Honey Sriracha Chicken Wings and the Secret to Crispy Baked Wings!

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[Music] hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with honey sriracha chicken wings that's right not only are you gonna see a super delicious and unbelievably easy chicken wing glaze but besides that i'm also gonna show you the ultimate method for doing chicken wings in the oven that come out just as crispy as the deep-fried ones and yes we've done many other oven fried chicken wing recipes but this one quite frankly blows them all away and the coolest thing is we're gonna do it with an ingredient you would never think in a million years would go on a chicken wing okay so let's get started and of course none of this is going to be possible without some chicken wings so I have about two and a half pounds here of fresh chicken wing sections you got your flats and you got your drums and you can usually find these already cut up like this but if you do buy the whole ones we've posted videos to show you how to break those down so I'll put a link to that somewhere and once we're all set with our wings we can move on to the spice rub which is going to start off pretty routinely with some kosher salt we're also gonna add some freshly ground black pepper and then we'll add a little bit of smoked paprika so so far nothing too out of the ordinary but then to this we're gonna add two spoons of baking powder no I haven't been drinking we're gonna add in two big spoons of baking powder not baking soda baking powder and we'll give that a mix and believe it or not that baking powder is gonna cause a chemical reaction on the surface of those wings that's gonna very very closely mimic what happens when you deep-fry them so once that's mixed up we're gonna sprinkle over about half and we'll give that a little toss to coat then we will dump over the other half of the mixture give it another toss okay we want all these chicken wings perfectly and evenly coated with that mixture and once our wings have been tossing our spice mixture we'll go ahead and transfer those onto a sheet pan and what I like to do here is put down a piece of foil and then place a baking rack right on top and then I'll transfer the wings on top of that rack and this will still work if you don't have one of those but by raising those wings up a little bit we're gonna get heat convection underneath which really does help the crispy process and of course you're gonna place these down thoughtfully we don't want them on top of each other we want them evenly spaced and once those have been panned up we'll go ahead and transfer those into the center of a 425 degree oven for 20 minutes at which point we'll pull them out and give them a turn and do not expect these to look good at this point in fact they looked the opposite of good they look strange and scary because that baking powder the skins gonna take on a very dry kind of white powdery appearance that once saturated with the natural chicken fats and the skin is gonna turn unbelievably crispy so we're gonna give those a turn and we're gonna put them back in for another 20 minutes at which point we'll pull them out and repeat the process and now you can see most of that dry surface has disappeared you may still see a little dry spot here and there no big deal those areas should get saturated with the fat as these cook but if you're nervous you can always dab some available chicken fat on those spots so like I said we'll flip those over and then what we'll do is we'll pop those back in for another 10 15 minutes or so until they're brown and crispy it's gonna depend on the size of your wings and other variables so we'll go ahead and pop those back in to finish cooking and while we're waiting let's go ahead and mix up our honey sriracha glaze which as I mentioned is incredibly easy in fact this is so simple it's almost not a recipe so let's add some honey to a bowl and then to our honey we're basically gonna add the same amount of Si Racha which is how I've been told to pronounce it three distinct syllables si Racha although you know what that sounds kind of weird I'm going back to sriracha and then besides the two main ingredients we're also gonna put in a little drizzle of rice vinegar and a few drops of sesame oil just a few and we'll give that a mix and that's pretty much it so our glaze is set at this point we'll head back to the oven to grab our wings which are hopefully cooked by now so let's check it out and oh yeah those are done and you'll know because the meat will be tender and those wings will be beautifully browned and crispy like crispy for real check it out Fork don't lie and by the way if you're thinking great they're crispy but it tastes like baking powder now it does not at all you would never know was ever on there and of course I could explain scientifically how all this works you know after learning it myself but why bother who says we have to understand everything all I know is it approves is an incredibly crispy wing with absolutely no off flavor so just an incredibly cool and super effective technique and of course for our last step we're gonna toss those in a bowl we will drizzle over our glaze and we'll flip those around to coat sure use a spatula or spoon for this part but I really prefer the old Buffalo Bowl flip but that's up to you you are the boss of your sauce toss and by the way look how gorgeous that sauce is that color is so beautiful looks artificial which is like the ultimate compliment and then once our formerly crispy wings are coated in that glaze we'll transfer that to a serving platter and because we use some sesame oil earlier it's completely legal and appropriate to sprinkle a few sesame seeds on top and sure that's a garnish but mostly it's to identify these are not not your average buffalo chicken wing Oh far from it so let me go in for the official taste and we'll forget about texture for a minute this glaze is so good I think it just has that perfect balance between sweet and heat and then above and beyond that magnificent taste the texture really is almost identical to what you get out of a deep fryer and by the way if you're wondering why does it matter if the wings are crisp if you're gonna toss them into wet sauce anyway that's a great question but the reason the deep-fried buffalo wings are so much better is because this surface grabs on and holds the sauce alrights almost as if the skin kind of fuses to the meats and really soaks in the sauce into all those little micro blisters whereas a baked wing has a much smoother much more slippery kind of flabby surface and it just doesn't hold on to the sauce as well okay but anyway that's it honey sriracha chicken wings every year about this time I get tons of email asking Chef John of all your oven cooked chicken wing methods what would you say is the best and I never knew how to answer that because they all were about the same now I know how to answer that this is the best so I really do hope you give it a try head over to food wishes comm for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 2,791,495
Rating: 4.9460268 out of 5
Keywords: Buffalo Wing (Food), Sriracha Sauce (Food), Honey (Ingredient), Chicken, chicken wings, wings, hot wings, party wings, football, Super Bowl (Sports League Championship), appetizer, snack, chef, john, foodwishes, Chicken Meat (Food), Cooking, recipe, recipes, Kitchen, Restaurant, crispy
Id: BDVg0u2YQ7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 16 2015
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