Korea’s Seafood Street Food!! Super RARE Sea Creatures!!

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in this video oh God it's so slimy I'm gonna be eating the most exotic Seafood I can find the shrimp is very rare it just needs a little bit of I did not see that coming in Busan South Korea this is called a dog shark and they don't cook it they don't steam it here they're gonna make a shark Sashimi they have something I want to show you now this isn't the most odd unusual thing in the world but the way they prepare it it's really unique hold on for our next restaurant I need to be a little bit secretive this is not only an exotic food but a very controversial food here in Korea I'm talking about [Music] South Korea is a peninsula surrounded by Miles and Miles of Coastline for the city of Seoul here to the second biggest city of Busan you can find all kinds of seafood a lot of it is normal but a lot of it is a little bit exotic and strange too some of my favorites from the past include the sea pineapple a baby octopus there's also the fermented skates a food that smells so strongly of ammonia it feels like it's gonna peel off the inside of your mouth here today in Jackal cheese outdoor Market we are gonna find some of the best most exotic Seafood you can imagine coming up right now after this music montage [Music] we have come to our first location these are ugly looking eel type creatures the way they're prepared it might scare you a little bit because they still rise and wriggle a little bit even though the head is removed actually I'm not sure if they removed the head or not we're about to find out oh wow so in the back you can see the tail is kind of flat like a butter knife and then it oh thank you oh they're really slimy look at that bizarre wormy noodly face oh God looks like it just had a wet dream oh my hands are never gonna get clean I'm never going to recover from this financially or emotionally um wow I I I wanna end my life right now so right now she's gonna show us how she actually takes the skin off the animal she actually puts a needle through its head puts that through the cutting board she makes such quick work of this slicing down the body peeling the meat away from the skin these little bits that look kind of like rice grains are eggs I'm told and that right there is the delicious hagfish meat these are not alive and in fact these right here can keep moving for up to seven hours I'm told wow this I mean I just look at it in my mouth and it's watering it looks so good foreign we have our fish right here they're going to be put upon the grill oh wow yeah this is more than I bargained for this seems difficult to cook I've never had a situation where the fish was actually still escaping the cooking vessel while being cooked even though it had long since passed away I gotta say it doesn't smell that great it smells like burnt fish but that doesn't mean it can't taste great from here she has the scissors and she's cutting them down to little bite-sized pieces wow this actually looks like a giant cow penis put on some tin foil she said it's actually a bit easier to cook with the tin foil on there perhaps it disperses to heat more evenly she's cut all of it into the tiny little bite-sized pieces with the scissors and then now she's just roasting it flipping them one by one just like typical Korean barbecue she said give me your hand she put on the song juice some lettuce other kind of lettuce piece of raw garlic oh she just put the fish into sesame oil and then she said put on some samjong sauce all right so she said wrap it up and freaking eat it and stop talking that has raw garlic and sesame oil and the samjong sauce so there's a lot of potent flavors being mixed in with the meat so right here we have just the fish this white part sticking out here she said it's just part of the muscle huh what muscle is that she said at least give it like a swipe the sesame oil look at that steamy hagfish it looks so ugly a little bit ago and now it still looks terrifying cheers well it's actually pretty decent it has a really chewy texture the meat is not really fishy at all it almost tastes like pork this is like the tail the tail is a little bit less meaty a little bit more crunchy almost like a tendon but really nice this is a neck there's this cut that they love in Korea it's like Pig neck and it's just like that where it's like a really dense fatty delicious meat yeah what the egg fish it has a brutal sounding name it looks intense it's very slimy but in the end tastes pretty good she's like now leaving [Music] for our next restaurant I need to be a little bit secretive this is not only an exotic food but a very controversial food here in Korea I'm talking about whale meat whale hunting in South Korea is strictly prohibited however there's a loophole when it comes to consuming whale meat it's allowed if the meat comes from accidental catches or the species can be verified now I'm told that the animals here the whale is not endangered but some of the whale that was brought into this country was done so illegally South Korean fishermen have been taking advantage of this bycatch loophole by legally selling whale meat that they claimed accidentally was caught in their fishing nets however research has shown that recent bycatch numbers are far above normal a situation that has stirred controversy in South Korea most of these whale restaurants do not want you to film their restaurant so we're still going to ask permission and if they say we can it's just cool tourists hanging out here in Busan then we'll do that so I'm told this is from The Mink whale it's like blubber it's a fat and then she just kind of slices thin slices so I'm told I said tail meat and this is kind of from the back of the neck wow that's big so this is a hard piece of meat it's a free upgrade and this is some soft stomach part of the whale so they give us a million different parts here foreign spoke to the woman outside very nice lady I don't intend on showing her face or revealing which restaurant is hers because we don't actually have proper permission to shoot inside of here but that being said you know just an american guy and his Vietnamese wife and his Korean guide out for some whale nothing unusual about that to be honest it doesn't look that good that is the skin then there's a big inch and a half of fat roughly if you're a whale you're a big creature in cold water you need a lot of blubber around you to keep you warm so that is what all that that is and then there's protein after that I'm told let me just put it in here a little bit of salt let's try it out wow put some garlic back oh it's so fatty greasy fermented tasting I'm not sure why people would opt to eat this they tastes pretty bad flavors are stuck to the back of my throat now she did give us different types of pieces so here's another type they said to put just a little bit there's special secret sauce [Music] that was a bit drier less fatty less intense it's a little bit more like jerky not so strong tasting here's another different type of cut I'm gonna hit it with just the salta cheers all right everything is better than that really fatty one I had it's a different experience from what I had in Faroe Islands this is all just Addy pieces there's no like steak or protein here where in Pharaoh they had a balance of like skin fat and protein so it's a wild experience I don't know how much longer we can keep pretending we're making a vacation video I think we need to wrap it up before they get too suspicious anyways that has been we'll meet filmed secretly in Busan South Korea we have left the whale restaurant and we found something new and interesting let me back up a second this place outside the main Market has a really fascinating Cool vibe to it it's like all these little houses with maybe two or three tables each they have a bit of seafood you can choose the seafood that you want and they'll cook it up right there here we stumbled upon another such place they have something I want to show you now this isn't the most odd unusual thing in the world but the way they prepare it is really unique hold on um [Music] now first of all you got to work smart not hard she takes a basket out of the water and then she uses a knife to peel this off of the basket now that is a succulent delicious interesting looking Abalone you can see the shape of it is actually contoured to the basket and then that shape is also a pretty unique shape too for no reason so we've all seen Abalone before it's no big deal but if they cook it the way I'm hoping for we have a tantalizing visual treat in store for us so right here I've ordered four Abalone they've just plucked them out and they're taking them inside wow give them a little bit of a bath wow they clean up nice we're not just here for the Abalone we're also here for this this is called a dog shark and they don't cook it they don't steam it actually here they're gonna make a short Sashimi the shark is right here she's got the net look at that beautiful creature very thin it doesn't seem like we're gonna get that much meat out there so we're gonna have to get two she only has one good arm right now can she do this oh my God all right well when you've got one good arm that is how you kill a shark [Music] once the shark is stripped down it looks like this and there is not a lot of meat remaining at this point it seems they've scraped off pretty much everything I am told it's gonna be Sashimi but with the bones and it seems it would have to be because that's about all that's remaining at this point here we go she's brought over the Abalone oh this is what I'm talking about they are just wiggling back and forth in their shell as the heat Creeps in and penetrates the shell they're trying to escape their shell but uh you know they can't because they're connected to it we just asked how long is it going to take for them to cook all the way through and they said soon she's saying it's cooked enough of the way through she's gonna cut it off now so each one just like a snail has a little poop sack Ah that's the mouthpiece she's cutting that off too so from here she's just gonna cut it down into a little bitty bite-sized pieces right here we have all the meat it's looking fantastic some of these pieces are feeling a bit more burnt and and finished the dipping options are red chili sauce or we have sesame oil with a little bit of salt inside I'm gonna give it a little bit of a dip and the sesame oil cheers [Music] overall good I got another pizza here I'm gonna put a little bit less oil on it wow right now it's kind of like medium rare so some parts are a little bit more dense and some parts are a little bit like an oyster almost really soft the flavor is really clean you mix it with a little bit of the sesame oil it's just salty it's smoky it's really good overall for me the most fascinating part of eating Abalone like this is just seeing the way they prepare it you're literally watching them like trying to crawl out of their shell and they can't too brutal I'm not sure so I don't think Apple only even have brains hey Siri do Abalone have brains Abalone don't have brains as we typically think of them but can I tell you the people who get offended by seeing the abalones being cooked they also don't have brains so that is the Abalone right here we have the full shark filet and then on both sides there's two different types of Sashimi there's one with the bone and one without the bone so I'm just gonna grab a little piece and try it out I found the bone tough flavor it's a little bit like mineraly type flavor nothing fishy or anything like that I'm gonna try to eat this pizza that has no bone well the meat is really tough it's kind of like eating raw octopus let's put it in the red chili sauce if you add some flavor to it it's better sauce is spicy it's been Savory and then you have some nice meat to just kind of chew on but that's about it this isn't food to get you full by any means this is food to kind of hang out chill drink 18 beers seven bottles of Soju with a group of friends and you all just like take a little bite all I'm missing is best friends there is one food remaining in this video but first we need to wait for the sun to go down we'll come to our next exotic Seafood location right behind me a restaurant specializing in shrimp but not just any kind of shrimp this place is called most of these shrimp here originate from the island of doctor is a very contentious Island don't talk to any Korean person about it because they think they own it the Japanese think they should own it and if you're in Korea just feel like that's definitely your guyses I don't actually know I have no idea I'm just gonna assume it is they have three different types of shrimp I want to show you first if you come look down here this is what's known as the taxi that literally translates to Chicken shrimp if you look hard enough it kind of looks like some loose chicken hair is coming off its shrimp head up here we have a couple more varieties that are mixed together this is the goseiu the flour shrimp it looks like a flower but lurking amongst the flower shrimp are these gigantic shrimp with that big spiny crust on its helmet that is known as a dojoiseu if you get them at the right time of year and break them open they're going to be full of either green or blue eggs that's what we're looking for today next we're gonna get the guy who works here ask him to plunk out all those giant shrimp cut them open and see what's inside well it's a long name usually it's just three syllables this is our fisherman fishing by hand as you can see I didn't know they made gloves that tall follow him I don't know what's happening all right so he's getting a stepping stool right here my man has climbed up and oh my gosh he plucked one out already that is massive and it's looking bluish almost green on the inside look at those eggs going in here he doesn't have a ton of them but they are hiding and he has to pluck them out one by one wow look at that guy very active doing sit-ups I love that these shrimp are so active unlike that king crab I got the other day that looked like it was halfway dead all right those are the shrimp right there we're about to prepare them sadly there is only one single shrimp that has eggs inside take a look at that and you can see the individual eggs I'm gonna be eating that in just a moment step number one he rips it plum in half looking in the head section over here it doesn't seem that they enjoyed that but this is kind of the quickest process to end their life Wow Savage but delicious looking at the same time the next step is to peel the shell off of each one but we're gonna keep it raw so these right here are ready to eat these here are destined for the fryer as soon as they crisp up we're gonna eat those two bye guys right here we have our food I'm told there's a couple more things they're gonna bring oh yes he's brought me a live shrimp that he's placing on top of my beer they brought some crabs too the uh Well Service in Korea means something that's on the house it's like they almost want to thank you for coming and for spending money well why would they want to thank me for that it might be because this plate I just found out costs over two hundred dollars the shrimp is very rare it's difficult to obtain and so that's why it is so expensive what's unique about the look is that right from the shell without being cooked they actually look kind of cooked first I but I want some beer actually you can hang out here just got it ah nice now we're all comfortable here the body I'm gonna put that right here into the soy sauce [Music] oh that's really good how many shrimp do I have here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven it's like twenty dollars per shrimp that's wild we are not gonna let this go to waste it's a little bit I did not see that coming put that right there what else what was I saying the soy sauce gives it a little bit of salt a little bit of savoriness the texture of the meat is the best part it is not sinewy it's got bite to it but it's tender and soft at the same time there's a slight metallic flavor because it's raw fascinating and delicious but we still have this to look forward to right here so this is the only shrimp I told him not to crack open I just turned it upside down and you can already see the eggs they are bluish green kind of aqua colored eggs it looks awesome so I'm gonna use a spoon and try to get as many of them out as I can it's almost like a sheet connecting them all let's get a little bit of soy sauce on there let's try it out trippy caviar it's Briny they kind of pop in your mouth it's a really nice flavor I love it all right I have the shrimp right here I have the eggs I'm gonna put on a little bit of soy sauce this right here is a shrimp to remember let's go for it foreign there's like a little bit of brininess from the eggs but overall they taste fantastic right here our final course no eggs but lots of head We're Not Gonna actually eat the shell we're supposed to rip it open and then eat what's inside it's like taking a helmet off after a long day on the motorbike oh take a look at that that's like the biggest shrimp thing I've ever seen in my life the rest looks good though cheers sweet soft and tender it's like very fatty fall apart type of shrimp I gotta say that raw shrimp is the best raw shrimp I've ever had in my life the eggs were epic super expensive super rare strange exotic and delicious boom and look at that suddenly it is daytime again what an adventure today we went to four different destinations and we saw several different types of exotic Seafood here in Seoul South Korea sorry I've been Busan today was a mixed bag some things I thought would be bad and they were pretty decent like the hagfish some things I didn't know like the whale and then it turned out to be pretty gross I mean for me personally some people who like that fishy flavor they will love that in the end today I gotta say my favorite food was the shrimp that is the best raw shrimp I've ever had in my life maybe I wouldn't buy a 220 dollars worth again because I didn't really know that that's the price I was paying at that moment I was confused and I feel like I was misled but anyways would you try all these Foods in today's video is there one food that's more interesting than the others let me know downstairs in the comments down below otherwise guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching I will see you next time a peace all right I'm gonna look for more exotic things like uh like a restaurant with heating Without Rain dripping into it oh that would be nice guys before we go I want to say a huge thank you to Joe right here without Joe this trip would not have been awesome he has facilitated this whole shoot from beginning to end in all the locations we went to is you can find more information on Joe here at wandering bicycle on YouTube and on Instagram more information about Busan travel and delicious food that you can find here thank you so much Joe peace all right it feels good to say all right satisfied Joe hates my show yeah I hate you oh cool elevate your style with our brand new clothing collection rock out in our threads feel the thrill of culinary adventures and celebrate with us in style head on over to buffers.shop today
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,396,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ek_i-clECEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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