Korean Fried Chicken!!

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uh [Music] hi guys i'm sanyon longast welcome to asian at home and today i'm so excited because i'm finally sharing my fried chicken recipe this recipe is actually inspired from one of my life in korea series season 3 and we went to this legendary korean fried chicken place and that was the best ever like literally the best ever fried chicken i've ever had the entire of my life so i cannot wait to share this recipe with you guys the first we need to do is cut up this whole chicken so in that chicken restaurant we went they actually cut up their chicken really tiny so i'm gonna try my best to cut this chicken into very small pieces so the first we need to do is cut off the backbones out you can use a chicken scissor if you want to but with the sharp knife they will cut this easily like so already opened and the other side same thing there we go the backbone's out we are actually going to deep fry this backbone as well so just cut into about this this size pieces i would say like about two inches like that break their bone first butterfly them so it'll be easy to cut just cut right through there take the thigh out and take the wings out you just need to follow the joints then it will be really easy to cut it and actually cut the wings into single cut the half breast into six pieces and yes you can actually make this fried chicken with a little more bigger size chicken but i really like their style of making the super tiny chicken pieces it's really easy to eat and when we are frying them we are actually going to fry them really high heat more shorter time so the smaller pieces actually work better for this recipe now let's cut the legs separate the drumstick and the dye first there you go it's like stress relief all right so the three pounds of chicken that i cut into 30 pieces yes 30 pieces you heard me right now we are gonna put all this chicken into a bowl because we are going to marinate them in really flavorful korean style you know garlicky gingery lots of black pepper marinade sauce it's gonna be really good for the marinade we need grate about eight to ten cloves of garlic you can chop them as well but i like grate them so the flavor actually sticks to the chicken little better than chopping garlic i mean chopped garlic that's what i meant same thing to ginger i'm going to grate about a half amount of the garlic all right let's moving on to half cup of soju yes okay i understand soju is not the easiest liquor you can find it uh where you live so you can go ahead and use rice wine the japanese rice wine sake or white wine you can use a vodka as well actually vodka will work too and one tablespoon of salt we've got to season this chicken and about half tablespoon of black pepper lots of black pepper now we are gonna mix it with our hands like this because your hand is the best tool in your kitchen give them good massage oh and by the way if you do not want to use alcohol for your cooking go ahead and use milk instead so that works fine as well all right i think they are looking good now let's cover them with the plastic wrap and pop it in the refrigerator and let it marinate two hours all right my chicken has been marinated for two hours and they absorbed all the delicious flavors so now i'm going to make the batter for the chicken so we will need a cup of tempura powder and we're gonna flavor up this tempura powder by adding half teaspoon of garlic powder and half teaspoon of onion powder quarter teaspoon of curry powder this is the secret of korean fried chicken that when you're tasting korean chicken korean fried chicken it has like the flavor that you cannot guess what it is like it's so good but cannot can i figure out what this is it's a little small pinch of curry powder secret just released let's add two tablespoons of cornstarch even though tempura powder is super duper crunch we still want extra crunch for korean fried chicken right and two teaspoons of sugar whisk them all together [Music] let's add all these chicken pieces into our fried chicken mixture the powder mixture we don't need this wet part we just need the chicken all right before we add the water we are gonna toast them first in the dried ingredients by the time you should heat your frying oil to 375 degrees yes we are not frying on 350 average we are going to fry them little more higher heat and little more less time i mean and that is secret from the restaurant as well and another secret is they actually use kama sod which is a korean style cast iron pot and that is one of their secret as well how they are cooking their chicken so crispy outside the juicy inside and evenly cooked so i'm gonna use my cast iron wok to fry up my chicken all right i think my chicken looks good coat it evenly with the dried ingredients this is time to add some water so i have a half cup of water right here but i'm not going to add all in once because i actually want to see how it goes because every time when the weather is different they sometimes get too wet or too dry so i'm going to add a quarter cup first then toss it and see and seems like the quarter cup is just enough today all right let's fry them i cannot wait drop the chicken pieces one by one so they won't stuck to each other and make sure not to crowd your frying pan because if you add too much chicken at one time the oil temperature will drop too quick and the chicken won't be become crispy at all so make sure you do maybe two or three batches cook them six to seven minutes or until they are lightly golden brown and three-quarter to almost fully cooked right now we are going to increase the heat to 400 degrees and drop all the fried chicken into the hot oil to double fry yes korean fried chicken got to double fry for extra crunch [Music] second fry will take only one to two minutes and remove from the oil hot tub my fried chicken oh my goodness this is fried chicken heaven right here so okay i'm just going to set aside right here because i'm going to make a sauce to serve with real quick so in a mason jar i'm going to add one and a half tablespoon of soy sauce and one and a half tablespoon of vinegar and two tablespoons of water one tablespoon of sugar lastly one and a half tablespoon of asian mustard so this sauce is not a typical korean fried chicken sauce but this is actually the sauce jacob loved and adored so much in the legendary korean fried chicken restaurant they had this sweet salty tangy mustardy sauce in it and you dipping fried chicken it's so heavenly asian mustard part you can actually just eyeball it because it's really up to you how much you like that little tingle in your nose kind of flavor jacob really loves it so just add a little extra and close it and we are gonna shake it [Music] all righty all right sauce number one is ready i'm just gonna pour it right here to a serving bowl and sauce number two is yes the signature korean fried chicken red sauce i already have a recipe so go ahead and check it out my this korean fried chicken bites at korean street style of korean fried chicken i don't know how many time i said korean in this video but anyways and the last option for the dipping the fried chicken as a legendary style is some salt and pepper mixture so since we i made some of the red sauce already i'm gonna go ahead and toast half of the fried chicken in the sauce you hear the sound oh yeah that's what we want so crunch crunch and pour the red sauce in it and toss it oh my my mouth is furry oh my goodness the smell is fantastic [Music] it's so good and actually my nephew is in the house right now and he's watching me eating and he will be dying to eat this when you're having korean fried chicken you gotta have a beer oh this is not too stupid perfect thank you okay still like this just because i have this in the refrigerator what the heck i guess even my beer is excited for the korean fried chicken right [Music] oh i'm gonna try this with the sauce that is so good [Music] guys [Music] what happened on your word all the time and effort that you're making korean fried chicken at home it's so worth it [Music] [Applause] oh dude [Music] if you haven't watched it yet go ahead and watch my legendary korean fried chicken in korea the live in korea series video right here of the the card right up there watch this and you watch that yeah you're gonna hold the fried chicken like right now okay my nephew is like right front of me but he's still in pajama so he doesn't wanna come on the camera what he wanna eat you know it's so amazing how the korean fried chicken can make a person so happy so guys if you loved my korean fried chicken recipe please give me a thumbs up and subscribe my channel for more inspirations and ideas of asian home cooking thank you so much for watching me today and remember you can always cook asian food at your house making it easy and fun i'm sanyon longast and this is asian at home and i'll see you next time bye [Music] okay it's all yours now [Laughter] oh my god foreign [Music] you
Channel: Seonkyoung Longest
Views: 2,364,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: authentic, authentic recipe, seonkyoung, seonkyoung longest, Asian at home, Asian home cooking, Asian at home recipes, Asian recipe, Asian home cook meal, chinese food, Korean food, Japanese food, rec
Id: pVRd5Vjb-R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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