Korean Chicken Wings: CRUNCHY BAKED WINGS w TWO Sauces (Dakgangjeong 닭강정) (양염치킨) 두 가지 소스 레시피

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi everyone this is Helen from modern pepper thank you so much for joining me today so you're wondering what are we eating today well today we will be having baked buffalo wings and baked Korean chicken spicy and also non spicy so you're wondering baked probably doesn't taste good but I beg to differ because I have a secret recipe that I use to make crispy baked wings and it is just as yummy as deep-fried chicken wings and I'm sorry I'm actually Julie as I'm talking to you because the smell from these wings are just incredibly insane in that I'm like I can't even talk to you right now because I just want to dig in and eat my wings but before I do that I want to just briefly explain that the buffalo wing sauce is super easy to make and the soy sauce Korean chicken wings and it's incurrent it's called young young chicken and this is quite simple to make and to make the spicy version of the Korean chicken wings we take the same sauce from here and just add a few more ingredients to make a spicy version I don't think anyone could tell the difference if these were baked or fried if you if you come and take a look at it really close and you could see in the footage next to me no one would think that you actually baked these it's actually so much easier to bake the wings Center deep fry it because do you frying you have to do so much work after to filter the oil properly and store it properly and if you don't use it within a small window the oil that you stored from your previous fry it goes bad and who wants to use bad oil to fry your food and making these baked wings is so simple that next time you have a party you can literally put together three different sauces and you can make the sauces ahead of time you just need to heat it up properly and just mix it all up and voila you have a platter of three different kinds of chicken wings and no one would ever think that you actually baked them and as with all of my recipes you could go to modern pepper calm and I have a list of all the ingredients in detail with recipe instructions so let's get started now I have about two dozen chicken wings here and I know some of you think that these are actually chicken legs but they're not they're the part of the chicken wing where this parts attached to the body and this part is the flat part that flies I know maybe it's TMI but these are not chicken legs these are chicken wings so when you go shopping for them just make sure to buy chicken wings not chicken drumettes now as with all of my video recipes please visit modern pepper com where I will have a detailed list of all the ingredients and also recipe instructions okay so I'm going to add some garlic powder oregano and paprika in here for salt a couple pinches and then some black pepper a generous amount maybe one-third of a teaspoon my Koreans disposable kitchen gloves or you could use your hands and just gently mix everything making sure that every piece of the chicken is covered in our spices it already smells so good so I just want you to see your chicken should be nicely coated with all the spices and if you have the extra time store the marinated chicken in the refrigerator overnight so the chicken has more time to absorb all the spices but if you're pressed for time one hour is sufficient now we will be dusting the chicken with some cornstarch and sweet rice flour now if you've never used this before they usually have this a big chain groceries but you could also purchase this on amazon.com I will also post the link to amazon.com to purchase this on my website so I have here equal parts of corn starch and the sweet rice flour and a teaspoon of salt now once your chicken has marinated in the refrigerator for at least an hour or overnight take your mixture make sure you mix up the mixture pretty well and just dump it all in here now using your hands just gently toss your chicken wings in the dry flour our corn starch and rice flour we want to make sure that every part of your chicken wing is nicely dusted and coat it with our flour so I just want to show you how it looks so each chicken every chicken is nicely dusted with our flour and this is what we're going for this will just help our chicken get a little bit crisp in their oven now take a baking sheet and cover it with your foil pre-heat your oven to 350 so shake off any excess and when you place it in the baking sheet make sure that there's space in between each chicken we do not want to overcrowd our chicken and have them steamed in there make sure to put the skin side up now the key to this recipe is to make sure that you don't overcrowd the chicken wings and that each chicken ring has enough space around it and it's not overcrowded so I had to separate two dozen chicken wings into two baking trays so make sure to do that when you're making this at home so my secret weapon to making crispy baked chicken wings is this oil spray I'm using olive oil but certainly use any oil of your choice I should make sure to shake it and we're just gonna spray each one like so going across across across and across I mean this recipe is so simple going across and then you turn it over and spray the other side I mean this is so easy that you could even have your one of your children come and help you now make sure that the skin part is facing up and because we spray the chicken on both sides there's another convenience factor you don't have to take it out halfway and flip them over so this is super convenient and I can't wait for you to taste this and make this at home because this is really a hit I had my three children and my husband also test it and they thought it was just as good certainly it's great to deep-fry chicken at home but the post cleanup is pretty intense because you have to properly cool it down and after you cool it down you have to filter out all the particles and residue of whatever you fried in the oil that has to be completely filtered correctly and then you have to store it and after you store it you only have a small window before the oil starts going bad for me when I fry food at home I like to use a bigger pot because you if you try to fry food in a small pot then you have to only put a little bit amount of food at a time because the last thing you want to do is try to deep fry something and overload it with too much food then the heat won't retain at the level that it needs to deep fry nicely so the temperature will drop down and the food in the frying pan will start getting like steam together as opposed to deep frying so anyway there's a lot of technical aspect as well as post cleanup for deep frying I mean it's quick to do once in a while but this is my go-to method because again because I'm a mother of three and I have a husband there's just so many other things I have to do so I like to cook in a way that is efficient not only in time but also it just saves me a lot of time after I'm done cooking because who really likes to clean up after they cook not I not I let's get these wings in the oven they will bake for about 45 minutes at 350 degrees or until golden brown so I want you to see how crispy are chicken wings look I mean they have not been deep-fried but baked in the oven and these guys look super crispy so let's get started on making our sauce so for the buffalo wings i love crystals I mean I think in my opinion crystals hot sauce is just Bar None so when I make my buffalo wings I def always use crystals and butter those are the two ingredients you need so crystals you could find at any local grocery store or you could also order it on amazon.com now for the Korean chicken wing sauce I like to use a little bit of the Korean beef bouillon powder it's called Takeda and you could buy this at your Korean grocery store or also buy it on Amazon the second ingredient that you need to make the spicy version of the Korean chicken wings is gochujang and gochujang is Korean red pepper paste you can find this at your local Korean grocery market and you could also purchase this on amazon.com so I will have links to amazon.com for these ingredients on my blog at modern pepper comp so when you're ready to make it make sure to please check out my blog at modern pepper calm hi so we're gonna get started on making our sauces for our buffalo wings and for Korean chicken wings so to make our buffalo wing sauce you add 3-4 quarters of crystals hot sauce and make sure your frying pan is heated nice it's mine lays at medium-high then add your butter then just melt your butter and as soon as the butters melted your sauce is done that easy to make buffalo wing sauce and this sauce is just as good as the ones you are used to having at restaurants I think as soon as the butter melts and you see a bubbling over that's it just turn the heat off and it's ready so I placed our crispy baked chicken wings in a mixed large mixing bowl and take your sauce and we're just going to pour it on top oh god I wish you could smell this oh I smell so good so I just want to show you how it looks I mean these chicken wings look like they were fried let's just take one and look how crispy this chicken looks so we're gonna just toss our wings oh my goodness I am drooling as I'm tossing our chicken wings cuz I can't wait to have a bite of it soon smells so good so make sure your wings are nicely coated and now the sauce that I'm making it should be enough for about two dozen chicken wings more or less and it is ready hi everyone since I put this baked chicken wing recipe together in the spirit of saving some calories I also put together a healthier version of ranch dressing using creme fraiche this is super easy all you need is two tablespoons of crème fraiche a tablespoon of milk 1 teaspoon of brown rice vinegar but any rice vinegar will do and one tablespoon of freshly grated Parmesan cheese and please do not use those pre graded that comes in a weird canister this imitation ones make sure to use a microplane and real Parmesan cheese and it will just add a nice subtle touch to the dipping sauce and using a small whisk or a fork just mix the ingredients together so I made this for my kids and my kids are experts corner coat when it comes to ranch dressings because you know I think most kids like ranch dressing for what it is it is pretty creamy and it's high in calorie and I put this together for my kids and they thought that it was ranch dressing they had no idea that I made this with creme fraiche so we're going to add just a pinch or to a salt and just a little bit of fresh black pepper and then just mix it one more time so if you put this out for your friends with your buffalo wings let me know if they think this is real ranch dressing don't tell them that it isn't but anyway let's have a quick taste mm so good creme fraiche it's just so decadent so creamy but it doesn't have that weird heavy cream taste it tastes light at the same time and it's just like a perfect amount of Tang Eunice with the rice vinegar and the Parmesan cheese adds the salty and creamy texture it's really delicious now if you don't want to use Parmesan cheese you could certainly add blue cheese or any cheese of your choice and this is super it simple to make and I hope you make this and serve it with your baked buffalo wings now to make our Korean soy sauce chicken wings bring your heat to medium high at a tablespoon of oil at half of a small onion finely chopped and three cloves of minced fresh garlic at some pinch or two of salt and black pepper now our our onions are ready we just want to lightly sweat them out okay so one cup of boiling water into the pan quarter cup of soy sauce quarter cup of brown sugar my heat is that still medium-high quarter cup of brown rice vinegar 2 tablespoon of honey bring your heat up to high at this point we're gonna just make sure everything is incorporated nicely now that it's boiling we're gonna add 3 tablespoons of butter let that melt bring your heat down a little bit to medium-high now once the butter has melted we're going to add the Korean boolean powder and then we're just going to have a quick taste oh it's yeah now we'll be adding a quarter cup of tap water to a tablespoon of corn starch mix it well so here's the sauce that we made and just toss it I hope you could see this oh my goodness Oh smells so good it's like vinegary smell with the salty smell of the soy sauce and then you can smell the garlic and they smell the scallions I'm drooling this would be so good with some cold beer Light beer YUM okay it's ready and we're just gonna plate this now as much as you may want to just add excess sauce don't add don't add it when you plate it because if you add the excess sauce to the chicken when you plate it the extra sauce will make the chicken soggy and we don't want that we just want the sauce is just generously cover the chicken so that it just enhances the taste of the chicken anyway can't wait to taste this with you to make this spicy sauce for our commune wings make the sauce exactly the same as the one before this non spicy version and we're just going to add a couple more ingredients to make it spicy we're going to add one tablespoon of Korean red pepper paste gochujang and then we're going to add two tablespoons of ketchup your favorite ketchup I'm using Heinz just make sure to mix all the ingredients well my heat is that medium right now and then we're going to add one stalk of green onions and for added heat I'm adding jalapenos and I sliced them pretty thin like so make sure to remove all the seeds we do not want to add any seeds of the jalapeno so I'm adding half jalapeno pepper and one stalk of green onions and let that simmer now on medium heat for good 30 seconds so for our last ingredient we're going to add some corn starch and make sure to stir so that is a quarter cup of water and 1 tablespoon of corn starch and we're just slowly adding to our sauce and using the whisk to just stir and my heat is still at medium now so that it's sort of similar for good 30 seconds and it's done and we're going to taste it it's been 30 seconds of me whisking all the ingredients together and I'm going to turn the heat off and the sauce is nice and thick and we're gonna taste it now mmm it's great just a perfect amount of Tang unis and spiciness no matter heat in here for me is more than enough so but if you like it hotter add more jalapeno peppers you could add cayenne pepper you could add Korean red pepper flakes so go ahead and make it as spicy as you want look at our crispy baked chicken wings Oh smells so good too now we're gonna add the spicy version of the Korean chicken wing sauce Oh YUM so all the sauce ingredients are enough for about two dozen wings so any extras you have do not add it to the plate when you plate your chicken wings the extra sauce will just make the chicken wings soggy in and that's the last we wanted you our goal is to generously coat the chicken with the sauce and just plate it I'm having trouble speaking right now because I'm just drooling in my own mouth this smells incredible I really wish I could share this with you but I can't so make this at home and try it it will certainly be a crowd-pleaser and our chicken wings are ready to be plated and no one would dare to think that you actually baked them because these ones are super crispy I hope you try these at home and I hope you enjoy them and if you have any comments or questions please do contact me on my social media I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did I would greatly appreciate a like on your social media please like my Facebook page and also I would greatly greatly appreciated if you would subscribe to my youtube channel because your subscription means that I can continue making these videos with you and continue to cook together now I really can't talk anymore I really have to devour these wings and of course I cannot let you see me pick out on camera and of course with any wings a light refreshing beer would be completely ideal to have together with these wings so for now I have to say goodbye because I am about to devour these wings and get myself all happy from eating yummy yummy wings so I'm gonna give my napkin ready and see you next time because I got to go eat these before my children show up and eat them all bye now [Music] [Music]
Channel: Modern Pepper
Views: 49,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 닭강정, fried chicken, crispy fried chicken, Korean fried chicken, crunchy fried chicken, superbowl chicken, spicy crispy chicken wings, sweet spicy crispy chicken, fried chicken wings, crispy homemade chicken wings, the best Super Bowl chicken wings, Korean food, Korean cooking, Korean cuisine, chicken recipe, best fried chicken, most popular fried chicken recipe, dakgangjeong, Maangchi, Korean recipe, Korean authentic recipe, Korean kitchen, cooking, YouTube video recipe, 백종원, 백주부
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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