How to make Korean Fried Chicken (Dakgangjeong, 닭강정) - Easy and delicious!

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[Music] hello guys welcome to korean papa today we'll be making takangyong crispy crunchy korean fried chicken coated with a sticky sweet and savory sauce with a little bit of spicy cake from gochujang we'll be making with bite-sized boneless chicken pieces so it cooks up very fast and the sauce is very easy to put together with a few basic ingredients let's get started i have one pound boneless skinless chicken thighs here let's remove some visible fat actually it works better if you use kitchen shears you can actually use chicken breast if you want chicken wings would be good too but it will take longer to cook next we're gonna cut these into bite-sized pieces so depending on the size of your thigh you probably can get four to six pieces so this recipe is really easy to double just use two pounds or three pounds of chicken for a bigger crowd it's all ready to be seasoned [Music] okay now we're gonna season the chicken we'll need about a quarter teaspoon salt and a little pinch or two of pepper half teaspoon of ginger and half teaspoon of garlic and we're gonna mix all this up hands always are the better tool right get in there mix it all up all right we're just gonna let this sit so you can marinate a little bit sometimes i soak the chicken in a little bit of milk for like 20 to 30 minutes it's a technique that koreans use to remove some of the gamy taste of chicken but we'll skip that here okay now the sauce one tablespoon soy sauce three tablespoons of rice wine this is mirin you can use any any kind of rice wine or other wine this is sesame oil two teaspoons and two tablespoons apple cider vinegar you can use any kind of clear vinegar rice vinegar or white vinegar two tablespoons of brown sugar and pinch of pepper now this is a korean oligo syrup you can use a corn syrup or rice syrup koreans typically use syrup for takangyong sauce but you can also use honey if you don't have any syrup reduce the amount of honey because honey is much sweeter than the syrup last not least is a gochujang gochujang gives that nice little spicy kick to the sauce if you want to make it mild just swap it out with another tablespoon of soy sauce [Music] a tablespoon of ketchup will be good if you're not using gochujang it will add color and flavor to the sauce so we're going to bring this to a boil if you want to boost the spiciness a little bit just add a little bit of gochugaru korean red chili pepper flakes or dried red chili peppers just cut up some and boil together with the sauce stir well to dissolve the gochujang when it all bubbles up like this reduce the heat to medium low and let it simmer until it's slightly thickened it takes about three minutes okay sauce looks perfect it's slightly thickened so we are going to turn the heat off and we'll come back to that later now back to our chicken so we're going to use potato starch potato starch gives that light crispy crunchy crust to the chicken dressing really well one at a time okay dredging is done give the starch a little time to absorb the moisture from the chicken and stick to the chicken forming a nice thin crust depending on the size of your pot you will need about three cups maybe you can get away with a little bit less i'm using vegetable oil here but you can use whatever oil that you use for deep frying so we're going to need to bring this oil temperature to around 3 30 325 330. if you don't have a thermometer i'll show you how to test the oil let's drop a little piece of cornstarch and see it it went down a little bit and came up and that's ready if the oil starts to smoke that's too hot you need to turn it off so that it cools down a little we're gonna fry in two batches don't overcrowd the oil you can use tongs i'm using chopsticks because i'm used to it but you can use tongs just gently move them around and we're going to fry these up until it gets lightly golden brown it will take about 3-4 minutes and we're going to double fry these things if you don't like oil splatter just use one of these splatters green it's getting nicely golden and we can now remove [Music] it's all ready crispy okay we're gonna reheat this oil to 3 30. i'm going to test it again oh great if any of these are stuck together don't try to break them up uh they will come off just by you tapping it once they are all really golden brown all right now we're gonna take them out this is good enough for the first frying look at that it's already very nice and golden and crispy let it rest and drain okay oil is hot enough so we're gonna do second frying you can do this in two batches too if you use a smaller pot but i'm gonna do all at once for the second frying you're gonna now wait until really nicely golden brown all right so we're going to remove them [Music] while that's resting and draining are going to heat up our sauce the sauce is bubbling up again and we'll add our chicken [Music] mix it really well mix it all up make sure that every piece of chicken is coated really well with the sauce guys this looks beautiful what do you think look at this while it's warm i'm gonna garnish with some sesame seeds you can also use any nuts and seeds peanuts are popular in korea but i am going to use my pumpkin seeds okay guys all done so this delicious takanjung is so easy to put together i hope you try it soon thank you for [Music] watching [Applause] stay tuned for more recipes from korean pepsi until next time i know you guys
Channel: Korean Bapsang
Views: 180,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean fried chicken, how to make Korean fried chicken, dakgangjeong, KFC, how to fry chicken, crispy chicken, how to make dakgangjeong, 닭강정, 닭강정 만드는법, Korean fried chicken recipe, how to make crispy chicken, crunchy Korean fried chicken, how to make fried chicken, how to make Korean fried chicken sauce, How to make Korean fried chicken batter, How to make easy Korean fried chicken
Id: azTODcAdwqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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