchy because you don't have to hate her to like song joongi you can like both of them so she becomes the biggest villain for getting divorced meanwhile is doing a lot more things that honestly would have deemed controversial if she had done them so December 2022 he announced that he was dating a new woman a former British actress named Katie Louise Saunders and she was now working as an English teacher so she had retired from her acting career and she was working as an English teacher and side note even before their relationship was public he had done something at an award show that people were confused by he won an award and during his speech he said I want to thank my beloved like now KT in Korean we don't say Katie we say Katie but Katie is like a TNT there is a telecommunications company called KT so people thought that he was working with KT and they like sponsored his agency or him so they thought like it's like oh he's thanking his sponsors right because it's like no one Katie's not a name in Korea you know it's just Haiti Communications so you're saying he was trying to present his girlfriend at that time I don't know if he knew he was gonna get away with it so people didn't really care maybe it was like a secret like inside thing between them but now after he announced it people were like oh my God he wasn't talking about Katie telecommunications he was talking about his girlfriend yeah and people didn't catch that no because literally he said KT okay so you think he's being smart he's like trying to select this one yeah for the girlfriend yeah otherwise he would have been like Katie Luigi Sanders you know what I mean okay so people are like okay that makes sense and then he goes on to say I want to thank my Nala entez and Maya so again no one knows people thought these were like production crew or like something but they were their dogs they shared dogs and he was thinking they're dogs okay and then a photo goes viral not long after that of of chunky attending a friend's wedding in Korea and she's there and these are like not paparazzi photos because it's not like publicly announced but like people that were there like snuck a photo or like he was in the background of posted photos and another picture was then released and this was like them coming forward with their relationship both of them were arriving at Incheon Airport together and people speculate why he came out with the news um because like the next month he announces that she's pregnant oh okay so she's still pregnant right now oh no she just gave birth in June but I will say he also got a lot of haters and their relationship I'm sure wasn't the easiest because she was dragged to um there were rumors that she was already a parent and a single mom to two kids and just a lot of like shady stuff people were saying about her and Chingy has come out and said that those rumors are false but they are starting a family together and now they're living in a 16 million dollar mansion in Tower yeah and it was rumored that that was the house that he had built for song but that rumor turned out to be false so I'm not sure if the false part was that she never lived there or if it wasn't for her or like what it was but it just turned out to be false but I mean okay what I will say is that I hope well you know what before I get to that because she got pregnant very quickly after their relationship status was released people kind of put two and two together and they believed that maybe is divorced because Sonia had allegedly mentioned to people she was gonna try and get pregnant and it wasn't working or some people state that maybe Tony wasn't ready to have a kid because she's at like the prime of her career you know so either way it's not her fault not that it would ever be I don't know maybe it's none of their faults maybe they just really don't get along and everyone else blew it out of the water but it just seems like a lot yeah I will say this though and I think this is why um people started kind of realizing how bad the public had been to Song and people started going back and apologizing to her even was think about it if you had done this had divorced her husband when he was overseas and then not too long after I mean not like immediately but not too long after announced another public relationship and then announced that she was starting a family with that person she would have been destroyed like destroyed in the media she would probably never be able to work another day in her life like there The Narrative about her would have been like she's like a Hobie Hopper just like hopping around doing some like literally moralist dignity-less woman how is she even how can she not feel shame if she had done this if the roles were flipped in I don't know internationally I don't know I'm sure internationally maybe fans would have been a little bit more supportive but in South Korea at least it would have been so bad it's already bad for her yeah and she did nothing yeah so think about if she was the one that was like this many relationship and like by the way we're pregnant so then people are like okay now that we think about it yikes that was pretty bad you know like why did we hate her for some rumors and for daring to show her face again after a divorce a yikes so by the time that she was casted in the glory a lot of people were kind of feeling apologetic but they were still like we don't know if this doesn't come out like if she's not rolling we don't know what's gonna happen it was said that she was paid about two hundred thousand dollars per episode of the glory and she put in her whole back into this she was praised by all of her co-stars at one point you know the scene where she's showing her love interest on the show all of her scars and she has to take off all of her clothes like a lot of her clothes not all of them and she was on a diet of just banana one banana a day for multiple days straight she didn't even drink water because she said that she her vision of this character was to portray someone who was so broken that she neglected her own body neglected her own health and she wanted viewers to not look at her and say oh she's so pretty but to have like a visceral like oh she does not look healthy like she didn't want this to be like a oh she's so skinny and healthy and like I'm she's so pretty like she wanted it to be like a gut-wrenching moment she said that she stopped wearing ChapStick for certain scenes because she wanted to show like her lips were chapped like all these like rot which is pretty pretty intense in South Korea um like a lot of K dramas they do put a lot of value into being aesthetically pleasing especially the main leads like even when they're in war they're like their hair is perfect you know what I mean like even when they're in like a bank heist they're looking cute okay money Heist I tried to watch the Korean version and I love every single one of these actors and it's definitely societal pressure but tell me why you guys are in like a shootout and your hair is blowing in the wind and she just went all in in this character and it was like the Renaissance of her career and she's being booked by all the top fashion houses right now which is crazy because she's 41 and in South Korea you know all these fashion houses are like we want the youngest Ki idols but she's getting it she's focused on other big projects and people are like we are loving this like power era of song ago she's like I don't need a man I don't need anybody wow and I'll offensive you okay I love her so all in all I just hope that everyone is happy after this but that is um that's some that she went through that's a very emotional complicated Journey I'm sure what are your thoughts wow if you're an international viewer did you guys know that there was such a crazy like her career depended on this drama that we all loved and enjoyed did you know that there was like that much pressure yeah so wow wow wow so wow she really was like at a low huh a low and allegedly the writer was you know people had been gossiping on forums of like is this her flop era and that writer is the writer of descendants of the sun you know so this is their their reunited and even the writer was saying zonega was so impressive like I was so worried for her because of the harsh things she was putting her own body through to really embody this character but she was like I knew she would bring it so what could I do yeah I'm getting chill Ed for today's out it's just an hour straight of me being a little fan girl I hope you guys enjoyed let me know in the comments what are your thoughts on this one and make sure to check out expressvpn Linked In the description and I'll see you tomorrow bye
Channel: Stephanie Soo
Views: 2,083,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, MissMangoButt, Stephanie Soo Storytime, Stephanie Soo Story, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Podcast, Baking A Mystery, Rotten Mango, Midnight Mango, Mystery, Mysterious, Mystery Storytime, The Glory K-Drama, K-Drama, Korean Couples, Korean TikTok, Song Hye Kyo, Famous Korean Actress, Korean Actress, KPop Idol, scandal, celebrity divorce, celebrity scandal, deep dive, k-drama twist, Two Hot Takes, Bailey Sarian, DoobyDoba, HJ Evelyn, Michelle Choi, Erica Ha, Mai Pham
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 9sec (4089 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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