코로나에도 매출은 더 늘었어요, 하루 100kg도 넘게 팔리는 오일장 매운 고추 닭강정 / Spicy Korean Fried Chicken

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Kimp city, korea(Traditional market open once every 5 days) Kneading the fried chicken into pieces Name (dak kang jeong) Making the dough for frying Deep-fried whole chicken Price of 1 dog USD 8.8 Fried chicken legs Fried chicken wings Kneading the fried chicken into pieces Name (dak kang jeong) Fried chicken gizzard Spicy pepper Rice cake (same as used f or tteokbokki) Mixing spicy and non-spicy sauce Savory peanut powder I ordered half and half fried and seasoned I ordered half and half fried and sea soned I ordered half and half fried and seasoned
Channel: Yummy Go 야미고
Views: 13,764,460
Rating: 4.7476344 out of 5
Keywords: 길거리음식, Korean street food, 한국길거리음식
Id: DNXm-te41_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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