Prophecy Update | December 2021 | Humanity in Crisis

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welcome to december's prophecy update and just a couple quick reminders glad to have you with us here um uh and we're also glad to have all of you online with us it's always great to have you joining us and um don't forget if you're online or if you're if you're here make sure and subscribe to athy creek's uh youtube channel i'll tell you why whenever we're live on a service it'll let you know uh if you're on youtube it'll pop up and tell you we're live and also all our teachings whether it's the verse by verse chapter by chapter through the bible teachings or these prophecy updates they're all available right there on our youtube channel and you'll know when the new ones have popped on if you're subscribed so click that subscribe button which is really cool and we're getting more subscribers which is kind of fun to see where people are from and uh hearing from you guys that are all over the planet uh it's great and it's funny how these province updates are uh expanding it's it's it's actually one of our smaller services here in the building which is great i like it's kind of like the old days in here just kind of you know but but uh online uh just even what was it i think it was october we had over 300 000 views on youtube alone uh which was amazing so that's kind of fun getting the word out yeah that's fun so share it with your friends let them know because it's it's uh i think it's important to know what's happening in the days that we're living and and i'm glad to be able to uh be a part of that with all you guys so anyway uh we're going to get right to it uh and what we're going to do today is talk about we're going to start with this kind of idea of human adaptability you know it's interesting because uh you know the evolutionists tout this whole concept of uh you know adaptation and and um and so you got this whole idea of evolution um now um now i'm not one uh to really get behind evolution because i believe in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth uh and i think he did it in six days and on the seventh day he rested and the reason i think that is because that's what the bible says he did um and um you know the funny thing about evolution i don't believe that but i do believe in devolution both because the devil's behind it but also in we're really we're not evolving uh we seem to be as humanity devolving and that's actually a word if you didn't know it it's true and you know that's what we're seeing all throughout the human story is a devolution not an evolution and let me explain a little bit you know just when you get down to the the physics or the science of it the second law of thermodynamics uh states that there's a natural tendency uh of any isolated system to degenerate into a more disordered state that's just the natural flow of the universe this idea of the you know the the you know from order to disorder the second law of thermodynamics establishes the concept of entropy as a physical property of a thermodynamic system and basically the cosmos demonstrates that in every way shape and form there's nothing that you really see in the universe that goes from disorder to order nothing um and that's what's interesting because the evolutionist is trying to say oh but there is one one thing um that's you that you went from prebiotic goo um to the intricacy of humanity and and you know it's an amazing thing because uh they try to pump air into that theory and it's it's losing uh steam as science gets further down the road and it will and eventually i believe there's gonna come a day should the lord terry where uh people will uh realize how crazy even if you had a billion years you'd say not in a billion years because you don't see things go from you know disorder to order if you have a bucket of bolts and you shake them up really hard even if you shake them for a billion years it's not going to shake into something like a car or you know like that that would be a way the likelihood of that happening by the way scientifically if you do the the odds and the numbers the odds of you shaking up like a huge hanger i've heard this uh as an illustration where if you had you took all the parts of a 747 and you put them in a giant hangar and then you had you know somebody a giant you know king kong shake the hanger for a billion years how long would it take and for that 747 just to kind of come together accidentally by a fortuitous set of circumstances or whatever it would take more than a billion years it would take it would never happen because it's impossible it's in the realm of scientific impossibility and and that is actually nothing compared to what they're claiming happened with uh with you and me so that's the thing historically it seems we've been able to rise above uh challenges i'll give the the you know the secularists that that we do see humans struggle and that's where they sort of get this idea where we're getting better and better but but um you got to be careful about that because you know if you strip us of all our technology and the things we've invented um we we find ourselves getting right back to sort of neanderthal man it doesn't take long it's not that far of a jump so you know while i do believe adaptation is kind of a thing and it's important adapt adaptability historically we've been able to adapt to challenges that we've faced and today we find ourselves alive and still thriving but today you and i uh we are facing several major problems um that have potential in in my opinion to test human adaptil adaptation kind of on a whole new level and i want to kind of talk about that a little bit this idea of the things we're facing right now are we just going to be able to adapt now given our past history you think we've shown aptitude and adapting but some of these problems which require adaptations be they're going to be beyond what you and i are able human uh power only goes so far and and you know the secularist the person who thinks it's all about us and we're the gods within and all this you know you try to be positive and say we're going to be able to conquer anything that we face but the truth is i believe humanity is starting to face crisis crisis that we're not going to be able to deal with it's going to be way past us and that's why we're going to kind of focus on this idea of humanity in crisis i believe the human species if you want to call us that we're at the highest level of crisis maybe that we've ever been and i want to explain a little bit why do you ever did you you know do you ever think that we'll hit a wall of adaptation where humanity can no longer change as a society and as it turns out the bible says that is gonna happen um could could this by the way uh be what happened at the tower of babel in our you know november prophecy update we looked at the tower of babel and we saw how you know the first attempt at globalism and god made that to fail and we looked at that last time if you missed that prophecy update i'd recommend that you catch up because globalism is part of the end time scenario the bible tells us about in the end of the world and and it's important part of our understanding but you know the trouble at babel was when humanity was heading for something that was so bad that god put a stop to it that's an interesting thing god said i'm not going to allow these people at babel to do what they're about to do um so he you know confused their tongue and scattered the the people groups and made them into uh you know ethnic groups and what have you there's things that we historically have done from time immemorial throughout our world history that you know fill up your history books uh start to finish that um would be unimaginable if we did some of those things today wouldn't you agree some of the things we've done throughout history humanity to each other horrible evil things but considering our history track record wise what are the odds that will never do those things ever again you know if you take the holocaust do you think the holocaust well that'll never happen again um you know there have been many holocausts throughout history it's just that one's fairly near in our history and so we we have the memory of that one but but man there have been many holocausts if you would um where millions and millions of people or ethnic groups were you know targeted and they sought to exterminate them and all that um there's been some horrible horrible things and considering our track record i i wouldn't want to bet on the odds of none of those things ever happening again case in point we're living in an era right now uh which is interesting some of the i don't know political scientists and others are calling it the the long piece um which began in 1945. you and i are living in in the long piece right now and some of you are like well i don't feel like it's very peaceful uh you know since 1945 but but actually if you're a historian you have to admit um you know obviously there's been um a lot of you know bad conflict since 1945 76 years there's been conflict and there's bombs going off all the time and and there's violence all around the world but but when you talk about the long piece we're talking about the the giant conflicts uh like world war level kind of a conflict and we've not had a conflict between the great powers uh since you know 1945. um the kinds of wars you'd see throughout history the mesopotamia wars and onward you know you've got the world wars and the napoleonic wars and the 30-day war and the 100-day war and the punic wars and and just war after war there there there were huge massive almost global sort of conflicts throughout the ages um but one of the things this is one of the constants throughout all of us history and throughout all of the world's history up until about 76 years ago we've had kind of a break a lull in this and that's why they're calling for long peace for 76 years we've not had a global power go to war with the global power and that's interesting what changed what what made that happen um uh well it was 76 years ago in 1945 when humankind you know by the way throughout all of history continuously improving their weapon technology from the stone age and forward finally created a weapon system that might just be too destructive to use um and that was when we broke out this this one picture little boy uh this is that first you know that one of the one of the first of the atomic weapons that was created there and dropped way back then in 1945 um and when we we dropped it we didn't know exactly what to expect as far as human uh humanity goes but since then it's an amazing thing since hiroshima and nagasaki um we have not used these weapons in warfare since then um this is an amazing thing if if by the way historically when we invent new weapons historically if mankind treated you know things we discovered at the end of world war ii like like we treated every other weapon we've created throughout history what would happen to the world today um we would have been destroyed 100 times over or more than that um and but but here's where it gets a little weird and i know i'm getting a little philosophical here but what makes you and me think that this is a theoretical question that that that we would wouldn't use a nuclear weapon again we've been sort of lulled in these past you know 76 years and think oh yeah nobody's going to do that because well i remember remember some of us grew up you you and me if you grew up in my era when we go to school and they tell you well if you get the alert of a nuclear bomb you you're supposed to get under your desk and we crawl under our little desks there and you know and uh i think if it happened my thinking was you just go stand outside and watch it hit your face i'd rather have that happen than to be under my desk but um but there's no guarantee that this long piece now here's where it gets kind of scary there's no guarantee that this long piece lasts forever and it's unimaginable right now what a general war among these great powers would even look like with the kind of you know technology uh that we possess today and and um by the way uh babylon b this this this bomb here i show you here is little boy the babylon b is always good for a laugh they uh they talked about this progress u.s military introduces the very first gender neutral bomb um because we called it little boy in world war ii and that was not gender neutral um you know um but but the thing is now you know the the little boy bomb which was a huge explosion i mean you know killing so many hundred a hundred thousand people in one one blast it's just unimaginable but the the kind of um you know weaponry that we have now uh makes those look like bb guns uh the nuclear weapons and missiles we have now um we're it's kind of like humankind is 70 years plus into an ongoing and unending experiment can we handle as a humanity our weapons technology and the only way out of this experiment is if it ever concludes is if we find out we can't like that's a pretty scary future in endeavor by the way uh when it comes to these weapons and their power um there was a graph that i found uh that basically um shows sort of the levels of some of the weapons uh since the hiroshima and nagasaki bombs when we talk about kilotons um then the the power of these weapons you know hiroshima had a 15 kiloton drop nagasaki 21 kiloton bomb and we've been improving and making them uh bigger and more powerful um and in fairly modern times getting up to that thousand kiloton power was huge and and basically you know when you think of how much greater of an explosion that would be from the hiroshima or nagasaki a thousand times over but in in our modern days i don't know if you realize we're we're still improving upon this if you didn't know that um it's funny how we we think well you know we just drop another bomb like hiroshima but no no uh nobody's even got puny little weapons like that anymore um the the the us b-53 bomb uh we added that to the list and that went up to 9000 kilotons um that was a pretty huge invest and then and then the russians they came up with the rs-28 which is a 50 000 kiloton bomb and one of the newer inventions of the russians and this one's particularly scary because it can be launched from a submarine you can launch this next missile i'm going to show you um you can you can you know scoot up into new york city in the atlantic ocean fairly close and with a a bomb on your submarine you can open the little hatch and shoot this bomb out and the russian status 6 missile is 100 000 kilotons um that's a that's a big bang and i'm not talking about evolution i'm talking devolution human devolves humanity we do stuff to hurt each other to mess each other up we come up with great inventions of how to tear everything apart uh because things go from order to disorder that's the way things naturally flow um and so this this this experiment that the only way we're gonna know if it ends is if we can't control our weapon systems and not use them on each other um man it starts to make you a little nervous like so we're 76 years into this experiment but how much longer will it last it was mark twain pardon me uh not mark twain albert einstein who said um i do not know with what weapon world war three will be fought but world war iv will be fought with sticks and stones and um i think he's probably accurate uh they're pretty sure he said that nobody knows for sure if he's the one who said this but they think it came from him you know and and maybe you remember you know the people that invented the the atomic weaponry of um of world war ii um i guess you know can you imagine if you're one of the inventors and and knowing what you brought into this world and the capabilities um it was j robert oppenheimer who recalls how he and others felt the moments they uh following the trinity test if you if you know your history the trinity test was when they realized they were successful uh making the first nuclear weapon and you'll have to listen closely but this this is oppenheimer in his own words describing how people felt and i think this is kind of telling listen because the world would not be the same two people laughed a few people cried most people were silent [Music] i remembered the line from the hindu scripture the bhagavad-gita vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says now i am become death the destroyer of worlds i suppose we all thought that one way or another pretty brutal to to think about how we can you know destroy the world and you know when you if you lived in the 80s during the cold war we all knew that they could destroy the world the russians the soviets and the united states we could blow the world up you know five times over they said but you know we have bigger more dastardly weapons by the way that one you know uh missile that i was just telling you about the status six they're calling it the ultimate doomsday bomb um but that's even arguable i'll talk about some other bombs that are out there today that might even be worse in some ways but today you and i we it's not just nuclear threat today um in fact there's some people that are making arguments that nuclear threats are kind of the least of our concerns actually um there's actually other things that are very much more real possibly brett are you talking about aoc 12 years uh climate change uh actually no um uh and and uh there's got to be a lot more proof if you ask me before we start worrying as much as everybody's worried about climate change what i'm worried about is what they're gonna do with the concept of climate change and destroy the world with the concept of climate change you know what i mean it's like we've made the problem we've created this problem and uh we're hurting ourselves with this uh this problem but um but all that to say uh you know we need to see what you know that we've brought this upon ourselves humanity and our sinful condition you know we're headed for destruction and and uh that's kind of where we're and you're like wow brett this is really you know you're you're a real debbie downer uh tonight um you know party pooper pessimist um this is depressing but you know what's funny is um we've been studying you and i and many of us were going through the bible we've been studying the prophets and jeremiah and isaiah and hosea and some of these guys we've been talking about daniel they were sort of doomsday prophets if you think about it and everybody sort of laughed at them and said oh yeah whatever stop being such a pessimist and there were the false prophets going around at the time saying hey it's going to be great everything's going to be wonderful you know you're going to be healthy and wealthy and wise and and it's interesting because today you can kind of see the same crowds the bible still teaches that the wrath of god is coming the bible still teaches that the world is coming to an end and that there's a time called the tribulation that's coming and and a lot of the world sort of chuckles oh you guys are into the rapture and the you know tribulation period talking about the end time and and people are scoffing like peter warned about it you know the lord says um the lord is not slack concerning his promise of coming but he's he's wanting people to be saved to repent and peter says you know when men are scoffing you know you're getting to those last days so we really do believe we are living in the last days and and there is a certain doom and gloom part of it but there's also a boom and zoom part that we'll talk about the end doom and gloom or boom and zoom the question is are which one are you ready for and are you uh are you doing the right thing right now in light of that that's the question i think we have and before we can really appreciate god's goodness and his grace and his love i think you have to also see what's coming the black backdrop before you can see the shininess of his goodness and his grace so the reality is really heavy but as christians we also have a reality of god's great hope and that's why i would just start kind of with this idea let not your heart be troubled jesus said in john 14 you believe in god believe also in me don't you know the disciples were troubled because jesus was leaving them but you and i get to be full of hope because christ is going to return the the return of christ is that which gives us hope so you got to kind of keep that sort of tucked away in your mind as we go through some of this heavy stuff don't let your hearts be troubled um and i know some of you have faith and you trust the lord's gonna work all this out for us and we're gonna be saved and go to heaven and so we can talk about this stuff but others of you might be saying oh brett this is scary and depressing this is where you really have to put your hope in the lord and your trust in him don't let your heart be troubled um but i'd like to draw your attention to the book of isaiah i want you to flip there in your bibles with me real quick um and i want to remind you because this is one of those passages there's a lot of scriptures that we could go to that are sort of perhaps more famous than this one as far as the destruction of the world we could go to second peter 3 or even the book of revelation we can go many places and but but in isaiah chapter 24 um there's a there's a scripture here that uh i think um is ominous but it also ties into this idea of the fact it seems that yes the lord is gonna pour out his wrath but a lot of the things that are going to happen have to do with us messing ourselves up like bringing judgment upon ourselves our own sinfulness and our own it's our own responsibility and and you know people say well you know if god is love why would he destroy the world you have to understand we're destroying it we're the ones doing the sinful things that are making this world go the way it is and uh and you know i i believe we're the ones making the real mess but um but isaiah 24 verse 1 it says behold the lord maketh the earth empty and maketh it waste and turneth it upside down and scatters abroad the inhabitants thereof and it shall be as with the people so with the priest as with the servant so with his master as with the maid so with her mistress as with the buyer so with the seller as with the lender so with the borrower as with the taker of usury so with the giver of israel it's going to be all leveled out and the land shall be utterly emptied and utterly spoiled for the lord hath spoken this word the earth mourneth and fades away the earth languisheth and fadeth away the haughty people of the earth do languish verse 5. the earth is also defiled under the inhabitants thereof because they have transgressed the laws and changed the ordinance broken the everlasting covenant um i've um um i've put the esv up here on the screen just to kind of compare and contrast because i like this but that part was just for they have transgressed the laws violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant think with me for a second what is that everlasting covenant we'll talk about that in a second and verse 6 therefore hath the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men left um this is a brutal description and by the way um in isaiah these chapters here you know isaiah talks about tyre and some of these other nations egypt and babylon and all these that are going to go down and be judged by god but that's where chapter 24 it's like many of many times we see these prophets their gaze goes from the local application to more of a long-term global application that's in the future even the very end and that's what isaiah is doing here in chapter 24 he's talking about the end of the world and the earth lies defiled it says in verse five um under its inhabitants we're the ones who've defiled it this you know here we are trying to say we're evolut you know evolution we're we're getting better and better and we're gonna evolve into this great state of you know nirvana or you know uh the age of aquarius and it's all going to be like star trek where we have a you know we're all happy and all this stuff together but that's not what's going on in the world we're not seeing that we're seeing go things go from order from creation all the way to disorder to the moment and the lord says because of the violation of sin and and even broken the everlasting covenant now i believe this is referring to the covenant that's not just the jews but to all nations and this is one that you should know if you ever want to do an interesting study study the various covenants of the bible but this one is the noahic covenant the noah covenants where god made the promise to noah that he would never destroy the earth again with a flood and and notice here the judgment is that there would be you know burning with fire that's the way the end of the world is going to be um and and that's what ii peter by the way uh reminds us in second peter 3 verses 6 through 7 it says and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perish speaking of noah's day but by the same word the heavens and the earth that now exist are stored up for fire being kept unto the day of judgment and the destruction of the ungodly who's going to be destroyed the ungodly and that's not us we are the godly because we've been declared righteous that's something you've got to remember for these people that try to say we're going to go through the tribulation and you know during that time of wrath we're not going to be there because that's that's part of the description of what's going to happen is the destruction of the world and the destruction of the ungodly um i'm starting by the way to wonder more and more how much of the destruction in the end is going to be you know the lord allowing it of course but really man's doing because we're so capable of destroying things with our sin it's what we read about by the way in romans chapter 1. this chapter so much personifies what's happening in our world in romans 1 28-32 it says and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god then gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with you know all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisperers backbiters haters of god despiteful proud boasters and inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of god that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but those that have pleasure in them that do them the thing i want to show you here though is um one of the things that humanity continues to do is we are inventors of evil things that's kind of what we're talking about when it comes to this idea of adaptation and human adapting my argument from the bible is we're adapting and making it easier for ourselves to sin for for us to figure out more you know high-tech ways for us to sin and how how to really mess things up worse and worse um and and so you know the inventors of evil things this reminds me jesus taught us in matthew 24 that it'd be like the days of noah in matthew 24 37 but as the days of noah were so shall also the coming of the son of man be um so what did the days of noah look like we've done whole studies on this but on this inventors of evil things thing from romans chapter 1 one of the things that noah's day was marked as inventing evil things it's the same language in fact in genesis chapter 6 verse 5 and god saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually this was the day of noah does this mark or sort of match the days we're living does it seem like men's you know imaginations and thoughts are evil continually uh man we're seeing uh if you ask me i think we'll give noah a run for his money in his day today um i forget i think it was ruth bell graham that said if if um god doesn't destroy you know san francisco he's gonna owe sodom and gomorrah an apology uh and i thought that was interesting god never owes anybody an apology but um but at the same time i get what she's saying san francisco has become you know very very much like sodom and gomorrah the same um but it's because of the imagination of the thoughts of the heart are evil continually so genesis 6 5 you know here suggests that there's an interesting connection between the overwhelming sinfulness of the days of noah and then what solomon had to say by the way in ecclesiastes jot this one down in ecclesiastes 7 29 he says lo this only have i found that god hath made man upright but they have sought out many inventions this is an interesting word because the intriguing relationship between the word here and depending on which translation you're reading the newer translations or the king jimmy or whatever you come up with a lot of different words here but the intriguing relationship between the word schemes inventions devices or imaginations it's all the same word depending on what translation you read but while um they both derive from the same root word i should say and it's in indicating a thinking or a planning to come up with new ideas so in both contexts of these two verses the idea is thinking is being done with evil intent that's the idea the thinking is being done with evil intent and that's that's the ones in this world who are just constantly devising and planning deliberately planning evil and and here's the thing that i want to say i think we're seeing a lot of things today that show us that we're getting closer and closer to the end because we're seeing this devising of evil running rampant man there's so many things we could talk about about the evil that's that's being invented today and you know we could talk about you know some of the the rules and and things that people are trying to superimpose on various you know countries and places and you know the covid and all this stuff that we're under right now and and and the inventions of the vaccines and how we get to those vaccines and and the way we're you know forcing those things on people and stuff like that it's kind of an interesting day where we're seeing all kinds of inventions and ideas of how to fix things many of the ideas we have to fix the problems are actually ideas that are just trying to help us sin better you know we talked about the you know wednesday night the supreme court and the you know it it's really something that we're talking about you know the roe versus wade decision and and abortion but you know abortion is just a really sinful answer to something that we love to do sinfully um if you know the if you have a secular worldview everybody's going to have sex outside of marriage and people accidentally get pregnant so what's the solution to that well the bible just says abstinence hey when you're getting married that's what sex is for but the world says forget that we don't like god's plan so we're going to sleep with whoever we want and when we get pregnant what do we do oh here's an idea let's murder the baby in the mother's womb and that's that's just adding sin to sin coming up with a sinful invention with a horribly wicked imagination to do something dastardly and horrible um it's interesting to me that you know whoopi goldberg that bastion of truth um from the view uh um you know she talked about if you don't have eggs this week she said with a real scowl you know you don't have any right to say anything about you know what you do what i do with my body and my family she said but if you're murdering your child i'm gonna have something to say about that i don't care who you are if you're saying i i want to do this and murder a child because that's what that's what abortion really is um and the further down we wrote again with science everybody knows that it's just that people really really want to do their sinful things inventions and evil imaginations and and we're seeing that uh back to to some of the other things that we see let me just go over some of the big things we're seeing uh you know tonight just to kind of go with some of the new geopolitics that are happening around us that indicate that we're living in these days of evil inventions and evil times i think one of those big talk topics is what we started out with talking about this idea of nuclear capabilities around the world and and um this is where you know i i think that we're seeing the inventions of of weaponry reach a whole new level you know the russian navy this just a few days ago test fired their hypersonic missile in the white sea um and you know we nobody really knows or has seen for sure how well these things work but this test was fairly uh open um the defense ministry it says in this article um said the frigate admiral uh gorsuch uh gorskkov uh launched the zircon cruise milk missile uh while in the white sea hitting a practice target 400 kilometers about 215 nautical miles um away the launch was the latest in a series of tests of zircon which is uh set to enter into service next year uh putin has said zircon would be capable of flying at nine times the speed of sound and have the range of 1 000 uh kilometers zircon is intended to arm russian cruisers frigates and submarines it is one of the several hypersonic missiles underdeveloped in russia and the reason this is such a big deal is because um this can sort of get around all of our detection systems it's far too quick they say for us to really catch it by the time we do see what's coming it'll be too late and so this gives a massive upper hand because you got to understand mutually assured destruction is kind of what's kept us alive for the past 76 years you know after we got our uh you know nuclear bombs it wasn't much later and we we we were shocked at what happened when we bombed hiroshima and nagasaki and the world everything the world should war shut down everybody but you gotta understand the soviets quickly got their bombs right after that and others um you know and so suddenly the the thing that kept people honest was mutually assured destruction but if you take that away where one of these countries can bomb you before you even know it's happening and bomb all your silos and missile capabilities that's the idea if you can get to them first before they have a chance to pull the trigger also then you don't have mutually assured destruction keeping everybody safe that's kind of the idea of these these uh hypersonic missile tests and what have you so um you know this missile test there's actually a video you can see online but it's you know launching right out right out of the ocean you can see it shoot up out of the water and it just takes off um you know at a super high rate of speed another thing it's not just russia but china is working on one some believe even north korea believe it or not is uh fiercely working on trying to get a system that would be hypersonic to carry uh nuclear you know for for a long time we were wondering does does north korea even know how to make a bomb we're pretty sure they do now and we're pretty sure they're actually trying to get more tech uh savvy and they do have some help by the way from the iranians which uh there's question about the russian involvement but all that to say um so north korea is someone to always keep your eye on when it comes to nuclear weapons and capabilities um but then you've got this this israel and iran issue that's so big in the news right now the reason it's in the news so much right now is this week talks on what conditions the united states would see want to see before we re-enter the iran deal um you know as known formally as the joint comprehensive plan of action uh and it resumes there in vienna the jcpoa um basically um you know uh try to come up with uh you know this plan to sort of uh be a peace thing with iran but you know donald trump was celebrated by many of us because we knew that that that plan that we had was ridiculous the plan that we had way back in 2015 um was horrible because it really paved the way for iran to get to nuclear weapons i hope you understand that um you know if you think if you think that this deal was like going to slow him down even it really wasn't um that's why you know when trump got into office he said we're getting out of this and you know the trump administration sort of claimed uh they broke their deal um which by the way you can almost claim that of any deal of any nation of any time of any like we we all break our words and don't the united states included uh we often break these deals but the iranians did break their promises and so he had reason to get out of the deal but the world has sort of postured this whole thing as well you sure can't trust america because they got into the peace deal with uh john kerry under the you know uh obama administration and then as soon as they elect a new president they get out of their deal so don't trust america that's the narrative at least um do you think the pull out of afghanistan has helped the world trust america um even further still um not only are we not being trusted by the world the united states but um you have to understand it seems from what i'm reading and learning and talking to some of my friends that are living in some of these other countries who know these things they're saying that we're the laughingstock right now of the world the world is laughing at us and you should know that but but somehow a lot of times we're the last ones to figure that out but you know former president donald trump with netanyahu's encouragement back then exited the deal in 2018 and reimpose you know suspended sanctions um adding you know hundreds of new sanctions and it really was starting to work during the trump administration if you notice the the iranians were starting to really uh quiet down and there was some there was some stable saber rattling but there was nothing really going on but um when biden campaigned one of his big campaign parts was he was going to re-enter the deal that was brokered way back in 2015 when he was vice president uh uh seeing saying that that was the best way to stop a nuclear weapon um but bennett and lepid of israel you know they're they're skeptical of course and say uh that they're really hoping that the united states does not enter into that peace deal with or come to terms with iran israeli officials have said they believe iran is weeks away the israelis are saying they're weeks away iran um from new nuclear weapons capability the country's enriching uranium at 260 percent purity perishably close to the 90 percent needed for weaponization this week axios reported israel warned the united states that iran is on verge of 90 enrichment you see here's the thing that's kind of a joke and why everybody's laughing at biden and his foreign policy on this because by the time we get done with these talks the iranians are already going to have everything they need um it's like it's almost like the iranians are like yeah we'll just keep stalling and oh we'll get into these talks and we'll just keep talking talking meanwhile they're just busy trying to enrich uranium question what is the thing that's been slowing down the iranians probably more than anything anybody israel the messiah the mossad remember the few prophecy updates ago i was showing you about maybe three or four months ago i was showing you how the israelis have been secretively blowing up nuclear facilities in iran and nobody really knew how they were doing it at the time but but we all kind of knew israel wasn't saying yeah we're blowing these up but everybody kind of knew well it's come out this past month and if you're interested in these kind of things it's kind of kind of a fun a fun thing to talk about or look up but they're realizing what happened is the mossad infiltrated these scientific places and the scientists themselves and didn't go in as israeli mossad but went in as sort of activists saying man you guys can't develop the nuclear weapon for iran because they're going to literally use it um and that's that's the islamic revolutionary perspective of the iranian leadership so if you invent this you're destroying humanity and they convinced the scientists to sabotage the the facilities themselves so it wasn't really mossad going in and blowing things up it was them convincing the guys that go into the facilities to go and blow things up and destroy them so it's kind of an interesting almost like movie-worthy kind of story but the mossad continues to impress when it gets down to this whole idea of uh you know secret intelligence and and the way these guys work um but all that to say you know there's a bbc article that says iran nuclear program threat of israeli strike grows because the the enrichment of the uranium is getting closer to 90 uh the world is kind of holding their breath because israel is is pretty much promised we will not at all cost we will not let iran get a bomb this causes and this is where you know the biden administration either they don't have a clue what they're doing or they really do and there's a dastardly motive behind what they're doing like i really don't know uh it's a little hard to take him seriously when he falls asleep at these peace summits or in the last meeting with the prime minister of israel he fell asleep in the oval office and he wake up you're with the prime minister of israel oh sorry um like it's hard to think i'm serious but um but at the same time the the idea it's so serious because the instability that this is causing globally is a real problem this bbc article says israel has no interest in war with iran but the israelis say we will not allow iran to acquire nuclear weapons an israeli security official tells uh this author of this article in light of the iranian progress of their nuclear program we're preparing for in all options and scenarios um military strike and basically saying we're going to hold nothing back this article bbc says the sable rabbling comes as talks between iran and five world powers plus the u.s indirectly we're sort of tacked on at the end of that from the bbc here um which is legitimate that's the way they look at us we're just sort of the tag along on this on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal known as the joint comprehensive plan of action jcpoa um and these talks are due uh to continue and this article says and they're they're happening as we speak uh the jcpoa uh it limited iran's nuclear activities and opened its facilities up to uh enhanced inspections in return for partial lifting of internal uh international sanctions however it was abandoned by us donald trump president donald trump with israel's approval so you know this article is basically saying the jews are saying we're not going to let this happen and the reason why and i don't need to remind you but the iranians have said we're going to blow israel off the map like that's job one for um you know the iranians now keep in mind the people of iran are very different from the leadership of iran and i got to say that from time to time because you and i we should be praying for the iranians um did you know that most of the iranians don't even like to call themselves iranians they like to call themselves persians because they don't really identify with what iran is today as far as it's you know since the 70s you know the islamic revolution changed that country and it's become this horrible state sponsor of terrorism around the globe and it's just a horrible leadership but it seems the more the more you know we see the people of iran um are actually not liking anything they're doing so it's really kind of a predicament i kind of liken it to the palestinians i've met a lot of palestinians in israel that are just people that want to live peacefully with israel and they just like living there they're happy um but they they're sort of pawns in the middle of all that um so you know the israelis um we're seeing them right now ramping up military activities um there's people on the ground in israel saying they've never seen anything like it which is saying something in israel because in israel there's always military maneuvers going on every time i've been there there's jets going taking off and bombs going off you know i mean that's just part of the deal when you're around there you know the local nations in that area um but they're saying you know they're seeing these uh i think they're f-14s some of the israelis carrying these massive payloads of bombs and they're doing all kinds of exercises some say it's just saber rattling others say nope israel's preparing for all-out war with the iranians we've been seeing this for years by the way the question is when is it going to happen um and um and so you know uh these facilities um the jews know this is one of those facilities i was talking about that the uh the mossad sort of worked out ways to help destroy some of the work that they were doing but but all that to say iran has successfully moved forward with their program and they're laughing at america right now the bite administration is trying to get back but um but many people believe that iran has been stalling with this peace talk just so they can finish their project the fp article i came across recently here the threat of war is the only way to achieve peace with iran tehran no longer takes washington seriously this article says to revive the nuclear deal the threat of military escalation needs to be on the table um israel and the united states don't agree by the way right now on how to deal with iran uh the netanyahu and trump administration were in lockstep the biden administration and the current israeli administration are at odds and they don't feel supported by the united states and basically israel is saying right now and this is sad for me as a person who loves israel wants to see our nation support israel israel is saying we'll pretty much have to go this alone you can't trust the united states that's a bad thing if you're a bible reader because the bible says the nation the blesses israel will be blessed the nation that curses israel will be cursed and the problem is we're becoming sort of a a thorn in israel's side right now you say well so what what if israel attacks or whatever i don't care about that but do you understand more than ever russia and turkey are in the mix turkeys turkey's a hungry bird right now um have you guys been following what's going on in turkey you know erdogan thinks he's pretty much the new caliphate and he's this crazy dictator he's basically ruining turkey and he has for quite some time now but the inflation in turkey is crazy like uh last i heard the american dollar uh you know uh is like ten times the value of the when we were in turkey a few years ago i brought a bunch of eighty greekers there we took a ship to uh uh kusadasi which is a neat little town in turkey we went there and um because there was this hostage situation the president at that time um put sanctions on turkey and their their their amount of their money dropped and so the day we went into this little town you could buy like a nice leather bag for like two dollars because of the drop of their their money but it's even worse today than it was then um and um and that's that's kind of interesting so turkey's really hurting right now because of their bad behavior and their their economy is tanking but it makes them sort of a hungry bird and they're looking for ways to beef up their strength um you know if israel attacks iran you have to understand there's a very real possibility that russia and turkey will jump in to defend iran you have to understand that they've even said as much now for you bible prophecy buffs why is that important anybody ezekiel 38 the gog magog invasion russia turkey iran are the three biggest main players um and the the stage is set right now this things are heating up to where that whole thing could just be triggered immediately the gog magog conflict by the way uh you know i talked all about nuclear stuff uh early tonight um how's the gog magog thing gonna end anybody do you remember the professional barriers going around when a person finds a body you don't bury it you don't touch it you put a flag by and say hey get the professional barriers for that what do you think causes that in ezekiel 39 um probably a nuclear exchange of some kind will happen on the mountains of israel or the golan heights there that's where it's going to happen um and it's going to be when um the gog magog war happened so most of us believe the gog magog if you read it the way it's going to go down the gog magog war is going to end in some kind of a nuclear exchange not not a not a global one um but the gog magog war that we talk about all the time in ezekiel 38 39 um could be the the sort of the catalyst that brings in everything from uh you know there's things that can all happen at the same time the destruction of damascus and syria might be the thing that triggers the gog magog war or the gog magog work triggers the isaiah 17 damascus thing but it's all going to happen around the same time and it can very well kick in the whole tribulation period which means it'll be the rapture of the church happening before all that happens so um uh i believe that when we see israel saying we're gonna bomb uh iran we're gonna go to war with iran and the russians saying you can't do that and turkey's saying you gotta do that these are signs of the times you and i should be watching because the dominoes start to fall and the gog magog conflict could be right around the corner which means the rapture of the church could be right now the rapture doesn't it doesn't have to happen right before or right after anywhere it was near the gog magog war in my opinion um that that could happen and so all this all this to say uh the signs of the times when it comes to nuclear weaponry and stuff and iranians getting nukes um you might say well people who had nukes uh you know the pakistanis have nukes and the uh um india has nukes so big deal if iran gets nukes the only difference is um the leadership of iran is crazy and they say we want to use our nuclear weapons to drive the jews into the sea and and we're going to wipe them out so we got we got you know deadly nuclear weapons and capabilities that are increasing all around the world here's another invention uh that's we're seeing being very deadly or uh being used uh is the deadly drones did you guys see uh earlier this this last month uh iranians attempted to um to uh assassinate do you guys see this uh the iranian or pardon me the iraqi prime minister the washington post uh article talks about this assassination attempt shows why iraq must confront iran november 9th 2021 prime minister mustafa al khadimi was fortunate to emerge from the early sunday drone strike on his residence with just a light cut covered by a bandage on his left wrist for his televised speech after the attack but despite his keep calm and carry on appeal kahimi cannot conceal the grievous injury to the iraqi body politic so basically the iraqi you know leadership there which is trying to sort of uh seemingly westernize iraq it's not going to happen but um but it's at odds with uh the the shiite iranian regime and they're saying it's this is only going to heat up um the economist did an article that i thought was interesting why drones are becoming iran's weapons of choice um the attempt to kill iraqis prime minister highlights how iran's unmanned aerial vehicles are changing the military balance in the whole middle east using drones to assassinate people has long been preserved for the most advanced armed forces such as the united states and israel but the attempt on november 7th to kill iraq's prime minister mustafa al-khadimi was a dramatic demonstration of how such precision strikes are capable by the iranians spreading less advanced countries even into the shadowy militias some of these shadowy militias are starting to use drone technology and not just any old drones like like the drone that they used to kill try to kill mustafa um was this drone that looks like a jet taking off but this is one of the iranian drones that was used to uh to bomb there in iraq so you got all kinds of deadly um sort of inventions and drones technologies becoming more and more of a problem um but uh if there's other inventions that are deadly that we're seeing that are very end times uh according to what the bible says you can't ignore what's happening with robots and artificial intelligence i think the bible talks about this stuff but how does john the apostle talk about robots or artificial intelligence um how did how's a bible guy talk about that well you might use language like you know the image that's talked about in the book of revelation where the image of the beast will be uh they'll seek to have people worship this image and and this beast will sort of come alive and like there's some language there it's a little bit mysterious and magical could it be that some of that is artificial intelligence deadly robots and we're seeing these things used for very evil things um ai if you're watching even the australians down there with their problems with the coronavirus lockdowns and and the uh overreach that's down there that's been crazy to watch but have you seen what they're doing with face facial recognition down there in australia like you know none of us really think of the australians as super like uh super high tech but uh as it turns out they're using uh this high-tech facial recognition to basically hunt people down like it's a it's a scary sort of apocalyptic kind of thing that's happening down there in australia and that's why you see you don't see it on the news it's amazing how much the news tends to cover up what's happening around the world um but if you're if you're looking in the right places you'll be shocked all around the world there's massive massive protests going on against overreach about coronavirus lockdowns vaccination and also you know the lockdowns and masks and all that stuff um there's nobody wants to show that on the news because uh they want you to feel like you're the weirdo who uh has this weird view of that um you shouldn't force me to do something and inject something in my body well as it turns out much of the world feels the same they're just covering that up but one of the things that's a little scary is when you see what they're doing with robots and artificial intelligence um one of those things the washington post article these living robots um they've come to a new uh discovery that's kind of interesting did you see this living robots made of frog cells can now reproduce study says um yeah this is an interesting one robots are alive they say and i've got a video snippet of a microscope looking at these tiny little basically frog cells and i'll have you watch this wonderful frog cell technology the robots are alive and now they can reproduce uh it's the result of new research showing that these microscopic life forms made of frog stem cells can self-replicate in a way not seen in other animals or plants these xenobots named for the american frog xenopus lavis from which they are made could already move around display collective behavior and heal themselves a study released monday suggests that the cells can clump also together and be engineered to sustain themselves for at least five generations there's nothing theoretical that would stop us from making these out of human cells said sam kriegen the author the author of study published in the journal proceeding of the national academy of sciences they could perform useful work inside human bodies in places where traditional robots can't go because our bodies detest even the smallest amount of metal so these little these little um xenobots named after the zenith lavish frogs are proving to be they can make them do what they want them to do make them go in directions and pile up things and do little work so their little little worker bots is what these things are um you know if you think that's crazy uh have you noticed how they're making robots more lifelike um well this one i thought was interesting just came out even a few days ago this is not cg this is actually a real video of this latest first look at amica one of the more advanced they say this is the most advanced humanoid robot at engineered arts designed as a platform for ai and human robot interaction hri as they call it they want to make these robots more hri friendly human robot interaction friendly and and one of the things that they're gonna do with this one that you if you know what's going on with ai um the idea of mixing this robot technology with some of the ai stuff at the same thing um it makes you just a little nervous now um by the way um looks friendly enough but um but did you know like what's interesting about this is this might seem like movie stuff and it might seem like a joke um but there are people who are um of the military you know sort uh mindset that they're looking at things like this thinking okay how do we kill this thing because um if they are successful enough they will make these things you know they've already made drones like little flying drones that we use for our you know uh little cameras and stuff those are high-tech enough i showed you last time they got the kid that made a glock mounted to a drone and he could shoot and hit targets that was a kid with some money from radio shack and made a little drone but when you put billions and billions of dollars into this technology military people are starting to say wait a minute this is getting too good and you've seen the the dogs that are running around these uh you know i forget uh the name of the company that does those but just last month they were mounting these huge uh high-powered weapons on the back of those same dogs that prance around the neighborhood and stuff like that and and some people are saying this is this is uh um out of control and so there's a bunch of people by the way right now debating the ethical um part of this you know should should robots be able to kill people in battle or on the on the battlefield and they're asking this because it could it's possible now it's possible and it's not like those little uh what do you call the ones in star wars the ones that you can just kind of touch and they crumble um those not the storm troopers but the little whatever those other guys were um they just crumble that's what you all picture when you think drones running around well well these are not like that these are going to be uh harder uh to kill and there's people that are actually strategizing and wondering now um elon musk love him or hate him i think he's a weirdo or not you have to admit um he's way ahead of most everybody else wouldn't you agree when it comes to launching rockets have you guys seen musk's rockets over the last couple of years i've just been so amazed watching these rocket boosters on musk's rockets you know lift these huge payloads up into space huge rockets um but his instead of like our old you remember the the space shuttle the the rocket cells would fall off and just splash in the ocean never to be seen again well his rocket boosters fly off which are bigger than those fly off and then just kind of drop and also they fire up and start flying and then they land like it's so amazing to watch uh some of the technology that's come out of elon musk and his his uh research and all that but this with what he does know about stuff this video um is a little a bit concerning and it's a few minutes i want you to kind of hear what he's saying he's just kind of in various situations sort of rambling about some thoughts but i i think it's worth think if this guy's kind of worried and he's he's basically sounding a really loud alarm right now check this out i think danger of ai is much greater than the the danger of nuclear warheads by a lot [Music] mark my words ai is far more dangerous than nukes i try to convince people to slow down slow down ai to regulate ai this was futile i tried for years [Music] the biggest issue i see with so-called ai experts is that they they think they know more than they do and they think they're smarter than they actually are this is this tends to plague plague smart people they're defining themselves by their intelligence and they they don't like the idea that a machine could be way smarter than them so they discount the idea which is fundamentally flawed that's the wishful thinking situation i'm really quite close to very close to the cutting edge in ai and it scares the hell out of me it's capable of vastly more than almost anyone knows and the rate of improvement is exponential it feels like we are the biological bootloader for ai effectively we are building it [Music] and then we're building progressively greater intelligence [Music] and the percentage of intelligence that is not human is increasing and eventually we will represent a very small percentage of intelligence it's going to come faster than anyone appreciates i think it's with each passing year the sophistication of of computer intelligence is is growing dramatically i mean i really think we're on an exponential uh improvement path of um artificial intelligence and the number of smart humans that are developing ai is also increasing dramatically i mean if you look at like the attendance at the um ai conferences they're they're doubling every year um they're getting full um i have a a sort of a young cousin of mine who's graduating from berkeley um in computer science and physics and i asked him like well how many of the smart students are studying ai and computer science and the answer is all of them with a better approach or better outcome is that we achieve democratization of ai technology meaning that no one company or a small set of individuals has control over advanced ai technology i think that that's very dangerous [Music] it could also get stolen by somebody bad you know like some evil dictator the country could send their intelligence agency to go steal it and gain control it just becomes a very unstable situation i think if you've got any um incredibly powerful ai um you just don't know who's who's going to control that so it's not as i think that the risk is that the ai would develop a will of its own right off the bat i think it's more that's the concern is that some someone um may use it in a way that is bad um or and even if they weren't going to use it in a way that's bad that somebody could take it from them and use it in a way that's bad that that i think is quite a big danger but um so all this stuff with uh ai and robots and stuff there's people that are smart maybe a little crazy but also smart that are saying be worried about this now as christians we don't have to be worried because uh we have the lord we trust in the lord of course but if you're um seeing what's going on in the world and you're putting your trust in this world with what's going on there's so much that could kill you right now there's so many things that could go wrong what else is part of our sinful rebellion and coming out of another one that we could talk about tonight is this whole idea of gain of front function research um yeah this one this one why is why does it seem like nobody wants to talk about this one um that's one of the things i'm i'm kind of amazed that you know nobody really answers the question if and i've read you know dozens of articles and there's a lot of people explaining well it's good it's helpful and um and uh you know uh we're trying to help humanity and i'm kind of like why why gain of function and and what i've come up with as i've read it there's other ways to figure out some of the things they're trying to figure out without risking all of humanity um but they continue to do this gain of function research and so this whole wuhan lab is uh this is actually uh some of those scientists that you're trusting all of humanity with these bubble people um i was reading in a newsweek report revealed this little alarming tidbit um the wun lab at the center of the controversy had for years been engaged in gain of function research what exactly is it it's a line of research where scientists take viruses and study how they might be modified to become deadlier or more transmissible now that you think well why would we do that well the obvious answer seems to weaponize it right like you kind of go well that's why they're doing it well they say no why would they do this scientists who engage in such research say it helps them figure out which viruses threaten people so they can design counter measures so now either way whichever one is true why would they need counter measures which means there's other people making uh gain of function uh you know viruses or whatever that they're worried about making countermeasures for them it should be disconcerting uh no longer are these just movies you know uh contagion or these robot movies or ai movies um these things are becoming a reality and and that's why i almost feel like the movies have conditioned all of our brains like oh that's sci-fi what a joke uh this idea of contagion and robots and ai it's hilarious what do you think it's going to be a terminator well as it turns out we're closer to that and some people are saying we're already there having you know this kind of technology um now so you might say okay brett uh it's getting late so what do we do with all this and that's always the question i think we ask you know what do you do with all this this troubling news because you know this is these are the things that i started out with talking about is humanity ready to really face these things are we gonna do our little evolutionary adaptation um are we trusting that humanity is gonna evolve and never push push the button when it comes to nuclear weapons is humanity evolved enough to where no one will ever set uh out a virus that really is going to be deadly um are we so evolved that you trust science and these robot people by the way there's nobody watching or governing these companies that are making these robots there's there's nobody accountable uh or holding anyone accountable to the invention of some of this ai and also the robotic stuff that's being made right now there's just there's just all kinds of people inventing stuff and who knows what is actually even out there but all of that to say um to put your trust in humanity in the last days that everybody's gonna be nice to each other i think that's naive and i don't think we've learned anything from history humanity has not changed all that much our technology and our invention of evil things have gotten more uh prolific but things are much much worse than we even perhaps know um you say brett so that's the bad news uh what's the good news well the good news starts here in matthew 24 when jesus was asked of course in matthew 24 what you know what's the end of the world going to be like one of the things jesus said in that list of things he said see that you're not alarmed for this must take place but the end is not yet remember the wars rumors of war earthquakes and diverse places pestilence which is like viruses and what have you um ethnicity against ethnicity nation against nation jesus said these things are all going to come but see that you're not alarmed so that's one of the things jesus tells you and me not to be alarmed now just because you don't want to be alarmed does not mean you can't be informed i mean some of you are like brett i just enjoy ignorance ignorance is bliss why do you always have to tell us about real things that are going to scare us [Music] there is a reason there is a reason why you and i should be aware of what's going on in the world it has to do with loving others knowing what others are going to go through knowing what the unbeliever is facing right now you and i are not facing this now we might face persecution and it might get really really really bad for us before the rapture of the church so we're not naive that way either but at the same time to know our end is to know victory and the lord and his kingdom that's good news but there's so many people that don't have that hope and so so we're not supposed to be alarmed but we should be doing something matthew 24 same chapter jesus also said in matthew 24 12-14 he said and because lawlessness will be increased the love of many will grow cold boy we're seeing that today aren't we the increase of lawlessness and the love of many growing gold that's all over right now but the one who endures to the end will be saved and this is uh this is the gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testament to all nations and then the end will come not interesting that jesus said you know um you know speaking of those who will be saved enduring to the end be saved but the this gospel of the kingdom the gospel is the good news of the kingdom the coming kingdom of jesus that's the good news of jesus dying on the cross for the sins of the world that they might be saved and not go to hell and what's gonna it's almost like jesus is saying um once the gospel reaches every nation in the whole world as a testimony to all nations that's when the end is gonna come that's interesting to me so what do we do with that i wonder if you and i should be all about the gospel of the kingdom like shouldn't we be preaching the gospel fervently feverishly like like shouldn't that be the thing that we speak about every single day of our lives the gospel of the kingdom is what jesus says is going to bring in that time this is why we need to be committed to sharing the gospel more than ever you know no matter how the world is going to come to an end you and i get to look forward to a better world that's why titus 2 paul puts it this way to titus he says in titus 2 13 we as christians looking for that blessed hope that's what he calls it the blessed hope don't forget that folks if you're depressed tonight we have the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works these things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority let no man despise thee this is what you and i should be busy about um because we have the blessed hope we should be busy about the gospel and be zealous toward good works as it says here and um exhort and speak with authority don't be mousy or weak or wimpy but to actually with boldness proclaim and declare the truth that's what the church needs to be busy doing according to titus this blessed hope brings us joy and will cheer us even through the trials of this world um i believe we should be uh joyful even though lockdowns and overreach and you know doom and gloom we should be full of blessed hope because we know how it's going to end first john chapter 3 verses 1 through 3 behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god therefore the world knows us not because it knew him not doesn't that make sense why the world doesn't get us as christians what are you weird christians why are you guys into all this stuff and why do you believe the bible there's a reason they don't they don't um know us because they didn't know jesus they didn't know him beloved now are we the sons of god and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we see him as he is and every man that have this hope in himself purifies himself even as he is pure what happens to the person that has the blessed hope of the coming of the lord well we know that we when we see him we'll be like him that's going to be great um but but also every person that has this hope there's a purifying effect purifies himself um that's one of the beautiful things about knowing the days that we're living you and i should be purified hungering and thirsting after righteousness this is not a time to be partying down or messing around but to put our trust in the lord that's the key i'm mindful you know as we close tonight there's so much to talk about but as we close tonight i'm reminded of that old hymn my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness don't you love that i dare not trust the sweetest frame but holy on jesus name on christ the solid rock i stand all other ground is sinking sand all other ground is sinking sand that's the world we're living in today sinking sand but you and i we have the rock of jesus christ to stand upon may the lord strengthen you and make you just bold in these days and put your trust in the lord and reminded of the blessed hope of the gospel amen amen lord how thankful we are for the hope of heaven the glory of what you have for us lord and i pray that anyone would have ears to hear that they'd be encouraged lord we want to be realists we acknowledge what's really going on even as your word tells us these things would happen in the last days that perilous times would come and men inventing evil things and and death and all the stuff that we are so saddened by but at the same time it reminds us that you're at work and that you're coming and that you're coming seems to us to be soon so lord we want to live with that expectation give us that sense of imminence lord that we would be ready watching waiting having our lamps trimmed and burned and lord ready to go for when you come for your church so bless your congregation with that joy we pray in jesus name amen you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 81,233
Rating: 4.9140201 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Id: AQXXh9dnqlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 9sec (4749 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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